The California Tech [email protected] Vo l u m e CXVI Nu m b e r 4 Pa s a d e n a , Ca l i f o r n i a t e c h .c a l t e c h .e d u Oc t o b e r 22, 2012 Modeling reveals protein channel’s function kimm fesenmaier are needed because Caltech Science Writer the proteins that are synthesized at Chemists at the Caltech have ribosomes must managed, for the first time, to travel to other simulate the biological function of regions of the cell a channel called the Sec translocon, or outside the cell which allows specific proteins to in order to perform pass through membranes. The feat their functions; required bridging timescales from however, the cellular the realm of nanoseconds all the membranes prevent way up to full minutes, exceeding even the smallest of the scope of earlier simulation molecules, including efforts by more than six orders of water, from passing magnitude. The result is a detailed through them willy- molecular understanding of how nilly. In many ways, the translocon works. channels such as the Modeling behavior across very Sec translocon serve different timescales is a major as gatekeepers—once challenge in modern simulation the Sec translocon research. “Computer simulations determines that a often provide almost uselessly given protein should detailed information on a timescale be allowed to pass that is way too short, from which through, it opens you get a cartoon, or something up and allows the that might raise as many questions protein to do one as it answers,” says Thomas Miller, of two things: to be an assistant professor of chemistry integrated into the at Caltech. “We’ve managed to go membrane, or to be significantly beyond that, to create secreted completely a tool that can actually be compared out of the cell. against experiments and even push Scientists have experiments—to predict things disagreed about how that they haven’t been able to see.” the fate of a given The new computational model protein entering and the findings based on its the translocon is results are described by Miller and determined. Based graduate student Bin Zhang in the on experimental current issue of the journal Cell evidence, some Reports. have argued that a The Sec translocon is a channel protein’s amino-acid in cellular membranes involved in sequence is what the targeting and delivery of newly matters—that is, how made proteins. Such channels many of its The ribosome (red, blue) in complex with the translocon channel (green), which is embedded in the cell membrane (yel- amino acids low, white). Proteins that are inserted via the ribosome into the channel can either be laterally integrated into or secreted across the cell membrane (inset). i n t e r a c t -Bin Zhang and Thomas Miller In this issue f a v o r a b l y with water and how many the extremely slow rate at which Other researchers have shown suggesting that kinetic effects can clash. This argument a ribosome adds proteins to that slowing down the rate of also play a role. treats the process as one the channel can be considered protein insertion into the channel NEWS in equilibrium, where infinitely slow. actually changes the outcome, Continued on page 3 North Kitchen ice cream machine3 passes away News briefs from around the globe Helping readers burst out of the Caltech bubble OPINION Nina examines the efficiency of the4 !""#$%&$'(&)! !!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!*++!#$%&'!()$*+!+,-!#$%.&!+,/'!#--0!1!+$2/3'!'$%+-&!4%$5!6$$&!+$!)(&! Techer )7!!"#$!#%"$8&'!$

FEATURE ,&-#.($/&012$.134."#.$51&%$$**!2-$2.-!(%%-'+-&9!+(%6-+'!/:3.*&-&!+,-!;<=55(:!!!!!!!!?@AB! Call for new ushers 67.($58&%&3&5$8"152$5&&-$9**:+++!%(/'-&!4$%!'$*2!0/+3,-:!(4+-%!$%/6/:(.!&$:$%'!#/+,&%-#!!!!!!?CAB! at Beckman 6 ;&5"$(.<"2$(")$2.0(%2!!! =!3,$'-:!/:!(++-52+!+$!%-D/D-!E(+,$./3!4(/+,!(5$:6!4$..$#-%'!!!!!!!!!!?F$G!H-#'B!

