Sabine Hake Professor and Texas Chair of German Literature and Culture Department of Germanic Studies Burdine Hall 332 The University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712-1199 Office: 512-471-4123 FAX: 512-471-4025 E-mail: [email protected] (UT) and [email protected] (GSR) Website:

Professional Experience 2004-present Professor and Texas Chair of German Literature and Culture, Department of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin, with courtesy appointments in Comparative Literature, and Women’s and Gender Studies 1995-2004 Professor of German and Film Studies, with adjunct appointment in History of Art and Architecture, University of Pittsburgh 1992-95 Associate Professor of German, University of Pittsburgh 1988-92 Assistant Professor of German, University of Pittsburgh 1986-88 Research Fellow, History of Art, Bryn Mawr College

Published Monographs 2017 The Proletarian Dream: Socialism, Culture, and Emotion in Germany, 1863–1933. : De Gruyter. 370 pp. Paperback second edition in 2018. Reviewed in German Studies Review 41.3 (2018): 623-625; European History 49.1 (2019): 127-129; H-Net Reviews, URL: http://www.h- 2012 Screen Nazis: Cinema, History, and Democracy. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 308 pp. Shortlisted for Willy Haas Award. Reviewed in Screen 56.2 (Summer 2015): 291-293; German Studies Review 38.1 (2015); Central European History 47.2 (2014): 469-471; German Quarterly 87.1 (2014): 131- 132; Seminar 49.4 (2013): 433-36; H-Soz-u-Kult,; H-Net Reviews, URL: http://www.h- 2008 Topographies of Class: Modern Architecture and Mass Society in Weimar Berlin. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 336 pp. Reviewed in German History 28.4 (2010): 552-53; Journal of Architecture 14.4 (2009): 541-44; H-Net Reviews: URL:; Central European History 42.4 (2009): 779-81; Germany Quarterly 82.4 (2009); German Studies Review 33.2 (2010): 453-54; Historical Materialism 18.2 (2010): 177-94; Germanic Review 85.3 (2010): 162-69. 2008 German National Cinema. Enlarged and revised edition. London: Routledge. 280 pp. Japanese translation in 2010 by Choeisha Tokyo. 2

Reviewed in Quarterly Review of Film and Video 28.2 (2011); 171-174. Filmblatt 14.41 (2009/10): 68-69. 2004 Film in Deutschland: Geschichte und Geschichten ab 1895. Reinbek: Rowohlt (rowohlts deutsche enzyklopädie). An expanded and revised translation of German National Cinema. 576 pp. Reviewed in Kameramann 7 (2005): 73; Literaturkritik 4 (2005) at; Zeitschrift für Germanistik 2 (2005): 469-71. 2002 German National Cinema. London: Routledge. 232 pp. Reviewed in H-Soz-u-Kult at 020>. German Studies Review 26.2 (2003): 472-73; Germanic Review (2003): 149-53; Monatshefte 95.4 (2003): 699-700; Film Comment 38:3 (2002): 9; Bright Lights Film Journal 28 (2002): 1-5. 2001 Popular Cinema of the Third Reich. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2001. 272 pp. Reviewed in Film Quarterly 61.1 (2007): 68–72; Screen 45.1 (2004): 83-89; Journal of Film Radio and Television 23.1 (March 2003): 85-86; Film Comment 38:3 (2002): 9; German Quarterly 75.4 (Fall 2002): 450-51; HPROB 1.2 (2002) at 2002Reviews/cinemathirdreichText.htm. 1993 The Cinema’s Third Machine: German Writings on Film 1907-1933. Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press. 352 pp. Reviewed in German Quarterly 71.2 (Spring 1998): 179-84; German History16.1 (1998): 104-6; Film-Philosophy 3. 37 (Sept. 1997) Das Argument 209 (1995): 420-22; New German Critique 67 (1996): 177-90; Iris 18 (Spring 1995): 168-73; German Studies Review 18.1 (1995): 164-65; Monatshefte 87.2 (1995): 236-42, German Politics and Society 37 (Winter 1995): 189-90; Film Quarterly 48 (Fall 1994): 42-43; Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 14.3 (1994): 337-38; Choice 31.6 (1994): 942; at 1992 Passions and Deceptions: The Early Films of Ernst Lubitsch. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 215 pp. Reviewed in Film Quarterly 47.2 (Winter 1993-94): 59.

Anthologies 2012 Turkish German Cinema in the New Millennium: Sites, Sounds, and Screens. Anthology, co-edited with Barbara Mennel. New York: Berghahn, 250 pp. Reviewed in Screen 56.2 (Summer 2015): 286-289; German Studies Review 37.2 (2015): 463-65; Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 35.1 (2015): 197-88; Monatshefte 105.4 (2013): 745-746; German Quarterly 86.4 (2013): 503-5; Transnational Cinemas 4.1 (2013): 131-33. 2010 Berlin Divided City, 1949-89. Co-edited with Philip Broadbent. New York: Berghahn. 204 pp. Reviewed in German Studies Review 34.3 (2011): 702; H-Net Reviews, URL:; German History 29.4 (2011): 679. 2009 Convergence Media History. Co-edited with Janet Staiger. London: Routledge. 224 pp. Reviewed in Cultural Studies Review 17.2 (2011): 399-405; Popular Communication 9.10: 98-100. 3

2007 Framing the Fifties: Cinema in a Divided Germany. Co-edited with John Davidson. New York: Berghahn. 250 pp. Reviewed in Filmblatt 42 (2010): 119-21; H-Net, URL: http://www.h-; Journal of Contemporary History 44.3 (2009): 570-72.

Works in Progress “The Workers’ States, 1933-1989.” The second volume of a two-volume project that, with an emphasis on the Third Reich and , reconstructs the proletariat as an imaginary subject in literature, art, film, and political theory and focuses on the role of emotions, as mediated through aesthetic experiences and cultural practices, in the making of class identifications and (National) socialist/communist ideologies. Research stage, with completion planned for 2022.

“German Cinema in the Age of Media Convergence.” An account of national cinema from the perspective of media convergence, with case studies on the historical manifestations of media convergence (film, music, theater, literature, television) and on the theoretical implications for film history and media archeology (intermediality, multimediality, adaptation), 50 % completed.

Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals 2020 “Proletarian Modernism and the Politics of Emotion: On Franz Wilhelm Seiwert and John Heartfield.” Modernism/Modernity, accepted for publication, 44 ms. pp. 2015 “The Münchhausen Complex: From Adaptation to Intermediality,” ILCEA (Revue de l’Institut des langues et cultures d’Europe et d’Amérique 23 (July 2015): 1-13. Online 2013 “Contemporary German Film Studies in Ten Points,” German Studies Review 36.3: 643- 51. 2013 “German Cinema as European Cinema: Learning from Film History,” Film History 25.1- 2: 110-17. 2010 “Art and Exploitation: On the Fascist Imaginary in 1970s Italian Cinema,” Studies in European Cinema 7.1: 11-21. 2006 “Visualizing the Urban Masses: Modern Architecture and Architectural Photography in Weimar Berlin,” The Journal of Architecture 11.5: 523-30. 2004 “A Stranger in Berlin: On Joseph Roth’s Urban Discourse,” Studies in 20th and 21st Century Literature 28.1: 47-75. 1998 “Heinz Rühmann und die Inszenierung des ‘kleinen Mannes’,” Montage a/v 7.1: 133-56. 1997 “The Melodramatic Imagination of Detlef Sierck: Final Chord (1936) and Its Resonances,” Screen 38.3: 129-48. 1996 “Legacies: Mabuse, Lang, and the Sound of Noir,” Iris 21: 54-73. 1994 “The Continuous Provocation of Louise Brooks,” German Politics and Society 32.1: 58- 75. 1994 “Urban Paranoia in Alfred Döblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz,” German Quarterly 67.3: 349-70. 1993 “Saxa loquuntur: Freud and Archaeology,” boundary 2 20.1: 146-73. 4

1990 “Chaplin Reception in Weimar Germany,” New German Critique 51: 87-111. 1990 “New German Cinema,” Monatshefte 82.2: 267-75. 1990 “Architectural Hi/stories: Fritz Lang and The Nibelungs,” Wide Angle 12.3: 38-57. 1989 “Focusing the Gaze—The Critical Project of Frauen, und Film,” Women in German Yearbook 5: 19-39. 1989 “‘Gold, Love, Adventure’—The Postmodern Piracy of Madame X,” Discourse 11: 88- 110. 1988 “So This Is Paris: A Comedy of Misreading,” Journal of Film and Video 40.3: 3-17. 1987 “Girls and Crisis—The Other Side of Diversion,” New German Critique 40: 147-66.

