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Your local Christian voice • www.heartpublications.co.uk • August/September 2015 Partner Persecution Clubbing didn’t Why Germany prospered after profile p15 watch p8–10 work for me p18 the Holocaust– reviews p17

As Britain’s doors remain closed to Christians fleeing the IS bloodbath, we reveal the true figures behind last year’s savage Middle East winter 6,000 FROZE TO DEATH IN CAMPS WHAT ISLAMIC STATE FAILED TO DO, THE IRAQI WINTER DID TO THOUSANDS OF FLEEING FAMILIES.

The shocking figure of those who next biting winter is just a few froze to death in refugee camps months away. – an estimated 6,000 according The horrors the families to the regional governor – were endured were related by their revealed to HEART by a Kurdish- children to Dr Baker and born Danish doctor working ‘David’, an aid worker who with the thousands of homeless visited the camps in Duhok, Christians, Yezidis and Muslims Kurdistan with relief supplies in Iraqi Kurdistan. collected by Christian and Speaking exclusively to Jewish charities. HEART via a Sussex charity Those who did not see contact, Dr Mariwen Baker their parents murdered for said he is using his own money being Christian, Yezidi or to arrange shipment of vital Shi’a Muslim, still lost family medicines and vitamins for members after they fled their the survivors, who are now homes to hastily erected tents. suffering from a lack of clean When winter came they were water, food/milk, medical still there and while some Orphaned by IS drugs and electricity in the men survived, thousands froze While British parents were buying ‘Frozen’ merchandise for their children, thousands of women and extreme summer heat of up to death – mainly women and children actually froze to death in refugee camps such as this one in Kabarto, Kurdistan, last winter. to 48 degrees Celsius. And the children who were less hardy. These children’s stories had aid workers weeping Continued on p3 2 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015

THE STORY SO FAR: HEART was started in 2007 by one woman with a vision for a Christian newspaper to bring local believers together. Currently 10,000 copies are distributed across Sussex, including c.100 postal subscribers across the UK. Another 1,000 papers are starting to go to parts of Kent and Surrey.

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Continued from p1 Why are Britain’s doors closed? THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT HAS SO to the Armenian and Assyrian FAR REFUSED TO OPEN ITS DOORS TO genocides of history. It adds: FLEEING CHRISTIANS ESCAPING THE “They are being killed, enslaved MIDDLE EAST BLOODBATH. and persecuted by so-called Islamic State and are forced Barnabas Fund, one of the to flee from their homes. Their main organisations working to homes are being destroyed and help the persecuted Church, they have no safe areas in the has launched a petition for region.” voters to ask the Government to The first signatories to help. It can be signed at https:// the petition include Lord Kabarto, one of the 23 refugee camps in Duhok province, encompasses approximately 6 000 families, barnabasfund.org/save-the- Carey, former Archbishop christians-petition of Canterbury, Dr Patrick most of them Yezidi Kurds from the town of Sinjar. The refugees have limited clean water and food It has launched Operation Sookhdeo, International In Kurdistan there are approximately 1.8 million head. Hitler had given people numbers. Each Safe Haven to provide refuge Director of the Barnabas Fund refugees distributed over three provinces; of these children had a name. abroad for Christians and the and Canon Andrew White, the Erbil, Duhok and Sulaimaniyah. There are 0.8 David declared himself impressed by how first results were seen this July former Vicar of Baghdad. million of them in 23 camps in Duhok alone the Kurdish people are helping all the refugees when 47 Christian families Dr Patrick Sookhdeo said, (where the population before their arrival was in their own region; Christians, Muslims and arrived safely in Poland after “With the rise of Islamic State less than 1.2 million). Regional government even some Jews already live side by side in being smuggled out of Syria via we are seeing what looks set to and local relief agencies are fully stretched in Kurdistan. David promised to tell the story Beirut. Yet so far the British become a ‘genocide’ of Christians trying to cope with this huge increase despite and publicise the plight and despair of these government has not made any in the Middle East, yet the UK their limited budget, because earlier in 2015 people, all victims of circumstance. On the special arrangements for them. has its doors firmly closed. So the Iraqi government cut funding to the Kurdish subject of publicity, David was further shocked A spokesman told HEART, “We many British Christians have government. when the refugees became visibly nervous of IS have been trying for the best been in contact with us to tell David, a Polish aid worker representing repercussions if their photos were publicised. part of a year to get visas for us that they have a spare room Jewish and Christian charities, including the Permission has been given on-site to publish these Christians, yet the British or even a second home in which Sussex-based Shekinah Legacy run by retired the pictures within this article. government has been singularly they want to welcome Syrian businessman Nevill Smith, spent a week in unhelpful.” and Iraqi Christians. Yet our Duhok with Dr Baker this June. They came See the HEART website for a fuller version of this The petition calls on government seems determined to help distribute humanitarian aid collected report, including background on the Iraq crisis: governments to work with to turn its back on some of the from companies and communities in the UK www.heartpublications.co.uk Middle East countries and most vulnerable people in the and Europe: new clothing, medical drugs and “recognise that Christians world.” are especially targeted and https://barnabasfund.org/ uniquely in need of safe refuge”. save-the-christians-petition It points out that the Christian communities in Syria and in TO DONATE TO BARNABAS Iraq are among the oldest in the FUND CALL 0800 587 4006 world but face a threat similar Adopt a family and help fulfil prophecy

Sadly it is not only Christians suffering persecution in the world today. In war-torn Ukraine and other parts of Eastern Europe, many Jewish families are having to be rescued and helped to emigrate to Israel, thus fulfilling ancient prophecy that God would use all means to bring his people home. A photographer, also one of the aid workers, reaching out to some of the orphans kept behind barbed wire for their own protection. Thousands of children have been kidnapped and sold for as little as $50 each Finding yourself with no home, no money and more than likely several hungry mouths to feed in the middle of a bitterly cold equipment, nappies, toiletries, boots and shoes Ways to help Eastern European winter are circumstances all too familiar to for all ages. countless Jewish people. It was in June that David and Mariwen Baker David and Mariwen Baker discussed with the But you can help by donating and ‘adopting’ one of these families met Duhok’s Governor and General Director of refugees’ representatives and local authorities via the Shekinah Legacy, which featured in this paper’s April- Health, who informed them that thousands of how the West could prevent thousands more May 2015 issue. It is run by Sussex businessman Nevill Smith, women and children in the 23 camps lost their freezing this winter. Dr Baker is already who is able to direct 100% of donations straight to those in need. lives last winter due to a lack of warm clothes. negotiating with Scandinavian governments to Dr Baker translated for David, who donate winter clothing and medicines. He said, introduced himself to the refugees as a Jew “Please contact us immediately to let us know if from Poland; his family were victims of the you and your community or company can help us” holocaust 70 years ago and the stories he heard were horribly familiar. Needs: Warm clothing - boots, shoes and socks, bedding It has been known in the West for over a year and medical drugs. Funds to get the goods to them – this that these refugees - Christians and Muslims is urgent. from Syria and Southern Iraq, Yezidis from Sinjar in Iraqi Kurdistan - have lost everything The following charities have helped with the after being driven from their homes, but information in this article. They can be contacted actually meeting them and hearing their stories directly or you can send funds to Shekinah reduced aid workers with 30 years’ experience Legacy, who will forward all donations: to tears. David said, “Possessions, livelihoods, their loved ones and their dignity are all lost. Goods for Good UK They have also lost hope after fleeing for their Email: [email protected] lives. Parents, sons and daughters, cousins HRIF GLOBAL AID NETHERLANDS and uncles and aunties have been victims of Email: [email protected] IS attacks - and many themselves have been ISRAEL AID RELIEF victims of the atrocities. Family members are Email: [email protected] missing. Children are disappearing in large numbers. The stories were unbelievable.” SHEKINAH LEGACY Small children wept and told David how PO Box 170 Newhaven, Sussex BN9 1AY. they’d witnessed their parents and family UK tel: 0845 0132404 members being killed - deplorable violence and decapitations. They trembled and cried and Email: [email protected] told of the violence they’d somehow escaped. Website www.shekinahlegacy.org Protected behind barbed-wire to keep them UK Charity reg: 1137846 safe, David was chilled by the sight of them as Registered co no: 7285168. Barclays Bank UK pictures of the holocaust flashed through his account no: 83092054 Sortcode: 20 49 78 4 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 NATIONal news Celebrating Magna Carta 800 years later ‘Terrifying’ euthanasia bill And the controversial bill’s second reading is likely to be overshadowed by Labour leader contest

DISABLED ACTRESS AND COMEDIAN LIZ bill based on Lord Falconer’s ‘assisted dying’ CARR has called the latest attempt to legalise bill for terminally ill adults to choose to be assisted suicide “terrifying.” given ‘medically supervised assistance’ to end Speaking for the anti-euthanasia their own life. A second reading will be held on organisation Not Dead Yet UK, with other September 11. disabled people who travelled to Westminster Mr Marris maintained that the ‘vast majority to lobby politicians, she said, “I am terrified by of the public’ supported euthanasia, adding: this bill because as a disabled person I have “The public are ‘Christians in Gloucester’ celebrated the 800th anniversary of the experienced first-hand how poorly our society clearly in favour of signing of Magna Carta with a public Bible reading values disabled people. It’s the same with a change in the law elderly people.” and it is right that How Magna Carta stopped rulers meddling Parliament now debates this issue.” in the Church If the bill ever The scene in our photo sent in The freedoms won through became law, it would by a Gloucester reader is more Magna Carta made British allow people of peaceful than the dramatic democracy the envy of the sound mind with less confrontation of a despot King world. Lord Denning, former than six months to and exasperated barons at Master of the Rolls called live to ask for a lethal Runymede in 1215, but in their Magna Carta “The greatest cocktail of drugs own way they are making a constitutional document of subject to approval stand for the freedom to read all times - the freedom of by two doctors and the Bible in public at a time the individual against the a review by a High when street preachers are arbitrary power of the despot.” Court Judge. The social being arrested. Magna Carta (or ‘great Dr Peter Saunders, CEO policy charity CARE As each clause of Magna charter’) established that of the Christian Medical Carta was read out, the words has issued a ‘Live and no-one is above the law, and Fellowship, believes of the Bible verses upon which perhaps most significantly to Let Live’ campaign vulnerable people would they were based were read Christians that ‘the English against the bill with out also. “This showed the Church shall be free, and shall a pamphlet in which feel under pressure to members of the public listening have its rights undiminished Carr was introduced by former Paralympian Dr Peter Saunders, seek death that Magna Carta was firmly and its liberties unimpaired.” Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson, and added, Chief Executive based on the principles set No wonder that Christian “I’m always being told, ‘If I was like you I’d of the Christian Medical Fellowship, writes, out in the Bible,” said Roland campaigners are now pointing kill myself ’.But I don’t want to die. And to talk “For those who do not know God, neither Parsons, spokesman for the out that those principles are about choice when so many vulnerable and euthanasia nor assisted suicide are a merciful group. Over 1,000 members of under threat through proposed disabled people do not have a choice about release.” the public went away with a laws on freedom of speech. basic care, housing and support is to put us in a He continues: “Any change in the law to written Gospel message. very dangerous position indeed.” allow assisted suicide would place pressure on MP Rob Marris (Wolverhampton and South vulnerable people. Rather than lead people to The Christian Institute has sent its supporters an excellent leaflet giving Magna West) supported by colleagues including an untimely death, as Christians we should do Carta’s history and outworking through key moments in British and US history. Crispin Blunt and Norman Lamb, presented a all we can to nurture life, love and hope.”

