CLV Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom

Date: Class: Chinese

Day in 1 Language Level: Novice High Grade: High School Unit Minutes 60

Unit Theme and Chinese : Which sports are traditional Chinese sports? Question:

STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson?

DO KNOW What are the learning targets for this lesson? What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Learners will be able to: • Vocabulary: 乒乓球,羽毛球, 跳高,武术, 放风筝 踢毽子 踢, 毽子, 用脚,膝盖,胸, 跳, 扔, • Name five sports that originated in China. : • Identify which of these sports are Olympic sports. 跳皮筋: 跳,皮筋,左,右, 里,外, 踩, 高, 低 • Show understanding of the names of different sports played in China by giving the corresponding gesture when they hear the • Culture: Sports with origins in China (ping pong, , name of the . high jump, jianzi, Chinese jump rope) • Show understanding of the names of different sports by • Radicals: 手,足, 竹 matching the image of the sport to the characters that represent • Sentence Structures: Commands the name of the sport.

• Follow oral instructions on how to play jianzi and Chinese jump rope. • Give commands on how to play jianzi and Chinese jump rope.

STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson?

What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can-do?

Learners will: • Brainstorm a in order to identify which sports are Olympic sports and which sports orginated in China. • Do gestures that correspond to sports originating in China to demonstrate understanding of the names of the sports. • Match the names of sports to images of the sports on a poster. • Follow simple instructions in the form of commands to play jianzi and Chinese jump rope. • Give simple instructions in the form of commands to classmates on how to play jianzi and Chinese jump rope.

STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know?

How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can-do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing?

Opening Activity:

How can you capture the students’ energy and commitment for today’s lesson? Time Materials Introduction of Sports Theme Videoclip of opening ceremony of the a. T plays a videoclip (2 min) showing a portion of the opening ceremony of in Beijing the Olympic Games in Beijing. b. T asks Ls: “Who likes to watch the Olympics?” Ls raise their hands. Image of the Olympics symbol (5 rings) to c. T asks Ls: “Where are the Olympics held?” Ls raise their hands and 10 project volunteer names of countries. T points to a world map as Ls suggest countries. T says: “People everywhere watch the Olympics: here in the World map , in China, everywhere.” T shows the Ls that the five rings of the Olympic symbol represent the 5 continents by pointing to a ring and showing and naming the continent on the world map.

Learning Episode Connection of Sports to the Olympics

a. To re-enter names of sports that Ls already know, T asks Ls: “What sports can you name?” T accepts answers from Ls and writes them on the board. b. T shows the Olympics symbol (5 rings) and ask for volunteers to come to the board and circle the sports from the brainstormed list that they believe are Olympic sports. Poster of Olympic sports c. T projects a poster of the Olympic sports and asks learners to compare the sports they circled on their brainstormed list to the ones on the poster. Handout with images of Olympic sports d. T gives Ls copies of a poster of images of the Olympic sports with the names 10 and the names of the sports of the sports in a on the page and says: “Here are images of Olympic sports. Can you match the name of the sport to the image?” Ls need to Images of sports match the names of the sports to the images. Cards with the names of sports on them e. After Ls complete the activity, T hands individual images of the sports to different Ls. T asks the Ls to come to the front of the room holding their images and bringing their handouts and a pencil with them. T holds up a card with the name of a sport and asks a volunteer to come up and put the card with the name of the sport next to the image of the sport it represents. Class checks to see if they have correctly matched the sport to the name of the sport on their papers.

Learning Episode Introduction of Olympic Sports with Origins in China

a. T tells Ls that 3 of the Olympic sports have their origins in China. b. In small groups Ls circle the sports on the handout that they think originated 5 in China c. Ls share opinions and T gives answers (Table Tennis, Badminton, High Jump).