Chapters in Anthologies and Conference Proceedings 2019 “Brecht and the Gestus of Socialism,” in Bertolt Brecht in Context, ed. by Stephen Brockmann. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 10 ms. pp. Forthcoming. 2019 “Embodied Emotions: On the Communist Habitus of Agitprop,” in Feelings Materialized: Emotions, Bodies, and Things in Modern Germany, ed. by Derek Hillard and Heiki Lempi. New York: Berghahn. 24 ms. pp. Forthcoming. 2019 “Communists into Nazis: The Conversion of the German Worker,” in The Wider Arc of Revolution, ed. by Choi Chatterjee, Steven G. Marks, Mary Neuburger, and Steven Sabol, 167-193. Bloomington: Slavica Press of Indiana University. 2016 “Walter Felsenstein and the DEFA Film,” in Reimagining DEFA: East German Cinema in National and Transnational Contexts, ed. by Seán Allan and Sebastian Heiduschke, 191-209. New York: Berghahn. 2014 “Public Figures, Political Symbols, Popular Stars: Actors in DEFA Cinema and Beyond,” in DEFA at the Crossroads of East German and International Film Culture: A Companion, ed. by Marc Silberman and Henning Wrage, 197-220. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2013 “The Lives of Objects,” in Das Leben der Anderen and Contemporary German Film, ed. by Paul Cooke, 199-219. Berlin: De Gruyter. 2013 “Politische Satire im Kalten Krieg: Der Hauptmann von Köln und Rosen für den Staatsanwalt,” in DEFA International: Grenzüberschreitende Filmbeziehungen vor und nach dem Mauerbau, ed. by Michael Wedel, Talea Lambusch, and Andy Raeder, 149-63. Marbach: Schüren. 2013 “Weimar Film Theory,” in Weimar Critical Thought: A Contested Legacy, ed. by Peter Gordon and John P. McCormick, 273-90. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2012 “Leaving the Bunker: On Downfall and the Historicization of the Nazi Past,” in Hitler, Films from Germany, ed. by Karolin Machtans and Martin Ruehl, 95-126. New York: Palgrave. Revised English original version of 2007 “Raus aus dem Bunker.” 2010 “Film, Folk, Class: Béla Balázs on Spectatorship,” in Film—Kino—Zuschauer: Filmrezeption/Film Reception, ed. by Irmbert Schenk and Margrit Tröhler, 158-71. Marburg: Schüren. 2010 “Erziehung zur Demokratie: Trümmerfilme made in Hollywood,” in Träume in Trümmern: Filmproduktion und –propaganda im Europa der Nachkriegszeit 1945-60, ed. Johannes Roschlau, 85-95. Munich: edition text + kritik. 2010 “Political Affect in the Antifascist Films of Frank Beyer and Konrad Wolf,” in Screening War: New Perspectives on German Suffering, ed. by Marc Silberman and Paul Cooke, 102-22. Rochester: Camden House. 5

2008 “F. W. Murnau’s The Last Laugh,” in The Companion to Weimar Cinema, ed. Noah Isenberg, 115-33. New York: Columbia University Press. 2007 “Raus aus dem Bunker: Über Der Untergang und die Ästhetisierung der NS- Vergangenheit,” trans. Martin Kley, in Nach-Bilder des Holocaust, ed. by Inge Stephan and Alexandra Tacke. : Böhlau, 1-34. 2007 “Visualizing the Urban Masses: Modern Architecture and Architectural Photography in Weimar Berlin,” in Visualizing the City, ed. by Alan Marcus and Dietrich Neumann, 51- 72. London: Routledge. Longer version of 2006 Journal of Architecture article. 2007 “Colorful Worlds: The West German Revue Film of the 1950s,” in The Cosmopolitan Screen: Germany and the Global Imaginary, 1945 to the Present, ed. by Lutz Koepnick and Stephan Schindler, 58-76. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 2007 “Imagining the New Berlin: Mass Utopia and the Ideology of Form,” in Legacies of Modernism: Art and Politics in Northern Europe, 1890-1950, ed. by Richard McCormick, Patrizia McBride, and Monika Zagar, 107-18. London: Palgrave. 2006 “Die Disziplinierung des weiblichen Körpers in Mädel im Landjahr (1936) und Arbeitsmaiden helfen (1938),” in Ordnung im Ameisenstaat: Die Kulturfilme der UFA 1918-1945, ed. by Ramon Reichert, 159-66. : Synema. 2005 “Expressionism and Film,” in A Companion to the Literature of German Expressionism, ed. Neil Donahue, 321-41. Rochester: Camden House. 2004 “Anti-Americanism and the Cold War: On the DEFA Berlin Films,” in Americanization and Anti-Americanism: The Impact of American Culture on Germany After 1945, ed. by Alexander Stephan, 148-65. New York: Berghahn. 2004 “Film, Werbung, und Avantgarde,” in Die Spur durch den Spiegel: Der Film in der Kultur der Moderne, ed. by Michael Wedel, Malte Hagener, and Johann N. Schmidt, 193-206. Berlin: Bertz. 2002 “Transatlantic Careers: Ernst Lubitsch and Fritz Lang,” in The German Cinema Book, ed. by Erica Carter, Deniz Göktürk, and Tim Bergfelder, 217-26. London: BFI Publications. 2001 “Provocations of the Disembodied Voice: Song and the Transition to Sound in Berger’s Day and Night,” in Peripheral Visions: The Hidden Stages of Weimar Cinema, ed. by Ken Calhoon, 55-72. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. 1999 “Hohe Schule,” in Der österreichische Film von seinen Anfängen bis heute, ed. by Gottfried Schlemmer and Brigitte Mayr. Vienna: Synema. 22 pp. loose-leaf binder. 1998 “Colonial Films from the Third Reich,” in The Imperialist Imagination, ed. by Sara Friedrichsmeyer, Sara Lennox, and Susanne Zantop, 163-88. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1997 “Publizistik der Weimarer Jahre,” in Recherche: Film: Quellen und Methoden der Filmforschung, ed. by Hans-Michael Bock and Wolfgang Jacobsen, 25-36. Munich: edition text + kritik. 1997 “Faces of Weimar Germany,” in The Image in Dispute: Art and Cinema in the Age of Photography, ed. by Dudley Andrew, 117-47. Austin: University of Texas Press. 1997 “In the Mirror of Fashion,” in Women in the Metropolis: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Germany, ed. by Katharina von Ankum, 185-201. Berkeley: University of California Press 1996 “Self-Referentiality in Early German Cinema,” in A Second Life: The First Two Decades, ed. by Thomas Elsaesser, 237-45. Amsterdam: University Press. Reprint of 1992 Cinema 6

Journal article. Trans. into German as “Selbstreferentialität im frühen deutschen Kino,” in Kino der Kaiserzeit: Zwischen Tradition und Moderne, ed. by Thomas Elsaesser and Michael Wedel. Munich: text + kritik, 2002. 1996 “Zur Wiederkehr des Physiognomischen in der modernen Photographie,” in Geschichten der Physiognomik. Text—Bild—Wissen, ed. by Rüdiger Campe and Manfred Schneider, 475-513. Freiburg: Rombach. 1994 “Urban Spectacle in Walter Ruttmann’s Berlin, Symphony of the Big City,” in Dancing on the Volcano: Essays on the Culture of the , ed. by Stephen Brockmann and Thomas Kniesche, 127-42. Columbia: Camden House. 1993 “The Oyster Princess and The Doll—Wayward Women of the Early German Cinema,” in Gender and German Cinema: Feminist Interventions, 2 vols., ed. by Sandra Frieden, Richard McCormick, Vibeke R. Peterson, and Laurie Vogelsang, 2: 13-32. Providence, R. I.: Berg Publishers. 1993 “And with Favorable Winds They Sailed Away: Madame X and Femininity,” in Gender and German Cinema: Feminist Interventions, 2 vols., ed. by Sandra Frieden, Richard McCormick, Vibeke R. Peterson, and Laurie Vogelsang, 1: 179-88. Providence, R. I.: Berg Publishers 1992 “Lubitsch’s Period Films as Palimpsest: On Passion and Deception,” in Framing the Past: The Historiography of German Cinema and Television, ed. by Bruce Murray and Christopher Wickham, 68-98. Carbondale: University of Southern Illinois Press. 1990 “‘Pardon, ich suche den Autor dieses Films!’—Zu Fritz von Unruhs Phaea,” in Wegbereiter der Moderne: Festschrift für Klaus Jonas, ed. by Helmut Koopmann and Clark Muenzer, 171-84. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.