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! The California Tech 2 Oc t o b e r 22, 2012 Ne w s Food with Mannion! ASCIT Minutes Minutes for October 18th, 2012. Taken by Allika Do you like eating food? Walvekar How about free food at nice restaurants? Ever want to tell the world exactly what you think of Officers present: Diego Caporale, Christian Rivas, Pushpa Neppala, Mario Zubia, Michelle Tang, Puikei said food? Cheng, Allika Walvekar The Tech will be beginning a new column to chroni- Officers Absent: cle the foodie experiences of new writers every other week...The Catch: They’ll be going head-to-head with Call to Order: 8:41 Tom Mannion who will be reviewing the same restau- President’s Report (Diego): Diego would like to rant. If you have ever thought you were more of a gour- remind the student body that it is responsible for the mand than our resident master chef, now’s your chance upkeep of houses. Any damage accrued is reported to the deans. Diego would like to remind everyone that to prove it! ASCIT meetings are open to the public, and this term Email us for a spot on the list at [email protected] they are at 8:30PM in SAC 15. If you have something specific to discuss email the secretary at sec@donut. so the topic can be added to the agenda.

The California Tech Officers’ Reports: Secretary (Allika): Talked to DevTeam about Caltech 40-58, Pasadena, CA 91125 advertising e-mail: [email protected] Write an ASCIT Screening Room Reservation system on editorial e-mail: [email protected] Donut. Designed a new poster for the Olive Walk with descriptions of the various BoD positions. Will be Editors-in-Chief Jonathan Schor articles finalizing the design in the coming week. Stanford Schor Social Director (Michelle): Met with Big I reps News Editor Sandhya Chandrasekaran to discuss their budget. Fall Harvest moved to 11/10. for the Dabney Drag Show, Fleming Frosh Party, and Page Sports Editor Interhouse are all coming up soon. Amol Kamat Tech Treasurer (Puikei): Continuing to fund for Big I. Puikei will now approach Graduate Student Council (GSC), Student Affairs, and smaller companies with Caltech Alums for funding. Director of Operations (Mario): Club funding will take place on 10/21. Clubs have to turn in their Staff Nina Budaeva registration 10/19. The results of Club funding will Casey Handmer Yang Hu be announced once club approval has finished. The Jonathan Ikpeazu Rebecca Lawler assignment of the new club storage will be included in Mary Nguyen Eugene Vinitsky the club funding process. If the clubs absolutely cannot Caroline Yu Chris Zheng attend Club funding on 10/21, they can come to the ASCIT meeting on 10/25 instead. V.P. of Non-Academic Affairs (IHC Chair: Christian): Rotation happened quite smoothly. The Deans received the statistics that compared freshmen’s choices with the house they actually rotated in. Overall, most people were very satisfied with the house

Circulation Manager they were put in. Michael Paluchniak V.P. of Academic Affairs (ARC Chair: Pushpa): Advisor Richard Kipling Interviewing frosh reps on 10/20. Pushpa would like to emphasize that the course complaint box should The Tech is published weekly except dur- ing vacation and examination periods by be used for specific, tangible issues that the student the Associated Students of the California Institute of Technology, Inc. The opinions expressed herein are strictly those of the has towards a class, rather than general derogatory authors and advertisers. Letters and submissions are welcome; comments that are difficult act upon. Lucas Carreno e-mail submissions to [email protected] as plain-text attachments, including the has been reinstated to the ARC. Puspha is working author’s name, by Friday of the week be- fore publication. The Tech does accept anonymous contributions under special with the alumni association to facilitate alumni circumstances. The editors reserve the right to edit and abridge all submissions for any feedback for the SFC. reason. All written work remains property of its author. The advertising deadline is 5 PM Friday; all advertising should be submitted elec- tronically or as camera-ready art, but The Agenda for Thursday Oct 18 Meeting: Tech can also do simple typesetting and arrangement. All advertising inquiries get paid up to $30 - ASCIT Meet & Greet should be directed to the business manager at [email protected]. For subscription information, please send mail to “Subscrip- tions.” Meeting Adjourned: 9:54 The California Tech Ne w s Oc t o b e r 22, 2012 3 Obituary: Farewell to delicious Dreyer’s North House ice cream machine spurts out its last frozen treat

Jonathan Webster to some serious health issues, stopped making the tubes that fit CDS Associate Director North Kitchen Dreyer’s Machine this very special machine). Alas, moved to the warmer climate of the North Kitchen Dreyer’s Machine North Kitchen Dreyer’s Caltech campus in 2007, working must cease its service to the world. Machine dispensed its last part time to pay for its room and North Kitchen Dreyer’s serving of soft-serve Friday board. Machine leaves a legacy of cold “ North Kitchen Dreyer’s Machine was stubborn as a mule and strong as an ox. When one of its chambers blew out in an unfortunate ultimate Frisbee accident, it went on serving three flavors as though nothing was wrong.

