PS0er tnge Corrcct IDtavs. Cburcb anS labor. Written for The Star by Rev. J. H. Tihen of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Mission House, Brookland, D. C. Local Presbyterian Ministers Have Affiliated With Central Labor Men create the spirit of an age and in least possible amount of harm and the Union and Exchanged Delegates.A New Movement turn themselves Influenced by that greatest possible amount of good may come spirit. To a certain extent we make our to man. Humanity's welfare demands that in Which This Denomination Is environment, then environment molds our correct views be entertained in regard to character. Parents are influenced by their the factors, or powers, that tend most ef- Taking the Lead. children, teachers by their doctrines, play¬ tectually toward the formation of charac- ers the characters represent, pro¬ ter, since it is character that makes indi¬ A great deal of jy they Interest has been evi¬ eminently necessary to have ideal nv*n. man desirable and beneficial to the fessional men by their practice, the orator vidual. denced In religious circles over the move¬ The church Is doing her part In ment In the men, and It is a to bv his theme, the poet by his fancy. In a commonwealth and to humanity, and the Presbyterian Church to get In question open no doubt closer touch with the It if that no other organisation Is doing more way, man Is botli ca"ise and effect. absence of it that makes him undesirable worklngman. in this particular direction. averred In some quarters that the laboring "Our re¬ and detrimental. delegates are to slx>\v the labor The spirit of an age may advance or in a number a union Reason and declare that the classes, of Instances, harbor that Instead of separation between tard humanity's progress toward a more experience notion that the church Is not for the lowly the worklngmen and the church ther»» two that toward the should toe state The of mankind is great forces work but the well-to-do and wealthy, a.pd for this the closest union. Even now they perfect history stand together on the formation of character are religion and I and other Masons the Presbyterian Churcfc matter of child labor, not a record of an uninterrupted march better hours, matters of sanitation :ind a education. Their, claim to is In this country as a has taken an ad¬ square toward tin goal. It chronicles many re¬ recognition body deal between employer and em¬ paramount. Does the spirit of the age as¬ vanced step in regard to ministering to the ploye." verses, oft-rcpr-ated delajs. The A'p of man who earns It Is of more than Interest that sign to these two important powers their his bread by the sweat ol the ordinary perfection is not a 'ended by nations or his brow. Fraternal delegates appointed from Presbyterian Church throughout the just scope? Does it not subsidize them and country lias taken up this matter in a vig¬ Individuals with' it many a misstep or re¬ the membership <5f the Presbyterian Minis¬ orous and in endeavor to make them subservient to a manner, the most Important peated stumble, without an occasional ters' Association of the presbytery of Wash¬ Industrial centers of the T'nited States his view? Culture, a harmonious ington now sit in the brought Its strongest batteries of eliding back or a clim' ing to no purpose- perverted weekly meetings ot Christian¬ development of the mental and moral fac¬ the Central Labor Union of this c'.ty, and izing Hifluences into play. For Instance. In At times a large number of men have mis¬ likewise Chicago Kev. Charles Stelzle, a Presby¬ ulties, Is the proper scope of education. delegates from the labor body con- terian who is known as taken a by-path that leads to the morass minister, the print¬ This end Is frustrated when it is demanded gregate about the councill board of the min- er-clergyman, hiving worked at the case a of human kir 1 ft: the way that leads to isters' association, which holds meetings on great many years, Is In charge of the work, of i !ucation that it be altogether practical; ' and In addition to the mountain tcp of man made perfcet. the second and fourth Mondays of every visiting the labor unions that It have only to the developing month. as a fratrenal delegate, sends :>ut a weekly A- a rule, the ml.-take is not disc .yered* regard Though the movement 1st yet in Its sermon pertinent to the ac¬ It is to la.l>oring cla.