Reviews and Review Essays 2020 Michael Tymkiw, Nazi Exhibition Design and Modernism and April Eisman: Bernard Heisig and the Fight for Modern Art in East Germany, Modernism/modernity, forthcoming. 2019 Robert Dassanowsky: Screening Transcendence: Film Under Austrofascism and the Hollywood Hope, 1933–1938, Yearbook of German-American Studies, forthcoming. 2019 Robin Schuldenfrei: Luxury and Modernism: Architecture and the Object in Germany 1900-1933, Yearbook of German-American Studies, forthcoming. 2019 Bill Niven: Hitler and Film: The Führer’s Hidden Passion, Modern Language Review 114.3: 599-600. 2018 Molly Loberg: The Struggle for the Streets of Berlin, H-Net Reviews. . 2017 Marion Becks et al, eds.: Alice Lex-Nerlinger 1893-1975. Fotomonteurin und Malerin, Women in German Newsletter 128: 14-15. 2010 Eric D. Weitz: Weimar Germany: Promise and Tragedy, German Quarterly 82.2: 283- 84. 2009 Francesco Casetti: Eye of the Century: Film, Experience, Modernity. H-Net Reviews, URL: 2009 Susan Tegel: Nazis and the Cinema, American Historical Review 114: 231. 2009 Dagmar Herzog: Sex After Fascism: Memory and Morality in Twentieth-Century Germany, Studies in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Literature 33.1. 7

2009 David Bathrick, Brad Prager, and Michael D. Richardson, eds.: Visualizing the Holocaust: Documents, Aesthetics, Memory. H-Net Reviews, URL: http://www.h- 2008 Steven Ricci: Cinema and Fascism: Italian Film and Society, 1922-34, Screening the Past, 2007 Peter Zimmermann, ed.: Geschichte des dokumentarischen Films in Deutschland, 3 vols. H-Net Reviews, URL: http://www.h- 2006 Toby Haggith and Joanna Newman, ed.: The Holocaust and the Moving Image. H-Net Reviews, URL: 2005 Frances Guerin: A Culture of Light: Cinema and Technology in 1920s Germany. H-Net Reviews, URL: 2005 Caryl Flinn: The New German Cinema: Music, History, and the Matter of Style. H-Net Reviews, URL: 2004 Harro Segeberg, ed.: Mediale Mobilisierung. Arbitrium 23.1: 107-8. 2004 Expressionist Film: New Perspectives, ed. Dietrich Scheunemann, German Studies Review 27.2: 63-64. 2003 Assenka Oksiloff, Picturing the Primitive: Visual Culture, Ethnography, and Early German Cinema and Thomas Elsaesser: Filmgeschichte und frühes Kino: Ärchäologie eines Medienwandels, Monatshefte 95.4: 700-1. 2002 Hans-Joachim Meurer: Cinema and National Identity in a Divided Germany 1979-1989: The Split Screen, Monatshefte 64.4: 543-44. 2001 Michael Minden and Holger Bachmann, eds.: Fritz Lang’s Metropolis: Cinematic Visions of Technology and Fear, German Quarterly 74.2: 215-16. 2001 Jans Wager: Dangerous Dames: Women and Representation in the Weimar Street Film and Film Noir, German Quarterly 73.4: 435-36. 2001 Tom Gunning: The Films of Fritz Lang: Modernity, Crime, and Desire, German Studies Review 24.3: 417-18. 2001 Dirk Oschmann: Auszug aus der Innerlichkeit: Das literarische Werk Siegfried Kracauers, Colloquia Germanica 33.4: 408-10. 2001 Anton Kaes: M, German Studies Review 24.1: 190-91. 2000 Deniz Göktürk: Künstler, Cowboys, Ingenieure, German Quarterly 72.2: 219-21. 2000 David J. Levin: Richard Wagner, Fritz Lang and the Nibelungen: The Dramaturgy of Disavowal, Shofar 18.3: 163-4. 1999 Peter Lutze: Alexander Kluge, The Last Modernist, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 19.2: 264. 1999 Anthony Heilbut: Exiled in Paradise: German Refugee Artists and Intellectuals in America from the 1930s to the Present and Lys Symonette and Kim H. Kowalke, eds.: Speak Low (When you Speak Love): The Letters of and , Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 19.1: 138-39. 1998 Roger F. Cook and Gerd Gemünden, eds.: The Cinema of Wim Wenders: Image, Narrative and the Postmodern Condition, German Studies Review 21.3: 199-200. 1997 Linda Schulte-Sasse: Entertaining the Third Reich: Illusions of Wholeness in Nazi Cinema, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 17.4: 413-14. 1997 Review Essay, “Recent Publications on German Cinema,” Monatshefte 60.1: 89-96. 8

1996 Barton Byg: Landscapes of Resistance: The German Films of Danièle Huillet and Jean- Marie Straub, German Studies Review 19.4: 622-23. 1996 Hans Helmut Prinzler: Chronik des deutschen Films 1895-1994, German Quarterly 69.3: 343-44. 1996 Jane Shattuc: Television, Tabloids, and Tears. Fassbinder and Popular Culture, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 16.3: 300-1. 1995 The Women’s Companion to International Film, ed. Annette Kuhn and Susannah Radstone, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 15.3: 330-31. 1993 Reinhard K. Zachau: Hans Fallada als politischer Schriftsteller, Monatshefte 85.3: 244- 46. 1993 Hermann Dorowin: Retter des Abendlandes: Kulturkritik im Vorfeld der europäischen Moderne, German Quarterly 66.4: 499-500. 1993 Peter Fisher: Fantasy and Politics: Visions of the Future in the Weimar Republic, Monatshefte 85.1: 106-8. 1991 Bruce Murray: Film and the German Left in the Weimar Republic, German Quarterly 64.4: 582-84. 1991 Eric Rentschler, ed.: The Films of G. W. Pabst: An Extraterritorial Cinema, Film Criticism 15.3: 25-26. 1991 “The New German Cinema: Problems of Historiography,” Quarterly Review of Film and Video 12.4: 107-15. 1991 Michael Kessler and Thomas Y. Levin, eds.: Siegfried Kracauer: Neue Interpretationen, German Quarterly 64.1: 64-65. 1990 Anton Kaes: Deutschlandbilder: Die Wiederkehr der Geschichte als Film, Monatshefte 82.3: 373-74. 1990 Patrice Petro: Joyless Streets: Women and Melodramatic Representation in Weimar Germany, Wide Angle 12.1: 66-68. 1990 Paul Virilio: War and Cinema: The Logistics of Perception, Film Criticism 14: 40-42. 1989 Joseph Zsuffa: Béla Balázs: The Man and the Artist, Journal of Film and Video 41.3: 80- 82.

Miscellaneous Publications and Media Appearances 2013 “Erster Anti-Nazifilm wird in New York gezeigt,” Deutschlandradio Kultur,” 28 October. 2013 “Contributor, Nazi Titanic Revealed, Channel 5 (UK), 6 March. 2007 “Treffpunkt YouTube,” in Fredy Bockbein trifft Mister Dynamit, ed. Christoph Fuchs and Michael Töteberg, 11-5. Munich: edition text + kritik. 2000 Program Notes for The Gleiwitz Case, Icestorm International Videos. 1998 Entries on “Siegfried Kracauer” and “Erwin Piscator,” in Modern Germany: An Encyclopedia of History, People, and Culture, 1871-1990, ed. Dieter K. Buse and Juergen Doerr. New York: Garland. 1997 Program Notes, “Girls Just Want to Have Fun,” in The Films of Ernst Lubitsch: Trouble in Paradise, 10-14. Melbourne: National Cinémathèque. 1997 Entries on “Feminist Film Theory,” “Femme Fatale,” and “Frauenfilm,” in The Feminist Encyclopedia of German Literature, ed. Friederike Eigler and Susanne Kord, 163-65, 172-73, and 183-83. Greenwood, Conn.: Greenwood Press.


