rHB WBATHEK Forwwet of 0. S. Weather Bereda AVCKAOB daily cnCULATION BarMord tor th* Moatk of Deeember, 1988 ^ ^ light rain this afteraeon anS probably tonight; Wednesday rooetly 6,179 otondy. ^ Member of the Aodlt ^ ^ Bnrese of Clreotorioat MAN('HESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE ( HARM (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1939 VOL-LVni..N0.85 (llaasytod Adverttsla^oD Page IQ) Poughkeepsie Blaze Razes 15 Factory Buildings i----- HOWE CHOOSES ONLY TREADWAY BLASTS ' NEW TRADE PACTS; REPUBLICANS TO HEAD FORESEES REPEAL B COMMIHEES IN HOUSE SHOWER OF $16 BII.LH COMES FK03I LABORER M¥!lys Doubling Representa- Shenandoah, la.. Jan. 10 — Alcorn, Blakeslee And Bii- (A P I-T hey are still talking j Secretary-Wife Is tion Of G.0P. Reveals BONNEITELLS about toe shower of (10 bills that . Busy As Debutante fell In the collection plate at toe ^ sefl Selected For Most eople Realize What First Christian church here Sun- j day. OF AGREEMENT Important Posta; Cheney Ten (10 bills were placed In; New Deal Doing to Them toe plate anonymously. On the ' unmarked envelope were Instruc- | wm BRITAIN And Thornton Also Get UoDS that the money be used to Washington, Jan. 10 — (API — redecorate the building. Representative Treadway (R-, The Rev. M. F. LyCria. pastor, Chairmanships; Demo- said he learned the Identity of Assurance Received Of Com- Maas ), opening a Republican at- toe contributor, b\it refused to tack on th* admlBlBtrptlon’i recipro- divulge bis name, other than to crats Protest Apportioi- cal trade trestle*, predicted today say that he was— i plete Accord Of London A fsrm laborer working by the ] that the present minority party* ment Among Membership membership would be strong enough month. ^ . 1- 1— . .1 Cabinet With French In 1940 to repeal the program. "The doubling of the representa- state Capitol. Hartford, Jan. IflL tloo of the Republican party In the Viewpeint On Colonies. ^ I —(A P)—Reps. H. M. Alcorn, J)r« present Congrea* showm that the people ere beginning to realize what Ftfteen of 18 buildings In toe former Moline Plow Company plant at Pbughkeepsle. N. Y.. were of Buffleld, Waldo Blakealc* ,joC TWO ACCUSED three charges of toe New Deal is doing to them." destroyed by a Are which raged for hours. It was finally brought under cohtrol after toi Bl'I.I.ETIN North Haven, and Charles 8. Btaqiill Treadwray aald on toe House floor. dynamite had been set off to raze w alls of the burned buildings and f i T t « S e Perio, Jan. 16—(AP)—The of Buffleld today arer* named hy . ^ "In toe next Clongre**, we are go- plant, assessed at (1,000,000 when It waa a going concern, had been taken oyer by the city at a tax sale I Speaker Walter Hoara as Houaa ^ ing to have more than enough Ra- WAIVE RIGHTS and was not Insured. premier* of Britain end France went Into conference at the For- ehslnnen, of the Judiciary, AMBh^ publleana to wipe out toe present priatlons and Finance commHtiBh - trade treaty program, which 1* so eign Office lete today shortly after Issuance of a formal dec- espectlvely. AU are RapubUeonB* ' detrimental to toe mteresU of our IN W A J ^ U R Y I ’These or* toe moat powwfui coin* - people, end restore toe Republican Uratlon that the two powers Mr*. John N. Oaraer mltteea In the General Asaepdfly. policy of protection under which our TRUCK DRIVERS REPORT REBEL TROOPS had agreed In advance to reject artth the Judiciary leading th* VW country has prospered for a century any Italian territorial demands Waahtngton, Jan. 10.—(AP) — In rank of Importance. and a half." Preparation And Signing Of on the French empire. Mrs. John N. Garner, who almoot Th* AppraprtaUona Commlthin House Await* Legislation makes to* auggeatad .allocatlOBa of Treadwmy opened toe second day REFUSE OFFER Paris, Jan. 10.—(AP) — An never goea out In society^ was aa funds for running toe state govosiB" of Republican speeches against Papers Delays Start Of APPROACH TARRAGONA agreement between France and Brit- busy as a debutant* today. ment and to ton Finance Ctomrslt- - President Roosevelt's edmlnlstratlon The wife and secretary of toe tee la delegated tha authority .•gf; while toe House awaited Its first ain to reject any Italian territorial Trial And Selection Of Al- OF ARBITRATION vice-president Invited about 1001 studying any pro] piece of legislation—toe emergency Two Columns (^nverging demands for a sharesnare Inin theino French" rues is to luncheon—and arranged relief bill—which Speaker Bankhead CHAMBERLAIN empire waa announ^ to the F w ch •to attend toe- President’*Prealdent’a dinner foafoqlJea. said might not be reedy for debate ternate Jorors Two Honrs cablnet today by Foreign Minister toe vice-president at to* WMt* until next week. Make Good Promise To Sal- On Coastal Oty; Govern- Georges Bonnet. House tonight. I Rep. T, Bmmrtl CUrle, Treadway said toe purpose of toe Following a cabinet meeting at Ordinarily either event would be House leader, proteatad tha recently-negotiated British and TO SEEK AIMS the Elyse* palace, shortly before Waterbury, Jan. 10— (API —Two a red-letter day on Mrs. Garner’a I tletunent of eommltt** msaa Canadian trade agreements waa to tonstall To Allow M ove ment Coanter-Offensive British Prime Minister ttoamberlaln allm eocial calendar. 