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Portland Daily Press, 1866 Portland Daily Press

8-16-1866 Portland Daily Press: August 16,1866

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This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the Portland Daily Press at Digital Maine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Portland Daily Press, 1866 by an authorized administrator of Digital Maine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1 " :■.. .v;.r, J ^ _ Established June 23, 1862. Vol. 5. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1806. Terms Eight Dollars per annum,in advance

DAILY PRESS is The JohHMi THE PORTLAND published WEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW7 Convention. PORTLAND AND VICINITY. ty now represented by Mr. of Fryedurg at ADVERTISEMENTS. Richardson, Academy.—Attention is invited everv dav, (Sunday excepted,) No. 1 Printers’ THE LATEST NE WS the Commercial Street. N. A. Philadelphia, Aug. 15. Baldwin, :o the advertisement of thi9 and time- Exchange, Portlaud, by Tho popular Proprietor. National Union Convention reassembled New Whole number of votes was.jog Foster, AdvertiNcmenlM To-Dny. lonorcd institution. It is located in one Rice Chas. H. Rice & WOODMAN & BURNHAM, BY TELEGnAPII TO'THE at noon The to a choico. r4 of Terms Eight Dollar? a year in advance. Brothers, Oo, to-day. wigwam was crowded Necessity with and A Frederick kobie, of Gorham, aad.C8 mv most beautiful Tillages and is conducted -69 aud 271 East Water St, 211 South Water delegates spectators. large num- Clothing—Lewis, Rollins A Bond. St., PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ber of ladies were also W. H. Vieton.25 THE MAINE STATE is the M A CHINISTS present. Kev. Mr. Hoi- Wanted for Cash. “y experienced PRESS, published aj oi J. \V. Parker.12 teachers._ aame every at a year,, Wisconsin, singer Tennessee, opened the of Lots for Sale. place Thursday morning $2.00 Chicago, illitois,- uw proceedings F. G. Messer. 1 Change nvariably in advance. -AND the convention by prayer. Gen. Dix then Boarding. or Trap.—The Cumberland Coun- said that the CoiuniiKSion The was and Mr. Robie was F K O 1> r C E first business in order was tlie re- Merchants—llko B others. report accepted, ty Temperance will meet at West of IRON FOUNDERS, 16, 1866. L Association Kates of Advertising.—One inch sraee,in Thursday Morniug, August tiie committees »st—Cow. declared nominated. Buxton ol pojisol appointed yesterday. Nntico on 30th at 10 length culuiun, constitute ‘‘square.” •» Mr. Blair of sain: Extra—Hermann Grim tall. Thursday, inst., o,clock : 75 12 Elm Maryland, tnfen rose and Livcrv For candidate for Senator from that in $1.50 per square daily lirst week Commission Nos. 10 and Street, Mr. 1 Stable—Geo. H. Mitchell. portion the instead of 81.00; continu- Merchants resident—I am instructed the com- U. S. Moral forenoon, Wednesday, 22*1, ns week alter; three insertions, or less, iti London. by mi's Notice. of the district now George W. 50 cents. Jlr. f'holora Reerenstnfr nuttee on to make of' represented by heretofore announced. ing evevy other day after first week, AND DEALERS IN BI»BEI?«B!>, i>ermanent organization City Portia id—New Street. 75 cent*. one the of Halt square, throe insertions or less, following report: For President, Senator City Port land—Ordinance relating to Trees. Woodman, tho week after. Doolittle of of House and Lot, ior Sale. Seizures.—Tho "eek. $1.00; 5ft cents per l1 mnnutiei tiro all Wisconsin. (The announcement Whole number of ballots was.HO deputy Marshals yesterday $*.00 per sqUM» Grain, lour, They nro jitajiiml fo ilcsprii'- Brick Uonso £or Sale. seized Under head of “Ami'semests Provisions, lltyps, the ’’iwie of Mr. was with a. Noeessarv for small of ih iicitish Doolittle greeted House at ^choice.W quantities of liquor in tho per week: three insertions or less. %1.W. lions of Castings anT Mnpliiiiery. Confederation storm of the Gorham thr S;dc. W. Woodman had. Cl shops In the MAINE STATE Seeds, Wool, cheers.) For Vice Presidents, A George' of Martin on Advcrtlscimnts inserted Butter, ami K. 1:u.v. 41W Card—J. N. Winslow. F. O. 49 Clary Commercial street and circulation in August Provinces. following: Leonard Woods, L. L. D.; Messer. PRESS”/which has a targe arorypar- Maine, Brklgton Academy. 19 George on for first Lake Fish. t*#j .i 3 •< Scattering. .Jaque3 Exchange street. af the State) for Sl.oe per square inserttonj E. >1. EATTES A' CO., AucIlourrrS. .,:js NewHampshire,. David Marcy.J Vermont, Wy- Auction Sal©—E. M. Pattejj A Co. lor each subsequent mser- son Hon. Ii. B. Schooner tor No choice. aud CO cents per square Grain selected Clark; Massachusetts, Hail; Fishing Sale. Many for millers by car load or cargo, and Oilier ISO Esnt gfroftl. Kliodo persons aro desirous of (ion. at THE ISTERYATIOYAI, nAlI.BO*®' Island, A. Alfred Anthony and many Machinists—Woodman A Burnham. A second ballot was which resulted as purchasing shipped lowest rates, in bulk, bags, nr barrel* others. had, homes before Produce For the following: Maine, the arrival of “Jack Frost.” Our bought aud held on mm gins,tot sate here, Secretaries, follows: or Valuable Uuilding 1»( on Fore St. J:iipies New JE. shipment east ward. ; ■ * Mann; N, Cutter; columns will show WASTED. -i t 1 ft" ~0 t Hampshire, THE COrtfTS. Whole number of ballots.91 advertising where houses Orders solicited which shall have Vermont, H. Massachusetts, prompt attention. AT AUCTION! New York, Ang. to- George Simmons; Necessary to a choice.4G be had. Market reports sent Chas. Kliodc James II. Par- may without charge. re- Wright; Island, Georgo W. Woodman had_—.4G Keicr to First National Bank, . auglC^sdlawCm OKlireunseri* b'orc Sfcrooi. corner of Pox o]>- viewed 30000 volunteers in Yorkshire on situr- many others. The of the above Thousand Old Court, reading report (’UIM1XAL PREfuTiINQ. And Mr. Woodman was declared Kilty Bricks, lor tliooiVuo of A. B. Esn.. 1c a ■ TKItU.—'WALTON', J., nominated of an acre of land for sale. See F'Rilo Carroll, will dold * introduced Senator Doolittle, who was rep<*v? quarters ad- which cash and a liberal price will 1,0 paid. ! En- val uablc st ore lot. doy, WiSixeIdiy.—Willistn indic ted for lar- IMMEDIATELY, pbont by ed with the most enthusiastic Spoijcer, as the candidate. vertisement. rtf Ed. P. at the new stores lni'.Ming near U. S. Marshal's Tlic brick ami stone applause. quire Chase, will be sold with or v.ithoat elite' Tlie eliolera is decreasing in London. The Vico jceny, withdrew bin plea of not guilty, and pleaded head of UnionSlrect. Notipe. lot. at of ihc Presidents and Secretaries of the For candidate for Senator from that portion the augl&f-tf the option eomnanvaircscnt. *le 13. lr^O. Aut/. Cons^tutionel fay?: were then invited to take seats up- sentenced. to pay a tine of tifty dol- United States of ) o' Ang. (ltd* cjgrjs, l&jrjli^ convention of tho district now by Mr. Hol- America, were so which lie Davis A repre-eonted THE STATE. Wanted. ss. lias a to DUjthc platform; while they the lars, paid. i\h.h«rs. Drummond District of Maine, ) Wjiile, France^ right corupeus&tjoB hand doing of the played several alts. for the brook, Freeport, ASSISTANT Book-Keeper. Address O. to a monition frohi herr true iutii-eiifis appeared prisoner. if. from the lion. Ed- Prussia, notViuJifjnifi- •Gen. Whole nuTnl*cr of billots was.99 The Machias Union makes an ro- Bex 1C-43. giving ago and reference. WlMELLANEOrs. Steadman, chairman of tlio committee •fames Simon Elvzcll urgent An PURSUANTward For, Judge of the United States District lint to aid Hunt, and Northman Bnhb to a choice.TO eant to territorial aggrandizement, on made a there Necessary of some kind ang!5—Gtd within and lor the UMricl of Maine, I credentials, report stating were quest for the establishment of Cpurt hereby in- were no seats tried for a riot in Westbrook, on the 24th of Marshal Cram, of Brunswick, had.37 j give public notice that the Libels liaro ip the reorganization of ftberupty^ for the contested, except from the States following March last. Messrs. Chadbourn A' Parker defended S. A. Holbrook.CG flag signals on the points at the entrance of been tiled in said Court, viz: of and of offMaiue, Delaware and New York, and that Jeremiah Mitchell.25 WANTED! Libels the terest Germany Europe. of those the The returned a Machias river. against Sloops J. M. Cranston and cases the committee had made the prisoners. jury verdict of guilty 1 P. S. Crowell, their ai>a The WonitMir de Soir, to the state- the Scattering;...—. tactic.apparel ftirnihire. in alluding following disposition: elected as to El well and Hunt J1 and not guilty as to Babb.— —A correspondent of tho Farmer has been fivor of John A. Phiimey :rvi E. Delegates No choice. A FEW LOCAL Af.ESTS George Piiinncv, in ment Times that it discovers by tiie held at Elwcll and Hunt were a cause of subtractiim ot of the London meeting Portland and hoaded lined fifty dollars which witness to the remarkable of tL« wages civil and marit ime, caelp A second ballot was as phenomenon c decreed liable to ernment has bought over JO.CH^O horsbs but to establish the said claims. Service Society of Soldiers and Sailors of New prisoners. Jeremiah Mitchell.19 only folj, enough fact, and House or Tenement Wanted. Dated at Portland this fbiccnth day of August. A. France. There is A Bill of on and of lH'O. supply powder York, those elected by the New York del- Charles No choice. to suggest thoughts tho approaching winter. lit ANTED to run a house or part cf a loupe for D., K A.OUiNBy, H. Millrr- amt Martha S. Mason, of Wisul- DEPirTV U.8. hand.and there i? no necessity for salt pwstro.— represented by Mr. Samuel J. Tilden. his and the —We learn from tho Anson T V a small family. iVlAIIKIlftl.. haiiL.vvniC put upou trial for adultery. Mr. Carleton Mr. Mitchell withdrew name, Advocate nnglGM Dlst. of show the in- are to bo admitted to seaes as Address MW.’HUBBARD, Maiijp. Tlih Mupitetu- goesapn to specific defend A! the prisoners. Not concluded. convention proceeded to ballot a third time that Mr. Warren Hutchius of New Portland auglldlw Care ol J. B. Brown «3chairman,onorary members. The full list of delegates &S^ns. structions a>f the committed suicide on CITY OP PORTLAND. Emperor. was not road owing to a want of time. Under with tlic following result: Friday last, by drown- 13 of for- in a Wanted, yt&lin, .kip. —ttiiA hVsttJJ JUlancf Jhe previous question the report of the eom- MUfHCli^AT. 'COURT. Whole number oi ballots.93 ing himselfi small stream near bis hous i. TATIIEKeAS Ether and no hiittee was Much amusement was Necessary to a choice.* *.« CVIX first class Bootmcn. and two lirst clas, Cob- Shoplcy, ethers, haie warded. by Bmhsia tostbit jGgjpian Govern- accepted. JUDGE KINGSBURY, PRESIDING. He was known to be insane, hut evaded his at No. Ill Ecdornl T , tiUoncd the ('itv Council to lay out:: caused tbe Samuel A. Holbrook had.C2 O biers, Street, uewfStrcct is tonus by chairman inadvertently speak- W p.dnixda or Public in said at tin: ments witli which site .pa pf ffiejjd- y.—State vs Claries F. Dfcnn. Larceny Marshal Cram.11 keepers. B. H. JONES. Way city,—begining norther- ing of Gen. Steadman as “the Senator from _ terminus ol Colton street. and of I wo cents from the Portland lloaso August 11.1SCC. dt f ly extending to Market ship has, been and will he; com- Ohio,” and tho was charac- stables. Sen- Mr. Holbrook was declared tlic nominee. Square; and, wllcrtas Slid petition waS partly.signed the^slip of tongue POI.1TICAI.7 referred by the In AiSdr terized some as of tenced to thirty days in the Cpunty jail. from the Com- the City lound). August 14, DUG. to the pleted 1>$- rotnalAfi* by gentleman, prophetic Dr. Lincoln, of Brunswick, nndersSgnovf, as State vs John WANTED, for them to consider and act upon, therefore, an ifroesbecJ^pfrGiuo, the organ of the United Renmions; dfunkcimessnmd disturb- Brescia, .1iiy. 1?.<—Garibaldi has isfflicd mittee on Resolutions, presented the following, —The Machias to the Book Nolico in hereby given tn all parties intcresictl. dClvgatioiwrom that State, and presented the ance. FinedSS anil costs. Committed. Union, referring reoent Thirty Experienced Folders that in the -loinl Standing Couunittco of the City ( niiij. il on aaartA to the volunteers, which he'Express- letter of withdrawal from and which were unanimously adopted: election in aud Book Sewers, Vallandigham, Slate vs Samuel Nolan. ‘Search and seizure; De- Kentucky, says: laying out new streets, will moot to hear' the For Sale asked that it be read to the in the resolutions at the parlies By es tho hope that,they will respect the condi- convention. The Resolven—That passed The Johnson men carried Also two Clolli Finishers at and view the on j fence was Hint Mr. Nolan had sold out.— the Stato good proposed way (lie L'G.l day of August, chairman intimated that it would the previously State Convention, which nominated the gallant Gen. by 20,- at three o'clock in lire at tions of the anpiptice and conform to the or— require 000 to 30,000 tfcfli, uderneou, the corner of unanimous* Fined #20.and costa. Appealed and ChamborJain » r Governor, we siml the principles laid majoj-ity. Cotton and cunseiit, and asked whether recognized. Parker & Flee streets, aud will then and' there on which a party Inisod on impartial libarly run Sanborn, Fiei9fii, with aULti'ttf on Win. of Drew notict1 cithqr.side tional limon, Committee,' through S. Cape Elizabeth, Pnrinton, Westbrook, the pressure and his seat in the Phil- wanted, wanted. 1 V IG • mittee, oil whose motion Gen. George F. resigned m JR Y of is and Grocsbedc. chairman of. the joint Ohio del Shep- of Brunswick, and of were cprovisipning. Venice to,he free, TEnndall, Freeport, convention. As he is now at and female helpers, carpenters, masons, C 0'S 5 E T S! * to your convention; a1 ticket of admit- )%’ was appointed and adelphia leisure, I :■'■).'■ «. are to egatioh temporary. Chairman, a # j be committee to a Com- MALEtruckmen. iarmerB, clerks and laborers hi evei;y prisoners exchanged. sioti as from tliat appointed report County wc would that his name be added to if. State. \V. Dr. J. N. of suggest also to work in and T .1, it ifdolognto George Tewksbury, Falmouth, and Luther capacity; girls stores, otricqs Ren;overt.from f.ti iMarlurt chairman of tlie Democratic mittee for the ensuing year. in private families; also 100agents, male and tjjmale, iSqunrc’ti} JjOVDOS, .Noon, AM. •Ooek, .delegation of Seen Claries. the list of attractions for tho Johnson meet- StaMe communicated to me Billings, Bridgton, temporary in a and busim s Hoarding citjlti Ohio, attp tie fol- the committee the very pleasant paying Apply at Wtfis'nnnqiipcejj tfcMjurjthpt for the On tile chair Gen. Subsequently reported ing at Bangor on the 23d. Fernando Wood, the General Agency Employment Ollice, Commercial lywisu regolitij^n, thir morning ndtMtpd by. taking Shepley was; greet- ALL AO AI S'. ! 