Invited Lectures 2019 “The Actor,” August Sander Project III, Museum of Modern Art, , 13 September 2018 “Turning Communists into Nazis: The Other History of Revolution,” 5 July, Center for Advanced Study, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich 2018 “Nazi Conversion Stories and the Politics of Resentment” and “Cultural Studies and the Problem of Class,” public lecture and workshop, Humanities Center, University of Pittsburgh, 1 February 2018 “Ferdinand Lassalle and the Other Genealogy of Socialism,” Carnegie Mellon University, 2 February 2017 “Political Emotions and the Politics of Emotion,” 28 June, FRIAS, Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg 2017 “Nineteenth Socialism as Allegory and Mythology,” 12 June, Freie Universität Berlin 2017 “The Proletarian Prometheus,” 2 February, Texas A&M University 2016 “Taking a Stand: On Communist Agitprop,” 9 November, University of Wisconsin at Madison 2016 “Rewriting (German) Film History as a History of Media Convergence,” 15 March, University of Zurich 2016 “The Proletarian Dream,” Freiburg Institute of Advanced Study (FRIAS), 3 February, Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg 2016 “Socialism and the Culture of Celebrity,” 12 January, University of Miami 2015 “The Lassalle Cult and the Socialist Imagination,” 6 October, Washington University 2015 “After Downfall: 10 Years of the Nazi Past in German Culture,” 27 February, University of St. Andrews, Scotland 2015 “Ferdinand Lassalle, Socialist Celebrity,” 19 February, Vanderbilt University 2014 “Exiled in the American Century,” 22 October, Miami University 2014 “German Film History and Media Convergence,” 24 October, University of Cincinnati 2104 “Vergangenheitsbewältung als Event: Zu Der Untergang,” 21 May, Universität Augsburg 2013 “Revisiting the Hollywood Anti-Nazi Film,” 21 November, Grinnell College 2013 “The Münchhausen Complex,” Conference on “Film im Nationalsozialismus (1933- 1945),“ 5-7 June, Grenoble, France 2013 “Film Exiles as Screen Nazis,” Conference on “Censorship in Exile in Literature,” 23-25 May, Universität Augsburg (keynote speaker) 2012 “Intertextuality and Historicity in Postmodern Cinema,” University of London, 20 May 2012 “History as Intertext: Tarantino and Sokurov,” Colby College, 12 April 2011 “History and Intertextuality: On the Fascist Imaginary in Moloch (1999) and Inglorious Basterds (2009),” 27 October, Graduate Student Symposium on Transatlantic History, University of Texas at Arlington (keynote speaker) 2011 “Resistance Narratives and Democratic Subjectivity in West German Postwar Cinema,” Southeast German Studies Consortium, 25 February, Atlanta (keynote speaker) 2010 “Resistance Narratives and Democratic Subjectivity in 1950s West German Cinema,” Humboldt Kolleg Nachkriegskultur, 19-21 November, University of Wisconsin at Madison 10

2010 “Postfascism and Democratic Subjectivity: On West German Film of the 1950s,” 5 November, The Place of Politics in German Film, 5 November, Rice University 2010 “The Fascist Imaginary in Postfascist Cinema,” 3 November, University of Houston 2010 “The Return of Memory as History: On Blind Spot and Downfall,” Memory in World Cinema Conference, University of Texas at San Antonio, 24 September (keynote speaker) 2010 “Good Germans: Political Resistance and Democratic Subjectivity in 1950s German Cinema,” Canadian Association of University Teachers of German (keynote speaker), 30 May, Montreal 2010 “Heroic Sacrifice: Antifascist and Anti-Nazi Resistance in Cold War Cinema,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (keynote speaker), 17 April, University of Kentucky 2010 “De-Nazification and the Meaning of Democracy in Cold War Cinema,” 2 April, University of Arizona 2009 “Modern Architecture as Master Discourse,” 13 May, Stanford University 2009 “Film Folklore,” conference on “Béla Balázs Reconsidered,” 2 May, University of London 2009 “Fascism and Sexuality in the Italian Cinema of the 1970s,” 29 April, University of Southampton 2009 “Modernism and the Architecture of Class,” 28 April, University of Warwick 2009 “Weimar Berlin and its Aftereffects,” 27 April, Cambridge University 2008 “The Spatial Imaginary of Weimar Berlin,” 21 March, University of Virginia 2008 “Why Architecture: Building for the Modern Masses in Weimar Berlin,” 23 May, Northwestern University 2008 “Topographies of Class,” 14 March, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 2007 “Melancholy Antifascism,” 18 November, University of Haifa 2007 “Antifascism in DEFA Cinema,” 21 November, Hebrew University, Jerusalem 2006 “Leaving the Bunker: Downfall and the Question of Historicization,” 16 October, University of North Texas, Denton 2006 “Entombing the Nazi Past: On Downfall and Historicism,” 18 May, University of Washington 2006 “Recent German Films about the Nazi Past,” 17 April, University of Pittsburgh 2005 “The Commodified Gaze: Advertising in Weimar Cinema,” 3 March, Texas A&M University 2005 “German-Turkish Filmmakers in Post-unification Germany,” 23 April, Swarthmore College 2005 “The Avant-garde and the Culture Industry: A Reconsideration,” 24 April, Bryn Mawr College 2004 “At the Movies: Film Audiences in the Third Reich,” 17 May, German Historical Institute, Washington DC 2004 “Cinema, Advertising, and the Avant-garde,” 24 February, University of Nevada, Las Vegas 2004 “Architecture and Photography: Picturing the New Berlin,” 19 February, Georgetown University, Washington DC 2004 “Cinema, Advertising, and the Avant-garde,” 18 February, University of Maryland 2003 “Cinema, Advertising, and the Avant-garde,” 11 April, University of Colorado at Boulder 11

2001 “Popular Cinema and the Third Reich: Some Basic Questions,” Lecture and Workshop, 15-16 November, Rutgers University, New Brunswick 2001 “Made in the Third Reich: German Films in New York City 1933-40,” 2 March, Deutsches Haus, New York University 2000 “A Fleeting Moment of Urban Culture, Berlin, ca. 1908,” 28 February, Center for the Humanities, Wesleyan University 1998 “Film Exile and Film Noir: The Case of Lang and Wilder,” 28 October, Bates College, Lewiston 1997 “Nazi Cinema and The Colonial Imagination,” 14 May, University of Southampton 1997 “At the Movies: Film Audiences in the Third Reich,” 12 May, University of Warwick, England 1997 “Berlin—Los Angeles: Film Exile and the Cities of Noir,” 8 March, LA County Museum of Art, Los Angeles 1997 “Mapping the Native Body: Images of Blackness in the Cinema of the Third Reich,” 3 February, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 1996 “The Writing of Urban Experience,” 4 December, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 1996 “Fashion and the New Woman,” 1 April, University of Illinois at Chicago 1995 “Pictures from an Adaptation: Berlin Alexanderplatz,” Conference on “Sex, Crime, Trauma, and the Big City: Alfred Döblin and his Doubles,” 14-15 October, Brown University 1995 “Photography and Physiognomy,” 30 January, New York University 1993 “Imaginäre Räume im deutschen Stummfilm,” 25 November, Universität Braunschweig 1993 “Béla Balazs and the Face of the Masses,” German Studies Colloquium, April 16, Cornell University 1992 “Wayward Women of the German Cinema,” 2 December, University of Rochester 1991 “The Politics of Physiognomy in Weimar Culture,” 17 May, UCLA 1986 “Feminism and the New German Cinema,” 27 October, Swarthmore College 1986 “The Nazi Cinema,” 17 October, Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design, Los Angeles

Conference Papers 2019 “Worker Writers in the Worker State,” Conference on “Radical Styles: Forms, Commitments, Traditions,” University of Freiburg, 21-22 June. 2018 Panel Discussion on The Proletarian Dream, German Studies Association Annual Conference, 29 September, Pittsburgh. 2018 “The Nazi Discourse of Workers and Work,” Stream on The Proletarian Aesthetic, American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, 30 March-1 April, Los Angeles 2017 “The Revolutionary Fantasy,” Conference on “The Wider Arc of Revolution: The Global Impact of 1917,” 27-28 October, University of Texas at Austin 2017 “Emotional Socialism and Sentimental Masculinity,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, 6 October, Atlanta 2017 “Ernst Thälmann, Working Class Hero,” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, 6-8 June, Utrecht 12