FILM BUFFS will never forget be allowed to leave instead of the breathtaking opening him. sequence of the 1981 multi Liddell died from a brain Stand firm after Chariots of Oscar-winning film ‘Chariots tumour aged 43 in 1945. Joseph of Fire’ which focused on a Fiennes will play the athlete, group of young men running previously portrayed by Ian Tunisia attack – Fire hero across the West Sands in St Charleson, in ‘The Last Race’, Andrews, Scotland, with the directed by Hong Kong’s returns in waves lashing at their feet. Stephen Shin. C of S Moderator One of those men was the new film main character for the film – CHRISTIANS EVERYWHERE Eric Liddell – famous in real should stand resolute in life for refusing to run on a witness to the love of Jesus, Sunday due to his Christian following the widely reported convictions. He won the 400m Islamist Jihadi attack which at the Paris Olympics in 1924 saw 38 people shot dead by an A film is now being made Islamic State linked gunman about the latter stage of his – according to the Rt Rev Dr life – when he returned to his Angus Morrison, Moderator of birthplace, Tientsin, China as the General Assembly for the a missionary just a year after Church of Scotland. his running victory. He said: “Our Christian faith He was captured by the reminds us that evil and death Japanese and put in a labour will not have the final say in camp in 1943 where he gained human life. The love that was favour with his Chinese fellow incarnated in Jesus Christ will prisoners after organising have the victory. “ food to be smuggled in to the He added: “Let us be more camp, feeding 2,000 men. He resolute than ever in our also refused to leave the camp commitment to work and following a direct intervention Joseph Fiennes will portray pray for the coming of God’s by Winston Churchill and the Olympic hero’s POW camp kingdom of peace, justice and Eric Liddell: a champion in life and death asked that a pregnant prisoner ordeal love in this broken world.” 5 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 NATIONal news Sir Patrick boldly defends Church schools bakers over ‘gay’ cake Patrick Stewart said equality and freedom of speech are fundamental rights could be forced and one aspect should not be ‘compromised in the pursuit of the other’. He added: “In my view, this particular matter was not about into praising gay discrimination, but rather personal freedoms and what constitutes them, including the freedom toobject.” marriage | Dreamstime.com © Featureflash It’s worse in the US: read Sir Patrick Stewart has defended about the American Christian CHURCH SCHOOLS should be forced to teach gay marriage as the Ashers Bakery’s refusal to baker fined $135,000 in the a positive aspect of Sex and Relationships Education (SRE), decorate a pro-gay marriage cake international news section of according to Labour’s frontline leadership candidate Andy this paper Burnham. GAY RIGHTS DEFENDER The unions’ favourite, who is the current Shadow Health and Hollywood actor Sir Secretary, said: “Not only should SRE be absolutely compulsory, Patrick Stewart has supported but there must be absolute equality in terms of all relationships a bakery firm run by Christians in Northern Ireland found within sex and relationships education in terms of how it is guilty of discrimination after taught. refusing to decorate a gay “I worry about an education policy that is making the academy marriage cake. or the free school judge and jury – letting it basically do what it Ashers Bakery was found wants.” guilty of discrimination, The Secretary of State for Education has also focused on as reported by HEART, for alleged homophobia in schools. MP Nicky Morgan said that a refusing to provide gay rights child opposing homosexuality, depending on the context, could activist Gareth Lee with be showing signs of ‘radicalisation’ with the fear they may Andy Burnham wants church the cake bearing a pro gay The McArthur family with the develop into an extremist akin to an Islamic State militant. schools to teach gay marriage marriage logo. Some £500 was son and bakery manager Daniel, awarded in damages. front, have been fined £500

THE HEAD OF THE BBC Don’t be has refused a request by 120 YORK GAY PRIDE 2015 MPs to use the phrase ‘Daesh’ started at the west end of York instead of ‘Islamic State’ in Gay Pride given Minster following a blessing biased news coverage. and prayer said by a Canon of Tony Hall, director general, the Anglican Church on June against IS said it would ‘bias their 20. coverage’. MP Chris Grayling, blessing at York Canon Michael Smith, the the leader of the House of Canon of York Minster, – or is it Commons, compared the prayed: “Loving God, we give decision to being impartial thanks that the rainbow is a Daesh? towards Nazis during the sign of your promise to love, MinsterPhotograph © Duncan/Google Images Second World War. care for and protect your creation and all your people. We pray for all who will share in this parade today and all who will watch it pass by. May “Scrap worship in all involved be reminded of your promise of love, care and protection, and of your big and generous heart where state schools” says there is space for everyone. We offer our prayers and our thanksgivings in the name of Charles Clarke Jesus our Lord. Amen.” The Canon also told the pro gay rights crowd that they were religious education to be re- always welcome to come and named as ‘religious and moral receive pastoral care at York education’. He also suggested Minster and be prayed for. a new national syllabus for teaching faith matters, in Canon Michael Smith and Sonja Crisp, the Lord Mayor with the Gay Pride his recommendations put 2015 procession outside York Minster forward recently in a report by “Fears of titanic world Westminster Faith Debates. recession without any He wrote: “The current of the lifeboats left” requirement in statute for - Daily Telegraph Business News, May 25, 2015 an act of collective worship Chapel conversion should be abolished, and the This headline seems to echo decision about the form and plans dropped the article in our Feb/Mar 2015 character of school assemblies issue, “Could the date of the next PLANS TO CLOSE a Catholic should be left to the governors economic crash be predicted Charles Clarke is being supported Chapel and convert it into a of individual schools.” by the biblical calendar?” by the British Humanist Association Muslim prayer room at North The overall idea, he added, Accountant Grahame Scofield Manchester General Hospital was for a ‘new educational explained that the next STATE SCHOOLS in England were dropped after a local settlement’ to ‘foster genuine ‘crash’ is due this September. and Wales would no longer host priest, Father Gen Murphy, of understanding of modern Last issue (June/July 2015, daily acts of group worship St Patrick’s and St Malachy’s religion and belief, and allow p7) we quoted businessman under plans put forward by a Parish Church in Collyhurst, young people better to explore Paul Szkiler who said he former Education Secretary. got 1,000 signatures in 24 their own and other people’s had got out of cash in order Charles Clarke, supported religions and non-religious hours opposing the idea. by the British Humanist to invest in tangibles. These beliefs and come to their own articles can be read again at Association, has also called for conclusions’. Father Murphy Photograph © Manchester Evening News Syndication www.heartpublications.co.uk 6 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015

Iran deal: “Israelis and Arabs will pay with their lives”

Armageddon – painting a picture of hope for the future Armageddon, biblical scene of the world’s last great battle that will usher in the return of Jesus Smiles at the bargaining table - US Secretary of State John Kerry enjoys a moment with Iranian Foreign Christ, is no fictional location. It is a real place at Megiddo in northern Israel that has witnessed Mohammed Javad Zarif (right) as a nuclear deal is agreed. But Christians still being tortured conflicts going back several millennia, but which has also inspired a series of priceless paintings in Iran’s jails have less to laugh about, while the threat to Israel and the rest of the world through an by Lady Barbara Brassey. Read (at www.heartpublications.co.uk) the amazing story of the unfettered nuclear Iran has only increased colonel’s wife who held the bullets for a machine-gun in a battle won without a shot fired.

A COUNTRY credited with Russia and Germany - finally mistake’ allowing Iran to West is that the West will teach over 100 billion dollars, which being the world’s chief concluded negotiations with continue its aggressive Iran how to block nuclear will bolster Hezbollah, Hamas sponsor of terror, and which Iran begun nine years ago. Iran expansion unhindered. His sabotage. It is an open secret and President Assad of Syria. has consistently called for the must now allow UN inspectors words were almost the same that Israel has done as much Make no mistake about it, destruction of Israel, has been widespread, but not automatic, as those of the Saudis, who see as she could to hold back the Israelis and Arabs will pay for given the go-ahead to generate access to nuclear sites as part Iran as their rival for Middle Iranian nuclear programme this deal with their lives.” nuclear energy following an of the deal. East influence. through cyber and actual In Britain Luke Akehurst international agreement, Their Foreign Minister, Both US Congress members espionage. But according of We Believe in Israel urged sparking fears of a global Mohammed Javad Zarif, called (who gave Israeli PM a to Barry Segal of Vision for Christians to write to their MPs threat to peace. the move ‘historic’ but Israel’s standing ovation when he Israel, the Israeli channel to point out that six minimum This July six world powers PM Benjamin Netanyahu was warned of Iran on a specially Arutz-7 reported that as well requirements for a serious - the USA, France, UK, China, it was a ‘shocking, historic invited visit which President as establishing a Nuclear deal have not been met, Obama snubbed) and Safety Centre in Iran to train including anytime/anywhere Christian leaders have also the Iranians how to handle inspections, phased sanctions been horrified at the apparent nuclear power safely, the P5+1 relief, and full disclosure of caving-in by the Western powers will also train Iran to Iran’s past nuclear activities. powers. United with Israel thwart sabotage against its Now there is a fear that said that the US and Western nuclear facilities. President Obama will by- powers were crossing all the US President Barack Obama, pass Congress and, to secure ‘red lines’ to secure a deal. however, has insisted that his ‘legacy’ will take the deal Calling the Iran nuclear “every pathway to a nuclear direct to their UN for their deal a “tragic betrayal” of weapon is cut off ” for Iran. approval. Israel, Dr Mike Evans who European Union Foreign heads the Jerusalem Prayer Affairs spokesman Federica Team, revealed that not only Mogherini called the nuclear Charles Gardner is a 66-year-old South will Iran say what sites may deal “a sign of hope for the African-born journalist of 40 years’ be inspected – and certainly entire world”. standing living in Doncaster, South not any military sites – but Pastor John Hagee, leader Yorkshire. Married to Linda, 58, who that there must be at least of one of the US’s largest teaches Christianity and Judaism in three weeks’ advance notice churches in Texas, declared, Doncaster’s primary schools, he has four of inspections and that no “The immediate threat to Israel children and eight grandchildren. His American inspectors may visit. and Arabs who are not allied latest book, ‘Peace in Jerusalem’, is A further huge concession to to Iran is that this deal will now available from olivepressbooks.com the Iranian government by the provide Iran with a windfall of and Amazon.com 7 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 Rev Dr Clifford Hill Prophetic insight into today’s world NIGHT AND DAY As the prophet Isaiah said, the morning is coming – but first there must be night...This is an impassioned plea for the Church to arise and pray