->s. of su. h faculties as will facilitate the embryo, thought have already jus¬ which is published regularly In a fit once. It is only after a prlncljne has tified itself, and for the future great things number of trade larg« of material advantages. What are expected. papers. Mis late-- and ono been carried to Its il onclusi >n that quisition r of his most characteristic toward this end is rejected The two from the the sermons, under we si i;.. fall after a does not tend delegates Presbyterian caption "Christ and the fol¬ y, theory ins been Ministers' Association are Kev. W. D. Skoll- lows Toiler," as useless and superfluous. In consequence put Into pra t e that we perceive its per- lnger, pastor of the Sixth Street Presby¬ "I^abor troubles come as education could do toward the terian and the result of an i.. ions tendency, after tlie ball of human much that Church, Rev. Charles Alvin advancing civilization. Social Is formation of character remains undone. Smith, minister at Peck Memorial Chapel, sometimes an indication of social progre con :... t has la : started on its course that Pennsylvania avenue, 28! h and M streets. There are no has cc.lorcd our view labor troubles In darkest Afri¬ The spirit of the age The latter is minister of a chapel whose ca. the cloud on is Therefore, the industrial of religion. It Is no longer looked upon membership composed wholly of working- horizon has its silver lining, if one will but men. He endeavors to show men that the look for it. as the regulating principle of man's rela¬ church's chief business Is to teach them how "Many are the signs of development on tions to God; but aa a polity, useful for to live. the part of the worklngman, but most hope¬ and ends. It Is * ful is the .spirit of pride that lie is taking present, personal private * * In his as In¬ position a worker and as a citi¬ no longer the factor to promote eternal "Unfortunately," says Dr. zen. Whatever may be said as to the con¬ Smith, "many dition of terests. to satisfy spiritual needs; but to workingmen have of It as a the tnfler In some industries or in thought thing some his: welfare and smooth the which has to do only with sickness, death countries, position as the man procure temporal and upon whom rest the prosperity and the hap¬ way for social advantages. Men are will¬ IN PALESTINE. cemeteries, whereas Christianity be¬ piness of the whole people, Is mora ana Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. lieves in brighter homes, better more being recognized. The brain of even that religion should pre¬ schools, the ing, anxious, cleaner government, and all that makes for country is paying tribute to the brawn. vail among the masses, because it makes the That teing so. the worklngman wl:l soon physical, mental and spiritual uplift ot come to h s own. a men and for contentment and resignation, erects women and children. Therefore, at "it is in this that he the Peck Memorial are men's respect has for him¬ barrier against socialism and anarchy, EASTER OBSERVANCE IN OLDEN Chapel club self tiiftt he is winning the oC rooms, gymnasium, cooking school, short- other. respect the of womanhood, the sa- hand classes, children's guards purity dispensary, sewing "While It Is true that the mass of men school, as well as all the regular and beneti- must of credness of the home and creates a high TIMES AND IN MANY cent services of necessity belong to that grt-at com¬ LANDS preaching, Bible teaching pany who toil with their hands, neverthe¬ type of patriotic citizenship. Individual and training of all who so desire. the of "To the end that the less, dignity that toll has heightened rights of person and property are more church and the the worker. It Is an inspiration to realize worklngman may be brought together in fel¬ that all toll.even the secure among a religious than an irrelig¬ In the first nges of the Christian Church which the Russians go home to breakfast, portant part. AccorJSjig to many cosmolo¬ lowship and any faise manual work of the their and often antagonism between artisan.may become as sacred as that of was Easter was celebrated a? the chief festival inviting: friends, bidding gies the world was created at this season them brushed aside, as well as find common ious people. A prosperous country strangers a welcome to their table. from an egg. the preacher and of the priest. Men tome- of the year. The original Greek name of ground for co-operation along many lines, times make a never yet an irreligious country. Early dawn finds the streets of the towns "In the Egyptian myth Khnum, the maker the Church of distinction between secular this feast was deiived from the name of swam with dressed in of Presbyterian the whole coun¬ and religious work. Jesus Chri.