2016 “The Gestus of Communism,” 15th Symposium of the International Brecht Society, 26 June, Oxford University 2016 “Bildung, Kultur, and the Proletarian Moment in Nineteenth-Century Social Democracy,” MLA International Symposium, 24 June, Düsseldorf 2016 “Against Embodiment: On German Media Theory,” Modern Languages Association, 8 January, Austin 2015 “Proletarische Kultur zwischen Gemeinschaftskultur und Kampfkultur,” Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik, 28 August, Shanghai 2014 “On the Future of GDR Studies,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, 20 September, Kansas City 2014 “John Heartfield’s Productive Rage, or ‘Five Fingers Make a Hand,’” German Studies Association Annual Conference, 21 September, Kansas City 2014 “Media Convergence and the Cold War,” Alternative Cinéphilien: Filmkulturen im Umbruch, 1945-89, 14 June, Zeitgenössisches Forum, Leipzig 2014 “Media Convergence and Cold War Politics: The DEFA Opera Film,” Mediale Ambivalenzen/Ambivalente Medien, 15 May, Universität 2014 “Nazis in Hollywood, or Once Again: Film and Politics,” 5 April, XII MAGIS Gorizia International Film Studies Spring School, Italy 2014 “Film History, Opera History, and Media Convergence,” XXI International Film Studies Conference on “At the Borders of (Film) History, Temporality, Archaeology, Theories.” 2-4 April Udine, Italy 2014 “Film Studies in Deutschland und den USA,” 13-14 February, Conference on “Text, Literatur, Geschichte: Perspektiven für das 21. Jahrhundert,” Universität Bielefeld 2013 “Operative Filmmaking and the Weimar Left,” Tenth Annual Conference, Historical Materialism, 6-9 November, SOAS London 2013 Contribution to “Emotions Seminar,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, 2- 6 October, Denver 2013 “Weimar Culture and Proletarian Modernism,” Conference on “Crisis and Mobilization since 1789,” 22-24 February, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam 2012 “Public Figures, Political Symbols, Famous Stars: Actors in DEFA Cinema and Beyond,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, 4-7 October, Milwaukee 2012 “On the Lives of Objects,” Conference on “Kinematografische Objekte: Ding und Operation,” Internationales Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilsophie Weimar, 12 July 2012 “Montage and the Making of Proletarian Subjectivity,” Modernism and the Beginnings of Visual Culture (1890-1938), University of London, 18 May 2011 "History, Intertextuality, and Postideology,” Cinema and the Audiovisual Apparatus, 15 September, Morges/Geneva 2011 “Film, Politics, Affect: On a Historical Constellation,” Workshop Sfb Forschungsprojekt, “Die Politik des Ästhetischen im westeuropäischen Kino,” 5 July, Freie Universität Berlin 2011 “Intertextuality as Postideology: The Fascist Imaginary in Tarantino and Sokurov,” Cinema and History Symposium, 29 April, University of Maryland 2011 “Political Affect and Cold War Politics: Der Hauptmann von Köln (Slatan Dudow, 1956) and Rosen für den Staatsanwalt (1959),” Grenzen und Grenzüberschreitungen 13

Transnationale Filmbeziehungen der DEFA vor und nach dem Mauerbau, Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen “Konrad Wolf,” 3-6 November, Potsdam 2011 “Cold War Fantasies: De-Nazification, Anticommunism, and the making of Democratic Subjectivity,” Society for Cinema and Media Studies, 13 March, New Orleans 2010 “Communazis: The Enemy Within in Postwar Hollywood Cinema,” Cold War Cultures: Transnational and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, University of Texas at Austin 2010 “Berlin Remake: On Ruttmann and Schadt,” NECS (European Network for Cinema and Media Studies) 24-27 June, Istanbul 2009 “Entnazifizierung und Demokratie: Hollywood und der Trümmerfilm,” CineGraph conference, “Alles in Scherben? Film-Produktion und Propaganda in Europa 1940-50,” 19-21 November, Hamburg 2009 “The Fascist Imaginary in 1970s Italian Cinema: A Reflection on Art and Exploitation,” 10-12 July, European Cinema Conference, SUNY Binghamton 2009 “Film and Fairytales in the Work of Béla Balázs,” Conference on “Literatur und Film: Konzentrierte Dialoge,” 25-26 March, Freie Universität Berlin 2008 “Melancholy Antifascism and the ‘Great Patriotic War’ in DEFA Films of the 1960s and 1970s,” Workshop on “Screening the War in Germany,” 7-9 November, University of Madison, Wisconsin 2008 “Visualizing New Building: Architecture and Photography in Weimar Berlin,” Conference on “Berlin and Modernism 1900-1945,” 26-28 September, University of the South, Sewanee 2008 “Film Reception and Early German Film Theory,” conference on “Film-Kino- Zuschauer,” 18-20 September, Istituto Svizzero Di Roma, Rome 2008 “Rethinking German National Cinema,” European Film Conference, 8-10 September, San Antonio 2008 “Erich Mendelsohn, Jewish Modernism, and Weimar Architectural Culture,” conference on “Echoes of a Century: Jews, Modernism, and the Holocaust,” 11-13 February, University of Texas at Dallas 2007 “DEFA Film and German Wartime Suffering,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, 5-8 October, San Diego 2007 “Writing National Film History,” Convergence Media History Conference, 11-14 October, UT Austin 2007 “Germans as Victims: Snapshots from a History of War and Persecution,” Conference on “German Wartime Suffering,” 29 June, University of Leeds 2007 “The Place of the Transnational in National Film Histories,” European Cinema Research Forum, 27-29 April, Ohio State University 2007 “Adapting German History,” Second Annual Texas Film Studies Conference, 30-31 March, Texas A&M 2006 “Topographies of Class: On Berlin Alexanderplatz,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, 1-3 October, Pittsburgh 2006 “Postfascism and Historicism in Recent German Films about the Nazi Past,” Conference on “Modernism—Fascism—Postmodernism,” 19-23 September, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque 2005 “The Spatial Turn in Cultural Studies,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, 3-6 October, Milwaukee 14

2005 “Nostalgia for the Third Reich: A New Phase in Vergangenheitsbewältigung?” European Cinema Research Forum, 1-3 July, University of Leeds 2005 “Urban Photography and the Architecture of Modern Mass Society,” Conference on “Visualizing the City,” 27-28 June, University of Manchester 2005 “History Lessons: Marketing the Third Reich to a National and International Audience,” Conference on “Cinema Europe: Networks in Progress,” 23-25 June, University of Amsterdam 2003 “Cinema, Advertising, and the Avant-garde,” Conference on “Selling Modernity: Advertising and Public Relations in Modern German History,” 6-8 November, McMaster University, Hamilton 2003 “Die ordnende Moderne: Martin Wagner und das Neue Berlin,” Conference on “Krisenjahre der klassischen Moderne," 25-26 July, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin 2003 “Cinema, Advertising, and the Avant-garde,” Midwest Art History Society, 10-12 April, Pittsburgh 2002 “Topographies of the Cold War: The DEFA Berlin Films,” Conference on “Germany and Postwar Americanization,” 17 October, The Ohio State University 2002 “’America’ as the Ethnicized Other in the Postwar Revue Film,” Conference on “The Film Musical,” 27-28 April, University of Iowa, Iowa City 2002 “Ludwig Hilberseimer and the Ideology of the Plan,” Conference on “After the Decline of the Master Narrative: Rethinking Modernism. Art and Politics in Germany and Scandinavia 1890-1950,” 24-26 April, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis 2002 “The World on a Stage: Performing Race and Ethnicity in the 1950s Revue Film,” International Symposium on “Between the Local and the Global: Revisiting the Sites of German Cinema,” 22-24 March, Washington University 2002 “Ruttmann and the Avant-garde,“ Workshop/ Panel on “Brücke zwischen Kunst und Leben und andere Mythen der Avantgardeforschung,” 25-26 January, Zentrum für Literaturforschung Berlin 2001 “The Flaneur Revisited, or: The Invisibility of Class in the Writing of Urban Experience,” German Studies Association Annual Convention, 4-7 October, Washington 2000 “Urbanism, Cinema, and film noir,” Conference on “Du Cinema et des restes urbains,” 10-13 May, Montreal Museum of Contemporary Art and Laval University, Montreal 2000 “Aesthetic Education: The Place of Literature in the University?” Roundtable Discussion, German Studies Association Annual Convention, 5-8 October, Houston 2000 “Sites of Destruction and Construction: Urban Space in Postwar Cinema,” The Thirteenth Hollins Colloquium on German Film, 30 March-2 April, Roanoke 1999 “Rewriting Weimar Cinema,” Conference on “From Caligari to Kuhle Wampe: The Golden Age of German Film,” 12-14 March, University of Edinburgh, Scotland 1999 “The Annexation of an Imaginary City: The Topos ‘Vienna’ and the Wien-Film AG,” Austrian Film Conference, 16-18 April, UCLA, Los Angeles 1999 “The German-American Film Trade in the Third Reich,” Conference on “Kultur und Staatsgewalt: Formen und Folgen der Kulturpolitik im Dritten Reich und in der DDR,” 4- 6 June, Technische Universität Dresden 1999 “Berlin—Los Angeles: Die Exilerfahrung in den Filmen von Fritz Lang und Billy Wilder,” Colloquium “Exil,” 8-10 July, Universität Augsburg 1999 “Made in 1933: German-Jewish Directors and the Concept of Exile,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, 6-8 October, Atlanta 15

