Urbanization As a Sustainable Development Strategy for Kazakhstan 12 1.1
National Human Development Report 2019 Urbanization as an Accelerator of Inclusive and Sustainable Development Published for the United Nations Development Programme in Kazakhstan FOREWORD It is my pleasure to present the 2019 National Report on Human Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which focuses on urbanization as a key element for accelerating sustainable development goals. In Kazakhstan, as in many other nations around our planet, more and more citizens are choosing to live in cities, as they often offer more diverse services and greater opportunity for personal development and economic advancement than rural areas do. At the same time, the shift to cities creates mounting challenges of pollution, congestion, threats to public health, overburdened infrastructure and public services, and so on. Based on both quantitative and qualitative data, this report shows that, with good governance and sound design, urbanization can help secure social welfare and equity, mitigate environmental impact, and support economic growth. The report concludes with policy recommendations for sustainable urban development, covering 12 strategic directions. Toward this end, UNDP is already supporting cities and national institutions in Kazakhstan in various ways – development of key strategy documents; drafting of legislation; strengthening the organization and capacity of governmental agencies at various levels; and application of solutions to protect the urban, regional, national, and global environment. I thank everyone who participated in the preparation of this report, and affirm UNDP’s steadfast commitment to pursue the report’s recommendations through partnerships and joint initiatives. Together, we can make a meaningful contribution to fulfill the potential for sustainable development in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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