-t nevr dm. these desirable as in* merrymakers, gaia gods and men. sits at the potter's wheel try has established a All results, however, the Jewish Passover. This is retained in the attire and with faces as as their and fashions the special department 11J Him all work was sacred. Jesus Christ, bright primal egg of generation. of work and Investigation. as a they are, do not constitute the main pur¬ Latin "Dies Faschae." and in the French fluttering ribbons and kerchiefs. It is a "The Peruvians believe that three eggs carpenter, was just as divine as when "Here in Washington city the Presbyte¬ He cleansed the or to are the "Paque." Easter eggs are called pasaue great day for the watermen, who go about fell from heaven, out of which came priests, rian leper preached the pose and object of religion.they this for water nobles and Ministers' Association and the Central multitude. In every ease He wis curving eggs in the north of a survival of selling liquid merchandise, common people. Labor Union have fallen in line out the will Incidental consequences that flow from it. England, is rather a luxury in sumo parts of Russia. "In Australian creed the earth lay in with the of God. When Jesus stood by Norman French. The English term Easter Hither and darkness until movement by an interchange of delegates the River Jordan, and the heavens To cultivate religion for these ends thither tho- merrymakers nit, an egg thrown into space in a true of and opened, solely is traceable to the days of the Venerable and every one wears violets, and every¬ became the sun. spirit fraternity. Delegates the voice declared: "This is My beloved would be to establish the natural elected by the Central Labor Union for the Son in whom«l am well hart for the Bcde. who. in his "Eocleciastical History." where one sees the venders of these de¬ "Ormuzd and Ahrlman. the Parsee powers attend pleased." He licious flowers their unti for good and evil, contend for the purpose and are members of the never, so far as we know, performed a supernatural. The shibboleth of true relig¬ derives it from the name of a Saxon god¬ crying bouquets mundane Presbyterian Ministers' miracle or they are hoarse. There is hbundant good egg until the consummation of all things. Association, as are preached a sermon 11>> hart ion must ever be to God in the dess, Eostre. whoso festival occurred about nature "The ancient the delegates from the ministers' association nimply been toiling as a carpenter In tlit* Rev. J. H. Tihen. "Glory everywhere, and every one is enti- Britons considered the con¬ virtue of that the time of the vernal equinox. and who tied to three Easter kisses from sumption of eggs as by fact delegates to the little town of Nazareth. H h id pica-eav." It was formerly the custom in Eng¬ bag on one end of the stand before them. tians, Gauls, Greeks, Saxons, etc. As re¬ population heaven; that the sum of the more the world than so very nature: "An tree cannot bring bo willful and culpable. God's call once is the church's teaching was 'Be good, get saved msny products In wood. nail reach- land and still is in the eastern churches, to This protected by a heavy wire netting. gards coloring of eggs, he says: ed down Kvery forth good fruit." made to Israel sounds through all the world. However, it must be said, with all just¬ "Colored scariet, as typifying alike the and you will get to heaven;' whereas the i to the colHn lid of some old tyran- illuminate the churches on Easter eve. The sun and ideal Christian not tries to other ny or superstitutlon. of It is thcref re necessary that the "I have redeemed thee and ness that there is not much wrangling the blood of our lx>rd. In shape only get Every chip the sp'r'.t called thee by¬ paschal candles were of wax, and some¬ about such symbolical of life and the people there, but also Is to chisel released a hundred slave". Not so f ir- matters.the day is too full ot world, their In¬ trying bring will cf the age, of every age. be created and name, thou art mine." "I have formed times weighed as much as 300 pounds. It pleasures for that.and there is very little terchange as Easter gifts has widely been something of heaven Into this world. reaching be the re.sult of every work¬ was ths custom for those who had rrce.ved traced." "One of the er's efforts in this but It manifested by correct views on the great thee, thou art my servant. O Israel, brawling. Thus the day wears on. and purposes of the ministerial century, l-t a priv¬ forget special blessinas during the year to give a thus the downtrodden forget their miseries The Jews used eggs In the festival of the delegate is to place the church in its true ilege to have at least a part In the worit problems of human life In order that the rue not." paschal candle. and Passover, and place with relation to the to of the world's redemption by a co- . the nihilist leaves plots and plotting they regarded the egg as a workingman; being In the old English calendars Easter is for the and type of the whole human from show that the church does not any- laborer with Christ In whatever Held He pot pudding. world, the uphold may send us. called "ye uprvslnge of oure Lorde. It fact that Noah and his family were shut present Industrial system if It Is wrong. It help of lawyers and other hired was not until the eighth century