328 Street f confederation of the British Provinces ofMnrth following gentlemen to constitute tho County who is as one of the St., opp. Boston Railway Depot. iUjUHT Congress1 that (IeJamuion:11 ed wi tli rounds of appUidse. Ue the announced Bangor a44yessed Commtitee for the Portland. Me, Aug 10j 18G:'». auglldlLv* GEO. II. MITCHEF.L would inform Ins old 'Amerifca hate tJie fiMohwdw Qua tho Ohio year 18fi7t is also a to tlin custom? Opposite TvTFCHAN i-GSJh IIABB becrf-ffeSiilfAH'^iftngeil iiy lumtmsly by Demo- Convention itn patriotic strains, speakers, rejected delegate crs and all others that may f\i\or him witli tilth* pat- Govci'n-mcnt. cratic delegation, tliatiwe recognise tho right qecipyiug Samuel it. Jackson, of Brunswick, James Aha t lie has a about half an hour, Ho was Philadelphia gathering. WANTED. ronage, purci.asotl stable at A ltd! of all tl/c latest novelin of Clfiflient L. a elected frequiintjly ap- F. of Charles Hanni- a'JfibrliVic.ut alsb Yallandigham, duly Miller, Portland, —The Contraband has TheJ&ifeni’Jntls inaHe thftttife'terLs for dewgdtwfrdm the Vtl District of his remarks. of Franklin of Intelligent turnod No. 20 Preble Street > Congressional plauded during lord, Cape Elizabeth, Sawyer, To Disabled KohlcirH anil oilin'* uc the loan from and his name a ‘kin;; Moop Skirts (Old / the GoaTriment, for the Lililtiing C,|po, to JmJfjfit seat Aft that convention, that we Op nio.tion of Col. J, F. Miller the County Raymond, Moses G. Dow, of Westbrook, W. up again signs Joe,” to letter Employment. Where he is prepared^*) furnish good teams affair Corsets ■ regard Ins exclusion from Such seat as of and E. R. of in the New York World. o£ tise Injerpational feoin IL unjust was H.'Vinton, Gray, Staples, published Joe says desire to or I en< t 1 jiaiktyd Committee made the Committee Ore- T\7"F. employ three four intr Uigent prices. shall leaver by strict attention t the Halifax, of'the op ,i v to a tf o>r v.ttfl ,&►. uipijaadual'lo infringement Ti Bridgiton. hs was in Orleans v and respectable men in obtaining risks for •vrnuts of my mstiwiMS. to merit the vurv Hbc al i&b-’ B.l pomt'm V’o'fiJlVd fbe'CanadiatV of dentiais. New during the riot, and e/t/A'J1 rights the oo'fnsSracy or saiiT district, and A vote of was to the President the U. S. Ccuniafift Intttrancn ronage Uaretofux* revived at, No. 4 Silver St re it. rIheivKo thanks passed QWfpnnif. Grand.Trpnl;-Railway, has been settled] ?_•. are to stand ids for is sorry his race is “so weak-minded as to be The business is louruod. and ready l>y turn in assertion the on easily prosecuted, G3sF*P;irticular attention to lu rscs.- S,uh*e.fn< ntly Credential* and Secretaries. and ■will afford paid Boarding J5. hie rights, amt .the. rightau! his Coniuni^ne led men who arc unable to excellent rouumerMmn to any poison The lion Ton, Pakib, Aup. constituents;, repotted That all the astray by protect willing lo work induslriottslv. August lft h l?tfo! GEO. H. MITCHELL, that we endorse most cordially the policy and tmvrisvhfve-jFepresentad by It was voted tlat the proceedings of the con- Itja; reportejhttvih.jufljjgoortiauthority that 135 as- fallowfe: themselves, much less others.” ELLIOT & MAN Nib G. augic—tf The patriotism of his and his fitness in delegates, " 1 vent ion be in the Empress Trail, the French Government has abandoned live motives, « published Republican papers General Stale cuts. every wtv to a slot in said convention, for T. Ag yet .1 lldhhAiiv.—D. lUuhfu iron* Isajm Dvcri A. A. in tint v Ofltoe al Hlarr SSroilirrs1 Kiore. The county. Alexandra, idea of extending the frontier of Franeeiliy the tho sake of harmony and good feeling in the Bow. ] VARIETIES. Middle St., Port and. LRWfe, rofMs &~bond. and in order to secure tlie ends for 5.—Luke Luther At one o'clock the convention jySOed__181 La annexation of oertnlh Gcrmivrf on same, great JirUlgtrjH Brown, Bilingu. adjourned. Mode, Prhvirjees •which it is ctdlral, we to his G. Gibbs,1 Homy B. E. II. i,., the Tililnt. consent withdraw- Cleaves, Stn*jOca. Georoe F. Simpley, President. Wanted. ; j al to a seat in iminxtcfc!: y*—Samuel R. Jack son. John D. Lin- —The Saco Democrat is quoting Sumner GOOD second-hand itfferehaiit nmsl which Wc shall the,convention, if. in his: jiulg- HAND PRESS; size plat- Tailors, Am} pU 11^ approved Lo no:., J>. M. coln, A'ignSlus F. Isaiah Jordan, Okas. I. N. TEWKSBURY, ,,_. the Louisiana Convention of as sill at usual aic also Aug. uiravlii.-; to his eflWifltwents shall CqXj Bo.ttcHo, Secretaries. against 18(11, A ton about 23x3u. A ddresa. V '(*»« our law prices. Nve Pilfering ii duty justify Frank Ha IV!. Chits* C. Humphrey. Euxueb full ol‘ Skirts of The dispatch has such withdrawal. Drew, Biliygs, | the devil is said sometimes to quote Scrip- Me. Xo. IS assortment Hoop ifillowing co $>Jl>avSr, text from any quar- Tewksbury, County Convention, point. German Confederation.” ■?: j uel Buckuum.D. W. Mcrrih. —Of course none but a Western and prolitable employment. Agents to*,for controverted question or most forcible wo have heard. It hod tho true paper "PERMANENT*■ ftirtrTs any disturbing /Vcf>arC C.—Gorshoujc Bliss. S. A. Geo. Wanted to canvas the lor W. J. Holland’»»popu- f CLOTTTS. IZoirp A~ Holbrook, could have given us the in u no- LOTIUXG, ant in the to mar its W. Jacob Ii. C. Union to it, and the following are from $!54t-o r..- NftoMj oouventiipr. harmony Iumdall, Roger#, Pcltingill, Lauicl patriotic ring repeated ap- tice of the death of a lar publications Aaenta .tu.igl:, J * HOV tie prominent citizen: —AND— TO Sj, wiGr AlXW-.L'--. vention showed that whom married live sisters. He had lit# No. 211 Congres St. GENTS’ EU&NlSltiNG GOODS, Remember llic address Stop Unconditional Union. State-.Convonfinn erty, hich shall follow irom its deliberations Cliar.csPa.lic, -Ubicn they fully appreciated one hun- j |8 IW*n yer, Uoiirv dred and met at Inc now rwbtfs’fo-d.'W. Tlio and action, I hereby withdraw from tlia Ohio Mayberry. every made. There was no down eighty-nine grandchildren; and at assembly T. ■ point backing to which we invite especial af.ttVtJoVi. ANDERSOX A; Democratic and doeline ray-*.—George Merrill, John M.JUibby. his funeral, two weeks ago last two Vessels Wanted. to., attondimeo ia large and enthusiastic. George delegation taking my Leslie. the General. He maintained tho Sabbath, A- 1 ! in by high stand horses were to death and an- To load Lumber mid Laths at St John, augl6 d£w 31. Saxtder* ayas chosen permanent I’njsident, soaf the convention. I am profoundly con- HarmiccllC.—Thomas Pcimcll, Beni. F. stung by bees, N. B. for and Randall, ho took four years ago, and of tho neces- other came near his life Philadelphia Baltimore, :£‘<33 Congress Bt.. opposite Mecfianic’fs Hall anil matte's: ypxV>Mi-'endorsing the action of *a#ns that the sanctity and magnitude of the Sr cnb on Purm torn spoke very losing by tlte and Deals for Europe, Also vessel want- CITY OF POKTFAND. auglo-rim against the President’s Reso- interests involved in tlie present political itarrisonZ.—A.K. Morse, L. Lotcu Wcslon. Sami. sity of maintain the right in tho great battle of same.” ed to Coal trom C nvbay, j Congress -policy. freight Lingan, lutions were to a canvass in the United Kfcutos arc II. Dav. es. —Among the fashionable arrivals that are 1 o adopted delegation to too iui- which the true friends of and other Nova Scotian ports New Jn one appoint 3.—Lviuan conflicting opinions the year thousand eight huudral and Slate ! the mense not to denumd a ev- Xa/dcs Hall. Isnac&ands. John Church. iu Paris of late, are and other Also vessels to tal e lum- JVmv Plastic liooflny Convention of Bill)than) lo^iilists, which sacrifice of frequent Englishmen York, ports. Xorut Yarmouth 2.—Muses Olias. have to own meets in the 3d of in a True, Mitchell. liberty got fight. bringing their rowing boats by for ber at Bangor for Baltimore, Philadelphia* Prov- Philadelphia pn September. ery personal coubijlcratian struggle upon W. G. Orn. rail, An OirnwANf i> relating to Trees in Evergreen Cemf Wiifr/itiffil and Ruriildc. the issue of He in terms of the Philadel- their amusement on tho Seine. idence. &c. Apply to W;iU'r-Tij;Si( The Committee on JVfWptions, their which depends, as I most solemn- 4.—C. P. spoke withering etcry. Wirpugli XeiVidltUQCsiar Haskell, G. W.'PIiunnev, —The classes in Newcastle S Cb a series of ly believe, the present peace, and C. D. controlled as it working have LITTLEJOHN CUASE, JJe Cliairniap,. C, lful'toii, reported ultimately A. Chaudlcr, W. Merrill. phia Convention, would be by ft erddhied by the Mayor, Aldermen, and temnon FOB Ilf-iAT OR KOOIN. tho existence of a commenced to their children No. 3 Head ol Yvharf. resolutions endomnet Tile reeorjstruetion mem- free Republican government OJsfidd—Saniuol P. Rose? T. already register Moulton St., opposite Long Council the Cortland, in Conned as- Hkncotjl;. Green, Southern*?* and who the of City of City bers of anti the to the oft this obntinont. James M. Lockc. Nortligrnors opposed by the name of Gladstone.” May 30,18GG—dU os t CHEAP, light, flexible, l:rc proof and water Congress ajnondment sembled^ follows: j I of. — Enoch war. He favored free not —A French sa>-an( has discovered the moans proof Tolling. Rronouni’od by Solon Robinson Constitution; inquiring the necessity of iimin- j .'HD) very respectfully. J'Q'r'Jftiid Knight. Jacob* MjcLellan. sufferage, universal, 1. That no shall cut down or Goo»F. person jrcmo’Tci and the limners Club of New York, trio of the the the registry lawlif nddeon- .' O if You< {ftcdiefiS Shct»ley. «\ ? bnt attach to it if the and of rendering the hardest and toughest meat Flour Barrels Wanted. ajiy.oL the trees within Cem- talfiiiig voters, rervqnt, Ward 1.—S. L. Carle ton, Wm. G. Scwall yon please reading SECT. standing Evergreen greatest inventions of the the course of Governor C. L. Kimball, soft, namely, by adding while two ton etery writ ten Committee rn Cem- age. demniug Swan In rela- (Signed) VAI.LAMDICPIAM. Mit Goo. W. Davis. Jolm In such a boiling i except by icnnitnf Wc are sati/v-cl that tins .arUClc will recommend 1J hell, Cousins. writing stipulation. case, said he, of alcohol to each and Barrels for for ctcricsand Public Grounds, and any person viola mg h>t#iifblawt ft; a Is 1 On motion of Senator Cotvan of Ward L—Jerfimian Horn A. Went D. F. spoonfuls killogramme suitable Sugar, wldpli cash itself, and when known, will l>o in fcivor. Penhsylva- worth. in one there will be more colored voters a-half of flesh. this scctiou shall he liable to a of not leas imfvcipl The Convention elected Col. H. a Geffs.8. E. Cole^worthv. Chan. year FLOURand the highest price will he paid bv peal.illy The subscribers arc now ready to hppTy thd Plasfic unanimously nia, committee of two from each State and M. Rcc. than ten.and not more than d'llarafin* Bruce. of G. Twomblv. in North Carolina than white ones. He —The Legislature of Tennessee a LYNCH, BARKER & GO., seventy-live Sbne to roofs in Cmnl>ci-kiiwl and. York Gpiinfies, of of'OtflflWfhttid, formerly the ?d Pp- territory was appointed to prepare resolutions \V/nduf—Wm. Clus. Hohlcn. Wm. urged granted each oiTdiiec: Nowell. charter for a for colored to he july2tf 13‘J Commerd al sit reel. this State, at (below price o/ seven dollars pci} square. tnuiao brigndo,' fpr SJptoiCtqpptroller. I and an address. TlidnSf sen,Cyrus L/B. Dennett. tbe to college people, 1£CC. 1G 2sv WdrdL—Win.1 E. Republicans hold fast to their principles tho Approved. Aug. It, no; Orders soul to 11. ilAUMDON, Saco, or F. B. FOSS, The wore from MotriL1 James Doughty. A. w. known as “Central Tennessee Methodist faithful, experienced wdman to following .appoint'd delegates Tho Chairluan tlfon announced a tokeraphic Josiah and insist safe Argus copy ^ ;j SearhorO', will bo promptly attended to. the McK^uuey, CUAUiticy. 3Vl.A-BJauc?i;ifd. upon guarantees from the South- Episcopal College.” A site has been secured take of work in a house. Sfcitfi*iw“fA?gtc to'attend tlie 3d of Septem- from President and Ward 5.—Win. II. WANTED.—Acharge large boarding; A.mist dispatch Johnson, directed Ayors', Gilbert R*Bailey. James ern on tho summit of care «,«*«• ber. Hon. States before allowed to resume their College Hill, at Address Boarding House, of “Daily Prcs-e. _ Coasmutioij: HoboI-.A., J. Creswelb the SWevetnrv to read if. F. Miller, RW. Liucolu, Wm. H. Smith. being Nashville, Bridgton Aeadrmif. Francis John Is. J. Ward in the Union. adjoining the grounds of the Military Acade- julySl—d4w Thomas, Thomas, Jr., lion. 11. C.—Henry-P. Deane, J. W. Waierliodsc. Wm. rights GALT BLOCK. : Lee of Baltimore, C. C. Ful- Wasues-gton, Aug. II. Stephenson. S. II. Small. Wm. H. Fessenden. my and a very handsome college building is Tlie !*i 1 Term tin’s will commence Chapman, Mayor To Hon. H. of Institution O, Browning and Uon. A. W, — soon to be erected. The to •a U.Mi Col. \VJ Eb^n Wmdwortli, Jvins. II. Tlcichcr, T'hlcve* mid Thief college proposes AND t.- t ‘, ,.T Sapittel T-prahiiinyGepfcro SandS, National Union Shop*. BOARD ROOMS, Daniel M. Evans and Randall, Convention, PhlV.'.^ Wm’. It. Plummet Aiiiwoso Gidmngt, F.F.Pray. furnish a general and education. Ifb, ntid (oaitiiuc First Class Stores .tor Snjle! Alfred Since. Mb. Editor.—Cannot be done to theological j” Tuesday^ Mf]>ten>ber delidiia: ., ,,■■■■ JhdtaaJII—Jeremiah Mitchell, Nathaniel D\cr, S. something —Southern respectability is well illustrated eleven weeks. lir.'milp i.'i'oui: Stored r-iailldrt at the I thank for and L. Ti voli. ni ilic Men Wide.Large, aJr\J rooms, you your cheering encour- put a stop to the every day (I say every by the case of a man who was ar- THESKitiiehead of Gait Wharf, on Gmhncrehil Street, near mo nd might recently ami hoard, furnished the subsoriber The !»ewi.«rnj|„t.j„lA»| oV dispatch. The of Providence is tiny Jr., Lyman Bj Cuip- in for BOARD,genteel by the Grand Trunk Railway Station, Ate life host built j, B’hiladeliiliin. aging finger ^ 2—Giliepn riimimcr^ bout) thieving that is on in our rested Memphis whipping his wife, and at his which is situi ed on CITAELES E. A. U., anti Will going city?— residence, pleasantly HILTON, and most commodious stores in Portland. F AVERYthe vicinity of Park street. i» a lirst-ratc neigh- Perry nothing put omnotion of Mr. W. H. Smith elt, Composition, on the a and put, whereupon, sidewalk in sistance, which is said to mnch retard the borhood. House contains well finishdd rooms, Federal near Street. The’ Cholera. platform, which Constitution Fore street, near Exchange street, sixteen Street, Temple a ballot was and of the trains on the .,XI> and is arranged lor two genteel Tun ilics. Union loving Democrat could not subscribe to. pf Portland, ordered, Messrs. speed present plan. conveniently August 14, 1 £<.(?. dim I Nw and coolly walked down to a junk store near buy a line How of superior spring water. Lot <0 x i)2 York, Aiig. 15. (Some cheers and interruption. Smith of Portland, Dow of Westbrook, Bliss —Some of Shakspeare’s plays have recent- feet. i,s a dosirab.c and must lina Tho steamer Bavaria had five deaths on Mr. of by. The owner, whose attention was directed to been translated into and Tins very location, notice. Molftei^er Heftier, Missouri, proposed a recess of Hancock of ly Hindostanee, ate a sale. board Freeport, Otisfield, and Mitch- ready ,, MasonicFraternity, desiring relief, are re-j posted to during the passage, at for an hour or two, but the proposition met this transfer of his property, interfered be- published at Bombay. Gravel Roofs! Apply to W. H. JERRIS. Real Estate Agent, un- call upJ4 Acknowledgments. Mrs. William Boyd Conucclod with the is a stable. The reported to-day. Sixteen Cases and it was decided that the session to-morrow com- that is fiendish in human premises good C. ■ ■ nature, AO. 27 MARKET Oil, smmI CAMMJES. two deaths are itl Henry PcaboOy.