AVE YOU EVER had a sleepless period of history. In the past month 6.9 are true – “Be ever hearing, but night when you keep looking at our newspapers have been filled with The advance of secular humanism never understanding; be ever seeing, the clock and wondering how accounts of the desperate attempts but never perceiving.” The spiritual much longer it will be before by European politicians and bankers that has undermined the stability veil over their eyes and the secular Hyou see daylight? to shore up the Greek economy and plugs in their ears has affected the of Western nations is coinciding prevent contagion of bankruptcy to people – “Make the heart of this people spread across the Euro countries. with the rise of militant Islam in calloused; make their ears dull and Their solution is no solution! It close their eyes. Otherwise they might simply delays the day of judgement. the Middle East. The two have not see with their eyes, hear with their It increases the debt mountain facing yet collided. We are just seeing the ears, understand with their hearts, and the Greek people that will prove to turn and be healed.” be a volcano which will erupt and not opening skirmishes Only God can break the spiritual only engulf Athens but spill over across drought in the Church. Now is the time Europe. for ordinary believers to arise and ask prepare to attack Israel. But if they do the Lord to pour out his Spirit again Terrorism succeed in their nuclear ambitions the upon the Church – and pray that it may The ghastly act of terrorism that killed Saudis will have to do the same. They be in time to save us from the dark days 30 defenceless British holidaymakers will immediately purchase a nuclear ahead and bring us into the morning If you have ever sat with a sick lying on the beach in Tunisia has bomb and the race for survival will be light where the true light of the world, person through the night and longed shocked the nation and increased our on! Who will blink first? Jesus our only Lord and Saviour, may for the morning you will understand awareness of the danger of militant It is difficult to be optimistic when reclaim his Church and save the nation! a message given by the prophet we look around the world today! But Isaiah (Isaiah 21.11–12). He lived in we should not be surprised at what is a day before clocks and watches so happening because the great shaking he describes a man calling out to the of the nations that we are experiencing watchman patrolling the streets. today was prophesied in the Bible thousands of years ago and for at “Watchman, what is left of the night?” least the last 30 years, Christians who Before the man had time to reply he are able to interpret the times have shouted again, “Watchman, what is left been warning that these things were of the night?” about to happen in our lifetime. The Then the watchman replied, advance of secular humanism that has “Morning is coming, but also the night”. undermined the stability of Western He evidently knew that this answer nations is coinciding with the rise of Now is the time for ordinary believers to arise and ask God to awaken the Church would not satisfy his enquirer so he Iran’s nuclear ambition militant Islam in the Middle East. The added, “If you would ask, then ask; and two have not yet collided. What we are in time to save us from the dark days come back yet again.” In other words Islam not only in the Middle East but seeing is just the opening skirmishes. ahead and bring us into the morning light – feel free to keep coming back and in our own backyard. There are still dark days ahead, but asking the same question. The great power struggle for control morning is coming! The prophet was imagining someone of the Muslim world is increasingly from the little country of Edom, south- centring upon the two behind-the- Looking ahead What do YOU think? east of the Dead Sea, calling out to a scenes main players in Iran and Saudi What we may expect to see is the Write to [email protected] watchman in Israel about what was Arabia. With America’s former Muslim implosion of Islam. This is already and give your name and town, happening to all the little nations in President Obama having another beginning to happen as many Muslims following the format in this paper the area that were being oppressed by year to run, there is huge danger in who have settled in the Western nations the mighty empire of Babylon. are rejecting the violence and cruelty “How much longer is all this of the so-called Islamic State and are oppression going on?” The prophet asking serious questions about their State of the nation answered that Babylon would certainly Iran doesn’t need nuclear power faith and the teachings of Muhammad. be overthrown, but not immediately. because they are sitting on the At the same time the secularisation There were still some dark days ahead. of former Christian nations in the world’s greatest oil reserves! West is having a grossly unsettling They want a nuclear bomb so they effect as both the social and economic The Greek debt mountain will prove foundations of the nations are can control the Middle East crumbling. The backlash of this is to be a volcano which will not only already beginning and the day will Update Message CDs engulf Athens but spill over across his desire to be friendly to Iran and come when there will be a fresh to allow them to continue with their outpouring of the Spirit of God upon Special offer Europe nuclear ambitions. the faithful remnant of believers which Everyone knows that the Iranian will transform the situation. valid until end of August 2015 nuclear programme is not just to New subscriber CDs Turbulent times produce nuclear power for peaceful Signs of the times (downloadable MP3s to come) This is a message for our day. We live in purposes because they are sitting on The greatest need today is for turbulent times! The nations are being the world’s greatest reserves of oil. and preachers and clergy to wake up Just £20 inc p&p in the UK shaken in every part of the world and out of their lethargy and recognise (normal price £25 per annum)-Overseas on request there is no peace in our time. A nuclear bomb the signs of the times, shaking off the Just a brief glimpse around the They don’t need nuclear power! What dregs of traditional religion that have Call 01767 641006 world convinces us that something of they do want is a nuclear bomb! Then castrated the Church. For so many great significance is happening in this they can control the Middle East and church leaders the words of Isaiah [email protected] 8 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015

By INTERNATIONAL NEWS Persecution watch Chris Eyte World unmoved by Syrian horror

– Archbishop Saeed abandoned while Obama rejoices YOU WOULD THINK that the opinion of one million people would matter to a USA President – but it seems not in the case of Barack Obama. While the President reportedly enjoyed a rare ‘father-daughter’ time with his daughters Malia and Sasha, all smiles following the Iranian nuclear deal – thousands of miles away American Pastor Saeed Abedini sat in his jail cell in Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj, oceans away from his own children, waiting for the next violent blow. World powers negotiating the nuclear deal, led by the USA, ignored a chance to bargain for Saeed’s release, despite a million-strong petition by the American Center for Law and Justice. Saeed, in a letter, said that anti-American feelings inside the jail after the deal meant he was a bigger target for violence. Yet he wrote: “God is in control and he is the one who beautifully writes the Hundreds of Christian families have fled the city of Hassakeh history over all governments, presidents, and any P5+1 AND AGAIN CHRISTIANS FLEE murderers? Syrian Christians are in grave Kurdish militias allegedly protect only negotiating team.” for their lives in the Middle East and danger, we may disappear soon. Kurdish areas and to make matters worse, President Obama responded again western politicians issue press “In my country, Syria, Christians are some local Muslims sympathise with the it was “nonsense, and you statements condemning the actions caught in the middle of a civil war and ISIS cause. should know better” when of Islamic State – and again, nothing they are enduring the rage of an extremist “Syrian Christians are afraid to leave asked by CBS News why he really changes. jihad. And it is unjust for the West to their houses, they avoid going out of their was content with the situation ignore the persecutions these Christian cities or villages, or do so only to move to endured by Saeed and others communities are experiencing.” other regions where they hope to find a TURKEY following the deal. safe refuge,” added the Archbishop. He added: “Now, if the Tal Hamis “In dangerous zones such as Aleppo question is why we did not tie Tal Tamr and villages close to Turkey, what Hassakeh Christians are caught in the the negotiations to their release, terrorizes the population more than think about the logic that that Aleppo Raqqa HASSAKEH the fighting and the bombing, are IRAQ middle of a civil war and creates. Suddenly Iran realises, the kidnappings, the snipers, car- ‘You know what? Maybe we can SYRIA they are enduring the rage bombs, the shelling and the looting get additional concessions out — all this culminating in the manifestation of the Americans by holding of an extremist jihad of ISIS.” these individuals’.” Naghmeh, Saeed’s wife, How much horror does the world need hopes that the very wary to witness in places such as Syria before Congress will change the action is taken? A valid question asked by The Archbishop’s comments came amid situation and, sharing a letter the Melkite Greek Catholic Archbishop of reports that up to 4,000 Christian familes she wrote to her husband upon Aleppo, Jean-Clément Jeanbart. He has have recently fled the Islamic State threat their recent 11th wedding warned that Christianity itself was dying in the city of Hassakeh to find refuge in anniversary, wrote: “Your out in war-torn Syria. the nearby urban Qamishli area. Many wife and the body of Christ Jean-Clément Jeanbart said: “What men, women and children are sleeping in are standing with you. We are horrors must ISIS commit before the the open air in rickety refugee camps and giving you what prison walls world will take greater action to stop the endure scorching heat in the day time. cannot take away. We are ISIS fighters on the move giving you our prayers.” 9 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015

Armenians returning Death sentence to Christ a century shadow over after genocide Sudanese pastors

Thousands of children died in the Armenian genocide

TURKEY STILL DENIES Christ, according to the the genocide of 1.5million Barnabas Fund charity. Armenians, 1.5 million Barnabas Fund reports: Ottoman Greeks and 750,000 “Descendants of Turkey’s Assyrians, many of them Christian minorities, who Christians, a century ago became Muslims during the despite global recognition Armenian Genocide, are by other nations of the true returning to the Christianity Pastors Yat Michael and Peter Yen in court nature of the atrocities. The of their grandparents and absurd denial in the face of great-grandparents and being TWO PASTORS are in prison facing the on December 21 and during his sermon spoke immense evidence would be baptised as they discover death penalty for voicing concerns about the against the treatment of Christians in Sudan almost comical – if the reality their history and decide to treatment of Christians in South Sudan and the and issues concerning the illegal sale of church of what happened wasn’t so follow Christ. Many thought illegal sale of church land by authorities. land and property by government authorities. brutal. they were of Turkish Muslim A judge ruled on July 2 that there is enough Afterwards police arrested him and he was put Some Armenians at the heritage like their neighbours evidence for the trial of Presbyterian Ministers in jail. time became Muslims to save because their ancestors had Yat Michael and Peter Yen – on charges Fellow Minister Peter Yen was arrested on their lives. A century later, hidden their true identities of criminal conspiracy, undermining the January 11 2015 at his home attached to Al their descendants have begun for fear of mistreatment and constitutional system, espionage, disclosing and Gereif Church in Khartoum. He had handed in rediscovering their Christian prejudice.” receiving official information or documents, a letter to the Religious Affairs Office asking roots and the reality of Jesus promoting hatred among sects, breaching about Yat Michael’s situation. Peter had also public peace and offences of insulting religious publicly voiced concerns about the persecution beliefs. of Christians and sale of church land. The men face the death penalty or life Both men are chained up in the high security Nun raped at Mum and daughter raped imprisonment if they cannot prove their Kober Prison. Lawyer Mohamed Mustafa, innocence. representing both pastors, has also been Indian medical by IS in front of dad A spokesman for the American Centre for Law arrested along with another church pastor for AN ASSYRIAN CHRISTIAN and Justice said: “The serious criminal charges protesting police attempts to illegally demolish centre mum and daughter were raped against Michael and Yen have been levied the church. Both men are on bail pending A NUN IS BELIEVED to have by Islamic State militants solely on the basis of their religious convictions a court hearing, charged with obstructing a been gang raped by a gang of in front of the father – who and outspoken criticism of the ruling party, and public servant during the course of his duty. men pursuing an anti-Christian then killed himself following as such, that their continued detention and Meanwhile, 12 young Christian women hate campaign in the city of the trauma. The rapes were criminal proceedings are discriminatory and wearing skirts and trousers were forced to strip Raipur, India. done in Mosul, Iraq, because the in violation of constitutional and international naked by police after leaving a church service The middle-aged woman was family could not afford to pay the legal guarantees of equality.” at El Izba Baptist Church in Khartoum on June working at a medical centre run Jizya poll tax for non-Muslims. Yat Michael preached at the Sudan 25. They were charged with wearing indecent by Christian missionaries at the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Khartoum or immoral dress. time. The rape follows another Mob beats up Aramean soldier gang rape of a 71-year-old nun A MOB OF 10 MUSLIMS beat up at a Catholic missionary school The family fled the village and an Aramean Christian Israeli The banner that Awais in eastern India in March. are currently in hiding. soldier when he was on his way Hate mob Qamar rested upon was to report for duty. It is the 12th reported to contain words of an time a Christian member of the pounce on Islamic nature and neighbours IDF (Israel Defence Force) has told local Imam Mosiq about Eating grass to been attacked this year. Pakistani the incident in Farooqabad within Sheikhupura District. fight starvation A report sourced by the SUFFERING PEOPLE in South Christian British Pakistani Christian CORRECTION Sudan are on their hands and Association suggests the Imam knees eating grass to try and Canon Andrew White villager got a mob together via a local stave off starvation, according In the June/July issue it mosque loudspeaker system. to a report by Aid to the Church A PAKISTANI FOLLOWER The thugs also beat up Awais’ was stated that Canon White in Need. had been ordered home from OF JESUS was beaten, had his wife Ruhksana and sister-in- It said 4.6 million face food law Farhana. Their faces were Jerusalem. In fact he was posted head shaved and face painted insecurity and 12 million need home from Baghdad and has black – then he was paraded also blackened by the thugs. aid. Some 50,000 children are been residing in Jerusalem. through his local village by Local police later arrested likely to die in 2015, according Thank you to Mrs Clark who a hate mob claiming he was a Awais but he has not yet been Awais and his wife Ruhksana to the UN, from the awful living pointed this out. demon after he lay down on charged with blasphemy – a on their wedding day conditions. a banner in his room for a rest. offence in the country. 10 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015

