Prudence Penny f()|» /V| 0(I 0 Laura Wh "'r FII WOI!!©!! GLOW OIL Wednesday, May 21, 1911 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHONE CHERRY 8800) PAGE 17

program for themselves. plans . . . detemfine just what Advisory Committee Meets ’ This suggestion will bo taken you want to exhibit and give gray hair under advisement by the board plenty of thought to it. Created in and a report made on it later. The earlier you get your £jmfkgk So, if you plan to take part premium book, the better ac- • No •I•ctric • No ammonia To Discuss Fair Plans in women’s division exhibits quainted you be with its M SuroaMful tor »v*r» the Will —. __ *§£& In' r* rs at th* year’s state fair, now is rules and the various classifica- ft I K HAWKINS the time to be making your tions lhat can be entered. h it's. oio< r * «a By IRENE M. io •

""" **•’ i..',,1 Women’* Editor, The Detroit Time* r t» i *J wjjHp % NOW THAT Christmas is what can be done with a small For Quality over ... and it seems hut yes- yard. Perfect •¦'. K \ 'TRIPLE OIL"waves! J “' terday we took down the tree ' ¦ Defense Stamps ft ; -fr OR MACHINELESS j -a •us , . Beautiful aut* . we must start preparing ? /A Right in the middle of the for the Michigan State Fair. 7 , luncheon, arrived a telegram I minute*. Guaranteed _^T We are reminded of this by a 1 BW ; • month*. |S from Mrs. George V. Row'e, .Wl ft*'. luncheon held yesterday £t the \ ; ! Colony Club, attended by the president of the Federation of J JBfcrLf L-rr:. advisory committee for the Women’s Clubs, who is attend- j Women's Division, when 35 ,l'i^iHm ing a convention at Atlantic P liLLLlliiJ1 women representing a crosv-*nc- *MO GSANO RIVER, at Beverly Court, in Man Brot . nr. Annax Thaatar TV. •>IMI groups City, suggesting that prizes for tion of the various Livernoia, at Fankcll at women’s division exhibits be 15223 mMIHMAIN STQRFaiunt 7 Victor, Woodward throughout the state, met for "SALADA" UN 1-4141 M.ghlend Park TO (•> It given in defense stamps, in order the purpose of exchanging sug- 1249 GriSWOld St. 904 Coplin. at E. Jeffereon to further the campaign dt sav- 6580 WOODWARD gestions for a bigger and bet- At Grand Bird , la Peggy Ann'* Farweil Bldg. Oaa. Clndaralla Th*atar LI. 81J4 TEA * ings to provide finances for the Not to Cunningham TR. 1-iMI Betneen Gd. Rtyar 9530 JOS. ter women's division for this % CAMPAU government 7723 at *n < Btata Ahova Bardv a coming season. defense program W. Vernor, Cantral Fair at same start our 0»a. Rla Thaatar VI. I•• iSO CH. 0160 Hamtramafe TR. 1-022* and the time America’s Finer Tea PONTIAC: FIELD'S, 41 NORTH HA GINAW—PHONE 2-2711 SAILOR TOWELS PATTERN 2728 Canning Important Michigan women on a saving JUST AS much fun to embroider as to dry dishes with, these Swinging along with the times sailor towels make top-notch work for Summer And how and as woman's part in the de- quickly the cross stitch and other easy stitches' £o' Pattern 27JH Wise program. Uie suggestion contains a transfer pattern of 7 motifs averaging 3\B inches; color was made and unanimously schemes: illustrations of stitches; materials required. agreed upon that special atten- Send TEN CENTS in coins for this pattrm to the Laura tion lie given to the subject of At Your Favorite Wheeler Pattern Department, 122.) Times Square, Detroit. Mich. canning Mrs. Fred L. Wright of Bad TODAY MOVIE Axe. the only woman on the State hoard; Fair Dr. Marie —Harper and Frontenar PL. 0547 it Military - -PRIDE OK THK BOWERS.* —Michigan and Slat Street * unjAD '•* D»ha at S-Mlle Rd Da Mllla'a "nh.n OF THI CROW*.