AUSTRALIAN NEWSPAPER HISTORY GROUP NEWSLETTER ISSN 1443-4962 No. 42 May 2007 Compiled for the ANHG by Rod Kirkpatrick, PO Box 675, Mount Ommaney, Qld, 4074. Ph. 07-3279 2279. Email:
[email protected] The publication is independent. 42.1 COPY DEADLINE AND WEBSITE ADDRESS Deadline for next Newsletter: 15 July 2007. Subscription details appear at end of Newsletter. [Number 1 appeared October 1999.] The Newsletter is online through the “Publications” link of the University of Queensland’s School of Journalism & Communication Website at and through the ePrint Archives at the University of Queensland at 42.2 EDITOR’S NOTE I will be overseas for much of May and June. During my absence, Victor Isaacs will act as editor of the Newsletter. Victor, the founder of the Newsletter, is at
[email protected] and his postal address is 43 Lowanna Street, Braddon, ACT, 2612. Thank you, Victor. See end of this Newsletter for details of the new ANHG book, Looking Good, written by Victor Isaacs. CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS: METROPOLITAN BREAKING NEWS: MURDOCH BIDS FOR DOW Rupert Murdoch‟s News Corporation has stunned the media world with a $US5 billion bid for leading business news group Dow Jones & Company, which owns the Wall Street Journal (Australian, Media section, 3 May 2007, pp.13-14). 42.3 MEDIA LAWS TAKE EFFECT: STOKES MOVES, FAIRFAX KEEPS MOVING The new media ownership laws in Australia took effect from Wednesday, 4 April 2007, relaxing the 20-year-old old cross-media and foreign ownership restrictions.