By INTERNATIONAL NEWS Persecution watch Chris Eyte Nigeria – Christian Popular Last chance schoolgirls slitting missionary dies in Syrian appeal for throats claim bombing raid Asia Bibi on death row

Eduard’s heart was with the CHRISTIAN SCHOOL GIRLS A 17-year-old girl, who suffering people of Aleppo abducted by Islamist militants managed to escape the group, have been brainwashed and had to marry one of the A POPULAR PASTOR has died become killing machines militants after Boko Haram slit as a result of a bomb explosion carrying out slaughters against the throats of four men in front in the war-torn city of Aleppo fellow Nigerian believers – it of her – telling her that would in Syria. has been claimed. be her fate unless she agreed Eduard Petrosyan was Worldwide media, including to the marriage. She was raped getting a visa renewal with his HEART, has reported a on numerous occasions and is assistant Garo Megerdichian at number of times the tragic saga now pregnant with the rapist’s the Qasser al-Baladi municipal of the 276 Chibok school girls child. building when it was bombed kidnapped by Boko Haram last She said: “There was so much on June 20. Both Armenian year. pain. I was there in body. I men died. Some 219 girls remain couldn’t do anything about it.” Arthur Simonian, Senior missing and the BBC has The Chilbok school girls Pastor of Word of Life Church, spoken to three women who were held in the same camp said: “I lost one of my closest say an unknown number of the as her, but in a separate friends, we have served side girls have been forced to fight place, and she saw them kill by side for many years. It is for the Islamist group which Christian men – telling her she our consolation that he is now has declared allegiance to the must obey the militants. before God.” Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. The girl, who cannot be The missionary had a wife Anna, a 60-year-old former named for legal reasons, said: and three children but he captive, also saw the Chibok “They were Christian men. stayed with people in Aleppo girls slit the throats of people The Boko Haram fighters despite the difficulties, who were tied down to the forced the Christians to lie sourcing food from outside and ground. She told the BBC that down. Then the girls cut their encouraging them. is was not the girls’ fault, they throats.” were forced to do so. She added: “The [school “I cannot get the images girls] also told us, ‘You out of my head. I see people women should learn from being slaughtered,” said Anna, your husbands because they holding her head in her hands. are giving their blood for the “I just pray that the nightmares cause. We must also go to war don’t return.” for Allah.”

Asia Bibi mother of five convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to death “To die for the sake of Islam. He was told that the MUM ASIA BIBI on death fruit farm. Some of the women Christ, that’s the happiest terrorists dug a hole, buried row in Pakistan for speaking refused to share water with thing for me. I’m grateful that her up to her neck, and stoned up for Christ when Muslim her because she is a Christian. she didn’t change her religion. her to death. His wife added, women refused to share water Asia said: “Our Christ She trust[ed] in God.” “I believe she died with was facing her last chance to sacrificed his life on the cross So states a Nigerian pastor dignity. Monica is now in appeal before the noose went for our sins. Our Christ is upon learning that his heaven because she refused to around her neck – as HEART alive.” daughter, kidnapped by Boko convert.” went to press. A hate mob stirred by the Haram, refused to convert to The devastation of Aleppo A Supreme Court hearing local Mosque beat her up, was announced for July 22 raped and abused her and when Asia and her family will threw her into jail. Later she Relief and Reconciliation in now want FRRME to establish learn if she will definitely received a death sentence for the Middle East (FRME). three further schools in be executed by hanging for apostasy. Boy lays The Vicar of Baghdad, Canon Jordan – pending donations alleged apostasy. Asia’s family have appealed Andrew White, who founded from FRRME supporters. The British Pakistani for funding to visit her more the FRRME, was giving out Christian Association (BPCA) often in jail. At the moment cross on the crosses for the youngsters to called on Christians to pray they can only afford a visit take home to their dads. for Asia, who is suffering dire once every 15 days. Canon White said: “One of ill health in an isolated prison Wilson Chowdhry, chairman altar for his the little boys started to cry cell – there were even fears of the BPCA, said:“We pray that and said he wanted one for his she was being poisoned - and Christians across the globe are daddy but his daddy was killed to pray for her husband Ashiq moved by the revealed plight dead dad by Daesh (Islamic State). Masih and children. of the family and that they A LITTLE BOY began crying “I gave him a cross and said, Asia Bibi was landed a death offer donations to allow this during a special Father’s ‘Put this on the altar and this is sentence in 2009 after she family more free time to visit Day service held at an Iraqi for your daddy’.” got into a conversation with the ailing mother.” refugee school in Jordan set The Iraqi Government has Canon Andrew White is Muslim women by a well on a up by the Foundation for accredited the school and supporting children from Iraq 11 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 INTERNATIONal news Christians react Brighton Pastor helps Nepal quake victims A CHURCH PASTOR from Brighton has returned from a three- to gay marriage week stint supporting victims of the recent earthquake in Nepal. Rev Christy Smith, Senior Pastor of Brighton Elim Church, was helping Elim Relief Association partnering with United Vision Nepal. The aim was to deliver aid donated by Elim churches in Supreme Court the UK and Christy was sent to the North Gorkha area. “We were able to help over 45,000 people in 10 villages in the most badly hit areas,” said Christy. “The delivered supplies were much needed as in most badly affected areas people lost decision in USA everything. Top doc sells body “One five-month-old baby injured by the quake and rescued by a helicopter had to have brain surgery.” parts of babies A TOP DOCTOR from Planned Parenthood Federation of America has been secretly recorded describing the sale of aborted babies’ body parts. Dr Debroah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services, also admitted partial-birth abortions were also used to supply intact body parts. She told the undercover team: This baby needing brain surgery “We’ve been very good at getting was rescued by helicopter heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna Rainbow colours were displayed on the White House to celebrate crush above, and I’m gonna see gay marriage. if I can get it all intact.” CHURCHES ACROSS THE example of moral decline and USA have been considering warned that President Obama responses to the Supreme was leading the USA into sin. Justin Bieber’s Court’s decision that gay “God will judge him and us ‘marriage’ should be legally as a nation if we don’t repent,” pilgrimage enforced in every state. he added. The Supreme Court ruled by Theologian John Piper five votes to four in June that said the Supreme Court’s down under the Constitution guarantees decision was a “massive a right to gay marriage for all institutionalisation of sin”. The Americans. brokenness of homosexuality Bishop T D Jakes told was not new for the USA, he members of his church, The added, but the celebration Potter’s House in Dallas, that and approval of the sin was he was not concerned about remarkable. the issue because while there He said: “Homosexual Elim Relief Association delivered aid to victims of the earthquake were many Christians in behaviour has been exploited America, and he hoped there and revelled in, and celebrated would be more, it was not a in art, for millennia. What’s Christian nation. Religious new is normalisation and Heaven Homes build hope in freedoms however, should be institutionalisation. This is Pop star Justin Bieber heads to respected, he added. the new calamity.” Jakes said: “I’m really not HEART contacted the White Ebolo region Hillsaong Church in Australia to get concerned about it. I think House to ask if President ‘stronger foundations’ in his life that we should not lose our Obama would express mind about the world being solidarity with persecuted BAD-BOY POP STAR Justin the world and the Church Christians in the Middle East Bieber, who was baptised as being the Church. This is not a by showing the image ‘N’ a Christian in June 2014, has news flash. The world is going for Nazarene on the famous attended the ainternational to be the world and the Church building – just as he has Hillsong church network is going to be the Church, and allowed rainbow colours [see conference in Sydney, Australia you have to understand the photo] to express solidarity – while wearing an anti-Christ difference.” with gay marriage. The White T-shirt merchandised by Goth However Rev Franklin House has not responded, to singer Marilyn Manson who Graham called the decision an date. used to tear up Bibles during performances. “Justin is here, like tens of thousands of others, as a delegate who is seeking to Incest no crime – German build stronger foundations into his life,” said a Hillsong Ethics Council spokesman. INCEST SHOULD NOT BE A punishment. CRIME in Western Societies, “They feel their fundamental according to the German freedoms have been violated Orphaned children have found family care through Heaven Homes Ethics Council (GEC). and are forced into secrecy or Quarterback: no sex Section 173 of the German to deny their love.” A HOME FOR 56 CHILDREN for the grieving youngsters. Criminal Code which forbids The statement was made orphaned during the Ebola “We see social care as our incest should be repealed, after the council heard crisis in Sierra Leone is mandate and duty to humanity,” before marriage according to the GEC which several appeals by Patrick flourishing thanks to the hard said Kippy. “Therefore it was AMERICAN FOOTBALL issued this statement: “Incest Stuebing who was imprisoned work of a Christian grass roots only natural that we take a STAR Russell Wilson has told between siblings appears to be for three years in 2008 after organisation. proactive stance and action to a San Diego Church during an very rare in Western societies fathering four children with Mrs Kippy Agyei, founder care for the children. We do interview that he and pop star according to the available data his sister Susan Karolewski. of Heaven Homes, founded not refer to them as orphans girlfriend Ciara are not having but those affected describe Mr Stuebing was adopted and the initiative in 2012 to build at all, we see them as family, sex because God told him not how difficult their situation the siblings were not brought family centred homes, with a adopted into the HH family.” to do so before marriage. is in light of the threat of up together. ‘house parent’ in each house, 12 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 Events guide WELCOME TO EVENTS FREE EVENTS LISTINGS AUGUST PRAYER MEETINGS The Contemplative Saturday 12 September – Living GENESIS Prayer Group, third Tuesday each with Dementia a day course Events at month, 7.15-8.30pm. George Bell 9.15 at All Saints Church, House, Canon Lane, Chichester. Crowborough. Margaret Gould CHRISTIAN RADIO! Glyndley Manor Anne Hughes 01243 783918, 01892 654923 5 August Susan Cunningham 01243 Moving on from Failure (free) 775730. http://www. Tuesday 15 September – bestillchichester.com/ Lunchtime concert at Chichester 10 August Cathedral. Ellie Ayling saxophone Creative listening 24/7! Healing Service, 7.30pm Friday 25 – Sunday 27 September and piano, 1.10pm Catch us live via an app or your computer 12-19 August National Prayer Weekend – switch us on and let us create a new world for you! Restoration Week: Rescue from Bognor Regis, in association Saturday 26 September - Stolen with CWR. Praying for our Lives Concert Calvert Church, Rejection communities. Contact Ben Leney Hastings, 7pm. A musical and Glyndley Manor, Stone on [email protected] visual study of slavery. Tickets Cross, Pevensey, BN24 5BS. administrator@calvertmethodist. Tel.01323 440440 org.uk www.ellel.org/glyndley AUGUST Tuesday 29 September – Friday Saturday 1–Saturday 8 August 2 October – Trusting God and Revive! 2015, Ichthus Summer Living by Faith at Ashburnham September Camp, Ashburnham Place. Tel Place, . 01424 0208 694 7171 894201 “The Big Question” Saturday 8 August - Weds 9 September, 7.30pm, Bible Convention. Speaker Dr J NOVEMBER St Stephen’s Church Bexhill. Baigent, 6.30 Guide Hall, Denne Richard Jackson, Bishop of Lewes Road RH12 1JF and Saturday Thursdays 5 November will be one of a panel answering 12 September: speaker Pastor G – 3 December - Parenting questions from the floor on faith- Hamillton. 01403 240017 Teenagers Course (open course) related topics. Free meal included St Peter’s Church, BrightonEmail (donations welcome). Free entry but Saturday 8 August–Thursday 13 parentingteens@stpeters brighton.org booking required. August - People Without Limits Priority to those in the Bexhill Summer Celebration Detling, area and/or bringing non-regular Kent. 01622 620 830 churchgoing guests. More details tel Tim on 01424 211186 or see Thursday 13– ENESIS CHRISTIAN Our daily running costs ststephensbexhill.com. Sunday 16 August RADIO (GCR) is a are gratefully supported by – A Celebration of Advertising Christian resource for your prayer and financial all believers wishing donations. Ashburnham Place events Petworth Flower Gto hear insightful and Our aim is to provide Festival, St Mary’s your event biblically sound teaching. teaching, from those called to Gerald Coates, Hearing God Church Petworth We are a listener supported deliver biblical exposition, 7 - 11 September Next issue: Oct – Nov service to provide sound showing the love of GOD Art + Poetry, 14 – 18 Friday 21 to Sunday 23 Please see our website Bible teaching across the through his son Jesus Christ. September August – God’s healing for display advert rates: globe. All our contributors We have a heart for the lost, through drama www.heartpublications.co.uk Ian Christensen Glyndley Manor East provide their services free of the persecuted Church, and 29 September – 2 October An A5 flyer will fit a quarter page charge. the children of Israel. Sussex. 01323 440440 Noel Robinson, Worship FREE LISTINGS up to Broadcasting from our web site Retreat Sunday 30 August Go 14 words until 31 August www.genesischristianradio.com 2 – 4 October Go Penguin, Rye Jazz Book your advert space by Priority to those in the Bexhill Festival 8pm, St Mary’s Tuesday 8 September area and/or bringing non- Church Rye Payment is due before publication And via the TUNEIN APP for Smart enabled TV and your Tablet or phone which regular churchgoing guests. for all adverts you can download free from Google play store More details tel Tim on Each Saturday 01424 211186 afternoon in Bognor  Regis – The Healing n LINEAGE LISTINGS: Email up to Live programmes or see ststephensbexhill.com. , a new initiative. Team 30 words to: Contact Barry at Roots Tuesday 7-8 pm John Squires 1100 Victor Robert Farrell, 66 Books Saturday 5 September 07879 644432 [email protected] Thursday 7-8 pm Amos Farrell 1130 Bible study hour, Dr James Boyce Music Concert -”Charity Night or call the office to dictate your Friday 7-9 pm Lawrence Yeboah- 1200 Alistar Beggs 2015: Music for the Soul” at event over the phone. Mensah the Montefiore Hall, Hazelwick 1300 Samson Jabutu, Moment of Truth SEPTEMBER Road, Three Bridges, RH10 1NA n Send a donation towards our print Coming soon 1400 Every last word, Dr Phillip Ryken Wednesdays: Dominic Stoneham, opp. Three Bridges Station, at The Fishersgate and layout costs. If your donation Thursdays: Luke Murfitt 1430 Fran Sankey exposing cults and false 6pm. Tel: 07788880643 Institute for Revival is £15 or over, we’ll put a box round teaching with personal testimony Pastor Anand Puthenpurackal from Kent Experience starts your advert. Pentecostal church will broadcast in the 1500 Bible study and the Christian life Meet a Christian from September near India Malayalam language. 1530 Julia Fisher Olive Tree North Korea Brighton & Hove. n Events listings over 30 words 1545 Messianic Minutes inewlife.org.uk will be charged at £15 plus 50p a Sunday 5-6 pm Nat Moody A RARE OPPORTUNITY to meet 07920480339 1550 The new you, Robert Hatfield a prison camp survivor from the word over 30 words. Please send Monday — Friday 1600 Ready to worship, Chris Clevenger country whose government is Wednesday 2 your words as lineage, 12 pt, not 1630 Coffee with Conrad currently rated the worst in the September- Hymns centred, as it has to fit a column. 0700 Bernie Dymett world for persecuting Christians – 1700 Victor Robert Farrell, 66 Books of Praise Concert, 0730 Bible study and the Christian life North Korea – is offered by Open n Make your cheque payable to 1730 Bernie Dymett, Christianity works St Nicholas Parish, 0800 Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel Doors as part of the charity’s 60th Pevensey 7pm. Email HEART PUBLICATIONS and post 1800 Jack Hibbs, anniversary celebrations this 0825 Five minutes in Church history [email protected] to 24 Grafton Road, Worthing, West 1830 Dr Alistar Beggs November, 2015. 0830 Kevin Swanson Yong Sook became a Christian Sussex, BN11 1QP or pay by BACS: 1900 Live from the studio Sunday 6 September 0900 Julia Fisher, Olive Tree thanks to the prayers of her sortcode: 20-98-74. Account: 80228737. 2000 Kevin Swanson – Hymns and Pimms 0915 Messianic Minutes grandfather after she asked, 2030 Torrey Clark, Culture shock ‘Who is the most powerful person in the Vicarage garden, 0920 The Bible study pod cast, Chris Church of the Good eventsinheartofsussex Christensen 2100 Samson Jabutu, Moment of truth I can pray to?’ while enduring interrogation, illness and torture Shepherd, Brighton 2200 Chris Roseborough @gmail.com 0930 Torrey Clark, Culture Shock inside a North Korean prison. Find 1000 Calvary Chapel Bible study,verse by 0000 Overnight worship music out more: www.opendoorsuk.org Tel: 01903 209383 verse in-depth study 13 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 Events guide

