Sunfwfei FUGITIVE*." the Racket Revealed A- : Jeffrey Lynn in “Foi R Mothers in Batty Field Joseph Conrad* Story

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Sunfwfei FUGITIVE*. Prudence Penny f()|» /V| 0(I 0 Laura Wh "'r FII WOI!!©!! GLOW OIL Wednesday, May 21, 1911 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHONE CHERRY 8800) PAGE 17 program for themselves. plans . detemfine just what Advisory Committee Meets ’ This suggestion will bo taken you want to exhibit and give gray hair under advisement by the board plenty of thought to it. Created in and a report made on it later. The earlier you get your £jmfkgk So, if you plan to take part premium book, the better ac- • No •I•ctric • No ammonia To Discuss Fair Plans in women’s division exhibits quainted you be with its M SuroaMful tor »v*r» the Will —. __ *§£& In' r* rs at th* year’s state fair, now is rules and the various classifica- ft I K HAWKINS the time to be making your tions lhat can be entered. h it's. oio< r * «a By IRENE M. io • """ **•’ i..',,1 Women’* Editor, The Detroit Time* r t» i *J wjjHp % NOW THAT Christmas is what can be done with a small For Quality over ... and it seems hut yes- yard. Perfect •¦'. K \ 'TRIPLE OIL"waves! J “' terday we took down the tree ' ¦ Defense Stamps ft ; -fr OR MACHINELESS j -a •us , . Beautiful aut* . we must start preparing ? /A Right in the middle of the for the Michigan State Fair. 7 , luncheon, arrived a telegram I minute*. Guaranteed _^T We are reminded of this by a 1 BW ; • month*. |S from Mrs. George V. Row'e, .Wl ft*'. luncheon held yesterday £t the \ ; ! Colony Club, attended by the president of the Federation of J JBfcrLf L-rr:. advisory committee for the Women’s Clubs, who is attend- j Women's Division, when 35 ,l'i^iHm ing a convention at Atlantic P liLLLlliiJ1 women representing a crosv-*nc- *MO GSANO RIVER, at Beverly Court, in Man Brot . nr. Annax Thaatar TV. •>IMI groups City, suggesting that prizes for tion of the various Livernoia, at Fankcll at women’s division exhibits be 15223 mMIHMAIN STQRFaiunt 7 Victor, Woodward throughout the state, met for "SALADA" UN 1-4141 M.ghlend Park TO (•> It given in defense stamps, in order the purpose of exchanging sug- 1249 GriSWOld St. 904 Coplin. at E. Jeffereon to further the campaign dt sav- 6580 WOODWARD gestions for a bigger and bet- At Grand Bird , la Peggy Ann'* Farweil Bldg. Oaa. Clndaralla Th*atar LI. 81J4 TEA * ings to provide finances for the Not to Cunningham TR. 1-iMI Betneen Gd. Rtyar 9530 JOS. ter women's division for this % CAMPAU government 7723 at *n < Btata Ahova Bardv a coming season. defense program W. Vernor, Cantral Fair at same start our 0»a. Rla Thaatar VI. I•• iSO CH. 0160 Hamtramafe TR. 1-022* and the time America’s Finer Tea PONTIAC: FIELD'S, 41 NORTH HA GINAW—PHONE 2-2711 SAILOR TOWELS PATTERN 2728 Canning Important Michigan women on a saving JUST AS much fun to embroider as to dry dishes with, these Swinging along with the times sailor towels make top-notch work for