rHB WBATHEK Forwwet of 0. S. Weather Bereda AVCKAOB daily cnCULATION BarMord tor th* Moatk of Deeember, 1988 ^ ^ light rain this afteraeon anS

probably tonight; Wednesday rooetly 6,179 otondy. ^ Member of the Aodlt ^ ^ Bnrese of Clreotorioat MAN('HESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE ( HARM


Poughkeepsie Blaze Razes 15 Factory Buildings






SHOWER OF $16 BII.LH COMES FK03I LABORER M¥!lys Doubling Representa-

Shenandoah, la.. Jan. 10 — Alcorn, Blakeslee And Bii- (A P I-T hey are still talking j Secretary-Wife Is tion Of G.0P. Reveals BONNEITELLS about toe shower of (10 bills that . Busy As Debutante fell In the collection plate at toe ^ sefl Selected For Most

eople Realize What First Christian church here Sun- j day. OF AGREEMENT Important Posta; Cheney Ten (10 bills were placed In; New Deal Doing to Them toe plate anonymously. On the ' unmarked envelope were Instruc- | wm BRITAIN And Thornton Also Get UoDS that the money be used to Washington, Jan. 10 — (API — redecorate the building.

Representative Treadway (R-, The Rev. M. F. LyCria. pastor, Chairmanships; Demo- said he learned the Identity of Assurance Received Of Com- Maas ), opening a Republican at- toe contributor, b\it refused to tack on th* admlBlBtrptlon’i recipro- divulge bis name, other than to crats Protest Apportioi- cal trade trestle*, predicted today say that he was— i plete Accord Of London that the present minority party* A fsrm laborer working by the ] ment Among Membership membership would be strong enough month. ^ . 1- 1— . . .1 Cabinet With French In 1940 to repeal the program. "The doubling of the representa- state Capitol. Hartford, Jan. IflL tloo of the Republican party In the Viewpeint On Colonies. ^ I —(A P)—Reps. H. M. Alcorn, J)r« present Congrea* showm that the people ere beginning to realize what Ftfteen of 18 buildings In toe former Moline Plow Company plant at Pbughkeepsle. N. Y.. were of Buffleld, Waldo Blakealc* ,joC TWO ACCUSED three charges of toe New Deal is doing to them." destroyed by a Are which raged for hours. It was finally brought under cohtrol after toi Bl'I.I.ETIN North Haven, and Charles 8. Btaqiill Treadwray aald on toe House floor. dynamite had been set off to raze w alls of the burned buildings and f i T t « S e Perio, Jan. 16—(AP)—The of Buffleld today arer* named hy . ^ "In toe next Clongre**, we are go- plant, assessed at (1,000,000 when It waa a going concern, had been taken oyer by the city at a tax sale I Speaker Walter Hoara as Houaa ^ ing to have more than enough Ra- WAIVE RIGHTS and was not Insured. premier* of Britain end France went Into conference at the For- ehslnnen, of the Judiciary, AMBh^ publleana to wipe out toe present priatlons and Finance commHtiBh - trade treaty program, which 1* so eign Office lete today shortly after Issuance of a formal dec- espectlvely. AU are RapubUeonB* ' detrimental to toe mteresU of our IN W A J ^ U R Y I ’These or* toe moat powwfui coin* - people, end restore toe Republican Uratlon that the two powers Mr*. John N. Oaraer mltteea In the General Asaepdfly. policy of protection under which our TRUCK DRIVERS REPORT REBEL TROOPS had agreed In advance to reject artth the Judiciary leading th* VW country has prospered for a century Preparation And Signing Of any Italian territorial demands Waahtngton, Jan. 10.—(AP) — In rank of Importance. . and a half." on the French empire. Mrs. John N. Garner, who almoot Th* AppraprtaUona Commlthin House Await* Legislation makes to* auggeatad .allocatlOBa of Treadwmy opened toe second day Papers Delays Start Of REFUSE OFFER APPROACH TARRAGONA Paris, Jan. 10.—(AP) — An never goea out In society^ was aa funds for running toe state govosiB" of Republican speeches against agreement between France and Brit- busy as a debutant* today. ment and to ton Finance Ctomrslt- - President Roosevelt's edmlnlstratlon The wife and secretary of toe tee la delegated tha authority .•gf; while toe House awaited Its first ain to reject any Italian territorial Trial And Selection Of Al- OF ARBITRATION vice-president Invited about 1001 studying any pro] piece of legislation—toe emergency Two Columns (^nverging demands for a sharesnare Inin theino French" rues is to luncheon—and arranged relief bill—which Speaker Bankhead CHAMBERLAIN empire waa announ^ to the F w ch •to attend toe- President’*Prealdent’a dinner foafoqlJea. said might not be reedy for debate ternate Jorors Two Honrs cablnet today by Foreign Minister toe vice-president at to* WMt* until next week. Make Good Promise To Sal- On Coastal Oty; Govern- Georges Bonnet. House tonight. I Rep. T, Bmmrtl CUrle, Treadway said toe purpose of toe Following a cabinet meeting at Ordinarily either event would be House leader, proteatad tha recently-negotiated British and the Elyse* palace, shortly before Waterbury, Jan. 10— (API —Two TO SEEK AIMS a red-letter day on Mrs. Garner’a I tletunent of eommltt** msaa Canadian trade agreements waa to tonstall To Allow M ove ment Coanter-Offensive British Prime Minister ttoamberlaln allm eocial calendar. 8)m prefera I but admontabed tha Danworats further encourage toe Importations 1 defendants In toe Waterbury con- and Foreign BecreUry Viscount managing her huabend’a offlo* to work for the xrelfsr* of tha sURs. of competitive foreign product* gpiracy case, absent from the court- OFmWERS Halifax were to reach Paris 00 tortr attending teas. I He declared that vritb but tmt;^ which displace toe products of our room because of illness, waived their men! Of Perishables; Con- In Southwest Is Halted. way to Rome, it was disclosed that But tola year, two tradlUonal execptloM th* DanMcrats own farm and factories" and take Bonnet told hit colleaguea lie )>ad functions fell on toe aama day, sad | gtven only two jobs away from toe people. right today to be present during received assurance of "toe complete toe selection of two alternate Jurors. ference Late In Day. Mra. Garner is as femoua for bar I mltteea. The exoeptkXMi ^ "It must be that Secretary HuU BULUCTINl British Premier Alarmed B j accord of th* London cabinet with ability to master sltuatton* M fori the Judiciary. Reorganlantloa. waa more interested In conse- One of toe accused, Thomas J toe French point of view. her 9 p. m. bedtime. tary Affalra quences end considerations other Fleming, superintendent of streets, Hendaye, France (At too This, Bonnet said, had bean con- Spanish Frontier), Jan.-16,— Beads Haf lnstve OrgaalMltex. AmsndWMBt OoMinltteM whew than trade advantages for tola collapa^ In toe courthouse last BULLETINt I Reports Of New Intensive veyed to Mm lart night by Sir Erie Aa wtf* o< tb* vtoe-prertdent Mn. country," to* MaasachueetU Con- Friday. The other, Mlchari F. < AP) —inenrgent foreea report- Phipps, BriUsh ambassador to Waterbary. Jan. 10.—(AF) ad today that they had reach- Gancr la praaident of an exclusive "Wa f*el that tha Daaasemta havn gresaman declared. Stavln. Democratic deputy rsglsitrar —Wholeeale frttit and ptodnee Prance. organlsaUon—til* ’Tisitlee of to* not baan given tb* rsprMM Ul dllduring toe ed a p ^ t only 13 milee from Italian^iemian Campaign Chamberlain and Halifax, Th* Senate, meenwhUa, stayed In e( voters, became dealers tola morning ngieed to Senate.” Ifesaber* must be, wive*, they daasrva, noeording (s ' sis*1~r Just long enough to com- week-end. the sea near Fniset la a gener- route to conference* with Premier meet of toe wage soeleB naked al advaace toward Barcelona widows or hoatsassa of sahatora, numerlosl munbars la tha M plete Its committee aerignmeota Preparation and signing of toe by 75 striking track dTri-ers, Muosollill. araraged to "take tea' and t h ^ cannot take outald* gueata bs aald. "la tbs mattar e f and to reorive a few nominations waivers delayed toe start of toe and Tarragana, chief port of In Mediterranean Area. with Bonnet and Daladler here late helpera and other employee, lower OatalOBls. Govenunrat to toelr Tueaday lunebeona wbar* treataMat ths mlnortty from toe Preridant. It will itb week of the trial for more but refused to grant union do- today. tb* members take turns contribut- It has net raealvsd lUr a g ^ Th’ than two hour*. nalts oa the eonthera Oatalo- Bonnet told toe ceUnrt meeUng mnnds for n cloned or preferea* nlaa front were eompollrd to ing toe food. OhaIrnMa *f Other O included 8l . Th* waivers were presented to tlnl ebop. A meering between liondon. Jan. 10.—(AP) —Prime Mrs. Garner boa mad* It a eus- A^cultura Frank Pert (R) beasednr to Colombia Judge Bkriest A. Inglla by Patrick fafFbatck, laaargeat dlspateiim Minister Chamberlain, alarmed by (Oonttnaed ax Page Bight) oompnay officials, onion lend- cut tom to open to* Banat* ladica* sea- Ws Corrigan to be ambaasador to Vena- Healey, attorney for both of toe ac- declared, to avoid being reports of a new Intensive Italian- son with a luacbeoa at her hotaL AvIatloa—Warran A. FMd C cused, togetoer with ceiilficatea ers and the state Board of Ar> off by the advance. At SU#lAs bitratlon and Mediation failed German campaign for domination honori^ Mra. FraakUn Roooavelt of Milford. Before toe Senate and Houae from t o ^ physlctana At toe poiats Insorgent nnita and eablnrt wives. Bines It's her Banks—B. O. Bmlth CR) of same time, toe court received toe to bring a aettlemeat of the reported areR to the east of toe western Mediterranean, left convened for toe day, a group com- Btrtke today at the office of own p a ^ . ah* can have outald# flahL signed stlpulatioh providing for toe enemy force#. for Roma today to discover to* 1936 DANAHER URGES posed of MUltery Committee mem- Attoraej WUUam J. Larkin. fit****- . _ GapItol Furaltnrs aad.Qtw t>era from both b

I which will continue through tha IIA N C I EVENING HEEALD. HANCHESTEB. CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10,19S» CHENEY FIRM ENLARGES year. Cffjeney Brothers’ cravaU will PAGE TW ff I be the particular product advertised, A Thought MEMPHIS POWER Friendliness and Dignity j Cravats have been a standby prod- reported to hava aent eongratula* Shortest Air Mail Route SCOPE OF ITS PUBLICITY uct of the local firm for several Tot we aie made fartaketa it OIBL WANTS $8,000 tory telegrams to hla commander on SCHOOLS CAUGHT I years, and widespread advertisement Christ, U we hold the beg^ teg eC FDR HER LOAT RM IIX | y, M. C. A. Not9$ 270 UNREGISTERED the western aector. ' of the product indicates that an ef- our oowfldaaee eteadfeet onto $ka LEDMiOLDT ELECTED CONCERT A W A ir i) IIC H AM BERLAIN Deny Lavge Foreign Aid STUDIES o n BID iBlend During Inauguration To Start Next Summer s Tkkcfl Space In National Mag- 1 fort is fc ln g made to boost sales of cad. — Hebrewa fltlA J ^ South Bend. Ind.. Jan. 10.— Thd*y: The msurgent oommuniquea slso this Item to a point where Ita manu- (A P I —June Spry. Purdue unl- denied government naoerUona isrge a$ine To Advertise Line Of^ 8:0M:<1:00— Ba dmi nt on. EMPLOYERS FOUND IN 1UG-0F-WAR Oklahoma City. Jan. 10.— (API —^Oklahomans greeted their new 1 facture nmy be enlarged. Faith is a oertate im ags oC vcraity eo-ed, wanUi $8,000 for a BY MUSIC LOVERS foreign forces were flgbtliig In tholr Cravats Durinfc 1939. HEAD OF RED MEN Junter gills gym. TO SEEK AIMS . Jan. 10— (A P )— TheT, The actual flying Urns will be only j As yet there have been no further eternity. All things are preeeat to leat a'mile. i CntnhmlsnaUJonlan offensive. An Tnsutnsurgicent The informal friendliness of the “ old 1 "Guv nor" with yells of "Yea, Red! $:30-7:f>—First'First AidAlt for bOya with shortest air mail route in the world about 18 to 20 minutes less than Mtinicipality Bluntly Rejects I reports from the firm regarding the it— th in n past, and thinga to She la aeeklng damages from source la Csragosn, however, told n west " blended with the formal d ig -} and "Whadda ya say. Red!" According to a report issued Mr.r. Fleming. will go Into operation next summer mall truck shuttle service. Postal "now product" which, some time ago come.—Jeremy Taylor. three persona with whom aha rsprasentntive of Hnvas ( French i It was announced Vie company was 6:48—intmmadUU girls gym. 0F3JP0W ERS Wobon’t M ijor Oi Om between Camden airport and the officials and autoglro people point nlty of a gubernatorial inauguration ] One buxom woman, who a mo- through its New York office today, wea involved In an automobile I 8:48—C. R/\Burr Bowling League. Inyestigatioiis Made h 2*- news ngsney that 18,000 Itnllnn out that the Phlladelphla-Camden As “ Out Of AD Reason” interested in developing. tsMsvee Hartford Orcheitra To Pby legionnaires among a total of $53,- roof of the Philadelphia post office as Oklahoma look Leon C. (R ed) i the Cheney Brothers, acting with its JoMph W rifht I t Chosen accident last Jdly. | 7;08—I.e a (lm raettlhg with Mr. route was selected for the first ex- .. „ I RDythlnfi; of theM«ha. took up tne (Oesrttaned from Page One) 000 mta wars operating In tbs Cata- six miles awray. newly appointed advertising agency, Mias Spry aaid her face waa Tracy. \ .perlraentA principally because the Phillips as Its new chief execuUve. ,houted. COLDS, 696 Cases Where Claim- Side And CemritteeOi Mechanics will trundle an auto- j. UtOity’s 21 Miliion Offer. J. M. Mathes Incorporated, has re- SOUND Piixyr dies ao dlaflgured In the accldant | On Jan. 17 Under Anf- 7:36—Women’h. g r a IttU n g up loniaa sector. post office roof is the boat avail- Yesterday's inaugural parade. Phillips, rlgar-champlng Ferer find Prophet, JiliiB Toamand Downing etreet when Chamberlain This source said that 90 to iio giro from a hanger to a place beside served advertising space in the Sat- that abe ooUld ao longer imllt. exercises with Mika 'Tinker. left bis official residence at 10:81 able for the purpose. They fore- with its stirring, military marches country lawyer, spotted her and urday Evening Post for the 1039 Itallim ’ were among more than 700 Other In Closini Dispile. a transport airplane runway. Aa New Haven, Jan. 10.— <.\P)— Capt. Headachea t - - " '•* 8:18— BeutA Me^lodist BoWllng a. m. Both cheers and catcalls ant’s Boss Not listed. see adoption of the service for long- and flashy uniform*, signified the ^ roared back; season. The tirst of the new adver- picei Of 2 Local Groups. Insurgent pilots, obatrvers and soon as a commercial liner roll* to | Memphis. Tenn , Jan. 10.^(AP> — WUlt.a'm A. McDonald, 62, one of the I,leaie, TaMets. to UoMs As Seinor SfecuBon. Lsagus. greeted Ue wave. er hops, if the experiments prdve pomp and f^ n d eu r of the occasion, ' "W ny, Emmy Lou. ain't you got a tisements will appear on February doe technTctans. (The Rome press, In a atop mall will be tran-afei red to ] best known steamboat pilots in Bel**, Nm * Dress should go far toward eliminating ex- 8 80—Rolton gtwi^gym period Another crowd jammed the plat- successful. Memphis Power and Light Com- but It also brought out the warm, U ckofsense? " 4, according to the announcement, accounts o f the war, baa praised ac- the smaller craft with It* strange Umg island Sound died yesterday at lating abuse, reducing admtnlatra- with Rev. Kline. T form at Victoria station where the Woburn, Masa, Jan. 10*-(AP>— Hope for Similar Servtoo. pany repre.’ientatlves today studied human element. ; It was a day of solid enjoyment and will mark the beginning of e Trj . MiiMc lovars of Manshester are Hartford, Jan. 10 (A P I ^ tion by the Italian forces.) 'overhead paddles. hi* home here of a heart ailment. A t a w«U atUnVork Ih Done WPA pean and American cities. The pro- ticulars may be obtained from Fred ■potllgkt On Insurgents ing the year 1987, Tone aaid. The POSTPONED FOR A WEEK Michael Is tha lire chief. ifter a contract la swarded. New York. celebration. A Rockville to Induct the elected Project; Other Biidgea Are gram, to be announced later, has as Baker, secretary. But last-minute reports swung remaining 3$ were found to be lia- The pupils, caught la tha tussi* 4lean if that tribe. Being Strengthened. Its chaf de'ocuvre Schubert's Sym tha spotlight away .from Italian ble only for 19$8. for control, had no Altam atlva but FURNITURE SALE phony In B Minor (the 'Unnnlshed A representation of Manchester erl4a for a ahara of the French Moat of the employera rwealrd Lark Of Ice The Reaaon; Will to go to school to find out where .Symphony” ). Quest soloist with the men will go to Hartford this eve- Mediterranean empire to ths Imms- Give More Time To Make they stood. \ MUST BE HARD-BOILED CHILD LABOR CHANGE | A force of men, working under a as liable, apparently were Ignorant iuiAH E R URGES orchestra Is the. talented young so- ning and St 8:30 will attend a din- dlele prospect of on Insijrgent vlc- of the provielona o f tha law and Arrangements. Committee memberi said they Overnight News W P A project, today atartad rebuild- prano. .Miss BIrata Kamoska. ner meeting to be held In the t o ^ In Spain. stood by their original order sad ing tbat aectlon of tha Adams street were not willfully evading reaponel- OR BE SENT TO PRISON BEFORE N. Y . SOLONS George Washington Slashed Adversity That REUEF CHANGES The concert la being sponsored Huehlln Hotel when there will be Official report* here dlsclc blllty, according to tha labor eem- The masquerade and Ica Carnival wrould so Inform toachera today. bridge washed away by the floods jointly by ths Educational d u b and formed a state orgenleatlon of tha that Franco had not been ehlc to Of Connecticut of Septamber Jl. The greater mUtioner. sponsored by the Msnchestsr Sports « the Minchaoter Teacher*' CTub. The Better Oovemmant Lisague. Htate pey for supplies received from Italy He added that the fact coverage We Might Enjoy Pursuit of Happiness^ ».) antounl o f damage dona to the work' of the Bducatlonai dub. well officer* will be elected end Manches- and necessarily will be Indebted to Club, which waa to have bean beld CLAIMS LARGE DOG By ASSOCIATED PRESS Moscow, Jan. 10— (A P ) —Soviet Albany, N. Y „ Jan. 10— (A P ) — « bridges on Adams street waa not to of employera ia now evidently com- The oft-defeated proposal for rati- estabitabad In Manchester for many ter will be given membetahip la the Mussolini when tha war ends. on Canter Springs pond Thursday factory managers henceforth must » tha hrldga under which tha Hocka- plete, Is due "in ao small measure” fication of the Federal constitutional With Equal Courage and Daring, We Slp9h w ilk which It has bean charged ytars, is familiar to most towns- new’ orgenleatlon It is expected tbat The Same reports Indicated Ger- night this wreek, has been postponed num River flows, but to the bridge to the “peltce work" of clslmanta. Hartford-Igor Sikorsky, famoi^ be hard-boiled or go to prison. amendment to outlaw child labor •Ad ACAto.** people. It has provided an average about 10 will be In the delegation many had been quietly and euceees- until Thursday, next week for lack ROAMING BUCKLANO to tha north of It. airplane builder of Stratford, ^ d A recent decree ordered mana- wa* plumped before New York’s | „ fnecred nftnlBlatrsUcn c f ra- of some $1800 annually for cOrreo- from ManrhMter. fiUly gaining control of many Im- Of Ice. the Purchasing Dollar So That You May To aid is the work a crane owned at a local church gathering that Oil. gers to discharge workmen who ar- legislature again today with pros- hy a hi-pnrttMB board la Waab- tlve and philanthropic work among portant Spanish induetrlee end fo r by the Oovarnment waa brought to GOVERNOR TO BE PRESENT Tha daisy will enable tha com- Stock Road Resident Ssys Big Charles A. Undbergh U doing pa- pects for the usual bitter debate. with M-pMdisaa local admla- Bchool children of Manchester. Temple Chapter. Order of the tlfying herself In a position to mittee to prepare its skating eventa rive on the Job more than 20 min- Adama street yesterday and wlU he an British supremacy at Qi- Greyhoand Is Loose In Yhe trioUc work for hla country in Eu- utes late. Today General Prose- The 1938 Legislature studied eight Enjoy Furnishing Your Home Inexpeji^ivelyl Cestem Star, will meet tomorrow three tei for the Carnival and wUi allow more I piindpla has baen appltad In used by tha men In removing the old The Educational Club'a share in rope, in retorting to recent c r i^ cutor Andrei Vlshlnsky announced proposals dealing with Juvenile evening Ui the Maeoalc 'Temple. br^tar- AT SHEA TESTIMONIAL time for decorations and general ar- Section. ____J ^ Id a whart Fadaral mod and laying new abutananta. Oon- concert proceeds will be used to- Chaitaberlatn goes to Rome ap- cism directed against the noted that managers who fail to enforce labor but none passed. Sale of child The honesty and darinc of a great man inspired ns elgl W yoaik ward the ellttlc and the milk funds, Among the matters of bueiness wtu rangaments. labor made goods is banned in New aia govammant eooparata and ereta ta being poured at the Park be the Obligation ceremeay. Mre. parently believing also that Adolf IdsnUfled as a huge, and ravsa- filer. penalties against workmen will be ago to stamp thte event with the mark of “ aterling.” W « truth* street bridge and a temporary for flnandng dental work, and pur- Hitler intend* to Increase Musso- prosecuted under sections of the York state, however, under a bill chasing shoes. Ethel Hunnlford Is ebairmea of the All Rntnrntioiw iPktn For oui, but possibly harmless grey- New H aven -Th e passed in the 1937 session. fully say, honor bound, that here are our short atockd, our un- bridge is in use on Birch Mountain lini's "nuisance value" In the Medi- CiUzens* Committee, seeking the Im- criminal code which provide prison The Manchester Teachers' Club, refreshment committee. Dinner To Be Held Tomor- hound, the animal that has been The new resolution bore the ap- road. terranean. HASSEH IS CHAIRMAN provement of Uquor c o n d lt l^ In sentences up to three years for non- expected surpluses, strange arrays of unbalanced /oimcoctiona. now In Its second year of organisa- row Evening At Hilltop. roaming about lii Buckland, yeater- proval of the New York State Fed-,| Miss Ebba Anderson o f Ridge Despite the Anglo-Ilalian agree- day morning wiis sighted by John fulfillment of duty. Honestly we recite values and daringly we slasK^down prices. tion, wl|I turn Its part of the pro- the atate. met here to elect fration of Labor, which for years ' street won the priM offered by the ment in which Italy disclaimed any Copeland of Hiat section, who eaw Pravda, Communist party organ, We’ve made as good use of our mark-down ^ c i l as George ceeds toward the Verplanck Schol- Headed by Governor Baldwin FOR HREMEN’S P A R H and approve the filing ha* made It a major plank in it* Dorcas society of tha Emanuel Luth- Intention of trying to change the him, he says, In one lithe leap clear of incorporation. Donald North of demanded immediate improvement arship Fund. This fund provides every member of the Republican legislative program. Approval of Washington did of the awords he ao often branch ed in striving Personal Notices eran churh to the member selling Mediterranean status quo. Informed the top of tha flume tbet leade to thl# city was named atate chairman. of the suburban railway service to loans without Interest to students atate ticket with the exception of eliminate the "train was late" ex- eight atatee is needed to make the | to atUin betterment for a thankful people, /Come, Imtter your the greatest number of metal quarters In London are convinced Thomas Hawtt, foreman of No. the old power bouse near the Hock- Bridgeport — A Superior court amendment effective. without means for training in ool- Oermany and Italy Intend to estab- the lieutenant-governor, haa noti- 3 Company of' the South Manchester cuse of tary workers. home with our “ honest” values so spectaculpfly slashed. SIXTH apongei. The award was a perman- enum river. After this feat, the aanlty hearing scheduled for leges. The fund has been entirely ent wave donated by the Beauty lish permanent air and naval bases fied VVilbrod Messier, general chair- fire department. Is Chairman of the creature took to Its heels, and loped The newspaper said tbat from IN MEMORIAM man of the committee arranging f^ P ^ o tt Van Wyck. wealthy FIXK)R. In lovina m .m o r y ol nur <1«»r inadequate to the demands upon It Nook, 088 Main etreet. in the Balearic Islands. committee that la arranging for the off by the Bldwell farm atop Cookie 7,000 to 8,000 workers had been lin- mother, Mr* Aiell« Ollhert. who In the last ssveral years. Would Alter Whole Strategy for the tcaUmonlal dinner to be annual party of the company to be New York night life ing up each day at one Moscow HUI. edneeUed after hU wife. Mozelleclta GUARD CAROL’S PALACE ! piSBtd awN> Jan lOlh, 19||; The Men's Social club will meet Once thie la don*. British and given tomorrow evening at Hilltop, held In the Brebouee Saturday eva- railway station to get certifications Copland clelms that greyhounds Stapp, form er Follies girl, aban- tonight at 8 o'clock at the Second French military experts admit, the Bast Hertford, for Senator William nlng. Tha party tbit year, as was tsar, n-thar than bits thalr victims, to show that it was not their fault 0f)9 year affo to*day. J. Shea, that he will be In attend- donto her efforts to secure « • ” - Our dear paasad away. Congregational church. whole allied strategy In a major tha ease last yaar, will not be oon- and he Is Inclined to think that they were late for work. IN RUMORED BOMB PLOT I lease from a Greenwich sanatarlum Aha la out of aorrow. pain and eara KEENEYS HONOR GUESTS European land war would have to ance. flaed to ths members of the com’ stories of doge bslng tom and bat- Aha la up ln.M*av.n, Ihdit city ao fair the Ledtae Sawing Circle will be nlteved. 'The lleutanaat-govemor Is out of pany, but the membera will bt .ic- tered by some strange animal fit where he has been confined since Bucharest, Jan. 10.— ( A P ) — Police i hold their regular monthly meeting Informed British sources also ex- the atate attending a convention of compsnied by their wives. There in with hie ssaumptlon that the last apmmer. HKn cniLi»nF:s ON 2STH ANNIVBtSARY admitted today that special precau- So Help Us to ^dh ere tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock at pressed the beltef Hitler is out to college presidents so wUl not be will be a dlnnar served in tbs m eet reyhound la the damaging party. Hartford—a . Ernest Hubbard. BUSH FIRES OBSCURE tions bad been taken to guard Klhg the Highland Park Community obtain these three objectives In able to attend. Ing hall In the upper part of the till, there is Mg room xOr doubt o f Middlesex county’s sealer at welghtt CARD OF THANKS S Carol's palace, but refused to discuss W« m-tth to FiproBB our ntnrtro I'ltibhouae, with Mrs. Francea Ted- 1939; Tha dtoner will be served at 7 fir* house end the speaking will be this. ahd measure*, was reelected pr*m- Nearly 200 Guents PrrMnt A( FORTUNES OF SCORES rumors that a bomb plot against to the Truth amjf Nothing (hRnkh to all thoa« who ub ford aa hostess. 1- Carvs s Nasi dominated Uk- o'clock. A ll reeervatlona have been confined to one speaker. Following In tha first piece, Copland saw hla dent of the Stote Sealer*’ Associa- I wry CHy View Dance Hall; Many the monarch had been tmeovered. In Rny at (h« tinia of tho d«ath raine state out of the comers of So- filled. The gathering wtll bring to- the dinner there will be dancing. animal in Buckland, and not In tion at the annual meeting here. I of our dt.ir mr>(hcr, Mra. Auguata In official quartera, where the re- Gifla Preaented. Dr. F. Forbes BuHhnell of Worxl- viet Russia, Poland. Csechoalovakla gether more state officers than any The committee, in addition to invit- Buehingham, where first reports of New Haven—Yale defeated the But the Trp^h! After Wtlkia other gathering of this kind ao far Melbourne, Australia, Jan. 10. — ports were denied, it waa indicated Mra CarrU Wooilward, briilge street left today to attend and Rumania. ing the membera of the company a wild, catlike critter came ftt>m In University of Montreal 8 to 3 in an Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Keeney uf held. There will be no tloketa offer- and their wives, have also invited Spreading bush fires in Victoria the rumors might have arisen from RANGE and Mra. .Miittio LaHata. the annual confertnee tor veterina- 2. Peacefully acquire MemB xnd the first Instance. Buckingham, It IntemaUonal Intercollegiate Hochey ton Keeney street, owners of lh« ed for sale at ths door tomorrow ths department and district officers state obscured the fate o f scores of an explosion Satjrday night m a rians St New York State Veteri- the free city of Danzig. Is suspected, la the rightful asso- League game. The Ells led 6 to 0 Taking Tfiis Solemn City View dance halp on the same nary College, Ithaca, N. Y. Ha will night to be present ciate of the wild animal story, and persons snd destroyed over a hun- Bucharest suburb in which a student FU EL OILS 8. Develop the technique of the at the beginning o f the lest ^ rio d street, were the gu citi of honor at return Saturday. The annual banquet of Company not Buckland, which was r o ^ In dred homes today. o f chemistry was killed and another td-ROtTR SERVICE Rome Berlln-Tokyo triangle. which saw a remarkable rally on a large party given at the hall last No. 3 of ths same departmant will on the account by a mlstaks In spell- Injured. One student was arrested Vow— H^e Qoes L U M B E R . . . Military experts bellsvs the tri- the part of the Canucki. A blistering heat wave and Might by Mre. Jeesle Keeney and Past chiefs, of Memorial Temple, be beld In Masonic Temple on Janu- ing, made la another newrapaper, and Identified as a brother of an PHUNE 6820 Frame and FInleb— All Kinds angle theory is nothing but a po- CHAS.GARROW INSTALLED Hmtford — Soon East HarUord drought started the fires this week. Ml.ss Irene Burnt, in observance of J’ythlan Sisters, will meet Thursday ary 38. They wiu have a dlnnar Ir seems almost certain that a official who had access to the palace. litical application of the tactics used traffic vlolatora may attfnd a traf- Immense smoke clouds caused trains the silver wedding anniversary uf evening with Mrs. Emil Dickinson served and trill invite district and greyhound could not make the wild As Investigation on the explosion Mr. and Mrs. Keeney. In the near- by ths German Qeneral Ludendorf AS PAPERMAKERS’ HEAD department offlcara. fic aehool rather than pay a fine and aklPPloR i)** 7og signals. G. E. W IL L IS & SON. INC. of 35 Bigelow etreet. Mrs. Frances »cr4eohlng aounds, that, it la claim- At Ivanhoe the temperature waa continued, the possibility that the [1] TWELVE 4-PIECE SOLID BOLAND ly 200 guests who attended were during the World War. Ludendorf ed, one can hear in Buckingham. for their tranagreaalons if they m Chambers will assist the hostess. 122 degrees today. W ater sold at students en g a g ^ in political activi- MAHO^NY BEDROOM SUITES, 1 Main St. Tcl. 8178 fiiende from Springfield. Mess , .Mid- almost beat the Allies by striklu Someone. It wrould seem, ought to deelia. The aehool, approved by the Other Olfictra Take Seata Dur- State Motor Vehicle Department about 35 cents a gallon. ty was not ruled out. regulajdy $139.50. Poster bed, big OIL CO. dletown, Hartford, and all the small- The annual meeting of the cor- on ons flank and following Imme-^ HOSPITAL NOTES take a week off and track dowb the and judges o f nearby towns, ^11 rr towns around Manche.ster porators of the Savinte Bank M atcly with a campaign on ths oppo- ing Certmoniea: Fifth Tern real animal that la at the ropt o f all 4 -d r^ e r dresser, hanging mirror, Music for dancing was furnished slts flank. EbiperU say tha Oer- of the reports that are ehmlatlng. open when 25 offenders signify their Manchester wUl be held at tbs office For The Freaident. DIaehArged yesterday: Edmund huge chest-on-chest. In memory by an orchestra from Willimantlc. mans, Italians and Japanese are Perhaps an expedition can be fitted wUllngneas to attend. of the bank, Tuesday, January $7, Qareeau, WilllmanUc. of/Washington, we did a little Re-Upholsterinsr Card playing was also enjoyed by planning campaigns for 1639 In the out for the job. In any event, out- N ew Haven — Prof. John BeU at 8:S0 p. m.. for the election o f offi- Officer of Oak Ledga, No. 48,1. B. Admitted today; Mrs. Helen Cur- slicing on the EQl'AL TO .VEW many, and from a buffet table laden same way fo annoy and eventually of P. M., were installed at a meeting posts and sentinels ought to be ConUffe o< the London School of cers and directors and any ether ran. 34 Walker street, Doris Hobby, ALL SALES FINAL m with sandwiches and cake. In great weaken the British empire. held Sunday. Charles Garrow, wrho estsblished to keep bdek say fUTtker Boonomica said democraclee need /price ------$66.')0 husineea proper to coma before IL 99 Birch street, Henry Leister, IM Flavor you’ll enjoy < variety, the guests were servM by ha* served as president fOr the past invasion of ths s ^ e d parts c f the not- fear the totalitarian atatee be- Hos^tBlization SERnO O RE-emV^s Hackmatack street. QuaRtltlaa A rt lio iH ed — ] MIS! Irene Bums, Mias Dorothy w a x MEEK SUrrORT five years was again Installed aa town by wild animals from the out- cause the latter are weak due to w . w . Robertson o f Henry street, Discharged today: Mr*. Iren* jR8t ORt-Of-R-Klild— Commanity Plan Vour Sofa and Chair Keeney. Mias Marlon Orlffln and Rome, Jan. 10— (A P I —Italy made president. Supporting officer* for sklrte and adjacent wUdemeeees. their efforta "to build up a mighty manager of the Boa Ami company, Shea. 17 Btrant etreet, Mrs. Richard TWELVE SMALL CHESTS I'liexcelled Worlunanehip! .Miss Elsie Hills Coffee and fnilt It clear today that abe woiUd try to the coming year aret Vic* prest. striking force” by which "they de- nVE 4-PIECE MAPLE BED- No C. O. D.*a — N o MaB | punch was also served. is 111 at his heme with pneumome. Real* and infant eon, BOi Mala DRAWERS, regularly $12.95. Don’t be unprepared tor the aalist the support of British Prime dent, Wtuiam Braanlek; roeordlng stroy their reserve economic en- 1^OOM SUITES, worth $40.60. Orders — No Phono Ordon aspeneee of aoetdeat or alek- Let Our Credit Man Arrange Mr and Mrs. Keeney received Ministef Chamberlain In her cam- secretary, Frsderiek McCarthy; fl- street. Walnut or mahogany flnish. 86Vi" The Rockville Emblem club will ergy." Professor OondUffe received Dresser, hanging mirror, eheit and ’— No Botunw •— No Ex* neaa. Oar Plao provides ec- Terme To Suit Vour many lovely gifts In silver and elec- lalgn to get conceealona from nanclal secretary, William Hender- Census; Seventy-twro patients. hold Its regular buslaess meeting TODAY AND WEDNEBDAY Tale’s Howland Memorial medal in full or twin si3e bed in a jolly Colo- high by 28” wide. .Four drawers, changoo ’— Evouing Ap^ tnal axpeaaea hot exoeedtagi Convenience. trical appllancea from groupa and F:'ranee. son; treasurer, William Austin; tomorrow afternoon at 2:18 at the V reoognlUon o f hla aenice as an SU U U •IVelve of our small fry — Just poIntmeRts by Roqncota — Individuala. Including currency and Despite efforts of Franca to keep deputy, Frank Andrewrs; assistant nial design. Just a couple of 9S-0a per day UospUallaattea a cheet of sliver flatware. Elks Home In Obckvllle. TOE NEW economist, teacher and editor. "angels with dirty faces” and an la any Hospital for SS days P.YRLbR FURNITURE CO. the French-ItaUsn dispute off the dsputy, Joseph Klaltyka; laner Hartford—Three million dollars "flat-foot floogees” floy - floy - ing CiJI Enterprte 1>00 —^ No Cor. Ch»H#r Oftk »nd Main Rtft. agenda, ths Fascist press Indicated iard, Jacob Kaeeer; tnisteea angelic Toll Charge. ter aay eae dleabUlty. The annual meeting of the stock- {a state funds waa removed from rhotie 601A ManchotWr, Conn. it expeeWd this to be the mein topic Slorg* Park, James Thompeoa and holders of the Odd Fellows BuUd- CIRCLE New York to OonnecUcut banks by way ------$P • o^H $$.00 per day tor tiradoato of conversations starting tomorrow John Fiedler. $37.50 Narae while not la Hospital MARTIN W IU ASK mg assocletlon Is scheduled for State Treasurer Joseph E. Talbott between Chamberlain and Premier SUPER GIANT for a limit of SS daya Thursday evening, January IV. at who aaid It would be his poUcy to Mussolini. SIAllI the building. The business will in SHOW NIGHT transfer all the state funds on de- TEA ' glAOO tor Aaaeetbetlc and Op- UAW CONVENTION Ntwspapera stressed Italy's claims REPORT REBEL TROOPS posit In New York, now amounting [81 T H I I ^ - S I X LOUNGE [12] SIX 9-PlECE PERIOD [16] FIFTY BOUDOIR CHAIRS, elude reports and ths election of TODAY AND WED./ A BIG FOUR HOUR SHOWt [SI EIGHTEEN INNERSPRING arattag or Delivery Room. against Franc* over all other mat- to $30,000,000, to Connecticut bank- DINISG SUITES, regularly $196 regularly $14.76 to $19.75. Tufted three directors, each to bold office StUDIO COUCHES, regularly CHAIRS, regularly $26 to $39.75. ter* likely to be discussed. ing insUtutlons aa fast as possible. seat and back or loose pillow back fg.00 per day Maternity Case (OoDttaiNd froai Page 0 «a ) for a term of three years- James B APPROACH TARRAGONA BIlGClOSBr Many have imported tapestry cov- to $249. Several all mahogany, , Bes^tallsatioa ap to a Umlt They conceded what they called Hartford—Public Works Comml^ $29.76. One-of-a-kind with corded style. Moirea, rayon damasks and Wilson is the present secretary. ru oM kn u iu r edges, and attractive upholatety. ers, others have heavy mohair. All others with swirled mahogany: of 1$ days eoaflnenMBt after had been reported prepared to at Friutce'a "head-in-the-eand policy" Stoner Robert A. Hurley r e p o r ^ chintz in gay colors. O f course, if 10 moathe from original date offered a difficulty to the conferees, (Oontlsnsd fr « « Page Ona.) ths coat of operating atate buildings are very comfortable. You’ve got all different. These are more tempt to remove Martin from the The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Here we are, out of cigarettes-^ ef^the policy. but In the main took a hopeful view la Hartford for the fiscal year end- to take ^ u r pick and swing— to than willing to have “coffee and you’re the Girl Friend of the Whiri- Dial presidency or curtail hla influence Sholom will meet tonight at the are we too mud in love (with of the outcome. cations lines with northern insuT' •a Juns 80, 1938, was U40.000 ing Dervish, you 0 Y O A toward the convention requeit. was home of Mrs. Saul Sllverstam, 38 get this certain ^ 1 Q Q kisses with ^ 1 CCQ kjeat Ananally...... $I0. gent Spain. lonrer than In the previous/ear. but these) to break 3230 undetermined. Stephen street. The xueet epeaker thing fo r ------sP A youl” ------V AiJ*7 won’t need ’em----- ^ A 4w # w w r Plaas available to Oroupe, TELLS GERMANY’S INTEKEHTt- Government diapatebes, howavar, Qovenor Baldwin aaid , hla, desire away? ------$19.95 Clean, Lomfurtable Car; Board members met with Martin will he Dr. Samuel Victor. Indlvldaiile and FamIUea. Berlin, Jan. 10.— (A P I — The in- reported Oea. Joe* Mlaja's treiops wMM “to cut them Stiil further." Conrtenn* Service At All TIraea! for an hour this morning. Despite were consolidating conquered posi- reports current that Martin would ditatrial Deutsche Allgemetne Idei- The total expenditure was $303,381 Ca U 3013 The Manchester Stamp Collectors tions. i try to suspend s majority of the tung today stressed the "delicacy" IFTY COLONIAL SOLID [17] EIGHTEEN LIVING ROOM club held its annual election o# of The Insurgent communique listed [41 EIGHT 4-PIECE SOLID [9] THIRTY - SIX “FASHION { BENJAMIN CHENEY board In hli effort* to regain con of Prime Minister Chsmberlsln's SUITES, regularly $100 to $149. CITY TAXI fleer* at it* meeting laat night at capture of the road junction town of FLOW” MODERN BEDROOM r>WY HIGHBOYS, regu- trol uf the body, a U A W official said the Hotel Sheridan. visit to Rome in view of strained MAPLE BEDROOM SUITES, ^ 118 East Center Street DENNIS MCRPHT. Prop. MoUarusa. east of Lerida; aa sd- Ijh ltE A S D R Y’S REGIONAL SUITES, regularly $99.60 — larly $69.60v Spacious chest-on- Several Grand Rapids makers.con- no such sttem.'.t was made. Itahan-Freneb relations and undsr- worth $79.60. Chest-on-chest. big vanca to within five nUlea o f MCnt- tributed these and we wish thojr No Report On Ford Rtatua Mr*. George H. Williams, supreme scored Germany's Interest in the dresser, hanging mirror, full or PRICE. Walnut, cherry or mahog- chest type, 8i.^ inches high, with president o f the Emblem club, and visit. blaach with occupation of Probist M PLAN BEING PUSHED any with blond tops. We’ve changed six large drawers. Here we go had kept thein! Angora stripeo, Martin aald he had not had an op- monastery, famous old Abbey; and twin size bdl. Mind if we change portunity to report bn his negotia- the following past president in this Ths paper said that "in view of. OUUNATOB'* our tune since we sang "M y Own, folks— this is our largest “ pocket- boucles and friezes. Jeepers, Creep- French-Italian tension the visit to occupation of several smsllsr towms After iMsyjfsort of opqrotioi), th* fomout 6»h the words ? Any time you’re Lam- tion* with the Ford Motor Company. vicinity, attended the meeting of Let Me Call You •JK ful of ers! What do we A A the past presidents’ club at the Rome of the British Prerolsr OiaiA' on or nsar ths l^rida-0*vtrs-Bsr> PLUS! Cf beth way please 0 C C H H l HI* Opponent* h lg ^ sld an account- celcna htghwray. * Washington, Jan. 10.— (A P ) — Avoovo Bovoted train* ora no moro, HoroM Sqworo dreams” — — $28.50 do with ’e m ? ------V • DoUV ing of these negotiations would be Green Hotel. Danbury, yesterday berlain has increased in importance OOMEDIBS, N f take these alon g-:-V ^ voU v -My Own"------Montblanch apparently was the The Treasury's announqed plana to- demanded. Mr*. G. L. Orasladlo, Mra. William to an extent which he could not Nat Latte . Bat Laval Immediate goal of tha Insurgent day fo r eoenpleUng the d ec«trallaa- is now ot poocoful os o poMuro (or ohnoat). And Martin yesterday charged an un- Reeves. Mr*. Raymond Hunt, and haye Imagined at tha time when' be Nat Drawteg . BotDatea! campaign. I t Is only about 30 mllas Nat Algebra . Bat ttoa ef ita tax review machinery. Free named U AW official had "Insnuat- Mrs. John Coleman, vice president conceived the plan to meet Premier New emcee will be opened begin- ovory room In tho Hotel AAeAlpln it o RESTful room. Free from the coastal city, Tarragona, Advantare! [18] EIGHTEEN SOLID MAPLE of the Rockville Emblem club. Mre. j ed that I have been endeavoring to MuaaoUnL" ' , ning Feb. 1 in various regions at [10] ONE HUNDRED POSTER [14] TWENTY-FOUR INNER- Brown, wife of the proprietor of the and about 30 milea southeast cC [5] TWELVE GOVERNOR WIN- LOUNGE CHAIRS, regularly The Gian t Tig er Market Will Hold establish a company union" in Ford Stressing Naxi economic interests which taxpayers can appeal from This ii^of cowr*o,ttlH onothor rooion for you to slay BEDS, regularly $9.96 to $19.76. SPRING MATTRESSES, regularly Green Hotel la a past president of Lerida. TODAY THROP DESKS, regulaily $89.76. plants, terming the statement an ex- in the Mediterranean through aver Income and other Federal tax con $16.95. Reversible spring seats the Emblem Club of DMbury. It Northsm Posltten* Unchaagsd Wad. and Hand rubbed mahogany flnlah, 88” Made. wdnut or mahogany fin- $14.96 to ':$19.76. Floor samples, A Drawing On Thursday and ' ample of 'the Irresponeibtllty and closer cooperation o f Germany and STATE troreiaies without going to Wash’ boro when In Now York. some alightly shopworn. Full and and backs and maple frames. When wra* a luncheon meeting and kt- Italy In every field, the paper said The advances were In the ceatral M Al< I O wide, authentic interior, 4 drawers, IphM in .full or twin sire, but not ; the anti-union character” of the tended by about 38 of tha past tngtoo- twin ■ sizes, many with pre-built you see these chairs youll admit Saturday Nights Until Further I official. these interests were more under- and southern sone o f ths Cataloalah TTm„ i daeeotralteation progiam bj- locks, escutcheons, 4 ball and daw every sire in eaiCh flnish. One look preatdsnts o f clubs from all parts front. Positions w’cr* unchanged m gan teat aimuner with the esta^ IlG , K A U TtfUl. NEW ROOMS WITH lATH borders; several with damask tick- that we’ve "got something there” Todays Board meeting, called of Connecticut Bingo was played standable now that' Oermanya fM t. We’ve just adopted one and we whistled “ My dreams are I after Martin's latest "purge" of aouthemmost border ia only 50 miles the north between Arteaa d* Segr* tlahmcnt of regional offices on the Singlo from $ 9 • Dowblo from |)4 .S O aa worthless as tin O C ing. Ferdinand! ^ Q Q CC —worth any- N otice! after the business session. and Tremp. padfle coast. Similar offices now new Governor, alleged l'omm\mi*t element* in by air from that sea. - S^H O O I to raej" ------Where is that bull?— ^QoU^ body's money $10.95 WE WILL GIVE AWAY FOOD BASKETS CHOCK I local union, was more than an hour The paper also aaid Insurgent The govamment. meanwhile mra ta operatloo to New York, Chl- 1 M M A e o E i 9^00 Stetten boys! $25.00 pushed Its Campaign aloim the cago snd In the central Avialaei FULL OF MEATS. GROCERIES AND late In getting under way. Oenerallaetmo Ftanco's winter oSen- /•isaitt I* OeeeS CsWisI alv* In Spain might play an im- southwestern froat In Cordoba mmooaed of Mlehl(an. Ohio as VEGETABLES provtnc*, . sacking to drive a wadga- A 4 D bnee sles er deer portant role in the C b M ^ riiln - KMrta* y . ______Bring In ThU Coapon and Deposit Same At the Store! Shanad offanslv* to the railroad con- FORTY FAMOUS MAKH [19] THREE 2-PlECE LlVDia BAN F-MIGRE I’.AFEKS WEDDINGS MussoUnt talks. [6] FORTY-EIGHT PARLOR [11] TWENTY-FOUR KAPLAN tl5) necting SavUl* with northern IB- HANDMADE BEDS, regularly INNERSPRINGINNl MATTRESSES, ROOM SUITES, regularly $79.60. The Drawing W’ill Be Held Each Thursday and aurgent Spain. Barcelona eommuni- GAI7AIN HONMtRD BT RING 1 " A q l A T 1 TABLES, regularly $I0;00 to Prague. Jan. 10.—(APl— The AOOn>ENT V IC TIM DOES $49.75 to $69.50. Poster style with regularly $29.76 and $3.3.50. Floor London dub , style with kpufikle Saturday At H P. .M. quea reported the goveransent ^ I ■ Or U m Srrm 8 how< WITH 8 PPPWIAI 08ICIB tl$7MI8AN7$ $14.96' lamp, occasional, coffee and Czfch-. Interior Ministry^ today ban- Oslo, Norway, Jan. 10— (A P ) — samples’ of the most expensive arms. Yes, we must see Anpie to- ned five periodicals of the so-called De Simone-Anderson armies ware about 68 mllaa from the end tables. Many abe o f solid ma- pineapple, acorn and um-top posta. DON’T MISS THIS OFFER! ' Mr. and Mra. Jamas Andenoo Middletown, Jan. 10 — (A P ) — Pcctuguese frontlar. with four BOB X SHIBLEY King Haakon today appointed Capt. Cnbaji mahogany in mellow shellac. makes. Full and twin sizes: Blue- night! Hello Central. g|Y« us R German emigra press. The order, ef- Charles Daniels, 4$, of Portland, (Stem Smltk of the American hogany; many of Grand Rapids fective for all ^echoslovakta, pro- 184 Highland atraat, aanounee the ooluams driving yrestward fanwlss HOPE BOBS Bell, Ostermoor, Steams A Foster, line, calling Bryant seven o*ninSb ^lasaa OBS of a groim of sight persons la- Intoite Badajoa fravtace. ' itTsmTT BfhQdaefc a Knight at 8L m ^ e ! You can see that we diidn’C One “tester” bed. “They say we hibited the Importation of the fol- marriage of their daughtsr, Doris HOTML MoAlePlN and Simmons. Q Q I C (for Annie’s our 0 C t C A A Ann, to Matthew DeSimone, eon of Jmed Jsn. 8 at CnmwsU ia a oMU- msuifant natemants Otef ta recogiritton eC Ida part in know our ” tablea” Q C JuftbeUerelnhello A Q A 'J tt ^^ddraaa lowing pubUcatlona printed abroad Mr. and Mra. DeRttBaona aC ttoa Ittvotvtng A truck bo was driv- na ana Baleiaanna. hee *

