AOU Check-List Supplement

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AOU Check-List Supplement AOU Check-list Supplement The Auk 119(3):897±906, 2002 FORTY-THIRD SUPPLEMENT TO THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION CHECK-LIST OF NORTH AMERICAN BIRDS RICHARD C. BANKS,1,10,11 CARLA CICERO,2 JON L. DUNN,3 ANDREW W. K RATTER,4 PAMELA C. RASMUSSEN,5,9 J. V. REMSEN,JR.,6 JAMES D. RISING,7 AND DOUGLAS F. S TOTZ8 1U.S. Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, National Museum of Natural History, MRC-111, Washington, DC 20560-0111, USA; 2Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, 3101 Valley Life Sciences Building, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-3160, USA; 3RR2, Box 52R, Bishop, California 93514, USA; 4Florida Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 117800, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611, USA; 5Department of Systematic Biology, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. 20560-0116, USA; 6Museum of Natural Science, Louisiana State University, Foster Hall 119, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA; 7Department of Zoology, Ramsay Wright Zoological Labs, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G5, Canada; and 8Environmental and Conservation Programs, Field Museum of Natural History, 1400 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496, USA This is the second Supplement since publication of (5) ®ve species names are changed because of generic the 7th edition of the Check-list of North American reallocation (Platalea ajaja, Porphyrio martinica, Por- Birds (American Ornithologists' Union 1998). It sum- phyrio ¯avirostris, Allenia fusca, Passerina caerulea); (6) marizes decisions made by the AOU's Committee on spelling of the scienti®c names of two species is Classi®cation and Nomenclature between 1 January changed because of rules relating to agreement in 2000 and 31 December 2001. The Committee has con- gender with generic names (Phalaropus fulicarius, tinued to operate in the manner outlined in the 42nd Donacobius atricapilla); (7) authorship and date of Supplement (AOU 2000). Changes in this Supple- publication of one species are changed for nomen- ment fall into 10 categories: (1) four species are add- clatural reasons (Centrocercus minimus); (8) three En- ed to the main list or are transferred from the Ap- glish names are changed, one because of a species pendix to the main list because of new distributional split (Galapagos Petrel), one to avoid implicit geo- information (Larus cirrocephalus, Larus dominicanus, graphic limitations (Mariana Swiftlet), and one to re- Aratinga mitrata, Phylloscopus inornatus); (2) four spe- ¯ect relationships more clearly (Eared Quetzal); (9) cies are added to the main list because of splitting of two species are added to the Appendix (Agapornis ro- species previously on the list (Pterodroma sandwich- seicollis, Amazilia alfaroana); and (10) species limits ensis, Gallinago delicata, Chaetura fumosa, Baeolophus and statements of distribution are changed for two atricristatus); (3) two species replace others now on species because of splits of extralimital populations the list because of splitting from extralimital forms (Zenaida asiatica, Carduelis ¯ammea). In addition, the (Phaethornis longirostris, Phaethornis striigularis); (4) distributional statements of some species already on one species (Amazilia cyanifrons)isremovedfromthe the list are amended in instances where signi®cant list because its only representative in our area has new information has become available, or where ac- been reassigned status and moved to the Appendix; ceptance of distributional records modi®es the list of birds known from north of the Mexico±United States border, essentially the southern limit of the AOU 9 Present address: Michigan State University Mu- Check-list before the 6th edition. The additions to and seum, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1045, USA. deletion from the main list bring the number of spe- 10 Authors are members of the Committee on Clas- cies recognized as occurring in the Check-list area si®cation and Nomenclature of the American Orni- (main list) to 2,030. Literature that provides the basis thologists' Union, listed alphabetically after the for the Committee's decisions is cited at the end of Chairman. the Supplement, and citations not already in the Lit- 11 E-mail: [email protected], or erature Cited of the 7th edition become additions to [email protected] it. An updated list of the bird species known from the 897 898 BANKS ET AL. [Auk, Vol. 119 AOU Check-list area may be accessed at http:// ``earlier sight reports from off the coast of North America, from Newfoundland to Florida, remain unsatisfactory.'' The following changes to the 7th edition (page numbers refer thereto) result from the Committee's p. 14. The occurrence of Pterodroma cahow in waters actions: off the Atlantic coast of the United States has been veri®ed by Wingate et al. (1998). Change the second pp. xvii±liv. In the list of bird species known from paragraph in the Distribution statement for the spe- the Check-list area, change 2023 (from 42nd Supple- cies to read: ment) to 2030. In the list, insert the following species in the proper position as indicated by the text of this Ranges at sea, exact area unknown; at least 10 re- Supplement: cords, nearly all recent and many substantiated by Pterodroma sandwichensis Hawaiian Petrel (H) photos, off the coast of North Carolina between late Gallinago delicata Wilson's Snipe May and mid-August (Wingate et al. 1998, ABA Larus cirrocephalus Gray-hooded Gull (A) 1999). Larus dominicanus Kelp Gull Aratinga mitrata Mitred Parakeet (I) p. 15. Pterodroma sandwichensis