■■'•‘ 61 the of a chest and SQUARE, lot is 34 by 104 jeer. reported Brooklyn. mence at 10 A. M., in order to get through •) j acknowledges receipt large Kailire those of Sherman, the arch-incendi- W. Eastern Co.’s Office, 21 Free St. Apply to H. $|$CRI8, Ileal l’sfaic Ageuf, at sperm and whale oil, 15. the business as soon as And D. W. Fessenden was declared nominat- barrel o£ clothing, a child’s basket and five aryj and of Logan, his tool.” Express Horse under LARD, Cincinnati, Aug. possible. Railroad Office, Laneristcr.HmL Mr. of a —Gen. to the exclusion OLIVE, ELAINE AND RED OIL. There were 81 cases of cholera reported yes-' Becrsliug, Pa., presented memorirl ed as candidate for Clerk of Courts. dollars, contributed by a few ladies of the Uni- Dix, referring of the references: ; ; ajglCSw Rebel from < terday to the Board of Health. gentleman in bis representatives Congress, made the KEROSENE AND MACHINERY OIL. .presented by Congressional Gn motion of Dr. LiLnolu of the tarian Society of Mrs. St. John J. C. whioli on his not read. Brunswick, Medford, Mass., through mistake of the Smith, Procter, ADAMANTINE A 15.’ district, was, motion, singular asking Convention of John B. C. R. A L. li. Notice Extra. SPERM & CANDLES, SOAP, tiOuisviLLE, Ky.,‘Aug. Chair was to a Committee Luther for sufferers the fire. Rebels and at Bvown, Frost, Tho Mr. Babcock, of Conn., also presented an ad- empowered appoint Angier, by Copperheads if W.W. Thomas. S. C. Chose A Board of Health reports hut seventeen Philadelphia, Co., INFORM the Ladies that on accoupl of For sale BRADSHAW At PATCH, dress to the of J?ew on autl 'Messrs. Lincoln of Bruns- N. A. Foster the of this “is tlie government we have been Win. Cummings A 'Brock. taking by deatlisby cholera since its first appearance people gugland, prepared Resolutions, acknowledges receipt fight- Kimball. I Stock, my store will bo closed for here, members of the and to To which the J. B. Wm. Stcwarf. several days, augO— bin No. 7 Central Wlrnrf, lioston. casAs. The-health of the by Louisiana, Mississippi Charles Holden of five dollars from U. S. on ing preserve!” convention Capl. Coyle, commencing on mostly Imported city wick, Portland, Wilson of Henry Fisher, Jfavy, with the utmost Chns. A Son A Co. 18 Missouri delegations who were born in New responded sincerity, in one Staples Sitcnecr Rogers otherwise good. Holbrook of and Cobb hoard U. S. steamer in Pensacola »r. N. Winslow, Ezra, Russell. Monday, August ‘JOlb. Cleansed! England,{which was also referred unread to Cumberland, Freeport, Glasgow, voluminous “No!" Clothing u >'nw Orleans 15. to be H. N. Jose. All indebted to me will please to settle their bills Aiig. the Committee on Kesohniotis, and thou, on of Wiudliam, were appointed said Committee. Bay, applied to the relief of sufferers. before that The deaths from cholera for the 24 hours end- Aug 15—dim* time. Resprettallv motion of Mr. Orr, of South Carolina, tit a all kinds and at 0 o’clock this Messrs. Haskell of New Gloucester, Hanne- Death of an Editor.—A anglCCt HERMANN GUUNTALT*. of cleansed repaired, ing morning, numbered 20, of quarter past two o’clock, the convention ad- brief dispatch in (CLOTHINGJ promptly and in good style, by which 14 were whites and 12 Waclts. of Elizabeth, of Arrests.—Officer Gerts arrested our BAKERY REBl TIT! journed. ; j forc/ Cape Winship Gorham, yesterday telegraphic columns of yesterday announc- House at tiorliam and of for Sale. Chn«. li. iflnlioncy, \o( 2.1 Smith Street* St. Louis, Mo.. Aug. 15. Morse of Harrison, Noyes Yarmouth, Martin Flaherty for stealing iron from the ru- ed the decease at whither he hod -, Farmington, One hundred and seven cases of cholera wore a committee ins of w. cTcobb Orders or goods may bo loft, at the store of Marr were appointed to receive, sort Fox Block, and Daniel Reardon for gone for the benefit of his of James M. good two storv h ruse, containing 10 fin- to noon of which 4S were iII health, ished cornor of Middle aud Federal streets* reported up to-day, PliO Mexico. ■ rrAKES this means tn thank ills customers their rnrmis. good cellar, well of water, and Brothers, and couut the votes for eandidate’for a stealing iron from the ruins on Free street. tiir I lend I w" fatal. V’ County Lincoln, Esq., editor of the Bath Sentinel and J three-quarters uf an acre of ham augl liberal patronage before our great calamity. Also MA l:uul, good Commissioner. There is amount of and woodhousr. within i Kiciimnni), Vn., 15. any of this kind larceny Times. Mr. was a man still In the to inform them. together with all ids triemi* anti the | three minutes walk of the Aug. Lincoln Railroad Price SilOOO. Tho Board of Health officially announced six attended to that the on we are to public, that lie lias rebuilt on the ol»l spot, Depot. Apple to Fishing Tackle, 500 Austrian Troops Captured. Having duty committee going daily, and glad perceive prime and vigor of his life, of much ability W. II. JERlllS. or seven cases of cholera in the city yesterday the some A reported vigilance upon the part of officers to put and a and of a SO. 14 WILLOW STBEBT, Real Estate Agent, opposite Prcblo House. i DNS, REVOLVERS, FISHING TACKLE and to-day near the LancnSterian School. The industry as writer, character I I SPORTING GOODS. Whole number of ballots to be.129 a to it. auglCdrw disease also prevails at Jackson among stop most and admirable in all where lie means to scryc them with as good Stencil Cutting and Camp ■\Vashix4ton, 15. Necessary to a choice.03 genial in all social, | light repairing. the Several fatal cases were Aug. So. O Frrr troops. reported. Senor Iieuo has received information that a Millimoie Watts nt New Inal, .eti the of life. His death is a Street, Gloucester, — relations Lost! Larceny op Shawls. Officer Foster re- private Bread, Oakes, Pastry, Crackers. &c„ align-If G* I.. DA 1 LEY. popular insurrection took at Pa- .John L. Swift of Brunswick.33 &c„ place recently severe loss to the editorial of from Pasture 13th inst.. a in the Glmrlcs of Yarmxnlh.28 turned from fraternity Maine, as over. Decring’s pantla. State of Vera Cruz. The Impe- Humphrey* Boston, yesterday, having with brass knob on one WASHfN to the in the STRAYEDLIGHT RED COW. with a Onions. ITON OOSrVsI’ONPSNGE were arrested and arms Scattering.2 as well as community midst of Portland. ■ riaUigtliorities distrib- him who Aug. 15,18GC. dim ! horn. TV hoover will givo information of. or return her George Green, acknowledged that on j \ BCLS. Bhhilc Island'1 Now Onions will 4*4.— >ni Ml *1.3 : uteri among the people. On this news The report was accepted and Mr. Watts was which he lived, and for the advancement of to No. 1 Ellsworth street near the Arsenal, shall l>c \ bearing the of the fire he stole shawls.— 1 nr”” be supplied fo the trade at less than Bos- i ■ night thirty The Habeas to be Re- 500 Austrian troops were sent from Joseirtit- declared the nominee for Commission- whose interests he so and indefati- | suitably rewarded ; t m prices in lot to suit the trade. Corpus Act County Green was arrested in faithfully Clocks mid | land to were allowed to come Boston, and Jewelry i’ortiand, Aug. 1~, 16ff. auglC—lw* For sale by Ih C. M Papantla. They er. twenty-one labored. Tlraui^. into tho city when they wure surrounded and of the shawls were recovered. gably NEATLY REPAIRED! aagkLw No.-.Central wharf. j Messrs. They were stolen established. I captured, with all their muskets and ammuni- Plummer of Portland. Walker of BSP*Particular attention paid to Clocks. Wan feel for Cash! from Messrs. Woodman, True & Co. Internal Revenue Gums.—The Law of Fifteen Dollars ! tion and two pieces of artillery. Merrill of Church of Naples, and A nc.\t within two or four miles of Reward. Insurreetiaps j Casco, Gray, Clocks called for if Requested, /££*, Cdtlagc I like these are of common occurrence in Mifri- July 13,18(10, containing all the Internal Reve- one or of land* bo pai l to any person who will the Kx- Gildus of were a commit- fc ii; Portland, with ten acres good \\JILL give j Mew York, Aug. 15. eo. I Bridgton, appointed \\ estern in- J II. STEELE eeutivo for relief of The people have heard that the Trench Produce Merchants.—We nue codified and in their CuinwiSt., fcwJL to W. H. JERR1S> H C'omiuiUoe suderers l»y | the votes for a Laws, arranged appro- Apply immediately The Host's special Washington dispatch say's i wore M leave. tee to receive, sort and count vite Real Estate Agent, opposite Preble House, the laic lire, buch information us will lead lo the 1c- going thp attention of our Portland merchants with all Amendments subetitut- angle—2w* Cor. Congress & Green Sts. or MX Reward had an interview with the HrcH- Treasurer. subse- priate places, augiu—ct $ gal ‘convictkm of any person persons guilty ol‘ ob- candidate for County They to the to a advertisement of the commission house ed for Sections or Parts of by false representations any relief from this dynt it is reportedtlnft prortadjA Sections^epealed, taining tion l quentty reported tlie employment Office! Committee. ougii-dtf will he immediately issued re-establishing Defeat of the Constitutional Amendment of Messrs. Rice at Milwaukee, and with Tables of Bonriliug. the Whole number of ballots..Ill Brothers, Decisions, Rulings, Taxation, ribers those habeas corpus act in all the States, aud the c. The respectfully notify wanting in North Carolina. for a choice...’.... T6 n. Rice & Co., at Chicago. reputation Duties &c., and a full Di- cither male or female SHIT ot pleasant front roouav. with board to Fuuml. practical termination of the Necessary Exemptions, Stamp Till’siibrit help in any capacity, that military occupa- I Peter It. Hall bait.52 have a General A let at 77 Free St. of Hie on tion of the of these houses stand gest and Index. they opened Agency Employment Oi- Mil inlo Hie enclosure snlacribcr, Southern States. I New Ben hi mill Freeman... .30 high. Alphabetical transient boai-doro ace Vor.K, Aug. 15. lier, opposite the Boston Railway Commercial Respectable •annndated. ) of bub wed;, n Cull about tiirce Edited Charles N. i>epet, III—lw CIA Thursday A special dispatch from N. George P. Donley.13 by Emerson, Assessor 10th Street, and tlial they will secure them male or female any months ol,l. The cjlnr is reel, with n briuille bead Baleigh, 0., says 4n Excursion Party.—Sch. Wm. Board- twelve counties 1000 the o' Hall was declared Maes. Samuel Bowles help in any capacit y, without anv charge, provided and Binie while on tlio telly. .'Jjie owner can bare Hit Nnr Vorlt ‘Items. give majority against Mr. nominated as the can- Dist.—Springfield: and Constitution. are with the “Piscatorins Club" of Hartford, they will leave their applications at the statin * A Caivl. smno bv inoviiij proiortv and laying charges. Thirty counties yet to be Treasurer. man, oilioe, 3 New York, Aug. 15. didate for County Company. requirement. WH ITKY A < T>. ,T. It. CtilieWiaiilielh. heard from. Tim measure is defeated. on hoard, arrived here Tuesday evening rrHE Portland Stone Ware LESfEV, The 1 once are the probably was then Conn., For Short & Portland, in, lCW. Company tender thanks toot of Mcel Bonso bill. Commissioners sifting po- A ballot taken for a candidate for sale by Loring. Aug, y the revenue officers. since!’ —Trauscript. For a candidate for that of the coun- railroad and domestic bills of lading. L. Maria Child. ! Ill portion receipts | •m CARDS. it means SPECIAL NOTICES. ! business BITISNESS CARDS. If this language means anything, REMOVALS. KEMOTALS. and the ust this; That the “old Falmouth,” miSCELLAXEOlS. that and Some Can’t Night*.—Wc ore now ; C; H. STUART & CO., WILY Pltt>. “Portland” did all the work at point; Folks Sleep EDWARD J>. the trade HAINES, EDWARD P. BANKS A.4 other were useless. The prepared to supply Hospitals, Physicians, 0 Un,on that the engines an Bu clal street*. UUn“on*indhc'^™"ir*nd Commer- POBTLAN1). and the with the standard Masons, ilders, Plasterers may be found for tbe at us that the is peat public generally, Watch present -- tt writer does not tell Macliigonne ar k c Maker, lyll Dodd’s Nervine, wldcli -AND- MATHAN “old Falmouth.” No indeed! invaluable remedy, MAY BE FOUND AT No. 47 GOULD, Merchant Tailor h-,. much older than for tho cn™ ° a Wilmot Street. No. 47. I surpasses all known preparations 1866. That would not answer his purpose—for, de- | CONTRACTORS. No. 39 A»gust 1. 03w Thursday Morning, August 16, forms of Nervousness. It is rapidly Center Street, it he has a »® 11 !,g Address Post Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists. upon purpose. Oflice Box 1,988, or at the office rear o^ J. WALKER A* CO. fnnn/i •* pend ery preparation of opium—the Sctwccn Free and Streets. CALVIN fiHARLES^ may in* and other serious dif- C. Congress EDWARDS A No. 150 Commercial street, store will Now, what are the facts in the case. Sub- costiveness H. Stuart’s CO., formerly omm. Am de Maosoeia.—1The of thr I*rr*.» which is to produce residence, All work entrusted to liis care will receive his ncr- N. O. where will prettiest tiling, tho Thr C’oiiuling-Itooin restlessness and MAY BE pied by Cram, they resume busi- nod the these. The was the it irritation, spasms, NO. 80 lonal FOUND AT thing,” most of it for the least stantially Machigonne ficulties; allays CLARK STREET, auglldtw ness, and be pleased to see their or •sweetestt lirrrnftri* hr fouinl nl No. 1?9 C’oiuuirr- oftliebowds and secretive attention._ S0, 1,34 customers, re- money, (t ovccromcs the odor of perspiration: suit- on the at the lire named; and induces regular action KTUEET. ceive their orders. Julviotf first engine ground Portland, IHsiw, w. -1* ™hddadelicacy to the skin: is :i delightful lssr- rial HlfWl. so F. FREEMAN July Si. qtf lume; allays headache itnd is a ne- and took her position on Berlin wharf; she got ,rRf?i«-rnrition t»r Nervous Diseases ever sold Aug 8—tf CO., TT OLDEN & PEABODY, Attorneys and Counsel- imlumnlion, iuid h siteh universal For lorsat Law. cessary companion hi tho sick room, In tho nursery the or met wit approval. Office, 229J Congress street, near mid to work readily, atfil succeeded in getting readily, of upon the toilet sideboard. It cau he obtained Slecnlessness r«ss Energy, Pocnlinr Female the Court House. c' to CHARLES FORES, Upholsterers Prince’s cry where atone dollar bottlo. first stream upon the fire, and continued play Weaknesses and Irregularities, and all the feurlul Express. A. B. HOLDEN. jul 12 H. C. PEABODY. per ONION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. symptoms that follow in the (rain AND MANUFACTURERS OF it until her hose was burnt off, mental and bodily Dealers in FOIl THE TT P. Counsellor at upon leading diseases, Dodd’s Nervine is the best reme- PRESENT AT DEANE, and Attorney Law, of nervous No. 8 street, Prepares when she was ordered to another position by known to science. Sold by all druggists. Prico 81. Paints, Window J. W. Clapp’s Block, Congress OB, dy Oil, Evanishes, FURNITURE, LOUNGES, BED-STEADS, MANSFIELD’S proofs of loss and collects insurance. JulylO FOB GOVERN the Of the Cumberland, I do GEO. C. GOODWIN & STORE, Chief Engineer. CO., Glass, <&c.,&c. Spring-Beds, Mattresses, Few —TliC amount of Plantation Cith'rs whole Cushions, No. 174 Middle TO WELL & 39 Pearl street, attend to sold not to as my Wholesale Ageuts, Boston. No. 3 Street, ** SENTER, would pretend speak positively, aagHsnlyd&w Custom House Wharf, 1 Clapp’s Block- foot Chestnut their usual business. till stattiinp. They I am Street, iyll l:r.iad\vavrki.B'rn(,tl;Ini}fcct from with own engine. 