that the ^ jjj up in the ark as in an egg! They stands only for that much as is In accord¬ "Helpful the thought, too, that In the AND ITS KELIGIOUS agents, was regarded dally grind we have One who the> manage to keep them, they cease to festival celebrated throughout the Daring the Easter festival time In Saxony It, moreover, as a type of their having ance with the principles of the Christ of has passed and whole Christian church at the same t'.me. passed through the Red sea and God which has for Its foun¬ through it all, so that He can sympathize accumulate, only spend. This is one ther% are many customs still observed wnich ascended, undoubtedly with us SIGNIFICANCE. on In the western church It was always kept as it were, to a new' life dation thai all men <»hall deal in the abuse, the misunderstanding, UraI.frffects llis children of the tlie It can be traced back hundreds of years, and beyond. righteously the bitterness and vL.,i er> rich<"£ man s mode of life. With rarest on Sunday. but churches In Asia kept * one with another. The chief busIYiess of all the suffering that on which are as comes to us in the exceptions the very rich men of are the third dav after the 14th of the Jew¬ kept up precisely In olden * * Christianity is the development of charac¬ performance of duty. today ish month Nisan. This was the Jewish times. Today (Palm Sunday) Is a popular day In not the sons of the very rich men of thirty That one of the peasants decorat¬ The Hindus celebrated the same ter, the kind of character so essential to "This Is the gnspH of latwr-- but 1 rule, which a4med at keeping the actual great the to a the Christian world. It tak< s Its name from >eara ago, are new men. of ing their cottages early in holy week with event of the deluge and the carrying forward successful con¬ Ring it. ye tiella of the kitk* anniversary the day of the resurrection ark. under the clusion any great social reform measure. The Lord of love eame down froin ntior# the of or v;e wooden horse heads, as a chirm against fable of the ceremony distributing palms other (as observe ), while the gen¬ evil God Vishnu, who once. In a "A celebrated man once said before you To live with the men who work. to spirits may partially have died out. It This is the rose green boughs to honor the triumphant entry tiles preferred observe the Lord's day, is cycle of ages, inclosed all the world with can have an honest horse race must He planted which comes next after the actual anniver¬ true but the habit of nail-nt? a horseshoe you Here In tiie thorn insed Po l: of the Savior Into Jerusalem five days before Sunday Morning Talk. over the barn door for the same h'm In an egg, and floated on the ocean of have an honest human race. So before you Heaven is blessed with sary. exactly can about ideal perfect r»'«t. Ills crucifixion. At the late morning service * purpose on the Saturday preceding Easter eternity till he came to reproduce himself bring conditions it Is pre- ltut the Messing of earth Is toil!" day is still adhered to in lower la Roman Catholic and certain l'rotestant Taking Things Home at * * strictly and all things with him. churches will be distributed to the Night. The council of Aries, in A. D. 334, ordered Saxony. In Hesse it Is the palms Sitting the other day in the Inner offlro Another custom, very old. is the l.ghtlng duty of sponsors to pro¬ stone of faithful as a mark of the homage they bear Easter to be observed at the same time of vide brilliantly colored eggs for their CROWN PRINCE OF SIAM your new school building on this of a great department store, I noticed on Easter fires upon the mountains. And god¬ occasion is another evidence of friend¬ to the Savior. throughout Christendom, and the councils as dusk approaches it is interesting to see children, and there, too, the Easter game your the proprietor's desk a number of wicker of Eier-Klauben, or the ship and good will toward Siam. I have As the first day of holy week, which Is of Ncaca. A. D. ruled that It was to the village people issue from their houses, gathering eggs. Is FRIENDLY TO AMERICANS full confidence that mike baskets. Each bore t!he name of a sub¬ group and watch for the still kept up on the grandest scale. This you will every conse rated to lite Savior's sufferings and be celebrated only on the I.s ;""1 B°'^' should Easter red eggs, colored fid¬ the Easter fires, it being considered the are turned Into a it. Hundreds miles of were the sermon In the morning ami Key. W il¬ "Miserere," H bread, lights, good eggs huge omelet of road built Is taken from tl.e ttlan^ ilar stand and con¬ tt'rrv.r\t ' a link between the outside world dling and general merrymaking. In the luck to keep them burning as long as pos- and of this all the villagers partake and or repaired; costly pavilions were erected liam