The Please support our 30 hour hymn singing Feast marathon in aid of Friends of Sussex Hospices - any me between 9.30am on Saturday 19th and of 3.30pm on Sunday 20th September - in the magnificent se ng of Lancing College Chapel

 Join the congrega on to sing hymns, Messiah choruses or Christmas carols Tabernacles  Listen to over 20 visi ng choirs 9th-10th October 2015  Enjoy a Blackberry Tea on Sunday at 4pm London  Come to our Grand Finale on Sunday at 5.30pm Lancing College Chapel The Joseph Storehouse is a non-profit organization that Find details on our website: Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 www.friendsofsussexhospices.org.uk touches the lives of thousands of people each year or contact Di Steele - Tel: 01435 813630 through acts of compassion and care in the Middle September 2015 East. Founders Barry and Batya Segal reside in Israel and are the hosts of The Feast of Tabernacles celebration in London. Together with other speakers and the Moriah Famous Sussex Landmark Lancing College Chapel worship team, they invite you to come. Visitors Welcome - The current events in the Middle East are a fulfillment of prophecy that is Admission Free unfolding before our own eyes. Our desire is to be equipped with better The largest school chapel in the world is an architectural knowledge and understanding so we can stand firm in our faith. masterpiece of the gothic revival with soaring columns Join us for a time of celebration, worship, teaching, and fellowship as we and a wealth of stained glass, reflect on the faithfulness of the Lord in our lives. carvings and tapestries. The Chapel is open Monday to Saturday between 10.00am Emmanuel Centre and 4.00pm and Sunday 9-23 Marsham Street, Westminster, London, SW1P3DW and Bank Holidays between 12.00 noon and 4.00pm. Friday 9th: 7:30 PM | Saturday 10th: 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM, 7:00 PM Lancing College, founded by Nathaniel Woodard For further information and in 1848, is an independent boarding and day school £15 per person. Children aged 12 and under go free! to book group tours please for boys and girls aged 13-18. contact the Verger, Mr Andrew Lancing College, Lancing, BN15 0RW TO REGISTER: CALL: 01793 279 111 Howat, on 01273 465949 or [email protected] www.lancingcollege.co.uk VISIT: www.josephstorehouse.co.uk Registered Charity Number 241403

An evening sharing God’s heart for Ukraine HEALING MEETINGS with particular focus on Need a Miracle? the Jewish community John Mellor, one of Australia’s most respected healing ministers, With special guest Igor Grishajev, a key worker in the is coming to town. He travels the world praying for healing and nation, who regularly travels and meets with pastors and leaders in every corner. The David House will miracles in people’s lives. John has seen every conceivable ailment present an evening of information and testimony on how healed including physical, emotional and mental conditions. the Kingdom of God is moving in Ukraine particularly He regularly sees blind eyes open, the deaf hear, cripples walk and amongst the Jewish community. incurable diseases disappear. Everyone is welcome to attend. Date: Thursday 8 October, 7pm Location: One Church, Gloucester Place, Brighton, BN1 4AA Find out more about John, his itinerary and the N.B. Don’t miss The David House Sukkot/Tabernacles festival meal the week before (1 October 7pm) in the same place, RSVP in the RSVP: [email protected], miracles at www.johnmellor.org same way to join the festivities! Telephone: 01273 757156 Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 September ST MARY OF THE ANGELS CATHOLIC CHURCH COASTLANDS CHURCH RICHMOND ROAD,WORTHING All our services are streamed live on the internet at Worthing, West Sussex BN11 1DS www.stmaryoftheangels.org.uk www.coastlandschurch.co.uk Usual Mass times: Sunday 8.30am, 10.30am, 5.30pm Saturday Healing Meeting - 4pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 10am Sunday Healing Meetings - 10.30am & 6.30pm St Mary’s is celebrating 150 years! Check our website for details of events in 2015. Celebrations conclude with a Celebration Mass with Bishop Richard with Church contact: 01903 600584 as many as possible past and present priests and people of the parish on Friday or www.coastlands.church 4 September at 7.30 pm.

6-13 September: Restart Week of Dedication and Renewal of the new working year. so please arrive early.

Retiring Celebration of Fr Chris Benyon on Sunday 27 September 2015. Follow John Mellor Ministries on 14 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015


ormer publisher and staff member of Bible Society F Ed Harding of Waterlooville has recently visited Kenya and through knowing Steve Stevens, a founder of MAF, together they wanted to raise money for Bibles for unreached/ marginalised tribal groups in North Kenya who have never heard the gospel, ever. Following the last article in HEART of Sussex 1,050 Bibles in local languages were distributed, leading to 3,500 new believers. Bishop Andrew Ouma, Chairman of the Interdenominational Committee to reach the unreached peoples of Kenya with Ed Harding, who used £50 for 7 Bibles to work for Bible Society and is helping the UK fundraising end with People gathered to hear the Gospel Steve Stevens Could you do that as part of Bishop Andrew Ouma, Chairman of the mission to your giving the Gospel to the what the Kenyan government call marginalised people unreached/marginalised groups, reported that what they all asked for was not food tribal groups of north Kenya or clothing but Bibles in their own language. in 2015?