3gB*.™WLgy? where we would l,e street. Iiroi- e*** high, the Park to 4tli L. CHAMBERLAIN, time was occupied my Continues the busiucssas usual. Portland. °“r I0SRUA the fire at Those who have been subject to Nervous lieadacb Painting 1 M cus,0“"» “«» ‘he PORTLAND FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK.- tlons In ><• <* i»stitu- also upon pub- The N^v0*rk“???<:“7"aid informed that she played tor years, are restored to perlect health by one dost* augikltf_ W. P. Freeman, D. tv. Deanb, C. L. Quimbt. office of tho Perl land Five Cent Savings the rocks in ti,?Y that Drake painted all OF BRUNSWICK. the ot Metcalfe's Rheomatio Bank will l>e found at 19 i.i « with 1.1s cabalistic this and did good service. Again (forty drops) Gbeat aug lOtf Jy|a_J. H. PRINCE. No Free street. 'P -lscJlLv0 ..“"fX* point, ~ Office hours from Remedy. It never tails. juU3 sn SHEPHERD & CO., nine to half past twelve and from latere topass a tow 2 SSJUSSmEuSS oW- writer says: ANDERSON AND CO.’S every business day. nntnra” which «*...« iitl,4» the ^MOl Commission J. have which was stationed about Merchants, D. chene yT ..TTrustees the satisfaction of stating to tut of The Cumberland, the Depositors that the i?, ’ktw* For Members Congress: the Falmouth could And Wholesale Dealers in HOOP SKIRT AMD OORSET Baak has sustained no loss SEEb as no other article or fifteen feet from CLOTHING. 359 1-3 STORE, the ever dhl. twelve Congress, Corner Green Street. a“yby late lire, or otherwise. all of tho water in the dock. Tho Machi- is removed to 328 classes community, and are 1st DM.- JOIIS BENCH, ol' Purllund. not find any AMERICAN Congress St., opposite Mechanics’ _Jy9 NATH. F, PEERING. Treas. i£«tn’ _ They same success, and in con- MANUFACTURES, nepsia—certain. HAM. of Paris. goune met with the AT T HE Hull...jylOdti are'Veryi:n,'f^n'g'\i>u|-K Vntl Dist.—SIDN EV PER and Mnclu- WON, Merchant languid and weak, and a groat appetizer.” sequence, both the Cumberland Melodeons and •T ff.JIT Tailors, 3i-tl Dist— JAMES G. BLAINE, of Augustn. was French & Organs Hal,» entrance on Free SaratoKi sold „onne were ordered to where the draft less, House English, German Finer Gsodt. REMOVAL. whcre ?Wv^°n U,nl0JL HI., pring Water, by all Federal Clothing a "took or Druggists. 4th DM.—JOHN A. PETERS, of Baugor. be made as 2 Galt Block Commercial Men-a K001' Good, for fn order that they might available |No. Street, TO LET. they wlfi nlanu0,f',uro >» It must be to our oitb You can find a few more suits ot those olTiccs of the PORTLAND SUGAR and ■umtato ordeT K" fire engines. gratifying PORTLAND, ME. r\'HE CO., -1- of J. B. BROWN have removed to ty First cites zens to learn that the Machigonne was placed Near Grand Trunk Depot. ,V SONS, been Coat-makers wanted. .1 oili.son in .ho Fourth »*"- NICE ENGLISH GOODS aug3dtf Repairing and Tuning No. Dauforth Thr Pnilj where she was able to save so much HEAVY 29, street. jyDOdlm property “In it the from I IriC. that will not Cade if washed, WM. W. Promptly and personally attended to. ting kettle tho lire scalded myself Is it not that the should WHIPPLE, G. G. very severely—one ltand almost to a crisp. The tor- realizes strange Machigonne Aug 7—lm DOWNES, * • • 'Hie Johnson party in this State IU. U. REDDY, Proprietor, ture was unbearable. The Mexican Mu% di- be able to the when she could the conditions of Artciuus Ward's famous play upon fire, Wholesale tang Liniment relieved the pain almost immediately. Ware Block, 107 Foderal Strcot. GEO. M. IIARDING, It healed ami left little un- not find any water in the dock sand had she any Druggist, tailor, rapidly, very scar. vision in which there were no members dtf 8treet- 5"bo^5 ClLAS. 420 Broad August 13, ItiCC. will be S^"heCiSS^t*« Foster, St., Fhilapclpbia.” The less distance to draft a third of the way down 21 MARKET lound at ___Jy26-d3w This is merely a of what the lini- der the rank of general. SQUARE, H. sample Mustang brigadier had at ABC HITE INGRAHAM, Counsellor at Law, 113 ment will do. Jt is invaluable in all cases of the wharf, than the “old Falmouth” FOBTLAND, ME. CT, BEAL A T)ARIU3Federal stairs. wounds, men the motions splen- STROUT’S, street, np till swellings, sprains, cuts bruises, either Johnson go through CLOTHING ! 113 FEDEKAl 8TKCET, simvins, etc., the head of the wharf? NEW UP TOWN aujpitf_ 31 1-3 Free 8tree, Office No. 8. — upon man or beast. fact rather excessively. For in- didly—in In the third H, H. C. more Beware of counterfeits. None is genuine unless which place (perhaps & W. H. RE.VOVAL. OOVERSUHENT wrapped in fine tho stance, the regular Johnson party, EMERSON BURR CLIFFORD, aug4_dll' CLAIMS. stccl-plato engravings, bearing correctly C. H. H.) says— signature of O. W. Westbrook, chemist. ami the pri- on the 4th Have this day received a new lot of JAS. D. A. E. vate met here in State Convention FESSENDEN, WEBB stamp of Deu.%8 Bailnls & Co., Now York. There are those in our city who profess to COUNSELLOR AT to the Philadel- LAW, may be found at Pensions, Prize Saratoga Spring Water, sold all Druggists. > nst., elected two delegates kuow about these matters, and who say that Vests! COUNSELLOR AT Bounties, Money by Coats, Pants and —AND— LAW, And all other Government claims convention from the 1* ourtli District— from a long draught is not one of the prosecuted by phia playing Also an additional stock ol -AND 346 CONGRESS, NEAR OAK and of the Manchester engines; SOLICITOR OF PATENTS, STREET, Paul S. Merrill of Shirley, George W. accomplishments where he will be Emery & Drummond. and this tact seems to be understood and Gents' 80I.ICIT0B OF PATENT8. pleased toscohis old as well as new perfectly Hats, Oapa Furnishing Goods, NO. 8 At Na. 8 Hall.— of The next night the merce- our efficient Chief both CLAPP’S BLOCK, augldtt C'lapp’a Block, opposite City Ladd Bangor. by Engineers, present all of the best and which we offer at customers^_ ccrtiticatesc;ishcd. and collected. and for whenever has to style quality, t3P~ onico Prcblo House. Treasury pensions naries met at the Preble House and chose past^ any engine play such as cannot fail to all purchasers. aug2dt! Congress Street. Dccring Block, Opposite Geo. F. Emeuv. D. H. Drummond. prices satisfy July 31. dtf .»• O. GILMAN, C a head of from the docks at long draught, they wisely Don’t fail to call at oration 0“’s eelehfated Katliarion. )i of to the same built machine to do it, while those engines 317 CONGRESS STREET, all business niikM the Staples Houlton, represent NO. 6 FREE STREET BLOCK, entrusted to than as Attorneys or Coun- “*Md glossy. eradicates dand- built out of this are sent to a souttle sellors at Law. “lJ?e?*50 •‘1*1r"cl'l c district. on the 10th, a mass meet- city and look at our fine stock of goods before purchasing Counsellor and aug7_dtf ,0 Kl0w with luxuriant Finally, where the water is within their reach. BROKERS, Attorney 9 with Messrs. J. M. and is to re- f!?1,,’.fuUl*r.CaU*0?iIt is sold elsewhere. We have a large stock of DUSTERS at Dyer* Co., prepared beauty. everywhere. and Geo. sume lus usual and oilers a ing (of seven) was held in Bangor, very low prices. We guarantee satisfaction to all our No. 178 Fore Street. No. 8. Clapp’s Block, Congress 81. business, choice assort- $100. $ioo. E«.THOMAS I-VON. Clicniis, N. Y. In reply to this paragraph, I refer to tho ment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Ware, of and B. L. of customers. Bara toga Spring Water, sold, all Druggists. M. Weston Bangor Staples Chief jy7 if Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac., on the most reasonable by card of the past Engineers, published s. EMERSON. M. L. BURK. WAR CLAIM OFFICE. Houlton were accredited to the same won- I3F“ Prepares all kinds of Legal Papers, cxamiucs _rn!!:______augidtt in your issue of Monday last, and if anything Portland, Juno 16, 1806. junelStf MILLER «£ Titles, and makes Collections. derful Of course: a party which DENNETT, O. 1681-2 Middle Street. gathering. more upon this point is needed, will just say, .Inly 31, HOB,dtf M. & n. JF. NASH in the busi- HURRAH! new Bounties, under the law July comes out so strong preliminary that at the fire on BOYS, HURRAH have resumed business at the head of rpHE approved Sunday evening last, the Counsellors at Long Wliarl, A 28th, 1SCC, Increase of Pensions. Arrears of at Law, EVANS & under J. W. Mungcr’s Insurance and will bo Pay, ness. will not be expected to do anything PUTNABf, Office, Prize and all other claims t he Govern- only engines used wore the Cumberland and pleased to sec their former customers and receive tlicir Money, against Wiiat Did It?—A to her No. 93 Commercial Street, ment. collected at short notice. young lady, returning the By election day, it will be in the both Manchester orders as usual. country home alter a sojourn of a lew months in New polls. Macliigonne, engines, and & Men’s at The nccessai'y Jllmite have ban received, and claim- Boys’ Clothing, Attorneys Law, July 10, lttft. <111 York, was hardly recognized her friends. In i laco exhausted condition of the man who under- from the wharf or Opposite Thomas’ Block, ME. ants should hie their claims by both drafting PORTLAND, promptly. of a rustic ilushod a bridge,(which No. 113 Federal Portland. G. face, §hc hau soft, ruby conij lcx- Or Made to 8t., LAND, late at 54 Union Street, dealer in Frank Patterson, Into uout. 5th Me. Vols. jon ot to a five rail ran two miles is the same their whole Clothing Order. J. F. MILLBB. jy9 L, B. DENNETT. almost marble smoothness, ami instead or 23, taking jump fence, thing,) through length JF.• Crockery, Glass, Lamps, Table Cutlery, Ac., PaulChadijouknk, late Maj. 1st Me. Car. she -ALSO- Aligns! 1,18CG. d4w is really appeard but 17. She told them plainly she to a start and came so of and a line of about located at 105 Federal street. tf aug7—tf used get up thoroughly suction, playing through MERRILL & jul20 _- Aagan’s Magnolia Halm, and would not bo with- SMALL, out it. can blown that he down under the fence and a thousand feet in length, for throe GENTS’ FUBNISHING dk LIBREY, Insurance Any lady improve her apijcarance very lay nearly GOODS, GODDARD & Agent**, Additional Pension and Bounties much this HASKEL, DOWwill be found at No 117 corner of by using article. It can be ordered of any 11UI1 n lit JCctoL ILlIri in lil UU U1 IUO At Prices than this side of Commercial, went to sleep. The Johnson men will not j JUilCUlgUUW;, Cheaper any place Goods ! Exchange St. Home Offloe of New National druggist for 50 cents. New York, at the Fancy Fork; Obtained by calling on or writing to and I presume also of the Cumberland. Counsellors and at Office or Boston; Narragansett Office of Providence; Saratoga Spring Water, sold all only go to sleep in September, but they will At Meserro & Attorneys Law, by Druggists. Davis, Itaskcll, Putnam Office of Hartford; Standard Office of New F. The fling about “engines that cannot work New England FREE STREET. George Emery, never wake. Clothing Company’s, jy£_ No. 10 Free Street. York, ruid other reliable offices, are represented by at long draught,” and the statement that the Just Removed to • this agency. Clapp's Block, opposite Old City Hall. Why Mr. is. I., btaples should have received MCVUUK oods and Woolens, By Robes, St„ Corrugated Iron Iron Doors meeting Clothing Furnishing GENERAL Bailey if Co. jull7tl Hoofing. cant in the of the insurance offi- is daily manufact to keep a for his Arcade 18 Free Street, and Shutters, furnished at short NEW in that city on the 2Jd inst. Fernando Wood eyes foreign uring good supply MOSKT.EY’S notico, Agency AND 2d-HAND many friends and customers. Our motto fs quick P. OODMAN. TRITE & Wholesale at 140 Commercial street. ces, that so cheerfully paid to the sufferers DAY18, ) Commission CO., and the distinguished E. F. Piilsbury "will sales and small profits. Merchants, Dry Goods, No. 4 Galt Block, Commercial St. auglSlw*__A. E. STEVENS & Co. and to whom have turned N. B. Our Custo.n Department cannot be excell- l. p.' MB Jul 17—dtt be Horatio and millions, they again ““IS \ PORTLAND, Widgery’B Whart, positively present.” ,Seymour ed in giving satisfaction to its patrons. E. CHAPMAN. | nOVfl’Wdtf (with brazen face if these he true) and POBTLAND, Me. E. has L James R. Doolittle are ex- things No. 107 Federal street. Quick Sales and Small PALMER, removed to the store TIMBER, "quite conlidently ociledtt ot Mil. Nichols under the United States Furniture, asked for thousands of dollars reinsurance! But Profits. Leave your orders. jy26-tl JOHN Hotel. Wholesale pected.” The exhilaration of the occasion J. G. LOVEJOT, July 17—dti and Retail. how much more than all FROST, Merchant has BC- contemptible appears Taller, Wholesale Dealer in JABEZ C. WOODMAN, Plank. and Of all sires will be • cured Rechabitc No. Q L. CARLElON, Attorney at Law, at residence Shingles Scantling perfectly inebriating. a citizen in this hour of our will PR. Hall, 332y Congress St., who, trial, will on corner of St Lawrence street, BOARDS,constantly on hand. CHAMBER where he bo happy to sec old friends and tormer OOTJN SELLOR AT Congress, ! SETTS, indite such libels O>o LAW, Buihling material sawed coolly upon right arm customers. He has a line stock of seasonable goods, Lime, dement and iyll ’_ DyER manufactured to order in ah* la- PlajsteT, Has saved liis OflIco~ at 211-2 Improved Plan for of our in the which will be Library. Free NOTIC E' U. «t. LIBBY & ! No. Dnclliuga. protection times of fire; and for OU Cummi-rclfll in the CO., Manuthctnrera augtltf SJiCnioil Wharf. test styles.ju!21 dtf SuyW, &«ctr Griflitb Block, third story. JJiJdff and Commission Merchants. Boom a Counting We have received from Mr. D. of purpose, too, however concealed from the over First National No. 28 Free Crockery Ware, Wilder, REEVES, can be found at Morton Block PORTLAND, ME. JUUOltt Bank, street second to tf & genoral eye, yet transparent enough some, • Turnvercin story. iyll SKILLINGS’ FLINTS’ Boston, a sketch of au improved plan for a AD. Hall, Congress street. z-i Fitzgerald & Hodsdon to mark him as one, I trust, of the few, who, to J. A. DAVIS & COT C. PROCTOR, Broker and Dealer Real nest of houses looks CAN BE FOUND uJOHN Glass dwelling which like a be lound at at bis office near Patent ’Sectional Ware, Ac., effect a mercenary purpose, will descend to Estate, may present Buildings• the Post in a lent on the J. M. and (or that reason deserves MISCELLANEOUS. Office, Wood grounds attention of those in want of houses or stores honey-comb, very most dishonorable ends to Commission At 27 Commercial Street. rpHE accomplish it. Merchants, ■yn A for immediate use or to attention. It is well known to naturalists tf__ place upon vacant land, S. B. in colled to the different sizes and of Is a till and Leavitt. 