Learning Episode Introduction of Other Sports with Origins in China

a. T tells Ls that there are other sports that originated in China, which are not Olympic sports. b. T asks Ls: “Can you name any sports that started in China?” Ls volunteer possible answers. c. T gives Ls a list of the sports that originated in China. (Chinese jump rope, kite flying (considered a sport in some countries), Chinese Jianzi (similar to List of sports with origins in China hackie sack), , wushu (martial arts such as Taiji, Gong Fu). d. T asks Ls to suggest gestures for each Chinese sport. ( Note: For some sports Pictures and/or videos of hackie sack, polo, 15 with which Ls may be unfamiliar, T shows short videos or pictures to help Ls martial arts, Chinese jump rope, kite flying think of appropriate gestures.) e. T says name of a sport and Ls do the appropriate gesture for each sport. f. T asks individual Ls to come to the front of the room and do the gesture for one of the sports. Ls say the name of the sport. g. After practicing as a class, T has Ls work in pairs: One L faces the front of the classroom and the other L faces away from the front of the classroom. T holds up a picture of a sport. The L facing the front of the classroom gestures the sport. The L facing away from the front of the room has to guess the sport. Repeat with other sports. Have partners change places to continue practicing. Learning Episode Play Jianzi (Note: Teach Chinese jump rope as an extension of the lesson on a different day).

a. T says that the class is going to learn to play Jianzi. T demonstrates Jianzi and Ls imitate the actions, repeating the commands in order and, eventually, List of commands for hackie sack out of order to verify comprehension. At each point, Ls repeat the command 15 as they do the action: Chinese hackie sacks • Kick it • Throw it • Use your knees • Use your feet • Use your chest

b. T breaks Ls into small groups and each group forms a circle. c. T has Ls see how many times they can kick the jianzi in their group. d. Ls need to give commands to each other as they practice. T may want to put the commands they need to say on the board for reference. Learning Episode Closure 5 T says the name of a sport and Ls do the accompanying gesture.

Enhance Retention T has Ls draw their own symbol for each Chinese sport.

Expansion Ideas Chinese jump rope Chinese jump ropes

T demonstrates Chinese Jump Rope and Ls imitate the actions, repeating the commands:

• Jump • Jump to the right • Jump to the left • Jump on the inside • Jump on the outside • Step on the rope • Jump high • Jump low After Ls have practiced the commands in order, T varies the order of commands to make sure that Ls are responding to the command they hear.

T breaks Ls into small groups and each group has a jump rope. Ls practice jumping rope and giving commands to each other as they play. Ls increase the difficulty of jumping each time by raising the height of the cord. Ls start first with the cord down low, then raise it to a medium height, and then up high.

Olympic symbols

a. T shows Ls the Olympic symbols for each sport that was used during the Symbols from Beijing Olympics Beijing Olympics. b. T has Ls compare their symbols which they made for homework to the Olympic one. c. T asks Ls: “Can you change your symbols to make them ressemble the Olympic symbols?” T asks Ls to try. d. T has Ls share their favorite symbol that they drew with a partner or the class. Verbs used with sports

a. T reviews gestures for the sports learned in class. List of sports with word bank of sport verbs b. T discusses the different verbs that are used with sports. c. T has Ls categorize a list of sports by verb used. d. T revisits gestures for sports to include an additional gesture that represents the verb used with the sport. Calligraphy Calligraphy supplies: paper, brushes, ink, water, containers for water and ink a. T practices calligraphy with the entire class. b. T has Ls create the Olympic symbols for sports with calligraphy. Radicals in sports names

a. T gives Ls a chart with common radicals found in sport names. Chart of common radicals found in sport b. T has Ls with a partner or small groups find characters with these radicals. names c. Ls record the characters on the chart and guess the meaning of the radical. Practicing Chinese sports at home

a. T has Ls make their own jianzi to use at home or for an afterschool Washers, plastic, feathers, glue, straws for tournament. making jianzi ( (Suggestions to improve the model in the Youtube video: Add some cotton cloth for padding Rubberbands for jump ropes on the inside of the plastic; Put a short piece of straw through the plastic and

glue in some feathers to make it more authentic.) b. T has Ls make personal Chinese jump ropes out of rubber bands and has different teams compete. ( Follow directions for how to make a jump rope and then attach ends together with a square knot for a Chinese jump rope.)

Reflection/Notes to Self

CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom

MId Date: Class: Chinese

Day in High School Midway Language Level: Novice High Grade: Unit Minutes 75

Unit Theme and Chinese Sports What are traditional Chinese sports? Question:

STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson?

DO KNOW What are the learning targets for this lesson? What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do? Students can:

Ask and answer questions orally and in written form about personal exercise • Vocabulary: Review verbs: 打, 踢 , 练, 做 , 跳 routines 常常, 有的时候, 很少, 每天,每周 , Use the appropriate verb for a specific sport 每个月 • Culture:Sports routine of Yao Ming List multiple activities in one sentence, with frequency vocabulary • Sentence structures: Use of 也, to list multiple activities in Describe the sports routine of different individuals one sentence.

STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson?

What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can-do?

Learners will: • Students will match the action verb with the appropriate sport • Ask and answer personal questions about their sports routine • Read a dialogue about sports practice • Highlight key vocabulary in the dialogue • Form sentences that include multiple activities with frequency words • Write a short paragragh describing the sports routine of a famous person

STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know?

How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can-do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing?

Opening Activity:

How can you capture the students’ energy and commitment for today’s lesson? Time Materials Review of Olympic sports Pictures of 2012 Beijing Olympic sport 5 a. T shows Ls the symbols for some of the sports from the Beijing Olympics. symbols b. Ls working with a partner, see how many they can identify in Chinese Learning Episode

Review of verbs used with sports

a. T shows Ls the verbs used for sports and asks Ls to use gestures or use them in a sentence to show understanding. 10 Sentences on board or on paper. b. T has Ls complete sentences about sports with multiple choices for the verb. A. 打 B. 踢 C.连 D.做 E. 跳 c. Ls can work with a partner or on their own. d. Correct as a large group after most groups are finished. Learning Episode Personal Questions about sports practice

a. T shows Ls some simple questions regarding personal sports routines. They give example answers according to their personal sports routine. Questions regarding sports practice routine 你喜欢练什么运动?你什么时候连? 你每天练吗? 你跟谁连? 15 List of frequency words b. T shows Ls list of vocabulary to express frequency of sports practice. c. T asks a few Ls these questions to serve as an examples for the class. d. Ls ask and answer these questions with a partner. e. T randomly selects Ls to tell class about the sports routine of their partner. Learning Episode Introduction of Dialogue Copies of Dialogue a. T gives Ls a copy of the dialogue about practicing sports. 10 b. T asks Ls to skim the dialogue and answer 4 questions that are based on the 4 questions on the board main ideas of the dialogue. Learning Episode Practice: Key vocabulary present in dialogue Copies of Dialogue/highlighters a. Ls reread dialogue highlighting sports verbs and frequency vocabulary. b. T will share with Ls copy of dialogue with all vocab highlighted so Ls can Photos of famous people with sports 20 check their work. symbols. c. T goes over key sentences in the dialogue that will highlight the structure 也, used with this vocabulary. List of frequency words d. T asks L to underline these sentences. e. T shows some photos of famous people and symbols of sports they practice.

f. Working with a partner, Ls make sentences listing multiple sports that these people practice. g. T asks Ls to reform these sentences to also include certain frequency phrases. Learning Episode Closure: Learning check

a. T gives Ls a list of famous people, many from China or Chinese history List of famous people b. T shows an example description of the sports routine of Yao Ming 15 An example description of Yao Ming that c. Working with a partner, Ls write a description of 1-2 people of their choice will serve as a model. from the list. d. When finished, one group will read their description to another group and they will attempt to guess whom is being described. Enhance Retention

a. Ls write a description of 1-2 famous people of their choice. b. The following day T can do one of the following: -A volunteer or selected L will read it to the class and they will attempt to

guess who is being described.

-L will read their description to another group and they will attempt to guess who is being described. -T will hang them up on the wall and each L chooses 3 to read and then write on the bottom of the paper who they think it is. Expansion Ideas Pair interview

a. T asks Ls to answer for themselves the questions that were asked in the dialogue on a piece of paper. List of questions from the dialogue b. With a partner, Ls take turns asking and answering these questions orally to 15 find out the written responses. Chart to record partner responses c. Ls fill out a chart recording the answers of their partner. d. T collects the data on responses and reports it back to the class to identify trends among the sports the Ls practice.


A: 你喜欢什么运动?我常常打篮球, 每周打几次。

B: 我很少做运动,可是我有的时候跟朋友踢毽子。 你会不会踢?

A:我不会。 我特别喜欢练武术, 你呢?

B: 我奶奶每天早上连太极拳, 可是我自己没有学会。 我小的时候,每天中午跳皮筋。 好长时间没 有跳过。 我们以前跳的很高。 你最喜欢的运动是什么?

A: 我觉得我最喜欢的运动是羽毛球。 你喜欢打吗?

B:我也挺喜欢但是打得少。 我们现在去打吧。 你觉得呢?

A: 好主意。我知道哪儿有拍子和球。 走吧。

1. 保罗和史凯喜欢不喜欢运动?

