Radio Digest, 1930

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Radio Digest, 1930 igi ii hm tear ells the World (9ctob er "kitty-Ewe Cents • it 7(pget C—C.B.S. *' S. F letch Heywood Broun f Rupert Hughes J. PET SUPERSTITIONS OF RADIO TAR —— **lr 4 HHHHI hy shouldyour mouth become^ tOO SOOn MIDDLE AGED ? AS millions of people know, Forhan's purpose. It tones up the gums. Used as ilwas developed by a dentist, R. J. recommended, with thorough massage at Forhan, D.D.S., who specialized in the the time of brushing, it firms them up treatment of pyorrhea for years. brings a tingling vigor and freshened And as any dentist will tell you, this circulation—helps to keep them in the ailment of the gums is more prevalent in glow of health. people over forty. That is why the use of Forhan's is rec- But these facts do not mean that you ommended before pyorrhea develops. should passively let your gums develop If you suspect that you have this com- the weakness of middle age, before you mon ailment, if your gums are tender, by adopt Forhan's as your dentifrice. all means see your dentist immediately and let him prescribe proper care. It is first of all the dentifrice for the mouth of youth—to help you keep the But as a matter of simple precaution, teeth and gums young. There is no safer, anyone who values firm teeth and a milder dentifrice than Forhan's for chil- healthy mouth should adopt Forhan's as dren, because there is no dentifrice of his dentifrice, or hers. greater purity—no dentifrice which cleans the teeth more gently and safely. As a NOW ON THE AIR! dentifrice, Forhan's provides the benefits New Forhan's program—featuring Evange- line Adams, world-famous astrologer of cleansing ingredients which any den- every Monday, Wednesday and Friday tist would thoroughly approve. at 7.30 P. M. Eastern Standard Time Columbia network In addition, it serves another valuable Forhan's YOUR TEETH ARE ONLY AS HEALTHY AS YOUR GUMS ' Radio Digest KEEP YOUR SKIN HEALTHY IIV 6 VITAL PLACES p WATCH IT GROW.. jectrer, iDvexwr sxvsjra/nced <Sngram YOUR skin can be so clear, so satiny smooth and soft and young—if only you will use my Milkweed Cream and my special method to keep your skin healthy! For Milkweed Cream is a marvelous corrective for the complexion . When you use it, you will understand my enthusi- asm—you will see how its delicate oils cleanse the skin exquisitely and how its special toning ingredients help the health of skin as no other cream possibly can. Let me show you how Milkweed Cream brings health and loveliness to your skin. First, study carefully the six starred places on my famous mannequin—the places where lines and imperfections first appear to steal away your youth and beauty. Then, scrutinize your own skin at the same six spots. Is there a tiny, thread-like wrinkle here? A blemish there? Take steps to banish them, now! The Milkweed Way to Loveliness First apply Milkweed Cream generously upon your skin (preceded by bathing with warm water and pure soap if your skin is oily). Leave it on for a moment to pene- trate the pores. Then carefully pat off every bit. Next, apply a fresh and lighter film of Milkweed Cream and with upward and outward strokes pat gently into the skin at the six places starred on my mannequin. All drug or department stores have Milkweed Cream—500, $1 and $1.75- If you have any special questions on skin MY MANXEQUIN SHOWS WHY care, send for my booklet, "Why Only a Healthy Skin Can Stay Young", or tune (jnlu a tiealmu- J khz can Jtau uauna in on "Through the Looking Glass with Frances Ingram", Tuesday 10:15 A.M., the forehead — To guard against lines the THROAT — To keep your throat from (E. S. T.) onWJZ and Associated Stations. and wrinkles here, apply Milk-weed Cream, * flabbiness, cover with a film of Milkweed, stroking with fingertips, outward from the and smooth gently downward, ending with center ofyour brow. rotary movement at base of neck. the eyes— you would avoid aging crows' neck — To prevent a sagging chin and If , the \ feet, smooth Ingram's about the eyes, stroke a lined neck, stroke with fingertips covered with a feather touch outward, beneath eyes with Milkweedfrom middle of chin toward and over eyelids. the ears and patting firmly all along the jaw contours. the mouth — Drooping lines are easily de- ' feated by filming the fingertips with my cream the shoulders — To have shoulders that and sliding them upward over the mouth and ' are blemish-free and firmly smooth, cleanse then outward toward the ears, starting at with Milkweed Cream and massage with the middle of the chin. palm of hand in rotary motion. Frances Ingram, Dept. R-100 108 Washington St., N. Y. C. Please send me your free booklet, "Why Only a Healthy Skin