Ort America Times

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Ort America Times Educating Individuals Vol. 1 Winter 2007 Impacting Communities Improving the World Vol. 1 Winter 2007 ORT AMERICA TIMES ORT America Inaugural Convention Offers Exciting Program and Festivities Excitement and anticipation are in the air A bevy of exciting as ORT America prepares for its Inaugural speakers at plenary, National Convention, April 22-24, 2007 at motivational workshops the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, DC. and informative panels Supporters and members from across the will invite rigorous debate and discussion Steve Schlosser (Washington, DC); nation will gather for three days of on important issues. Worthwhile Ray Sherbill (Potomac, MD); and celebration and recommitment at a networking opportunities will be available Marcy Wiseberg (Palm Beach Gardens, significant time in the organization’s history, throughout. During the course of the FL). The ORT America professional staff the emergence of the ORT presence in Convention, participants can also take a is being represented by Janice G. Stolar, America as one single, dynamic voice. nostalgic trip through the wonderful past of Chief Advancement Officer, and American ORT and Women’s American Gail Wahle, Event Consultant. There will be numerous opportunities to ORT by experiencing the Virtual Time meet, greet and learn about the ORT Capsule. Exciting events include the dramatic and program from students, graduates, compelling celebration of ORT America’s teachers and administrators, and of course, Serving as Convention Chair is Sara Trub Inauguration at the Opening Plenary from World ORT Director-General Robert (Virginia Beach, VA). Convention Co-Chairs session; Yom Ha’atzmaot Festivities, Singer. Lynn Leeb are (Morris Plains, NJ); continued on Page 6 From the President and Vice President We hope you enjoy the fresh look and feel be elected. The new board will be drawn inside the pages of our newly designed from American ORT, Women’s American ORT America Times newsletter. It is filled ORT, and the Jewish philanthropic with information about ORT programs community. around the world, regional news, as well as information about ORT America’s new We are very excited that Doreen Hermelin campaigns in Israel and Latin America. The (Detroit, MI), a widely-respected community ORT America Times is just one of many leader, has been nominated to be the first newly designed items coming from the elected president of ORT America. Shelley national office. Judy Menikoff Joe Cohen Fagel (Naperville, IL), formerly First Vice President of Women’s American ORT, has As Women’s American ORT and American been nominated to be the chair of ORT ORT have consolidated under one roof as ORT America, many America’s Executive Committee (see page 5). exciting changes are in the air. From our Inaugural Convention to membership (see page 6) to the deGunzbourg Society, this Please join us at the ORT America Inaugural Convention where you newsletter will answer many of your questions. can be part of planning the future of ORT America! We encourage each of you to participate in ORT America’s Inaugural Judy Menikoff Joe Cohen Convention from April 22-24, 2007 in Washington, DC (see article National President National Vice President above). During convention, a new president and board of directors will Former AO Members Inaugurated As New Diamond Ladders At a celebration dinner honoring outgoing A Diamond Ladder is awarded a Diamond Ladders may designate their Diamond Ladder Joe Cohen American ORT President , a beautiful, custom-designed Giving Levels contributions, as well as receive special ceremony was held to honor the first group pendant in the shape of a ladder. naming opportunities and recognition in of American ORT 1880 Society members A diamond identifies the giving $5,000 - $9,999 ORT America publications. Invitations to as Diamond Ladders. level, with diamonds added for $10,000 - $17,999 special programs and events bring each new level of giving. The full members face-to-face with ORT According to Maimonides, there are eight ladder displays eight diamonds. $18,000 - $34,999 dignitaries and students. Special levels of tzedakah, the highest — giving $35,000 - $49,999 international ORT missions with people the skills to become self-sufficient The new Diamond Ladders who exclusive programming give Diamond $50,000 - $99,999 and the gift of no longer needing charity. were presented with their Ladders first-hand experience with The Diamond Ladder campaign is a tribute pendants at the dinner were $100,000 - $179,999 ORT students and teachers. to this age-old Jewish perspective on giving. Elizabeth Benator, daughter of $180,000 - $249,999 John Benator; Lois Hollander, For information on becoming a The Diamond Ladder spans eight levels of wife of Steve Schlosser; Phyllis Diamond Ladder, contact Vickie giving, all characterized by an annual gift of Cohen, wife of ORT America Vice President Mitchell in the Fund Development $5,000 or above for a minimum of three Joe Cohen; and Carol Ackerman, wife of Department at 1.800.519.2678, ext. 279, or years. All 1880 Society members