WAITOHWTBR E fg m w q her AT.D. MAHCHESTER. CONH. TOETOAT, JAHTTART iM W f OFFICERS ARE ELECTED DOCTOR REVERSES 40 PLANES READY Manchester FLAN MYSTERY HKE f^iuhlngton Daybookm BRITISH DEFEND How Long Gamer Can Hold such Mg JoaesM m New York In FOR LUTHER LEAGUERS complaining that such alrplanM aa • SERIAL STORY BY THE RAINBOW UHNX Date Book JUm rl^rEtfr art produced sre eoetlng st lasst quits every way. Health aiid Diet Democrats in Line Question FOR HAVANA HOP SO per more then they have Haro In Maaehaatsr, and In a eorvRWNT. issa. mnjTARY TACTICS FORMER OPINION This Week NBA SSRViea. INC. lEvntittg % »ralh Any ilth t to. good many other auch plaea. It haa I P R E S T O M G R O V E R | Advice NO TIME TO MARRY Jan. U — Skating masquerade To B4> Held Next Toefiday Eve* Sloreorer, even now, after all always been a good bit of a prob- Beulah Robb Rnceeeda Alice Bv W. B. R.4GSDALB » For the vice presldept has only party a t Center Springs pond, susr fling; If Weather Is poU puituauiCD Bi Tim By DB. FBANK MeCOT BY ELI MORE CO W A N STO NE Preston Aa Worthy .\dvisor; an Inconsequential amount Of pices of local SpOrts Club. RAlXt PRINTINO COMPAKT, RtC. these months of scare and anxiety, lem whether or not the garbage col- Washington —One of the roultl-Tcascs be haa studied, and most of Washington. Jan. 10.—(AP) — , Six Women Among Pilots To Skating To Be Enjoyed. farioua duties of this government la them an of a type which makes War Office Statement Be- Tells £^how get It down to the above the average In Intelligence. Cynthia Interrupts, then Vhr tele- curvlng stairway with a nthtf- officer, and Marguerite Pwbody. in- differences of opinion. In spend- to compel obedience. Hermlltnda Briones, girl tiler from___ I Feb. 15-18 — St, Bridget’s carol- care about hiking, transportation All rlfthta of republicatlone of The reason for starving the ticks The symptoms which may arise phone rings and Jfutet senses some- <»untered in quelling a revolt where tered to that of reckless driving. Rapaclal dienatrhea herein are alao ra- Unn. (L street Iey4l they'll smash It up and wroiight iron railing which Lance stalling marshal ; Alice/Preston. In- ^ KlukenskI was operator of a car ing. in national defense. In the Garner's key (loeltion. despite the Ecuador, wbo niter days of effort I val. will be furnished. Ntndles Oesrm Bearers Is to find out horw long they will from nervousness cover so muen thing Is tvrong. had got from a dismantled man- about L.^OO "active rebels are inex- farm program, or a half dozen finally had her name added to the aarved. They'll gel going, one of these pile It ihto the truck as If It were Dr. Francis, who for 36 yean survive and atlll harbor the in- territory they would fill a large tricably mixed" '"Ith the peace-pur- stalling chaplain. / ; which collided with an auto driven fragile substance of which It Is sion In South Carolina. other Items, they may find the pow- made, already has been evidenced list of those who would fly to Cuba roll aarrlca client of N. R. A. Sere- dni-a, aa they illd In the World War, no 'meire trouble than a lost-yeir'a haa been experimenting with fectious spirochetss. The ticks volume, but In general the nervous CHAPTER III suing Arab-Jeulsh citizenry. cn Spencer street by Sebastian Fal- M I n c . ticks and other bearers of mis- starve In caves and burrows for By the first of the ye^ .cone Of 751 Main street. After the der that will shatter all appear- by’ the Congressional hubbub which by Invitation of the government. She .and when they do they'll r(iill hand- bird'! nest If the rejected boiler patient will complain of such symp Juiet called, "Hello! Hello, HMd-h'ttlng American phrsaes. ance of party harmony had been ruled out because of the Mamber American Sewapaner Pub- chievous germs, recently returned years and then attach themsslves toms as trembling, a fast thump house would be ready. lu cen t throughout the statement. I collision. Klukenskl's car rolled centers in his office. pollshlng gun intrlsgcs and take or safe Is too big for a couple of to some durklea.‘i rodent or human Lance!" Jabot's breath caught. CoiH down a bank, and looped aroimd to Will Tr> to Harass Democrats. Every Important committee of limited cruising range of her little,' Uahera Aaaoclaiinn. from a Baltimore hospital where tng of tho heart, Irritability, weak Lance's voice said, "Unten dar- '^B^Eted surprised comment In the TW OTOW li^ open-cockpit plane. line If It Isii I too Ifliskles to handle tbey'll telepbone he Mifvlved one siege uf rcUifinlng and get a new lease on life at the be What Lance had wanted ’Wltlsh press. Such wxjrds and strike the home of Luigi Bogglnl. The constant efforts of Republi- both Senate and House has men In I . Publl.hera ’ Renre^e;;....^ ^ : tI;; I “P ""''"’'•'V ness, perspiring of tho hands under ling. I've got to talk to you . . . cans to provoke a Democratic up- I win 'take a message from the ' 'fur a drjuirtnient derrick truck — li'w r (•ontriu'lcd while handling same time they spread the Infec- stress or tension, and early fatigue But not here.” he added hastily. her ab^ut? Had something pnrases as "thugs”, "bumping off KlukenskI was represented In strategic positions who look to Gar- ^Dllut M»thcw» Hperltl Atf^nry — ' l^»tc. tion. Control methods thus must wrong with the plana for court last night by Judge William rising are a factor not to be die- women of my country.'" she aald. York. ChIcAKo. Detroit Atid Boiton. 'and off whisks the Iron liox. kin cjf the starving 14 Ho Is likely to be especially sensi- Not with the others around. Come and "racket" were used. ner for friendly advice and counsel. Another aviatrix. Miss Bessie Now he has published a report reckon with an almost famine tive to pain, and he la also likely house? Perhaps Mr. Benton had Seek To Avoid Open Conflict ACCOUNTS MIXED 8. Hyde and before the court open- regarded. All along the way will When they come to him. he tells MEMBER AUriT ntTREAtJ OF Moat any New England conuiiu- aa quickly as you'can, wir you?" spring up opportunities hy which Owen of Santa Barbara. Calif., plan- ■ on the condition of hla charges, proof disease spreader. to be easily led by suggestion, in At sound of something strained knov.-n about It, (uid had told Cyn The statement said the Army ac- ed Dr, Conlon (examined KlukenskI them In short and practical wonis ned to make the Havana hop the I ClRCULATiOaNS. IS.S MILLION QIIE.STIONS nity could hold a town meeting well Into their sixth year of starva- Incidentally, Dr. Francis Is not the sense that if he hears about a at lunch that day. For Cynthia tivities had been twisted by propa- again. In this examlnatloi Dr. M. the Increased minority will try to what he would do. and Insistent In hla tone, Janet felt harass the Democrats. first leg of flight to South America . For Eyesight Tha Herald Prlntlnf Company Inc., tion. Originally there were 119, the only one In the bureau qf pub knew something. gandists. that the main object of the M. Morlarty was also present. It When you hear an you do every over any one ol these Items. And disease, he begins to imagine he la her own throat tighten so pain- He has known and been closely for an air trip up the Amazon river. 1 aaanmee no dnanrlal reanenelbllity but the others died. All survivors lie health who has been afflicted developing Its .symptoms. rebels was to avoid open conflict T^disiirer Under An^est And was found that KlukenskI had sus- That they have clung together associated with many of these men for typosraphlnal error* anpeartna In time two or three business rticn get the Manehester Board of Hclei I with dangerous .diseases while fully that she knew her effort to this long Is credited by many con- She has explored most of Asia and i advartlacmante In tha Aftnebcetar are females. By an odd quirk of In questioning patients as to when seem casual must have failed mis- A .squirrel pe'ered at Janet with British troops, leaving the lat- tained an injured leg and arm and for years. .Some were those who Europe and a part of Africa by air. i together exrlanintkins of dlsgird men, ronfmnteil by the question of government organlzntlon, the re- .studying them. Dr. Charles Arm ter with no alternative but the that he had broken his glasses in (fressmen primarily to the opera- Kvanina Herald. their nervous symptoms first ap- erably. from behind the trunk of an tions of the vice president, a plain kept him Informed of sentiment In and Impatlemc over the cstent to whiil to do nlMHit one throwrn-oiit jM>rt Is published by the treasury, strong recovered from psitticosts peared It Is common to find a his- oak, scurried down, and advanced . present methods of offense. / CoBector In Hosintal With the accident. Under these condi- ^ate delegations ten years ago which, like the ticks, is alao a bit and a half dozen years ago was She saw Barney McKnIght’s The methods, sold the War O ff^ . spoken Texan with homely habits TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 which government la hugging In- pliino or holler, might be reason- tory of the patient being noticeably keen blue eyes flick Cynthia’s in- cauUoualy, stopping from time to tions, Dr. Conlon told the court, he when he was the House Democratic Saving hungry these days. able to donate a pint of blood to were to throw cordons around/Vil- and an amazing lack of most of the bothered by his nerves after some tent face, turn to the frozen mask time to stand up and InjJpect her, felt that it was due to the Injuries leader. BERLE DENIES REPORTS llistry and business, you may Im.ig- ably expected to make It’ the sub- Dr. Francis la not likely to die use In preparing acnim to admin sort of cri.sis, either he has had a lages and search for known rtbels. Wound In Head. sustained that resulted In his condi- requirements for political power. SMUGGLERS Jeel of serial oonableratlon ox'er at of old age before the ticks die ol istcr to Mrs. Borah, wife of the that was her own, and back again. hl.s tiny paws ludicrously clasped to shoot any who tried to esMpe, to Ine that the protests relste to In- sick spell, or he has lieen disappoint- Then with a provocative word he across his middle, his mouth ob- tion rather than being under the leant a dozen meetings—and then starvation, as ho Is a robust per- senator, who contracted the dis- ed in an affair of the heart, or he hold men for ldentlflcatlon.,4nd to influence of liquor. OF SPYING AT UMA Smuggling of luxuries Into this tentional, tyrannical atlempls to son of 60 -and utterly happy about ease from one of a pair of love, drew the attention of the other viously watering. Finally, reas- blow up houses where re)Jat and beret from her Janet had been so absorbed In Invgktment Aaaociation. with a bullet wound In bis head, list Conlon did. Tho junior basketball league the searching of the delegation II through conspiracy, and almoat aJ- btmdred and ' thirty-five million ____ By Gaorga Roaa closet. "I'll have to fly.” the squirrel that she had not games will sU rt at 5 o'clock. Games ceived a letter from a man in head. Trouble of that nature mav as uncollected certain taxes for Man Was Tired papers during the whole stay at I; wayB arlthout even a shadow of the question forms sent out by tha gov- New Rochelle, N. Y„ 1600 miles SoEcitation By Lawyers Al- bring out a nervous condition, pro- Barney McKnIght unwound his noticed Lance's approach until he healing. W. Va., Jan. 10.—(AP) which the supposedly delinquent are scheduled as follows: Chlorination Plant. Uma. We found the Peruvian gov- long legs and t t o ^ up. »Po|je Judge WlUlam S. Hyde told the High Hatters vs. Wild CJats. Moxeuaa of neceasity. ernment, These people and con- from here, saying he had found vided the psttent makes a faulty re William E. Baker ordered property owners hold "photostatic court that his client was a barber ernment lerfect and eourtMnis Tbo cashier who steals a hun- New York Wall Street may the balloon In his yard Jan. 3. 16 adjustment to his problem. In "I have Inside Information that Now, in spite of the lightness of agnts continued In Federal copies of checks given to Mr. Dibble Meteors vs. East Sides. hosts. cerns had to make out and return gauge the upward and down ward hours after It waa released here, most Scandal, Association ether words, it le the way the pa- It’s not good flying weather,” he his words, she stood up bsirtlly, _„'ict Court here today on the by trade. He worked in New Brit- Comets vs. All Stars. ’.Srod dollars to pay the coet of a I and receipts signed by him" for the ain and had started work at eight Slstlngton. Pn-. Jen. 10.— (AP) — "These conferences do not Indulge 97,600,000 reporta and retiirna to trend by graphs and charts and t ...... »• tient feels about the situation which aald. "How about my driving you startling the squirrel Into a tree (^UUon of the Fidelity Investment The senior bsshctball league In secret diplomacy,” ha co n tln u ^ i * surglea} operation for a relatlva, wherever you’re going? Won’t cost top, thinking, her ayes on Lance's o'clock Saturday morning, working games are as follows: Englneen speeded efforts today to adminIstraUva agendas, besides dizzying culuuina of flgiirea. But Delegates Told. helps to make him nervous, others Association for d lsm ls^ of a re- McLaughlin did not say how much until 10 o'clock. He then went out "The custom of frank dealing la . tbo Saturday night stick-up who 88,000,000 others In rfsponse to she could duplicate Miss Sidney's making a different adjustment and you a cent." face, ftomethlng Is wrong. Bonw- estw rihlp action brought by a group w u involved, but Indicated Green A. C. vs. Center BllUarda remedy a break-down In the bor- general." when a cleaner and ilyer sees myr- feeling In a dlffent way, do not be- "Thanks a lot. but no,” Janet thlng'a terribly wrong with and played poker until 4 o'clock ough’s chlorination plant os physl raba B flIUng station to enabls him questionnaires sent to them by success as s fugitive. e « j that hi. department would (xmtinue Sunday morning. After that he en- 7:30. iad spots before his eyes, then he come nervous, even though they called back over her shoulder. "It's Aloud she said U ^tly, "Lance, Chief Counsel Austin V. Wood for invesUgatlon of Dlbble’e books, P.A.A.C. Vi. Pagani's Barbers, clans sought the source of a baf- .. to put up a ‘Yronf* wlU> bla beat non-admlnlatratlva agencies, soma Chicago. Jan. 10 - (API—Legis- only a flutter. I’m practically darling, I thought you wars never gaged in a game of craps until 10 known that proaperlly has turned Presto I may go through very elmllar trou- tbs y**^r**“^,Vi* Former Treosarer Arrested 8:30. fling stomach ailment which has gilt, tha hungry waif Vho steals 6f them solicited so that the gov- They were telling Dick Hlmbcr, lation to curb solicitation of divorce bles, It Is this feeling state of the there." coming. Don't they know-at the Ernest C. Alderman, former town o’clock. For that reason he was Troop 3 Girl Scouts will meet In the corner. A gravy stain Is no patient, which acts as a mental Irri- office that a man who’s going to delphia district of Penn^ranla held gf Burlington, was arrest- sleepy when he was driving home. made 700 of this Lehigh valley : botUao of milk from doorsteps, ernment Itself might be able to an- blot upon the nation’s financial es- professional bandmaster and ama- business by lawyers was considered Judge Garrity Imposed a fine of the Franklin School at 6 o'clock. town's 4,000 residents 111. teur magician, that one of the chief tation and tho irritation in turn, Before the mirror over the but- be married In a week needs a little * H^^fixed *<1 yeateiday.* his attorney, A new series ot swimming les- thsBS at laaat commit their crimes swer citisens' questkina. today by the House of Delegates of vestment loan c o n t^ to . _ He fixed jn_ Hanrahan said, on a $26 and costs. Although entire families were cutcheon, aecordlng to the boys tricks of Howard Thurston was to keeps the nervous symptoms going. terfly table In the hah Janet time for preUmlnaries?” sons for women will start tonight. stricken, health officials reported a P o p u l a r under aome aort of preaaure. For The exasperating part of all thla the American Bar Association. However, in addition to thte men- ''A lot Hallowell and Beaton their value at only 8,000 of the com- Other Ootui Cases who renovate our wardrabe.s. They make a horse vanish Into thin air. ■topped to straighten her beret pany’s outstanding oertiflcates and warrant charging him with four Morton E. Cushman, 38, of South This series of lessons will continue decrease Ig the number of new tba g«m smuggler and tha knowing U that the same Information waa are, rather signs of good times. "Pooh!" exlalmed lumber. In one or two states the practice tal irritation, there Is usually pres- and survey herself. For even the care when I'm going to be niar- coupts of converting public funds to for 12 weeks. Time of classes Is as caaes during the post 24 hours. "has for some time been almost a ent some kind of physical irritation, ried,” Lance aald with ooccentrat-y declared they were .of Inaufllclent Windsor, pleaded guilty to the purehaaer cf nonggled finery for demanded, In many caaes, over and I’hll Cooper, who Is one of Man- "Henry Ford did that 30 years most casual encounter with Lance, value to warrant the litigation. He private use. charge of operating a motor vehi- follows; None of the coses was considered M a r k e t aalf adornment there la about aa ago!” scandal," H. W. Arant. dean of law which Is actively at work In con- one must be point device. Lance ed bitterness. "A lot they car Judge 8. Russell Mink, counsel for 7:00 to 7:46—Beginners. serious. over again. In one particular. It la hattan’s cleaning and dyeing tlUna, of Ohio Btate University said in a tributing to the nervous condition. whether I ever get iharriad or ijot fixed the total at more than $34,000,- the town of Burlington, raid the cle while under the influence of 855 Main Street Uttla escuae fu any criminal c. has polled his own tabulation of really noticed tne little details that 000. . I liquor. He raid be waa married, was 7:46 to 8:30—Intermediate. Some. physicians blamed the ail- asserted that practically the aame statement on behalf of the commit- In all my experience with nervous make the difference between per- • • . I can't bear to tell you total convenrioiM charged in the ment on polluted drinking water. A Rubinow BuiMing muster. the gravy turnover and what he patients i have yet to find a patient Jan. I'm afraid It's going to wirack Edward Lamb, eotmsel for Altoe the father of five children and was WEST SIDE question has been aaked twelve reports la encouraging. tee on Professional Ethics and fect-. grooming and that thrown- p . Hutchinaon of Toledo, C., who lit- four unts amount to about $16.- warning to boll all water went out In the CAM of thla man Chap- JEW REFUGEES ENJOY Grievances. who Is markedly nervoue who could together look. everything — for the present, I 000. A Hartford accounting firm, he tarnlng $18 a week. Saturday night 6 to 7:80—Junior basketball prac- times hy twelve different statistics tervenad os a defondant, asked die- bs drove to Manchester to visit tics in the gym. as a report was awaited from an “Where Thrifty arsau, whil obviously was a profea Following a nation-wide tally, I The Committee recommended that he said to be one hundred per cent As a matter of fact, without be- mean of course . . . They told me. miaeol of the receivership peUUon. ozld,^ (Uaclosed a ahortogs In Alder Allentown laboratory, where sam- searchera our Mr. Cooper says: "The mark- ! healthy. Usiiallv. there Is pres- Just this morning, that efter the eoDM rclatlvea and bad a few 7:30 to 9:00—Junior ping pong Shoppers Shop" atonal and who baa Just been con- MOVIES IN BALTIMORE the Association spon.sor a law mak- ing beautiful, or even convention- but requested an Injunctton to re- $16,^2.48 and ples were taken for analysis. Drink- Nobody. Iras't of all tha Industri- ed Increase In gravy stains as com- ing It a crime for any person to ent In addition to the nervous symp- ally pretty, Janet was one of those first I’m taking a 26 pep'cent sal- strain the company from further euggeated th ^ the ehortye drinks. and pool in the junior room. TRY ZB I. E. S. LAMP pared to the amount of those count- toms, considerable evidence of a He was fined 1100 and costs, with. 7 to 10—Badminton in the gym for ing fountains were shut off In all victed Cf smuggling clothing for alists and biialneas men, < wants solicit such business by mall. -The rarely fortunate women so trimly ary cut.” / h ^ e s a in ttaT home office at | be increased by a thorough e x a ^ - public schools. the wife of a New York state Su- ed In other surveys made In recent Board of Governors approved the general toxemia of self-polsonlng. designed that they manage to look Wbeellng and aeveral aoora branch stion of the accounts prior to Aug. $60 remitted and given thr oppor- men and women. WED. A. M. SPECIALS! the government to operate In the years around this tlipe. prove that Baltimore, Jan. 10 — (AP) - A The toxic state may be produced by tunity to pay the $60 and coet or 7:30 to 9:80—Two alleys reserved Tbs ailment Is characterised by preipe Court Judge, there la much boatload of German Jew refugees recommendation and sent It to the well groomed even In a March Janet sat down qliWly. An oak ofiNcee until an audit was made. 26, 1986- passing nausea, vomiting and dlssl- / in your own home dark aa to all these matters of la- more turkeys were bought and wrong habits of eating, constipa- leaf fluttered dowry Into her lap; Seymour M. Hellbron of New Tbe report quoted Alderman as go to Jail for five days. He selected for the Swedish group. Shop Wednesday Morning to ^ d lc a te that he had been ren- prepared to sail for Routh America House of Delegates. tion. lack of exercise, insufficient gale. the latter. neas. bor and financing costs which are rooked this Thanksgiving than at State delegates gathered today to It was due partly, no doubt, to and ahe picked Jt up and ex- York, counsel for the receivership telling the auditors be started 7:30 to 9:80—T*o alleys reserved dering aimilar aervlca to a number any other since Ill-fated 1929." and new homos today after a night relaxation and other faulty breath diverting fuhds to his own use In With him when he was stopped for the old ntnety-ninsra. forever being Inquired about. But In the United .States gleefully spent nominate a candidate for prisident, the expert workmanship of her amined It In g ^ t detoU before petlUonera. aald a receivership was Store Closed At 1 P. M. ^ motion picture people In Holly- There were 6.600,000 gravy atnlns. habits. she said, speaking very carefully. necessary "because shortly there will 1932. on Main street waa William C. Mor- nothing oould be clearer than that If you Insist upon knowing how at the movies and in restaurants. to be elected at the national con- The average nervous patient will slim hands and feet, partly to the ris, 29, and Andrew Morris, 66, of SONS DENTIFY YICTIM /wood. All of thoae mentkmeil are vention at San Francisco In July. proud, clean line of her neck and But Lance—i^ y , they like ywur be jud^ents and attachments In SUte Police Ueut. WiUard E. AT NO COST there should be. In the government, many folk sll|i|>ed their napkins- Since early November." com- be found to be making an unwise work so m uc^ Mr. Hallowall told other states.” Bushy, Investigating the shooting of Broad Brook. They were charged / M g •income people. They are under and New York led with more Spots mented one, "Jews have not been Officials said Charles A. Beardsley selection of f(x>d. Probaly he Is In shoulders, partly to the lustrous DENY BEGUrS REQUEST BHOULDBK I C U B E a ntaflatlral department, operated me so bimsM only last month at Dibble Dec. 38, woatld say only that with Intoxication. A fine of $10 and OF’%ANG MURDER* than any other city In the country. allowed In moving picture theaters, of Oakland, Calif., a member of the the habit of using stimulants such sheen of her creamy skin, and per- the tax collector’s head wound waa costs was Imposed In each of their / so preaeure of clrcumstancea that Board of Oovemora, was the likely haps a great deal to the way her that dinner he gave tor us.” by a master accountant, which Now our Mr. Cooper doean't cafea or rostauranls In Germany." as coffee or tea, to excess. He "Oh, t ^ t l ” Lance aald dully. inflicted by "no ona else". He eald TO A'hEND FUNERAL WOYT aray aas far yeeraelf what a might prompt them to stick their Practically all of the 143 exiles, choice. comes to rely upon them because hair grew—In luxuriant, smooth STEAKS idiuuM aak the queetlona. ask them want to’start any fracas shout their waves about her forehead and It Isn't that. And it Isn’t Just me. TOWN C H A R in COST he was still Investigating the man- Fred Edward, 32, Rockville, Pittsburgh, Jan. 10.—(AP)— Two dlffereoee It maaea to yew raeilag bands Into the government's pock- respective table manners between who carefully avoldiil giving their Propoeed Laws Approved they give him a temporary lift. ner in which Dibble, 40-year-old charged with violation of the rules sons of a Pittsburgh man mys- only once, and thereafter have the Proposed legislation to revise the delicate ears, framing her face so It's a /general cut. Necessary re- eemtort to kave prepev light, hy et. If they have been cheating the the sexes, but accuracy compels name to questioners, were granted Poselbly he could use the same bev- trenchment Is the slogan. Hard Justice oif the peace and $prmer of the road, pleaded guilty and was Accused Man PIcada Innocent teriously slain early today In what responsive information so filed and National Labor Relations Act and to erages In moderation without their grarioiisly that It did not seem to JUMPS IN DECEMBER 19eib. astog eer niE B TRIAL ptaa ee ae custom house it has been done of him to report that there were st landing piuses after the Chilean matter that her features were ir- ‘We are sura you gentle- commander of the Westbrook Amer- fined $6 and costs. Of Shooting Pretty Di- detectives said they believed was a arranged that any department that least a million more gravy atalns steamer Imperial docketl for a one- outlaw sit-down strikss waa ap- affecting his nerves. Also, he is ican Legion post, was abot. Judge Henry Hunt sppesved for ‘gang murder," identified the vte- L E. 8. Lamp, goer er tahia toeflelSi deliberate purpose and with the In- proved lost night by the House of generally a great user of either regular. and hSr mouth too gener- would all rather go akmg vcrcee; Awaits Hearing Jan. needed It could get It from the on milady's clothing than there night stay. ous for perfect beauty. w^ us tor awhile than make it The ah(x>Ung occurred at Stan- ElUs B. Nye, 28, of (ilsstonbury, ttm at the countv morgue as 49-1 tent to be cheats and ctimlnala. were on men's. Of course, thla Permltteil tn leave Germany, but delegates. The group also approved starch or sugar or both. The nerv- See Prospects Of Continaed In- nard Beach, Westbrook, Just a few 16. statisticians instead of diivli^ tha ous patient therefore uaoa a lop- 'When you were made, Jan,' nmessary for us to dispense en- charged with operating a motor year-old Sam MolUce. After yen have ratlaM yanraeit Thla Is one ras«- which every may be due to the fact that Papa with few poseeaslons, they are on a bill designed to ensure judicial re- rely with some of you’ . , . That , crease IJae To WPA Layoff; rmnutes before two examiners from vehicle while under the Influence of Fork Ghopi individual in hla factory or hla view of the decIsliMM of Federal ad- sided diet and he adila Insult to in- Lance once said, “Nature tu rn ^ the State Tex Office arrived to be- He had been stabbed “about 14 that yen need bettor Ughttag wHh properly dis|>osetl citizen will want was carving tn all directions and their way to Peru, Chile, Bolivia and out a perfectly finished produci kind of blurb.” 86 More On Rolls. liquor. Judge Hunt told the court Lebanon. N. H.. Jan. 10—(AP) — times, probably T.ith a ■stiletto” and counting room crazy with an end- mussed up the dainty orgamlle along Onlombla, countries they aald had ministrative sgendes and to jury by gulping his food In a gin an examination of the books. that the young man had never be- Police held Henry O deon Begin be- aa L E. B. tooHh eeleet the atyla and to aee prosecuted straight through hurry. ^)Uh one exception—as if a masi He was sitting with bis elbows shot four times, said County Detec- leaa bombardment of requests for with the tablecloth. Mr. Ciropet granted them entrance providing tabllah more uniform methods of on his knees, his face between hie Prospects of fast mounting ebart- Hospital authorities said Dibble fore been In trouble and that be hind JaU bars today, uDheeding bU price that ralto yen. et year denlrf*a to the end, with no favoritism , to won’t allow himself to be put on procedure by such agancleo. Other physical causes of nerv- architect said, ‘Now this time bad a "fairly good” chance for re- request that he be aUowed to attend tive A. T. Lorch, who added. 2 lbs* 29^ Information already given over and they had eome funds. ousness may be: eyestrain, hem- going to show them what I cupped palms, hU eyes starihg ty costs were seen today hy town wee not known to be a person that "We think It's a gang murder but | atom er at enr zhewreem. LIheral anyone—wives of judges. Holly, the spot shout that. , 'The liner was scheduled to sail The delegates endorsed the ' officials who reported that reliet covery and that the rifle bullet has drank liquor. A fine of $100 with the funeral of Mrs. Frieda Edson. over again. orrhoids, and pelvic congestion. do when I really try;’ and then, miserably off serosa the ravins. ' we don't know yet what tha motive { tom s et ynymenta are avnilahle wood players or anyone else. Jubilant as he Is about the thla afternoon for New York, from ciples of collective bargaining Even wbUe Janet’s heart ached axpenaea for December re'jresent a iu>t yet been removed from bla head. $80 ramlltod was Imposed. pretty divorcee whom the 88-year- Thanksgiving returns, Mr. Cooper tha use of labor tribunals to setUe In tomorrow's article I ahall tell after planning every dimensiim to old male hairdresser Is charged with waa." ■ j where It will continue to Routh you about the Treatment of Nerv- hair's breadth, thought to^ him-, with pity tor him, ehe amiled to lariga Ininease over those for the Leoiiiard Butkus, 36, of Buckland .The body was found along a.rural i seems to be happier about the AmericA labor disputes but advocated amend- oiumeas. Look for it in this news- self, ‘Oh, but this won't after herself—a little secret, triumphant preceding month. December charges, street, Routh Windsor, arrested by slaying last Saturday. Soup Moot BRITAIN’S AR.MS COSTS THE HULL REPORT Chrlitmai and New Year results. ment of the Labor Act. Officer Arthur Seyowur Friday aft- Begin pleaded Innocent of* shoot- road. V paper tomorrow. all. It’s too perfectlyregular. amlle. For ehe loiew samathiiig some $600 more than In November, ZIMMER WILL MOVE The eons, Frank, 20, and James, Last yrar'sL celebration, he confides One of the proposed rsvlslona that Lance had never gueseed . . . were made necessary by the shift' ernoon, waa found guilty of intoxi- ing the 28-year-old mother, but Po- Great Britain is going to spend Becretary Hull, after having There must be eotaetbltig to make lice Chief Clarence Wright said be 18, said their father left his home In us. yteldeff, more than a million would provide that after on slccUon qt'EfmONIV A?fD .ANSWERS. It really lovabto and o t^ . I’ll Just If only he wouldn’t msHe it too tng of over i50 family heads from cation and fitjeld $10 and costa. iQ C lbe during the next fiscal year about made at Lima a couple of speeches liquor stains from dress suits, tux- MOORE ADVOCATES or a certification of n majority bar- (Hoarseneea). hard tor her . . . later expreraed a wish that police abdut II o'clock last night. Hs wore ■tick a reatful nook m here where WPA to tho poaslhllity of need for AGAIN FOR EXTENSION “hang me right away and have It no overcoat and did not say where aeven times aa much per capita on that IKI-scssed the quality of real edos and evening gowiis. And he gaining agency "no strlks, picket- Question: Minnie asks: “What no one will expect it—a place Later ahe was to recall that fear -'direct aid.' LOOK FOR THE expects an lnrrea.se fro(n that figure done with—thla suspense Is ter- he was going or whom be was to rMTnulincnt a.i the ilffcnB* plitn of importanee, and whleh may leave a ing, or boycott should be tolerated makes me suffer from’ hoarseness where people can /relax and be with bitter amusemenL In December 86 persons were for 1930. RECOVERY IN MESSAGE and any labor organizations resort- every winter? Lose my Voice and COOGAN FURNISHINGS rible." meet. the United Stat<’.s coils for. Even Inatlng Impre.ss on the history’ of Hr ran rerall the days when really at home’ . / . That’a your (To Be Continued) piac^ on direct reiirf raisiiy BoKrd Of Scleetnen To Hear Begin waa refused permission to Fronkfnrtt ing to such' weapons should be de- have to whl.sper. Feel a little sick, fuhny little face, Aarllng." number now cared for to 1.116. De-| Morgue attendants said he was during the present year she Is this Vontlnenl, returns home to llUker stains railed for weaving. nied recognition and standing for a but not especially had. ' No fever. view M n. Edson, whose funeral to shot four times, twice tn the head Instead jjf- cleaning, because the Trenton.'N. J„ Jan. 10 (AP) cember’a charges amounted to $8.- OFFERED AT AUCTION day at 3 j>. m. was private. apending alx'iil four times as mu< h ] '’ubclde into Ibe plea.sanl but aome- Democratic Gov. A. Harry Moore definite period In the plant or In- Can walk armmd and work.” Janet found $he bench Just in- 'THANKS FOR EVERDTRINa. 