** ¦ rDVCTAIUVIJI/IL rDlkjinA—Meet Warren at Junction iHUIvR LllfITY—I particularly enthusiastic about IfUMC—Orand Clrrua Park C->nt. from 12 Noon. F REF. UtmJl/UJ/l Short* George Sander* In Regular Admla*ton. Gen* DACruil I C—l tlca at Gratiot Avnnua jf Of Porch RUrtHIJ Irene Dunne. in DJNKRWARE! Anna Neagie In "No NO, Tierney, "TOBACCO ROAD.” Lane Sleter*. IVUJLiILLL Family Suppers- this part of the State Fair pro- •SAINT IN PALM SPRINGS." Edmund Cartoon. Clt.e Brooks! "PENNY SERENADE.” Cheater Morrla. NANETTE." Jamea Cagney and Pat Lowe. L'na Merge! In "DOI BLE DATE." Jeffrey Lynn In "KOI R MOTHERS Judy Campbell In "CONVOY.” gram. R Hud»on. "MEET BOSTON HI.At KIK.” O'Brian "HERE COMES Mil MU' By PRUDENCE PENNY —seventeenth and Myrtle ! Jarkie ipar. "I.IFF. WIT H Hf.N'RT spe- Koad-Chaae, Dearborn rptAinr—Bo24 AA . Jeffereon. VI. t-1247 uypTl P It was recommended that II nru Kurd hiliru—B3*o* PL 2588 it it HIIR ILL Powell, ALULn open Unnn UIVHIiUL Mat. Dally Ito 12 PISHES’ Dick Joan Blondetl In —Woodward, Near Tatnplr g* over meat prizes in that «:15. Adulta 15c. Child 10c. NOW' NO \v "I WANT DIVORCE." Mary Carllale, DftYV LET'S HAVE the first porch mixture in casserole. cial he offered in COMMAND." Lloyd Nolan in "Mr. DYNAMITE." A I\UAI opan 24 Hour* Park Free War- J -hn Wayne - DARK Plua "THE GREAT WALTZ." In NIGHTS." the eve- bake in moderate ••M •YOU’RE Ol T OF LI CK.’ Frankie Parro "HAWAIIAN ; nar Baxter. "ADAM MAP FOI R sons’* •upper of season some Cover and classification. ATTEKHKAIN." with Judy Canova —Gratk*t-lrr. Nil. 1*23 Often 3 45 P. M UMItl MflDTflWil if i warm nights that are becoming until meat is tender. Serve in nLuLn Open i*:2V Adults 2.’*c Plua Enjoy Once Mure the Orandeat MuaP-gi Free Kitchenware to Ladle* nUMUnn open 5:43 Perk Free nAVII—T-MUr and Me»er«. IN. S-4MA Tax. Ja* Stewart , Film Ever Presented * "THE (.RE AT Open 6:15 P. M Katharine Hepburn and Charlee Grai>ewln, "TOBACCO ROAD." IxUIAL Opan 6:lft. Park Fraa Laat Shove nee ring, < more and more frequent if desired Doctor Dye, recently appointed ary Grant m PHILADELPHIA NIORI.’ WALTZ." Alao "MEXICAN SPITFIRE. v Ja* ri tew art. "PHII.ADELPHI A wToKV ." ! o:2ft. Barbara Stanwyck. Hanry Fonda, APT AIN I I RV .'' « !h V | N' there’s no reason to wait until chairman of the Nutrition De- "4 4PT4IN 4AITION." with Victor HOT OVEN DINNERW'ARE TO LADIES "4 "THE I.ADY EVE." Walla-'a Beery. T.lonef Shepherd's Pie Mature. Leo Carrillo, Bruce Cabot. LAnu/rCT—Grand River at Southfield Barrymora, L L>u>. "THE BAl> MAN." the official arrival of the Sum- Michigan, DFIDRAPN—Mich. -Telegraph. DE. 3450 * fpC IT I IFCC—I4BS« (.rand River it nUnTTCjI open 6:40. Park Free Jame* I fense Committee for DLAnDUltlt Open 8:i.l Oak Park Fraa * mer season. Set up that card 2 tablespoon* nutri- UlMDDi—*«** Cagney and f>e Havli In " Ujn- .Steevart (VUIftL Cagney butter spoke on the subject of Open * 1.-j. park free Jamea Olivia and Rogera. "VIVACIOUR I.ADA Wm STORY.” Hayward. Joan UnR Jamaa and Rita , ALnAIrIDKA BIAINDE” ' 1 DELPHIA Louia 1 table or small breakfast nook tablespoons minced onion the great for *¦ Betty "STRAVARKRKY digan. ’CASE OF THE RI.AC K P ARROT Bennett In "RON OF MONTE * Havworth In "STRAWBFRRV BLONDE.’* 2 tion. stressing need redric March. Field. "IKTORI." • ( A - (linear in LADS," BI K PRIA ATK.s." Abbott C RIRTO/J "HI I K PRIVATES,” Abbott and O-at-m; table on the back terrace and l**i cup* diced cooked meat women in the home to make the Rostra "VIVACIOUS rDCPD/U/flflffMarnutnn at W e*» Kirby « k|npu/A/VIV—6MI Waadward Anaa* - l FREE CHINAWARE TO LADIE»'_ nri TUC—Mark Holerwnh PL. 1411 UnCCn tiea Night W arrer Michigan, * spread with a ga> linen cloth l * vegetables nl/V/PLa Wil- ItUnnvUD Open All Night Tyrone CCL|»Tr— 6424 Nr. I.lvernole cup* diced most' of nutritional knowledge < DLL* MIL the, gayest china and glassware. cup soup ilDM A— 1 Barievoii. Tl . 