is recognized as a Chaetura fumosa Costa Rican Swift species distinct from P.phaeopygia on the basis of dif- Phaethornis longirostris Long-billed Hermit ferences in vocalizations and morphology (Tomkins Phaethornis striigularis Stripe-throated Hermit and Milne 1991, Browne et al. 1997) that are com- Baeolophus atricristatus Black-crested Titmouse parable to species-level differences elsewhere in the Phylloscopus inornatus Yellow-browed Warbler (A) genus. Remove the following names: Change the English name of P. phaeopygia to Ga- Phaethornis superciliosus Long-tailed Hermit lapagos Petrel. Phaethornis longuemareus Little Hermit Amazilia cyanifrons Indigo-capped Hummingbird Replace Distribution of P. phaeopygia with: Breeds in the Galapagos Islands (Isabella, San Sal- Change the following scienti®c names, with no vador, Santa Cruz, Floreana, and San CristoÂbal). change in English names: Ranges at sea in the eastern Paci®c Ocean from Ajaia ajaja to Platalea ajaja Clipperton Island and Costa Rica (Slud 1964) south Porphyrula martinica to Porphyrio martinica to northern Peru, perhaps north to western Mexico Porphyrula ¯avirostris to Porphyrio ¯avirostris (Howell and Webb 1995). Phalaropus fulicaria to Phalaropus fulicarius Donacobius atricapillus to Donacobius atricapilla Replace the Notes under P.phaeopygia with: Under Margarops fuscus to Allenia fusca English name Dark-rumped Petrel, formerly includ- Guiraca caerulea to Passerina caerulea ed P. sandwichensis, now recognized as distinct. See comments under P. hasitata and P. sandwichensis. Change the following English names: Pterodroma phaeopygia Galapagos Petrel Insert the following after P. phaeopygia: Aerodramus bartschi Mariana Swiftlet Pterodroma sandwichensis (Ridgway). Hawaiian Euptilotis neoxenus Eared Quetzal Petrel. ê[stralata] sandwichensis Ridgway, 1884, in Baird, Rearrange the species (and English) names in Pas- Brewer, and Ridgway, Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., 13, serina into the following sequence: vol. 2, p. 395. (Sandwich Islands 5 Hawaii.) Passerina caerulea Passerina amoena Habitat.ÐNests in burrows in rain forest; forages Passerina cyanea in tropical oceans. Passerina rositae Distribution.ÐAs for sandwichensis group in P. Passerina leclancherii phaeopygia account. Passerina versicolor Notes.ÐFormerly included with P. phaeopygia as Passerina ciris Dark-rumped Petrel but separated on the basis of differences in vocalizations, morphology, and genet- p. 10. The occurrence of Thalassarche melanophris in ics (Tomkins and Milne 1991, Browne et al. 1997). A Atlantic waters off the United States has been veri- photograph and sight reports from California, and a ®ed by Patteson et al. (1999). In the paragraph be- sight report from Oregon, may be of either species. ginning ``Casual,'' after the record for Martinique, insert: ``and Virginia (about 65 nautical miles east of p. 16. Bulweria bulwerii has been documented as oc- Virginia Beach, 6 February 1999; Patteson et al. curring in waters of the United States. Delete the last 1999).'' Change the last clause of the paragraph to phrase ``sight reports from Florida'' from the second July 2002] Forty-third Supplement 899 paragraph on Distribution and add a new paragraph p. 136. Following Olson (1973) and others, the ge- as follows: nus Porphyrula is merged into Porphyrio. Replace the generic heading with: Accidental in summer off Outer Banks, North Car- olina (LeGrand et al. 1999) and in Monterey Bay, Cal- Genus PORPHYRIO Brisson ifornia (Field Notes 52: 498, 1998; photo). There are sight reports from Florida (Robertson and Woolfen- Porphyrio Brisson, 1760, Orn. 1, p. 48; 5, p. 522. den 1992). Type by tautonomy, Porphyrio Brisson 5 Fulica por- phyrio Linnaeus. p. 50. The genus Ajaia is merged into Platalea,fol- lowing most recent treatments (e.g. Matheu and del Retain the citation for Porphyrula as a synonym but Hoyo in del Hoyo et al. 1992). Replace the generic delete Notes under generic heading. heading with: Change species headings to Porphyrio
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    Birds New Zealand PO Box 834, Nelson. Regional Representative: Mary Thompson 197 Balmacewen Rd, Dunedin. [email protected] 03 4640787 Regional Recorder: Richard Schofield, 64 Frances Street, Balclutha 9230. [email protected] Otago Region Newsletter 2/2019 February 2019 photo Nick Beckwith If this were one of those "old fashioned" magazines that turned up in your mailbox, assuming you'd paid the subscription on time, then this photo of a Gannet diving into the surf at Warrington beach would surely be on the front cover. Several other photos by Nick appear later in this newsletter. 2 Ornithological Snippets photo Stuart Kelly It’s been fairly quiet this month. Single Fiordland Crested Penguins were reported from Nugget Point on 29th January, and at Katiki Point on 12th February. 43 Black-fronted Terns were roosting on the river in Balclutha on 15th February, while an Arctic Skua was seen from Taiaroa Head on 18th (the only other Otago sighting so far this season was at Katiki Point on 14th January). Sharon Roberts saw lots of Sooty Shearwaters offshore at Jacks Bay on 28th January, along with 2 Peafowl nearby, and 2 Grey-tailed Tattlers at Cabbage Point. A returning White Heron was at Tomahawk Lagoon on 12th & 19th February, and one was reported from Saint Leonards on 15th. The only passerine on offer this month is a leucistic House Sparrow at Mosgiel, seen and photographed by Robert Budd. 3 The following two pieces are related by Maree Johnstone. Members may have noticed a photo of a Paradise Duck family taken by Stephen Jaquiery at Burkes Inlet and published in the ODT in November 2018.
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