October 19, 2012. North North Kitchen Dreyer’s Machine deliciousness that would be hard for Kitchen Dreyer’s Machine was stubborn as a mule and strong any machine to follow. However, was a stalwart in the Caltech as an ox. When one of its chambers after an exhaustive international” community providing comfort blew out in an unfortunate ultimate (Google) search for a successor, and gastronomical bliss for at Frisbee accident, it went on serving Caltech Dining Services has found least five years. North Kitchen three flavors as though nothing a suitable successor. Dreyer’s Machine was born was wrong. While we hope you will not sometime in the ‘80’s and spent Unfortunately, there is only immediately forget North Kitchen its formative years perfecting so much soft-serve that an Dreyer’s Machine, we hope that 2007-2012 the art of dispensing softly aging machine can dispense (no you will welcome Sani Serv Model North Kitchen Dreyer’s Machine will be missed by many. frozen confections at JPL. Due seriously…the manufacturer 501 to the Caltech Community.

Caltech uncovers mechanism of translocon Continued from page 1 computing time that they can only and to calculate how much energy activity over the course of more happening—but in a way that was model millionths of seconds of it costs those parts to move in than a minute. not obvious until we could actually “There was this equilibrium activity, at most. ways that allow proteins to pass The researchers ran that see everything working together,” picture, suggesting that only Meanwhile, actual biological through. simplified model tens of thousands Miller says. the protein sequence is really processes involving proteins in the In this way, they were able to of times and observed the different Beyond elucidating how the important. translocon last many seconds or build a simpler version of the ways in which proteins move translocon works and reconciling And then there was an alternative minutes. simulation that modeled important through the channel. seemingly disparate experimental picture, suggesting that kinetic Miller and Zhang were able to groupings of atoms, rather than In the simulation, any number results, the new simulation also effects are critical to understanding use their atomistic simulations each individual atom. of variables could be changed— lets the researchers perform the translocon,” including the protein’s experiments computationally that Miller says. “So we amino-acid sequence, its have yet to be tried in the lab. wondered, could electronic charge, the rate at For example, they have run both pictures, in which it is inserted into the simulations with longer proteins some sense, be right? “ translocon, the length of its and observed that at such lengths— And that turns out to tail, and more. unlike what has been seen with be the case.” There was this equilibrium picture, suggesting The effect of these shorter proteins—the equilibrium In 2010 and that only the protein sequence is really alterations on the protein’s picture begins to be affected by earlier this year, fate was then studied, kinetic effects. Miller and Zhang important. And then there was an alternative revealing that proteins move “This could bring the two published papers so slowly within the tightly experimental camps together, and in the Proceedings picture, suggesting that kinetic effects are confined environment of to have led that would be kind of of the National the translocon that the pace exciting,” Miller says. Academy of Sciences critical to understanding the translocon. So we at which they are added The new Cell Reports paper is and the Journal wondered, could both pictures, in some sense, to the channel during titled “Long-timescale dynamics of the American translation—a process that and regulation of Sec-facilitated Chemical Society be right? might seem infinitely slow— protein translocation.” describing atomistic can become important. simulations of the At the same time, Miller The work was supported by the Sec translocon. - Thomas Miller and Zhang saw that other U.S. Office of Naval Research and These computer relatively fast processes give the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, with simulations attempt rise to the results associated computational resources provided by to account for with the equilibrium the U.S. Department of Energy, the every motion of behavior. National Science Foundation, and every single atom in a system— to determine which parts of the Using the simplified simulation,” “In fact, both equilibrium and the National Institute of General and typically require so much translocon are most important they could simulate the translocon’s kinetically controlled processes are Medical Sciences. The California Tech 4 Oc t o b e r 22, 2012 Opinion Caltech Couture: A day in the life of a Techer