Sullivan in the evening. Rossjn a cealed behind the altir. until a aid the members of the old times the sible. noise is family circle good nobility left their tables the day ends with dance and song. along the entire route of travel, thousands "Stabat Mater'" will l.e sung by a mixed made by tlie chanters at the end of the of¬ far ",or- narrow and furnished until Whitsuntide, *o that any * of workmen being employed. In Chengmal wn choir in the evening. fice. Intended to signify tiie convulsed state wm't'h'>se pathway is,iH usually a COod deal more one who chose to enter their houses might * * barrels of n\oney were spent in decorations, of nature at the death of Christ, th* or of what was there The custom of Easter to and The tonebrae will be sung at this chur<~t» when It Is w'UU; husband, partake set out, nor eggs has come An old time Easter seems to have been pavilions, palace furnishings general brought fort! again mil replaced on the bro"'<1'-, "> 'he currents of tho was food denied any one. In the few lo- be a universal one in Christian countries, Improvements. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nings cam!!' sti k as 11 r-minder to the Jworlds life.,!'.e He perceives what is calities where this ancient merry with many quaint frolics, which At the mission station It was faithful going custom still and it Is one of ancient origin, de¬ Presbyterian next at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. J. F. Eckenrode that tl.e d'v it\ i>f <'hrist was never a'"J fade, in church and keeps up there is scarcely recorded a case being lasted generally throughout the entire not thought that the visit or the prince sepa¬ l?i,S rived from the held the Greeks will preach Wednesday and v Jam's F. rated from Ills humanity «"hooi "" ln:ere6tl»S of the betrayal of such hospitality. practice by week, and business and other serious occu¬ would have much significance for the mis¬ Mi-Gee and Romans of were Thursday evening Friday tv. riing Maundy Thursday i< the day set apart individuals" employing eggs, and un- pations gave way to fun. sionaries, although preparations made Father Currier will for the commemoration of the Savior's list Out of tills contact with life he can *** as to decorate the station In his honor. But pie.ieh again. i j doubtedly colored eggs, accessories for the battles were Father Currier will also tie win n lie instituted the < bung to wiff. mother, Among boys egg favorite before his arrival it was intimated preach u.-harlst. grandmother sister On It has been the custom their pagan festivals. At any rate, by 10:,'W am. mass «>n this dty only "ti. mass is said, tiiat of Whlrh W,U lnterest and magical Easter pastimes. Crowds of boys would Siamese officials that the prince would visit on Easter Sunday, wlien it for the Russians to dress In mourning, but powers have always been ascribed to eggs there will be music. the holy eucharist. as an expresion of Joy promliroftt th'them. He can at the suorxr table assemble In the streets, each furnished the station If he were invited to do so, and. special sum this Is now nearly obsolete. Just before in time gone by, and Cesarius von Heister- of course, and gratitude for that Institution, thotigh up in five minutes the important news bach who wrote in the middle tells with a number of hard-boiled eggs. The the Invitation was gladly ex¬ Its s; cm! is his contains.not midnight, on Easter eve, >x>u will see Ivan ages, tended. A day was and the commemoration deferred until paper its gossip and scan- many stories of bewitched eggs; they were "battle" consisted of hitting the eggs to¬ appointed Report of Humane another t me l>uriug the "Ulorla'' of the 11 ?' °ati repeat the storv he Ivanovltch and Vera each one prince came and visited the mission hos¬ Society. , , good Feodoreavera, the said to be able to fly of their own accord gether. boy using but of his at a i: ass on t - bells are j .leard at the pital, the girls' school and the church, aft¬ The March report of the Human" S>. i< y rung for the club, lie can read the let- Darby and Joan of Russia, coming fortn toward the sun; and a certain celebrated time. The egg that held out the longest last time until 11<>1 fr°m erward giving the missionaries a special of Washington, which has I" n y Saturday. a frie"d at a I's- with platters, on which rest of the esg was believed to have been laid by a won all the others. Several rounds were just mad* Chilst crucified is the great object that ta e" ltr»CelVei1, samples rabbit, which when played In this way. audience, during which he spoke cordially public, -hows the linanclal condition of Str°"K food for the feast so soon egg, hatched, produced of his visit to the states. the engrosses the attention of all Christian bri'a?!ilng^on?c' and cheer'"' prepared to come. a basilisk. Another old