CONTEMPORARY SPANISH LITERATURE FILM & COURSE DESCRIPTION This course presents the ideological and cultural shifts in Spain before, during, and after the Franco dictatorship through literature and film from the beginning of the 20th century to present day. In this [SPAN 403] course, we’ll situate the diverse country in its Fall 2020 | T &TH | 12:00-1:15 European and world contexts through a variety of literary works and film productions. We will continue R. Tyler Gabbard-Rocha developing critical thinking tools as a means of Email:
[email protected] studying the human condition and familiarize Office: SC G003 ourselves with the literary and artistic styles, Office Hours: Tuesday 10:45- movements, periods, ideologies, and cultural 11:45; Friday 11:00- influences that produced these works in order to 12:00; or by appointment relate them to the current world at large. PREREQUISITES Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in Spanish VI. OBJECTIVES There are several outcomes for this course. You will learn to interpret and critically analyze Spanish literature and film as demonstrated by the following goals: 1. You will be able to recognize and identify influential works of literature and film representing the contemporary canon. 2. Furthermore, you will learn to analyze these works using the appropriate terminology as they relate to sociocultural, historical, and literary movements. 3. Finally, you will learn to compare these works in their own context and in European and world contexts today, including your own experiences. P a g e | 2 REQUIRED TEXTS All texts are available on Canvas. You will need to bring the correct text to class each day, either in print or electronically.