888.86, which, while larger than Meeting; Coat la Sticker. and twice in the chest. stulT was more mtlammable than dustry, under the act." Answer: The probable cause of While Begin was held witbout ball 12ieib. 1. E;S. TAG per capita as we are likely to spend | ••'ce" rather futile booster for potable. Back In the Prohibition told New Jersey's 103nl Lcgtslatiirv side the entoance where she November costa by $600, la aUghtly for a bearing Jon. 16, County Soli- In the next one. . ! wS)rld-wide |>eaee with whom we today that the answer to the na your trouble Is acute tarvngitls or' Slid Lance ha^ so often sat together Kansas C8ty—S. F. Stone, filling CHABOE8 IGNORED era of halh-tiib gin. says our statis- Inflatnmntlon of the larynx or Btatlon attendant, found Umaelf under ths expense of December Theodore C. Zimmer, Pseksid Beverly Hills., Calif^, Jen. 10. — citor Norris Cotton suggested Mrs. Free Sanerkrsat! i Yet It isn’t so much the cost of familiar as the chief flg- tical Mr. C.. they didn’t call for the tional and state problem of finding after one c^tbelr hikes along the 1987, which amounted to $8,966.20. EMson was shot because Begin wss wrork for the unemployed lay In the voice-box. During the attack, rest woodland tn ils of the park. From confronted by two bandits who or- etreet extension’e perennial prophet, (AP)—Into the early hours today, Berlin. Jan. 10.—(AP) —Nazi aii- It Ifl your asanrance that the lamp that bean it is cert tiled lire of our .State cleaner Sk dyer when the glaas tip- KANSAS CITY UNABLE the voice by talking ns little ne pos- While a comparatively large num- cracking auctioneers' hammeta slg' Jealous of another man's attentions. thoiitlea chose today to Ignore a th.e British program that Is vi’orry- Department for ped. They sent for the fire engines. recovaiy and encouragement of pri- the bencR through a scroen of dered him to go to the cash register ber of peraons laid off of WPA pro- haa announced that he will not force The woman left a seven-year-old ,teg a lot of people over there as the now a long time. Mr. Hull's public vate Industry. sible, keep warm, fast for a few maples, outs, elms, and tulip trees, and "hand over the nxmey.” a town meeting call to be Issued re- rAlefI the disposition of furalmlngs chanre from the CMnfeasional Synod aa correct for reading and study. daj’a on fruit juices, and take at jects have found private employ- from the home Into which J^ k le son, now at his father's Massachu- iact that, instead of gaining or. the ' ‘’f accounting for the In hla annual message to' the you lookad down a slope toward “I won’t,” Stone replied. "Tf garding his roadbuUdlng project un- Dulpit by Wilhelm NlemoeUer, Salt Pork Prietidly Adyietc TO PAY MUNICIFAL AIDES leant one enema daily. These loent, a percentage of these prople til after the Selectmen have been Coogan. .child star of silent fll setts home. brother of the Incarcerated Rev. totalitarian powers in dcfen.xlve Dima conference will appear to a A group of I.amba Club mem- opening session of the Repuhllcan- the g ^ t bridge whose concrete you're gotnr to rob, you’ll have to will ultimately need town help. It Is (xmtrolled body. Moore listed New measures should hasten recovery- archM spanned the ravine below. take It yourself." given one more chance to listen to took bis bride, blonde and beautifti] Martin NlemoeUer. to the effect equipment. Britain seen.s to oe ' rivvl many Americans of the year bers were seated around the read- Between attacka. hulld up your believed, and as ippllcstlons for this Betty Grable. 14 months ago. 8e lb. ing ix'om the other day when In Jersey's major assets an Industry, ' Kiuisas City. Jan. 10 — (AP) — Altl^ugh It was sariy September, "Get in the washroom, then," a his reasoning on the costs ot con- that 193 pastors and elders of the frlUng behind them. one thoinaiul nine hundred and agriculture and recreation and said Facing an estimated $1,.100.000 defi- health by practicing better health aid aye met, the charity appropiia- structing a Packard street link, taow Financial troubles separated the JIOINTS WIDOW DO GET church had been prevented In aome See the followinir dealers: walked the club bore, a former habits. ' Watch your diet more the'maples were tinged with crim- bandit snapped. r.tlon will have to bear the strain. Ooogans New Yeorts day. Both / According to .a very interesting ""rty-nlne as iMing a bit too emt screen s t^ we won't name. His the state's relief load could he eased cit, city' officials sent 3.(X>0 muni- son and gold, and woodbiae trolled Stone -did, locking the door behtndj missing, which would Join that form or other from "attending to | "only as these activities are ex- carefully. More outdoor exercise, ^ With the coming ot spring, and denied that a divoirce waa in the tBtlcle sent to a .New York news- Pbatic In it.s jxilnllng out that the face wore a frown and U was ob- cipal employes scurrying In search scarlet creepers up tha gray, vault- him. Then he smiled happily, thoroughfara with Hartford road.. 8 WLUON AS SHARE their duties." tended." ’ of personal loans tiidsy In lieu of exposure to sunlight snd fresh air buslnesa and Industrial Im' Zimmer will appear at the next offing, yet friends whndcred If the PIGS FEET The J. W. Hale Corp. vious that ho wn.s deeply agitated. whenever possible, plenty of sleep, ing arches of the bridge. the station's receipts were In MxVc provement, it la possible that the auction might not presage such paper by a London correkpondent I'Ve’tern Hemisphere hea no thought "Do you guys know." he aald. their'salaries for the next four Across the ravine, clinging to pocket. * meeting of the Board of Selectmen, months. intestinal cleanliness and simillar $106,000 charity fund wlU prove step. Pontiac. Mich., Jan. 10—(AP) — reason for so little result from isolation from the rest of £he "I’ve received a threatening let- measures should enable you to de- probably to be held on January 38, Few screen notables were In the nd just a bit too much pre- I ter signril 'Revenge' and It says RIVAL MEETINGS HELD City Manager H. F. McElroy said sufficient to meet the .(femanda plac- to again ask that tha extensloD Annie Laurine Dodge, youthful 3ib.^lOe Watkins Brothers IRich a lavish spending of monev Is ! velop such s high p»'ak of resistance ed on It. but If enlargement ot tUe overflow crowd estimated by Auc- widow of Daniel G. Dodge, eventual- lie found in the cm umslah'c ‘X^Cdpled with the Inherent free- unless I seii.l $1,000 to a cer- the ^ p lo y es would be paid In full that you will able to avoid fu- question be consldereiL It now leys tioneer Ben Seewack at betwhen .1.___ ' lain adilrrsi before the end of tht — but indicated none of their sal- numbers of dependent persona oc- on the table, having been shelved at ly will receive approximately 88,- British labor, Britl. b manu tr.aue thecines to which the secre- ture attacks. curs, It appears that a large deficit 1,600 and 2,000. But bidding was 000,000 as her shars of her hua- nPEWRlTERS week, they’ll put the slug on me?" ON EMBARGO ON ARMS aries for the final four months of the last meeting of the Board. spirited. Seewack said numeitous Van Camp’a Kemp’s, Inc. lurers. the British government ' 'ify df stale has subaciited. as a "Rrally. how Interesting,’ vol- ths fiscal year ending April 80 wUl be shown. Zimmer long has sought to get band‘a estate under terms ot a set- ALL MAKES • (Keeping .Baby Warm) friends of the young actor bad in- tlement announced today. Evaporated kbd practically everybidy and II"ou Tenneaiee Democrat, all his unteered Bert I.ytell. Washington, Jan. 10.—(AP)— would be available before the fiscal Question: Mrs D P. writes; •'Diir- the town to connect Paclmrd street dicated they hoped to purchaee SOl.U - REPAIRED I "Interesting for you." shrieked year starting May 1. The former Gore Bay (Qnt.) tele- Benson Furniture and Radio fjk-ferythlng BriUsh ha* n fine and , ■Vigorous plea.4 for removal and for Ihg the winter it seems hard to with Hartford road, claiming that other articles to be offered at night- pbone operator will ^receive 83.000,- ^ ~ I ,, llhe bore, "but what about me retention of the embargo on arms To tide them over, employes were keep the baby warm. Should SUYER OF RELIEF the job would make accera to the ly sales until Thursday. RENTED - EXCHANGED I MILK ^ p l y rooted prejudice ugain,«t tin i ' ouer the suiface ot the rej>ort It What’ll I Jo about It?" urged to seek loans. One plan un- 000 within the next year as the shipments to Spain were made at protect ' him by giving him more OPE western perts acioas Hop Brook witfow’s ohare of Dodge's Immediate Can ...... Igass production Mi-a rhey still I'cars an aspect of conventlonallt-d " "Whatever you do. don’t send the rival mass meetings last night. der (cnslderation would permit blankets, or haring him wear heav- much more faeue. He haa eatl- Potterton’s wmut money," was the quick retort. large groups of workers to give OFFICIAL ON TRIAL estate. The remaining 86,000,000 of teUeve firmly In the "quality" re- | generalization which Is a little dts- Irwin Laughlin, first American ier underwear?" ' Al'» tnatod that the work et bridging the the Immediate estate will go to lon; in a type of production that i appointing, and which can hardly ambaaaador to the Spanish Repub- notes, endorsed by city ofllclsla, for Answer: It is usually better to brook and fllUng the lowlands would ROOSEYELT PLANS Florida nuus losna at a low Interest rate. Dodge'a mother, Mrs. Mathilda R. ORANGES nga things that will last forever to arouse considerable stispl- Film l-'ugltlve. lic, told the group favoring reten- add warmth hy supnlylng extra ■ Jersey City, N. J., Jan. 10.—(AP) cost about $4,00(). Town Engineer Wilson. M[ont8tomery W ard Ever since she quit the film cap- tion that all actIvlUes of "subver- The emplojres then could file a blankets. If the baby's feet are —The defense guarded Its strategy J. Frank Bowen has figured the Job Mrs. Dodge also Is to receive,, un- i^which Is a perfectly grand reli- j cion that the Lima conference may ital in a huff, Sylvia Sidney has slvea forces In Spain are directed friendly suit to collect their pay eId. and wrap poermaster Harry U. Berck. enca between the two eetlmatee. authoritatively today, has decided for the benefit of hts four tehUdfen. fi«>rklng three ahifta turning out But perhaps Mr. Hull, despite the And her most recent appearance In worker for IS months In the Span- New York, Jan. 10.—(AP) — A him In plenty of blankets and he Dafanae Counsel Samuel 8. Lieb- " . . . . one third of a nation. . . - U NTIL 9 Skipping from Zimmer's project to tentatively on a Caribbean cruise Daniel Dodge's share of the trust OR gMirder material by the assembly- refreshment of a quite extended sea ish conflict, protested removal of move to organize all Christiana la wtn be all right. Most mothers awiU reitorated an out-of-court Hartford road, the Board haa voted starting about Feb. 18. fund. tlO.OOQJMM. would be payable Tv.- soon- will be shown on screens the ban and. pleaded for an early the United States In a' boycott tend to over-dress the baby, rather eromiaa to seek "outright acquittal" ■Be method. voyage on bis way home, is still a throughout America- consideration of a $80,000 street The trip eriU have the double pur- after the death of all of the elder SnsB Weekly or Monthly peace. Cotvressional action would against Oermany waa under way than to under-dreoa him. with ito eompromlae for the alight straightening project, to be done pose of enabUng him to witness part Dodge's children. Raiaed • Glazed * Jelly • And "— they are — sticking,■ ’ ■ too,' it ap- little tired after the complicated No sooner had she finished that be needed to end the embargo. today. Dr. William Jay Schtaffalla, 6n<4 trembling father of two amall I^yiBente Will Parcheae trora thla article, to another tangle which he tried hard to un- celluloldic job than she waa re- with WPA bdp if poartble.' between of tha combliMd fleet manetrven be- Cnatard Filled chairman of the CiUxens Union, said ChOdtan. ______PBlLADfXrBlA flEROEON DIES Any Medline. ■ftoetof that religion that Isn’t per- ! ravel at Lima. He Is not. after all. cruited for the cast of a Broadway SPORTS EDITOR DIES. that the boycott would he dtr^ted DBDBR, PUCAMB! Prospect street and the Blueflalda tween Cuba and tha South Arnerl- T h e M anchester Electric D ivisioii ahow, 'The Gentle People," In which by a group known as the Volunteer EOO OBOCBED CLOWED tract. ZhBaar, it ia reported, may caa coast and at affbidliig Urn. re- DOUGHNUTS quite so grand; which is that as young as he used to be. she la playing opposite Franchot Lynchburg, Va —R. P. Beaoiay, saeh to halt this work if he thinks laxatiwn from tha grind ot getting V PbUadelpfala, Jon. 10—(A P l^D r. SKRVI(*E Winnipeg, Jon. 10.— (Canadian Christian Committee to . boycott THE CiOlfNRCEICVT ffO m ni OOMPAN* whenever a manufacturer producea Tone. Another Astoria picture Is Preoal— W. B. (BiU) AUen, 68. Nasi Germany. praaidant ot a ahoe company whldi W A T K I N S Oonarihageii, Jan. 10—(AP)—The It ia halBg done at tha expense at tba new Congreai wall on its way. William C. Hunaleker, fl8, director TYPEWRITER CO. AND CRULLERS romlng up. So, all in all. abe Packard streaL All aorta ot patl- Although three ships are under of the Departntont of Public Health, oat of those aoUd. arerlastlng Brit- sports editor of the Winnipeg Free liquidated a decade ago. has Just BROTHERS Copenhagen Xoo. one of the higgeet IW Tiauitan Sk HarttecS. V an' /78 Main Street Mandteater. Oi liB articles, even if It la a war artt- t IMANOS AS “GARBAGE” found that by leaving Hollywood, Press dlsd yesterday of a heart ail- DEATH RATE DECLOfU. reeved a postcard mailed 23 xaora to llurone. was ordered closed yee- tknia are belag threataaed, but aoe eonaidacmtlan for tha JouriMy. offi- (Ued^taday from heart dlraaae. Dr. Loeal A M to t she furthered her scraan earaar and ago hy A merchant in Waafa m n. t i ^ tt la thought, will not cz^rtal- cial aourosa thsught the cruiser Hunaleker was profaaaor and our- dozv iiR ha imgbt to gat • good. faE meat Aneo was bom In Amprlor, three waeke beeeuse et KBMTO . Sometimes we gat almoat dis- her amMUoaa on tha legitlmata O at, and bsgan his nawapapar c»- WaahlngtcB. Jao. Ifi—(API-IRa tt. C. k et toot and mouth i Use u ata aftar the naort (BMwtjnaa’s Houaton, aa oM favorlts for preal- geoa ef urslofy at Haknamann ffsBt oa It—to the aSSet that peo- couraged with the idea that a small stage, without sacrificing any ot rear Ur that town. Hla widow and Oensua Bureau aald today tlM oa- n mad: g tha anhwala. dantlal voyagaat jpwnld ha used. Madioal Ooltata tor asaaqr yaarau h^ the ttoeel over Bfivoaa, am city ought to tary to kaep up with the profit. Many A d a n la i et 1a aktoa, SM a MeCtoy, et Ottawa, ttooal dioth rate daoHoad ofeeak ate Tlaaaa havo yomr aatasasaa oon Uw £m moem w m m SStlm or par o a t Mat fern. Da aaa Ma ahoot FhlraMir M WT. T ' . i • t . / PAGE ti>j:.ti.*.v- r.- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. JANUARY 10.19S» MAyCHEamnt BVlWtNg HiaULa MANCHMIBE. OOWt. TUnDAT.JAI«T7AXriO,l»M >AQE8n STATE LEADERS IN FIGHT AGAINST INFANTILE PARALYSIS New ICO'today aa atata hHh- BENNY TESTIFIES way cleared oiwiF-cloggad STAFFORD SPRINGS hl^wayo. SOUTH COVENTRY DAILY RADIO PROGRAM Tliree perooM w on klllod, half a WAPPING TUBSOAVa JANUARY 10 (Ceoirat KasierD SiaadErd rimg-P.M.) ABOUT NECKLACE dozen Injured and hundroda firoot- ‘ROCKVILLE WILLINGTON 4« LUting$ One tg ATcltcerk C’orrtclioM Toe Lais to fneerporou; bitten in the week-4nd hBnard NORTH COVENTRY Nete; All protrams to key and baiic ciiains or groupa t^ereor unlesa apacl which trapped scores of automo- News From Manchester s TOLLAND fied; coaat to eouet (c to c) desicnations includa aU avatlAble atAtloasi biles. COLUMBIA NBOWRAF tary Appearance Before serve for the ensuing ysar. Maiintain: Rod kdyl; South: wmbg wsb korm khbc kgbm klro kzor blles, but suffered no ill effects,. TOLLAND 1938 SATISFACTORY Superintenosnt, Sbsrwood Griffin; PHELPS RE-ELECTED Some Early Day^ History wmo wemb Ppre wbre; Fsdflci kfl kgw komo khq kpo Cent. Coot, FIFTY JURORS SELECTED MRS. JOHN H. 8TCEUE aasistanta, Irvtng.Orlfftn and Clar- OFTIONAU STATIONS (operate In- 4:ec- 9:00—auetleno aofora Hour Federal Grand Jnry. 4:1S— 6:IS—Muolo lor Fun in Csneoi 839-4, RockvUIe snee Jones; seersUry, Mrs. Carlton ' terchangeably on either RED or BLUE 4:4S— S;4S—CMidran't CIreuo Sorloi- FOR M M INDlfSTRY H. Jones; aaslatanCXMlsa Marie BY TOLLAND DEMOS Of ‘Old Connecticut Path netararu); Baet: wbre wool wfea wlw oait; Chitata Ssnss tar Vau—wt, work wcky wsai wsan cbf cbi wgal: ItOO— 4:00—areaaeatl Nawt Ptrlod The Child Study club meeting will Smith: treasurer. Lu citia^, Robtn- Central: wcfl, wtmj wiha wday kgba New York. Jan. 10— (A P ) —Jock FOR ROCKVILLE COURT J r; ooslatant. Mlabv Mane . kana weio ksoo wbow wood wcbe Wlbf S:00— 4i0»—Tima far Danolng Muoic 4:10— t : »—Hswia Wins A AvIollO' be held at the church Wednesday WlUlngton, Jan. 10.— (Special)—^to the business. Many of ths fine wsl kfrr koam; touthi wapo wlik vtar 1 Benny, comedian, tostiflee today be- Smith; supsriniwtdent ot the cradle wptf wls wjax w(l#>viun wlo4 wtoc 1:40- tiSO—Bab Traut About “TaSay evening, January 18. Tha presi- roll, Mra. Herbert Porter. A map of Ashford azul Eaatford "“ f i r " W c h Aade the s t t ^ wfbe wwnc wc.c w .v . w.m kvoo wky 9:4^ t:4»—Barry Wood anS tang fore the Federal grand Jury that has WadnesdAy afUrnoon at three State Adminutrator Buck- County Association Holds ’ of Pcovldencs, R. I., cams from 1:00— 7:00—"County Seat," Oramtii Indicted George Burna, fellow radio o'clock In the pariah room of St. dent, Miss Ebbs Olson will preside. Tha new topic cards for ths shows the old "OonnecUcut Path” wiaa wbap wool kth. k(dm kfko krfv 0:19— 7i1V-Jlmmla FlSlgr an Hally List Of Those Drawn; Hsh All women In the community are Christian Endeavor are printed and Moose Meadow. At one Urn# a load krii ktok kUm wal» wrf>I ktbi kirk wood—basic; In Muala Raom—war and ecreen entertainer, and Mr*. John'a Eplacopal church. There will which crossed WUItngton. It reach- was delivered which required sta kart': Miuntilni kflr kfhl ktir kob 0:90- 7:30—Halan Mankan’a Sarlai- Elms N. Lsuer, wif* of a New York welcome to attend these meetings. ingham Gtes Need For are being distributed. They are very inal Meeting In Rock- kshf kido kpfi k x l Kifl. Pacific: kfbk be a card party for the mambera, ed from coast to the river, Indian yoke of oxen to draw and sold far baalc; Contala Baflaatlana—waat state Supreme court Justice, on and tha membera are aakad to make Miss Bessie Terhime la leaving neat In appearanca, with topics kw# kml U*rn krv km-.l 7KXh- 0:00—Bdward O. Rablnasn FiS) And Game Chib Chooses town to spend the winter at tbe traU, when John Oldham cruised one thousand dollars. Blit. 7it0- 0:90—Al JslMH and Shaw-to r smuggling charge*. up their own tablea. Mra. Donald C. given for each meeting of the year. these wUds In 1683 and In use by home of her brother. Dr. Percy Ter- Ma r ke t i ng Co nt r o l ion Feb. 6. There were three 4:S0—J#(k Armitring — salt; S:0O- OtOO-Wa tha Wupla Frae,—c Benny's appearance before the hiine and family In Pasaalc, New The Rev. B. A. Lewla, pastor, was whites seventy-five years before erected In Moose Meadow, 1:10- ti90—Oasdman Swina—alio cot grand jury ts entirely voluntary, hts Officers; City Court Cases i ““ In charge ci last Sunday evening's rha ChleiBi Ciditi Ouartit—wist | t;00-10;00—Joan Harahott Sarlii—to r Jersey, and with relatives In Mary- there waa any town of Ashford. ly called tbe Rider district. 1 ^S;4e^Llttt« orohin Annii— OiOO—10:90—Jack Bareh and Banss attorney Loyd Wright, aaid. land. meeting. His topic was "The Temple Ths ancestors of Mra. Frank B. first was ranmved by ■I; BSwtrS Davli. Song—wilt aast. Jimmie FIdlor—srut raooat 'He ts here to render whatever (A P )—The dairy Industry can took of God: Minds Clear and Pure.” Over 150 members of the Tolland 6:0^ SDO—OrehiUri Cherui—w«af; 0:40—10:40—VlawsaTfito of Amorleant And Other News Items. Mr. and Mra. Robert Meacham Converse and Mias Jessie Bennett yoke of oxen. Among pupUa srka ain n i nafeinoff, Vlilln—nitworh :eo- l! -Naws; Danta Or. (1 hro.i assistance ha con to tha grand back on 1938 with eonsiderabis sat- The Rev. B. A. Lewis bad oa tha County Democratic uepclatton met l:1»— e;lt—(Malcolm Clilro—network 10 1 00 were week-end guests of Mra. Mea- of West WUUngton are said to have attended seventy or more years ago NBC WJI (BLUE) NITWOBK and the district attorney,...... BOLTON isfaction. according to milk admin- theme of bis ssrmon Sunday "Tbe last night In the Cathdtie Ladles S:ie— t:tS—eroidcatt Nowo Worlod said. "Ha plana to return cham'i parents, Mr. and Mra. Ro- lived near the traU In Bastford. It were the Morses, Taylors, Youngs, 4:16- 4:SO—Tho Antlor anS Huntor Savii^ Takes mano In Bridgeport. Conn. Voice of Religion.” It was announc- of C>>Iumbus ball In RockVl^e for cut In at Wlllington Hollow back BASIC — Bait: wli wbi-wbsa wb*i wood with ma to two or three day*.' RockvUIe. Jan. 10.— (Special) — MRS. R. K. JONES istrator S. McLean Buckingham. Leea, Batteys, Lambs, 4:45—rtolph Oiano, Toner Solri whan bdk! orxya w)tn wsyr wnal wUI 8908, Manchester Miss Tierney, the teacher at No. While there were no major milk ed that tbe new officers of the Chris- the annual election of officera df^the of the present residence of Charles Burdicks, Weedens, etc. 7:00—AmOo 'n' Andy—oaot only waby wobr del whk wmff wood wun Benny wUl testify coftoerntog hi* There were 60 jurora aelected for 6 district, spent the week-end at tian Endeavor society will be Install- S. Amidon and crossed tbe river, 7i1»—Veoil Varieties to Choral wicc wlou; MIdwtsli wear wit kwk koll purchase of a valuable necklaea for market disturbances In 1088, cartaln organization. Re-elected prest Weeden married WUllam O. 71S0-I“ Oanelna M ule Orehsetra wran srmt kto wowo kma wetn wall City Court Jury duty at the meet- her home In Bridgeport. Conn. ed neat Sunday by Mrs. Vinton of .probablyrobably nearne the preeent raUway Btofford Springs. 7i4t—Bmll" Illy > eet - w u f krw (!k>nnecUcut's Guldisg Lights be-^Rogen of Msnebnater. C ^ s ln t^ fo r his wUa. Mary Uvtogaton, and hla was Lewla N. Phsipa of Andovtr wfdt wibra wjim: Oeuthi wrtd wmpa Hartford County. Standing, left to The Oat ing of the Common Council held Mra. R Rich ha# sold one of the Mrs. George V. Smith of Wllllng- conditions arising from a very favor- North Covsntry. ' staUon. There was a Fourth of July^ wtan wmaq; MaroharS Or.—chain wjbo wdou wage wagri kxya: Mauntain: hind the Committee for tbe Celebrs- " '* ‘ ” AMEN STUDYING acquaintanceship with Albert N. i : .00— 0:00—Rut Morgan a Oraantra right; James Leg of WUUmsnUc. Monday evening. three loU that are for sale at the ton Hill attended tha weekly read- able pasture season have served while Mra. Henry Beck of (Columbia* uKJune, 1636, the congregation nic in the woods west of tha klo kvod kutc; Facrnei ago kofd ktmt tlon of the President's Birthday In ("haperau, ex-convIct and frlsod of Onter to .Mrs. MacDonald of Hart- Charlsa C. Sellsrs accompanied iJO- S:I0—"Far Maa Oaly" Fragram kaz Itgi k.ea Itlr Chairman for Wlndhsm County; The following were named: S. J. ing club held at tbe home of Mra. warning that the time has Come for waa named secretary to succeed> o f R____ ^ ^Thomaa T l u Hooker of New- son Dlmock place, with child Battla of tha Oaxai Quit NOTE: Saa W B AF-N IC for optional RADIO the raising of funds for the National many Manhattan and Hollywood ford, Mr. and Mra. MacDonald wilt the Rev. H- R- Keen to Nantlc Mon- Mra. Nicholas Ashe of Rockville. FIbbarIbbar MeOaa'a Fragram Thomas B. Smith of Hartford, State Von Euw, Mra. Ida Weber. Charlea Alison .Monday afternoon. day to act as repressntatlvss of St. town. n ^ Cambridge. Mass., fol- speaking. Jamea ‘Taylor arose with haw lilt of atatlonm. ------Day Foundation for tbe Prevention of BRIBE REPORTS notobica. HelnU. Charlea Francla. Frank build a home, and plan for Its com- Rev. Valentine S. Allaon made a considering aerlously tbe develop- Mra. I. T. Jewett ^ Tolland wiu 'B' ^'a . _ - Cant. Bait. Infantile Paralysis. Seated reading Chairman; Arthur N. Johnson of Chspersu was eonvletad yestor' Of Slavii^! ment of a marketing program to Peter's Episcopal church at a Nsw lowed him aqd hla assistant. Rev. much dignity to make hla speech. 0:10—10::t0—Unalt06—UnaltU iBira i r < Bhlt—alaa cat Raiaer, Ralph Wilcox, William J. pletion In June. business trip to Boston Monday. re-elected to the offfte of treasurer, Samuel StoneiAJhrough the "Con- Raising hla arm be pointed to tha 0:4^10:40—Jimmya:4^l6:4»—Jimmy KtmaarK|------and -Ce.-Ce, 4:30— 9:30—Don WIn.lew Navy 'U t t Esetefn Btaadard Time from left to right ore WilUsm A. Ridgefield, Chairmen for Fairfield day by Fedsrol Judge Murray Hul> Auatln. Mra. Alice Coveney. Herbert Charles C. Talcott has returned provide for a better control of sur- London Archdeaconry meeting. and John McKinatry of RockvUIe 1b:06-.11i00—Oanalns Orenaat. — Mat: 4:41— 9:40—Tom Mix's Skatch—atot: Gounty; Enin E. Trask of Boy-: _ . . . « . « bert of conspiring with Mrs. Lauer Miss Annie Alvord Ui visiting at plus milk and a fairer diatribuUcn necticut Path” acrots Wlllington sun end In ringing tones aaid, "Of Afflu 'n* Andy—TtM t f«T i ^ t Vaughn da Laatht Bluaa—watt Gleason of Torrtngtoo, (3ialrmsn of Schelner, Charlea R. McLean, Stan- from Oradel, New Jersey, after two A daughter waa born laturday to was made auditor. 9i00— 0:00—Nowtl B. Rostra Ore!. Litchfield <>3unty; Fred J. Csrr of brook, (ThSlrmsn for Middlesex |||w4j<>A Ann Stfltfi SSDSlOr to smuggle expeniriv* French finery By cutting orilituiy upkto^ the home of Mias Catherine O. of the burden such a surplus Im- to Hartford. About one hundred all tbe planets ^round the earth the 10:10--11)16—Dancing Mull fltt hra.) New York, Jan. 10.—Tbe Wagner County, and # n vr^nmi.v JUBUU; rtllU DUIlC kJClMlVl ley Bakutakl. WUllam Ooldle, Mra. Hanolln In New Jersey. weeks spent at tha home of Mr. Mr. and Mra Oeorga Montgomery Vice presidents were elected as men. women and children traveled greateit U the sun. Leot I khduld I:0 »- 0:06—Adrian Ralllni'a Bnumbla Labor Act la tbe subject for anoth- Wsterbury. (Ihslrmsn for New Arthur B. McOinley. valued et $l.l&8 Into th* Ualted daude A. MUla. Mra. George and Mra. Horton Chapin and fam- poses on the Industry. Remits In- at the Wtndbam Community Me- follows; Thomas Birmingham of CBB-WABO NITWORK 0:40— 0:40—Lowall Thamta — aaOt: Sports Editor of the Hartford States. ototi $7 to $15 a months J Among those from this Onunty dicate further that production and through the wilderness, divin g one Ure your, patience, ladlee 4hd gen- Tom MIx'i Okatah—raput for watt er Radio Forum next'Bundsy night. Haven (Dounty; Dr. C. Jo)m BstU of Seheeta. Charlea E. Tennert. Maurice who attended the Jackaon Day din- ily morial hospital. The Montgomery Andover, Mra. Clyde MarshaU of bundrad and sixty bead of cattle BASIC — Baati wabe wokb weos Waal 0:00— 7:00—e#ty Aett Skit—aloe cal New London, caislrmsn for Now Times, State Chairman of the sports Claiass Dlptomotlo Inuneelty Kemnltaer. M. C. WeUteln, Mra. A. number of cows are aixivs average tlemen, 1 am done." Mr. Tw idr war wkbw wbre wjr ware deau win Lost week It woo discussed by Linked To Ring Protect- ner In New Haven were; Lewis W. Mr. and Mra. Harold Neff and family live tn the GrayviUe section. Bolton succeeding George Sbedd of and founded the First Congrega- 0:10— 7:10—Mr. Kttn a L u i Farwni London County; end Willard B. group. Chapersu waived a Jury trial aad geoording to ownero* eloimOs , R. NeweU. Percy U Cooley. Mra. two BODS of Elmwood, Conn., were for the whole country. Bolton, Joeeph M. CHarke of Col- died a few yean ago In Stafford wmo wltT wgar: MIdwaol: wbbm 0:30— 7:00—Now York Frafram -wji; America's Town Meeting on WJZ- Phelps, Miss Susan Pendleton. Dr. They came here from Texas a cou- tional church In Hartford. •rfbra tanbo kmox whoa kfab krnt Otoar onumtky, Vlalin—nttwork admitted bringing to the clethtog Dorothy Harlow. Harry Naupert, recent guests of Tolland relative!. In the absence of such a program, umbia. Mra. Bessie Strack of Cov- Springs. NBC. Thla time People's Platform of the CrM t New Overland ia^ Edwin Dlmock. Claude W. Jones. ple of yearn or so ago. They have a One of the moet Interesting^ About 1834 tbe MethodUt church BABt-wabi wbna wp« whp wbu wore 0:40-^ 7:46—Vivian d'fthlau—chain ing New York Criminnlt. but held that he eras entitled to Otto Toat, H. Wormsledt, Konatan- Mr. and Mra. Edward Wochomur- surplus milk In Connecticut may sntry succeeding Edward Frans of elrb ekae wlba wmas waos wkbn whio 7:00- 1:00—Light Ogara Via Radio WAB(;;-CB8 will go Into the subject diplomatic Immunity as a ooaamer ty Peraanowakl. George Stoneman, Mr. Robertson and Mrs. Elsie M. again drive down producer prices large family and are atate charges. places In Wlllington In earUer years i t Moose Meadow waa built H iire wgbl wbrk wnbx wade wsbf wgan 7:30— 0:00—Information Floioo. Quli under this particular question: Hour; 3:16— New monthly series, malting B genuine eontHhu* “ cha. Sr., and family had as Simday They have not gained a residence Coventry. John Glrtsdlnna of Ell- clal attach* of the Nicaraguan gov Mra. Herbert Englert. Roland Uaher. Jones. and bring about marketing condi- was that of Origen Dlmock at w ai a good attendanoe at tbe IttUe OIXIB — wfst waf! wdod kira 0:00— 0:0^Mary and Bab. Dramatic "Should We Change tbe Wagner women’s club forum; 5—Mrs. Roose- guests several of thslr out of tnupt here. ington, Mrs. CHaude Jones of He- 0:30— 0:30—Bugono Cantiy, the Tenor RUMBLING SCARES eroment. William Conrady. Jamea Beaumont, A group of twenty women are tions similar to Hioae of 1983. Un- bron. Dr. Wlntbrop Pllly of Mans- Moose Meadow, an ancestor of Jo- white meeting house where wild wyae wlaa wwl wtoo krld ktrh ktaa ActT” Speakers on both sides will velt opening Infantile Paralysis New York. Jen. 10—(A P) — The tion to the ^rift and the relatives. seph Dlmock. It requires a stretch Wtoo koma wbt wdaa whig wdbl wwva 0:06—10:00—Car TInnay B Inttrvlowo Judge Hulbart to a swift 90-min- Philip M. Howe. J., Everett North, taking a course In community meal Mr. and Mra. CTharles Miller were controlled surpluses always have, Harold Cummings wae laid off field, Henry Cormier of Somers, rosea bloomed In summer by the wola ktul wcoa wdne wnoz kwkh 0:30—10:00—Lanny Cray a Rhythm be beard. drive. office of Spsclal Prosecutor John ute trial labeled Chapereu'e claim as Mrt. Raymond E. Hunt, Thomaa Ker- planning under the eatenston work- and always will play havoc sdth of imagination to picture the wild door. The grand old fathers are wmmm wjno weha wear wmas woee 0:46—10:40—To Bo AnnOuncod ( I I m.) happineaa of American g Hun'Iay guests of relatives In East from work for a few days on ac- Daniel J. Sullivan of Stafford suc- 10:00—11:00—Newt: Dtnei Or. It hra.) Herlea Amen disclosed today It was spurioua and added: nan, Claude A. BUaon. Stanlw er of the 8UU (College, Miss Helen prices In markets that have no pro- count of an Injury to his toe. It section where moose fed becoming peacefully sleeping and the dear old wrr» walm wrdwr wapl' Wdbe some Wednesday short waves: BROOKLYN PEOPLE Hartford. ceeding Mra. Marie Rondeau of tovostlgatlng reports that a Brook- " i can't overlook the fact tbkt tkto Dowgawica. Fred Miller. H ar^ C. Roberts. The neat gathering will Mrs. L. Ernest Holland and Mra. gram for such control. Buckingham incurred when be was unloading Stafford, Jamea B. Burke of T 6I- a place of active busineas. Than mothera' hands a ^ folded. Buttunar Two at the M4rx Brothere hove at GBO OSD OBC 06B G3L Lofldon. homea! waa a flour mill, a large building lost bean signed for the new Sun- lyn Supreme court Juetlce and a men braxenly admits brUgtog to Dowdlng. Mra. Ethel Conrady. How- be at the home of Mn. Alexander John H. Steele were guests Saturday contends. lumber and a crowbar fail on to hla land succeeding Alfred F. Ludwig evenings people gathered, cdmifig t:00—“Big Town" starrlag Ed- 6:66 p. m.—Sianes frtm "Tha Wind other people's property end d*i ard DImoek. John WUllama, Robart Bunce. A meal will be cooked, the While 1988 promises to supply Its where bats, furniture and matchM by team. They aang to. tbe aecom- ward O. Roblaaon sad Clslr i l ^ variety show to open on WEAF- New York etoto senator had accept at the home of Mrs Ruby Lovaiin foot. He ts working for his uncle, of Tolland. Albert Heck of Union. and the Rain"; DJD Berlin, 9:15— ed bribes for protecting crlmlnela. Ing It aa hla ewn." Save More and Slave lieaat t Bnatl. Fradarlek Sehwalm, Frank- ooet of food figured and the food In Vernon. full quota of problems, there are Wtnthrop S. Porter of Gilead. Leo H. Flaherty of Vernon, and were made and a wood yard which panlment of the mei6dk>n, and Trevor. NBC tills weekend. They ore He delayed eentaaee pendtog dla- .M. lin Harlow, Edmund Morin, Harry supplied stove wood cut by water SonsU by Moxort; OSC 08B GSL Residents Of Flatbosh Lis- Amen declined to discuss details served. Mra. Mary Healy has as guest her none In sight which should cause Joseph Uraln of Wlllington. doors open, they looked out to tha wnc - 8:30—A l JolsoQ Show — Martha Grouebo and Chico. Other talent In London. 