

Currency Code Currency Code Australian AUD Moroccan MAD BHD NAD BRL Dollar NZD British GBP NOK CAD OMR Chilean CLP Polish Zloty PLN Chinese Yuan CNY Qatari Rial QAR Czech Republic Koruna CZK RON DKK Russian RUB (Main)1 EUR SAR Dollar HKD Dollar SGD HUF ZAR Indian INR SEK Israeli Shekel ILS Swiss CHF JPY Tahitian (Central Polynesian) Franc XPF JOD THB Kenyan KES TND Korean Won KRW Turkish TRY KWD Dirham AED MXN Dollar (Main) USD

Note: This currency list is current at June 2017 and subject to change. 1. Which countries use the euro? The euro is the official currency of the sixteen countries of the European Monetary Union: Austria, Belgium, , Estonia, Finland, , Germany, , Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania Luxembourg, Malta, the , , Slovakia, Slovenia, and . The euro is also the official currency of Andorra, Kosovo, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, the Vatican City (Holy See) and the following French territories: Guadeloupe, French Guiana, , Martinique, Réunion, and St Pierre et Miquelon.

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