8)m prefera I but admontabed tha Danworats further encourage toe Importations 1 defendants In toe Waterbury con- and Foreign BecreUry Viscount managing her huabend’a offlo* to work for the xrelfsr* of tha sURs. of competitive foreign product* gpiracy case, absent from the court- Halifax were to reach Paris 00 tortr OFmWERS attending teas. I He declared that vritb but tmt;^ which displace toe products of our room because of illness, waived their men! Of Perishables; Con- In Southwest Is Halted. way to Rome, it was disclosed that But tola year, two tradlUonal execptloM th* DanMcrats own farm and factories" and take Bonnet told hit colleaguea lie )>ad right today to be present during functions fell on toe aama day, sad | gtven only two jobs away from toe people. received assurance of "toe complete toe selection of two alternate Jurors. ference Late In Day. Mra. Garner is as femoua for bar I mltteea. The exoeptkXMi ^ "It must be that Secretary HuU BULUCTINl British Premier Alarmed B j accord of th* London cabinet with ability to master sltuatton* M fori the Judiciary. Reorganlantloa. waa more interested In conse- One of toe accused, Thomas J toe French point of view. her 9 p. m. bedtime. tary Affalra quences end considerations other Fleming, superintendent of streets, Hendaye, France (At too This, Bonnet said, had bean con- Spanish Frontier), Jan.-16,— Beads Haf lnstve OrgaalMltex. AmsndWMBt OoMinltteM whew than trade advantages for tola collapa^ In toe courthouse last BULLETINt I Reports Of New Intensive veyed to Mm lart night by Sir Erie Aa wtf* o< tb* vtoe-prertdent Mn. country," to* MaasachueetU Con- Friday. The other, Mlchari F. < AP) —inenrgent foreea report- Phipps, BriUsh ambassador to Waterbary. Jan. 10.—(AF) ad today that they had reach- Gancr la praaident of an exclusive "Wa f*el that tha Daaasemta havn gresaman declared. Stavln. Democratic deputy rsglsitrar —Wholeeale frttit and ptodnee Prance. organlsaUon—til* ’Tisitlee of to* not baan given tb* rsprMM Ul dllduring toe ed a p ^ t only 13 milee from Italian^iemian Campaign Chamberlain and Halifax, Th* Senate, meenwhUa, stayed In e( voters, became dealers tola morning ngieed to Senate.” Ifesaber* must be, wive*, they daasrva, noeording (s ' sis*1~r Just long enough to com- week-end. the sea near Fniset la a gener- route to conference* with Premier meet of toe wage soeleB naked al advaace toward Barcelona widows or hoatsassa of sahatora, numerlosl munbars la tha M plete Its committee aerignmeota Preparation and signing of toe by 75 striking track dTri-ers, Muosollill. araraged to "take tea' and t h ^ cannot take outald* gueata bs aald. "la tbs mattar e f and to reorive a few nominations waivers delayed toe start of toe and Tarragana, chief port of In Mediterranean Area. with Bonnet and Daladler here late helpera and other employee, lower OatalOBls. Govenunrat to toelr Tueaday lunebeona wbar* treataMat ths mlnortty from toe Preridant. It will itb week of the trial for more but refused to grant union do- today. tb* members take turns contribut- It has net raealvsd lUr a g ^ Th’ than two hour*. nalts oa the eonthera Oatalo- Bonnet told toe ceUnrt meeUng mnnds for n cloned or preferea* nlaa front were eompollrd to ing toe food. OhaIrnMa *f Other O included 8l . Th* waivers were presented to tlnl ebop. A meering between liondon. Jan. 10.—(AP) —Prime Mrs. Garner boa mad* It a eus- A^cultura Frank Pert (R) beasednr to Colombia Judge Bkriest A. Inglla by Patrick fafFbatck, laaargeat dlspateiim Minister Chamberlain, alarmed by (Oonttnaed ax Page Bight) oompnay officials, onion lend- cut tom to open to* Banat* ladica* sea- Ws Corrigan to be ambaasador to Vena- Healey, attorney for both of toe ac- declared, to avoid being reports of a new Intensive Italian- son with a luacbeoa at her hotaL AvIatloa—Warran A. FMd C cused, togetoer with ceiilficatea ers and the state Board of Ar> off by the advance. At SU#lAs bitratlon and Mediation failed German campaign for domination honori^ Mra. FraakUn Roooavelt of Milford. Before toe Senate and Houae from t o ^ physlctana At toe poiats Insorgent nnita and eablnrt wives. Bines It's her Banks—B. O. Bmlth CR) of same time, toe court received toe to bring a aettlemeat of the reported areR to the east of toe western Mediterranean, left convened for toe day, a group com- Btrtke today at the office of DANAHER URGES own p a ^ .
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