94 MICHIGAN STREET, subscriber may bo found at the Store"oi patterns the alive, may be fonnd at the B. H. JO Jyatf_ above named which have and mathematicians that the little busy bee Director of Steamer NES THEArctas Shurtleft, No. 6 Moulton Street. Those buildings, the advantages No. 1. DAVIS A COLBY, MILWAUKEE, ot erected in a lew hohrs and of ) DAVIS AND DRUMBIOND, baring demands will please them. All In- being being suitable constructs his cells with a wonderful Would infirm the citizens of Borllund and 84 and 86 La Salle present for or eeonomy vicinity Street,} debted will have the goodness to call and settle. permanent temporary occupancy, and in the that he is prepared to manufacture IU. I WISCONSIN latter case arc saleable lor Corner of space and the Chicago, RUFUS CUSHMAN. shipment; or at a very Congress and material—securing greatest Feb 24—d6m Counsellors at small can be removed and NOTICES. Law, p. S.—Powder, by the keg, as usuall. jull4dtt expense speedily erected amount of room with the least expenditure SPIflAL LADIES’ AND GENTS’ OFFICE AT CHADWICK HOUSE, elsewhere. S. BROWN & The above houses are for sale at of wax. That is the p. SOW, AMBROSE MERRILL, Dealer in manufacturer's FEARL problem which Mr. the at the office of STREETS, 1ST* Madam Foy’s Corset Skirt Supported NO. 249, CONGRESS STREET. J • Watches, Jewelry, Masonic and Mili- prices, by undersigned N. F. BOOTS AND SHOES Regalia, 19 Free Wilder undertakes to solve in brick and mor- combines novelty. perihelion and comfort. It is uni- tary Goods, No 13 Free street, Portland. Deering, Esq., Street—where plans can be and is Commission Woodbury Davis, Josi.vii H. Dbvmhonu. seen. Tucker. tar. He claims for the 1. versally eminently conducive lo health. Jt is TO ORDER, OF Merchants, Same store with Geyer and Calef. tyI2dtf ang4-d2w»Edgar plan, That on a sold everywhere. ySCoodlm PORTLAND, ME. The Best Stork! 465 Ninth Street, Washington, D. 0. Merchant’s National Bank is located at loot augl3—lm given area you can put more roof. 2. That very Imported Am U 15 L 15 U U., IIIIEof Exchange street, over Duran’s Clothing Store. SUPERIOR FIRE BRICK; under the same extent of cm not and made the most experienced workmen. KJr' Particular attention paid to the sale oi- July 12—dtt roof, you MAKE YOUIt OWN SOAP! by Also, Anthracite and SUCCESSORS OF on a Cumberland Coal, Lumber, DOUBLE GLAZED STORE WARE find more hut better constantly hand good assortment of Granite, SPECIAL NOTICE ! only rooms than can lie Lime, Cement, Slate, Bricks, Hay, Potatoes, Corn F. P. & M. T. Belford, MILLS, although burned up, the Pro- By and Waste Eagle Messrs. L. J. Hill & are now SEWER had in other Saving Using your LADTES’ GENTS’ AND CHILDREN’S Oats, &c.,&c. prietors, Co., pre- PIPE; any way. 8. That more l>c at parod to furnish Cream light, Mercantile Collections made in this and May found Coffees, Spices, Tartar, &c, Drain Tile; Stove and Straw City, at their now Diningg; Red, White, beltei ventilation and more our in all of the place of business, No. 100 Green St. economical heat- B O O T S tlirough correspondence parts MRS. colored Well and GREASE, ,| United States. Rates of NICHOLS, under the II. S. Hotel. An Order Slate may be found at Messrs, l^ow, Building Brick; Brick; nearly all DRY can be obtained Highest Freights obtained GOODS ing by this plan than by any 3uy one Eox of the for vessels with tf Plummer & Co’s, No 83 Commercial St, and at Mr C. kinds of Clay for sale. dispatch. aug4_ M. Rice’s other. Mr. Wi All Claims the Government Paper Warehouse, No. 185 Fore Street. Cra..iuau filer says he has no pecuniary Shoes and against promptly All orders Bros.. Perm's Salt Manufacturing Or.'s Rubbers, oollected. ( romptly attended to. or STEVENS, HASKELL & OHASE, Goods at (he lowest Island, N. Y. CHEAP ! professional object to promote. Builders WHICH I1E WILL R. P. Brown, Late Navy Agent. A. P. Brown. prices. juliett Huntington., June —d3m JOBBERS OF Crounian, Bros. A- Co., will perhaps feel some interest in the plan, H A -POTSTT-FTTC-R.! PACKARD, Bookseller and Stationer, may be H • found at No. 337 Congress corner of Oak Wood bridge, New which be seen Sell Cash St., f—Jm Jersey. order to may at this office. We copy t alents ol 1st and 8th Feb. 1859.) Cheaper for WM. ALLEN, Jr., BOOTS, SHOES, juliett Aug reduce our stock os low as possible pre- st.__ IN vious to the purchase of from an article of Mr. in Wilder's, published than can ho bought in this city. WILL RESUME BUSINESS MONDAY MORNING RUBBERS AND MOCCASINS, WEBSTER 4- CO., can be found at the store NOTICE TO • of C. K. BJJILBERS! iu the Evening Voice, the organ of the CONCENTRATED EYE! RS. Babb, Clapp’s Block, No. 9, where we N. B.—Repairing done with dispatch, and in the At No. a Moulton St., 33 Commercial Portland, offer a good assortment or Clothing and Furnishing New Fall Goods! workin men the best St., We aio prepar ed to stick all kinds of of Boston, following details It will make 10 POUNDS ol excellent niauncr at Goods at low prices. jul 1G Hard Soap, of I. C. M. E. A. E. Chase. _Fout Exchange. Stevens, Haskell, We have marked down our of the or SIS GALLONS of ik CO can be WOOD large assortment of plan: tho very best Soft Soap, for only NO. Ill FEDERAL STREET. lcdtl found at Dr. Fran- MOULDINGS! Jnly cis Sweetsir’s St.r 17 about 36 Gents. Directions on cacti box. For sale FREEMAN & CROSSMAN Drug Market Square. Mr. Fowler, some years since, proposed to at August it. 1SGC. dtf KIMBALL, jul20 MATCHING, all Successors to L P/;AN(N0, SAWING, DRY build our houses with eight rather than four Drug and Grocery Stores. mh28dtira»» STEVENS, FREEMAN & CO., C. H. BREED & CO., ikNlNCr, Arc., Ac, at short notice and prices same GOODS! Lamb A Co. as bolero the lire. sides, in order to economise in the amount of The Latest and Best Invention. Wool-pullers and Dealers in Manufacturers of Ladles’, Misses’ and Children’s Boots, Shoes, Leather TYLER,and Findings, have removed to Commercial K6***Rooms to let with power. ABOUT TWENTY exterior wall. But the form and arrangement 29£ PER CENT. Additional Bounty. The Ladies are informed that the street. Will esume their business at once, jyCOcodlm AVlNSfiOW A DOTEN BROS. of the interior was not aud BOOTS AND SHOES, satisfactory, pot Wool and Wool jnl 33-dtt At which low prices we will continue to soli for many persons have his thus Soldiers, bring In your discharge and make /“SKIRT LIFTK R Skins, Also Dealers in Shoe Stock and aooepted plan jour Also Manufacturers ot Findings, for. claims tor Patented May, 1863, may bo obtained of QM1TH & REED. Counsellors at Law, Morton another $luo Bounty, as prompt claims l.«- 107 aad 109 Conamercial Street, ^ &c. Block, Congress St. Same entrance as U. S. Ar- LUMBER. We believe, however, that the is msurdi returns. MRS* PENNELL* 44 Brown Street* PEBLES, KIDS, DININGS, TWENTY DAYS. principle early GROVE (OVER W. ft C. T!, MIT,LIKEN.) my offices. iyl2dtf as favorable terms ns ever. Building material susceptible of and that a To be worn with dresses this STREET,.PORTLAND. ME, application, great Ollicial Blanks now ready t No. 12 Market travelling arrange- C. H. BREED, ) ON of all kinds constantly on band. Doors, Sash This will afford an extra to can be secured a ment is desirable. SAMUEL GEO. L. ATWELL’S be found at opportunity replace economy by slight modifica- >quarc • especially FREEMAN," KIMBALL. C. A. WALDEN, ( Me. Advertising Agency may and Blinds and Glazed Sasb, :;t lowest prices.— tion of Mr. Orders be left at & PORTLAND, Mansfield,s Harness 174 Middle street Fowler’s idea, which will us Z. K. may Pray Smith's, Morton 83T* We pay Cash for every thing we buy. jel6tt J. M. shop, Dimension .ramos sawed to order. give HAltMON, Block, Congress St. CALDWELL,J iylldti eight Rides, of which tour are of two- * B. j. only augCdtfoy Claim June 7. Importers of and Shoe Manufacturers’ STEVENS, K. MERRILL, CLOTHING! thirds the of the Agent. Portland, eodtt Lastings length others. This permits ROSS & FEENY, roods.augSiUm READY to commence again. C. M. & H. T. SMITH*! PIER, the apartments, which are PLUMMER oblong octugonals ALL White and Blacksmiths, having re- COMMERCIAL STREET. And Goods l to lie to on Housekeeping diagonally tho centre, in which are BOOTS and SHOES WILLIAM A. PEARCE, built the old site, No. 12 Union St, would be pleas- found the stairs and PLASTERERS ed to answer ;ill orders tor Iron asm all the pipes and flues for Railings, Doors, Jyg*__ Lost by tho Firo. gas, water ami other The PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL Window Shutters, Gratings, &c. purposes. pipes and P L U M B E R! We flues are all the rHE Made to Measure. Particular attention paid to Gas and Steam fitting. wouhlrespoctftjly invito all in want of Dry vertical, except maius in the PERUVIAN SYRUP Lumber Goods to cull and and can be 8TU000 AND MASTIO MAKER OF Dry examine our Goods and Prices, cellar, reached for repairs without WORKERS, Sheriff’s Office is removed to the flic Car and be convinced IS A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE been burnt out of Federal Street by the Load for Sale that we are sincere in our preten- disturbing the finish or furniture of the house. !>ak NOTICE—TheSchool House on Chestnut street, 2d story. tions. HAVINGlate lire, would iufiirm my Mends and customers Street, between, Congress and Free Sts., Force and Water BY150,000 Dry l*inc Boards Tho four rooms on the PROTOXIDE Pumps dtf' •• main floor can all be OF IP.ON, that Closets, ju!14 400.000 Hemlock Our Stock is very largo and must be reduce 1. thrown together by the use of PORTLAND, MX. 200.000 Laths folding doors, A New Discovery in which ISO FORE Elder, Boots, Shoes, &c., may be found ana the entire can be more Medicine, J. M. Shoe ST., 400.000 Cedar and Spruce Shingles building cheaply JOHNSON, Dealer, and GW.• lor the present on India Street, near corner o LEACH, constructed, and more SI HIKES A 7 THE ROOT Coloring, Whitening White-Washing prompt- 150,000 Pine Clapboards thoroughly lighted OF DISEASE, attended to. Orders from out ot town solicited. PORTLAND, ME. Fore Street. jnl 14dtf warmed and ventilated than NO. 320 CONGRESS STREET, y 100.000 Spruce Dimer sion by any other plan !y supplying the blood with its May 22—dt.l A: Outs we have vital principal, or Nwent, Counsellors at Law, 25,000 Spruce BARTLETT, yet seen. Has let me of his Store, hie element—IRON, part where I am prepared to Vaim, Cold and Shower Baths, Wash BKADR1RYNo. 249 Congress St. (Chadwick Mansiont oppo- At the lowest prices by The rooms are of the same rhis is lo all form as those in the scticfc of the wonderful success kinds of Custom and at short D. CLARKE site U. S. Port Me. GEORGE of this Work, repairing CO. Brass A Hotel, and, F. FOSTER & the most expensive houses in notice. Bawls, Silver Plated Cocks. Bion BARKER, recently built in the remedy curing can he found Bradbury. jullltf L.D.M. Sweat. 2 Galt Block. tashionable part of our and much more Liver F. aogltf__No No. * DEERINfi city, Oyspepsia Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Di- LORING. description of Water Fixtures lor Dwel- T. Merrill & Co., Selling Low for at BLOCK. convenient and better arrhata, Heinous JnlpCO—dlur Cash, lighted. Bods, Affections, Chills andFe- AT 20 MARKET EVERYling Houses, Hotels, Public E • 31 St, next door to Mechanics’ nail, Great Inducements to secure all the ners. Loss SQUARE, Buildings, Shops, Congress Congress Street. But, advantages of this form Humors, of Constitutional Vigor. fcc., arranged and Bet up in the beat manner, and all Portland, Maine. jul 14dtf for a Diseases qr the and UNDER MXCAITHriUU. •rders FOB PARTIES WISHING TO G—d4w single dwelling requires more room than Kidneys Bladder, Fe- STODDARD’S | in town or country faithfully executed. All BUILD. Aug can male and all dnd8 BOW & JOHNSON be found at the ordinarily be commanded in the city, and Complaints, diseases Boots ol' JOBBING promptly attended to. Constant- may rpHE subscribers offer for sale a large quantity ol in a and Shoes for Sale J v on Store of L. M. Cartland, 347 Congress street. therefore we have to several originating Cheap. hand LEAD PIPES, SHEET LEAD and BEEB X desirable building lots In the West End of tho proposed group All persons having unsettled arc Bad CHOLERA SPECIFIC. jylOdlf rUMPS of all apr9dti accounts, request- elty, lying on Vsughan, Pine, Bricklayers9 Union 1 together, connecting them by wings aud hails, State of the Blood, descriptions._ ed to make immediate payment. Jy23 a.'Sw Neal, Carlton, Thomas, so a West, Emery, Monu- that structure an acre of >r accompanied or A sure Preventive and Cure for Cushman, Lewis, Bramhall, covering ground by Debility a lota state if the ment, and Salem Streets. be used either as a JOSEPH W. M. TEA 11S Danfortli,Orange Owners and Contractors. may hotel or system. SYMONDS, ON, Colby’s Bonnet Rooms will be found sell on a boarding Thev will credit of from one to ten years, or divided into several AN c H near house, tenements con- EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON, SAYS: OLERA, No. 4, Cotton, Free street, where she d deslrcu uy tno purchasers. From parties who Gentlemen At a regular mcof ing of tho Riick- taining from one to ten rooms each on the COLERA ATTORNEY" & offers the balance of her stock, at very low prices. build ho en Union held at their Hall on “I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for MORBUS, DIARRHOEA. DYSENTERY, COUNSELLOR, Gold and Silver Plater Immediately, cs payments required. layers’ Wednesday Even- same and each an « onw- une Those owing bills, will confer a favor by calling and at tho office ol the ihe following Preamble and U floor, with independent en- past; it gives me new p' SUMMER PAIN IN TIIE Apply subscribers, whero tall ing last, solid ions vigor, buoyancy COMPLAINTS, SVill open ollico next in Morton -AND- settling the same. tt were trance from the halls of which there are three pints, Wednesday Block, jul26 particulars may bo obtained. unanimously adoped. elasticity of muscle." STOMACH AND lame entrance as the U. S. BOWELS, Ac. Army Office. Till then, *• B. BROWN & WTtereat, we. members of tho Portland intersecting the at u‘e ««'» rsmt SONS. Union building right angles. chaJ'°!d b«the )illcc at House, 18 Brown street. Manufacturer ol Silver : fire : fire : n. i. mitchell Wived a and There are Its action is immediate and JyOdtf Ware, Portland, Slay 3, 1885. ma 3tl having regular appeniiseship consider- also nine central for su^rrmg creatures, to stremi efficacious. Its virtues has removed from the to comer open spaces, ’its!? and Fire fire, Ca?co, of ing ourselves c mpetent as leing masters of our four tea.thy happy men and women; and have been tested thousands since the Cholera Soa- Hour bus! areas, or interior annot invalid liy Temple Street, first from Congress Street, Prospect street, with Jl full stock of DRY 1WOTICE TO LMD ness dod cm it to be an act of equ 1 and courtyards, reasonably hesitate to it jonofl£4!l. use and LAW OFFICE. GOODS, IIOI.DKKS. Mr ty justice ®y — give atrial. recommend it. All all of which will be sold receive a SS?