Annual Report 2017 Linear Park, Lachlan’S Line

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Annual Report 2017 Linear Park, Lachlan’S Line UrbanGrowth NSW Annual Report 2017 Linear Park, Lachlan’s Line 02 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Ministers’ letter 31 October 2017 The Hon Dominic Perrottet MP Treasurer 52 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 The Hon Victor Dominello MP Minister for Finance, Services and Property 52 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000 Dear Treasurer and Minister We are pleased to submit to you, for presentation to the Parliament of New South Wales, the Annual Report for Landcom trading as UrbanGrowth NSW for the year ended 30 June 2017. The report, detailing the performance, operations and financial results of the corporation, has been prepared in accordance with section 24A of the State Owned Corporations Act 1989, the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984 and the applicable provisions of the Public Finance and Audit Act 1983. Yours sincerely, John Brogden AM Suzanne Jones Chairman Director 03 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 03 Contents Ministers’ letter 06 Chairman’s review 08 Chief Executive Officer’s review 10 Board of Directors 14 Executive Management Team Business owners, Central to Eveleigh 04 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 18 38 56 Our organisation Corporate activities Financial statements Our portfolio 19 Our charter and function 38 Our governance structure 20 Board of Directors, 104 meetings and committees 39 FY16/17 economic Index and financial highlights 21 Measuring performance 40 Risk management 41 105 22 Public access to information Highlights of this year’s achievements Corporate directory and the protection of privacy 42 Performance against Legal events 46 operational objectives 22 Work health and safety 46 Western Sydney Projects Portfolio 24 Multicultural Policies and CBD Projects Portfolio 28 Services Program 48 The Bays Precinct Sydney 30 Workforce diversity performance 50 Awards 32 Our guarantee of service 51 Sustainability Strategy 34 Executive positions 52 Engagement with communities 35 Miscellaneous activities 53 Disclosure of approved exemptions 54 36 Looking ahead to FY17/18 05 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Chairman’s review During the 2017 financial year (FY16/17) a structural review by the NSW Government has set our organisation on a new path that will enable even better outcomes for people and businesses across NSW. This next phase will see UrbanGrowth neighbourhoods that offer a diversity of all our staff for their dedication not only NSW’s portfolio of projects re-assigned housing and reflect Landcom’s proud for the past 12 months, but for the last to three separate entities: Landcom (a history of sustainable development few years. state owned corporation), UrbanGrowth and easy access to community NSW Development Corporation, and facilities, services and open space. As a result of the portfolio changes, Hunter Development Corporation. this is our last Annual Report as In our major urban transformation UrbanGrowth NSW. I would like to This move aligns the projects with programs we commenced the process thank the community, government the organisations best positioned to for the $250 million redevelopment and industry stakeholders who have carry them forward on behalf of the of the new Sydney Fish Market at the contributed to the vision, planning and NSW Government. It also reflects the head of Blackwattle Bay, the first step delivery of the organisation’s work. It’s NSW Government’s priorities and in bringing to life the vision for the work that makes a difference - it has a commitments in delivering urban broader Bays Market District. positive impact on our economy while development policy, particularly in We also finalised urban transformation creating exciting urban places for the response to housing affordability. strategies for the Parramatta Road people of NSW. corridor, and the 50 hectares of NSW You can read more on the portfolio Government-owned land between Yours sincerely, separation on Page 36. Central and Erskineville stations. John Brogden AM FY16/17 has therefore been a pivotal These outcomes illustrate deep year for the organisation. As the collaboration across the NSW Chairman Board and Executive Management Government, with local councils, Team have worked extensively on industry and communities, and a the transition, considerable progress combined focus on new housing, new has been made in our residential jobs and sustainable place making. land development and major urban transformation projects. Further, the release of the organisation’s Draft Sustainability Our residential land portfolio continues Strategy reflects an 18-month analysis Landcom’s legacy of achieving housing of global trends and best practice, supply targets on behalf of the NSW embedding world-class standards of Government. We released 1,012 development and liveability into the house lots to the public and enabled a urban places we help create. further 1,150 through superlot sales to developers – amounting to more than Net profit after tax was $168.2 million, 14,193 sites since April 2015, moving and we returned $72.1 million to us closer to achieving our 20,000 the NSW Government in income tax home site target by 31 March 2019. equivalents. These production levels continue to I would like to thank my fellow position the organisation as one of Directors, and commend former the largest residential developers in Director Bob Hamilton who retired the state. However, our work extends from the Board during the year after six beyond numbers. These sites are years of service to the organisation. In award-winning masterplanned particular, I would like to acknowledge 06 Parramatta Road, Strathfield 07 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Chief Executive Officer’s review Our organisation is the vehicle that links the NSW Government’s urban development policy to on-the-ground outcomes. The portfolio separation outlined in the Chairman’s letter will again see the state owned corporation, as Landcom, respond to new policy settings. The ongoing delivery of sustainable We’re setting the benchmark for embedding world-class standards into urban development is essential in housing diversity close to transport our work. the context of high house prices, and services at Thornton, where the especially for young people, and strong private sector has more than 800 David Pitchford, our former Chief population growth. This is a major NSW dwellings under construction including Executive Officer, established the Government priority. We need therefore residential apartments, affordable UrbanGrowth NSW organisation to build on strategic, collaborative housing, aged care and serviced and advanced seven major urban approaches to create private sector apartments. transformation programs to their development opportunities, while current stage in just three years - a ensuring new sustainable, liveable and Our urban transformation programs testament to his leadership and connected places. require us to collaborate across dedication of staff. I thank David and government on large and complex all our staff for this commitment. The organisation, as Landcom, will programs to bring forward economic continue to secure projects that investment and create new places or Their work lays the foundation to carry take this approach, while actively iconic destinations. In FY16/17, for these projects forward by Landcom, addressing affordability. Developing example, our work to clear the heavy the UrbanGrowth NSW Development a strategy for this re-focused role rail corridor in Newcastle’s city centre Corporation and the Hunter has already commenced. We will use created opportunities to reconnect the Development Corporation, creating our existing strengths and legacy of harbour and attract investment and better communities and outcomes for industry leadership. We will continue new uses. Restoration works at North the people of NSW. to coordinate lead-in infrastructure on Eveleigh and at Parramatta North Yours sincerely, government-owned land and will focus are creating new community spaces on greater diversity and innovative, and uses for important heritage affordable new homes in places with buildings. New residents moved into Barry Mann easy access to public transport, public the Ebsworth building at Green Square Acting Chief Executive Officer facilities and open space. Town Centre. We also assumed the role of master developer of White Bay This work will build on our FY16/17 Power Station on behalf of the NSW achievements. We released more than Government, and appointed lead 2,150 home sites through our sales architects to the redevelopment of The channels, and projects such as Oran Sydney Fish Market. Park, Renwick, Macarthur Heights, Riverstone, and Lachlan’s Line at Within the organisation, we finalised Macquarie Park illustrate our range our housing diversity and sustainability of activities during the year – whether strategies, and continued to implement solving development complexities or and test our public participation and facilitating infrastructure delivery to community engagement framework, support new communities. winning an International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) award for Our social housing renewal our work on The Bays Precinct. programs in Claymore and Airds demonstrate how government We further broadened our academic intervention can create a greater research and partnership programs, socio-economic mix within vibrant and and our Design Directorate is another healthy neighbourhoods. example of our commitment to 08 Terrace houses along promenade, Thornton 09 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 ANNUAL REPORT 2017 Board of Directors John Brogden AM Jim Betts Chairman, appointed January 2012 Appointed May 2017 Committee appointments:
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