10:60—Stop Dancing. position of tffo other charges that Two Hebron people, <^ude W. of the case. He previously bod sold ptnnay.y. JuUuaJidlua May. Frank A. Mann.Mann The following are serving on the major marketing disturbance. Espe- Named to the executive commit- power to famUles in other districts, surrounding wcxxls, ths air aweet Rsye, Psrkysksrkua, Lud GIus- the program, oa urevloualy announc- Overland ahowfi you how! ^ friend, Mrs. Steele from Wellesley, Jones and Susan B. Pendleton were TOavolefs BroaBeasOag Bei'vtes, Important todictmsnto would b* re- C^aperau also amuggM to $4455 J. J. Orlowakt. Luther A. White and committees; Foods, Mrs. ayde Msr- cially la this true if the Industry tee were E. H. Woodworth of South ^ e r a waa a smaU mine where Iron from flowers and late tn tha eeaboj) kin's Orchostrs. ed, will Include (5srole Lombard and Mass., formerly of Nova Scotia. present at the Jackaon Day dlnnsr ten To Strange Roaring turned Thuredsy by the exlroordln- worth of Jewelry for Burns. Mra. Oacar KloUr...... ahall, Mra. R. K. Jones, Miss (Tbrls- Mrs. Anna Graham of the Lilacs, eohtlDiies to face facta and provide Cioventry, Augustus M. Burke of ore was obtained and made Into katj’dlds adding their luity chirp: Hartford. Coeue. 9:00— We Tbe People Lawrence Tlbbett. . . . twice postpon- The priaoner now faces a poaslbl* One petition eras received at tha sound solutions for Its immediate at Hotel Taft, New Haven, Satur- RockvUIe, and Mra. Fannie Dixon pig Iron. A general store was con- For many yeara the meeting houga ■9,899 W. 1049 K. a 2gJ 31 9:80—Gsmel Caravan — Benny ery grand Jury which for two maatlng from Albert C. J. Flachaig tins Fredertekson, Mra. Harry Mun- who Is spending the winter In Hart- w ed, the talk from Paris on "France POLICE COMMISSIONERS months hoe been probing official maximum of eight yeara to prlaoa ros and Mrs. Laalle Bolton; aervtce, ford was a Sunday guest at the problems day evening. Lewis W. Phelps ot Welch of Otiurobla. nected with the buslheas. SuppUea waa abandoned as a place tor Eastern Btaadard Time Goodman's Orcbeotrs Is Soimd” by Paul Reynsud, French Coining From Cloudy Sky end a $80,000 fin*, ft eoavlotsd so for an addition to a garage 3x18, TTie milk producers council, Andover and Mra. R. Kneelam- Jones The next meeting of the associa- were brought from Hartford and 10:00— "Dr. ChrUtlsn” starring corruption to Brooklyn. Cet’t S e at 44 Mountain atraet. which waa Mrs. Strong, Mrs. McGregor and home of her son. Harold Graham Metbodlet worship. finance minister, has been relisted the remaining two ohargea, k* win elected by wholesale producers of Of Bolton, both former Hebron reM- tion will be held In Stafford Springs Norwich with ox teams and tharc All the Revolutionary anceatots jeon HersholL TO MEn THIS EyENWG The Dolly News sold In a copy- (twitad. _ Mra. Seboitt of Vernon; boeteas, and family. Tnoodsy, Jaa. 19 for WABC-CBS St 6:46 p. m. Thurs- righted atory that Amen'e staff of bs Uabl* to a further aentaaaa of 1$ The weekly reading club met each county to study milk market' dents, also attended. Mr. Phelps said on February 8. was a post office. (Andaraon) of M n. Walter Sktamgr 10:80—The Swedish Gloe Club — yeara end a $45,000 too. Tlw mambera of the CouncU ware Mra. Edward Mlllbouae; dining Ing problems and to act as a whole, P. M. • day. .. .something eomewhst differ- New York. Jen. 10.— (AlP) The formor G-man was Investigating room, Mrs. WlUet, U n. Hutt, Mra. Monday afternoon at the home of that it was the largest attendance at The bar can stUl be seen where of Crystal Lake, tormerty ot Reck- Frank HJerps conductor. Both toms and Mrs. ISMr hhb* treated to cigan by Aldarman sale prodiicera advisory group to the dispensing of liquora waa an Im- ' 4:00—Backstage Wife. ent In poetry broadcasting has been "ease of the big note*"—* recurrent chon^ that a Brooklyn Judge, * Ctertaa Underwood who waa elected Perrett and Mrs. Howard; olean-up, Mra. Valentine 8 . A l l a o n . any Jackaon Day dtnner ha has ever viUe, are buried in the Moose Mead- 10:46—American Viewpoints To Hold Inspection Before pieleaded guUty to smugfUfig charge*. tbe Administrator, has prov^ Its portant business; also the barroom 4:1#—Btella Dallas. 11:00 — Eseo Reporter — New*. devised by Norman Oorwln In hie rumbling from the ekles that star state senator, e former magistrata Overland^ Piealdant of the Council at tha laat Mrs. A. Sklimsr. Mra. Noran, Mra. Miss Mliiam Underwood who has attended. Mr. Phelpe" son Charles, ow cemetery. words without muelc In the Sunday Business Session; To Report and a Kings county (Brooklyn) poll They wifi be itaoced at the oloae been 111 with the grip for several valus to the Industry. Their report, who la doing reMsreb work at Yale at WiUington Hollow, located on Moose Meadow now is a quiat 4:80-:.''Vlc and Bode. Weather. tied hundred* ot Flstbush residents meeting. Erickaon and Mra. Doris Skinner. STAFFORD 4:45—"Girt Aims.'' msUnee schedule of CBS. It com- On Revolver Prsctice. tlcsl leader headed a crime protec- of Chanperau's second trIaL The Car That Hakes Gas ] OIBcare Elected days la able to be about her home. submitted to the several counties, was also present. the comer' of the four roads, obowa farming aectton- There la no busi- 11:06—Main Street — Hartford. —left Brooklyn poUoe with aa un- ffa Tbe annual church meeting of tbe calls attention to the fact that "the the door In two sections, the upper 5:00—"DUd( Trscy." bines drams and reading to produce solved asyetery today. tion ring which exacted largo fee* A t tha meeting of the RockvUIe •The Tolland fire company waa Allan L. Carr spent the week end ness activity and the hills aitd val- 11:20—Charles Baum’s Orchestra Bay The GroeeriesI Center church will be held this eve- state of tbe milk Industry affects SPRINGS half swinging back for passing out 5:15—"Your Tsm lly and Mine." 11:80—Glen Mlller'e Orchestra. s blended whole In which sound 8 till remembering the Orson from crimlnola to keep them out of Fiah and Game Club, held on Mon- called out twice this last week to at his rooms hers on tha green, re- leys are dotted with bomea amid Members of the Manchester police ning. A pot luck supper will be Chimney flre^. No damage was every rural town, village and city In JOHN C. NBTTO mugs of "cheer." A good many bars 5:80—“Jock .iLmstrong.” 13:00—Bsmmy Kaye’s Oreheatrs. effects also play s port. Wallas Morttoa broadcast, th* jell. day aranlng, olBoara for tha year served at 8:80, at the hall. After turning In time for his work at the the tress. There la a fine new depMtment wUl assemble at police The News said eU four mao were HEW MEXICO fflGHWATS ware alactad aa foUowrs: Praaldent, re|x>rted One waa at Mile Hill the state. Whole communities de- 472, Stafford were heeded to supply esfly set- achoolhousS afid recontly a nice 8:45— “ UtUe Orphan Annie.” 12:80 s m.—Buddy Rogsrs Or- Brooklynltss crowded Into streeto the supper, the meeting will be ad- pend on It largely for Inoome and State hospital, Middletown, Monday headquarters this evening at 8:80 premtoent to Brooklyn polltiea end rrod Ertal: flrat vice praaldent. P. and the other Sunday night at Grant tlers. rood was made through aUts aid. 8:O0—News and Wehtbsr. chestra. Tuning tonight: when there will be on inspection end Uetened to th* strong* roering journed to the basement for the tax revenues, while the Industry morning. emerging from a cloudy eky et Ir- bid been accused of “fronttog” tor M. Barrett; aecond vice praaldent. Hill district of Tolland. The police department of the bor- The making of palm leaf bats The Fullers and Dlmocks were 6:15—Sports Roundup. Tomorrow's Program Talks— WEAF-NBC, 7:80—Sen. held. Following the Inspection .the OPENED AFTER SNOW COLE MCrrORS Clanda A. BUaon; traasunr, Ed- busineas and program. The Ladles' Aid Society of the cannot be called prosperous. It Is on The Rev. H. R. Keen had for hla was an Important Industry before 6:30—Wrigbtvllle asrlon. A./M. regular mterveifi from 10:45 to 11:801 holdup men end JOwel thieves end ough of Btaiford Springs bad a busy among tbooa who laid a broadtr Rush D. Holt on "No Third Term regular monthly meeting of the po- telling protection to a torge-ecol* at*aa Oeatet to. avard Wabar; aecratary, Leo B. Mias Helen Berry and Miss Elsie Federated church will serve the a steadier and more sound founds teat at the 11 a. m. aervlee Sunday and during tbe C3vll War. Those foundation for futurs proepeilty, 6:45— Lowell Thomas. 7 :00—Bboppera Bpeclal. for Presidento', WABC-CBS, 10:45 o'clock lost oIgbL OoIIlna are In Hartford for two lice oommlealonera will be held. sbortloB rocket Albuquerque, W. M-, Jan. piahar^; truatee for thrae yeara. monthly supper at the chulxb Fri- tion than It was when.milk control at St'. Peter's church a quotation year during 1988 according to the were braided by hand and pt4 out later In Holyoke, Maas., water pow- 7:00—Amoe 'n' Andy. t)65—Esso Roportor. (top. Jos W. Martin on "Republi- gedreo phoned poUe*. sad eqilad Tlwmaa F. Rai^; audltora, Kenneth montha. was Introduced." Bbopporo Bpoetsl. Reports WlU be given on the re- ear* cruised ebcut obeeklng reperto (A P )—JLutaaMbn* traSte Mgfia day evening, Jan. 13. Ulsa Luclle from St. Matthew, 2-11, “ They pre- first record compiled by Chief of into families, and where there ware er development and ths tllk buM- T:i5--voesi VsrietiM. 8:00—8 esn Ohjectlves tn Oongree#.'' sults mode by the men In thslr tar- X. Little, Howard Dtaiock; chairman Tbs teachers will attend at teacb- Agard. Mra. Carrta Ayera and Mra. Organization sented unto Him Gifts.'' Police George Kealy, who has served several girla It added much to the 7:80—The News Reporters. 9;06—Richard MsawoU. WEAF-NBC, 8—J o h i^ prescnu; ot cKplealbaa and eorthquakea get procUce, which Is being h ^ et DIaeard Host of Bonesge o f tha Houaa committee. Edward ars* mMtlng la SomeravtUa Wed- I^bert Meacham are to be the hoe- It alio calls attention to the need Income. Tbe hats were pressid by 7:45—History la the HesdUnee’’— 9:15r-Montaas SUm. 8:80—For Men Only: 9—Battle ot JaCkaon; Chairman of the Grounda Mr. Keen announced that choir bis flrat full ysar as head of the the Stole Armory. Policemah Her- Mystlflsd, the poltoa reported to CUIPRIT PREFERS JAIL neaday afternoon, under Biipervljor tesaes. for Itetter producer organization to machinery. From the store peddlers BBNTBNCBINCRKASBD Professor Andre Schenker. 9:25^::-Naws Servtes the SeoMa; 9:80—Fibber McGee; 10 committee. Edward Weber; Chair- I. B. Dunfleld practice will be held as usual Fri- borough department The blotter 9:80—Girl Interne — Joyce Jor- man Muske is Instructor. /' beedquertera that ths gOtmd sppar As an appeal has come to the provide for a greater measure of were outfitted with Ysnkes notions, 8:09—Johnny wth Russ Morgan. —Bob Hope. man of Field Trial committee. Dr. church from the Connecticut cora- day evening at hts home. In ciTef Kealy'a office reveals that Other poUcs matters win also be ently hod been eeofined to e rels- Vi^en You Neglect Colds self-government and a minimum of 33 arrests were made during the teams going Into MSssachusStts Parle, Jan. 10— (A P ) — H is Paris 8:80—For Men Only. don. WABC-CBS, 8—Edward O. Robtn- TO HARRYING ORL John E. Flaherty; Chairman of the mltte for (Tilna relief which is governmental Interference. Tbe Two tables wore In plM at tbe 9:46—Music Graphs given coaslderaUon. / Uvofy quiat rettdepttol erae and past 12-month pericxl. This' of and Vermont. Court of Appeals today increMVd 8:09—"BstUe of U o Bexes''—With n play; 8:80—Al Jolson; 9—We Fiah committee. Arthur Gebler; working with the national commit- county meetings took action calling Ladles' Afternoon Bridge Club party 10:00—Pretty KltW Kelly. that tk*y bed lav**Uget*d end die- course does not Include tbe arrests At,, the Fuller place, farther from four to six months Imprison- JuUs Bsaderson sad Frank ttM Psoels Tom Mooney; 9:80—Ben- Oama oommlttee. Edward Tomlln- tee of the Federal Council of for further study of produosra' or- held Friday at ths honM of Mrs. north, was a small buolnase carried 10:15—Us on s Bus cerded rumor* that It bod betn Buffalo, N. Y.. Jan. 10—(A T )— You Risk Serious Ulnen aoh. Bdward CoUum. Edward Weber, ANDOVER Stanton Harris at Amoton Laks. made by the state police tn the bor- ment ths Police court eentaBce CrunUt. ny Goodman. Churches for funds for the relief ganisation and the development of a on In the maAufaetura of “neck against Abraham Grynsapaa, eon- 10:48—Stopmothcr, caused by; Edward Bartkowlak began a year to John Roltalaer and Neal Benton. MRS. JOHN HUTCHINSON of the needy of China. A com- rating program for controlling and AIpbonai W rifbt won first prize, ough. 8:89—Fibber McGee and Molly. 11:00—Dorothy Btono — Ooasolo WJZ-NBC, 6:08— From 'Rome, POLISHING U P ^ C S A roller skating rink; on oerth- Jail today to preference to marrytog Delegatee to State Asaoclatlon, Thera were 45 persons locked up stooka," which were worn at tha vfeted of harboring his 'nephew, 19:99—Variety Program Featuring PlgUt Them fMMB WlUiltt WHk Wllllmanltc 167-8 mittee has been appointed from the distributing the surplus. They also Mrs. Mary B. Cummings second. Re- time, and also of pocketbooka. Mr. Vsrietlos. Chomberlaln-MusaoUnl conference; qusk*; e blast; on olrplona; a wtnd- a 17-y*ar-oId girl. WUllam Stengel, Fred Stengel. Fred freshments of sandwichsa, cakes and for safekeeping during tbe year and Henchel Qrynsspan, confessed slasN Ing Bob Hope. 8—Btophea Foster concert; 8;S0— fgther- ■ Jehafi------ilM I k to e Union Missionary society of Tol- Instructed the milk administrator to duller took orders for these er of the German diplomat KrWt 11:16—Scsttergooda Bslnos. OF DADSVeOMEDY SONG atorm; an amateur r ^ o operator; l i e girl had pleaded with a ty Iktel and Laurence M. DUion; Legla- land church consisting of Mrs. Sam- tea were served. Mra. Albert W. a total of 741 transients were given 19:89—Uncle B in 's Radio BUUoa— 11:30—Big Sister. Information Please; 9—Mary and a Uon to the Brooklyn Proepect perk Mra. Charles White of Hartford consider the practicability of draw- a nlght'e lodging la the local lock- hrougb the Bostom states, which Vom Rath. It was Vom Ratk's Judge John D. HlUery for losloac.* latlve oommlttee, Fred Stengel. uel Slmpaon and Mrs. Charles Gun- ing up a uniform contract to be used Hlldlng will entertain the club at K-Z-R-A. 11:46 — Aunt Jenny’s Real Life Bob Drams; 10—Co! Tlnney Inter- eoc; a ttdel wave; tha Brooklyn If you aro subject to one oaM after anather, atsft The meeting waa addrcaaed by and Andover announces‘the engage- up. The transient business carried were delivered. Tbe Fuller brothers daath, Nov. 9, that touched off tk i srbeo BertlcQwtok wax tried on ther to BOllCit. by all dealers which - will Include Its next party Friday afternoon. also made a epeclalty of ehada and 19:45—Jimmy Kemper Bong Stories. Stories. ♦lewf. Hollywood Jon. 10.— (A P )—"Ab- Dodger*. chargee of steeling railroad tie tieatmanteatmant from the vanrvenr m srntM s, Thomaa Llttla of Manrheatar,' who ment of her daughter Miss Carolyn on la the town Jail In Warren Me- November wave of antl-JrwiOh vto- aarMuse*eeaflitlfmg Eleanore White to Peter Walter irovlslona for leveling out produe- Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Hlldlng fruit trees, devoting several acrea lenee in Germany. 11:09—Newn sad Wssthsr. 18:00 noon—Mary Margaret Mc- solutely W . GsUagher." gSmtisto et rordluun ualvorelty ptoUs. aad eoafeased her 16v* for naglastadiglastad sold ean lead tolommo mara la praaldant of the ConnacUcut State moriel Hall on Haymarket Square 11:15—lAglslstlve News— WUllsm Bride. sold no earth shook or oaploeton bad Do aa mOllona have done teke Father John's D eane of SporUmon’a Cluba. Mortlock son of Mr. and Mra. lon throughout the year with refer- hsvs closed their summer home hers ■seme to attract many "kntghia of Whet to exp4(et Wednesday: "PoetUyeiy Mr. Bheoa.' him. Judge HlUery ausp^ed sea- ence to the fluid market on a State- and gone bock to New York for the . A . B b e s h s n . P. M. WEAF-I!IBC, 1;S0 p. m.—'Words Al S h w , Jr., and Ed Osllaghair, regtstorod on tho sstamograph thoro. teae* and put th* 34-ye'ar-old de- Medicine—Hob to Vltamtos. It Mghto thq o ^ from City Ooort George C. Mortlock of 306 Enfield the road.” During ths cold montha wtUito, and helps build strength at the sstp^^ The 826.00 bond of Jamea Bcll- street. Hartford. Mias While la a GILEAD wide basis, and again callsd for ths remainder of tbe winter. They spent 11:30—Polish Orchestra. 12:16—Her Honor, Nsney James and Music;' 8:15—Ms Perkins: 6— Jr., 3g7ear-old eons ot a famous The Woafhtr Bureau said there had fendant oo probeUoa when he prom- your aa many os five men are lodged tn 12:30— Romance of Helen Trent. gianla of 97 Cedar atreet, Manchea- graduate of the Windham High enactment of leglalatlon providing the mid-wintcr holidays bsrs. 11:59—Lou Breese's Orebastrs. Our American schools.' WABC-CBS, team of yestoryeor, poUohed been ao thunder. toed to wed his champion. time. ^ the cell room at one time to be 12:46— Our Gsl Sunday. A young said th* aatoa ier waa declared forfeited In the school In WllUmantIc and Is now Membera of the Farm Bureau are for greater dealer financial respon- Though the winter so far boa besn freed in the morning to coiittnue 18:00—Artis Bhsw's Orchestra. 5— Indianapolis Symphony; 4— lyrics of their fstherar eom- But Bartkowtoh changed bU sibility. 1:00 — Esso Reporter — News, aouaded ttk* "eurf daehlag agatott a bo sliengar City Court of RockvUIe yeaterday employed In the audit department Invited to attend-a meeting to be quite mild Fred Brehant, whe their travels. It has been the cus- 18:80—Wsyns King's Orchestra. Horot race from Hialeah Pork, jg today for a eountry-wids mind end told , the court yertarday I, koaiMd 5v 94 Marb af MS. NO aneereeasaat Development of a marketing pro- Weather. roekbouad tbore " That oaly eb* when be failed to appear at the tea- at the State Oapitol. Mr. Mortlock held at the home of Mrs. Paul Poto- acquired some local fame as a tom for Bsveral years to glvs these 18:55—News. Miami; 5:15—March of Oomee. ge tour with a script they wrote that be preferred JeU. aion. Bellglanla waa arrested on cek on Wedneaday, Jan. 11 at 2 gram through aucb a group beMmes 1:00— Btlent. 1:05—StricUy Swing—GU Bsyek. WJZ-NBC. 12 SO—Form and Home igether. aeurod tbe laeu* further for poUc*. la a graduate of Milford High school weather prophet says wa ehaU yet men a 18 cent breakfast ticket 1:15—Life Con Be Beautiful. November 10 by State Policeman o'clock. "Appreciation of Old Fur- a co-operative effort and avoids any have soma good stiff taste of severe which entlUes each to a free meal and attended Har\’ard University. taint of regimentation. It Is hoped TbinorTow's Program 1:80—Main SUest — Hartford. Albert H. Kimball of the Stafford He Is DOW employed as an account- niture" and how to fit It Into our weather. He says he looks for It to In any local resUurant Thla la iresent scheme of living will be the that the new dealers' committee will A. M. 1:46—Thla Day I# Ours :r Barracka on the charge of apeedlng. ant for the Vulcan Radiator Co. In come about the middle of the preS' paid by tbs town of Stafford. 6:00—ReveUls with Joke and Csri, John iF. Kennedy of Cambridge. fopic for discussion under the direc- perform a similar servlcs for distil 3:00—Nadias fiUiUoy — Songs. 11 I /■' ^ Hartford, ent month and to last until about These road men usually arrive gu#8ts» I I ] I /<: \ t n K II! ) I Maaa., alao forfeited hla $26 bond tion of Miss Edith Mason of Storra. button. Buckingham coneludss. around dusk and start eeeklng Chlaf 3:15—PoeUe Strings Mr. and Mra. Thomas Lewis and Elton W. Buell hss been chosen tbe first of March. «:S9—"Sunrtss Bpeelsl." 3:80—American School of tha Air. when he failed to appear In the Mr. and Mrs. Burton Lewis spent Ksaly for a plaes to tissp over court. He waa arretted od the for Jury duty for this term of the 7:09—Morning Watch. 8:00—Indianapolis Symphony — the week-end with Mr. and Mra. night and of course the Inevitable 8:00—News and Wssthsr. Fsblaa Sovttsky, cooductor. charge of speeding by State Police- Superior Court held In RockvUIe breakfast In the morning. None la FREE DELIVERY PHONE SttO REGISTER CHECK man WUllam H. Stephenaon. George Lovell In Stamford, Sunday. and hla duties began thla morning. 8:15—Brsdlsy Klnesld. Thomas Lewis and .Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, A. H. Post of East Hartford HEBRON turned away. These men are not Andrew Llndakog of 31 Fembrook prisoners and must register b y ^ v> 8 :S(L—Radio Bsaasr. New Method laundry Burton Lewis attended the boat called at the home of her sister. SUPER RED C A RD SPECIALS road. West Hartford, waa before Tbs board of dlrsctan and othsr W. W. GRANT mg thslr nsmss and sddreasss. "nisy 9:09—Muslesl Intsriuds. DeMnU DOES WORK RepreseiRepresekts the modem way of paying hilU Judge John E. Flak on a charge of show at Grand Central Palace In Mrs. E. E. Foote. Sunday 9:05—Happy Jock. Gl 'JUAl KANYAVIf>^’ ' f G >U! ' ( ( iNN Fred Way and hla ton, John, of officera of the Hebron L4)>rary As- 8809, Mancheator ars not psrmlttsd to hang *i violation of the rulea of the road New York aty. aoclatlon are asked to attend a meat FOR W ED NESD AY M ORNIN G 9:15—Food Nows There will be a meeting of the West Hartford, spent Sunday at the mbm town Slid aoeording to Chief Kealy DESPTI E HI S I LLNESS m and/very economically too following hla arrest by Cllate Police Ing Tuesday evening at the library many are familiar (aces and come 9:80—Gretchon McMullen. town 4-H Club committee at the Wellesway farm. • itr. and Mrs. J. A. Harrison man Stephenaon. He was lined 120 building beginning at 8 o'clock. Mra and go Mveral times in a year. Hone Mkdd Pork 9:45—"Tha Wlfe-Bsver." and coita of $1106 which was paid home of Mrs. Arthur Savage this Mrs. Howard Martin. Mrs. Mer- motored to Middlebury last Sunday, ton Hills. Mra. E. K. Foote and MVs. Thomaa Bentley of Bolton will be Stafford Springs being on Route 15 10:00—Csntral City. Hollywood. Jon. 10.— (A P )—Cecil InatallatloD of Offloera evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Seften where they 'spant the day vtalUng between Boston and New York le Ib 10:15—John's Other Wife. B. D* MUlc. who's been making and 3Ilas Morton the club agents of J. Banks Jones spent Monday-In present and will ^explam a plan for At the meeting of Tankeroosan Increasing library facilities undsr one reason why eo many stop here Sausage Meat. lO’SO—Just Plain BIU. movlos 20 years carried oa today Tribe, I.O.RM. to be held this eve Tolland County are planning to be Hartford. with relaUvsa. Miss Florence Battle. super\'lsor tbe auspices of the Federal govern overnight. 10:45—The Woman In White. from a hoe^tal stretoher. nlng In Red Mcn'a hall, the recently present Jack Heritage, son of Mr. and Robert Fitzpatrick of Proepect The S7-y*ar-oId director coUspeed elected officers will be installed for "There will be a meeting of the of the schools, visited the Ollesd HUI ment. It Is understood that aavsral Mra. Thomas Heritage ot Wapping, 11:00—David Hsrum. end White school Monday. of the neighboring towns hava al etreet la a patlsnt at ths Dr. Lohey 11:15—Lorsaao Jones Saturday night after rscurreae* of the ensuing six months. Patrick Andov^er Mothers Club at the home .Mr. ami Mrs. Chifrles Fish and who underwent an operation for Clinic In Boston where he la receiv- s oondiUoo for which ha underwent Egan will be installed aa Bacbem to of Mrs. Thomas Birmingham Wed ready been enrolled to receive tha acute appendlclUa at tha Hartford 11:80—“Young Widow Brown." chlldi-en. Shirley and Galvin, were benefits of this plan. ing treatment. 11:45—“Tbs Road of Life." _ operation In IIM. “ succeed Lester Bartlett. District De- nesday evening at 8 o.'clock. hospital last wsek Is gstUng along Word has been received here of two Sunday guests at the home of Mr. The local library has qulta a large I P o r k C h o p s 2 lbs. 29* 18:00—Noontime Vsrlettea. H* was ordsrod to bod tor puty William Schleldge of Manches- as well as ean hs expscUd. the death of Franklin M. Kallogg, weeks, but toaday mleiophoo** and Mrs. Frederick Briggs In Hart- circle of patrona and Is doing good ter ivlU be the Installing officer. SENTENCED TO DEATH ford. 68, vloa president of tha MunSon A. M. were lA his home and ,ba The other officers to be Installed work In sending out boxes of books Barbara BulUvan Is vlatUng' bsr 18:15—KU ltop House. " An Invitation hss been Issued by aunt, Mra Ban fiwarts In Brooklyn, Stsamshtp Una and brother of IM- Leea acted os maatorstar ot eeremonles. on a are Senior Sagamore. Louis Zwln- the Windham Teaehera’ Club to any- to the schoola soma of them In re- mund P. Kellogg of West Stafford 18:80—"Myrt and Marge." radio programun hoBortog hi* oldtim* ol gelateln; Junior Sagamore. Merle Jerusalem. Jan. 10— (A P I —Six Nsw York, for several ereska. Arabs captured In ,a fight with one Interested In Gilead to attend mote parts of tbe town. People Itv. who disd Saturay In Short Hills, 18:45—"Bingin’ Sam." film agsociato,.a. Jesse V Laeky. ' Tyler; Prophet, Liiater Bartlett; Mra. NsUla McCartney baa return- 1:00—News and Weather. BrIUsh armed forcce near Hebron a series of lectures gU-en at the Ing near the center of tha town have N. J. Mr. Kellogg was a native Yeetorday. on a ho dl- OoUectur of Wampum, John Kuhn- freer accesa to the booka, however, ed to her home at Wapptng Cantor, Soup Meat ib 1:15—HI Boys Dec. 18 were aentenced to death to- Windham High school at 8:18 p. jn. from a week’s visit erlth bar daugh- of West Hartford. Besides hie, rooted soenae for "Ul ^ . Padfle" ly; Keeper of Wampum, Max Rothe; The first one Is on Thursday. ,Jan. than thoae at a distance. A plan may widow he leaves two sons sad a 1:80—la rjo ris Mills. radio the- Keeper of Records, Loula Kreh; day by a Britlsb military court for ter, Mlsa Gertrude McCartney of aad last night went to a n 12. Dr. Odell Shepard will speak be worked out relieving thla situa- d a i^ ttr, also another brother. 8;0I^WPA String Bnaomblo. ater for aaottor broadcao^. Trustee for three years. William J. poases.siuD of arms. Thly waa the New Britain. BIAXWELL HOUSE targeat number of persons sentenced on ''Connecticut''.’ The second one tion. "Ine annual meeting of the First Jsko and OsrL Dunlap; Represeniatives to Grand will be held Feb. 16; Dr. Samuel Guy The town volunteer fire depart' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maclaln and Methodist church Sunday school -Piano RoeltaL Laura C. Gau* Court, first Lawrence Saidak: sec- at one sitting of the court since Its Inman wUl speak on "Democracy vi. daugbUr, from West Haven, par- establishment. ment was again called out to look board wiU bs held tonight. Tues- dti. * « IRAN SHAH R ECAUS With January an extra heary bill paying month for. ond, Lester Bartlett; first alternate The Totalitarian State In the Amer- ents. and sister, of the pastor. Rev. day. at 7:80 at tbs home of Mrs. Coffee LeRoy Ludwig; aecond slternate. after a chimney fire which caused kKIO—The Story of Mary MarttiL icas". Mra. Carl Akeley on ''GorUla alarm Saturday towards night at Douglas V. Maclain, attended eburen Freeman F. Patton on Edgewood 8:15—Ma Parkins. moot pm ie we j^geat that you otart paying by REGIS* EmU S. itazzella QUITS WHE.AT' LE.\DER.sniP Paradtae" will be given on Wednee- services st Wapping Oommunlty street Officers for the coming RED CARD SPECIAL! John Kubniy has just completed tbe home of Fred Brehant. Tha fur- 8:80—Popper Yoimg't Family. MISSION TO PARIS day. March 18, and the last lecture church, Sunday. year wUI be elected. TER CMECK NOW. 80 years as Collector of Wampum will be Thuraday. April 13, by Pro- nace pipes ware at a whtta beat 8:45—*mia Guiding Light." London. Jan. 10 — tA P ) — With- Wapping Oranga will held Us Mlse Eleanor Valentine of Grave 8UNRATSODA and Louis Kreh 20 years as Keeper drawal of the United States from feaaor. Andre Schenker on "Europe when the alarm waa calldB and ths Parte. Jaa. 1 9 *-(A P ) —The mah of Records. . family fall that ths house waa sail rsgular mssUng at ths Wapping street la spending the remainder of In addition to the convenience and economy of Register chairmanship of the International Today". the winter at Gertrude Hotel In of Iran, whe took oatbm at Frenoh Meeting Wheat Advlsor>- Boartl «;as an- The Ladles’ Aid of the GUead oualy threatened. Community House this svsnlng st 8 aowapuar puna oa tha, idenUeei Checks remember that yon have an indisputable receipt for p. m. 'Pbc program Is to bs In charge Southern Pines, North Carolina. The EUen G Berry Auxiliary wUl nounced today Ray Atherton, Congregational church wUl hold Its ' Tbe -fire engine was on the 4pot In Crackers 21b. box preaunetation of his title and “chat hold a meeting this evening in the Just three minutes and In a mlnuta of the Worthy Master and Lsctursr- RavJ Sterling S. White, pastor ot Franeb for eat sheered yesterday he United States minister to Bulgaria, annual meeting at tha home of Mra. ths gsoond Coagregatlonsi church. WDRC aU bills paid. GA.R. ball. Mra. Emma Hemmann, who has presided at current meet- Karl Links. ’Thursday afternoon, and a Jialf all dodger was at an end. elect. ^^^^^^RED C ARD SPEC I^ laat by bte. dlptematlc West Stafford Is a patient at ths- Rartfesd, Oeaa. president of the AimUlary will pre- ings of the 22-natlon body. Ather- Jan 12. instead of regular meeting The boyrs on tha fire aparUMBt de- Ths nsw Msstsr-stset Wallaos $88 side at the meeting. day. Wednesday. A report of the Johnaon Memorial h c ^ ta t ton emphaslred, however, that the serve a good deal of credit, having Hall of WlndsorvlUe and the lectur- Mr. and Mra. George Palacko of Ha recalled Ida dlpVwnatlo latealea Divlaion No. 6. L.A.A.O H.. will officers and the different commit- already oaved thousands of dollars er, Mra Ilary HiUa, of Wapping BuBoLNEYGoBENBjroAl^^ from Parte, leaving only a lagatiea meet tliU evening at their rooms In United States would maintain mem- tee! will be rhade and the election WlUlngton are the parents of a eon bership In the organization. worth of town property by fheir Grange left this morning for Bridge- bom Saturday, Jan.-Tth at tha John- Tngatoy. Jan. 19 43 aeeretory for poaiM* negoftethins the PreiKmtt block. of ofilrers for the year 1939 wUl take- prompt rasponaa to calls. port. where they will attend Uw Mth by whim the French attn hoped to place. son Mamorlal hospital. Stanley Doboaa Unit No. 14. Nazt Sunday's offartofy at ■•t. annual aesaton of the Connecticut cans patch up the qaarrsL American Legion AuxUlary wUI STEAMERS RESUME COURSES Mr. and Mra. Myron Poet of Elaat A daughter was bora Sunday to I Corn 1:80 — OBcbmati Symphony ebU- Pe.tsr's Episcopal church wUI State Grange during January 10.11 hold a meeting In the G.A.R. hall on Hartford called at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mra Arcbls Ramey of Fhr- London, Jan 10.— (A P )—Lloj-d’s turned ovair to Bishop Budloog to and 11, at Hotel StratflsUL naee avenue at the Johnson Memo- Wedneaday evening- Following the and Mrs. Elton Pott. Sunday. Lggge No. 1 Cmu! 4:80—Theso Happy OUmana busmess seaaion there wlU be a card reported today that a fire aboard Misa Laura Gallup and Mlae MU- go towards a fund for balpliig thoea Ing aeselen will be at 10:80 a. m., rial hospital. 4:45—o r Men aad Booka the liner Rtmutaka In the South cburchM of tbs dioceaa.which auf. Tuaeday., In the afternoon at 8 1:00—Ad Uaar — Danes Preyram. party for the membera. dred Bora of Essex called on Mra. Ml*. WariMTi F mmf THE Pacific was under control and that Howard 'fryon at the home of Elton fared burrleana loas. This la la iw- o'doek. Stats Master B(^|ar U. S40 — Hartford■ PubUe School Now year’s Party ALCOHOL BDfO DOHCnED RosaUe Lodge wlU hold a New she and tha United States steamer BueU. Saturday. %pbnse to on urgent request fMm the Tucker,'Stats Lecturer. K ta Bditk ♦ 1 n Yomacblchl, which bad stood by, bishop. M. Iass sad the Stats Ghaplala. D ILL PICKLES SALA D O IL B:4S—The MlfB' ’ B b o w . Tear's party thla evening at the Byracuae, N. T „ Jan. $0.— (AP)> meeting to be held.in the Moose bad resumsd their courses. WIDOW OF SCCLFTOR DUUt St. Peter's has neither asked for Rev. Chailss-'A. Downs wUI gl SKW — Esso aporter — Ntw», Concord. Maas.. Jan. 10.— (A P )— nor received help for its hunrlcana their sddresaee. tadletmaBta charging 68 dafeadants ‘ 83c qollon Waatbor. RADIO C3ub rooma A supper wiU be serv- with eom ^elty la the operations ot MANCHESTER ad at 7:80 o'clock with the meeting DIE.S IN T U R K E Y Mra. Mary French French, whose damages which amounted to more There will be an open meeting tn 9:05—Dance Ttm*. sculptor-husband, . Daniel -Chsstsr a central N «w Toc|i alcohol ring al- 0:15—Howie Wing. ^ to follow. • All those in attendance than $800, perhaps naarar 81,000, pyramid moaqua Tuesday svenlng, leged by government agents to have large Leal SERVICE Berlin. Jaa. 10—(A P )—Miss UI- French, designed the Lincoln statue 0:80—"Today" with Bob'Trout will bring a gift for nai-Jianga. The and many of the members feel that with Charles M. Oa.dnsr, High dafrauda other churdMc p e r it^ better able ilens Berrios as makars. |onr. Ik e tadtetmento, feoad at COQlMe ^ j the BerHa Oaegragatloaal church, ostved tn a tan Dec. 14. Sha waa 78. T:l5—lUnatta Flddlar's Hollywood to take care ot tbelr loaaea than ' SDswortk High haskathaU'tanas AnbotB during October, rimtge the M sbUmt Fdddral Dtoorit lasanaes Cotf. D- A- B- died la Turkey, her mother, Mra. She wUl Its buitcid nea^ her buaband the local church. will motor to Portland this svanh , 2 loovM Oossn. WnuOuKrali ting erlth operating 88 sttSe to i 15c doinn Trio—SolsB MoacksB to "SooogM . Sabra Tnimboll Omptar.. DA.lt. Oora A; Hoaiss ot Hudson street, In Sleepy Hollow eametary here The Hebron Ooafregatlonal Sun- where they wm play ths Portland eral upetata eouatlei. U. B. Attoraegr Ml ImU Its January, aoaeUng on was Informed today. after funeral servtcaa Thursday* day school at its moralng ass Ralj^ L. limmnM laM. m ;3. ■ y '■ .,4 c.. -b t i > J ■’'■■•V ■'I,-