™* carriage-ways lVom the street A pamphlet of 32 Physicians HE. cheap, Xl James T.Hall, a iiullder, ol Mass, that wo should higher compensation'for our pages, containing certificates o! idmit it to lie the ui:ss Compound known for the PORTLAND, 17 11 N.L Haverhill, urcB ana jul MITCHELL. will make contracts with parties who intend build services han those who haven-o recently graduated recommendations Irorn some of the mo* Complaints lor which it is designed. JAMES May 19—dly O’DONNELL, lug Immediately. He can furnish first olass work f om the hod carrier department to that oran aniJ others, besides STODDARD A Proprietors. N. Y. opera- ouch other BURTON, Trov, Todd’s Hair Room men and with him a Master mason with tive mason. the 8amB valuable and will For sale bv all and Dealers in Medicine. COUNSELLOR AT Dressing bring lilt kePtat Interesting matter, be Druggists Back to the old Stand t men. Letters addressed to him owners now ent flree to one LAW, again Is now in Saloon, will receive imrne Whereas, having buddings in process temperatSrC'ryW,llbeCaflily any sending us their name and resi- •I. WEBSTER & CO., Nashua. N. Dagucrrean front of llic Post II., diatc attention. For tartlier particulars e ol of erection arc ignorantly paving equal The cost of a of fence. may A NOTARY Ollice. nquire prices for building this character suffi- 12—d&wSmTraveling gents. _ Jy7 iar See that each PUBLIC D. W. J. H. CRES8EY, No. lG't Commercial street. bricklayers, many of whom never before used or saw ciently extensive to bottle has “Peruvian Syrup” CLARK, a tr accomodate 500 inmates i town in the glass. 1 -AND— F. TIIRASHEB & CO. Dry Goods. We have Portland, Jul 13. dtl iwel, greatly to tho injury and di>satisirv ticn of basemenf Tackle. those who are story, ^,,,, in a Fishing C removed the balance ot our stock saved trom the first workmen, therefore a^e.t]he would including For sale all good location, be at present by Druggists and revolvers, fishing tackle DEALER IN fire to!) Park Place, and shall close out the same at HASTWVIiL, Studio Resole prices about by and ICE, Architect, cd, that in con ideration of the above, we and at less rent f ETH Extra be • Boston. S.500,000, than is W. FOWLE & 18 Guns,SPORTING GOODS. COMMISSIONER OF iVonld inform his friends and customers that can Cost. bargains will offered to those who HIT.Building, Appointments may be first class members of the p5idT>tr for * SON, Tremont8t, Boston, DEEDS lie workmen, Bricklayers’' inferior Stoned and Iavor us with a call. C. F. THRASHER & made at foot of accommodation, the income would be J. P. Dinsmore, 36 Cutting light repairing. be found at the old stand, Co., Berry’s Printing office, Exchange Union, do hereby agree to establish the tallowing Dey St, New York. Office No. 3631-2 24—dtf No 9 Park street, where Mr. Hartwell be Ibund a more than ten per cent, on that sum. Congress Street, July Place. may portion prices:— NO. 100 FREE STREET. Silver Street Ice House, of the time. dtf Cuslimun Block over Bell’s Shoo / ,iy28 First class 00 Store. he would be workmen,.?4 per day. °ng » vhcre happy lo receive orders for Ice. & CO. bo onnd tor Second class 3 50 T« I hr Owners of O. L. BAILEY. JylO tf may TONGFELLOW * DORR, Archltects^283 Congress workmen. per day! Property Portlnnii, augS dtf 1THJBNITYRE—HOVTthe present at No. 54 Pearl with a stock __ street, street. totf ju On and after Aug. 13, and continue until Mn. or of Bedsteais, Mattresses, &c.. both new and second Monday, me to call Stolen Strayed Dec. 1st, and the same in proportion the Editor,—Permit your atten- SCROFULA. Away. CHAS. J. GEORGE P. hand. HOYT & CO., 64 Pearl St. C. Hims, Architect, Newport, R. by hour tion to a DR. SCHUMACHER, TALBOT, during the winter months. most false and malicious which H. ANDERS’S IODINE WATER SMALL black and tan terrier answering to julI9 tl I. Plans, Specifications and Working Drawings article, Dog, GEORGE Resolved, that, these resolutions be inserted in Yill A the name el' one who can tarnished and in the most satisfactory man* the appeared in your of cure In "Dolly.” Any Sve promptly ol this for one week. paper Saturday last, signed SCROFULA all its manifold forms. information of or return FRESCO PAINTER. and mer. Duncan C. R. I. daily papers city (he same to No. 54 Park Attorney Connsellor at & SYBB, have re- Refers to Hon. Pell, Newport, H. H. C., aud will he rewarded. Law, R. I. Hon B augioi-dlw Per Order. headed, “Our Fire Department.” JLCERS,CANCERS.SYPHILIS.SALT Street, suitably At present to be found at his rcsidenco Office No. 8 MORfiK.LOTHROPmoved to 151 Commercial street,over N.L. Edward Ogden, Esq, Newport, Henry In RHEUM, August 14— (I2w Clapp’s Block, Purinton. l’rovidenco, R. I. Hon. Wm. H. Patten, ordinary times, and were the in- jy19 Anthony, questions Bc<1 wit h success Old Providence, R. I. Hon David Sears, Boston, Mas. volved those UACH ofRli U,Tr,?n” astonishing in 244 CUMBERLAND, Opposite City Hall, °F THE Spanish Consulate Notice. relating only to the Ec- nCT ‘FLAMES-Oliver S. Beale,~Sign Oliver H. Perrv Esq., Andover, Mass. Chns. H comparative i nale ®™™lnPDon, Painter, has resumed business at Koval Order (if 28th last, it merits of Steam Fire Complaints, ELii.tyfjKE?a’-art' Liver and HEAD OF MECHANIC STREET. PORTLAND, MAINE. No. 187 Fore Russell, Esq., New York. Sam G. Ward, Esq, New May Is decreed I should ■ jc. Kidney Diseases, stree*. over & (hat (ton and nllcr the 1st (lav Engines, re- JySQtf Wycr Co.’s store. ly]0 York. Geo. M. Knq, New York. Edward L. By 01 .September main but at a Circulars will be jy31—d*w6m N. B. Milcr, masters of vessels will not silent; time like sent mev EASTMAN BROTHERS Second hand sign boards wanted. Geo F. Tvler, Esq., next, be allowed to make this, with one , heir address. « ndmg Brinley. Esq, Philadelphia alterations in Ihe manifests Price *1 a c JunclO—dtl M. D. Morris- any of Ohird of our city in ruins bottlc^Jir foPSs ” HENRY Philadelphia. EdwardS. Hoflman, cargoes shine,,] by and aU Prepared Dr. H. BAILEY & CO H. M. PAY from this country lo the Island of (lu. «.■ fire, by Anders ro0r J8.’ , SON, own, N. Y. jul 13dtf t’ldsi,— U The Insurance Companies ( hemists. For sale by Physicians and E. M. RAND, Attorneys and Counsellors, hours’ lime being abrogated.. having been com- • No. 16 Free Street, near Middle. ETH W. FOWLE & RON. 16 J* jul’S A XtHITKCTTBR «r ENGINE EKING. It Is also decreed that all goods- cute red lor pelled to largely increase their rates of Tremtmtnt A UCTIONEE JRS STOCK BROKER. examin prcuii- ] loston, and bv all Di uggists. ®*reet> Dry Goods, B. MORSE. No. 5 Dccring street, second honsc XV Messrs. ANDERSON. BONNELL * CO., have alien at said ports will lie subject to sixteen um on account of their -and- made with Mr. an Architect ceut. extra instead of the lour great losses sustained FcbI9, ’66—SNeodT,T,8&weow Can ho found at the Store of F. & C. B. Nash, 174 from new High. Horse curs ran within a few arrangements STEAD, dmies, per (cot. here- lAVF. REMOYM T11EIR I''E OF RCSUTES9 TO the house. of established reputation, and will in ftiture carry on tofore charged,—this extra to be the and for the reason that the ?ore tf rods of jy23 charge onioned by fire; article Real Estate Street.__jya Architecture with their business as Engineers. Par- from the lsl of August, !8CG. “R. BICKNELL’S Brokers, C. BUNN is at No. 12 augC-diurt above alluded to clearly conveys the idea that SYRUP: PIERCE, Attorney and Counsello Clapp’s Block, ties Intending to build are invited to call at their 332 CONGRESS 170 FORE STREET. LEWISat Law, No. 8 Clapp’s Block. Congress street, where he will be to see No. 300 anil examine eleva- we THE GREAT STREET, jul21 D~M. happy office. Congress street, C. really have but two good engines that are the patrons of Dunn & Palmer, in settlement of their tions and ol stores, blocks of H. July SI, dtf IRA Jb.. Watch 17 plans churches, banks, (gaps OSGOOD at all CHOLERA 1E0C._ BERRY, Maker, No. Free StT, accounts and in selling such goods as the above firm reliable; I feel compelled, by a sense of REMEDY, l Portland, 3d floor. buildings, ^c. j 12 HOWARD J- ja!21 formerly jy23dtf DENTIST, duty to our to some of Cholera Sum- Hearty Opposite Mechanics’ Hall, kept._ city, expose the mis- aer’b^mwFrl Diarrhoea, Morbns, CLEAVES, EBI.OIH ft and or In Stomach or WEBB, Attorney. chievous lick nr Cramp bowels, HOYSE—NOTICE—Persons left No. 8 Market misrepresentations of the .»Fa'n Portland, July 31—dtf Counsellor., at the Boody House, corner ol hav'ng to Olapps's Block, Square anonymous Painter’s Colic, &c„ and is onlers at 101 Exchange can now find For $30,000 writer. The rimSted ta o, ^’ & Counsellors at ;ougTeB8 and Chestnut streets. jy2fi DYE street, Sale-$20,000 first remark in the article that I F Attorneys Law, them at 324 Congress slrcet, Mechancs’ PORTLANI>, MF. \T°J,y -REUBEN KENT has made arrange- opposite Worth of excellent Vowels; tho Good Wi 1 of a per- shall is 1)0 D. Counsellor at Hall, where wo shall continue our business in notice, this supplied irom Boston with Pilot M INK VKRKII,I., Law, all its Artificial Teclls inserted (n PORTLAND, No. 19 Free Street. various branches and at lower rates. manent prosperous Cash Freighting Business; also, CUM, Silcer and i-.j. l,»cts’ w'™8 and nv? Br,®ad i:“d Crackers, at the Store ot BYRON Jull4 caniie tase. strcngrimnTtC” v’stem"acfollke Rogers & No. 61 Commercial I¥“Ladies’ Dresses dyed for Si,(It). All other ar- a valuable Residence .and Farm (63 acres). Cbff. Hall, 01)1 ee No. 17 Free tXT H. Attorney and Coun- Aug. 12. *0"—eodisAwly. lieved, ^ Can resume business at the old stand. Street, FESSENBEN, ticles dyed at equally low rates, water on’ESKJfl I i juUOdtr Hear Middle Street. V V scllor, Deertng Hall, opposite PTeble House, jul CroHMinnn Br«., The subscriber any through their * c r these (acts. Sold dtf BURKE. OTICi:. wifi attend!., ,-i,„ 6 by all'dealers in mnriidiab>U9 julll 17fim_H. in were the old f snd for .Joseph nowAitD. jya tf nathan cleaves. Huntington, Long Island, N. Y. out vaults any of the by Falmouth, which circular and try it. Prepare 1 pul dtv, lcnVho. nlavo^tw onf^hv'w^ H. u Civil Engineer and Land & ice at the City Marshal's Office, YARD WRUANS, CumIIw Surveyor. Bro». where a 1 SUTTON, Providence It? I yGFOE?' froMnsn is., is l.'ok ubr theu,c rOODWTN & CO., of Bost.n B Architect, Office, No. 30 1 JOHNlew, Office corner of Congress and Cheitnut Office removed to Ten the * Core’s Brick Block, oppo- New purpose kept, General\gentf' n at No. 4 Moulton in the Portland and Woodbrldge, Jersey. [. HAY, of Portland. street, foot '* I LNEWCOMB,• Free Street. Plana, Specifications, and Work- itreets. Boody House. site Kennebec Dcrot. C. J. Noye*. H* Exchange. €—lm rorllaud. si. J4w* ROWET'T‘- june“XwtosK listeners ng Drawings, furnished. jul21 dim* Portland, July 26. ‘Jjr27-lm July 9,18(16. Aug July r* MEDICAL. COPARTNERSHIP. MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS; j Mt»ICAL ___ MISCELLANEOUS. _auction sales. DE. KNIGHTS’ »« i B lItGItts Dissolution of Copartnership. * Cure CASCO CAN BE S T E A. M "*P1TTK' * « «* Coe’s STREET CHURCH. FOUND AT HIS The firm of McCarthy & is this day Dyspepsia * BERRY, Oriental hair iv«. ISO Fore dissolved mutual consent. The business will bo restorer. Street. by Is the in nso which PRIVATE carried on hereafter by The World’s Great Remedy only preparation invariably MEDICAL CHANGES GRAY AND FADED HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL ROOMS, kefoed SOAPS! -FOR- 3To. 14 Desirable Brick House color. Its effects arc so uniform and speedy, as Preble Street. and Land to be almost on Park M. Me regarded miraculous. IVcarihc Preble St., at Auction. CARTHY, It gives universal satisfaction, a trial proving IIau»c, leathe~<& gore, , ! single lie can be DYSPEPSIA its superiority over all other hair articles offered to, consulted privately. anil with No. 3, U. S. Hotel & WHITMAN! WIIEEEthe utmost confidence tbo ELLEN oi att®ntion the trado Building, and a' l diseases of the the public under similar names. by atrticio,l, at all consumes A!10: and nonrs and iroiu is A. M. to 01*. M. W^omiimei^ioto their HAVING REMOVED TO THE Lieut. E. G. White, writes from Eastport, Mo. I daily, standard Brands of whore he will continue to make to order ad'lrcss0s those who are ^•SaSrerS:1i5'i”‘‘;f'|5 AND BOWELS April 17.18GG: “Though but twentv-six years of ago suffering under the STOMACH ! aunetlon of STEAM my hair had become quite gray, wlicn. at the sugges- private diseases, whether arising from REFINED SOAPS, Boots tion of I)r. Carpenter, I gave your Oriental 1 fair Re- collection or the terrible vico of sclt-abusc. 'nx:— Fashionable and Shoes is to cure the worst 2™ extra, oi onrmost "'Off etl One Bottle guaranteed caeool of Casco Street storer a trial. In ten from the first en,,r* time to that i articular branch of Uoiigbt t\?A,trci’ra einJnS in existence, and one dose will Vestry Church, days application *" of licst Dyspepsia instantly hair was dark and soft as in childhood. I believe profession, he feels warranted in Uuiit. tlio very stock, and made bv the best of most my “““f11 pamili, market. relieve the aggravated attacks of would invite the attention of buyers at no other Work nun. and at as reasonable'vriecs as preparation oau boast of such remarkable NO. 1, Hl“| Morbus, Sick cffocts.” tbc times will afford FOR CASH. Cholera Headache. best materials, built of {lie Dysentery, Sickness at Stomach ttev. Edward from Ya.. * OLEINE, amVisiii thebnt'mia&Hi'‘M WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Orr, writing Alexandria, perfect and mrtta8 the lower’tleor Fever and Ague, “I am old to that slrn'ic nml rK;1® OF Ueartburn 1 February 4, lf?CC, says: too {^“REPAIRING ALL KINDS, neatly done. regret VSianent cUUE?"1’ CHEMICAL large hall an. 1 an excellent ^ Colic Pains. t<> tliclr stock of the frosts of Winter should glint perpetually in my Of tbo atliieled to the OLIVE, kitchen wfti!Wyour an<1 well-earned reimtation PATENT. re- fumisliiiie8 Sill*1*K;onl SODA, AND and Bowels. It is a ana Oriental lfwr Resu/rer. and with the happiest “WKuiceoflris skill and suc- AMERICAN * sovereign permanent cure for ce™. CASTILE ______sults. hair, white as My which two weeks since was A11«f SUPERIOR QUALITIES, in packages DB¥ GOODS! is texture sulta- N. laic lirm of silver, completely restored to the color and ble f r the trade and tamdy use. II*, all persons indebted to the INDIGESTION AND of I CAUTION make im- GENERAL DELHI their forty years ago. In my daughter’s behalf. thank TO THE PUBLIC. Importing direct our chemicals, and MCCARTHY & BERRY arc requested to comprising usual assortment of using only the mediate of the linn will l>c ITT you heartily.’