Marginalised tribes meeting together

Because they are nomadic tribes they travel all year with A new believer reading his Bible in his own language their cattle except in the rainy season when the grass grows, so they come together then and can be reached easily. Many are literate and because they don’t have electricity and therefore the distraction of TV and the internet, they really value their Bibles and read them as they Ed explains that it’s easy to send travel around with their cattle. Bibles are now the main funds by Western Union: means of evangelism so it’s “Many newsagents have the very fruitful and cost effective. yellow WESTERN UNION A tribal language Bible costs sign outside. You get a set £7 and it’s possible to send even of numbers to email to the quite small amounts to Kenya recipient who then takes them to the Western Union in Kenya by Western Union, costing just to collect the money in Kenyan shillings, so you could either Steve Stevens with Bishop Andrew Ouma and the Kenyan £2.90 to send say £50, which email Bishop Andrew Ouma at [email protected] Bible Society poster of Bibles for marginalised people groups. would buy seven Bibles. Those or if easier email [email protected] who will Steve is sponsoring this project. seven Bibles could lead to over pass them on. Sometimes there’s a security question and you 20 new believers. have to email the answer too, but it’s all very easy to do.” 15 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 LOCal news PARTNER CHURCH PROFILE

The beginning: The Joy of All Souls, a parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, was established with the aim of advancing the Kingdom of God through Christian discipleship resulting in the restoration of hope and joy to the body of Christ especially in the Sussex region. It started as a Bible study group with a few people led by Mrs Kemi Akanbi (now Pastor), and Friday meetings were held at the Haywards Heath Town Hall. Pastor ‘Muyiwa Ojelade was transferred to take over the group and it metamorphosed into a fully fledged church. Pastors ‘Muyiwa and Lara Ojelade

Community Involvement: good news about Jesus to The overall vision: We are a friendly and open Answers to prayers: As a part of the community, visitors. We are also deeply Our driving aim, which is community of multi-cultural/ Testimonies by members we are very involved in involved with the Haywards in consonance with the racial Christians, with a during our monthly community projects and Heath Food Bank of which overall vision of the Church/ mandate to spread the good thanksgiving services (first maintain a visible presence we are part of the pioneer Christendom are: news of the Gospel of Jesus Sunday of the month), lend at the Town days, spring organisations. 1) To make it to heaven Christ with joy, due to our credence to our belief in festivals where we set up strong belief that a “candle prayers and that our prayers 2) To take as many with us always receive answers as stalls and share the as possible. loses nothing by lighting another”. Jesus said in Matthew 7:7-8.

Youth church A presentation by the children’s church The choir Sunday service

Service times: Sundays: Celebration service: 10am - 12pm To this end we welcome you to Tuesdays: Bible Study: 7 - 8.30pm “Come. Connect. Commit.”

Address: The Joy Of All Souls • Albemarle Centre • Appledore Gardens • Lindfield • Haywards Heath • RH16 2AQ I www.thejoyofallsouls.org WHY Marriage for missionary deciding next move A YOUNG CHRISTIAN Joel Willmer is ‘looking MISSIONARY who managed for God’s leading on what PARTNER? to sidestep the threat of Ebola I do next’ after a three in Sierra Leone and return year mission stint in Africa Churches, charities, to England last year is now supported by Westergate planning to marry the girl of Christian Fellowship in businesses and Christian his dreams. Chichester. Meanwhile he organisations can raise plans to marry sweetheart Taryn Ferrando, from South their profile by partnering Africa, on August 8 after a with HEART, while courtship which began at a chance meeting in a wedding supporting HEART’s vision more than two years ago. for a revived Church. England’s green and Partnership pleasant lands are a world away from the excitement benefits include: in Sierra Leone where Joel a) a FREE box on page 2 supported projects with United For Mission (UFM) b) FREE adverts up to the and United For Ministry cost of your donations Sierra Leone (UFMSL). c) A FREE annual profile. “I was blessed in many ways in Sierra Leone,” recalled Joel. “The greatest way was in my own spiritual development. Contact the editor via the When you are in a culture contact form at that is so different from your www.heartpublications.co.uk own, and in a country that is so spiritually dark, it is much Joel Willmer and Taryn Ferrando easier to rely on God, in fact will tie the knot on August 8 it’s impossible not to.” Joel with mission friends in Sierra Leone 16 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 LOCal news REVIEWS Pro-life woman attacked in A brave and resilient woman’s journey out of Islam Brighton – police investigate Transit to Heaven POLICE ARE INVESTIGATING My testimony from Allah to Christ By Salma Said Ali an alleged attack by a young man against a middle-aged woman peacefully protesting ISBN: 0781903905906. Available from roperpenberthy.co.uk, price £9.99 against abortion in the centre of Brighton. she moved to London as a believes she has received a The incident happened single mother and worked as promise from God for their outside the Churchill Shopping a teacher, remarried, suffered salvation. Centre on June 11 when a man divorce again, bankruptcy and A major part of her journey brusquely pulled a poster from eviction. concerns visions and dreams. the hand of the woman who It is through a student in One or two of these are unlike represented pro-life group, one of her classes that Salma anything I have come across Abort67. learns about Jesus. Through before; readers will have to A Sussex Police spokesman words of knowledge and make up their own minds said: “The incident is being prophecies which come to about these. investigated as a common pass, Salma begins to trust The book reads as though assault. We have obtained him and receives a Bible. She Salma were speaking to you, video footage of the incident and her student have many which can make it a challenge and are trying to identify the discussions about Jesus, and to follow at times. Yet the Andy Stephens of Abort67 is very man involved.” This autobiography provides Salma finally decides to follow fundamental change in her concerned about the alleged attack an intriguing insight into the Lord’s prompting and be thinking as her faith develops the life of a devout Muslim baptised. from an Islamic world view to woman from a very different This is a disaster for her her biblically based faith with culture who is able to chart relatives and on a visit home sound scriptural arguments is her thoughts and beliefs as she she bravely takes on her clearly described. progresses from Islam to faith family, sitting before a row of Her book will be a help to When a man among the in Jesus Christ. senior men who try, but fail, those wanting to understand Salma moved from Zanzibar to disprove the Bible and her individual faith in Islam, to Liverpool as a result of a faith. Their chief concern the place of women in these crowds found Jesus second marriage. She studied is to save her from eternal cultures and to those wanting hard and obtained teaching damnation for leaving Islam. to reach Muslims with the love qualifications. Forced toWhen she does not give up of Jesus through the Gospel. escape to a women’s refuge her faith she is cut off and with her two little daughters, disinherited. However, she Carole Woodiwis

David Tidy’s The Inner Dwelling Presence and Power of God The revelation from the Holy Spirit in this book can change your life This book will encourage you to build a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. Quote from the book: “Knowing our own inner self life is so important, knowing who we really are, gives us a greater advantage to be able to control it. None of us really know how we are going to respond to any unseen circumstance or situation that Creative evangelism in Brighton bore fruit may occur, until it is actually happening. Then of course the reaction may not be too good. God does know how we CROWDS FLOCKED to see about the faith, he had not will react in all circumstances, and is able to prepare us Open Air Campaigners use committed his life to the Lord. to react in the right way. He works upon the inner being their creative skills to tell I shared the Gospel with him to help us come under the control of our spirit where the the story of the Gospel at the and led him in a prayer of Fringe. commitment.” Holy Spirit dwells”. Among the crowds at the The man is now receiving May event was a lone man discipleship and attending You can pay by PayPal or send a cheque to the PWI address who ‘lingered’ to hear more services. He is also excited following a presentation, about attending an Alpha Prayer Warriors International, P O Box 390 according to Phillip Deuk, course being held this autumn. Community Chaplain of “His spiritual journey spans Birchington on Sea, Kent CT7 9YX Holland Road Baptist Church years with believers and in Hove. churches making an impact,” He said: “After a few added Phillip. “Yet this is exchanges it was apparent the fruition of many people’s that, though very positive activities.” Brighton mission’s food bank celebrates 15 years CITY MISSION has celebrated 15 years of serving the vulnerable in the city via the organisation’s ultra busy food bank which was one of the first of its kind in the country – with a sumptuous cream tea for volunteers. Julian Haddow, Mission Director, said: “It was a great time of fellowship sharing with our supporters.” Get 10% discount at Christian bookshops - see p22 17 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 Reviews Why Germany prospered after the terrible crimes of the Holocaust A new film gives the answers you never expected Jacob’s Tears, a DVD by Hatikvah Films

Jacob’s Tears is the second sought to replace Christ with nightmare-plagued childhood of what will be a three part Hitler was the most significant himself and was the most but has come through series by Hatikvah Films significant anti-Christ figure miraculously and now pastors a which explores the view that anti-Christ figure the world has the world has yet seen. church near Bournemouth! nations who bless God’s yet seen He wanted to capture Harald Eckert and Sister people will be blessed, and Jerusalem, and to rid the Joela both say that Germany’s that nations which harm whole Middle East of Jews, survival and prosperity are an them will fare badly (based which he planned with the example of inexpressible grace on Genesis 12: 1-2). Friends replace the cross of Christ; and deferring of judgement who have seen it agree that free choice of conscience was it is their best film yet. to be taken from the German An example of inexpressible people. grace and deferring of Crimes Hitler replaced the ten Looking at the rise of Hitler commandments with 12, one judgement on a nation which and the Third Reich, this of which was ‘Honour the does not deserve to survive documentary deals with the Führer’. Presenter Lance spiritual heritage in Germany Lambert says that Hitler that allowed acceptance of a nation which does not of Hitler by the German Sister Joela Kruger Werner Oder deserve to survive following Church and the spiritual the atrocities of the war. legacy following the defeat of European Coalition for Israel Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Harald Eckert believes that Nazism. Finally it deals with and Sister Joela Krüger of Kelvin Crombie gives some there may be a unique calling on the big question - how is it the Evangelical Sisterhood of compelling background to this. Germany, on the nation which that Germany has prospered Mary. The film is presented has sinned so much against the following such terrible by the late Lance Lambert, Price paid Jewish people, to befriend and crimes? an additional bonus for his The documentary then moves stand by them as anti-semitism One of the reasons the film admirers. to the consequences of the rises and Israel is increasingly is so interesting is that there Nazi regime in Germany isolated in the future. are three main interviews Anti-Christ figure and explores the price paid with informed German Sister Joela quotes from by the descendants of Nazi Carole Woodiwis Christians: Dr Jürgen Bühler Hitler’s speeches to show perpetrators. There is a of the International Christian how they demonstrate the powerful testimony from (Jacob’s Tears is available from Embassy Jerusalem, Harald hallmarks of a satanic leader. Austrian Werner Oder, who Hatikvahfilms.co.uk price £15. Eckert, Chairman of the The broken Nazi cross was to Lance Lambert has written a book about his (not suitable for children) Tender melodies and great feeling from young singer Melissa Melissa Hubert live in The song of the evening was Concern outlining its work concert, 13 June 2015, at ‘Rock of Ages’, an up-beat in support of Christians Citycoast Church, Portslade number I was still humming persecuted in Britain and the next day. in fighting increasingly This was a concert featuring In the backing group were ungodly legislation. Andrea’s young singer/songwriter Melissa sister Aisling (pronounced organisation has also Hubert. Her audience was mostly ‘Ashling’) on tambourine and represented Aisling Hubert in young people and families vocals with lovely harmonies, her fight to prosecute a doctor who made an enthusiastic and Matt Kerr on guitars and for performing an abortion on supportive crowd. vocals, who also did a set a girl due to her gender. Melissa’s songs are all her In his introduction, actor own work drawn mostly from and media consultant Israel scripture, both up-beat and I had been gently Oyelumade (who had helped tender. She holds attention Melissa prepare for the well, and moved to and fro uplifted and refreshed evening), described Melissa as with confidence in an elegant a modern-day psalmist whose figure-skimming dress. work touches the heart and The programme was drawn of songs in the second half, brings healing. from her two albums, ‘In Elaine Patience on electro- Putting the key in my front the Frame’ and the recently acoustic violin, and Mike door at home after the concert, released ‘Jericho’. There was Sandeman on keyboard. Mike I realised I was different also a song written only four has also produced Melissa’s from when I had gone out: I days before. Inspired by seeing albums and wrote the score for had been gently uplifted and her Mum go through difficult ‘The Garden of Gethsemane’, a refreshed. treatment, Melissa wrote a song high spot of the evening. for her and accompanied herself Family friend Andrea Carole Woodiwis on the piano. Sung with great Minichiello Williams More information and albums are available Melissa’s songs are all her own work and mostly from scripture feeling, it was truly anointed. gave a talk on Christian from melissamusic.co.uk 18 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 LOCal news TESTIMONY New curate for Lindfield Doing things ‘my way’ only led to despair and darkness