Nina budaeva politely informing him the store is What is he to do when his the C-store. She kept him good all. Oh math class … It was such a Staff Writer closed for the next five minutes, the glorious plan of quickly attaining company, for they were both great class! baffled Techer is at a loss. What is the booty and scurrying back to suffering together. Oh wait, math class! He is on Several weeks ago I mentioned he to do? his room is interrupted by such a To his surprise last night, he his way to the library to check out that Caltech has a very distinct Usually in such a situation, the rude closing of the C-store? It was noted that he found her company a book, wait, which book? Ah yes! sense of fashion. Techer awkwardly sits down at one all for nothing. agreeable and was almost sad that The hero has recovered from his Analyzing the subject further, of the tables five feet away from the The next day I see the same the C-store opened so quickly. dangerous daydream and is now I have come to the Eureka- entrance and waits rigidly for the Techer, barely recovered from the Now he is not the type to fall for in full possession of his $50K- worthy revelation that dressing is door to magically open. previous night’s C-store calamity, immature and misleading feelings per-year-valuable wits. He strides only a small fraction of a greater If he came with on towards the library but phenomenon found here. a group, he might doesn’t notice that he fumbled Besides adopting a rather specific consider attempting and actually cracked his voice clothing style that sets Techers casual small talk. to say hi to the sweet girl that apart from the rest of humanity, The situation is “ comforted him through the the Techer community has evolved absolutely terrible. agony of last night. a new form of behavior that further The C-store is closed, Besides adopting a rather specific clothing Of course he never made secures its uniqueness. so the efficiency of his eye contact with her. If he did, Examples of this behavior may journey to the oasis is style that sets Techers apart from the rest of he would suffer the same fate be observed in activities from being decimated by humanity, the Techer community has evolved as all of Medusa’s victims and mere walking to more complex the second! become a soulless stone-cold patterns of social interactions. One He took the path a new form of behavior that further secures its statue frozen forever. word that summarizes this style: of minimal length No, he must be Perseus. minimalism. and minimal physical uniquness...One word summarizes this style: He must not fall victim to To a Techer, many things are exertion, he refrained the wrath of Medusa and he all about efficiency, and walking from saying hello to minimalism. must not look her in the eye. seems to be one of these. When a anyone he passed, and In fact, he must avoid her for Techer walks from his room to the he didn’t stop to smell he knows that if he looks her C-store, he walks from point A to the flowers blooming in the eyes, he will be done point B. on campus. for. What will the world do He does not look around, barely He sacrificed all of these small walking across campus. Always such as admiration, especially not without his brain? even looks ahead of himself and joys in order to make his quest doing things with a purpose, the admiration of girls! So it cannot be” No, he must walk on and check instead focuses on the ground to the C-store as streamlined as Techer is walking in order to that he actually likes the girl. out that book. Then he must go back one foot in front of the other as possible. check out a book from the library. He was teased very much in to his room and not think about he makes his trek. When walking And now, he must sit and wait! He walks, or rather marches (for third grade for liking the sweet the Medusas. He must not waist right up to the C-store entrance What a waste, what a despicable he is on a mission), past a girl he girl sitting in front of him in math any energy on silly, uncomfortable in this fashion and face-planting waste! The Techer must now die of unwillingly met last night while class and he had learned his lesson things. That is not efficient. And onto the glass door to read a note boredom. suffering through the wait for about liking girly girls once and for the Techer marches on.

All Serious Physical Science Students A must read Foundations of Physics



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Challenge your mind Connect to the future The Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology is coming to the California Institute of Technology!