pa g e N on e'1' MANC3IESTER EVBNTNO HERALD. MANCmWTBB. CONN. JUESDAT, JANUARY 10, IW f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10.1980 f^ lS S B EI6BY would b* uakbla to aaeuro tb* a*- Uon's underatondliig." OmCERS OF ST. JOHIfS PRESIDENTS B A H PoSejr * f Amitjr Advocated EXPERT DESCRIBES Mungo Is Offered THORNTON HEADS H0USE|p®*^ 'SB A ^ TRUCK DRIVERS However, be continued, should the INSTAUED AT BANQUET nine provinces—Szechwan, Kerangsl, Lead At Stake In Rec League Totiight Tuaaan, Kweiebow, Hunan, Fukien, USE OF EVERGREENS DATE IS CHANGED ■Starts Holdout Campaign BY GOV. BALDWIN REFUSE OFFER Scnal, Kanau nad SiaklanS—turn COMMITTEE ON BRIDGES from antl-Japoaiam to n policy of North End Psiioh CoaiBUttee amity toward Japan, peace could be Picks Leaders With The Ap- New York, Jan. 10.—(A P )—Van « Mimgo la weU off with 85,000. H* DEMARET CAPTURES Bristol Rated Even-Money PACE-SETTERSIIUE OF ARBITRATION achieved. Lobs Vaoderbrook Tefls proval Of The Bishop. Conflicted WiA Dale Of Lingl* Mungo and-hla employer*, the ' reminded no on* of Walter Johnson SPORTS ROUNDUP Bank Commissioper Recom- Chinese today continued their Brooklyn Dodgers, have officially last year. He lirorked only 183 in- (OMrttoMS (row P *s « OM-) renewed activity In th* Hangchow launched the pre-season baseball nings, appeared In 34 games, start- Wins bportant Asagnment Members Of Garden Qnb St. John's church pariah commit- Poihry Show; Will Now By EDDIE BIETZ XTime* H. W. Macleod succeeds LOS ANGELES OPEN Choice Against Clarkemen FOR SEVERE mended For Reappoint* sector, 100 miles southwest of aalary rumpus ncreabouts with their ed 18. completed 8. won 4 and lost him as sports ed . . . Miami did truck driver* today Shanghai, with an attack on the tee's officers (or 1939 wer* duly In- New York, Jan. 10 -> A P )—Henry annual declaration of war over Mim- 11. As MaePhaU polnUd out in a Obtton, who is Just about the best something to Mike Jacobs . . . ha Today; Senator Shea On refused to submit their demands Japanese garrison at Yuhang, IS stalled Sunday evening at a supper Be Held On Feb. 4. go'a wages, for the 1939 season terse D-MO-ktocd atatoment this u came bock wearing one of those ty- ment; Old Judges Favored for Increased pay and shorter hour* mile* w**t of Hangchow. Aboit Types, CihhratioiL golfer abroad. Is going to let us In Cage Tussle On Friday ATEASTSIDEREC held In the pariah ball. The approval Bvsr since Mungo came up with scarcely the type of record that hav* a look at him . . he has rolean bats which makes him look to arbltniUon by the State Board. Tuhong la the extreina westward tha Dodgers they have bad trouble makes a club about vrith Joy and Texas Pots Together A 72- Judiciary And Insnrance of Bishop Lesntak of Springfield agreed to come across sad play in ilk* a Princeton freehman . . . that That Coach T'ommy hlonohan boa Notified of the driver** voU outpost of the lapaneae In Che- The date for the President's Ball signing him. The trouble didn't end scribble big, fat numbers over the ■galnat arbitration, ChorlM H. kiang province.. 'The Chinese said Louis C. Vanderbrook of 361 Por- was given through the pastor. Rev. the Augusta masters' tournament roaring you heard U Van Mungo developed another groat baskrtball Hartford. Jan. l(V-Walt*r Perry, there. In the jisat he has enlivened pitcher's contract. popping off about that 85,000 con- Hole Total Of To Win Groups; Cheney Is Chair- Cole, chairman of tha Board, an- their forces Jritbdrew after destroy- teratreet, of the local nursery firm Joseph Zleba, for the new slate of has been changed by the committee and maybe some othera . . . Henry, 274 aggregation at Bristol High Is the Center Billiards Facet Greet Omnectlcut aUt* bank cominlaalon- nounced a conference woulc )>* held ing defense work* and tearing up of C. L. Vanderbrook A Son, gave officer*, the personnel of which 1* as from Saturday, Jan. 28 to Saturday, thk tMaeball scene by lai socking Off and on there have been a lot who likes to feel the crinkle of tract he has Just received from the opinion of a writer In the Water- a teammate (bl socking an opposing ot people who figured Mungo would dodgers. *r under former Governor Wllbttr later In the day between represen sections of the highway between the Manchester Garden club mem- follows: Feb. 4. due to the use of the armory those pound notes as well aa the By Seven Strokes. bury Kepublicsn and he rates the lives of the driver* and their em- ber* and friends a comprehensive Chairman of pariah committee, player (c) pulling a anont at the become one of the great right-hand- next one, recently picked up a Bell Clt;^tcs on even-money choice man Of Military Affairs. L. Crbaa, will be recommended to Hangchow and Yuhang. during the week of the 23n(* by tha Ii Opeier AI 7:30 Aid ployers In an effort to reach an Inconclusive fighting continued talk on "The VarieUea, CulUvaUon Stanley Opalach, Sr.; vice chairman, (d) leaving the team ed pitchers of all time. When he Is flock of them with a two weeks’ en- If John Henry Lewis doesn’t give against Manchester High’s triple the Senate (or reappointment by Manchester Poultry Show. Governor Raymond E. Baldain to- ogreemenL at several other point* In the Hang- and Use of Evergreens" at the club’s Stephen Lukaolak; record secretary. . Journey home to Pageland, good he Is very fast. One year h# gagement In a London mualr hall Jos Louis the beat flght Jos has had champions when the rivals collide at January meeting laat night at Cen- The March of Dimes to ^ gander at tbi crops. struck out 338 msn and won 18 . New Orleans newspaper.<< say olhce the first Joust with Schmellng, Los Angeirs, Jsn 10.— (A P ) — Bristol this Friday night. Ujuichostrr men wbc nr* mem- day. Huge trucka, bearing rad-latter chow aector os th* Chlneae sought Wesley Rubaeba; flnaLclal aecra* PA’s Oppose Barbers h Likewise transmitted to the Sen- ed etlckera, ‘*Emergency Delivery,' to close In on the Chekiang capital. U r church bouse. Mr. Vander tary, Bruno Partyka: traasurer, tha Preaident'a Birthday Halarj Cot $10,000 games. everything about the Sugar Bowl you can sue us . . . Art Rosa, mana- The touring golfing delegation Manchester wlUpped irf sluKKlsh ber* of the General Aeembly, which move throughout th* coun^f^WlB* ate (or It* approval 111 be Gover- began, early in tha day, with th* The Chines* also asserted they brook's talk was .inUresUng and Charles Skrsbaez; board of trustees, *A l that, he la a colorful It unopn- Arm Net Se Oeed game was 100 per cent except little ger of the Boston hockey Bruins, headed north tni 6Ux 68 and 71, was never challenged In Phoenix ...... 78 80 (or filUng with dimes. Distribution engagament by 8L-SL but dicate the Importance of Manchester the House passed and sent to the two railroad fruit and produce ter- Funeral aervlces will be held trade. ths final round. H* mad* th* turn minals closed for five days. Several Travelers ...... 440 460 ot the March of Dimes cards will be Into tha last night two under par as ad bard all tas . la the General Assembly. This town Senate two admlnlstro.lnn meaaures Tburaday afternoon at the Watkins Hemlock he characterised aa the So Siys Harry Grayson, CLIFFORDS REPEL IN OVERTIME PLAY BONNET TELLS hundred carloads of vegetables had Publlo UtlUtlee under the supervision of the home Jimmy TTiomson. 1988 wtnnsr, Mc- far from li (v^be rsesat i b«e regularly elected able represen- extending the terms of all minor Brothers Funeral Home at 2 o'clock most graceful evergreen, the Nor- room teachers. The campaign will Chatter hava tbo^jlsyei^td; court officials until July 1, and mak- been endangered by spoilage on aid- Conn. Lt. snd Pow. .. 52 58 Spaden and E. J. Harrtsen of Chi and ths tatives to the Legislature and the and Rev. Karl Richter, pastor of the way and blue spruces great favor- close Friday. Jan. 30. Who Likens Conqueror Of spring an upset Local npreaentatlve* earned their com- ing available for-foreign fire pre- ing*. ites. The dwart Japanese yew, a Conn. Pow...... 45H 47 >4 cago, his nearest foes, battled tb* Lutheran Concordia church of which Hartford Elec. U . ... 61H 88 V4 Superintendent of SobooU Arthur HOUYWOOD GAGERS Naugatuek High creatsd quits a hii^ wind sweeping over the Grif- Henry Armstrong Risks erant pteaty ot ooUm ta inftte* aaslgaments through their vention work an appropriation of OF AGREEMENT Organized picketer* remained native of Japan Is an excellent ssnsaUoa last Wednsoday night in Nip Sdddes In Intennediate Mr. Adamy was a member, will bnalwtbsll wUMtad ths Roe good work. RepresentaUve Thorn S300.000, granted by the laat Assem- stationed at terminals and stra- Illuminating Sbs...... 54 66 lUIng and Mrs. Edson Bailey arc fith Park Wilson course. officiate. Interment will be In the evergreen with foliage of a strik- CkampoosTo Jim Sbt- rolling up tbs emeeleg total Of 110 gnmss to thsAr Mktag aa the ton. now In his third term, has serv- bly for public works. The bills are tegic points throughout the city In- Hartford Oss ...... 31 85 co-chairmen of the March of Dimes Harrison finished with 384, Thom- ing dark green, producing bright celebration under the general com- points against Litchfield Junior Rs- Is so keen that nil gemss ed on the Roads,’ Rivera and Bridges expected to be passed by the Senate S(>ecUng deliveries to make certain, East cemetery. red berries which ^ d to its appear- So. New EMg. Tel. Oo. 145 150 Leigie, 28-26; Tifers son 383. BsiA Snead pulled up to WITHBRITAIN Western Mesa ...... 80 83 mittee for the Preaident'a Ball eele- pubUc....it wasn’t a state record, 286. slong with Msrk Fry of Oak with ksmmsr nad tong ootot wor- committee as clerk previously and later In the day. union officials said, that nothing ance In the fall. It doe* better In tery; Is Fine Boxer With West Side Jnnior Loaders however, as far back In 1922 Crosby Welter Diadem Tonight fnie. bees'—e bis sand and gravel busi- Indaetrials br,-tlon. land, and listed further bock ware ot Introduce Conatltutlon Bill (Ooatlnaed from Pag* Ona.) other than foodstuffs moved. partial shade. The mugbo pine topped Branford by 153-17---- noany Th* Want BMss esilar-dwsitsr* ta ness here Is thoroughly familiar Fruit and vegetable auctions and FUNERALS win also accommodaU Itaelf to a Acme Wire ...... 28 39 Cop Fifth In Row. such favorites ss Horry Cooper, A bill calling for a constitutional 39H fans are of the opinion that Coach tbs circuit, nr* Idl* this wssk. with the construction problems that transactions on the fish exchange, v a r l^ of conditions and will stand Am. Hardware...... 27H Fast Hands And Feel Resume Victory March; with 388, Horton Rmith with 388 convention to meet In January of of sending a note to London declar- Mr*. Ethel Tburlow Arrow H snd H. Com. 39 41 Peto rday put his Oamet cagsra and Dick Metz with 291. eome before that committee. next year was Introduced In the ing that French could yield no land suspended yesterday, resumed to- draught. The speaker declared into high gear to roll up that huge Boot At Lot Aigdet Witk In his first session two years ago The fimeral or Mr*. Ethel Thur- that the winds are more destructive Billings snd Spencer. 3H 4V4 The Eagtea and Sulddaa coUMcd From her the golfers head for GEORGETOWN EARNS Senate and House toilay by Pcnio- to meet Fascist claim* and that day. However*, the union’s agree- Bristol Braaa ...... 35 37 Plnmbing A Wnmer. ■core hilt Naugy points out that the the $5,000 Oakland open Jan. 12- as a Representative from Manches- cratlc leader*. It was one of acv- France was too great a power to ment apparently did not extend to low, wife of Attorney Harry H. to rose bushes and all other shrubs N. Y. Stocks Bv RABBT OBAYBON second team started the game and In a cage slszler in tha YMCA in- ter, Senator Shea served on the Thurlow of Elaat Providence, R. 1„ than changes or extremes of tem- Oolt'a Pst. Firearms. 88 89 NBA Berviee Sports Editor 15, and the $5,000 Ban Francisco Baby Anzmendi Billed At 25 RACING HORSES eral bills Introduced to carry out bow to the Intervention of other fish, a spokesman ot the Maaaachu- EMgle Lock ...... was not removed until the end of termediate League laat night and match pisy, Jsn. 18-33. Judiciary committee. Thla won him who was killed In an auto accident perature. 14 H 18% the first qturter___ the subs scored pledges made In the party platform. states In the dispute. aetta Fisheries Asaoclatlon reported, Fsfnir Bearing ...... 100 In the Junior basketball league after playing on even terma through EDGE OVER TEMPLE a place on the committee this year The bill provides that at the an- He then gave the ministers the as 19 vessels bearing 500,000 Saturday morning In Bolton, waa Foundatloa PloaUag Adams E x p ...... 1084 New York, Jan. 10—BlUy Conn 35 points before Litchfield tallied... as a Senate appointee. The speaker devoted cooaiderable Gray Tel. Pay Station 9H 11% Air Reduc ...... at the Wept Side Rsc last night the regular periods, th* EOgles Title Go Ahbooib Solou nual town meeting* on the first British reply. The Cabinet gave pounds, arriving today, were un- held yesterday afternoon from the Hart and C ooley___ 150 — whipped both middleweight cham- ARE LOST IN FIRE When the committee appoint- W. P. Qiilsh Funeral Home, 225 Main time to the subject of foundation Alaska Jun ...... 984 emerged with a 38;26 triumph by Monday of next October, the elector* uiisnlmuiis approval to the foreign able to move cargos. Some amall Hendey Msch., B. ... 7 8% pion*. BoUy Krieger and Freddie Clifford's Men and Boys' Shop re- The reserve quintet went back JUDGE LANDIS OVES ments were read In the Senate thla shall consider the calling of a spec- itreet. planting, and caUed attention to ex. Allegheny ...... 1^ ■coring a basket la th* "sudden afternoon it was learned that Sena- mlnlslei’s action. vessels succeeded In making a few Lsndere Frsry A CHk. 36 38 Apostoll, within A daya. sumed Its string of vtetoriss with a into action later and In addition ith” pvertims. The outcome sent Disifree; Rhils Froaiio ial election (or the first Monday In Dr. J. A. Morrison, pastor of the amplea of unwise choice ot ohruba A n C*B ...... several thlrd-strlngera wer* sent Hoiu Trie Osb-^ 36-28 tor Shea waa also named chairman Meanwhile authorltattve diploma- dellverle*. New Brit. Msch.. Com 34 36 Am Rad St S ...... 16T4 The PltUbuigb Mick amuld 4Y to 98 triumph over th* Holly the Eagles Into second place behind PRAISE TO SOFYDALL December to elect delegates to the tic aonreea sMd that Chamberlain Providence Baptist church officiated (or this purpose. The case Is differ- do., pfd...... 95 — whip as many Ught-heavywdlght Into the fray, twelve players being of the Forfeited Rights committee. proposed convention. at th> service. ent In aproimen plants located Am Smelt ...... 80V4 wood Service Five, and the Man- the fast-stepp.ng Hgsrs, who bad Loti Of ActMNL FfauMf Destrof Mail waa expected to adviae Premier ONLY LOCAL DirrERENCEA North and Judd .... 34H 26% Am Tel and T e l ...... j,...*. . . . 15084 leaders in an equally short space used in a ll... .CnpUckl, Guddy and h CMfercsM Optnei; siach town of 10,000 population Attorney lliurlow, who as the where they do not have to be re- of time . . . If given tb* oppor- chester Plumbing and Supply Oo. Farrar, veterans ot last ssaaoB’s ar- no trouble la trouncing tbs hapless Miiaaollnl to "make up with France" W'aterbury. Jan. 10—(A P )—The Peck, Stow A WllcoK 7 9 Am Tob B ...... « * « Hawka, 85-14, for their fifth stnUgbt or less would have one delegate and driver of the car Involved In the stricted In slse. Pines con Russell Mfg. Co...... 33 37 tunity hammered out a 46 to 81 ray that twice met defeat from At M F| HOWE CHOOSES ONLY when they meet In Rome tomorrow. State Board of Mediation and Arbi- Am Wat Wks ...... 1384 over aienaey’a victory. High Comniadionor Thlnka Msti towna of more than 10,000 wuiAld The British statesman and his skidding accident was Injured, left pruned will make a fine, dense Scovlll Mfg. Co...... 33H 25% MMIo BetUna and Tiger Jack Manchestar in th* state and New Colfitt b mner. ■ Angsles. Jsn. 10.— (A P ) — have a delegate for each 10,000 tration met today with striking growth; the leaders of the sp Anaconda ...... 38 M Southsrgin sarred for the Eagles Sport Holpa BaaebaU; la On foreign secretary, Viscount Halifax, the Manchester Memorial hospital Biles Co...... 13 14 Fox are to flght for New York In tha opening game, Hennl* Frey England tourneya, wars amoog the population or fraction thereof. truck drivers and representatives of may,be cut out to retard growth; Armour 111...... and Holmes and Backus went best Annual Vacation. Tbsr* ssama to b* some Intsrstat* Near Aastariam. REPOBUCANS TO HEAD alloted the tea time hour to outline for the service and returned to the Stanley W o rk s...... 41H 43% recogaltlon as successor to John and Perley Butler tossed in enough low scorers.,. .Naugy led Sf'iO at / Senator George T. Calhane, (D.l. local wholesale fruit and produce the hemtocks also will stand **i Atchisoo ...... • • *9 double chuckera to win tha game the end of the quarter, 63-18 at the for the Sulddea. Every member of 'dissension on th* Issue at staks, but the British position with their Institution for further treatment at do., pfd...... 38 30 Henry Lewis’ 176-pound throne New York, Jsn. 10—(A P) — Un- of Waterbiiry Introduced a bill to- dealers In an attempt to adjust the pruning. Once an evergreen Aviation C orp...... 7% when Fox recover* from being but every man on the squad also half and 88-34 at the three-quarter the Tigers team scor^ more than ona thing ssema certain—hammerin' French associates late today. its conclusion. rorrin^oo ...... 24 36 Baldwin CT ...... IJJ Bellfolr, Fla., Jan. 10— (A P )—A less Pitt's Panthers do something COHWTIEES Hi HOUSE day providing for fair labor stand- differences that caused i walkout of The body waa taken to Springfield grown too large little or notl Veeder Root ...... 41 44 stabbed In a brawl. took part In the soortng. For mark___ once against the Hawks, while Wil- Henry Armstrong and Baby Arls- Amatardam, N. 't.ySoMt 10.—(A F ) arda In Connecticut to bring all In- The exchange waa limited to a 75 men Sunday night.' Balt and Ohio ...... 781 But Johnny Ray, who handles Hollywood, Toman and F ra ^ r vrent son featured for the lattor. In the good word for softball came today tonight to spoU the setup, there mendl will maul each other around stop over between trains from Lon- today by Undertaker Quiah (or cre- New York Banka Bendlx ...... from Judge ■ Ksnesaw Mountain —Th* smouldsrlim^witas wan aR dustry In the state under the same The strike wa.*i called after union Bank of New York .. 365 390 OMifi, has been e.rcund too long best. third game, O ntar Springs defeat- should b* a real lively tussle F r i ^ for ten rounds or lass tonight end don to Rome. mation. Beth S te e l...... 76 J Here's how tb* Naugy players Landis, high oommlsslonsr of bass- (OoatiBDed from Pag* One) provision as the Federal wage and agents failed to reach an agree- object of pruning Is to hold th Bankers Trust ...... 44 46 to permit hla vouegater to waste With Frank Pish dropping In ed the Pirates, 35-20, Stratton sUr- when the Georgetown and Oarnegta If th* affair la anything Uks their that remained t ^ a y of The British negotiations, with the ■eored: Durstte. lS-0-25: Dunn, 4- hour act. ment on a new contract asked by plants within definite limits o (Central Hanover . . . . 83 86 time with the likes of bstuna and eight double deckers to s ^ rk the 0-8; Garlinski. 9-0-18; COonnor, 8- ring (or th* winners and Caaslnari ball. Tech basketball teaam meet in EasU four previous sneounters, no on* racing stable ^ S a n fo rd stud farms .Bngroaaed Bills—H. U. Alcorn, The bill would create a separate consent of Premier Oaladler and the workers. Can ...... JJ] Ftx. who don’t mean anything. Bbarlng none of the misgivings of *m Inter-coileglaU conference com- height and width, and the best tim Chase ...... 33 84 Cerro D# P a # ...... Plumbing and Supply team. Olen- 0- 16; Farrar, 4-3-11; Lutze, 8-0-16;(or the losers. wlH he disappointed In the amount after firs dsptroysd 38 thoKHiihbnd Jr„ (R ) of Suffleld. division In the state lalxir depart- Foreign Minister Bonnet, were re- Rudolph M. Tata, business agent Is In May or In the late falL . Chemical ...... 48 45 Now Inat he la. established In ney's found themselves lacking the Kralts. 1-0-2; Guddy, 1-1-3; Ruedo, The box scores: many who fsar tha mushroom p«tltM|i. of action provided. race Education—Fred N. Holbrook ChM ftnd O h io ...... ****** growth of ths newer sport will de- ment with an administrator at 80,- ported to have abandoned definitely of the local truck drivers' union, Varions Type* aty ...... 34 H 26% New York. Conn w. longer will necessary stuff to overcome the lead 1- 0-2; Czaplickl, 2-4-8; Daly, 0-0-0: Eagles (28) Carnegl* sprang something of n The bout M blUed as a world's Owned/ John ■aaforfi. mMU (R) of Madison,,. 000 a year. TWO ACCUSED Chrysler 79% tract from tbs popularity of baso- any Idea of playing the role of denied reports that a general strike Mr. Vanderbrook talked on th Continental ...... 13 15 have to Kek employment. ProOt- gained by the Hardware men al- Duffy, 1-0-2.... F. T. •urprtse hurt Maturdny bybreeslng welterweight championship coo test, air* and dsvotss Federal Relations—J. F Lynch Would Ban Office llo'ding Col carbon ...... 90 P. B. baU, Judge Landis obssrvod: mediator In' the Freneh-Itallan dis- would tie up the entire state, saying wlde-Ieaved evergreens, such ss rh( Corn Ebichsnge...... 53 54 able dates will come lo him, and though Frank Wilson and Aeeto 2 DiMInlco, rf ...... a 3-3 6 paM West V h flala in the e o n fs r*^ wtth Armstrong dsfsiHllag ths (Rt Orange. Representative Alcorn sponAored pute over Italian colonial aspira- that the only poaalble action of the Ck>l G a a a n d E l ...... 7% "Yss, softball bslps bassban. Any dodendrons and laurel, and listed First National ...... 1610 1650 Coml Inv Tr ...... 86V Ray, the cld featherweight, snows gavs a good account of themselves Naugy, which win again dezert 1 Johnson, rf ...... 1 0-1 2 , 4843. Than last night crown h* eron from Bsmay Ross last af tho . Fish and Game—R. N. Clark (R) a bill which would prohibit any tions. short would be a statewide strike WAIVE RIGHTS Qusrsntv T ru s t...... 333 239 that John Henry i.ewU Is the big while in the fray. good outdoor sport Is good for all ____-to w n provided something ttm bs'r toppon in ths oovrtty; number of colorful varieties, pn Essex. member of the general arsembly of driver* working for wholesale Coni So It ...... X9^ Class B to compete In the "A " 0 Goer, If ...... 8 0-1 6 ■umroe^ A qualified source close to the sentlng a Hat to the club for refei Irving Triiet ...... 1014 11% money shot and the man Irish Box scores; • tourney In March, captured Its 0 0-1 0 sport*. The mors ths bsttsr.’* equMly surprising by wMppIng Tem- Th* .California atMstle commis- ■nd Poet, both rs- Forfeited Rights—Ellssbeth Ren- from holding any administrative, f^ult and produce dealers In case Cons Bdlaon ...... 31J Billy must whip for a clear claim 8 Brown, c ...... The peppery, white-haired czar of ple's Owls, last year’s champions. "cant w in n e rs Foreign Office explained, however, eoce. Msnufset. TTuet...... 38 40 Clifford’s. sixth straight triumph Saturday 0 0-0 U sion solemnly sanctlonsd It as a tlUa ahsw (R i Darien executive or court office. today’s meeting proved abortive. Hanbsttsn ...... 16 17 Cona O U ...... to th* llght-heavywclght throne, 0 Kosak, rg ...... America's national pastime, at the W-3S. The Hoyns rolled up a 17-18 Horn* Hughes tmtaar af the. that ’’Chamberlain and Lord Hali- IN W A n U R Y In closing he said the aim of hi Coot Can ...... B F T night in nipping Warren Harding of 0 Newberry, rg ...... 0 1-1 1 go, but tbs New York iMXlng o < ^ Humane Institutions and Public Two bills provlillng for constitu- fax will advlsa 11 Duce to re-estab- William J. Larkin, attorney for N Y T ru s t...... 84 87 Bellevlaw hotel here for hla annual lead at half Urns and uncovered r ktahls,* sstkantsd the Ms* 88 tional amendments were Introduced firm and every other nuraeryma Corn Prod ...... 88J H. Frey, rf ---- ...... 6 8 15 Bridgeport, 32-28 . . . . Litchfield 0 SOutherglll, I g ...... 6 1-1 18 mlsstoa Just as sotemnly sent YS- Welfare- Harry M. Smith (R ) New lish normal r?lajl( reloJlons with France several of the wholesale companies, (Osattnoed from Pag* One.) Title Guarantee...... 6 7 CONN TO BATTLE LEWIS E. WeUs, If ---- ...... 1 0 3 wlntsr sojourn, said baseball attend- new sophomore scoring star In John< wards of fbOOdOO.” by Rep. C’srie, (D.l. One would re- aald that deliveries were being made Del Lack and W ea t...... TV Junior Re’i^bUc. InddentaUy. cams grst*. Apparently the picture of two Ho said bO wmdd -not be nhls t» Hartford. and to negotlaUlTdlrectlyllat^ d with the Public National . . . . 37H 39% Douglas A irc ra ft...... Tit rOR I7S-rOUND TITLE McKinney, If ...... 1 0 3 back from Its Isdng by Naugy to ance flguna showed no effect from HcOowan, who UlUed eleven Incorporations. A. K. Bentley (R) quire a two-thlrda vote of the as- oa usual yeaterday. «, —— - 1880 8 It 4-8 38 egiUmats lightweights fightrag for tell whleb. of th* other Sanford French xovernmMt." once before lo the nation outside of U. S. T ru st...... 1680 PorL ♦,’ <»•!