* must best materials, and as our goods arc manufactured payment. The business tlint'rnmSmSi®01^1 a]“* "‘'"king person know t0 ™ Capt. C. C. Browu of the “Sea dates at eieedics handed out tor under the ol our senior projwrh ““"■"•Hon or settled either party at the store of M. McCarthy, and in e ery instance and Silks, Shawls, Linens, Domestic and House- Queon,” general use should have* personal supervision partner !knoStJ,ff’t!SJC- tji> by regulates restores to a Flannels, Bermuda, Gcccmber It05: “Your Oriental Hair well who has bad residence that ollar per bottle. Colniuns be with like the that (be and persons might Ailed testimonials pbqrsb study management of l hero coin- EEATHE <1 P‘ immediate necessa- Plaints should GORE’S °'c,ffk payment, above, but their publication is not considered engross (lie whole tlme ef «“o O^he^mS^we^&y H. Sold by In the of the Restor- tl^ MERRILL, Druggists everywhere. ry. preparations Oriental Hair their treatment C. SMALL. MOURNING GOODS er the most costly materiel is used, and no are Mdll',an,l line. «COTpSttni I bo ani,?"c*eff",ii. STEAM of hard anil sort (Signed) pains inexperienced general nra.lilioner water, a "bimdamc J.M. REFINED SOAPS! for!} ,r"omR' °! MERRILL. spared to make It an article which shall stand the having neither oppirl unit v nor time to power to throw water Sllll'cient C. G. CLARK & CO., Proprietors, mako himself SOLD BY ALL THK art over ti.n'i"1"1' Portland, Aug 7tli, 18G6. AT ONE test of all time. repair. In an excellent 'h‘'roMKil will continued New Haven, Conn. PRICE ONLY sirublc neighborhood"md'} The business be by tho undersigned 7 he verdict qf the people is in its Jbvor. Wholesale Grocer* Throughout the U. U. W F PHILLIPS Slate. m£l g*,* at No. 18 Free Street, Arcade Building by HAY, if CO, and J. H our STOCK *t prices that will ensure its sale tu into our NEW STORE pro^n.i. PERKINS U previous going if CO., Agents, Portland, Me. “* PAliuhage extemtod to us tho we would a of the same HEIGHTS’ Ulcrritl Brothorn & rii! « past yoar respectfully soTict continuance Cuftliiug* We shall as usual offer our goods at ORIENTAL HAIR RESTORER Lieathe & HAVE Gore, Mr. C. Small maybe found with tho above firm, CONFIDENCE. is prepared 397 Commercial Si, 47 At 49 BrHch augddlm AT ONE PRICE AND NO VARIATION! by a» Street, E. u. Knights, M. D., Qhemist, Melrose. Mass., and wb.'i'w V? £a},e C0n,1,mltlc'l excess of anv kind, MERCHANDISE. v"'° of PORTLAND, MAINE. sold by all Druggists, Good Deal- ine youth, or the sling- Dissolution of Perfumers, Fancy ing rebukeo.Jeb e'?' m.splaeo>l coii!idence:n March 20—(HI Copartnership. Periodical ers and Merchants generally, at malurer years. Lyon's Drops! ELDEK & SEi-X FOE AX concern beretoloro existing under the lirm WHITMAN, ANTIDOTE IN SEASON, Choice New Wheat name One Dollar per Bottle. Flour. THE ot Hatch & Frost, was this day dissolved THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. aad (♦ssitude and Nervous Patent Bronze Metal mutual consent. TI“!prn3?„?im1 nVtl'cs’ Slieatliins^ by Parties holding biils against VESTRY OF CASCO ST. V> I'dww impure Coition, them are to CHURCH. are thonil! Barometer lo ALEX H. SMITH & requested present them immediotely, A SCIENTIFICALLY DB. KNIGHTS’ the whole system MANUFACTURED BY THE CO., and those us will PREPARED Do notwaJiorll,0 owing please call and settle. ALSO AGENTS for the consummation that Is sure to ftl- FLUID GROVER, BAKER SEWING MACHINE CO. We would invito attention wmt lor _ Hatch & Frost. PREPARATION special to tho Hair DisabledIis.ul,v f Uusigldlv Ulcers, for New Co. brilliant. July 14th, ISGtt. DrewHiug1, Limbs. for Logs of Deautv • Bedford Copper and and CELEBRATED FAMILY A Complexion. other Choice Of DIRECT and POWERFUL ACTION SEWING MACHINE VEGETABLE PREPAKATION, HOW the manufacture of Yellow Metal Sheathing, it Brands, The subscriber will contiuuo the business as here- MANY' THOUSANDS CAN TfXTrr’v tu In cambric to the HEAVIEST *° INhas been the universal practice hitherto, as it still store Mid fir sale tofore at WOOLENS and LEATHER. Tills THIS m bv No. 3 L me Street, betw een Fore and Com- °WOt!' fr',m,tllc,fino?t For Preserving ami Beautifying the Hair, BV ° *** °Ut ° °1oung with tho above somo ol injurious to the metal. The hard and Complaints, is are ^ highly polish- Notice. Jy especially adapted to the nso of ladies and children, weak and emaciated as they h;ul ed surftce, formed on the sheets successive beat- Copartnership ELDEN & WHITMAM. with though by Eum,y Fk,!,r of t,:e "«• whom it is an UNIVERSAL FAVORITE. Per- by fl ,e,uls and and the action ol the is C A. HITCHCOCK is admitted as part- EXCEPT IN CERTAIN illl<_J_^ hv arc S!,Vpusc;l lo ing cooling rolls, re- "?oteSdNbS01t CASES sons whose hair has been thinned bv sickness or old e°it \Vi Uch‘ia,,d cases lJ.,eT lo and a surface left in its ner in our lirm from this date. yield the propciaml onlv moved, stead—bright, indeed, SAMUEL should it a trial. A rvVrPD* T. age, give luxuriant growth will I and in a short time aro but and and con- Harrison A LOW, PLUMMER & CO made to v7-UiS0 treatment, rough, pimpled unequally corroded, Co., especially forbidden in the direction- which accom By the use ofLJt. KNIGHTS' HAIR DRESS- I rejoice in perfect health. siderably softer han the surface removed. August 1st, 16ft;. augldtf each JosiUt. pany bottle. THE HJG, the hair is bcantfiied, its growth is improved, No one can doubt that any given sheet of sheath- Plants. Eagle, JOHN LARGEST STOCK OF thu is nor Prepared by L. LYON, M. I) Sold b\ scalp cleansed, wins headache is cured, hair- G ED MEN. ing metal must be better a hard, smooth sur- eaters MiDDL]£* Dissolution Druggists everywhere, are eradicated, ainFall cutaneous are dlisrc are fac than with a softer and sur.acc. Brilliant of Copartn ership eruptions many men at the age of tliirtvr who aro rougher XXX, removed. troubled This in the art of wdh too fre'iucutevacuations from the blad- improvement sheathing ships has lirm of been ecurod Letters Patent oi the United States G. W. COBB & CO. is lieroby dis- C. G. CLARK & GenH Dr. Hair by a or burn- by Dictator, CO., Agents, Knights’ Dressing, acconi,';»,i«3cl slight smarting to the New Bedford THEsolved mutual consent. Either of the sub- g sensation, and t boss stem in a Copper Company. by Is a scioutbic prepared under the weakening manner The scribers is authorized to settle the business ol the late discovery, superin- Inc patient eamiuf account for. On composition of this metal is exactly the same Tropical, For 0. a. and Canada tendence of an eminent and is examining the lirm. W. G. COBB. chemist, approved, deposits a sediment as that of the yellow or Muntz metal, the sole differ- recommondod and used the ropy will often be found, A i tiara it CLEMENTS A WARREN. by medical faculty. It STTiJf'and sometimes small ence being in the surface finish. It is believed that to, BRIGHAM, will not soil or pnrtic;es ot semen or albumen J W. PERKtNS W. F. PHILLIPS it stain the skin, or any article of appar- v ill this is and will add months to Portland July 2D, lbGCT. if CO., CO., apjvcar, or the col*>r will be of a thin milkisn hue. very important the tnd H. H. HAY. READY-MADE el, Is exquisitely is in wear ot Portland. Me.. Wholesale CLOTHING! perfumed, put up large bottles, aj,.i:ii to the motaf. Agents. a Whitmore, and is sold all changing dark and turbid api»carancc. by Druggists, Perfumers and Fancy lhero are The Bronze Metal is sold at the 8 imo as Yel- FOB Good Dealers. many men who dio of this diUicultv, ic- price SALE BY Copartnership Notice. norant of the cause, which is the low Metal. and a moic will continue tho Lumber busi- PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. SECOND STAGE Samples particular description at the undersigned OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. office of Churchill, Browns & Manson THEness, on Commercial Street, at the head ot Prepared by E. Id. Chemists, I can warrant a cure in such aug7iltf Smith's as hereto foreunder tho name of G. KNIGIITS, D., perfect cases, and a & Wharf, Coe’s uotign nalsani! Melrose. Mass. full and restoration oi the McGilvery, Ryan Davis, W. Cobb & Co. G. W. COBB. And healthy urinary organs. Persons, who cannot Portland July 10,18GC. Furnishing Goods, consult Hie Dr., Agents ol the New Bedford Copper Co., jyCO No Medicit e ever known will euro by writing, iu ,v 1'Ldn manner, a descrip- ISSOLUTION. The firm of DUNN A PALM- I Uo* of their diseases, and the appropriate rcmeules 161 Commercial Street, D~ ER, is dissolved this day mutual consent. will be forwarded CohI, roal, Coal. by DR. LAROOKAHS immediately. ISfSuits cl Yellow or Bronze Metal de- The accounts of the firm will bo settled cither All conespoiidoucc Sheathing by | Goughs, Golds, Croup, Asthma, ■iAT THE cheapest strictly confidential, and will be livered at convenient | is at any port. Junc4dtf partv and the books may be found at tho office ofMr. prices, returned, it desired. m and ,br9aI° by 11,0 undersigned Dunn in the store of Mrs. A. L. Nash, No 12 Clapp’s I Influenza, Whooping Cough, Pulmonic Address: Dli. ,T. ]>,. HUGHES, J^attheirWharf0 st. All Block, Congicss persona having unsettled Syrup. ,, No. 14 Preble t on THE CURE OF Street, Business accounts with tho above tirm are to make Next (loir to tlic Preble Beady for / Cor. Franklin requested OK UKLiKVK House. Portland, Me. Wharf & Commercial St, immediate payment. Mr. John E. Palmer may bo Coughs,, Or Send a for Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma. Stamp Circular. 275 found for the present at the store ot Mrs. M. J. DURAN’S Catarrh, Inllucnza, bronchitis. Spitting of blood Tons Hazelton Lehigh, Nichols under tha U. S. Hotel. Inilamation of the or Electric Medical Clothing Pleurisy, Lungs Chest, Pain in Infirmary, BROKEN A Emporium! llavu! AND EOO SIZE. DUNN & PALMER. CONSUMPTIVE COUGH! the side, Night Sweets, Hoarseness. ConsumpUou in Itl TUB liAIMES. Tucker, 11, 18C6. jull6dtl its and all Diseases of tho Portland, July early stages, 'lliroat and Dll. HUGHES 300 TONS LOCUST as quick as 170 Tore particularly invites nil Indies, wno MOUNTAIN Street, opp. Foot Lungs. need a medical adviser, to call at bis Card & JoU of Exchange Tins is too wcllknown and too rooms. Ho, 14 Book, JPrinthif/, EOO AND St., remedy highly es- which STOVE SIZE. teemed to coinmcndaUon here. Treble.Slicet, they willlindarrangedb ior their SAFES. require disregarded and VI COE’S COUGH BALSAM! a in especi.M accommodation. Vomcrlral6S Exchange Hi, necessity every household, and is licai lily endors- Hr. H.’s 300 TONS Dice-tie lionovaling Modicinca are unrival- LOBEHl, ed by the medical lhculty, clergymen of every denomi- led UNDER MERCHANTS BANK. mcilicaey ami superior virtue in a'l Is now permanently located at Free anil VERY It does not dry up but loosens it so that the nation, mothers, editors, members of and regulating burning PURE, anil all kinds The Safest Safe. aoough, Congress, lema 0 Hrcgnhiritjes. Their action is patient can expectorate It is within many of our most disUhguished men in public and sneciiic and & MCFARLAND desire to call attention freely. certain of relief in a short NO. 102 FORE White and the leach of all, the private life. producing time. STREET, Red Ash Coal. to tho made in tlicir * HA DIES will L'lnT it invaluable in TILTON improvement lately Hates, ST°CK’ NEW and FRESH, which we are ail eases of ob- without than structions ail or all oilier Plumb Coals are which doubt make them more jire proof WE^gJaT™rr°y™W P°mcmt0W*w!i, efrABGE Gold", Sore Throats. &c. remedies have bocn tried in Between nnd Exchange Hlrrelc, ol the very best and war- J?ricje Goughs, It is Tneje quality, those of any other mauuficture. Three of the im- Being Only 35 Cen t w I 1 Letter Hon. 2>. W. purely vegetabie, nothing in anted to give satlslaction. from Gooch, Member qf Congress yam.the least containing proved safes were tested by the late lire (two hi the Massachusetts. injurious to tlic health, ami mav be taKcn Oyer Krfu, Stanley's, WARD \ A with «nOT\™?.r.d.SOI!??9vtquaIlt3I,of and office of is Good — at all SOFT Messrs. Brown & and and for sale all All-Wool Coat — — perfect safely limes. WOOD, which we will Churchill, Munson, by Druggists for 19 sell at tho Tory one in the office of Messrs. Harris & the $10,00 Melrose, July ISOS. Sent lo any part of llio country, wit !i full Where he is with lowest price and deliver It to Waterhouse, Dr. E. R. Knights—Roar Sir: directions, prepared any part ol the city at latter loll upon two tons of coal, which was all con- Good All-Wool Pants by addressing Dr. HUGHES, snortnonce. C.G.CLARK '>' OEO. S. HUNT. of tho — symptoms, they were pronounced to ho in the form of norvous or MENTS nuder the supervision of sick neuraima u augt HI Commercial Street. much At the instance of our headache; Haw_ danger. pastor. Rev. the head, neck, or extremities; LESS THAN HALF Mr. Stiles, I tried Lnrookali’s Pulmonic consumption "wher AS MUCH. THE ORIGINAL INVENTOR. Syrup.'which in the acute stages or where the lungs are not fully Wisconsin Oafs. promptly relieved them, and in a verv short time acute or chronic Send for circulars and to ITS EFFECT IS KIKBALL & they involved; rheumatism, scrofula hir prices of entirely recovered. In gratitude for' the benefit con- white Every variety CO., diseases, swellings, spinal diseases, curvature ’"°rc “dtoarrlvc- ferred, I cannot refrain from making tiiis testimony ol the contracted H. W. Hay, Coal, and J spine, muscles, distorlel limbs JOHNS, 10,000 Foisaleby" Railroad, Platform Counter, Drug- MIRACULOUS. public.” or St. WAj.DkON & 464 palsy paralysis, Vitas’Dance, deafness, slam! WILLTAM TRUE. gis's*. Confectioners*, Butchers*. and WASHINGTON WHOOPING COUGH. or of 78 ST., NEW YORK. 4 and 5 Grocers*, The the STBEET, BOSTON. menng hesitancy speech, dyspepsia, indiges- Union Wharf. Gold old, young, the middle aged unite to praise and liver augll—liv*_Nos. Scabs, Beams, Spring Balances, (fc., E. W. MAVERof Carle!on, N. B., writes I Dec., tion, constipation complaint, piles—we cure BgP’A good agent want oil. jySOtf case that can be 16B0: “My son. live years old, was a few months sinco every presented: asthma, bronchi, Sierra Morena Molasses. For sale at our Manufactures of Every tis, strictures of the and all HALL’S Description of suffering greatly from WHOOPING COUGH. I nev- chest, forms of female ELIZABETH BATH ROOM*. er saw a more distressing ease. I gave him Larookali’s complaints. CAPEThe subscriber begs leave to iu orm the citizens Pulmonic syrup according to directions and soon be- of Portland and the public m general, that he in- WAREHOUSE, VEGETABLE SICILIAN By 200 HUBS. I Clayed Molasses from Sierrs gan to soe improvement. The became easier— Electi’icitj’ tends opening his Bath Rooms at the Mineral oO Cough The Rheumatic, tho the lame and the liorces, j Morena. For sale bv 118 Drawing Boom, and the expectoration fr eer, and in two wcoks the gouty, lazv Spring; situated on Elizabeth, half or three- MILK STREET, Library Chamber malady leap with joy, and move with the and Cape GEOItGE S. was agility elastic- of a mile .. ... HUNT, entirely overcome.” °* the quarters from the bridge leading irom the BOSTON. ity youth; heated brain is cooled; the frost- P. 111 Commercial Street. HAIR RENEWER. bitten limbs Railroad, this Saturday afternoon. Thev angi—clow_ ASTHMA & SHORTNESS OF BREATH. restored, the uncouth deformities re- wul be faintness opened every Sabbath lorenoon, whero the moved; converted to weakness ’r can Fairbanks, Brown & Co. Isaac II. Evens writes from Bangor, Mo., under vigor, public be accommodated with Salt or Fresh Wat- It is an new the blind mode to soe, the deal to hear er Molasses. entirely scientific discovery, combining date March 21, lfcCl: “For ten years I was atllictcd strength; arid Baths, hot or cold, at any hour of the There Clayed the palsied form to move the day. Agents in Portland, many of the most and restorative with Asthma and Shortness of Breath. upright; blemishes o. is a so a Restuaiaut in connexion with the establish- powerful agents My cough youth are the accidents of FURNITURE! distressed mo so much that I was obliterated; mature ltie ment. in the reduced to a and for selo all tlic Hardware Merchants. vegetable kingdom. mere prevented j the calamities ot old by loading and friends lost all of age obviated and an N. B. Further next week. 750 HHBS. I PRIME QUALITY CLAY- We have such confidence in its and skeleton, my liopcs my recove- active circulation maintained. particulars FAIRBANKS. BROWN .V CO., and their Portland merits, are As a last resort I tried tierces. } eb ry. Luookah's Pulmoic Sy- ISAAC BARNPM. R »«£ molasses, carrot Agents, arc also for the sale of so sure it will do all we claim for that we offer IMPORTERS A ND liIlMES ju21.dtt'_ * and 8 from Agents it, DEALERS IN CHOICE UPHOL- rup. Following your directions closely, I soon began Ibr ‘M«l»nic,” Cardenas, to experience a tcoling of relief, and after (lie use of Who have cold lianas ana feet: weak stomachs, 1am- Leby Tilton & McFarland's tlireo I am well and weak Celebrated Safes. $1,000 Reward STERY largo bottles, entirely and able to fol- backs; nervous and sick headache; dizzi- COTTON DICK GOODS, low my usual occupation. 