The Siemens Competition takes great pleasure in inviting you to the following events: Student Project Exhibition Student Oral Presentations (Refreshments will be served) Date: Friday, November 9, 2012 Date: Saturday, November 10, 2012 Time: 5:00 pm – 6:15 pm Time: 8:15 am – 1:15 pm Foundation, ©Siemens 2012. All RightsReserved. Location: Dabney Lounge Dabney Hall Location: Ramo Auditorium Pasadena, California 91106 Pasadena, California 91106

Please RSVP by Friday, November 2, 2012: The California Tech 6 Oc t o b e r 22, 2012 Fe a t u r e Today’s Puzzle: Crossword

Across 57. Small cut 28. Run away secretly 61. Adjoin to marry 1. Lariat 62. Dread 29. Panorama 6. Exchange 63. British peer 31. Currency of 10. Vessel 64. Proboscis Tunisia 14. Change 65. Type of song 32. Wipe out 15. Aura 66. Worship 33. Repluse 16. Encryption 67. Cervid 35. Simian 17. Gaze 68. Arrow 36. Form of transport 18. Public violence 69. Regenerate 37. Historic period 19. Part 41. Sing and play for 20. Ripped Down somebody 21. Ego 1. Final 43. DNA segment 22. Card game 2. Singing voice 44. Conclusion 23. Requirement 3. Leading actor 45. Seafarer 25. Peal 4. Peacefulness 47. Cleaning material 27. Resuscitate 5.Metal-bearing mineral 48. Small rounded 30. File holder 6. Tatter bread 34. Selected as the best 7. Howl 50. Musical drama 35. Toward the stern 8. Upward 51. Unit of weight for 38. Anger 9. Cooking implement precious stones 39. Prying 10. Gyre 52. Crew member 40. Breed of dog 11. Short swinging 53. Woodwind 41. Break suddenly punch instrument 42. Appropriate 12. Not in action 54. Artifice 43. Aquatic birds 13. Look searchingly 56. Den 45. Taunt 21. Understand 58. Golf club 46. Lacking lightness 22. Secret plan 59. Center of an object 48. Cask 24. The night before 60. Was cognizant 49. Annul 26. Not in operation 62. Fashion 51. Remedy 27. Relating to the 63. Saloon 52. Equine animal kidneys 55. Plan []

Caltech Public Events is now hiring student ushers. $15 per hour to work concerts, performances, lectures, films and parties. No experience needed, no hard labor, flexible schedules. *Requirements: Caltech student, Positive attitude, Friendly personality

To apply email Adam Jacobo ([email protected]) or call (626)395-5907

For info on Caltech Public Events visit: content/public-events The California Tech p o r t s S Oc t o b e r 22, 2012 7 Caltech volleyball ends losing streak