Summer And how and as woman's part in the de- quickly the cross stitch and other easy stitches' £o' Pattern 27JH Wise program. Uie suggestion contains a transfer pattern of 7 motifs averaging 3\B inches; color was made and unanimously schemes: illustrations of stitches; materials required. agreed upon that special atten- Send TEN CENTS in coins for this pattrm to the Laura tion lie given to the subject of At Your Favorite Wheeler Pattern Department, 122.) Times Square, Detroit. Mich. canning Mrs. Fred L. Wright of Bad TODAY MOVIE Axe. the only woman on the State hoard; Fair Dr. Marie —Harper and Frontenar PL. 0547 it Military -<i<l RUer "* Trumbull. TE. 1-7358 MinU/iV—Schaefer at Michigan it C—llß2o Woodward TO. S-flUflE Iff < tULIMLJI fI HRP DnCCTUIiHJjLIMLL Dye. and Miss Emma Dußord •Mt i I* , n bina to Ladir- Open *t 8. Harker China ULUDL r*nnt» o'K**(* Florence Rice in ImDTTAI Ma* Dally. Open 11:45 A M Frea Dlahea. Open 6 15. 9 It's Time to Open the Season • •' of the extension department of DARh SIHEKT OK C AIRO." with Ed- PHI IADELPHI A STORV." Ja- St*wart • MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEV." Edmund Park Free Chat Grapewln, "TOBACCO Robert Donat and Graar Carton In K die Quillan riignd Ourlr Bobby Jordan. "CAPTAIN ( A ( MON," with Bru< e Cabot Lowe. Uoa Merit) "DOI Ri i date." ROAD.” ’KOIR MOTHERS.’ Lane Sl»t*r* “GOOD-BY, MR. CHIPS.” Cecil B. 9 Michigan State College, were Mary Atn»le> -PRIDE OK THK BOWERS.* —Michigan and Slat Street * unjAD '•* D»ha at S-Mlle Rd Da Mllla'a "nh.n OF THI CROW*.** ¦ rDVCTAIUVIJI/IL rDlkjinA—Meet Warren at Junction iHUIvR LllfITY—I particularly enthusiastic about IfUMC—Orand Clrrua Park C->nt. from 12 Noon. F REF. UtmJl/UJ/l Short* George Sander* In Regular Admla*ton. Gen* DACruil I C—l tlca at Gratiot Avnnua jf Of Porch RUrtHIJ Irene Dunne. Cary Grant in DJNKRWARE! Anna Neagie In "No NO, Tierney, "TOBACCO ROAD.” Lane Sleter*. IVUJLiILLL Family Suppers- this part of the State Fair pro- •SAINT IN PALM SPRINGS." Edmund Cartoon. Clt.e Brooks! "PENNY SERENADE.” Cheater Morrla. NANETTE." Jamea Cagney and Pat Lowe. L'na Merge! In "DOI BLE DATE." Jeffrey Lynn In "KOI R MOTHERS Judy Campbell In "CONVOY.” gram. R Hud»on. "MEET BOSTON HI.At KIK.” O'Brian "HERE COMES Mil MU' By PRUDENCE PENNY —seventeenth and Myrtle ! Jarkie ipar. "I.IFF. WIT H Hf.N'RT spe- Koad-Chaae, Dearborn rptAinr—Bo24 AA . Jeffereon. VI. t-1247 uypTl P It was recommended that II nru Kurd hiliru—B3*o* PL 2588 it it HIIR ILL Powell, ALULn open Unnn UIVHIiUL Mat. Dally Ito 12 PISHES’ Dick Joan Blondetl In —Woodward, Near Tatnplr g* over meat prizes in that «:15. Adulta 15c. Child 10c. NOW' NO \v "I WANT DIVORCE." Mary Carllale, DftYV LET'S HAVE the first porch mixture in casserole. cial he offered in COMMAND." Lloyd Nolan in "Mr. DYNAMITE." A I\UAI opan 24 Hour* Park Free War- J -hn Wayne - DARK Plua "THE GREAT WALTZ." In NIGHTS." the eve- bake in moderate ••M •YOU’RE Ol T OF LI CK.’ Frankie Parro "HAWAIIAN ; nar Baxter. "ADAM MAP FOI R sons’* •upper of season some Cover and classification. ATTEKHKAIN." with Judy Canova —Gratk*t-lr<M|unW. " 1 hours, HAWN PI.. 2588 * "VIVACTOrs LADY James Rtawarf ning soon With the lovely oven (375 degrees) 1 -j at rpiAJT—Ruaaell. Near Holbrook —Seven-Mile Rd.-Yan Dyke About Nutrition ilrrn—t. Warren at Outer l>r. Nil. 1*23 Often 3 45 P. M UMItl MflDTflWil if i warm nights that are becoming until meat is tender. Serve in nLuLn Open i*:2V Adults 2.’*c Plua Enjoy Once Mure the Orandeat MuaP-gi Free Kitchenware to Ladle* nUMUnn open 5:43 Perk Free nAVII—T-MUr and Me»er«. IN. S-4MA Tax. Ja* Stewart Katharine Hepburn, Film Ever Presented * "THE (.RE AT Open 6:15 P. M Katharine Hepburn and Charlee Grai>ewln, "TOBACCO ROAD." IxUIAL Opan 6:lft. Park Fraa Laat Shove nee ring, < more and more frequent if desired Doctor Dye, recently appointed ary Grant m PHILADELPHIA NIORI.’ WALTZ." Alao "MEXICAN SPITFIRE. v Ja* ri tew art. "PHII.ADELPHI A wToKV ." ! o:2ft. Barbara Stanwyck. Hanry Fonda, APT AIN I I RV .'' « !h V | N' there’s no reason to wait until chairman of the Nutrition De- "4 4PT4IN 4AITION." with Victor HOT OVEN DINNERW'ARE TO LADIES "4 "THE I.ADY EVE." Walla-'a Beery. T.lonef Shepherd's Pie Mature. Leo Carrillo, Bruce Cabot. LAnu/rCT—Grand River at Southfield Barrymora, L L>u>. "THE BAl> MAN." the official arrival of the Sum- Michigan, DFIDRAPN—Mich. -Telegraph. DE. 3450 * fpC IT I IFCC—I4BS« (.rand River it nUnTTCjI open 6:40. Park Free Jame* I fense Committee for DLAnDUltlt Open 8:<X) Free Parking. UltLiil LAIUO II Woodward. MA. *234 * Park Free, (linger and Katharine Hepburn, "PHILA- DftV»| ntP-Rc.>i.l Oak Park Fraa * mer season. Set up that card 2 tablespoon* nutri- UlMDDi—*«** Cagney and f>e Havli In " Ujn- .Steevart (VUIftL Cagney butter spoke on the subject of Open * 1.-j. park free Jamea Olivia and Rogera. "VIVACIOUR I.ADA Wm STORY.” Hayward. Joan UnR Jamaa and Rita , ALnAIrIDKA BIAINDE” ' 1 DELPHIA Louia 1 table or small breakfast nook tablespoons minced onion the great for *¦ Betty "STRAVARKRKY digan. ’CASE OF THE RI.AC K P ARROT Bennett In "RON OF MONTE * Havworth In "STRAWBFRRV BLONDE.’* 2 tion. stressing need redric March. Field. "IKTORI." • ( A - (linear in LADS," BI K PRIA ATK.s." Abbott C RIRTO/J "HI I K PRIVATES,” Abbott and O-at-m; table on the back terrace and l**i cup* diced cooked meat women in the home to make the Rostra "VIVACIOUS rDCPD/U/flflffMarnutnn at W e*» Kirby « k|npu/A/VIV—6MI Waadward Anaa* - l FREE CHINAWARE TO LADIE»'_ nri TUC—Mark Holerwnh PL. 1411 UnCCn tiea Night W arrer Michigan, * spread with a ga> linen cloth l * vegetables nl/V/PLa Wil- ItUnnvUD Open All Night Tyrone CCL|»Tr— 6424 Nr. I.lvernole cup* diced most' of nutritional knowledge < DLL* MIL the, gayest china and glassware. cup soup ilDM A— 1 Barievoii. Tl . 2-2*l & * SK\T FRIDAY, SATURDAY liam, "LONE WOLE KEEPS A DATE." Power, L Darnell. "MARK OF Z4IRKO." ilbltnlL Attend Dally Matinee Ho* 1 condensed tomato and apply it.
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