North Avenue Review newest issue! home Winter 1998 about nar our mission back issues NAR ON: Music the staff ● Music and Moods -- DeAnna Janecek submissions ● Great Music Almighty -- Anonymous contacting us ● Review: Negativland's Sipsedi -- Kiefer NAR ON: Other ● Information Overload 2 -- Kiefer ● Engineering Management 250 -- Bill Manofsky ● Figure Out "Why" And Live! -- Felix Bunke ● One Man Wondering And Hoping -- James McDuffie ● A Very Brady Christmas: The Quiet Beginnings -- Steve Lucky ● As I Lie Awake -- Lord Wingnut ● The Sport Of the Next Millennium: Trunking -- James McDuffie ● Time Displacement -- DeAnna Janecek Issues Currently On-Line ● Spring 1997 ● Spring 1996 ● Winter 1996 ● Fall 1995 ● Spring 1995 ● Winter 1995 ● Fall 1994 The North Avenue Review is a student publication of the Georgia Institute of Technology. It is published four times a year by our staff composed of people who write for us, submit art, help with layout, show up to meetings, etc. for the students of Georgia Tech. It has become a (relatively) long-standing tradition as an alternative form of expression. Mail suggestions, questions, or submissions to NAR at
[email protected]. North Avenue Review A Georgia Tech Publication. Music and Moods newest issue! home by DeAnna Janecek about nar No, it's not the title of one of those classical CD's with the thunderstorm in our mission the background, yet it does have to do, partly, with one of those compact back issues discs. Why is it that listening to the sounds of a rainforest off to the slow the staff melody of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" has the ability to relax a submissions person? Music tends to have that effect on people whether they realize it contacting us or not; the ability to create a mood swing in the listener.