2. 谁常常运动?

3. 谁跳皮筋?

4. 他们俩要做什么运动?

CLV Chinese Language Lessons Sen Lin Hu Chinese Language Camp Lessons For the Classroom

Date: Class: Chinese

Final Project*7 Language Level: Novice High Grade: High School Day in Unit Minutes 60

Unit Theme and Question: Chinese Sports What are traditional Chinese sports?

STAGE 1: What will learners be able to do with what they know by the end of this lesson?

DO KNOW What are the learning targets for this lesson? What vocabulary, grammatical structures, language chunks, cultural knowledge, and content information do learners need to accomplish the lesson can-do?

Students can: • Vocabulary: Review of previous vocabulary, 心率,站, Have an experience practicing various Chinese sports • Culture: Experience various Chinese sports • Sentence structures: numerals: 第一个, 第二个, review of ; Record data after participating in different station activities place + activity

Write a paragraph about what he/she did at each station and which sport they prefer

STAGE 2: How will learners demonstrate what they can do with what they know by the end of the lesson?

What will learners do (learning tasks/activities/formative assessments) to demonstrate they can meet the lesson can-do?

Learners will: • Match equipment with sports • Participate with small groups in station activities • Record data based on each station activity • Write a paragraph about what they did at each station • Make an art piece representing their favorite sport

STAGE 3: What will prepare learners to demonstrate what they can do with what they know?

How will you facilitate the learning? What activities will be used to ensure learners accomplish the lesson can-do? What will the teacher be doing? What will the students be doing?

Opening Activity:

How can you capture the students’ energy and commitment for today’s lesson? Time Materials Review of Chinese Sports

a. T brings in sports equipment related to the activities you will do in class 5 Sports equipment b. T asks them which sports go with which objects. c. T tells Ls the names for different objects. Learning Episode

Station Game with Sport Activities

a. T introduces all the stations that the Ls will have to do and the order that they need to do them in. T explains how much time they will have at each station b. T will show Ls a copy of the chart each group will receive, showing them what they will need to fill out. The chart will have sections to fill out for 10 heart rate, and opinions of each sport as well as specific info according to the Worksheet with chart station. 30 c. T divides Ls into groups for the activity Equipment for each station d. Ls will go from station to station doing the activity for the designated time. Arrange to have class in the gym or Stations: 1. Badminton(without a net, just hitting it back in forth, record how many times they can volley it back and forth without the shuttlecock touching outside. the ground) Clear plan of how the stations will work, 2. Ping Pong or a game with ping pong such as balancing a ping how much time in each station, how they pong ball on a paddle as they walk thru an obstacle course or bouncing a ball rotate from one station to the next, how on a paddle up and down as many times as possible for 30 seconds. they know when to rotate, how will you 3. Long standing jump (Record distance) divide into groups (With a bell? A gong?) 4. Jianzi (Record how many times they can kick/bounce the 毽子 10 during one minute or record the different body parts used to bounce the 毽子) 5.Chinese Jump rope. (Record how many Ls got through the routine with out any mistakes at each level: low, medium, high) 6. Chinese Wushu movements (use a video that they can follow) T can use all or a few of these stations. e. Clean up of stations and equipment Learning Episode Sports Project

a. T assigns the following project: Ls choose which sport he/she liked the most. T reminds Ls; as for the Olympics, the artistic symbols for each sport are Explain rubric: 5-10 important. Ls create a unique art piece to represent his/her favorite sport. Rubric for project Any medium can be used such as sculpture, painting, calligraphy, etc. The Done outside of Example paragraph use of recycled materials is always preferred. Ls also write a short paragraph classtime describing what he/she did at each station. 在第一个站,我们提了毽子。 Ls will end their paragraph stating his/her favorite Chinese sport and why it's their favorite. After the paragraph Ls will also write a brief explanation of their art piece, including what it was made out of and what it represents.

b. T shows Ls an example of a paragraph and gives them any needed vocabulary related to materials for the art project. Final Learning Episode Give students a rubric for grading of the project and answer any questions about the project.

Enhance Retention Completion of project in 3-4 days time

Expansion Ideas Art Exhibit

T collects the art projects and displays them in class as if it was an art show at a gallery. Location to hang up art work, means of Give Ls time to walk around and appreciate each other’s art work. hanging them on the wall or displaying them on a table.