Joel with mission friends in Sierra Leone

Canon James Clarke, Vicar James Clarke commented of All Saints Lindfield,“We are delighted to welcome introduced Rev Hugh Bourne Hugh, Alison and the boys to a full church as the parish’s to Lindfield. We pray God’s latest training curate on June blessing upon them as they 29. become part of our church Hugh was one of 16 men fellowship for the next few and women ordained Deacon years.” in Chichester Cathedral the Hugh replied “We look previous day. Originally from forward to serving and sharing Bedford, he has studied and not only the Gospel but our worked in Sussex in the past. lives as well”. He is married to Alison and they have two young sons. Roger Scofield

Shock death of From darkness to light: former holistic therapist Caroline Taylor now brings healing in God’s name Sussex vicar FOLLOWING AN IMMORAL NIGHT CLUB life style failed to fill a gap in the life of Caroline Taylor, 35, a student nurse and THE DEATH OF A VICAR IN company – but without the WARNHAM, near Horsham, financial rewards. support care worker from Brighton. Then one day a friend took was reported in local and Bishop of Horsham Mark national newspapers as it Sowerby said the diocese her to church where she discovered God’s love was the answer for appeared he had taken his would be praying for his wife own life. Natalie and their two children all her needs. Here is her story as told to Chris Eyte Rev Christopher Loveless, as well as for Mr Loveless, who the vicar of Warnham, was spent his whole ministry in s a child, God tangibly revealed himself about the conviction of sin and God’s redeeming found hanged when Sussex the diocese. to me. The atmosphere changed as I power: Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Police responded to concerns An Oxford graduate who worshipped him. Jesus was my hero No one gets to the Father except through Jesus. about his welfare on July 17. studied at Lincoln Theological so I was christened and followed my I was baptised in the Holy Spirit and feasted on The 53-year-old is said College, he was ordained mother’sA example in singing hymns. Troubled his words, as written in the Bible. to have been “struggling priest in 1992 and served as times followed then which God has radically with stress” at the time of vicar of Warnham for 15 years. brought me closer to God revolutionised my life. Jesus the incident, according to a Mr Sowerby said: who comforted me. inspires me and equips me statement from the diocese of “Christopher Loveless was Later, when I was older, No amount of to do ministry these days Chichester. He leaves a wife a talented and experienced God asked me to choose through the power of the and two children. parish priest who was his way or mine. I chose Holy Spirit in three areas: Police are not searching for much loved in the parish of mine, expecting freedom, searching, clubbing, evangelism, healing and anyone else in connection with Warnham, where has had but finding despair. My sin justice. the incident which has been served since 1999. allowed me to indulge in experimenting or even I am involved with described as non-suspicious. “His sudden death comes selfish desires and idolatry. ‘Prayer Chair’ which is a Mr Loveless’s death as a profound blow not only Darkness entered my life. becoming a holistic non-denominational idea, highlights the extreme to his family and the people I didn’t understand why praying for people on the pressure which clergy can of Warnham, but to the many our world seemed to be streets of Brighton. We face; a survey likened the friends who loved and admired in such chaos. No amount therapist satisfied me have seen people saved stress of leading a church him and to all who benefited of searching, clubbing, and healed by God’s grace. to being the CEO of a FTSE from his gentle pastoral care.” experimenting or even ‘Healing Rooms’, another becoming a holistic therapist satisfied me. initiative, also allows for deeper spiritual God showed me signs of his inescapable love counselling and prayer. I am also part of ‘Soul Editor’s note: How often do YOU pray for your church leader? For throughout this time. Revelation then came! by the Sea’ which is an evangelistic drama, ‘40 their spiritual wisdom, relationship with God, and their family’s I begged his forgiveness and hungered for his days for life’ and ‘Abort 67’ which advocates health and material well-being. “And my God shall supply all your righteousness. A Sunday School friend brought justice for unborn children, educating the need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19) me to a church in Brighton where I learned public about the realities of abortion. 19 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015 If you weren’t there... Been to any life-changing meetings lately? Heart’s reporters can’t be everywhere, so why not take a few notes, a couple of photos and send them to [email protected] before the published deadline. Please check about word length first! Sharing the Father’s heart The real Middle played us to be dependent on God in host to Henk Bruggeman all areas of life; practical and East peace process! from the Vader Huis (Father spiritual. In a talk sprinkled House) Church in The Hague with personal anecdotes and By Charles Gardner for a weekend conference humour, he described how God from 26 to 28 June. Entitled is waiting to be our Father, but the Father Heart of God, each how because of his nature, will With the Middle East engulfed in flames, meeting was different, with not force himself upon us. We five sessions spread over the must be willing to submit to a story of peace and reconciliation was three days. him and be his children. HEART’s representative If you want to know more unfolding this June - in Manchester attended on Saturday evening, about Henk and the Vader Huis which started with a good time Church, they can be found at of praise and worship led by vaderhuis.org/en/ (don’t forget YFC’s Pastor, Hugo van Driel the /en/ unless your Dutch and his wife Hanneke, who is fluent! Recordings of the soon had the packed 100-year talks are now available from Henk Bruggeman of the Father old building rocking. Yapton Free Church at www. House Church, Holland Henk spoke of the need for yaptonfreechurch.net/media/ ‘Reformation: Taking a fresh look at the Church and Israel’ Charles Gardner and his wife with friends at a CMJ conference International Christian Embassy Israel? Will she stand with the Jewish people as we approach the final events of history?” Delegates from all over the spoken in Iran), Hebrew and Jerusalem (ICEJ) Southern conference. Arab world came together for English, creating a beautiful Hosted by Pastors Mike and Ann While some readers of this paper may not share Dr Elms’s viewpoint and be undecided a unique conference which atmosphere of shared love and Starbuck at Millbrook Christian about human history having a closing point saw Iranian refugees and identity. Centre, Southampton, 5-6 May 2015. and have not had teaching on reading the Old asylum seekers now living in Also addressing the Testament’s prophets and Jesus’s and Paul’s Britain embrace their Jewish conference was Rev Speakers: Clive and Jane Urquhart, Senior teachings as tracing a prophetic pathway ‘brothers’, some of whom had David Pileggi, Rector of Pastors of Kingdom Faith Church, Horsham, through human history, the conference travelled from Jerusalem to Christ Church, Jerusalem, Dr David Elms, UK Director of ICEJ, Jani audience was clearly already convinced. meet with them. headquarters of CMJ. He Clive and Jane Urquhart each brought their The three-day conference said: “If we don’t understand Salokangas, International Director of the own perspective as church leaders who have to was hosted by the Church’s Jesus in his Jewish context, ICEJ’s Arise movement based in Jerusalem balance a deep revelation of God’s purposes for Ministry among Jewish people we will fail to see him fully Israel with the needs of their congregation, who (CMJ), a 200-year-old Anglican as he really is. Jesus is a Jew Do the Bible or the BBC shape your view of may have quite different agendas! In particular society specifically dedicated who still keeps his identity. Israel? Do you view Israel biblically or are you Jane spoke of the prayer intercession she is to spiritual revival in Israel. He is described in Revelation more influenced by what you see and hear in involved with for Israel as well as being a David Friedman, a Messianic as the ‘Root of David’ and the the media? Or by the claim of some churchmen senior pastor, wife and mother of three. rabbi from Jerusalem, ‘Lion of the tribe of Judah’ and that a modern Jewish state is insignificant and implored the Iranians present still identifies with the Jewish of no prophetic value? Melanie Symonds to join him in praying for people. While it’s perfectly These questions posed in the conference barriers to be broken between possible to be a Christian and programme challenged delegates before they their two countries. And before not know about the Jewishness had even heard the speeches. Dr David Elms, Advertising in HEART brought visitors from up to he had finished speaking, they of Jesus, such knowledge brings the ICEJ’s UK director, had asked: “What is 30 miles away to the Jonathan Conrathe meetings came forward to pray for him, added blessing and helps us to God’s perspective? What is his attitude to in Worthing, with visitors coming from as far away and for Israel! be better disciples. It gives us the Muslim nations that would like to destroy as Hove and . See our Events section for There were gripping a better understanding of his Israel? What should Christians say when Israel how to advertise YOUR next exciting meeting! testimonies, including that of sayings, which in turn will help is criticised? Today the Church worldwide is at Ali Pektash, known as Arafat’s us develop a more intimate a pivotal point. Will she speak out on behalf of assassin in his former life, relationship with him.” whose testimony also appeared See the HEART website for in this paper previously. the full story and testimonies Sessions were interspersed from the conference: www. Lives changed forever with times of worship in heartpublications.co.uk over one special weekend Arabic, Farsi (the language ‘Now is the time’ meetings with “The two we brought left Godsmark from Hove had hurt evangelist Jonathan Conrathe, changed and that is forever! her back and felt relief from hosted by Coastlands Church, Praise God.” pain after receiving prayer. Worthing, July 11-12 One of the weekend’s most Jonathan Conrathe visits Saturday morning saw striking testimonies came Coastlands Church most Jonathan give practical from Kris Grey, who was sitting years, but this year was extra training on street evangelism, disconsolate on a park bench, special, with a deeper sense which was shared with two lonely and almost suicidal of God’s presence and seven other local churches, followed after a painful divorce, when people becoming Christians. by giving out invitations on he was approached by Chris Of these men and women, the street. That afternoon McCanna, a church member, it was noticeably the men there was a healing meeting, who invited him to the meeting. who were profoundly moved at which Jonathan gave out Once there, Kris experienced by Jonathan’s challenging several ‘words of knowledge’ a powerful emotional healing presentation of the Gospel and of conditions that God wanted as he felt the bitterness and there was a seriousness about to heal. Although healing despair removed from his their professions of first-time of some conditions such as heart. faith. cancer could not be verified Kris Grey, right, with Chris McCanna, One man who brought a at once, at least one person Melanie Symonds who invited him to church after couple from Crawley reported, saw immediate results. Hazel finding him on a park bench! Free from pain: Hazel Godsmark 20 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015