Easter was to These are on Throughout Germany the hare jollification that It was a few however, on the organization be satisfactory. lJin-li.g the churches on Go d Friday, and lessons and A sympathy with home an- platters placed the steps of is known as or days later, problems is the popularly supposed to lay Easter eggs, "lifting" "heaving." Groups occasion of his the corner-stone of month of It was shown on tracts are read to tell of the mystery of the oth.r desirable article to take church, where they may be blessed in the of several men laying January that home A! due season. course while Corinthian peasantry say that the with large armchairs were William Allen Butler Hall, the reiitatlon of redemptlot The pass,on 1- sung and pray¬ da> long the women of the have Of every one Is expect¬ church bells to Rome to fetch to be seen on the streets here account the activity of the agents of the ers household' ed to attend the go them on and there. of the boys' school of the mission, are offer'd up for all sorts <>f persons, .)e>-n gr.tppiirg with their tasks. They have midnight mass, during Maundy Thursday, whence red Is the favor¬ Any woman that ventured in their direc¬ building society S."»10 had been Hie amount of for¬ *« an evidence that none are which mass only those lights may be seen that the crown prince strongly expressed excluded from needed the skill and wisdom of dipfomatl ite tint hue given Easter eggs, and the only tion was grabbed and lifted high In a chair himself the existing feits and in the Police Court received tl.e suffrages of Christianity. and c »lef in order to which are absolutely necessary to the carry¬ color used the three times unless she regarding friendship from tfose to have Justices adjust fairly on of by Russians when preparing paid a fee or gave between the kingdom of Slam and the alleged cruelly treated Holy Saturday 1s consecrated to the mem¬ e disputes between the ing the service. All the higher of- the for their a kiss to be let off. On animals. March 103 weie . children eggs people. the women Interest taken the During persons of . flt:i lis and all the court little Easter Tuesday United States, and the by ory Christ .u the sepulcher. lie Is repre- .i'!6hey have required the administrative abll- officials in St. eggs were believed to have returned the attention, or as prosecuted, and the lines an.l forfeitures c) ,« are peculiar prop¬ many of them Siamese royal family in the American mis¬ coming out of the gntve and tri¬ Of in Petersburg expected to attend the and a maiden as felt as amounted to $7<«l.»i7. The amount of m)nev Industry order to di- mass at the erties. could awaken love in qualified to muscle. And on sions. After an address of welcome had umphing over death by resurrection In the V(hcaptff?the alTaiis of the household to Imperial Chapel, which is in¬ o man's heart him an no one was let off 011 hand was 11,339.03 and the expenses . and by sending egg which Tuesday for anything. beon made by one of the Americans the Cat!" !i churches the altars, deprived of expend the adequate to contain a fourth their number, she had on VSi',7.75. Mrs. Helen Armour that tiieir economically stipend which is ¦o those who caruiot got Maundy Thursday and boiled In Ireland there was the sun dance, at prince replied as follows: reported ornaments on Maundy Thursday, are heirs. On the whole our wives squeeze In hang on Easter eve. In the a wttiich the did not the work of the Band of Merry > '-.owed . and moth¬ around or nor Tyrol peasant will people dance, but arose "I have listened with great pleasure to gfcln clothed with them, and a new lire Is ers do quite as well as we should in parade outside, have they cast an egg which has been laid on on Easter before dawn which have that thirty-one new bands had been orgtu- blessed to illuminate them. their the privilege of another church Maundy long to watch the the complimentary remarks of The paschal Plwes. at least well enough to deserve our entering Thursday, and consecrated on Easter day, sun rise and "dance ifor Joy," as been made. I regard them as a clear iezd with a membership 1,1*4. candle Is blessed, and Its Is a at that time. At midnight the priests enter they really just lighting repre¬ s> mpathy and support, our patient and re¬ the over his roof-tree. He then buries it where thought It did on that day. If they saw, or and Indisputable evidence of your friend¬ sent.!'ion of His rising again to a new life, spectful of their sanctuary all robgd In white, and a It fails, and this, as he will .nd the hearing difficulties, our solemn processional moves believes, pre¬ Imagined they saw. the sun dance and look ship fcr the whole kingdom of Siam. Bottled lighting of the lamps and other best counsel with to and up and down serve his house from fire and It was taken as