Can Stay Young", which tells in complete detail how to care for the skin and to guard the six vital spots of youth. •s TTUlkiDGecU Cream INGRAM Name Address- *S$ ©C1B 85966 & THE NATIONAL BROADCAST AUTHORITY Raymond Bill, Charles R. Tighe, Editor o <nr\0 Associate Editor Henry J. Wright, Harold P. Brown, Advisory Editor Managing Editor Including RADIO REVUE and RADIO BROADCAST Octob er. CONTENTS1930 VICTOR HERBERT—A lifelong friend gives in- Harold Sanford 7 teresting sidelights upon the life of the great composer. HERBERT HOOVER ANECDOTES—"First time in print" many these incidents in the Presi- for of Hobart 8 dent's Radio career. Doty PET SUPERSTITIONS OF RADIO STARS— Phillips Carlin, Chic Sale, Floyd Gibbons—they all have their pet taboos and fetishes! Evans E. Plummer 12 HEYWOOD BROUN'S RADIO COLUMN— The famous 'colyumist' asserts that he is a Socialist and tries to prove it. Heywood Broun 15 RUTH LYON . I here' s no I king COLONEL LINDBERGH TELLS THE IRENE BEASLEY wrong with her picture WORLD—Reminiscences brought to mind on the 1 sings that way just 16 although you know her occasion of the Colonel's great address. naturally. She was by thai tag. She's the born on a plantation LINDBERGH HONORS RADIO—How the soprano of the Columbia near Memphis, in Ten- Voice of "We" was carried over land and sea to the Green River Beverage nessee, and learned down far corners of the earth. Jesse S. Butcher 19 Fro I nre, "What's Wrong home to render blues in Willi This Picture." UNCLE ABE AND DAVID—Unmasking the the true darky style that two shrewd New England storekeepers to reveal you hear over CBS. E. Arnold Phillips Lord and Arthur Allen. Wade 20 JERRY BUCKLEY—A touching tribute by a man who knew the life and good works of "Radio's First Martyr." Robert L. Kent 24 THE LANGTHWAITE PEARLS—Fiction. A mystery with all the elements of thrill—jewels, a J. S. Fletcher 26 beautiful woman, an elopement. THE PICKARDS—About the ballad player who knows 5,000 songs, and thrilled Henry Ford. Garnett Laidlaw Eskew 30 GENE AND GLENN—Gene's childhood ambi- tion was (and still is) to be a tightrope walker. Hal Metzger 31 DID YOU HEAR ZARO AGHA?—Read it and learn how to live 156 years. Mark Quest 49 TERROR—Fiction. The end of that romance of Old New York which thrilled so many Digest readers to their cores! Rupert Hughes 50 VOICES FROM ACROSS THE SEA—Radio's first transatlantic political reporter tells his ex-, periences at the Naval Conference. Frederic William Wile 54 RADIOGRAPHS—Rosemary talks to Kelvin Keech, Freddie Rich, Ann Lear, and the inseparable Julia Sanderson and Frank Crumit. Rosemary Drachman 60 MARCELLA—"What color are his eyes?" "Is her hair curly?" She takes a deep breath and answers all questions. 62 MOST BEAUTIFUL RADIO ARTIST IN AMERICA—Nine beauties—see if you can pick the winner. 64 Coming and Going (p. 4) Album (33) Editorial Page (58) Station Parade (66) Radio Digest Features for Women (74) Zndi-Gest (90) Voice of the Listener (92) Scientific Progress of The Radio Arts (94) Stations Alphabetically Listed (97) Chain Calendar Features (100). Publication Office: 333 North Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Editorial Office: Radio Digest, 420 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Phone Lexington 1760. Radio TITTLE Digest will not be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts received through the mail. All manu- MURIEL scripts submitted should be accompanied by return postage. Business Staff: Business Manager, Lee MABEL NORMA Robinson, 420 Lexington Ave., New York; National Advertising Representatives, R. G. Maxwell & Co., LtHARBATERfaith- GREER is her fitlly eats her Cream O' 420 Lexington Ave., New York City, and Mailers Bldg., Chicago. Member Audit Bureau of Circulations. sweet and natural self 1 1 'lirat cereal everymorn- Radio Digest. Volume- XXV, No. 6. published at Chirago, III.. October, 1930, Published monthly by Radio at all limes . even br ing solhat she'll able to Digest Publishing Corporation, 120 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Subscription rates yearly. Four Dollars; things all go wrong. be herusual entertaining I ireign Postage, One Dollar additional; single copies. Thirty-five cents. Entered as second-class matter Sept. 25, when 1(129, at the post office at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879, Title Reg. U. S. Patent Office and That's why the staffpian- self. Yes, she's little Canada, Copyright, 1930. by Radio Digest Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved. President, Raymond Bill; Jane who plavs with Virf-Preaidentn, J. B. Spillane, Randolph Brown; Treasurer, Edward Lyman Bill; Secretary, Leslie J.
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