1998 “The Making of the ‘Golden Age’ of UFA in the Cinema of Postwar Reconstruction,” The Twelfth Hollins Colloquium on German Film, 28-30 March, Roanoke 1997 “In Defense of Urban Culture: The Architectural Writings of Siegfried Kracauer, Roth, and Hessel,” German Studies Association Annual Convention, 4-7 October, Washington DC 1997 “Melodrama, Formal Excess, and the Question of Resistance: On the German Films of Detlef Sierck,” Conference on Douglas Sirk, 1-2 November, Dartmouth College 1997 “Classical Music and National Identity in Detlef Sierck,” The Eleventh Hollins Colloquium on German Film, 24-26 March, Hollins College 1996 “German Colonialism and the Cinema of the Third Reich,” Conference on “Uses of History in Fiction and Film,” 23-25 October, West Virginia University, Morgantown 1996 “The Romance of the Early Sound Film: Berger’s Day and Night (1932),” Popular European Cinema Conference, 21-23 July, Punkaharju, Finland 1996 “Lang, Mabuse, and the Sounds of the City,” The Tenth Hollins Colloquium on German Film, 4-8 April, Hollins College 1995 “Pictures from an Adaptation: Berlin Alexanderplatz,” Conference on “Sex, Crime, Trauma, and the Big City: Alfred Döblin and his Doubles,” 14-15 October, Brown University 1995 “The Urban as Fictional Effect,” German Studies Association Annual Convention, 28 September-2 October, Chicago 1995 “The Place of Gender in the History of German Film,” Conference on “Germany in Film: Post-Projections II,” 9-12 June, University of Toronto 1994 “In the Mirror of Fashion,” Conference on “Weimar Culture: Issues of Modernity and the Metropolis,” 15-17 April, University of Arizona 1994 “Fashion and the New Woman,” Symposium on “Revolution, Republic, Repression: Art and Politics in Weimar Germany 1918-1933,” 28-30 January, Northwestern University 1993 “Faces of Weimar Germany,” Conference on “Weimar Culture: Crisis of Classical Modernity or German Malaise?” 18-20 March, Brown University 1993 “National Identity and German Cinema,” 15th Annual Ohio University Film Conference, 3-5 November, Athens 1993 “The Continuous Provocation of Louise Brooks,” German Studies Association Annual Convention, 7-10 October, Washington DC 1993 “The Modern City as Cinematic Spectacle,” International Association for Philosophy in Literature, 14-16 May, Pittsburgh 1993 “Made in Germany: Questions of National Cinema,” Northeast Modern Language Association Annual Conference, 25-27 March, Philadelphia 1993 “Faces of Weimar Germany,” Conference on “Weimar Culture: Crisis of Classical Modernity or German Malaise?” 18-20 March, Brown University 1992 “‘The Girl Who Is Playing Our Lulu:’ Louise Brooks and Weimar Cinema,” 6 February, Colloquium on Weimar Culture, Harvard University 1992 “Joseph Roth: Walking in Berlin,” German Studies Association Annual Convention, 1-4 October, Minneapolis. 1992 “Censorship and Aesthetic Theory in the Discourse of Cinema Reform,” Society for Cinema Studies Annual Convention, 29 April-2 May, Pittsburgh 1992 “Siegfried Kracauer’s Topography of Modernity,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, 23-25 April, Lexington 16

1992 “Textual and Sexual Transformations: Doris Dörrie as Writer/Director,” The Sixth Hollins Colloquium on German Film, 1-5 April, Hollins College 1991 “Memory as Intertext: Benjamin’s Berliner Chronik and Berliner Kindheit um Neunzehnhundert,” German Studies Association Annual Convention, 26-29 September, Los Angeles 1991 “The Early German Cinema and its Doubles,” Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference, 23-25 May, Los Angeles 1991 “Images, Bodies, Texts—Heartfield and Tucholsky’s German Physiognomy,” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, 25-27 April, Lexington 1990 “Teaching German Cinema,” MLA Annual Convention, 27-30 December, Chicago 1990 “Faces of Weimar Germany,” Art History Colloquium, 3 December, University of Pittsburgh 1990 “The New German Comedy,” Symposium, 29 April, Goethe Institute Houston 1990 “Saxa loquuntur: Freud and the Archaeology of the Text,” 19 April, Haverford College 1990 “Chaplin—The Body of America,” Symposium on “Streetscenes, Studio Sets, Snowscapes: The Sites of Modern Americanism in Weimar,” 24 February, Goethe Institute Boston 1990 “Interdisciplinary German Cultural Courses: A Feminist Approach?,” American Association of German Teachers Annual Convention, 17-19 November, Nashville 1990 “Alfred Döblin, August Sander, and the Temptations of Comparative Photography,” German Studies Association Annual Convention, 26-29 September, Buffalo 1990 “Cinema, History, Architecture,” Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference, 23-26 May, Washington DC 1990 “The New German Cinema: Problems of Historiography,” Northeast Modern Language Annual Convention, 6-8 April, Toronto 1990 “The Place of Film Theory,” Symposium boundary 2, 12-14 March, University of Pittsburgh 1990 “The Art of Quotation: On Fritz Lang’s The Nibelungs,” 15th Annual Conference on Literature and Film, 6-8 February, Florida State University, Tallahassee 1989 “Building History: Fritz Lang and The Nibelungs,” 11th Ohio University Film Conference, 2-4 November, Athens 1989 “Narrative, Spectacle, and Class Politics in Walter Ruttmann’s Berlin—Symphony of a City,” Society for Cinema Studies Annual Conference, 13-16 April, Iowa City 1988 “‘Man mache Henny Porten zum Reichspräsidenten!’ The Period Film as Palimpsest,” Conference on “Concepts of History in German Cinema,” 27-31 October, University of Illinois at Chicago 1988 “Film as Text, Film as Document,” Thirteenth Annual Women in German Conference, 19-22 October, Minneapolis 1988 “Writing Visual Pleasure: The Intellectual and the Silent Cinema,” German Studies Association Annual Convention, 5-8 October, Philadelphia 1987 “Narrativität ohne Reue? Zu Ulrike Ottinger’s Madame X,” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, 27-30 December, San Francisco 1987 “Feminist Aesthetics or Postmodern Kitsch?” Twelfth Annual Women in German Conference, 26-29 October, Portland 1987 “Movie Palaces, Shopgirls and Diversion—Siegfried Kracauer's Taxonomy of Desire,” Symposium Women in the Weimar Republic, 18-20 May, Bryn Mawr College 17

1987 “The Cinema Reform Movement: A Study of Bourgeois Phobias,” Society for Cinema Studies Annual Convention, 24-27 May, Montreal 1986 “Cinema—A Place of One’s Own?” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, 27-30 December, New York

