Newsletter Australasian Systematic Botany Society No. 185, December 2020 4 8 46 ASBS 2021 conference AGM 2020 reports A golden year for Nuytsia goes virtual Get up to date on society Juliet Wege wraps up the The organising committee business with all the year-long party that was of ASBS 2021 announces reports from the 42nd ASBS publishing 50 new species plans to hold next year's Annual General Meeting for the 50th anniversary of conference online the journal Australasian Systematic Botany Society Incorporated ASBS Research Committee Chair: Heidi Meudt, ex officio Australasian Systematic Botany Society Sarah Mathews, Joanne Birch, Katharina Incorporated Council Nargar, Murray Henwood Public Officer Council President Anna Monro Daniel Murphy
[email protected] Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Birdwood Avenue Advisory Standing Committees Melbourne, Vic. 3004 Financial Australia Chair: John Clarkson, ex officio (+613)/(03) 9252 2377 Patrick Brownsey, David Cantrill, Bob Hill
[email protected] Ad hoc adviser: Bruce Evans Grants Policy Vice-President Chair: Heidi Meudt, ex officio Heidi Meudt Gillian Brown, Alexander Schmidt-Lebuhn, Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa Jen Tate, Peter Weston, Peter Wilson PO Box 467, Cable St Wellington 6140, New Zealand Webmasters (+644)/(04) 381 7127 Anna Monro
[email protected] [email protected] Murray Fagg Secretary
[email protected] Hervé Sauquet Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Facebook Group Administrators Mrs Macquaries Rd Todd McLay Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
[email protected] (+612)/(02) 9231 8316 Mike Bayly
[email protected] [email protected] Treasurer ASBS Newsletter Editorial Team John Clarkson Editor QLD Dept.