2-2*l & * SK\T FRIDAY, SATURDAY liam, "LONE WOLE KEEPS A DATE." Power, L Darnell. "MARK OF Z4IRKO." ilbltnlL Attend Dally Matinee Ho* 1 condensed tomato and apply it. ALt/UIA Open A 4.3. "Blue Orchid" Din- SUNDAY and MONDAY. MAY 2T24 25-28 High Herbert "MEET THE CHUMP." Jamea Cagney. "( ITV' FOR CONQI EST." Ovanwara to Ladlea. Fredrlc March. Batty electric nerware to Ladle*! "NEXT TIME. HI. Clark Gable Jeanette MacDonald and "VICTORY.” Roy Rogers in If >ou have an Salt As prices go up or we —Mack * Field in foetid RRIOK.," Rosemary Spencer Tracy in "SAN FRAM N O." UiDUALV at St. Jean nls9 fluhland ' roaster—prepare most of >our I4IV K." -HMU* A 11/IRHIUIV I Alway»! HAIfliNn~ "IN OLD CHEYENNE.” Pepper are faced with shortage on cer- Dane March of Time "American* All!" Bonnta Baker in "YOI RE THE ONE." Adulta 2 : A Piece of MADAME Ulpprp—Harper-lAkrwiKvd AR. 44*20 it —Woodrow WlMon at Glendale hot over oughly heated. Season to taste Defense Boxes nnitlCß Open 6:157 Pint Free AikMiW A Rlter Joy DUBARRY DINNERW'ARE ... A BET UARMAn - IggrY—<*d at Rd. open even when they arc exposed Academy Wtnnera Ginger Roger* 6:30 Adult* 20c. Child salt and pepper. Pour mix- AIxJvLA Plua Tax to A P M Open 5:15. YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN! Award 10c TO. 8-3649. Katharine Hepburn in *'~-,^‘..**. with taking part in this Jimmy LADV ." SHAFER WAYNE-"r to the evening air Women Laat Da> ' ••VICTORS, M with Fredrlc and Stewart. "VIVACIOUS ‘PHILADELPHIA STORY.’ Hedda Hopper Child IOC. "BORDER VIGILANTES.” ture into greased l’a -quart HPlllYF—Kerehev al pa-kKree it Bob Croehy. ROOKIES ON year's State Fair exhibit are 3T*T?h Be'ty Lie.d. Sir Cedric Hardwlcke UL LUAL open 6.30 FREE CHINA TO Jackie Cooper. "LIFE WITH HENRY." Eaat Side Klda, THAT GANG OF MINE.* With these sene a crisp casserole. Cover with mashed ( ASK. Ol going to have a new and novel "THE THE BLACK PARROT." LADIES! Charlea Grape win. “TOBACCO U A 7UI ptpg—John R. at Nine-Mile Rd. it green salad, hot rolls in Halting* n Henry Al lypn -Mt. Elliott at Oliver at Sheridan stored potatoes and bake in a mod- . iprinp— at Vrrnor Highway it ROAD." Lupe Vele* L*', Errol In nnLLL lAIMV Free Chlnaware' V/LITLA Comedy. CUFlMnAN—KtrthrvaljnLIMLmn classification . . that of . . . AIMAUL Dorothy New*. Dennla Indian’Gift Night Sigrld a bun warmer or wrapped in a erately oven (400 degrees' open Ail Night Mamie Smith. "MEXICAN sPIIHK) «M T W EsT." Fonda. Lamour. ’CHAD HANNA.’ O’Keefe tn "BOWT.RI R4)V." Eugene hot well, them "SI M)AA THE Hugh Hert^rt Guide In "DARK STREET OF CAIRO.** - call defense (HIMP,'; napkin to preserve minutey potatoes let’s All-Colored Cut. SINNERS." —Dealer BUd at Rurtlngame "MEET PalletteJn_ "RIDE. KELLV. RIDE." Tlmey the heat about 15 until STREET OP A\ NO." Roger Pryor "THE GREAT DICTATOR"""VSKK3Land "THAT JllVnlsD best boxes . . . and all boxes will "CAPTAIN! ger* tn "KITTY F'OII-E,” Alao to loidte* J Cooper. LirE WITH HENRY.’ ' " ' *rnor Highway * cup Hervey. CTPATFriRn 731 2 pounds lamb shoulder MarIK 111 NAMITE." L. NoUn. I. Jll\Airi/nu Opan yTulip will DRIVE-IN EAST "THE MAN WHO LOBT HIMSKI.F" 1:30. Dinner* Flour 3 tablespoons butter book, wood at —Woodward and Elizabeth ware Clive Brook In "CONVOY.” State Fair premium which AVAI ON —Lin Hitlatifi. TO. l-ltni* Open 715 R Ruaaell. "THIS THING "LONE WOLF TAKES A CHANCE.” PiI I IK QTATF jiepprr AfALUII gers, ALITIJ-OlrtlL open at 10:45 A. M. Lloyd Nolan In "MR. DYNAMITE.” Salt and Stew* CALLED _ pork into small pieces; w atxiut July Ja» LOVE." Lateat Nev **• Cut ill be ready 1. s ) 64,4 ? Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rdbney in 1 teaspoon curry powder season; "VIVACIOt LADY." redne March HOMF— "CONVOY." Eaat Jaffaraon at Drexal cook slowly, in hot Betty Feld in "VICTORY." Open 8 45. fIUHIL cilve Brook In "MEN OF JBOYS TOWN." Alao TIMC~I32°B THEATERS Everv Hat. Nicht Bit Raye. Ruggle* 111T1L open 5:45. Adulta 20c. Child 10a 2 tablespoons butter water to cover, until tender, Premium Books DRIVE IN Martha Charlea tn "LAND OF LIBERTY." with All prirnkl—(.rand River at Grand Rlvd. Owl Hhow Starting at 10 30 P M Per- "1 HE FARMER'S DAI GHTER.” Your Favorite Hollywood Star*. Free Dlahca. Tyrone Power, "IN 01.8 2 tablespoon* chopj# d onion through DLALUH (onUßf* about 1 hour. Put meat something Open 6:30. Harker China 1 Unt 2 A- H CHICAGO.” Plua "ALMOST A OEN*v 1 And that, ladies is ROMANC Fellow* pinkCinr —E. Warren-Dickerson. I.E. 671*4) TLE.MAN," 2 -j cujps canned ••HER KIRsT E.” Edith - UnnUFD —19020 Went Warren Are. with Jamaa Elllaon. tomatoes chopi* using coarse blade. nUI/ILR | r/UvAJIUL Open at 6:45. Eve food r. to keep mind ... if you are ••DRI Ms OK THK DESERT.” P.aiph Bvrd Al ioc Newareel 6. 1.3 c to in DRIVE-IN WEST SIDE 'rV'S; Anna Neagie In Have meat RHer-Oakniaa HO. 6**o Campbell In While the books will not be it ONXOYii" Clive Brook. Jack Langdon. "COMRADE X." Clark Gable Rutherford In "KEEPING COMPANY." Rlver-Myera skillet, minutes. DLTLFvLI per 0 ] ) ree Parking TftU/rp Gd. Rd HO. 46M W fat in heavy add meat until set. about 60 weeks, i TiCT run-11111 E. Jett enioaTLE. till it Pctoshcy lUnLR Open ready for four it takes ‘PHILADELPHIA sTORV," K Hepburn Li\Jl LltU |plC —Uit (id. Bltd. ud Jon. (ampan PlffAMI I it at 6:45 P M Park and brown on all sides Cover with buttered com flakes Cooper. Ladle*. Free Dlnnerware! IIUO iIV/Lnl/ILLI Free Enamelware the Fraa. "CHEROKEE STRIP,” Florence Rioa time to address envelopes and "LIKE WITH HEX R V,” Jackie Open Peter Lorre. Dennle O'Keefe to tomatoes, BP. M Adult* 20c. Child 10c Geo tn "MR DISTRICT ATTORNEY.” !ou and Henry Konda in -21220 fenhrll Ave. RE. 5366 Bv a* Star.wvck “r ,r- kf *t)81 IDVINP —TrenttH*. Mich. Park Free CiCTrtWl)l--H P ' v,,n D> - IV * liXfinu Open Family Night I.AZONGA." “SHE COULDN’T SAY NO.” TBPNTnN will mail your request for a "THF lADV EVE." Plua Lionel Barrv- LAjlUffn night 9:45 lßLniun tonight erf.f. dishes Baked Sea Food Salad avoid the I.E ' , An "THE PENALTY." "MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEV.” "She pi 171—11641 E. Jefferaon 7837 it TO ALL LADIES! Velei In premium book immediately. CROWDS BY ATTENDING OUR “Information, lUILA open 6 Lupa - Couldn't say No.” Plena.” at 20c. Child 10c. *1 green pepjxr. chopped All you have to do is send "0"”" RARGAIN MATINEES. L. Hayward. SON OE MONTE CRlsTO.’ •6 LESSONS FROM MADAME LAZONGA.* BLOOMFIELD T»sS?***" DOORS OPEN AT 1 30 P M IPrFrDQAN— IIOOO Jeßeraon Avenue H IX HANNA." R Pryor. "SHE CGI LDN’T SAY NO.” small onion, chopped your address, plainly Montgomery Gene Raymond in 1 name and Robert (*'6l JCirLlwUn Noveltlea Slgrld Gurle In H^",<,n ••MR. AND MRs. SMITH." T ’ll rtCTnurM—Harper-\an Dyke. IV it DPICni I i—•'••• Elliott near Charlevoix celery • 1 finely cut a jienny card *, “DARK STREET* OE CAIRO." Madeleine rMjtILUV ? cup written, on poet "HERE COMES HAPPINESS," LAJIUniV STRAWBERRY BLONDE Ladles’ Gift Night. New*, TUXEDr P**T 6'y-ounce cans crab meat Carroll Fr ad Mac Murray, "VIRGINIA.” Fredrlc March and Betty Field In ... to and "BUCK PRIVATES’' •g MADAME I.AZONGA.’ 