On-Campus Presentations and Local and Regional Public Lectures 2018 “Nazi Ideology and Performances of Community,” 9 November, Modernism Study Group 2017 “Communist Agitprop: Its Gestus and Habitus,” 21 April, Modernism Study Group 2017 “A Conversation on the Life and Work of Siegfried Kracauer,” 13 April, Fine Arts Library 2014 “Franz Seiwert’s Multitudes,” 21 February, Modernism Study Group 2014 Revisiting Kuhle Wampe,” 14 February, Film Studies Faculty Group 2013 “Film and Media Studies,” Proseminar Comparative Literature, 15 November 2012 “Conversations on Europe: A New Germany in a New Europe?” European Studies video conference with University of Pittsburgh, 16 February 2011 “DEFA Stars, Postunification Film Culture, and the Making of German Film Heritage,” 2 December, Film Faculty Lunch Series 2011 “How (Not) to Use Film in Language Teaching,” Teaching German through Film conference, South Texas Chapter of AATG, 1 October 2011 “Metropolis: The Making of a Classic,” Bridging Disciplines Film guest lecture, 19 October 2010 “Competing Histories: Fascism, Nazism, and the Cold War,” Film Faculty Lunch Series, 9 April, 2009 “Democracy in Action: The Hollywood Anti-Nazi Film of the 1940s,” American Studies Program, 16 November, 2009 “Fascism and Sexuality: On Naziploitation in 1970s Italian Cinema,” Center for Women’s and Gender Studies, 13 March 2009 “Film und Märchen: Filmrezeption und frühe Filmtheorie,” Departmental Lecture Series, 11 March 2008 Presentation on Metropolis in BDP Film (Bridging Disciplines Program), 27 October 2008 “The DEFA Antifascist Film,” Film Faculty Lunch Series, 3 November 2008 Presentation on Topographies of Class, Departmental Lecture Series, 20 April 2007 Panelist, European Film Festival, 26 September, San Antonio 2006 Panelist, European Film Festival, 19 March, San Antonio 2006 “Downfall and Historicization,” Film Faculty Lunch Series, 24 March 2005 Panelist, European Film Festival, 22 March, San Antonio 2005 “Concepts of National Cinema,” Film Faculty Lunch Series, 1 October 2005 Panelist, Women’s and Gender Studies lecture series, 12 November

Conference Organizer (2010-present) 2018 “The Proletarian Moment: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Comparative Perspectives,” international conference, Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung (ZiF) Bielefeld, 16-18 August, co-organizer with Benjamin Kohlmann 18

2018 “German Visual Culture in the Nineteenth Century,” UT German Studies Workshop, with Kit Belgum 2016 “Popular Music in Postwar German Culture,” UT German Studies Workshop, 4-6 March, with Alex Fulk 2010 “Rethinking German-Turkish Cinema,” UT German Studies Workshop, 26-27 March 2009 “Rewriting (East) German Cinema: Issues in Film Methodology and Historiography, The Fifth Biennial East German Film Summer Film Institute, 14-26 July, UMass Amherst, co-organizer with Larson Powell and Barton Byg 2008 “Berlin, Divided City, 1949-89,” UT German Studies Workshop, 27-29 March, with Philip Broadbent 2006 “Filmic Representations of the Third Reich and the Holocaust,” UT German Studies Workshop, 31 March-1 April

Education 1984 PhD (magna cum laude) in German Literature, University of Hannover, Germany. Dissertation: “Ernst Lubitsch: Eine deutsche Aufsteigergeschichte” (Dissertation Adviser: Prof. Dr. Leo Kreutzer) 1982 MA (with honors) in German Literature and Social Sciences, University of Hannover, Germany. Thesis: “Video—Anmerkungen zu einem neuen Medium” 1977 BA (equivalent) in Architecture, University of Hannover, Germany

Visiting Professorships and Summer Institutes 2011- Member, Summer Institute on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilization, 28-30 July, Northwestern University (every two years since 2011) 2008 Europa-University Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Cultural Studies (summer semester) 1991 University of Augsburg, German Department (summer semester)

Honors and Awards 2019 FRIAS Alumni Book Prize for The Proletarian Dream 2018 MLA Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Germanic Languages and Literatures for The Proletarian Dream 2013 Finalist for Willy Haas Award for Screen Nazis 2013 Best Journal Design for German Studies Review by The Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) 1995 Chancellor's Distinguished Research Award, University of Pittsburgh 1994 German Studies Association/DAAD Book Prize for The Cinema's Third Machine

Academic Grants: External 2017 FRIAS Alumni Program (June-July) 2016 Wolfsonian-FIU Fellowship (one-month fully paid archival research visit at the Wolfsonian Museum, Miami Beach) 19

2015-6 EURIAS and Marie Curie Fellow of the European Union, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (EUR 38,000, one-year residency) 2012 DAAD Faculty Research Visit Award ($5,000 to support summer research in Berlin) 2010-1 National Humanities Center Fellowship (fall term declined, spring term $40,000.) 2010 Rice University Humanities Research Center External Faculty Fellowship (fall term, $45,000.) 2008 DAAD Study Visit Grant ($ 4,000 to support summer research in Berlin) 2007 Twelfth Annual Summer Institute on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilization, Northwestern University, 12-29 June ($2,000 for transportation and accommodations) 2004 Fulbright German Studies Seminar ($5,000. for expenses in conjunction with a three week-long seminar in Berlin, Cologne, and Munich and contemporary visual culture in Germany) 2004 Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Study Center Residency (one-month residency at the Rockefeller Study Center on Lake Como, Italy) 2003-4 NEH Fellowship ($40,000. to support research for one year) 2003 DAAD Study Visit Grant ($4,000. toward research-related expenses) 1999 DAAD Study Visit Grant ($3,200. toward research-related expenses) 1996 DAAD Team-Teaching Grant ($3,000. toward research-related expenses) 1996 ACLS Travel to International Conferences Award ($500. toward travel-related expenses) 1993 DAAD Study Visit Grant ($2,800. toward travel-related expenses) 1992 Obermann Fellowship, Center for Advanced Studies, University of Iowa ($4,500. to support one month of archival research) 1991 NEH Summer Stipend (3,500. toward research-related expenses) 1987 Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship ($22,000. to support research for one year) 1986 J. Paul Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship ($25,000. to support research for one year) 1983 DAAD Dissertation Research Fellowship ($4,500. to support research for four months)

Academic Grants and Fellowships: Internal (University of Texas, 2004-) 2017 Subvention Grant ($3000. in support of The Proletarian Dream) 2015 Humanities Institute Faculty Fellowship (one course release spring term, declined) 2014 Faculty Research Assignment (Spring Term, one semester without teaching obligations) 2012 Faculty Travel Grant (1,200. toward conference travel) 2011 Faculty Travel Grant (1,200. toward conference travel) 2011 Subvention Grant ($3000. in support of Screen Nazis) 2010-3 Humanities Research Award ($15,000. research support for three years) 2009 Faculty Travel Grant (1,200. toward conference travel) 2009 Faculty Research Assignment (Spring Term, one semester without teaching obligations) 2008 Faculty Travel Grant (1,200. toward conference travel) 2008 Faculty Research Assignment (Fall Term one semester without teaching obligations) 2007 COOP Publication Subvention Grant ($4000. in support of Topographies of Class) 2007 LAITS Technology Grant ($8,000. to build Berlin course website) 2007 Faculty Travel Grant (800. toward conference travel) 2007 Humanities Institute Fellowship (one course release in spring term) 2006 Faculty Travel Grant (1,200. toward conference travel) 2005 Faculty Travel Grant ($325. toward conference travel) 20

2005 Special Research Grant ($750. toward research-related expenses) 2005 Dean’s Fellowship (Fall Term, one semester without teaching obligations) 2004 Faculty Travel Grant ($325. toward conference travel) 2004 Special Research Grant ($750. toward research-related expenses)

Teaching Awards 2015 Nomination for Texas Foreign Language Teaching Excellence Award