States the Grapes. candles afterward Is regard wav, through the church. in the lightning. jubilant. permission that "During my visit to the United In meant to teach the means. Moreover, we need to home Then, progress do likewise were me From Country Life America. faithful that the resurrection of the carry of the mass, the church is * they might for the rest of the American people pleased to give Head an apprec.ative eye as well as a tender suddenly lighted ? ? holidays. a. enthusiastic welcome. I men¬ Vine grower*In France market fresh out¬ will be folowed by that of the members. heart. from within and without and every one most may ilioly week Sometimes wives spend hours in re¬ Joins In the of R. A. Oakes says of the numerous tradi¬ Kissing seems to have been permitted tion particularly the sumptuous banquet door grapes all winter by a new and cu¬ gives way to the first and most the furniture or in hymn rejoicing. After this ad board of Important of Christian festivals.Easter. arranging making them¬ follows the ceremony of blessing the food, tions about eggs In mythology: libitum through Easter week. The giv¬ with which your Presbyterian rious method. Bunches of grapes when <*hrlst's selves more presentable, and the Husbands and then the ing as a matter of course, and Cupid made foreign mJ*sions honored me. I then passion Is commemorated with never to notice first morning mass takes "In the primitive festivals of the vernal at ripe ars cut so that a piece of the vln«* tears and works of penance the deign the improvements place, between the hours of 2 and merry Easter, as well as at St. Valen¬ jlearly perceived that the American people by faithful, made solely to pleaa* them. 3, after equinox eggs have always played an lm- tine's In olden time*. received me and not per¬ ft\o or six inches long remains attaciie-1. only the more Joyfully to celebrate the mys¬ day, ye whole-heartedly tery of the resurrection. CBn take hotn« functorily. This also made It evident to A large number of wide-necked bottles atatT£?,hfrLb."VhIn,ranight 1» a clean record. To be able to ir.e that the American people have a sincere filled with water are in horizontal to placed | .ay himself when he turns the lock of For Belief of the Japanese. wlth the contribution asking that Instruc¬ friendship for the kingdom of Slam. Of a No his front door "I have not Congress February, 23, 1005, to convert *1- and rows In racks in cellar, and the Htm Banger From the Rich. made a pile of The State Department has received an tion# be «ent with the money to use it In into this fact I was profoundly convinced, Fmident EUot 1 haV® not food. He also leys minor streets, will probably soon I certitlnly shall not soon forget my visit of the grapes U placed In the mouth or la World * Work. rayh my additional (26,000 from the Christian Herald purchasing requested that be It is manhnj not prospered through^ ffi.OOO of the money be paid over to the undertaken. A report was made by the to the United States. the bottle, while the grapes hang outsiaa. quite unnecessary In this country to cruel Injustice to ray competitor. I have not of New York for the relief of famine suf¬ foreign relief committee at Sendal. special committee on the extension of "This being so, I feel Impelled to recip¬ The *rapes do not touch the water, but srs feel alarm about the rise of a permanent defamed the wealt. I have at lejuTt ferer* In Japan. This makes a total of Ifilnof streets about a week ago upon Ihe rocate this kindness to the full extent of supplied with water through the stem. Tt» class of very rich people. To transmit today stretched out the hand of helpful- $100,000 raised that paper for the advisability of converting O street alley my ability. As my royal grandfather and low uniform temperature of the cellar ?.' by Jap¬ Into a minor and to great estates Is hard. They get divided or anese and transmitted through the Ameri¬ to Be Minor street, yesterday Commis¬ ny royal father have befriended the Chris¬ fu\orable the preservation of the fruit, can National Bed to the Alleys Streets. / sioner Mn-*Tmoved -that' the recom¬ tian missionaries, so I trust that I, too, and water is supplied daily to the bottle* 41«persed. Tl.e hWra are often unable to Gross Japanese mendation «( tfe* committee be keep their lnh«rit«4 or Red Cross at Tokto. Louis Xlopsch. edi¬ The first work, under the con¬ approved. ihall have opportunity on proper occasions to make up for the evaporation. Huen treasures, if, by the power The nniisrs will bow bo to the other Com- :o assist them to the of are tor of the Christian Heraid. sent a letter ferred upon the Commissioners act of limit my power. grapes expensive, but plenty of peopM il fay mlMtomrs (or their mUm. "Tour lavitatSoa to m* to lay the corner- are glad to pay a high price for them.