2 the Womens Division. Jeffervoa al Parkview LESSONS FROM nAATU—La«t START FRIDAY. —® * Lupe RIDE." "VICTORY." Ginger Rogeri and Jamdß shrimp Open 6 Robert SI7 ChM 81 ? Vele» tn "RIDE. KEIJLV\_ -f-'-em 1 cup Michigan State Fair. DuUIU 15- Adult* 2fw AT P M IVinuIflNH Henry Stewart In "YIVACIOIH LADY." m .>ur.g M ." DOORS OPEN 130 open 5:30 P M. Fonda, * 1 cup ma>onnaise Another feature at this year's 5 R ntgnmerv "HF.1.1. RHJIW Dorothy Larnour "(HAD HANNA.” & J 81 MR l)V NAMIII tn PUNCH teaspoon salt fair will be model gardens, r ICTGUny—Harper-Van Dyke. IV. W»6l it •DARK STREET Or CAIRO.' Slgrld Guide a jiiiiEßAiTßTs-^a.'gvfrL*i (Irrni Betty Field In Joseph Conrad D'U/4V rtDtTni B'way-Gd. Park LAJIUnn Doom Open at 1:30 P M '* teaspoon pepper planted in the backvard of the D nAT tvrllUL 1A Ginger gers rplUPp MifMyaa TMHpTWI street * "VTCTORV” I Joan Crawford and Melvvn Douxiaa In Cont fr>m 10 M "VIVACIOUS LADV.” with P. "Fly Ftahlng" In I" Staqwvck Henry iMVAItILit Open M Alao Technicolor A WOMAN'S FACE." "I'LL WAIT FOR teaspoon Worcestershire Ulysses home ... to show B»-bara and F >nda in and Jame* Stewart. Plus "VTCTORV," 3:45 P Leelle 1-16 Grant Beery, "INTERMEZZO.” Wm. Lundl- 6-0404) lot." Virginia Weldler, Marsha Hunt. ? ••THE LADV F.VE." P!u* Walla'-e with Fredrlc March and Betty Field. Howard In DYA llDTAWN—^W’ward-«-Mlle TO. sauce l.i .re, Berrymor* in "THE BAD MAN." gan. “CASE OF THE BLACK PARROT.” nhU-UriUHIl Warren William In crumbs CHANCE" * 1 cup buttered bread W. Mich. Dearborn 1180 * r»CT —'•ratlot at (.randy "THE LONE WOLF TAKES A OfTOfl V,r ril MM—22lß* CIfXC CnjM—Woodward. Nr. 6-Mlle. TO. 8-4110* ’MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF.* ’m““ green pepper, onion and CAL?in Open at 6 P M L/VJI Jll/C open 12. 15c to 6. Free Dlah niMlfl Cont. 12 Noon to 12 Midnight. B Ahern*. Park Free. Fredrlc March. Betty Field In Mix » r » near »,-Mlic It -r Harper meat, ghrtrrifr and -: -Mile al Ruaaell. TO. 8-«76l R —Oakland al JnorpMnV P.jßtng\eton. "BIONDIE GOES VANIfUt nm- Mix crab riWFflUnjILU rCUflLUnif I r Jeffereon 1 e *»## * LVTINJ^ j Ul&Lopen 12 Noon. Adults. Mat 15c. Open 8 P. M Park Free Ginger Open 6 15. AM Heat* 15c Comedv AKFWflflft— p 1 —Grand River mmr Jay Road vegetables. Add mayonnaise, Velex. "MEXICAN SPITFIRE OCT LAIVLnIFvL/ vOpen 6:30 Adult* 20c. [VJDfT 'Tve. 20c. Dorothy Lamour. "TIPHOON.” Roger*. J Stewart ••VIVACIOt!) LADY." Lupe IWUnOU open 545 Errol Flynn. Oltvla Bob Hope. "THE GHOST BREAKERS." PARROT." W(>T" Lane Siatera, ‘FOI R MOTHERS ' “PHILADELPHIA WORT.” Katharine " seasonings and Worcestershire "THI CANE OF THE RI.AIK l»OI HI f II . ' DeHavllland. "FOI R S A CROWD Ix>la Our Gang. Bock Night. **&%%*¦ ATI 1 HVRS)‘ Claim Volume 1 Place in casserole. Cover HEAD PHONES for HARD OE HEARING prmicr—tf'Vi VA r*t Jrflrrnnn In L< «.r»e Lane F Darro -RI RN EM I P hro, sauce. LV/imjC -lo;'"Ml * T f* w in 9ls We«t Vernnr Highway it Open 6:00. Adm. 20c-10c Xx>ul» I ANfA^TFR JeTTerann BAHAMA-*(.ratlot at siv-Mlle PI 1916 with crumb*. Bake rtPlTfll—" LAItLAJ ILit hk buttered l/AlllUL 8 P»rk Free Hayward. Joan Bennett. "BON OF MONTE FREE DINNFRWAPE' RAITIUnfI 6 Llvernota-MeMehol# La. S-415S Open to 11:30. Open 1:45. 2V Plu* Tax TUI UIDCfTV— oven (350 degrees) Lewe. yDOI DATE" Nei! ( RlsTO." "GLAMOUR FOR SALE," C’ive Brook In “CONVOT.” Lane Slater* March, TnlXulll Open 6:45. Fredrlc March and a moderate Edmund R 1F. •• P M. Fredrlc Bettv Field and Str SUNfwfei FUGITIVE*." The Racket Revealed a- : Jeffrey Lynn In “Foi R mothers In Batty Field Joseph Conrad* Story. minutes. ron In "FEDERAL Eecort Cedric Hardwlcke "VICTORY." Plu* In until browned, about 30 Lundlgan T( 2-276(1 '"- Andy "VICTOR!.” Plue William In —Fenkell, Near Schaefer Hwv. rcnjlipc —15311 E. JefTemon. . 10020 J < ampao Park Free * Richard Arlen and Devine In Serves 8. riDITAN Night. |ACrV— ." C ASE OP THE BLACK PARROT.” tftIVLIUIV FAMILY NIGHT W. Wllliw LoyUlltL Open 8 3f> Kitchenware L/tJIVI Cont. from 3:30. Adult* 20c "Ml TINV IN THE ABCTH "