PhD/MA Thesis Adviser in the German Department at the University of Texas (since 2004) 2009-12 Bradley Boovy: “Gay Men and the Culture of the Closet in , 1949- 1969” (PhD) 2008-11 Berna Gueneli: “Fatih Akin as Postnational Auteur in a Transnational Europe” (PhD) 2008-11 Jan Uelzmann: “Adenauer’s Bonn: The Bonn Republic under Adenauer in Literature, Photography, and Film” (co-director with Philip Broadbent) 2008-11 Mariana Ivanova: “DEFA and East European Cinemas: Transnational Exchange, Artistic Collaborations and Co-Productions” (PhD) 2006-12 Christelle Lafacheur (co-director with David Crew): “Defining Nazi Film. The Film Press and the Cinematic Project, 1933-1945.” (PhD) 2007-8 Bradley Boovy: “Dialectical Cityscapes: Walter Benjamin and the Dilemma of Writing the Metropolis” (MA) 2005-8 Lee Holt (co-director with David Crew): “Mountains, Mountaineering, and Modernity” (PhD) 2004-8 Martin Kley: “All Work and No Play? Labor, Literature and Industrial Modernity on the Weimar Left” (PhD) 2005 Robert Kohn: “Heinrich Böll’s Ansichten eines Clowns“ (MA) 2005 Patrick Horton: “Thomas Brussig/Leander Haußmann’s Sonnenallee” (MA)

PhD Committees, MA Committees, Honors Theses at the University of Texas (since 2004) 2015-16 Eric Hogrefe, “Strange Forms in the Symphonies of Gustav Mahler” (PhD, Musicology) 2012-16 Cindy Walter-Gensler, “Ideologies of Motherhood: An Analysis of Literary Imaginaries Shaping Public Discourses” 2010-16 Jessica Plummer, “Popular Influence: The German Kolportageroman” 2012-16 Marina Flider, “Reassessing Cultural Past and Nostalgia in Russian and Serbian Literature” (Comparative Literature) 2012-15 Amanda Randall, “Translating the Discipline: On the Institutional Memory of German Volkskunde, 1945 to Present” 2012-14 Andrew Jones, “British Postwar Photography (PhD, American Studies) 2012 Brian Mothersole, “Of Documentaries, Salves, and Slaves: Different Receptions of Physicality in Erich Maria Remarque’s Im Westen nichts Neues and Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms (MA, Comp Lit) 21

2010 Robert Weeks, “Ficken und Schiessen sind ein Ding: The Representation of Terrorism in German and Italian Cinema” (Honor’s Thesis) 2009-15 Shannon Nagy: “The Power of Play: The East German Toy Industry, 1961-89” (PhD, History) 2009-13 Michael Schmitt: “Jazz Becomes German: The Cultural History of Jazz in Germany, 1960-75” (PhD, History) 2008-11 Robert Kohn: “Memory, Authenticity and Ethics in the Novels of W.G. Sebald” (PhD, German) 2008-12 Laura Lindenberger: “Southern Art Communities and Regional Feelings, 1930- 1945” (PhD, Art History) 2007-8 Katja Riviera: “The Fontaine Archive: Immigrant Artists and the Geography of Art” (MA, Art History) 2006-1 Jason Williamson: “The Transformation of the German Left’s Cultural Memory of the Red Army Faction (PhD, German) 2006-8 Judith Hammer: “Investigating the Effectiveness and Influence of German TV Show on Culture Learning in Fourth-Semester German Language Class” (PhD, German) 2005-6 Heather Gumbert: “The Politics of Distraction and the Captive Audience: Television in East Berlin, 1958-1965” (PhD, History) 2005 Tiffany David: “West Shaped Their East: Missed and Found Opportunities for Understanding in German and American Cold War Narratives” (Honor’s Thesis, English) 2003-4 Heather Mathews: “East and West German Art and National Identity, 1950-1959” (PhD, Art History)

Service to the Department and the University at the University of Texas 2017-18 Assistant Professor Search Committee 2017 Third-Year Review Committee, Alex Fulk, Chair 2016-17 Tenure and Promotion Committee, College of Liberal Arts 2014-18 College of Liberal Arts Comprehensive Review Committee, Member 2013-14 Tenure-Track Faculty Position Search Committee, Chair 2013 Lecturer Search Committee, Chair 2013 Postdoctoral Search Committee, Chair 2011-12 Tenure and Promotion Committee, College of Liberal Arts 2011-17 Departmental Proseminar, Organizer 2010 Third-Year Review Committee, Philip Broadbent, Chair 2009-present Graduate Studies Chair 2009-present GSC Course Subcommittee 2009-10 Organizer of Departmental Lunchtime Lecture Series 2009-10 International Studies Committee 2009-10 Faculty Council 2007-9 European Studies Executive Committee 2007-10 Bridging Disciplines Film Committee 2008 Post-tenure Review Committee Kit Belgum, Member 2008-9 Comparative Literature Course Committee 22

2004-present Committee on Assistantships, Member 2004-present Committee on Continuing Fellowships 2004-present Committee on Graduate Scholarships 2004-present Graduate Studies Committee, Member 2004-present Budget Council, Member 2004-6 Graduate Adviser 2004-7 University of Texas Press Advisory Committee, Member 2005 Post-tenure Review Committee Katie Arens, Member 2005 Post-tenure Review Committee Peter Hess, Member 2004-5 Organizer of Departmental Lunchtime Lecture Series 2004-7 Budget Council Salary Subcommittee, Member and Chair (in 2007)

Teaching since 2010 (with student numbers in parentheses) Spring 2019: UGS 303: Anti-Americanism (30) Fall 2018: College Research Fellowship Spring 2018: UGS 303: Anti-Americanism (30) Fall 2017: GER 363K: Classics of German Cinema (13) Spring 2017: GSD 360: Berlin (28) Fall 2016 GER 362: The Modern Metropolis (11) Spring 2016 External Fellowship Fall 2015 External Fellowship Spring 2015 UGS 303 Anti-Americanism (48) Fall 2014 GER 363 K: German Cinema since 1933 (13) Spring 2014 Faculty Research Assignment (FRA) Fall 2013 GER 392: GDR Culture (8) Spring 2013 UGS 393 Anti-Americanism (47) Fall 2012 GER 392: The Modern Metropolis (13) Spring 2012 GER 363 K: Contemporary German Cinema (20) Fall 2011 GER 393: The Fascist Aesthetic (17) Spring 2011 External Fellowship Fall 2010 External Fellowship

Service to the Profession Editor, German Studies Review (2011-present) Selection Committee, National Humanities Center (2015-16) Jury Member, Best Journal Design Award, Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ, 2014) Co-Editor, Book Series (with Hans-Michael Bock and Tim Bergfelder), “Germany and Film Europe,” Berghahn Books (2001-17) Editorial Board, Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (2011-16) Editorial Board, Waterloo Centre of German Studies, ed. John Smith, Wilfrid Laurier Press (2011-present) Editorial Advisory Board, Contemporary German Writers and Filmmakers, ed. Frank Finlay and Julian Preece, Peter Lang (2009-present) 23

Selection Board, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies (2010-12) Nominating Committee, Modern Language Association (2010-12) Jury Member, Willy-Haas-Preis, Cinefest—Internationales Festival des deutschen Filmerbes (2009-12) Executive Board Member, German Studies Association (2002-6) Session Coordinator, Twentieth Century Literature, German Studies Association (1997) Book Prize Committee Chair, German Studies Association (1996) Editorial Board, German Quarterly (1994-98, 2004-8) Referee for Cinema Journal, Women in German Yearbook, German Studies Review, German Quarterly, Shofar, Seminar, Modernism/Modernity, History and Memory Reader for Princeton University Press, Wayne State University Press, University of California Press, Columbia University Press, Routledge, University of Michigan Press, Washington University Press, Camden House, Berghahn Consultant on Exiles in Hollywood PBS project (2004-7) Reader in thirty cases of tenure and promotion to Associate and Full Professor Proposal Evaluator for the Getty Postdoctoral Grant Program (2002-present) and the National Endowment for the Humanities (2006-) Member of External Review Committee, German & Slavic Languages, Brigham Young University (2004); German Studies, Arizona State University (2005); Filmwissenschaftliches Institut, Universität Zürich (2007); Germanic Studies, University of Washington (2009); German and Russian Studies, University of Missouri (2011). Session chair, moderator, and respondent at numerous GSA, MLA, SCMS, WIG, NEMLA, SCMLA, European Film Research Forum, and CineGraph Annual Conferences, as well as the annual West Virginia Literature and Film Conference and the Hollins Colloquium on German Film

Professional Affiliations German Studies Association, Modern Studies Association, American Association of Teachers of German, Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Women in German, Modern Language Association, International Brecht Society, Historians of German and Central European Art and Architecture