In association with Escape Ministries

New The former gangster Book lighting bush fires in Africa Read how a ‘wicked man who turned away from his wickedness’ is now being used to spread the kingdom of God around the globe

praying for Escape Ministries, always John believes that God wants to light John Lawson, formerly offering a kind word of encouragement. a series of ‘bush fires’ - one bush (local a violent criminal, an Based on his genuine desire to form a church) burning so brightly that it lights enforcer for gangsters, trusting two-way relationship, Escape another bush and before long the whole Ministries began to send Bibles, clothing, a biker gang member, area is on fire with Holy Spirit. John’s story bouncer and bodyguard, toys, pencils, children’s books and other Escape Ministries will be linking up supplies to Pastor Stephen’s village. with accountant Richard Smart in Uganda placed his faith and Knowing that Pastor Stephen was a as an extension of its mission to Kenya. trust in Jesus Christ Manchester United fan, John even wrote in 2004 whilst serving to the club and was surprised to receive ‘If A a five year prison a free shirt for Pastor Stephen by return sentence for extortion. post. Wicked John says Jesus ‘set him free behind bars’. Over the last seven years John (Founder of Escape Ministries) Man’ has visited some of the toughest prisons on the planet to share the Gospel and has is due for release helped to equip churches in evangelism in October this year

“…When a wicked man turns nyone in Christian circles today away from the wickedness which in the UK will have at some John sharing the Gospel with a group of prisoners in he committed, and does what is point received emails asking for Pastor Stephen (in striped shirt) and his congregation Johannesburg lawful and right, he preserves A help from places like Africa and rejoicing at receiving Bibles from the UK. We are so himself alive.” (Ezekiel 18:27) India where there is so much poverty. blessed to have various editions of the Bible readily Richard uses his accountancy It’s all too easy to read these emails and available to us. But to this group of believers in experience to teach pastors business This is a no holds barred, hard with the hit of a button they are deleted Kenya owning a copy of their own Bible for the first and management skills so that they can hitting biography written in the and forgotten. We are all probably guilty, time was a joyous occasion oversee projects that will produce income style of a novel and aimed at the because the reality is that there are for local people. At the moment Richard secular market. While there is unscrupulous people out there and we John has recently responded to a is raising finance to buy land to start up a so much of John’s childhood and want to be sure money or resources we request from Pastor Stephen to come to pig farm in Uganda. When up and running his previous gangster existence send will actually reach those in greatest Kenya, and preach the Gospel in outreach the initiative will employ local people, throughout the book, the integrity need. events, churches, in prisons and on the finance missionary work, education and of the Gospel remains intact. The John Lawson, founder of Escape streets. John has committed to this by support for orphanages. book will be launched into the true Ministries in Newhaven, Sussex, recalls faith, and is currently without funds. The Richard’s dedication is shown by the crime genre and will be available in how he has wrestled with this dilemma trip is planned for April next year. fact that he previously remortgaged mainstream booksellers which is a for some time. He explains how beginning John explains that the common problem his home to buy a tractor for a group of real answer to John’s prayers to go a dialogue can help. He has found that that exists in Africa and other developing Ugandan farmers. ‘under the radar’ to get the Gospel by offering to come and minister, at the countries is lack of sound biblical into the hands of unbelievers. same time explaining that as an unfunded discipleship. He talks from experience, Escape Ministries is run by John with faith based ministry he is unable to ‘’I have served in Nigeria, Zambia, Uganda An abbreviated version, ‘Take Him send money, provokes some interesting and South Africa and I have seen what a the help of his wife Carolyn and a Down’, is available for download responses. Sometimes a rude reply, difference can be made by establishing few others on the mission field. As from Amazon.co.uk sometimes a “Thank you for your prayers” strong biblical foundations.” John recalls, “It has been an amazing and sometimes silence. But John is keen John’s vision in working with Pastor journey these last seven years of to point out that every now and then there Stephen is to focus on one small village living by faith: I am always blown is a pastor who “sticks with you”. equipping the saints to share their faith One such man is Pastor Stephen Sitoko, effectively and to raise up equippers. away by God’s provision.” Will YOU help set who ministers in a rural area close to This method is referred to as the 222 of Webuye in Kenya. evangelism in reference to 2 Timothy 2:2: He goes on to say, “My dear friends, the prisoner free? Pastor Stephen first contacted John “And the things that you have heard from there are two kinds of ‘missionaries’; around four years ago. Stephen persisted me among many witnesses, commit these those who go down into the well and in his contact, never asking for money. to faithful men who will be able to teach those who hold the rope.” He would call John at his own expense, others also.” If you would like to be a ‘rope holder’ Former gangster and reformed who supports John, or if you would character John Lawson says, “We like John to come and speak at your are currently looking for investors to help us buy enough books to church, then please get in touch with give away freely in prisons. We him: have been offered the unheard of opportunity to order these free John Lawson, Founder, Escape giveaway books at cost price, Ministries, Newhaven. direct from the printers. Please do consider making an Tel: 01273 911 900, investment and sowing a seed that will enable someone in prison email: [email protected] to read this book and receive the Glorious message of salvation. Web: www.escapeministries.co.uk Every £2 donated will enable one prisoner to receive a copy.” John gathers a local group and shares the Good News of the Gospel 21 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015

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‘Life-long Methodist’ Hillary Clinton ‘slandered’ Thanks from Bible

I HAVE NEVER read anything John Wesley, faith manifested Hastings nuggets so outrageous as the article, in good works and the principle from a Hebraic perspective MANY THANKS for the way ‘Hillary Clinton wants of forgiveness in Jesus Christ. you presented our advert and Christians to give up on Bible She said the tremendous act short article on the Hastings beliefs’ (HEART June/July of forgiveness of the Methodist Worship Baton event this 2015, p10). Church in Charleston was as summer. Soon after the paper Now I know why God astounding as the massacre. Faithfulness came out we had some really called me to intercede for As an ordained minister in positive feedback from people. the presidential candidate, full-time evangelistic ministry – active or Thank you SO much for your Hillary Clinton! She is since 1976, who formerly held valuable work, I know it certainly one of the most high positions in secular social passive? blesses the Lord, and the need misunderstood politicians I work, in my opinion she called for it is even greater in the by Dr Clifford Denton have come across. on tolerance. It is slanderous times we are in! On Sunday 28 June 2015, on to suggest she wants Christians the BBC4 programme ‘America to give up on Bible beliefs! In our walk with God our Katie Harrison this week’, Mrs Clinton clearly I sent her a copy of my book lives are to be fruitful Hastings stated she was a Christian and ‘Miracle Traveller’ and I and dynamic. Yet for a life-long committed member received a very appreciative those of us educated in of the Methodist Church, letter from her. where her late mother was a A credit to the the West, and therefore Sunday School teacher. She Rev Annaleen Wiese into a Greek rather than applauded the doctrine of Newhaven Kingdom Hebraic way of thinking, there is a trap to avoid Congratulations on the stimulating that subtly turns faith articles and presentation of UKIP’s muscular Christian policy Springboards HEART newspaper. A credit to into philosophy the ‘Kingdom.’ YOUR LAST headline read, UKIP would not allow sex into prayer The Hebrew word for faith ’Why we must pray for our new education for young children The Rev Dr William Doyle is emoonah. This is what rulers’, but Christians should in schools and it also supports WE HAD OUR fortnightly Brighton Habbakuk spoke about – the also pray that the media, and promotes conventional prayer meeting this week, and just shall live by his faith especially the BBC, allows marriage as a firm foundation we used many of the articles (emoonah) (Habakkuk 2:4) – UKIP’s voice to be heard. for a secure and happy family. in June/July’s issue of HEART repeated by Paul in Romans During this year’s General UKIP’s aim is to take our as springboards into prayer. Enjoyed reading 1:17. Election campaign, no Christian nation out of the I’ve found HEART extremely God gives us this faith as coverage whatsoever was given secular EU, whose laws aim useful in helping me to stay my testimony! a gift. Faith grows through to the fact that UKIP had, as to nullify our nationhood, informed of the plight of many exercise. Indeed, there is part of its Election Manifesto, freedoms, democracy and our ordinary brothers and sisters, THANK YOU for the amazing no difference between the a dedicated Christian Policy Bible-based laws. and of course as an aid to way you put across my Hebrew word for faith and document entitled, ‘Valuing prayer. testimony in the last issue of for faithfulness. They are both our Christian heritage’ which Mrs Elizabeth Ann Biddulph HEART. I enjoyed reading it emoonah. included UKIP’s support Leek, Staffs Mervyn Weeks myself! But the western mindset has for freedom of Christians to Rep for Christian Soldiers - UKIP Pastor of Lindfield Evangelical two words - as if faith is static worship and espouse their (Christian Fellowship for UKIP Free Church Gloria Venables and faithfulness is active! The beliefs openly. members) Haywards Heath St Leonard’s on Sea Hebraic mindset unites faith and its fruit as one gift of God. When we understand this, some key Bible passages gain new meaning. Consider, for example, Hebrews 11:1 “Hallelujah!” – Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence Find-a-word puzzle of things not seen. If we substitute faithfulness for faith in this sentence, the meaning 1 PRAISE the LORD. becomes much clearer. The result of our faith in God is Praise GOD in his SANCTUARY; faithfulness to him in the praise him in his MIGHTY HEAVENS. outworking of our lives. Thus when James spoke of a 2 Praise him for his acts of POWER; counterfeit faith that produces no fruit, contrasted with a faith praise him for his SURPASSING GREATNESS. that is truly from God – I will 3 Praise him with the SOUNDING of the TRUMPET, show you my faith by my works (James 2:18), he does not mean praise him with the HARP and LYRE, we are to rush about doing all sort of good works to please 4 praise him with TIMBREL and DANCING, God, as we think, and prove we praise him with the STRINGS and pipe, are true Christians! If we recall that the Lord 5 praise him with the clash of CYMBALS, Jesus never did anything that the Father was not doing (John praise him with RESOUNDING cymbals. 5:19), we might realise that 6 Let EVERYTHING that has BREATH praise the LORD. James was simply showing that Hebrew faith is proved Praise the LORD. Psalm 150 (NIV) by the evidence of a life spent close to God. The writer of Psalm 150 calls all living creatures to “Praise the Lord”, So our good works will and in just six verses we’re given a range of ways to offer our heartfelt please God if they are the “Hallelujah!” Almighty God is to be worshipped on earth and in heaven; Write to us We might be tempted overflow of fellowship with for what he does and for who he is; in public crowds and quiet times; Yeshua (Jesus), who told his with the loudest and the most gentle of instruments; when we are We value our readers’ to rush about doing disciples, “Without me, you can dancing or just sitting still; by the most skilful musicians as well as by letters but ask you to be all sort of good do nothing” (John 15:5). Unless those of us who just make “a joyful noise”! Today, allow this psalm to aware that letters often we maintain that close, daily encourage you to broaden your experience and expression of worship works to please God connection, we will not bear to God – he is worthy of it all! have to be edited or the right ‘fruit’. shortened. and verify we are Twenty words from this Hallelujah psalm (in BOLD CAPS) have Send your letters to true Christians (Further studies are available on www. been hidden in the grid. Can you find them all? Answers may be tishrei.org) horizontal, vertical or diagonal – forwards or backwards. Praise [email protected] the Lord! KD 22 HEART OF SUSSEX August/September 2015 [email protected] October/November ADVERTS DEADLINE: 15 September 2015

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