H 6, - "THE I-ONE VAOI.F KEEP* A DAT! Adult* 15c. "LADDIE." Tim It Frar- to ‘Free Dinner-ware! Lane Slater* In piunkll— Start* Friday for One We-w **13 °d - ,Uver TV - *-***• Hugh In CHUMP." th ’ Tone In "TRAIL OF VIGILANTES." ” Lloyd MITIUn/V Dally Cagney. VlfTftßV GRAY lor o»*r 50 Herbert "MEET THE “KOI R MOTHERS Plu* Nolan in Mat. Jame* TILIUni Open 6;3n KITCHENWARE LeerySH:drugeiet know* thmt HAIR Avenue “MICHAEL -HAASE. DETECTIVI DeH»viiiand, Rita Havworth in of «nd women have riClLA—Davl*on-«l»-Mlle TO. 8-E2BO * null U—Cadillac Square, Monroe Oltvla NIGHT Adulta 20c. "VOITH WILL BE yeurt, * thoueend* men R<.ger« BLONDE.” Abbott and Hair Tint. UflJinU Dlnnerware to Ladie*' r/imiLl Ginger J*me* Stewart * "STRAWBERRY NERVED "RAMPARTS WE WATCH.” Damechintky'a famou* " Recipes u»ed Carl * T.undigan. ooo4 For Coateiio in "RICK PRIVATE." New Ann Lew Avre‘ 1n "VIV.ACTOI LADV Wllltam HNPfllN— "old reliable'* —require* no *kin Mat 12 30 Sothern. LIIILULIT Open 6:00 Warner Baxter. Virginia It's the •• A( Stewart ••CASE OF THE BLACK PARROT." VIRfINIA—Hamilton at Park te,t —*a*y to u*e—-economical. AlslE WAS A I.ADV." Ja- “ADAM HAD FOI R SONS." Deanna Rleer-loihser. Park Free it —6 ahadea ‘ prrvrnprv—Gd Tinuiuut P. Ru**elL "NO TIME FOR COMEPL” Canipau. (VLUrUIXU Adult* 20c Ladies- Night HigrH Coeta only 60* (double aise economy pack- rinMlTU— Jot. TR. 1-4573 it n, Franchot Tone "NICE GIRL?" Jame* Stewart and Glng-r Gurie (or rflWVUin Open Ep 5, In "DARK STREETS OF CAIRO.'* age 86g). For complete eatUfaction fFVTFS—W«w»dward al Grand Bl*d. ? 8 PM "Adven- Roger*. "VIVACIOUS LADV." "\IC- Boris Karloff in "imn COMMANDS.” lLil 1 Lit ture* Capt. Ginger ger* * Betty V For Tasty your money back) a*k any druggiet for MaT and OW L SHOW! Free of Marvel." R. ,?VT! fORY." Fradrtc March ( LINCOLN PARI-”" Parking Katharine Hepburn. Cary Grant "VIVACIOIS LADV." "THE Ad OF Von IF—Harper at Harvard. Park Free Jarre* Stewart PHII.ADFI I'HI A HTOR\ THE RLAC K PARROT." Wm I.undigan. Jamea Stewart. "VIVACIOIs LADY.” prril —Dequlndre-Minnesota TW. 2-1621 fUUCIL Doora Open Stage Marg Lockwood, •(•IRE ' 6 15. Show T Mllland ')RI N( H VVTTHOI T TEAR* ' IN THE NEW- itLunL Open 3:45. Ladle*’ Hot Ovenw*r*. » PM FREDRIC MARCH. Betty Field In DAMSCHINSKY’SHJ!!™! —FeHtS-Beitfr. in John Bammore. "INVISIBLE WOMAN." "VICTORY.” Plug Baffling ,4,h "n *l W Grand Rlvd. it CnirClt 144 N ? * the "CASE Desserts rfNTI7DV~ i CIvnLLL open 8 15 20c Children ioc. SALLE-"-”Vr;,r Peter Lorre. ’EACE BEHIND THE MASK.* OF THE BLACK PARROT." Tomorrow: UCniUnl Park Free Ja. kle C LINWOOD LA M Katharine Hephur’- Carv >ura. * Field. Str Cedric Hardwlcke. FRANKIE CONNERS ideas for the latest De- fpON’TIKUSTjJ tnurilv Open 5 4 . ALL SEAT* the rrniinijc—VAwtdward. Nr. *-Mtle Rd. it Ll/ulI OOP Hepburn. Katharine James Stew- sert *cnd Open K«'h- Plu* William I.undigan In S—BIG ACTS OF VAUDEVILLE—S "Ol R TOAAN." w th William Holder P’u* rLhnUALL 5:30 PM art In “PHI I. A DELPHI Geo cookbooklet, Hephnm ST«»RV.’ A STORI.” "THE CASE OF THE RI A< K PARROT." One Show at 900 P M troit Times "Two y ••WAPs AT *KA."with laurel and lla-dv enne 'PHILADELPHIA Hander* “SAINT IN PALM -PRIM,-." MAKESHIFT "SHE COLLDN’T sAV NIL" Roger Pryor. UMDLILIII—Hustings at Farnsworth Fifty W S ¦ I 1 Ea«l Jeffereen al Cnplln grv—Fort street W., Near Junction a Hundred and Delectable ' rikinrppi WAKrItLU open ah Night. Lll’l/LnLLL.d open . ClAir »nrc—Woodward at VAataon open at 5 Chlnaware. Bruce CIEAHSEKS | 1215 Rale. Eve 30c it “SI NDAY SINNERS,” Mamie Smith and Desserts." Every recipe is eco- F Plu* Tax Rarbara Stanwyck and Henry iIIVL AhliJ Open All Night. Park Free MA»ISON-”^'r!