••*•***•••••••• X9oA -Conn win be given his oppori Butler, c ...... 5 3 13 drub the Gilbert Home of Winsted, softball and w en continuing to In- polats. ^ ^ Hanninton. sembly to oven-lde the governor’s In the correct position. ity after Lewis la smacked out by SuMdes (28) Of course, the two winners bad the 147-pound champlonsM^ strain- horses perM isd In th * flamOs m rtil French source* reiterated that legislative acL Ha was given a hearty round of BSStnSD KOdftk eeeeeeeoeeed*X84 Runde. rg ...... 2 0 4 65-17.... ^ crease. Insurance — Georg* Jone.i (R) veto and the other would require the PICKETS AT WOBCE8TEB. Jos Louis at Madison Square Gar 6 0 CMarsn, rf ...... 3 0-1 4 He likewise saw no prospects for the advantage of playing on their ed'the credulity of tha# sagaetaua la te r tM s y . establishment of the merit system Premier Daladler now waa stronger Provided the alternate Jurors have applause for hla excellent talk. EloO Auto Lito ...... SS\ Martin. Ig ...... 2 3 West Hartford. Worceater, Moos., Jan. 10.— (A P ) den, Jan. 25, an appointment for 3 Bsckue, I f ...... 8 0-3 0 a slump In softball's popularity and hozM court* bad Temple, this year, body. y OoMsn Msadow, another ont- for all state and civil division em- politically than In the previous two —Activity In the atrlks of 5,000 been selected by that time. It Is ex- President W. B. Buckley called HEAR OBJECTIONS Gon d o c ...... 41^ Eddie "Duke" .Haraburda shot 2 Just bow Arismsnm ean put Labor—George S. Hart (R) Sims- months and that he waa holding which John Henry temporarily 17 8 43 3 Befnsrd, If ...... 1 0-0 DO cause for alarm Co baseball If la hardly th* aU-oeaquarlat outfit ■tnad— ploves. Bo.tton truck drivers spread to Wor- pected that testimony In the case attention of the members to tha Il- Oco ...... W th* winning basket a* Conn, State’s a 0-0 4 enough weight to Moome a welter- bury. firm to his policy against cession of win begin next Tueaday when a Ocn Moton ...... 484 vacated the 175-pound title. HoRywoed Servtoe Fli-e. 0 Fitspatrtek. e . . . . on* failed to occur. ot 1838. Th* Owls had lost thro* la Other bills Introduced Included: cester at 4:30 thla morning when lustrated talk by Commander Don- Tha Conn-Lawls encounter proba- Frosh tolled Wortbaaatem Satur- 0-0 4 straight hsfoto running Into Goorgo- weight challeni'M’/WlUMUt asqumlag Host of those that pirisisd ta tho Legislative Expenses—Harold G. a "single Inch of French territory." group of witnesses baa bMn ordered TO FRANIFURTER GiUette ...... B F T 0 Marks, c ...... 3 Th* elderly eommissloeier, who ho- By Representative Alcorn—Estab. Lowell-bound truck waa stopped ald McMillan at the Av«ry Audi- bly wUl b* staged in th* open air In 8 day, 84-31___ Haraburda got three 1 Hole*, rg ...... 8 0-1 0 town sad Howls BUdi and Doug tha Map* of fO laflsAd football, dames Inst M glrt wsso twe yosv elds. Lucas IR) Newington. Hla recent trip to part of the to appear in court Heckcr P ro d ...... Fitzgerald, rf ...... 3 1 baskeU srhil* Johnire Wtnaler a l - cam* head of organised baseball MlUtary Affairs^ William C. Che- llshlng a State Board of Probation at the West Boylaton lin* by four torium. Hartford, Friday evening, June in Pittsburgh, where Lewis has 0 2 8 Donnelly, r g ...... 0 0-0 V wars only eoaslstsnt seorers. must remain 4n unanswered prob- the tra in e r said. of five members named by the su- territory affects by Italian colo- men and prevented from contlnU' under auspices of th* Connecticut Hudson Motors ...... ******* 8i Carney, If ...... 1 lied twice. ...B ill Bumamoii, suf after a colorful career on th* Fed- ney IR) Mancheater. (C from Pag* Oae.) mode his headquarters for several Driggi, c ...... 1 1 3 3 Frye, I f ...... 0 0-1 V Osorgetown, howsvor, has w* lem until todky, k* has navor sealed Tbs fir*. Hughes said, apparently perior court Judges for terms of five nial ambitions. Oirslca and Timlala, Ing until the arrival of two radio Horticultural society. Int Harv ...... *• faring from an Injured knee, got eral bench, carries his years lightly started la th* upper sscUon of tho Motor Vehicles— Robert Parsons was the ciibject of a review before yaara and Is a good draw. It should Frsher, rg , . , . ,,,, ■ ,S 7 Ih a row now and hSs no more than 133 for Ms best efforts, years and the employment of a pro- patrolmen. Int Nick ...... >•••• Into action after all aa Wedeyan ■nd appears to be enJi^riBg himself • ttsted bofor* th* meeting ■tabto and soon sprond throughent (R) Farmington. the cabinet. greatly promote racial Intolerance, Int Tel and Tel ...... gross 8109,000. Toman, Ig ...... 4 9 10 26 ■ad It will take hla best efforts snd 1 oatlon of director at a salary of |6.- In response to a call from a w1t' Th* 31-y*ar-oId Conn will re- edged Yale, S4-SS, but .didn’t score Immensely. ^th Carnegl*. wooilsB buUdbiS" PubUc Health and Safety--Fln- I 000 a year. France let It be known, however, by making our other loya' ciUzena Johns M an vllle...... 191. 1 ij It Is th* oo* time o f th* year be then s^me to stlek around with ness, two patrolmen went to the WEDDINGS TREADWAY BLASTS bellave that Frankfurter typifies pel Lewis with no naore dKftculty 11 4 36 Pitt however, may spoR Gam* Ths ban. Moated Just outsMs ths nettr B. Nichols iRl Kajrllrlil I By Representative Whalen—Mak- Insofar as the DJIboutl-Addla Aba- scene. Instructed th* truck drivers Kenneoott ...... Ttgere (U ) can forget U)o worries of superri*- Armstrong for tan rounds Amsterdam city Une. eontalaed 88 Railroads—Harrv B Morse cR) Jewish Americana generally." tlian b* expsrisneed against Krieger Score at half, 31-16, CTlfford's. This is aa good a tlo * aa any to T. gla's confsrenc* record tonight Tb* The Arlsmendl-Armstrong feufi ' Ing bingo lawful when the proceeds ba railroad was concerned, that to continue and ordered the strik- Lehigh V*1 Rd ...... » venture th* predtetion that Man- P. B. F. ing America's national pastime. In ■tsUs and th* damss had ndasd too Utchfleia. she stlU was favorably Inclined to Redd told th* SAmmitte* that Ligg and Myer* B ...... 1031 and Apostoll. Both middleweight Referee, Earl Biatell. . 8 0-1 " 0 Panthers appear to be eoming back has been going on—at lighter I were used for charitable purposes. ers to cease activity srithln the city NEW TRADE PACTS; champtooshlp claimants are corking chester High Is going to wallop 1 Sumleleelrl, r f ...... s few weeks most of the big league itrooc a(U r a eompnraUvol' great haadway whan the fire depart- Reorganixation -Gerald G Mareh discuss "close collaboration” In Frankfurter had originated the Loew’s ...... 0®' Manekeeter PIxmMag • SnppI: 3 Paremk, i f ...... 8 1-8 7 Weights—for oeveral years, They By Representative Buell—Abolish- Ilmlta. Announce original NRA program, and that flghters, but nobody can concede the B F T Bristol High at the BcU <3ty Friday teams will arrtv* for their spring ■issnn Inst year and will bs ment arrived. Non* *f th* hoinsn (R i New Milford. ing the trough of Guilford and management of the line. Lorillard ...... 1 Zamartna, If ...... 3 0-0 e training, and Judge Landis' worries met twlec In Mexico C?|ty before aouM be liberated. be must have known it' was con- onruahlng Conn weight and get Taggart, rf . ..3 0 4 night . . . . wo cant imagine that eus OTsa though they Iwro lost Roads. Bridgo.i and Riyers \V. J. j ile.Vgatlng to the selectmen the Diplomatic source* pointed out Engaggflient FORESEES REPEAL Bristol has ooBM far snosigh from lU 3 Ganoffl, If .*.•••••, . 3 0-0 6 will begin anew. . Armstrong beKSii hla sensational Sanford, repotted to bo ta Fkirtdi, trary to our American Inatltutlona." Nash Kelv ...... » away wTth anything. Eagleson, If . ,.o 0 0 of fie* prsllnilnary contssts. Tho Thornton 'R i Mnni heater. duties of borough officials. that there cwiild be no question of JAP PLANES BOMB Mra. Sophia HpCamp of North Conn la remindful of ^-ftmmy ir diowlng in th* first gams here 1 Vlncek, e ...... 8 0-8 8 But untU then, be is devoting Ms NS eror* to Brndloy TeCh rise to th* top and Arizmendt, an waa the ow n*r„of on* o f th* tarfn^ Rule.*-Stanley .Mead iR) New (OsallBasd frvas Pag* Oae) RMid read several published ref- Nat Blsc ...... ** Plab. If ...... ,.8 0 18 The House adopted a resolution reding DJlbouU, French port on th* Weatchester, Conn., formerly of Slattery In his. prime. sat back tha ClarksnMn. 1 Rubacha,* c ...... 3 0-0 0 time to chinning with old cronies, ComeU. both strong rivals. ^ Idol In Mexico, D. F., won th* de- foremost racing staMss Fooadod Canaan. Gulf of Aden, sine* It U strategical- erences to the fact that Frank- Nat <3*sh Reg ...... *3 McNeil, e ... ..8 0 ■t In th * ^s by tho st* John Sah- ' fixing Jan. 'JO as the final date for Manchester, announce* tha engage- Who heard said the diplomats He t » aa exceptlonaUy fine boxer ..8 0 8 rthough wo expect a better gams1 Katksvsck, rg . . . . . 8 0-0 « riding, playing golf, and having an Outaid* th* conference, there's cIMona. 18 1 Shell FlsherifH C. A Cummings ly Important as a naval baaa. furtar was a Jew.. Nat Dairy ...... *3 O’CJonnor, c . the Introduction at bills. CHINESE CAPITAL ment of her daughter, Mias Muriol painted a "dlamal" picture of Eu- with fast hands and feet. than th* first one... .Manchester by 3 Olbert, rg ...... S 1-3 7 all s r o i^ g o ^ time. little Important business Oehoduied They met twice.in Los Angeles ford, carpet maaufsetuior. the (R) Lebanon. Parliament, returning' today aft- There have been no objections to Nat DUtlU...... *7 M- Weiss, rg ..S 0 1.0 ■ Ubto’s heyday waa at tho .Announcement I* Error Kemp, to Rlchsird Joeeph Bohnaon, ropean affairs. Kennedy la home on He has a great left hand . . . 4 ten polna at least la our gueas and 1 WlerzMckl. Ig ---- . 3 1-1 7 until Wednesday, whoS where both are favorites and Arm- tmm o t State Library Inlr.g J. Avery Gov. Raymond E. Baldwin said to- er a New Year'a vacation, waa ex- Frankfurter’s nomination from N Y Central ...... *0' Duke. Ig ...... 3 0 the century whan BanfWd isstso (Osattaaei from Page Oae) son of Dr. and Mrs. John Charles leave from London and Bullitt from subcommittee member*, but several sbo and hooks a wbol* lot like try that on your bassoon. Mr. league teams swing HMo aotlso strong swept both dedstons. At no (R ) Wetherstleld. lay his announcement he Intended pected to Interest itaelf In the Ital' Bohnaon of Portland, Maine, and NY NH and H ...... OlbbOBS. He basa*. too much Charles Mortimer McCarthy. 38 8-10 50 again. Dartmouth, propartag to tin)* could Armstrong make the! wor* pracueally Inriaelbto om tha Paris expresaed a wish to question him North Am ...... 98 ' "• M 13 State Parka and Kcservalipna—lip ! to reappednt Justice George H Hln- Ian demands during extenslv* de- Newport, R. L Ity in his right flat *% the .Hawks (14) MOVIE STAR SPONSOR opoa th* dsfaose of Its Magus tlU*. Baby step back or hit th* deck, Amerfeaa turf. man of W’lndham to the state Su- bate on foreign affairs during the by Prince Fumlmara Kaaoyc, then With the relfcf measure atin be- on hla attitude toward the Roose- Packard ...... I one 'of th* most famous hots* Lionel Kugeman i R i Cornwall. Japan's premier. MIm Kemp la a graduate of Man- fore a sub-committee, congresslon- hL Hla left book la hla pay- r T 4 Caaalnari, r f ...... 1 0-1 2 nninis up tonight against Oolgats, w h M ts a record for' the I-M*t-H*n- preme Cburt of Errors was "an error month. velt court biU. shelved by th* Sen- Param P lc t ...... • • • ' B eemataiies of th * erotM M looatad on State Prison—-John Christensen, (Konoy* propoeed peace on th* chester High achool,and of the Wor- al economy advocate* and ^ tlc a of 'weapon, and with it he scarce- ,.S 1 11 0 Murphy, I f ...... 1 l-$ 8 51-47 winner over Vormoat la ry Arqistrong Club. (R) Wlndaor. on ray p a rt" ato In 1987. Penn ...... F. Wilson, I f HOUYViNN) HALL aUB the Huirioaaa farm . Tha graves ot basis of continued Japan*** occupa- cester, Mw 4 H o^ltal Training "politics In .relleT' moved rapidly eaa miss being a deadly punch- T. Wilson. If . ,.l 1 3 BUDGE BEATS VINES 4 IVUaon, c . 2 1-3 5 overtlsM tut last night The It Arizmendl jiust be a wMs at a ■ Continue Court Ap;>olntnaeots The governor explained that Jus- Other N'omlaaUaas Made Phelps Dodge ...... Chuctanunds Mohawk, Kaaaystts tion of strategic points In China School for Nuraes. Mr. Bohnaon toward an Initial showdown with er os he acquires poundage. Aceto, c ...... -,5 1 11 . 0 0-0 0 FraacM-FOrdbam game briaga to- eondltloher. He gave Armstrong n Connecticut icglalaUrs relegated tice Hlnman’a eight year term does DIREaORS ARE ELECTED is a graduate of the University of President Rooaevelt nominated PhU Pete ...... 0 Holm**, rg Molly Bryant and many otkor notad as In antl-Communlat maasure” ; Rooaevelt forces over the Works SpruUl* Braden of New York to- rrixstll, rg . < ,.fi 0 ' 0 0 J. Brown, r g ...... 0 0-0 0 ether two strong MstropollUa "In rugged argument in their last «n- a traditional source al patronage not expire until 1942, although the Maine, and Is now attending Har- Pub Serv N J ...... • • • *3 KNOWS WHAT FEINT IS FOB . IN MARATHON MATCH horsco of the day are located thsos China's adherence to th* Japaneae- 'ogrea* Administration. day to be ambaaaador to, Colombia. Radio ...... 7%i Fogarty, Ig .. 0 6 . 1 3-4 4 HeDywood, Jan. 10.— (A P ) Big - its." gagsment la the winter of 1938 and The farm Is also usod as a taostang dispute to the backgpmnd today by Justice will be retired because of the vard Medical school. 0 RM*. rg ...... names of flhnland, tateludlng Robert Itollan-German anti - Communist Interest In the outcome was Braden now la minister to Oolora- Rem Band ...... 1“ N AND HOW TO 08B n 0 B. Zapatka. Ig . . . . 0-0 0 other top-flIght snstei Hanry went on to New Tor’- Snd establlahmant. passing under suspension of the mandatory age limit In May. 1940. BY REALTY COMPANY The wedding will take place the Conn showed Manhattan some- ' t . fi Taylor, Gooigo Raft and Gary suffered setbacks in a doublehsadsr For that reason. It will be un- pact; eatabllahment o f Inner Mon- helghtenad on capitol hill tha fact bia and hla elevation followa eleva- RepubUe Steel ...... "J i .14 3 81 0 McCarthy, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 wMppsd Barney Roes rules a resolution continuing minor latter part of tb* cummer. thing It dossi’t M# In other war- t Cooper, staked cash and prestin to- St Chicago laat night. Do Paul scor- necessary to send the nomination to golia as a special antl-Oommunlat that It wlU afford the first test of tion of the legation at Bogota to Bey Tpb ...... ■« Score at half. 23-9. Plumbing * Gains Third Vtetorjr In FI * - — — — Later Arizmendl gave Lot Am- courts appomtments until July l. riors of today. He knows how to day to make a fltt ^ borne ta Holly m the legislature. Baldwin aald. Stockholders At Aniiinl Meet- territory: China’s acoaptanca of a th » Pissldent's strength In both embaosy rank. Safewav Stores ...... supply. Pro StaHa. 8-4. S-6 And 14 ed six p ^ t s la U Snal nrtaut* to The passage of the resolution by feint and what a feint' 1* (or. 8 5 4-10 wood tor tb* Dywood baseball band t^u ean e Its first OsfMt of ths bart. a going-over—it waa called a Tb* governor added that be had place In a Japan-Manchoukuo-Chlna House and Senate. Tb* President alao sent to the Sears Roebuck ...... 73H Referee^ B f *11 draw—and Ambers Immediately the House and Senate continues In ing Hope For Revival Of Ao »>*L 111* powerful and top- 12-lA, At Plttabnrgh. club of th* PaMfle Coast Isagns. season, 46-40. wMlo Loyola routed WRESTLING office the Judges, associate and de- not given consideration to naming Business In Spring. economic, political and cultural On tha House side, the lame aras Senate the name of Frank P. Oir- glirll Union ...... IJVa Center Bpetaga (38) aftererards fought Armstrong In a successor to Justice Hlnman to fill drawn by Mr. Roosevelt’s request notch ApostoU, Oeon ones more The chib, purchased rscenUy f VtUanova 51-83. puty Judges of minor courts ap- bloc.l Quotations— rigan of Ohio, to be the first am- , . . and on ssvsral oecasloas P. B. F.. T. th* Herbert Fleistabscker Interests what Henry stlU InslsU was Ms By THE A880GLATKD PHHM ^ pointed by Governor Cross after -he the unexplred term after bis retire- Twenty-four stockholdars of the Wen's appeal oolncldad with Mtter for an 8875,000,000 appropriation to baaaador to Veneneia. Corrigan South Pac 19’i PHtstMugh, Jan. 10 — (A P ) — 0 F. Mod«an, r f ...... 2 0-1 4 hardest match. ■ Camden, N. J.—The OoMMn Ter- ment. South Rwy ...... 30V4 . . demonstrated that he can of Ban Franciaco, has been com(dete- 1937 General Aasembly failed to Manchester Realty company were fighting In the Hqngchow aector. finance W FA .until June 30, and on now Is minister to Panama. Until take a solid whack and flght back. Last f>tight*s Fights Ellsworth Vines lost the decimal 0 8. Kennedy, I f ...... 1 1-3 8 ly flaaaosd by new local stockhold Tonight's event, whether for the ror, 303, New York, dsfeated BIbbsr agree on a Judgeship slate, a * in present at the annual meeting of southwest ot ShahghaL where th* tha Senate side, by hi* nomination recently this post alao has bean a St BraMa ...... JJ* potat hf a 32-gams sst~by drMai 0-1 ' 3 welterweight champkmsMp of Osll- IfcOoy, 388. Boston, (two o f thrss St Oas and El ...... 8*4 The best Ooon eonid do for 0 Pratt. I f ...... 1 era and plans are ready for a 8300,- terim appointments, they would the corporation held lost evening lo Chinese were attacking; In south- We are the only nation not (ear- of former W PA Administrator Har- legation. ApostoU was 107% pounds at 3 0-1 3 HOCKEY fornis New Tekk or both, marks th* falls > St OU Cal...... I t ...... 3*Va tbs ban lato tho not and nswly turn 0 Smith, i f 1' 000 park to seat 13,800 fans by May have expired Feb. 8. one of the rooms of the High school western Shansi province and west ed by Europe as planning arar. ry Hopkins to be secretary o f^ m - Recesa appointments submitted o'clock. He stands 6 feat . . . By ASSOOATHD FB H M 0-0 3 re-opcnlng of the Olympic audi- Laaesatsr, Pa.—Glao GartanHt for Senate approval were: St Oil N J ...... *1H od pro Don Dnrg* took a tkrso-to- 0 O. Oonvera*. e .....'.1 TONIOHm HOCKEY BCHBDULE DesDocrata Elck 0%-er Traces ABOUT TOWN building. The president John of Hankow in the Yangts* river val- —Senator J. Hairriltoa Lewta l merc*. I has tha frame of a heavyweight, 0-3 4 Robert H. Cobb, restaurateur, hus- torium under the promotion of Tom 318, St. Louis ptnnsd C31S OtaSB> bx h two Mad ta matchos evor hla fellow 1 0**r, e ...... 3 NsMinsI League Three Democratic senators, kick Hyde, presided, and after the pre- ley. Influential members of a House Robert S. Freer ot Ohio for * T Corp...... ‘ . . . a #•#**• 4 9 Newark. N. J.-lfllM PMda. 143, 318. Mlnnswrta, (SOiBO.) turning from Europe. Timken Roll B e a r...... 80 which la w M t hs wW bs in two reahold, N. J., ■topped Rage DeD, Callftimlan h « * last sight la thslr 1 M. Stratton, rg ...... $ 0-1 S band o f actress Gall • Patrick, Gallery. AtUred In a new sMit, hav- Ihg ever the trace* of party rtgu liminaries tha report ot th* treasur- Tha Nanking appeal, circulated by subcommittee considering the W PA seven-]r*ar-t*nn dating from Sept. Montreal at Dotiott WUmtagtea. D*L— Nick Ossspm^ 36, 1988, on t b * fe d e r a l T rad* Trana Am erica...... 7H yearsi 1. Scranton, Pa. (OV proffsslnns) tour. 1 Valtaat. rg ...... 0 0-0 0 vioo-proridsnt of ths club, Rangers vs. Amsticaas at New ing MM an old one In th* same place larity. Joined Republicans and 8o- January 13 wUl be th* birthday of ed waa read tops tonlgLt. Chicago—Jim HrMIlMn, . ASH- The three Democrat* who Joined wholly or partially under Japanese posing Oeman-ezUe 11M« 000. 1988, aa a member of the-RaUroad Unit Corp ...... SV4' IpoM e Ioqc. DUss last year, dsdsatad Vlnasc ths PIrMw (M ) too Cobb. Mias: Fntrlck. 'Tsy- aevolaad at SprlaglMId , at the Y. M. C. A. The mcknberablp la not over-bright for the stockhold. occupation, as well a* thoae rtiu . The mboommittee was called to- It eras the BrooUyn veteran, MlmwoBolM — a n y -MIHii. Jr.. tor, R sA nad Cooper, och. n i- ptaaod OUf OMea. MDxuw- force* with the 16 Republican sena- club No. 2 and the new Young Mann as a ueanber of Amerlcaa Retiroment board. Unit Gas Im p ...... H’» 37 poar old votsran pro (M m Pasa- 1 Stilltvttii. ft ..*••••• 1 1-1 S Amarlsaa AssodaUHi JUNIOR LEAGUE SLATE at era. It la believed that with a re- adhering to the Chlaijg Kal-Sbek gether a t'l p. m. eastern standard you know, who said Umt he 17|. 8L Paul, oteppod Pat (TBrieu. dena. 8-8. 8-8.13-10. . kMtads OseU B. Do DfOta. Raoul kae, (36:14) (haseywolghta):. tor* and EkIiJgeport'B two Boctaliats People’s dub No. 1 1* expected to Aeademy of Arts and Lettai*. Norman Ota* of Rhode Island foi U S Rubber...... 83'’s 0 OcbotIM, If ...... 1 1-3 S St Paul at WIcMU vival of interest in real estete. It regime at Chungking, depandad upon time to make Its decision . Demo- wouldn’t bs surprised to om BU^ m. salt Lok* aty. (1). -q The amaagement a ^ D u q o is ns Wolsk. Cbarles R o g m and Lloyd Montianl—Cy w«re Senator* G«orge T. Culhane of sttend. A short talk by E. C. Jewett wlU Improv*. a aavw-yaar term from July L U S Steel ...... 6884 8 BFOWB* If *ne****oe X 1-1 s (No games last night). • The Tuesday Junior League lehssne, Fla., deiaatad events of th* near futuf*. Our govsninjaat doaa not hav* to cratle aembeia ot th* group held Conn grow into a match with Now Tock—M kkM Farfaer. 138%. Garden aaaotmesd the erowd was Bueou o f tbo film eolony. Victor WatorhuTy, Samuel H. Malkan of of North Windham, will b* (oUowait TIm loDowlng board ot diractora as a member of th* Padergl Com- Western Union ...... 2844 0 OttttOftte U *aoe*no*s X 0-1 3 ■wings into action tonight at the aar, 387, Portland. ~ Wea paid thsg although hla Nan- a prlvat* .oooferenc* yesterday . . . and beat . . Joe Louis. Now Totk. eutootetod Nick Ch- mors than 5J108. Urn taigsot svsr to Fav8 OoWno. looni nttomsy, la pros! Mew Raven aad'Thomaa F-_8tam- by refreehiaseta and dancing. sras alected to aerv* for th* ua* BtlUtary fore*. munleaUena Commlaslnn West El and M f g ...... H'*'- S Cuilttftfle 0 *•*•*•*■ 8 1-1 S oommi CIAJH U M D U B East Sid* Rec at 8 o'cloek. The thro* falls.) lacra «t Tbrrington. kin# regime and th* “provisional —Seoatar PIMiiiad of Nevada. afternoon with Speaker Bankhead . Ambroa* (YOonaeQ o f New York Woclworth ...... 49''-, marOU. U 9H . Now Ortamm (• ). SOS a ppnfmsiniisl tsnais idsuL Wndo KUIsfor stays Tb* Oouatry Club Laagu* wiu High HattAs meet th* WUd Cats year: Harold C. Alverd, John H. MAKlNa HIS OWN WAT 8 0teod* V8 *••••••*** ^ 0-0 3 maaafsr of tha tantt and win go eu Blck Ni govamment o f China" at Peiping and Floor L*ader Rayburn, but thar* to be at Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 11 Vt Foetlaad. llo ^ P a a L Juoler, 137, Fittshurgh. ^ 0 mast tonfght at Farr'a a U ^ Ths la ths first gam*. In th* sso^ Hyde, Samuel Q. Gordon, Thomas Hndgtfa stamlaa •adUy won Is tlM 0 F8 ...... 0 0-0 a buytag tour for thro* pitsbsra, Benatnr Anthony J. Rich (R ) of By driving, the average auto- FatgusoB, W. 8. Bydit. Jo*eph were convinced that they srar* con- I confess I cannot do anything was no Indication wbsther thoas ad- (•mv aL LowtotoK Ho.. kameM out FHht 3 adiedule (or tonight wUl b* as (ol- sod. ths uadsfeatad Ustaom play knows I 3-4 CincianaO — Willtom MeKeoki . OaiclB. U M i, FM rto Woo. (• ). amtatian tUrd ast. tho fasmost df X i 8 *••••••••• A 0-0 oatOMT and an outfleldsr from Bristol today waa named Senate mobile eontSinouaty at 60 mile* Moore, Herman Monti*, StephsBMa trlbuUng to China's salvation, abput It ministration rsprssentaUvas s TiM PrsMdmt ■oadaated Ool. Enough salt M containetKto the — ths East Bldls erho Mr* now.ta m ffhairman of the Judiciary cohuait- an hour you' oa* 10 times tii much "n5v*rth*l*sa the nation ' bcanda mmSmS In tlmn Is Um Roger O. Powall, of th* Army Kaaa* of Uic warid to make a Jr,, aoa 08 Om RodF aMiHforrerill ■oltlmfigo Harry JHDk 133%. tho «oor H whkK D o te iN oia NSW asajor Issgue*.IssguM Stats OHMga. TurUngtoa. 4-0 30 Hollywood - to Mass W ilglty nkMn TS HBBksrs alleys I s»8 >1 ood plan wtth 8 ertas and ona do- tge. • oU ss jrou would no* ft you drove them a* puppaU" and ahouid t ^ I la llrtt- whatbar a oompromlaa figura t to b* a ■ mli4^ block me* wiring OfSOSjOOO tbo DorSoai club ot Pm Vh Balttmoto. oad E Torti oad Bootco aniTiost la PhUa- f • in Ms XTtk year < Tb* director* win meet at FMMfNui U DoHsm v s Mssksrs nIMys 8 feat. The Comet* nmet th* AS Senator Charlea E. Whoalar (R ) 30 mil** an hoar.. aailjrdats ts aleet cOetta. *tga a peace pact ertth Japan m%. Now Toik, (8 OtHMa and CMomk Tha ' Stain ta the final tamo. IM «m s iL ) B T w iw a 1 8 ^ 5 5 * 4 la (orRsl t ' i • . 1 PAOiE MANCHESTER EVENING HERAliTMANCHiairER, CONN. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, XW» MANCHESTER EVENING HERAliD, MANCHESTER, CONN. TCESDAT, JANUARY 10,1W» • PAGE TEH B(K)TS AND HER BUDDIES Aw—^wll By MARTIN TWOSt. V8)6>TKH . ----- tAK.XOVO •*4‘XT IVX »\\.\. O P A cv4 P ^a .B O H — _____y o o ^ BO , XzXIH R'Ut WV%b B O O T* VVB VOO Hvbb BWBC wont'm’. AO'PVVBTAH HORACR.X'b eii3R,xw*. ,, f^ X lN R lO ,«fcXM ACRO^.W VrtCKTA ■ " AB VtS yOxjR D K Il XJR ^IJY SELL CW^ JM E M ^ W i/ iln /he mnzi>