Rockin the always in fashion concussion head band, Caltech’s Paige Logan obliterates a volleyball in front of an audience so stunned, they vanished into thin air Caltech came out of the gates back with a 3-0 scoring spurt to have another lead during the while her kills total was her second strong as they grabbed a 14-1 lead get within two points at 11-9. The afternoon contest. Caltech went on best tally on the year. Catherine PASADENA, CA – The Caltech in the opening set and never looked Beavers wouldn’t let the visitors an 8-2 scoring spree to take a five Jamshidi chipped in a nine-kill women’s volleyball team snapped back in cruising to a 1-0 lead in the get any closer as they scored nine point advantage at 8-3. Mills got performance while Megan Jackson a 56-match losing streak as they match. of the next 12 points en route to their deficit down to two points at played solid along the back row posted a 3-0 (25-16, 25-18, 25- The second set proved to be taking the frame. 11-9 but couldn’t pull any closer as with a 12-dig effort. 13) win over Mills College. The more of a tussle between the two In the final set Mills took their the Beavers took the triumph. As a team the Beavers had 35 Beavers last win came early in the schools. Caltech broke a 4-4 tie first lead of the match when they Paige Logan had match high 17 kills on 82 swings while committing 2010 season when they knocked off and nudged out to an 11-6 lead. won the opening point of the kills and a .577 hitting percentage. just seven errors en route to hitting Mills. However the Cyclones fought stanza. Caltech wouldn’t let them Her hitting mark was a season high a season best .341. From the desk of the Weekly sports editor: Opposing Scoreboard Men’s Soccer fans and why they suck at Chapman amol kamat of the things these fans were saying fun, but when OH MY GOD THE L, 2-0 Final Sports Editor actually got to me. I don’t think NORTH KITCHEN ICE CREAM I’m allowed to print most of their MACHINE IS DEAD?! WHY IS Maybe because I’ve been comments. THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!! DO Women’s Volleyball here too long and have started I’m perfectly fine with jeering THEY SERIOUSLY EXPECT US entering that “creepy senior grey at an opposing team. At soccer, TO LIVE ON REGULAR PLAIN vs. Mills area,” I’ve started noticing other basketball, and volleyball games, OLD VANILLA SOFT SERVE L, 3-1 Final people’s conversations a lot more. even we seek out strange names FROM THE SOUTH KITCHEN?! I know that sounds bad, but bear and hometowns. But, when you YOU KNOW, THE ONE THAT with me. My favorite targets are make fun of a team for allowing ONLY WORKS 5% OF THE TIME?! Men’s Water Polo opposing fans at Caltech sporting girls to play and use pretty bad GOD, EVERY TIME I THINK events. Last week, I talked about adjectives to describe said female, THINGS ARE PICKING UP vs. La Verne a woman and a comment about a even I get offended. As much as I HERE, SOMEBODY JUST KILLS L, 13-10 Final banana, which was all in good fun, hate the “Yeah, well at least we go AN ICE CREAM MACHINE OR as I think she was aware of how to a real school and are gonna be POOPS IN A DRYER. THIS IS ridiculous she was (although, you super rich” cheer, I think it would WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE Women’s Volleyball never know with some of those have been fine to pull out against THINGS, BECAUSE THE MAN SCIAC parents). But, not all fans Chapman. DOESN’T WANT US TO HAVE at Chapman are so good-natured. Now, I know we’re not perfect NICE THINGS. I DON’T EVEN L, 3-0 Final For example, this Saturday, fans, either (although now that REMEMBER WHAT I WAS the Caltech soccer team played at certain seniors have graduated, I RANTING ABOUT BEFORE. Chapman, losing 2-0. I’ve heard think we’ve toned it down a bit), THIS IS THE ONLY THING I’VE Women’s Volleyball my fair share of taunts (I almost but I like to think we keep things EVER CARED ABOUT EVER. got into a fight during a high in check (Evan Zhao excluded, I DON’T EVEN oh, wait, oh. I vs. Mills school tennis tournament, which, of course). My point is, SCIAC guess we’re getting another one. Is W, 3-0 Final by the way, is one of the least manly sports should be fun, and cheering that true? I think that’s true. I—I places to fight someone), but some for your DIII school should be don’t…ok. The California Tech Hu m o r Oc t o b e r 22, 2012 8

Nominate your favorite professor for the Feynman Teaching Prize! Here’s your chance to nominate your favorite professor for the 2012-13 Richard P. Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teach- ing! You have from now until January 2, 2013 to submit your nomination package to the Provost’s Office to honor a profes- sor who demonstrates, in the broadest sense, unusual ability, creativity, and innovation in undergraduate and graduate classroom or laboratory teaching.

The Feynman Prize is made possible through the generosity of Ione and Robert E. Paradise, with additional contributions from an anonymous local couple. Nominations for the Feynman Teaching Prize are welcome from faculty, students, post- doctoral scholars, staff, and alumni.

All professorial faculty of the Institute are eligible. The prize consists of a cash award of $3,500, matched by an equivalent raise in the annual salary of the awardee. A letter of nomination and detailed supporting material, including, but not lim- ited to, a curriculum vitae, course syllabus or description, and supporting recommendation letters should be directed to the Feynman Prize Selection Committee, Office of the Provost, Mail Code 206-31, at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 91125. Nomination packages are due by January 2, 2013.

Additional information including guidelines for the prize and FAQ may be found at TeachingPrize. Further information can also be obtained from Karen Kerbs (626-395-6039; [email protected]) in the Provost’s Office.

The California Tech Caltech 40-58 For more photos, Pasadena, CA 91125 videos, and archives of previous issues, check out the Tech website!