«»' Cabot "CAPTAIN CAITION." L Velez, "HI R TtIVAN.” wi>h MARTHA SCOTT *. an All-Colored Caat. Plua The Lane Slater* - J(/sr Fonda In "I.ADV EVE." Plu* Wallace Gable, and Jeanette I.ESSONs UIOM MAI) 4 M LAZON4.A to s W can't m Clark Spencer Tracy and WILLIAM HOLDEN Plu* "MAD and Jeffrey Lynn in “Eo! R MOTHER**.” nomical and easy prepare, but B*e-y. LI nel Harrjmnre. "THE RAD MacDonald "sAN FRANCISCO." Carole MI-s M ANTON,” with BARBARA STAN- A I TO—(.ratio! at ML Elliott * R, tasty, DO THIS JOB ¦ XIAN." Extra, 'More About N«*lradnmu*.' L»mbard. Cary Grant, "IN' NAME ONLY." PI ’>» 1 <>,k - M,rh ir so too! WYCK and HENRY FONDA IMnL I U Open WA^Hf^fTON— 6-43. Park Free “Acacia" TTlUllliiUlvMI France* Langford Lum flßfl C—" VAarren-Mlller Rd. OR. .M»4<* « Building Dlnnerware Free to Ladle* Charle* Oral*, ’3 The orssert cookbooklct is the UIfvULL Open riCUrD—ln the Flaher Doodward-Clreaa Pk CH. 4231 and Abner In "DREAMING Ol T Ull D." 6 P M. Park Free rIJIILrX 9 MAHKON—^ “TOBACCO - Ofien 12 15. Laat Show at 00. ITIADIJUn win. Gen* Tierney, ROAD.” e Hr k In ''< ONTO!' " the series of 20. re- Fredrlc March Betty K:eld "A If TORI.” EVE," Open 10 45 A V 25c AllTime* “(HEROKEE STRIP." with twelfth in • Stan- Richard I "THE LADV with Barbara “TRAIL OP THE LONESOME PINE.” In tcrCT *IMU "eat A*e. by at GET BOWLENE! It cleans THE CA*f OF THE IH.AfK PARROT." wyck. Henry Fonda. Plu* Wal!a> e Beery, CUD—' Warrea leased The Detroit Times Gorgeous Technicolor. Plu* “RAGE Hay., at * TTLJI LIAD Farmington. Mich. * Barrymore, Day In OE DIA—West Aernor Central Cartoon. Warren William In thoroughly . . . nyif— Phone 444. Lionel Laralne PARIS,” DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Midnight the rate of one each week. closet bowls UITIU Open " with JR. 12 Noon to Park "THE I.ONE WOI.F KEEP- A DATE.” 6:30 Geo. Sander* In "BAD MAN and Danielle dakriklx ” are still avail- THE SAINT IN PALM BPBINOR" Free Fredrlc March. Bet*v Field in Peter B Kyr»e “RIDE. BELLA. BIDE Previous releases MADE SOl-ELY for this one PI S4*io 4r 1/ ••MEET TH) Hich Herbert. FI AMlNffy—7-MU* W(avdward “VICTORY.” ”CA-E OF THE HI At K —Wyoming at 1 %JI them, CHUMP." at Willie IL'CC TAVCiy Eenkell n rLAITIinL’U able. For information on purpose. LADIES DISH NIGHT! IMAJLJIILUA ICCTir— PARROT.” Time “Americans AH'” TT LOl vTT 11 -K,,|, > Ro •', •* w»*f* Open Lupe in Open Till 2A. M Park Open at 4 45. Park Free The Detroit Times nvir nFTPfIiT 3 15. Vele* "MEXICAN Betty please consult tIVIL-ULirvUII Whlttler. Free Book Night ‘MEXICAN-PITEIRI I —Grand River and Joy Road HO Ull Fredrlc March. Field In Free Park. SPITFIRE OUT WFST." J*» Stewart Diyirp "Al( TORI," Women's Department. Friday. May 23 Door* Open 3 30. m fl . m\i iimi hi: mu Ol T WEST.’ J Murray ‘HIGH GEAR * 111 V ILIYA open 12 15 Last Sh w 900 Jarre* Stewart and Stanwyck R/ gera l\ At HH - LADA WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING c * P. M Barbara and Henry Fonda In “A in to o, « ~u - w n, r m ” A handy binder which IH. In BAD leffer*.,,, * W SPRINKLE Iv. *l KFim—Hamilton FORDSON-' ; ' . "ARTHA WASHING'N-'“j; \ m “THF LADY EVE Plu* “THE WHITTIFR- r t.rand Blsd your cookbooklets. is also LULULUi'Iffll ex Lloyd In MAN.'' Wai »c* Beet nel Barr>more nnmiLiA op#n dj\ keep SOHfLENE MAKES I Open 6no Ladle** Night. "THE HI Al AN MONSTER" Nolan "MR DYNAMITE.” 