are also Herb Ackerman, member of the ORT [email protected]. Diamond Ladders. America Interim Governing Committee. The ORT America Times is a publication of ORT America, Inc. 75 Maiden Lane, 10th Floor New York, NY 10038-4607 800.519.2678 Morris Gocial presents Phyllis Cohen, wife of Elizabeth Benator, daughter of ORT America www.ORTAmerica.org ORT America Vice President Joe Cohen (r) Interim Governing Committee Member John with her Diamond Ladder pin. Benator, receives her Diamond Ladder pin Sarina Roffé from Morris Gocial. National Communications Director Jeremy Chernikoff Communications Associate Bonnie Hirsch Communications Assistant ORT empowers students to seek and achieve new opportunities and independence through education. ORT is a global network of educational institutions, which delivers state-of-the-art education in science and technology, as well as traditional academic courses. ORT has educated more than 3 million 1880 Society Member Lois Hollander, Carol Ackerman, wife of ORT America people since its inception in 1880. ORT’s vast alongside her husband, 1880 Society Nominating Committee Member Herbert W. network educates 270,000 students annually in 58 Member Steve Schlosser, receives her Ackerman, receives her Diamond Ladder pin countries around the globe, providing them with the Diamond Ladder pin from Morris Gocial. from Morris Gocial. marketable skills necessary to achieve highly successful careers and become community leaders. ORT America | Page 2 ORT Launches Science Journey 2007 in Israel Tens of thousands of Israeli students will have New ORT initiatives improved opportunities for educational progress in Israel include: and long-term International Technology Competition – in employment as a result cooperation with the Weizmann Institute of of Science Journey Science - provides an opportunity for ORT 11th 2007, a new program and 12th graders from around the world to put being launched by ORT their knowledge and imagination to work in cooperation with designing a locking mechanism for a safe that Israel’s Ministry of can only be opened by applying a scientific Education. technological principle. Competing teams must lock each other’s safes to win the chance to Science Journey 2007 travel to Israel and take part in the international is a major new effort to finals at the Weizmann Institute of Science. improve science and The campus of the Weizmann Institute of Science World ORT International Summer School – at technology education to add value to educational efforts in the Weizmann Institute of Science – 11th grade throughout Israel. ORT has committed gifted students selected from ORT programs will Israel, and Science Journey 2007 will about $7.4 million to the program for spend three weeks in Israel where they will work do just that.” 2007, the largest annual allocation the with distinguished scientists from the Weizmann organization has ever made to help Institute and visit research institutions and high- meet the needs of students in Israel. “We are also excited that we will be tech industrial plants. The World ORT allocation significantly delivering funds directly to the programs increases the Ministry’s budget for in Israel, while ensuring that our donor Tendler Scholarship Fund – in memory of flight science and technology education and dollars are being used to the fullest mechanic Sergeant Major Keren Tendler – the is intended to reach students who have extent possible.” first female to lose her life on active duty since 1973. This fund will provide scholarships to never before had the benefit of a high- encourage women to enter the field of flight quality ORT education. Through Science Journey 2007, ORT will provide 30-40 schools throughout mechanics, normally seen as a male-dominated field. Keren Tendler was an ORT Alumnus from the State of Israel with computer labs, “World ORT considers the teaching of the ORT Technological School in Rehovot. science and technology as a science labs, equipment, technology cornerstone of the Israeli education education, curriculum development and Scholarships for Israeli Teachers – to attend the system,” said Robert Singer, Director teacher training. A model school for this ORT Hatter Technology Seminar, held annually in General of World ORT, in a letter to project has already been set up at the London. The program develops professional skills Shmuel Abuav, Acting General of Rodman High School in Kiryat Yam through seminars in bioscience, its applications Israel’s Ministry of Education. near Haifa. ORT will also work in 25 at- and curriculum implications, as well as future risk schools in the north to provide employment opportunities. “We welcome your readiness to work in similar technological equipment and training. Rosner English Summer School – over 100 partnership with us and to invest students from throughout Israel will be selected resources in the development of to attend an advanced English language course “We began 2007 with the merger that science and technology in the state of in London as well as a special English for created ORT America and invigorated Israel,” said Mr.
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