Timeline of Amish Mennonite Separations & Mergers

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Timeline of Amish Mennonite Separations & Mergers Timeline of recent Amish / This was the only Mennonite separations & mergers 1978 1927 Mennonite Christian conference that depicting resistance to and Amish (with Fellowship is formed never had official Mennonite mostly from OO Amish representation at acceptance of mainstream leanings) from but also OO the Mennonite American cultural values. 1910 Grantsville, MD Mennonites and OO General Those unsatisfied and Lancaster, River Brethren. Some Conference. Old Order Amish Arrowed lines on this chart depict the over all direction that with the progressive PA establish Beachy Amish joined the new movement took from its origin to the present. This Amish-Mennonites chart does not attempt to rank the various groups in order fellowship under later. and also with the from most progressive to least acculturated. the name 1960’s New Order Amish1978 Mennonite OO Amish, begin Beachy-Amish Christian Fellowship Abridged; Version 2014.4 | E. L. Eby the Conservative Mennonites Amish-Mennonite Conference 1693 1778 1848 - 1866 Jacob Christian Progressive Amish - Amman Mennonites separate Funk and Beachy Amish excommuni friends from conservative Amish Old Order Amish cates all - Mennonites. Menn. Churches support the Reist- American 1916 - Amish- Mennonites Revolution Mennonites 1907 but later begin merging John D. repents. with (MC) Amish Kauffman Groffdale Conference (Joe Wenger); Other OO Mennonite groups using horses -Mennonites -Mennonites Conservative Amish Mennonite- Conference 1812- John Herr 1927 Amish 1907 Ohio-Indiana (Wisler) Conf. Washington/Franklin Mennonite Conference Weaverland Conference; 1939 Markham 1999 Maranatha Fellowship Mennonites 1859 - John Holdeman -Waterloo Conference 2007 Berea Fellowship 1847 “Old” Mennonite Church (MC) John Oberholtzer 2008 Ambassadors and his 1867 supporters John F. Funk, friend of -Conference Fellowships1976 Mid separate and D.L. Moody, introduces General Conference Mennonites 1960 Non -west Fell. organize the Protestant innovations (MC) Mennonite General Conference/Assembly General such as Sunday School, 2012 Northeastern 1981 Hope Fellowship Conference Revival Meetings, and 1968 Eastern PA Menn. Ch. Mennonites 1991 Pilgrim Conf. Missions programs 1978 Mid -Atlantic Fell. 1898 Old Order Mennonite Divisions 1999 Biblical Menn. Alliance Delegates from seven Bishops and their supporters part ways with the mainline Mennonites over Protestant innovations. conferences meet for a Mennonite General 1872, Jacob Wisler group has membership 1944 1972 Southeastern Menn. Conf. Conference in Indiana. disannulled by John Funk & supporters. Conferences represent- 1889, Abraham Martin / Menn. Conf. of Ontario Uniform church order, ed at the Mennonite 1893, Jonas Martin / Lancster Menn. Conference. millennial teaching, General Conference 1900, Gabriel Heatwole / Virginia Conference. prohibitionist choose to fellowship in These groups parted ways over issues such as teachings, and other peace rather than re- marrying of non-members by Mennonite bishops, Fundamentalist quire each other to 1999—Merger begins introduction of Sunday School without emphases begin meet the expectations between Mennonite Church 1999 Keystone Fellowship congregational approval, protracted meetings / making their way into agreed upon in the and General Conference Mennonites to form MC USA revival meetings, Protestant style missions, etc. the Mennonite Church. General Conferences .
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