g S iin n e f OsnSantaatat! READ IT OR NOT— There Is no place so gay • rniin belongs to the Illy fan - A s the place where you are, Ity. If your Uvsr behaves Aad jrenr conscience don't Jsr. i Jerry—Do you always tell the MACHINERY AND I t r u t u ? LOST AND I-UIJND 1 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 XMAS STREET U6HTS Ferdy—No; I want to keep a few 52 Envoys Tell European Conditions LARGE ATTENDANCE Member o f Audlene* (to person TOOLS TRADE STUDENTS In adjoining seat who la vigorously friends, don’t 1? lost—SETTER DOG. grmy « « WINTERIZE USED c»rs: 1937 Chevrolet 4 door touring eedan; USED C A T E R P ILLA R tractora, REMOVED IN NORTH END clapping)— You seem to enjoy tbe l-'no’x. Answers to name of Major. music: READ IT OR NOT— Ucense No. 502. John Dewart. 437 1937 Chevrolet 2 door touring aaw rlga, iiaed enginea, Ford.aon ■edan: 1936 I’ontlac 4 <1i>or piilleya. Dublin Tractor Company, ON HONOR ROLL AT K. OF C. PARW Clapper—Well, aa a matter of The Hohenzollern palace at Pou- -- .. ). 'la^ii street. / touring aedan: 1936 Ford rumble Providence Hoad, Wllllmantic. facL t don't know very much about dam, Oarmsay, contains 600 rooms, Beat coupe: 1935 Plymouth 4 Matthew Men Makes Hi* Fi- muMc; but I'm a great tpplauder. but only two bsthrooma. door touring sedan: 1934 Ply- nal Report On AH Those AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 Mr. Prlce-^My dsughUr Is going | mouth convertible coupe; 1933 BOARDERS WANTED 59-A Director Edunaliaii Releases Who Contributed. 0?er 100 Members Presell Real .\rt LSSSJ* 1M7 PONTIAC SEDAN; 1037 Ford Chrysler rumble seat coupe; 1932 bear it oft repealed but 1 to play Beethoven' tonight. FOR .RENT-:-TWO fiimlahed rooma, Mr. Perry—I hop* *h# wUl*. coach; 1M7 W illy* aedan; 193B Buick 4 door aedan: also 1927 well heated, with or without board. I It once again; Ford coach: 1935 Pontiac aedan: list Of 42 Names; One Thg lights that were strung on As Gifts Are Chryaler 4 door aedan. Olson .Motor 163 Main atreet. Telephone 3284. Msrhlch 10 many folks sssm Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox 1934 Oldamobile aedan: 1933 Pon- Bales, 127 Spruce street. Trl. 5313 the tree at the Intersection of North Mary la Now Rota! tiac aedan Cola Motors—6463 Main and Main streets during the For Tbe 36th Yc W # Jra make our livea most 1 Mory hod a little lamb APARTMENTS, FLATS. GrFs Name Included. Chrtatmss holidays were removed peaceful Her test would have been greater OITR BOARDING HOUSE 1*17 NASH SEPXN: 1938 Ford BUSINESS SERVICES yesterday. Matthew Mers, who And abolish much of pain, could she have eettled In her mind coach: 1938 Chevrolet town aadan: * TENEMENTS 6;i collected the money for the lighting -If we learned the gentle art ot be What Up to give the waiter. HE MEANS ME^L MAS OFFERED 1» has completed hhi report of those Over 100 members of I'MTELUW ' TfaUwv,TM' 1933 Chevrolet aedan: 1932 P ly- FOR R E N T— 107 SPRUCE, tlrat Forty-two students of the local Ing kind. mouth 4 coach. Meaaler Naah, 10 FOR COMM ERCIAL and domestic floor, 4 rixima, newly reilccoratcrt, State "Trade School earned places who donated this year. In addi- Council K. of C., crowded OffiOUKID 16 S O SATURATED TH' 6 lOOO ! SAV, TM ATSU y Henderson Road. Tel. 7258. refrigerator .er\Mce or retrtgerator floora painted throughout, while on the Honor Roll for November and tion to the *5 given by tbe Man- meeting ball, blocked the j The tOoie Iz one of the most vtg-. I WITH C5IL THAT TtoU CAM O SO SMOOTH X'LL LISTEN, cheater Improvement' Association i college nor a high school reOnlahlng, call 4978. Wayne W pornblnatlon aink and bath Rent December. It w ai announced today overflowed Into the lows orou* of all animals of th* earth.. Si^BEZE A HAMPFULOF BBT IF HE WAS RB- IFMXI those who paid for the lights ore: ediB^Hb Is a guarantee of flnsa- Pbtlllpa. S3 Wa:krr street. *20, Mra. Sheehan, 90 Holl atreet. by Director J. Q. Ecbmallan. The the Knights of CJolumbus-^ lU every movement U made with | FlUEP NO U 'DaET A THINK Hat Includes one girl. Miss Isabel Bolch and Brown, Depot Square clar^Mcess or mental maturity... PIRT AMD O B T BWOU6H Phone 78!59. Main street last night to i scat. The feat of moving a nlns- HUNPREO CAKES OF Chamberlain of the 'Textile depart- Oiill, Karl Keller, John Dilworth. sd u eo^n can do nothing for some TbU'RB TW annual lampoon party of th% pound brick Is equivalent to a man I Oil. TO FILL A LAM P/ Manchester ment. Murphy Drug, John Jenney, Dante people. . . . but education ha* never SOAP OUTA HIAA/ FIRST SLICMBI MOVINC—TRUCKING FOR R E N T —6 ROOM tenement. of normal weight moving tlir**-1 ALL yo u (SOTTA PO TO A , student aaseinbly will be held PaganI, Michael Sheehan^ Matthew cll. hurt anyone, although, it haa been a .V '»* WHO^TRiqO STOKAGE 20 104 Woodbrldge atreet, all Improve- Raymond Fogarty was chalrawa Evening Herald Thursday, at which a talk will be Merz, Robert Gray, Newton Tag- accused of many crimes.... ton object. START A CAMP FiRB IS TO talk us menla, newly renovated. Tel. 61)60 of the oommlttee that arranged for TO SCRAPS BOMB AUSTIN A CHAMBERS wb«D you given on safety and motion pictures gert, Jr.. Manchester W ater (Com- CLASSIFIED or Inquire 95 Foiter atreet. tbe iw rty and Edward F. Taylor, It is a great art to break sad news MEB SO FULL INTO TM N a OUfI want the oci* in Local ana Long will be abown by tba State Safety pany, Wm. Foulds Co.. Lydall and BARTH IHTD A P*ILB Council. Tha Honor Roll follows: AmbMaador Kenaedy BoBItt Foulda, Colonial Board, Joel Nieta- who bos been a member o f the com- tactfully. OF TH6 OLD POUBH ON A ADVERTISEMENTS Distance Movuig Dally 83ipresa FOR R E N T—A T 25 Winter atreet, mittee that boa bod on active part .8 * " AKIO TOUCH A MATCH Hartford. Mancbeater. Rockvuie 8 room tenement. A ll modern Im- Carpentry: Alphonae DeNIgrla, ols, O. E. Wlllla A. Son. Depot When John Smith!* body wi TO FT— IF y o u BOYJ5 HOOPLE HE15 WILD PUCK I Count ala averag* wards ta a Una. Washington, Jan. 10 — (A P ) — Square Oarage, Harry Hints In the arrangements of these parties found In the. rivet, a policeman was • STA M P NEMTS Pbone 626U 68 Holluter street provemente, garage Included. Avall- Theodore Hletala, Edward Walters. spent several hours conferring with I BOLINd O M B R f j HOU'RB RIPB Initials, numbers and abbrsvlstlons CJharles McCarthy, William Taft, for the last 36 years, was tbe mas- dstaUed to break the news tactful- WAMTA POeX. A F e w saeh count as s word and compound ahle Feh. lat. Phone 7056. Drafting; Walter Brandt, William Two American ambaaaadori brought the President yesterday afternoon ter of ceremonies. The evening's Larsen's Feed Store. Silk City Pack- ly to Mra. Smith. The poUceman "I^AJCHt phUatsUe event for Ih* THOUSAND WlELU FOR A words as two worda Mintmuio cost Is BrofkhauB, Stanley Deller, Howard confidential Information on Euro- Just before Secretary Hull’a return program opened with chorus singing pr|M of tnrss Mnsa FOR B E N T — 105 SPRUCE atreet. Grant, Walter Perlne, Herbert Lit- age Store, Fred Pohiman, Jack’s went to the Smith home and rang) Padfle Worthwsst wlU be the NAB rr^ HAT/ Xslao ratss psr day for transient PAINTING— PAPERING 21 pean conditions today to a secret from the Pan American Conference. and solos by Arthur E. Keating and second floor, five rooma and aewtng tle, Fred Stanger, Enrico Stentella. meeting o f the Senate and Mouse Tavern. Community Press, Lucus the bell. When Mrs. Smith answer- national stamp congress and exhib- ada Immediately after Hull reached the Food Store, W. G. Glenney <3o.. Dr. James Breen, after which the dis- ^ PROPERTY OWNERS Attention room, newly redecorated, wood Moctlvs Har«b IT. IMt Electrical: Anthony Baceficz, Ed- Military fkimmlltees, v/hlch Boon capital, he and Wellea and other tribution of presents took place. ed, he inquired; it Jan. 6, 7 and 9 at Tacoma, Wash^ Cash Charge 36.95 repapera room, riUni; paper- work natural tlnlah, floor* varnish- win Brooks, James Geer, William will study the administration's de- Ralph Thrall. Billie's Beauty Par- PoUceman—Is this where the | under the auspices of the Amer- diplomats were closeted for a long lor, Don Willis, Joseph Pero, Law- Best In CooncU History • Oonsecallve Days .•! T cts| • ota ed or Kalaomlned Material, labor ed, largo enclosed porch. Rent very Ix-onnrd, William Rivera. Andrew fense program. Widow Smith Uvea ? ican Stamp Associatlen. I ConsacuUVf Days ..I 9 ets; il ota time going over developments since rence Converse. Roy Griswold, Bon The party was by far the best complete, inside, outalile painting reasonable to right party. Mra. Sebula, Herbert Sweet, Stanley The envoys-Joseph P. Kennedy Mrs. Smith— I am Mrs. Smith, but | The Souvenir Issue* Assods- Is an In- partment, will return to Berlin. MAN DROWNS AS SHIP the post year was evident when jng bSM, according-to suthentio psH tgaJ ngmbor of thnes the ad eppear- GlacopassI, John Gaudino, Millar Roosevelt later this week. awards were made to Thomas Dan- tsi sating booklet Just tsissssi by cL abarglng at tbo rate esrned but ROOFING A 8IDINO. Katlmales SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM Germany awaits the American de- ports rsschlng us. and oh* of the Hsugh, John Jakubowakl, Edward Col, Charles A. Lindbergh's report noher, chairman of the Democratie tbf Information Servlee of tho V. •p allowance cr refunds esn be made freely given Workmanship giisran ningle liouaea, also two family flats Kayan, Howard Kwaab, Gordon Mc- cision before making any move partners In a cool conesm hsd join- •W tla time ads stopped after tbe on German air strength stood high BUMPS BRIDGE SPAN Town Committee, to Charles O’Dowd ed the church. He tried to gat bis I S. Pest Office DepartmenL If Is teed. Time payments arranged. In excellent locstlona. Apply Ed- Cann, William PoggI, Henry Satryb. on the list of private Information about sending Ambassador Hana a brief history of the postal str- •VU day. ward J Holl. Telephone Manches- president of the Young Re- partner to do likewise. ffo **till forbids'*: display lines not Painting and carpentry. A. A. Dion Robert Soiitherglll, Melvin Stead, likely to be brought before the Com- Dleckhoff back to hla post here. publican club. Deputy Sheriff Harold vles. ter 4642 or 8025. George Strlmaltla, Andrew Ursln. "I can’t do IL John". rOpUed tho a * • ssld.- Inc. 8’ Wells street, itione 4860. mittee session. Meanwhile Nelson T. Johnson, St. Georges, Del., Jan. 10.— (A P ) Keating. Senator WllUam J. Shea, Tbo Herald wlU not bo responstbls Francla Warren, Wllllain Zdanla. abassador to China, la hurrying •The duPont highway bridge partner, whan bis tnejatanee boeaaM far mors than ons Incorrect ineertion 6 ROOM HOUSE, 765 East Middle This data represented first hand PoUce Commissioner William P. A Maadsn. N. D- youth. Hobart GET YOUR CHAIR.S caned and re- Textile: Isabel Chamberlain. Information gathered during and home to report oh China's ability to acrosa the Chesapeake and Dela- irksome. "Who’ll do the wstghttf tf of any advertleeintnt ordered for Turnpike, 2 car garage, steam Quish, Wllbrod Messier, head of the (A Mrtagton, has been eenvtctsd assK limn one time paired, at 104 Chestnut street. Tele, after the September Czechoslo- continue Its resletance to the Japa- ware canal here waa dumped Into XJOlB?" ^4 heat, wired for electric stove. Tel. committee arranging for the dinner in fadsru eourt on charfes, ot al* ' n o Inadvortsoi oruieaion of incor> phone 3688. vakian crista, which Bullitt and nese Invaaton. the waterway today and one man taring 41 U. S. stamps.. The DM- root ngbUeatlon of adverttelng will be 5058 to be given to Senator Shea and Woman—tlMt woman naxt doer| fM tiiM only by caneellstton of the BUILDING PROGRAM Kennedy watched from their key ob- waa reported killed when the steam- 'neodore C. Zimmer, member of the sral government proved that Br- sbniM made for tbe oenrloe rendered. servation po.sts. er Waukegan, bumped one side of has a dress Just llks mins. rlngton ptocursd a shast of genu- A. F. of U Husband—Than I euppose you | All ndysrtlsements must conform MONEY TO LOAN 3:{ SUBURBAN FOR RENT 66 Germany Building Planes Fast the raised span. Many Baby Bogglea ine 16-cant airmail zpadal dallv- gtjrlae snpy and typography ritb WILL BE DEFERRED One report on European air PU6UC HEARING HELD Maglatrate J. Howard Crosaland, want ms to buy jrou a new one. rsgglatibns" as snforpsenforced by the publish* REFINA.NCE your car Will loan This year there waa on excep- ary stamps ot 16M, p ^ to d te n d FOR RENT IN THE country. 6 strengths which 11 was understood whose office Is located nearby, said Woman—Well, that would be | an and tbay rsssrvs tbs right to money on automobile. Colonial Dis- tionally large number of baby car- Slid blue, and dyed them green. MBM riMim flat, all modem with 1-2 acre would be given the committees aald the vessel was not damaged, but cheaper than moving. adlU rsvlsslas or rsiset any copy eon count Corp., 6.50 Main street, Hart- Hartford, Jan. 10.— (A P l The ON OUSTER CHARGES riages given to members who have Brrington was datsetsd after bs sidsrad cbieettonsbiaibieottonsbr garden plot. Rent *25 per month, that Great Britain and France capi- that tbe fallen bridge entirely PRUNBD m ford. hiilldlng program of Mt. RInnI hos- liccome fathers during the post year. asnl two of the dyed stamp* djOtXNO BOUR»—Classtflsd ads Stuart J. Wsaley, Real Estate and tulated at Munich when It was real- blocked the waterway. The bAlt awarded each year to the When the sun In tho aklas of our I through til* mails. eXPIERTS^ •a be gnbllaheS sara* day nuti bs rs- pital Is to be deferred for s year Boston, Jan. 10.— (A P ) — Pressing aalveS by U o'clock boo b; Saturdays Insurance. Tel. 6648 or 7146. ized Germany outnumbered them In Crossland said one o f two bridge teller of the tallest story waa given srorld la blottad out by the clouds • • f (S ' because of the plight of the Jews In the air at least two and possibly his "purge" of state departmenta, empIo)rea waa carried Into the water tS:3«. HELP WANTED— Gerntany. to John Murphy. Of fear, pessimism, worry and de- The year Just closing turn* out three to one. Germany, It asserted, Leverett Saltonstall, Massaebusetta' by the falling span and, that his There was the usual award ot n spair, ws must depend upon the sun to bs on* of th* anost proUfle In (9 W li»y< )f*aj TELEPHONE YOUR FEMALE .1.3 HOUSES FOR SALE 72 Attorney A. S. Albrecht, chair- bar been building planes at the rate new Republican governor, today held b ^ y was not Immediately recover- man of the hospital's' »>ard of Di- watch dog mode to the treasurer. within ourselves---- bspptnsss Is an aU phUataUe history. It U asU- WANTED - GIRL FOR office work of at least 1,000 per month with a public hearing on ouster charges ed. Much time was given to the selec- tnnsr stats... ,w* must gtnsraU our matad. that upwards of 2600 major Deepsea Kibitzera By JOHN C. TERRY WANT AD8 TO SE TTLE E STATE *3700—5 rectors. explained today that the preferred against Thonaas R. Foley, atato age and aalary rxprrtrd. further plans for expansion. tion of the gifts and when the last own sunshine... .we must earrv it aad SBlnor varieties ware relaatad SUm^H^ SMITH AAo mn gcooptofi evor tbo uiogboao room single house, garage. Lot additional demands made upon Both Bullitt and Kennedy have member of tbe State Racing Com- Write Box K, Heralil. award hod been made there waa the with US wherever we go to light la 1166. some 800 more than In pABCM VtM nUllCtM .FAUtri^Y/^ 'mHT,5ie* Rt tbo CBAAOB LATE glvoa obovo .50x300 ft. Ne\r bus and school. 196 American Jews because of Hitler's privately expressed their doubts of mission. gg A oebvoaUooo to advortloorA but general opinion that little hod been the way through tho dsrknsss of ds- for NBGGB BVCBOFT, WUL*nWAMB«ICAN 6COMtH Vernon street. nnU-Semltlc measures led the direc- continued peace In Europe. Together Under the pressure of similar pro- BALDWIN AND McLEVY >•»’ . I9LAUP tbo GAiU Ra TEB will bo ueoopiod uo WANTED—GIRL TO hcl|) with tors to believe that their fund-rais- overlooked during the past year. feat, to bum down obstaeleo, and 1 Great Brium, France and For- FULL PATMENT tf putfi ul tbo buol* hoiiaework, tiinall family, with other sons sdU have la Momorlum ...... F Bullitt. Kennedy and Acting a plan for evacuating Jews from Mid to ba the father ot th* post- Loot ABd Fouad ...... 1W A N TE D -YO U NG man over 18 The atiulenta know more alxnit tion will be o{iened here this week. ous ^ p orts will occupy the feature import demand would be 540,000,000 to do IL^' Whereupon tha other rs- for empluyment In retail store. Ap- this pliaae than the Inalriictors." Secretary of State Sumner Welles Germany. buabela. pUed; "If the (Termsna are stopped age stamp. HiU revolutlonisad AAaoaaoomeou ...... t Several party leaders decided up- spots In the program. British postal service In 1840. PoyoobrIo ...... I ply in own handwriting, stating ex- said Dr. Pltlrlni Sorokin, head of on the move In a conference here now my sons wUl have to do IL” .tlaavrleht. ISIS NBA S«rvl*a IO*-> AutomoMlou perience. Write Box G, Herald. the University's Sociology depart- yeslertlay with F'rank &IcHale of AutemobtUi for 8alo ...... « ment. ruling out those subjects Atttomobllos for Cichango ...... h AB LE M AN TO distribute samples, Indianapolis, National committee- Auto Accaooorlao—Tiros ...... • from the suggested program. By WUHama handle Coffee Route, lip to *45 tlrat man for Indiana and. McNutt's cam- ByOana ODTOITR W AY Auto Ropsltlng*>PoInttng ...... 7 Dr Sorokin eomhltoncal hla ap- paign manager. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By BloBser WASHINGTON TITBB8 Auto Schoo't ...... T-A week. Automobile given as bonus. proval by Instating that the course FLAPPER F A N N Y B y S y lv ia H OLD EVERYTHIN G Autoo—Ship Py Truck ...... • X SM999 Ok* A Write Mills, 7009 Monmouth, CUi- 'must keep away from the physical .-com ISMSVXU sonnet, sa. r «. mo . u. a mt . erz- IHt miWNlljOBIMPl Auioo—For Biro ...... • clnnatl, O. OAfogoo—4««nrloo—btorogo . boob 10 aspects of marriage, for then It be- 13 P R O m i S MADE SUBB — I. \ KMUB MB N aava AS Motoreyelst—'Blcyeisa ...... 11 longs to the medical achoot." KMCM/— BUT V Wontod Autos—MetorcycUo It ODMUtKiray A c o w a o y Euotuooo uud Protooaloual borvlrvo SITUATIONS WANTED— TO HONOR PULASKI Mm CAM PLAY MOttS BusIdoos borvices OfTorod ...... II FEMALE 3S Koussbold Ssrvlcto Offtrod .Ba.ll-A STUDENTS CELEBRATE •uaW ButidlDg*—CoDtroctlBc ...... 14EXPEKIE.NCED WOMA.N would Flbrloto-^Nurscrlso ...... It Washington, Jan. 10.— (A P ) — mCOCMBT like house rleuilng hy the day or •m Foaorol Dlroctors ...... it ADOPTION OF ORDERS Brig. Gen Caalmtr Pulaski dead 160 AUDBWUB . . . A S k A Hooting ~-Flumblr.il-.—Roofing « bb 17 hour Goml references Write Box years next October, Is In a class by TVWtU T W laouroDco ...... II H. Herald. COOkC** MUllaory —Drosomoking,...... 19 I — himself as a legislative subject. fTM fTter Moving—Truoking—btorsgo New* London. Jan. tO — (A P I — Thirteen proposals to honor tbe TWCArtTM. Public Poooongor gorvleo k.BSB.K A POULTRY AND Students st Connecticut College Polish warrior, who helped the pbo m t w Pointing—Poporlog ...... xi held a s|>erlal chapel service today Unitetl States during the Revolu- ProfooofoBo) Sorvicoo ...... It SUPPLIES 4.1 HAMM Ropoirtng ...... ii to celebrate the .800th anniversary tionary war, have been Introduced of the adoption of the fundamental A Efseu Totlorlng—Dyotng—Cloonlog ••• t4 FOWLS, ROASTERS. broilers, In Clongreas, Indicating he will be •UMOAT ^ ilo t Goods ond borvlcs ...... X6 ducks and diKk eggs. Alien. 37 orders of Connecticut, halted as the as outatandlngly remembered on wontod—Business Borvico ...... H first written constitution In - the '^ o r c M Doane street. Tel. 7616. Capitol hill as he was In recent sea- EdoratlMMMl western world. Courots oad Clsssss ...... X7 alons. •IM . Pnvoto Instructions ...... Ik "Three hundred years ago Con Donclng ...... |s -a HOUSEHOLD G(M)US .■>! nectlrut made a most Important Mutleol—OromsUc ...... tx contribution to the .world struggle CURB QUOTATIONS Wonted—Instructions ...... to New Year's Special which Is now going on between rUooeUl democracy u d dictatorship." sold ■MMTMeftBBOUUDM* HIIXA OTMCB MlWi. BVAA, fO U K . JUMP M l TVM 3 R O O M S F U R N I T U R E V cumG « 0 0 M I O N M a WATtUIMB CAMUOU* mvIfK Bondo—StockR—Mortgsgoo ....b Jane Judd, a^Senior from New Bri- By ASSOCIATED PRESS 9BNITUMBI HW KiMM-V OITBBfO 1 BusIboss Oppertuniit«s ...... COMPLETE ...... *175 ADI. TW M BBAMIC, TCMQRi______Mt’ * Money to L«sn ...... — Includes Decoratigg Serv'lce tain and one of the speakers at the Amn Clta Pow and L t B ...... TO BBWt U f TO THe ABfOBT— Hi X, Help ooO SltMStfooo —Includes "Blue Ribbon " l-5irnlture aerv-lce. Am Gen ...... 4 S VMS 1WMAN Be ABUe TO Help Wonted — Fciiis’e ...... Cits Service ...... 8 CBAWSIt A PLAPe* Help Wanted—Male ...... a — Includes ruga, lamps, etc. — Includea Free Delivery A Storage CTts Serv.. pfd . . . ; ...... 47H Bolesmen Wanted ...... Bh Bond and Share l l \ Help W’aiiied —Male or Penisle.. Here la one of the flneat 3 room SirSXS/ ------C " Nlag Hud P o w ...... 8H ...... BB UNB ALLTHB Agents Wanted ...... outfits we have yet to offer. You re- •Ituotlons Wanisd—f'emsls NOUCE Penn Rood ...... 18^ ceive everything complete for the OIMBBB T MAYBM W B •ttttOttoBS Wanted—>Is1e ...... Segal Lock ...... 1-16 CAMBO'V Employment Agencies ...... home. Included are: complete bed Sealeil bids will be received by Unit Gas ...... 2'^ Live ■toelb—P vto-^ ««ltf7 — Vehicles room, complete living room and the Brltlsh-Amerlean Club until Unit L t and .Pow A ...... 2> Dogo—Birds—Fets ...... 41complete kitchen outfit. We believe Live Stock —Vehicles ...... 4? Saturday, Jsn. 14. for the purchase Poultry ond Supplies ...... 4i that If you see It, you wHl be con- of buildings located on the former STEAMSHIP M.IN DIBS. Wonted— Feto— Poultry—Stock 44 I vlnced that this Is an unusual value. Dunn estate, 75' Maple street, the Foe Oal^—MIsrellooeous I *17.50 DOWN DEUVERS IT dismantling of the bulldlhgo, and Montreal, Jon. 10.— (Canadian ArtJeUs For Sslo ...... I We will arrange convenient budget removal of all debris. Bids will be Boots ond Accessorlss ...... R j^ss)—Col. Wm. Inkerman Gear. Building ktsierlsls ...... 47terms fo. you and will give you a.s openecl hy the club secretary, Fred Sl 'M ontreal steamship man and Dlomondo—Watches—Jewelry .. 44 long as 16 months to (>ay the bal- Baker. Satunlay at 6 p. ra. Infor- p ru d en t o f Crowri Trust Company, "Say, your cousin isn’t so bad. She doesn’t know how to ' “Don’t-take any'ctiances tossing that lunch over Bloetricol Appiisnceo— liadio .. iJ ance, with this stipulation.; no pay mation may be obtained of Mr. died last night at nearby West- dance, of course, but she’s a good witltzer.” Fsot oad Feod ...... 49*A Baker regarding the bids. mount after a brief Ulneao. jump over with it yoursdf.” OoYdoa—Form— Dolry Products tO menta In case of sickness or unem- Mottoobold Goods ...... bl plovmerit, TH6 OLD BOVS to Moehlaory ond Tools ...... hiPHONE OR WRITE FOR A FREE ysckmvfm'^ Maoloskl iBStruments ...... ll "COURTESY AUTO" By HAM IJN O^leo ond Store Lgutpmont ...b 14 MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Disaster By THOMPSON AND (X>LL Fair Wamtof a BaogloJs oi tho Stores ...... hiVMiy not take advantage of our AIXET QOP woorlas Apporol—Furs ...... 97"Courtesy Auto" ServiceT We snil VBPORANRMW KMKW HtSSIUPf WoBtod—^Te Buy ...... Ik 90H9JR WENT ON call for you,' bring you to the store 'oooM,wMy ^ -AN*voui.LF»iPrroui;iF Bao uso —B«soeA—H e t c I R e so Pi s and take you back home again M MT C A P T M J/ r M N O r \ !|S O 7 0 U D ESE Q T R O T H E A A O D f t] 5-BUT X IHOUeKT xAiouLBifnr N too bot a Eootauroois ^ JU S T O MJO HT T H ESE AM'MSTMUSS DIDN’T X U5TW4 va/RS STIU. MOONOJCIH Please remember that you are under m THEY ■ •*} 0o, JMMV ff BBYTMt IMA TMAN WOTPRATK ARE »? i6 «T ^ T 0 P O’ Rooms Without Board ...... It T > 0 GUVSSCLIA ABIU' M IXED U P IKt T > « S -I MtAft U EM H 6 M EE D C D H ELP M 05T; J VO------rBRAN'RAWrHf. WHEN lOfTT^ VWTN VK BoArSoru Wootod ...... |y-A no obligation whatsoever. DoiA/M n a o s A TH* JU S T TRYlIsje 1D FM D A W K / DID V O U r 1 TV40U6M T Y O U ID OST Me.’TOO'^M wuas AN aiB zooss! Cogaify Board—Rooorto ...... go A—L- B—E—R—T^S O U T O F TH A T W B B E S O P P O S B D TO B E J*- LSr CAMJMIS I_ »Xt TM'WOODS. TOLD Mi TMAT - ai Holot^—Rogtouronts ...... 9i 'POLICE X V U a S H R A K I T I C r j Woatod—Rooms—Board ...... 92 Main Store— Walerbury CAPTAIU. C U RSED O F F I ^ I L ^ H S a O / COM B 7b MB r M—t Botsto .Fop Hoof Ah Stores Open Wed & SSL Eves CASHES AporUnoato. Floto. Toasrosnts •• II otrr- . V Biiolnog LouoUono for Root ••• 94 10 PIECE DI.NTNG room set *50.00 X Houoss For Boat ...... 9; 3 piece bed room set,' *40.00. SIDE •uburboB For Heat ...... 94Windsor kitchen range, oil burner, THE llummef Boraoo For Boat . bb*«b 97 Wgntod to Boat ...... 91 hot water coll, drum, *25.00. Farm GTA(3E ■ Botato Foe Solo tools and miscellaneous Itcma. 196 TO TWe AparUDont Batldtns for Solo b. b 91 Vernon street. FOOT Buoiboos Proporty tor Solo . b.#* 14 OP 1HB ' Farms .ood LaaS for S a l# ...... 1i FOR BALip—6 1-2 CUBIC foot S ms o o s for ■alo ...... 11 FIRS FrlgldalrB, all porcelain. CompletiH Latu for bolo oo*BBooaBBB«*i»BaB» 11 LADoea, i . S ' Eoaort Property for Balo ••••••• 1i ly overhauled. Telephone 4978. Sabuybaa for Bald ...... II Bdol Eouu tor Bgchongu...... 11ELECTRIC REFR1GERTOR8, S pC . Wgntod—Rm I Batata ••bb*«sb« b ti living zoom suite, few otber turns. apTfM asTtisa I agol HatlBse Must sell now at any ,rsataoabl* Wscst Nellcss It ■.H offer. 2t ML Nebo PUoe.