9ia Pmrv rge "sol Pli.» "Ml TIM is THE P- LADIES' CHINAWARE NIGHT i MH on sale. It comes In cherry red 1 Ge. Brert TM OF EZ." Bela Lugo*! in "THE APE." ARCTIC.” Art; —* ¦dtllac-l lores* PI 4626 a "MEET Till (HI ME" M He *'*‘ ® RFVOf A Uoyd Nolan in "MR DYNAMITE” I CLOSET - M I •* ” and will hold all 20 of the cook- ¦ BOWLS \ / l """**dv*aed at Enreat. Park Free olowlß FL 4244 ? 111 TULA Open 6:45 Adult* 20c T.adi*a' J FfIDFCT MAYINF~ Edmund I/iwe in "Dot BLR DATE NOVEL - Beauty PANEL lUnLJI Open g;3O. AH fea’« Ifl/tAaitu open 8:45. American Dtah Night Lupe Vale*. “MEXICAN 3® WHITE Cooper, booklets. 1 COLONIAL 10c Time* "I MET A Ml RDERER." Ptnneruar*. Jackie “LIFE WITH SPITriRF. OCT WE-T.” Jackie Cooper in "I' All •• Pattprn MAJOR ROWES’ wi*h Jame* Ma*nn. Pamela Kellino Plu* HENRY.” •MEXICAN SPITFIRE OCT "LIFE WITH HEnra woodward GRAfir,#^r;::r‘,e 4774 is avßiluhlc in The price of the binder is 40 Lip* »• RADIO a - : STAR ’ "PHANTOM COAAROV." Don WERT." with Velea Lent Ern Noon C Grapewin “TOBACCO RGAD With Barry —SM(k AAarreo ” womon's sizes .34. 36. .38, 40, 42. rents if railed for at our service F"» pnCCpO AAeet Atenue "MEXICAN SPtTFIBE Ol T 61*1 OUIII —VAoodward at MMe. rnv he MA Woodward Eliot ran ItUllLIu) to l,adie* 1 TOO! Ask fAI 1 PLACE T ITlnli/UIAVFAID Night Dl*h** Lew Avrea. 44. 46 nnd 48 Si/e .36 takes 3 * counter' in the lobby of The De- SAVE MONEY LULUIH.’VL op, n Att jcijj,, Ptrk cUA ALICE FAYE JACK OaKIF JOHN Open All Lane Sister*, R. Young. "DR KILDARE’S CRISIS.” * S'age 3 30 Romero, Spot* Jeffrey Lynn in “PtH R MOTHER-.” WYANDOTTE-" Sh w*. 7 15-11 P M. Freinc PAYNE Ceear 4 Ink In h .m " troit Building, or cents " LEMMONS MADAM I A/iiM,4 yards 39-irvrh fabric. Times 50 your grocer for the BIG 26 * THOM M VICTOBV Wl I •THE GREAT AMERIC AN HKuAIH Ass 'IK. DYNAMITE,' wttl N an Lionel Ekarrymore in "THE PFnAITA cents (15r> in 10 —•» Send fifteen by mail. Cookbooklets are can—only 25c. A •¦( BE Al Geo. Hcntt - , ,, '!¦, • *3? * "RtIMANIE 09 THF Kit* GRANDF” ounce 10c in A*r. OF THE R PARROT.” Pl'ie Hrent and Martha In a YirWf AN • • r¦'' Ki»rr A venae T i’i IM/VJLTLLI - roins this *,l‘ '**' Thriller as Exciting a* He**’ Eacape. miirmiAlN STARTING FRIDAY for Anne Adams pat- cents each if called foi. and 15 sire fPinNY-'W™ M 1 * Door* Open 10 45 A M • too. in ” Charlie Chaphh in “THE GREAT "’*"?*!*!., voLUn I " OLIVIER, DICTA- tern. size, name, cents by Open n .. Free Ch nawar* r r VIVIEN LEIGH LAURENCE WYANDOTTE-MAJESTIC Write plainly mail. ' i TOR." Door* Open a TIXA* RANGIRs BID) AGAIN". FRANKLIN- "THAT HAMILTON WOMAN." Plua Will at 5 30. With Rita Brothera "AR#.ENTIN» nii.miS” ordering the SS Bargain • style * address and number When either •DARK wTREFT OF ( AIRo.' Sigrld Gur e i* C’OMI ii\ ) W ITH ME “ROAD -HOW.” with Adolphe Menjou Price nf 30r Until 4:30 P M Ll-.yd Nolan, "INDERCOAtR IH*'T*»B " youi or please - "PRAIRIE SCHOONER." with Bill Elliott Carole Lahdla and John Huhhard -<,r" * Address order to the binder cookbooklets. rnuiiyT ton»«L to. 8-2wi« * a> '*** ri ,vw 8 Anne Adams Pattern Depart- address your request to The De- UVOAnI ron , , 2 epee PISHES ftphFN —W ocwfw ard at Selden MT nTAWlll—'n,,r 'l »t fanaetd ROOSEYELT YOUR UnitULit ™lil/11/rin "' » ' tl ' ment. 1225 Times Square, De- troit 1225 TO LADIES’ Ered MacMurray. Madeiein# Open 6 30. A|l Heat* H»c Fa open 61" Dtnnerwar# Park Free "1 HE I. ADA P.A E." Mene> II Times Home Institute. Carroll in "VIRGINIA." Plu* Port* i Wray. Grant Wither*. "NAVY SECRETS." Fred MarMurray. “COtOAMI T d.ROA'E." Fonda THE BAD MAN,” Wallaca Beery PRIAATF. DETEfTIAF." Lloyd Non*, troit, Detroit, Mich, Adolphe Menjou. .Mich. Times Square, Karloff In "THE DEVIL COMMANDS." , "WILDC AT OP TUCSON,** Bill Elliott. “RING OP THE Tt BE.” t Get Hera Before 430 and Sava 10c. | liimti Stewart, “NEXT TIME WE LOYR."