AuirlipHtpr Evettlna f im U i TU 18D AT. JANUARY 10, IMO

Bt Benedlct’a Btudy club will hold S t Brtdget'a Holy Name Society Center Church Women's Guild Tbe peuleh supper nt 0 o’clock and Ita meeting Wedneadny night at 5 setback team will be guest of honor win hold Its first meeting of the annual masting at tha Second Con- gregational church, Inc., win take , P l i y t l c U n * of the Mencherter o'elo^ la. the kindergarten room of at a turkw dinner ^uraday eve- year tomorrow afternoon at 2:80. S t Jamea'a achod on Park street. ning at 7:80 In S t Bridget’s ball. John Briggs, repreaentative of tha Lilaoe Tburaday evening at 6 o’clock, { Medical MDOclattoo who will re- mmedlately aftar the supper Raw. ; ipood to emergency cell* to- Tbe cost wdU be met by teams rep- American Airlines st Rentacbler H A L E 'S SELF SER V E Mrs. Adjutant WUUam Malpasa r in t in g Campbell Council, K. of FJ^Id will oe tbe guest speaker, and Dr. George S. Brookes of the Union I morrow •ftemoon are Dr. George Congregational church, RockvUIa, Lundberg. 6629 and Dr. Alfred of Hartford wlU be the guest speak- C. and the Holy Name Society of Mrs. Henry Miller will be chairman S t Jamae’s church. The supper of tha hostess committae. will apeak on “Tha Position at tha SundquisU 4221. er at the maatlng of tha Salvatliw A N D H E A L T H M A R K E T i ...... -H Army Womsn'a Home League to- la given the S t Brldget'e team aa Churchren In tha Oommuhlty.”Oommuhlty.’ Those morrow afternoon at 2 o’clock at a raault of Its winning a setback Unns Lodga, No. 73, Knights of who have not already made reserva- tournament. Pjrthlas. will hold Ita rafular meet- tlone for the supper eheuld call Mrs. Arlyoe Oarrlty of Florence the citadel. The hostesses will be W e d . M orn in g Mrs. William McCabe and Mrs. ing tomoiTow night■ at ff o’clock at Mra. Joseph Wright, 6607. street, organist at Bt. Bridgets Orange ball. Next wreak Wednea- church, and Instructor In Voice and James Munale. Jr. Everybod3r*s Market haa an In- STORE CLOSES A T 12:30. day Linns will join with Memorial piano, has resumed teaching this tareetlng display In Its Main street window of Florida curios. corals Lodge of the north end for a joint week at her studio In the State The->Ladlea Aid loctety of the installation of officers. Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. theater building. North Methodist church wdll meet and fruit, aent North by Manager tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 In the L. L. Foatsr who la apendlng three O IN IR B L % I I I C T B I C Family SIxe Can Frteud’a The reconditioning’ of the Adams The second sitting of the sec^md social room, with .Mrs. C- O. Tyler, weeks In the peninsular state, with headqiiartera at Miami. The center street bridge and the Parker itrect series of duplicate contract bridge Mrs. Jessie Sweet end Mrs. Mar- of attraction la a beautifully deco- bridge, both washed out during the RANGES Brown Bre ad 2 c«.23c I will be held at the .Masonic Temple garet Nichols, hostesses. A Chinese hurricane. Is being pushed at the beginning at eight o'clock tonight rated large aeaebell, IlIiimiDated luirtlon will be held and each mem- present time. A-new structure la Maxwell Honae ber Is requested to bring a fancy with an electric bulb.' Cocoamits b»lng built at Parker etreet, while FULLY INSULATED The annual meeting of the Con- srtlde or something In the line of and other objects In the display are at Adams street road and bridge necticut Children's Aid society food. decorated in a wray la which Florl- repairs are being effected. ■nd ap Coff e e Lb. 21 taka place Thursday. January 19. dlans eotcel. $99*so In the society's office at Hartford. No. 3 Can Freah StyU Officers of Chapman Court, Order The mid-wreck prayer meeting of of Arnsranth, will hold a special . John Patrick Hickey. 36, of 80 the Swedish Congregational church n. JW H A M cau meeting tonight at the home of Spruce atreet, was arrested yeater- win take place tomorrow night at Crush e d Pine apple Royal Matron Mrs. Vl

Hartford Concert Funeral Service ipt) No. Mahi SI. Phone 6360 C a rn a tion M ilk

Orchestra Extra Large Aaeiated By 1000 1000 Misg Biruta Ramo^ka Ta ng erin e s Soprano caiassAL (Vntt of tbe W. P. A. BENDIX USED Fadarnl Mmlc Project) USED The Soooeseor to the H E A L T H M A R K E T Hiah School HaU Washing Mnchlna

Tuesday, Jan. 17 WASHES — RINSES TIRES TIRES LinkSous age Lb. 2 8c 8:15 p. m. DAMP-DRIES

Tickets 75c AUTOMATICALLY u p u p SpentoiTd by the Edoc»tto«a) $2-00 $2.00 Fron k furfs Lb. 28c Cloh of Manchester end KEMP’S. Inc.

n e Mnnehester Teachers Chib. 768 Main Street Lb. Lo a f Che ese 25c

Retread Retread

Lb. Spiced H a m 29c



The w J e W h jn A l.^ CO [O PPER S JEWELER u p u p

State Theater Building $4-50 $4-50 MANCHESTui Comm*

7.17 Main Street


W a tc h and Je w e lry NEW NEW


Repairing A t

Reasonable Prices TIRES TIRES TON HALE’S WEDNESDAY CASH Any Make at a Any Make at a

step In and See One of Man', Pijce (For Cash) F^ce (For Cash) cheater’s Largest Selections TIRES of Greeting Cards for All MORNING SPECIALS store Closes At 12:30. LT.Wood Co. Occasions. 51 Btaaell St. TeL 44M ii:9 C Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. "We Urge. You To Consider These 3 Points

Small Group of Orange Colored


Please Shop Wednesday Morningnfle Corduroy Ski Pants 50c

Slaoe the drat week In Deoamber mo»t Manrheater alorea Regular $1.98 Value. ha\e been open all day Wednesday . . . following the Derembcr 1. Depth and Width of 2. Quality of Rubber Used ■ehednie aet op by tbe Merrhanta' Dlvtaion of llw C. of C. Start- ing tomorrew, Wednewlay, Janonry 11 lb. the M-hedole rails for not In M anufacturing. CLOSING AT 12:00 NOON WEDNESDAYS Tread Degign. Wool Hats and Hat Sets Most companies use tbe very beet rubber obtainable to their

Althoogh there are aome heavier tread depths First Line 'Hres first line tire with n alight variation In their second and third llnea. Regularly 50e and 69c.

are made with approximately a lO-ir* depth of tread. Hecond Wednesday Morning . . . P i n «h u rs t Our Retreads Are Made With First 2Sc and 39c Line Urea hs\« approximately aa S-St" depth of tread and Third (^ine Firestone Rubber W e d n e s d a y M o rn in g )S p e c i a ls Line Tires have aa approximate tread depth at 6-83". At the Women’s Brushed Wool same time, when examining a lire look at the Tread width and We would like to tend you. with your consent, n pound of our see If It la a full flat design, breanse the fuller the width the more Regularly OM Fnshloned Country Style BAUSAGE MEAT, mnde with fresh Bpeiry A Barnes Pork, and teusoned with pure spices. This rubber ronlacUng tbe ground which means longer mileage. Tests 3. Guarainty. Sweaters $1.19 50c

Bnosnge Meat ta featured Wednesday at 20r |b. prove that 1-82" of rubber wears off every 1500 miles. Tires with Thia la a much abnaed word as It can mean as mneh as the

Also featured Wednesday morning . . . Center Cuts of Fresh HMS" of rublirr will average 16,000 miles before they are smooth— seller wants It to. Home of the Urge companies have done away with guarantees altogether, but whatever tbe definition given It ibka^about 13,000 miles— and 6-83" about 0000 miles. means a monthly pro rata adjustment. If, for example, you pur- BABY SHOP P I N E H U R S T P O R K C H O P S lb. 2 9 e chased a tire listing at $16 for glO and nt the end of six months,

Fancy Tork State you ran over n piece of gUaa you would receive nn adjustment, not nt the 610 price which you paid for the tire but nt 1-13 of the $1.50 and $1.69 Zipper L ^ g in g s Our Retreads Are Made With a 10-32** Navy i^d Brown. Slies 3 to 8 Years Only. A P P L E S A U C E 3 N o . 2 c a n s 2 9 c list price of $15 which would be $1.35 per month or S7M. Ton can readily see that tbe only people who benefit by a guarantee are Depth of Rubber and Full Width. thoae who have trouble la tbe first few montba after purchaae. LARGE TEMPLE OR,\NGES...... 6 fo r 29c ~v Very Sweet, Sugir MIU SERVICE is what couhts! Th€ JW.HALC COM TREE RIPENED ORANGES ...... dozen 22c We are equipped to Change Your Flat Tires Quickly, Vul-

MANCHimii Comm- canize, Retread or Recap ’^em .

/oioitrieii All Prices Quoted Will Be Void After January 15,1939.

it^CRISCO Plenty of Used Tires—AH Sizes $2.00 and up. Also Used Tubes 50c-75c. .1 pounds ...... 53c

I pound ...... 20c


. . $ 5 .0 0 (WlHumt good eaatag 75e extra) List NOW 5.50x17 T^inehu^nt Qix>ceri/9nc. 5.50x17 Pharis First Line $13.95 $9.75 * d i a l 4151 ^ 302 MAIN STREET 6.00x16 . . $5.00 (Without good eaalng 75c extra)

VOaiH OF POST OFFICE ■ ONE BLOCK fPOM STATEAP.M0R> 6.00x16 Pharis First Line $15.70, $10.50 6.25x16 $5.50 (Without,good eaateg 7Se axtru) 6.25x16 Pharis First Line $17.55 $12.65

$5.75 (W'lthout good casing 75o extra) 6.50x16 6.50x16 Pharis First Line $19.85 $13.00

(AD Other Accordingly.) (AD Other Sliaa Accordiagly.) ^


SPECIAL! New Tube With Any Tire Purchased 98c JO H N S-M A N V ILL E F U N E R A L S E R V IC E

ASIEnOS. SIDING SHIN6IES Established 1874 Please Note! I f not satisfied with any can hm ttppHmd H§ht ov e r thm R. K. ANDERSON, DIRECTOR Hot O ff The Radiator! merchandise bought money will be refund- 3 HEATERS, Regular List $10.00. C A prmsmnt w a lls o f y e a r homo I 142 E A S T C E N T E R S T R E E T Sale P r ic e ...... ^ / eDU ed if returned within 30 ddys.

• ‘These shingles have jbe eoft texture PHONES: OFFICE 5171? RESIDENCE 7494 12 HEATERS, Rcgalarly $16.95 to $18.95. ^ 1 of fineet wood— yet they are Bnproof Installed la Your Car ...... V'lUeUU We Give Green Stamps On All and won’t rot, split or decay. They are (AJtVtN . TBOFIC AIBB . CHICA AND SAN FBANCISCO) Cash Purchases. moderate in ooet and require Uttle if eay

maintanahee aa time goaa on.

F L A T TIRE OUT OF GAS BATTERY TROUBLE D IA L 4129 Easy monthlr payment

Sm4 IM Iw a atpx «i SM R a n g e a n d F u e l O i l ___ ^ _ J*ha,^aa*ttla Haw#

24 H O U R S E R V IC E Tha W. e. Glennay Co. in ttk&S Telephone'38,73 GonL Lambsr, BUsons* Supplies,