1 have (bit no ness and in the LYNCH, BAMKEIt B3?*Call and examine onr Scales and symptoms swimming head, with indigestion anu CO., Safes. a it is moro julSO If the Sicilian Hair Renewer does not sat- of relapse, although than a yon'r since I constipation of tho bowels: pain in the side and back; 139 Commerci^ give discontinued the use of the Street. isfaction in all cases when used in strict accord- Svrup, and am happy to leucorrhma, (or whites); falling of the womb with in- ^nAxrsies, &c. Junes, B«^,f that with God’s Tlie -—- Of all which we acknowledge I am indebted to ternal cancers; tumors, and all subscribers, manufacturers and sole agents tor ___ ance with our instructions. .. descriptions, offer at the lowest blessing, polypus, that lone v wholesale price* you fur mv life. You are at liberty Fo this for train of diseases win find in the sals of “LAWRENCE” and “OLD COLONY’ t MAI.. Particular attention and care to publish Electricity a sure meant Wc have just landed and ar* to paid packing and tho beno.’it of others who are of Cotton Duck and ready delivering Furniture inperfect order. similarly alllictod.” cure. For painful menstruation, too profuse Twine, now have a full assortment deliver at lowest HALL’S on prices three cargoes of Jack-on’s DBYGOODSr menstruation, and all ol those long line of trouble* hand; likewise:— BRONCHITIS AND CATARRH. with 3«0 Pieces Cotton McNeal Coal. The success this ooal Sicilian Hair He newer young ladies, Electricity is a certain specific, Ravens Duck. met with dar- Vegetable and in a 20 Bales 2 and 3 thread Wc would respectfully to our numerous friends A. W. Harris, writes from “Eldora wilt, short time, restore the sufferer to the Flax Sail Twine. ing the past season warrants as In all say The junior partner, Mr. J. Wayland whole-ship of health. 20 Bales Stoutand urging who and has proved itself to be the most Kimball, may be found at do,” March 11, lstiO: “Having sufierod lor tour vigor Light Russia Ravens Duck. have not customers, that in couucction with our perfect preparation years 600 Coils Hoth’s yet tried It to do so. for the Hair ever offered to the with Bronchitis and Catarrh in (heir most teeth: Russia Bolt-Rope. public. aggravat- teeth: teeth: 300 Pieces almost endless variety of ing forms, 1 feel it my duty to slate that 1 have been English Anchor Bunting, assorted colors PERKINS, JACKSON & It is a and contains no Dr. D. still continues to CO., vegetable compound, permanently cured by tlic use of larookah’s Pul- Extract Teeth by Elec- loo Chain Cables, g in. to 1} in. whatever. *«• Ml Commercial tricity without pain. Persons 100 Tons Sa'rycr’‘' Wliarf> Footot High St. injurious properties St., monic Syrup. I had I aid large stuns tu physicians having decayed CoilChain,3-16 in. to 1} in. July 14—dtt FANCY Portland, tooth or stumps they wish to liavo removed for Warranted GOODS! It is not a at and for so calod Catarrah hut until X used reset- American Anchors. Dye, it strikes the Roots and filla Remedies, ting ho would give a polite invitation Hie Syrup I experienced no relief.” to call. For sale at 23 «ce Goods ! X71m, KIMBALL. NESS. Ac. >‘our8. from 8 o’clock A. M. to 12 M.; from 1 Dry Dry Goods! AND to 6 P. It will the Bair out. From Rev. 11. F. M., and 7 to 9 in the evening. cd with dispatch at keep from falling Bowles, Manchester, N. H.: Consultation any convenient port. “Tlie bottle of Dr. Lnrookah’s free. novltl M. J. Pulmonic Syrup, you McLILVERr, RI AN Ac DAVIS It cleanses the and makes the Bair so sent lias been tried for Cushman, Scalp, kindly me, hoarseness, with u ii White Goods l l Fryebnrg Academy! FOUND for this I would j n n At fi ■ li K K Y April 161 Commercial St. SORT, LVSTROVS, AND SILKEN AT LAST! very good results; coiiiidcutl v rocom- I V No. 1* India 17—dtf_ mendit.” At the old stand ol E. Dana, Jr Street, Portland, To which willgsoon bo added all the THE FALL TERM Rot. L. A. APOTHECARIES, GEORGIA IT IS A SPLENDID HAIR-DRESSINGS Apothecaries, From Lami-ukr, North Ilero, Vt. “I Deering Block, Corner ot and Pieldc opened a large assortment ol DRY GOODS leave used Larookali’s Congress Sts., Syrup, and feel under obliga- PORTLAND, ME. HASIn connec ion with her NEW & DESIRABLE of this Institution will commence on Doctors, to its Yellow STYLES Ho person, old or young should fail to use it. tioiifrankly acknowledge excellence. Wlnlo Foreign and Domestic Chemicals. FTuid Ex- Pine Lumber I leave Drugs, It is recommended anil used by the FIRST MED- Storekeepers, using your syr up. etuoyod better health than I (mets, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, and Fancy Goods. MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, AND lead enjoyed ibr years. I have had attacks of s TIMBER. ICAL AUTHORITY. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 1866 Country Traders, slight Physician proscriptions carclully prepared, eithei To which she invites th 29TH, hoarseness, but llie Syrup would soou remove it. I by day or attention of the public gen- is night. os she nmicrsign&l ready to execute orders or con- find it is a mild and safe also In Mr. Charles B. erally, is selling very low for cash. rpiIE* for Ask for Hall’s Vegetable Sicilian Take remody Spasmodic Greenlcaf, who has been at thi« lumber, timber an. ROGERS. Thanking you for your past wc STREET, patronage, cordially Tho offer the Sicilian Haib Re- CHARLES D. BARROWS, A. B., Principal. W. E. W. Field, Esq., writes Rom clerk.__jul 5580, New invite to Proprietors F. & Virginia Citv, Next to Sian wood’8 Apothecary store, AugS—lm_Box York. you call and examine onr newer to the confident that it will Phillips Co. Colorado, Marc-i 11, lets!: “I foel very grateful for JFac tn public, entirely worth l ! aug 9—3w 200 M. ana Have 1 larookah’s Pulmunic near me- remembering Imported domestic Cigars bring back the hair to its original color, promote Its TUITION. found a store lor their Wholesale laving Syrup mo. CIDARN.for sale C. C. ltings weak and the most by MITCHELL & SON, and in all cases where it has fallen Common English, $4.00. being demanding vigilant more DRY GO ODS growth, nearly care. I lbi Pul- XT0 Sky-blue head-! No more turning away 178 Pots Street off wilt restore it unless the is belicvctiicSyrupthosurestrcmcdy ! ! lull3tl__ person very aged. Higher English and Latin, 5.00. monary Complaints that Ilis ever been made availa- bfft'rieud" because they smell Sulphur. Oysters Oysters Before PEASE’S*°'>rr VEGETABLE BUSHELS Pr me High Mlxoo purchasing elsewhere. Brag Business S ble to tho afiUctod.” HAIR RENEWER *20 OOOII11 / Oxcclc uml Modern C.Ofl will restore faded and “The same and not the *nnie.'’ and pnre Y. llow Com. It. P. IIAI.L 4c CO. Proprietor Languages. gray hair pei&ctly natural (no EDW. A. CONSUMPTION. it will ,. H. BURGIN fr 00 WILLIS PAINE, At 148 yellow I; arrest Its falling oil at once; it covers bl II Music and Draw teachers. Fore bald heads The old stniul known as if120 Commercial Street. Nashua,1If. B. lag by competent Street, Wonderful Cure of a Child Two and a someiimes with a good head ot hair- it July Cl dtf No. 13 Market Between cures disease of Square. Sold all Lime and Silver Half Years Old. Gents:—My grandchild, a lit- any tho scalp, and sick headache; It |y by Druggists. Lecturers be the Streets, and are now is the be.t Popular may expected duridg ready to lill orders lor tle girl of 2 1-2 years old. was taken sick in Portland, coloring and ilroBsing combined, in the Atwood’s Oyster Saloon ono ponumed. a C. SEABURY & CO. Me., in January, lt-.Cs. No could tell what was w Try bottle. H. H. GILMAN’S Boat'd can bo obtained on reasonable terms. Also Hay <6 and has been removed Drugs, Patent (lie matter with her. But she was much piesscd tor Co, Messrs. Grosman & Co, sell it In any have taken the store Medicines, an formerly occupied by T. P. I breath; had a hard, tight cough; could not raiso; hor 1 From to Vo mum, Diarrliae rooms for sludouts to board themselves. Paints, Glass Ware, hor tine.._junc2o the best medicine for com- be happy to sco his friends. September. Pulmonary For particulars see Circulars or of the Also a fine line of valuable life (whichwas1802) he rcmarkoilthatho bad plaints in the world. enquire Suspenders. &c. Sales at auction announce to tlio citizens of Portland Principals. every never known this remedy to fail in anv case of diar- Respectfully W, F. Yours, H. Me. SAMUEL ROLFE. lm* and that on a AN1 > & LARABEE, Pliipshurg, T oll L. M. Variety Store. evening._ aug3 rhea when properly used. IVe would in- vicinity, they have hand I.ARGK Phillips Co,, •Tuly 30-(i&wtf BAILEY, respectfully Space will permit the publication of hut a titiio of A. M. form the public that we own the for tlus inval- COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF BAILEY, No. 355 Millinery and Itecipo WHOLESALE the certiiicatos whicharo in trom jyUdfiw_ Congress Street, Fancy Goods! uable and have been it the DHUGOIITS, constantly coming Remedy preparing under all quarters of the Patients will No. globe. tir.d tlic most may be found a name of 148 Pore Portland. conclusive evidence or the Dp. good assortment oi Mu- Street, value of this remedy, in a Davcis, Poor & sical Instruments, Sheet Mrs. J. W. E ME trill of which will Marrett, Co., WHERE Music, Picture R DRAWING-ROOM, LIBRARY, Auffll—■eodlm it, cost hut a trilie, and which may HITS REMOVED TO HIS Plcturee, Y, Welcome’s Diarrhea Syrup. the Frames, Looking Glasses. Clocks, Music CHAMBER and DINING-ROOM yield priceless results. Having taken Chambers Umbrellas, Canes COE. CIONGEESS and bottles NEW OFFICE 13 1-2 FREE ST. Stools, Feather Dusters, Baskets, CHESTNUT STS now about four years during which time wo have sold Xnrge $1.Oil—medium size CO cent 9. pro- Children's Carriages, Ladles- Trove to pared E. R. M. 311 ling Bags. Has since tlio fire added her other a with no effort, about live thousand bot- NEW by KNIGHTS, D., Cliomist. Melroso, omec hours from o’clock A. M. to 1 P. M., and CONGR ESS business Milli- comparatively STORE. mul sold all 11* STREET, Piano Fortes and nery and tles giving full satisfaction to the atllictcd and eliciting Mass., by druggists. 3 to 4 P.M. Melodeons F URNIT URE ADJOINING MECHANICS’ and to flic most llattcring recommendations from all quar- HALL, For Sale Bent. W ith many other an Idea too Goods ters. in the Dr. Larookah’s numerous to particularize Fancy Department! Many soldiers procured it while army Sarsaparilla EET attention to the and Are now prepared to offer their the and Compound. Special given Diseases friends and pub- Fortes and (ho sendees of since returning who say it is a perfect, euro for lic a and JSTPIano and Melodecns tuned and ro- secured For tho speedy and pormanont euro of Liver Com- die to which tho hour large well asorted stock of Dysentery and Diarrhea oven alter the Doctors foil.— of cvcrv description, which tlic>- will sell at GREAT Operations rtf' Dye. morning SAMUEL F. plaint. Scrofula or King’s Evil. palred^0—ilmod COBB, Ra«l tho been with it thousand BARGAINS. Goods packed in the best DRY Dyspepsia. Dropsy. will be devoted. junc4d&wt aug No. 35s St. Miss J. C. BROWN army suppliod many GOODS t! Neuralgia, Epilopsy, St. Anllioiiv’s Firo exclusively Congress ot lives would liavo been saved it. Those who bc- possible manner, and forwarded without Erysiplcas, by Pimples, Pustules. Blotches, Boils, Salt- t at 4G Middle street a3 Milliner, Cloak with its virtues if to anv otli- cjywnsc to the purchaser. Tumors, ctitPta'ijVfis Formerly ®?fJuahitcd prefer Rheum, Ulcers and sores. Rheumatism. Pain in tho B E M OVAL! LOWELL A SEWER, and Dress Maker. The stock of fj m-§5®c* N o famil y or traveler should be without Mid »t. uive it a trial. WARb BOOMS in tlio SPACIOUS Stomach, Side, Rowels, General Debility, uter- gy ine Ulceration, and Mercurial DFCALCOMANIA GOODS IIA BUS, ovor the Passenger Station of tlic Boston St EDWIN A. MA Sypliilis Diseaso, and. Paper Hangings MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BRETT, all complaints arising or resulting in W.R.Johnson, NAUTICAL saved from the lire, together with the Millinery Maine Rail ltoad £yg&Dr. STORE, Goods, purchased will be sold at re- CURTAIN l»y her, I. C. on IMPURE BLOOD. GOODS, &c., No. 161 Commercial duced pricos. aiglCCw WELLCOME or address, bank, C. W. Foss. II. T. F. E. Co- widely G FBEE NTBEET business at the Store Gilson, Cummings Co., Grey Hair to its original color; promotes being in use. All warranted satistectoxy, or no sale. Ware, L. A. GRAY, BLOCK. recently occupied AT THE LOWEST PRICES. C. E. S. M. T. Misses Grimth, Froe Street. vcll, Duran, Chapman, Gale, Hanson, TURNSits growth, and prevents Its falling off. Descriptive circulars sent on application. Address auglld2w Principal. uug4 in J. M. & Co. Swcctscr, Somite] Relic, J. J. Gilbert and C. V. Cu- For sale Y & CO.. 30 PEARL STREET. Store with Messrs. Dyer August 13. codtf ty by Druggists. J. C. HOADLE Lawrence, Mass, roy. aji2—dlyMWFA-w Slay 12—d3m* jul 13 d3m ang3d3ni INSURANCE. DUV Sid, brig Mazntan; sell Bay State. INSURANCE. GOODS. THE MARKETS. New York BEAL ESTATE. Ar 14th. Maine Law. Ainesbury. REAL ESTATE. for Boston: Brown, Bondout for ltochport. Maine, IJfmr AYCE In barque Arietta, wtg orders: sells Maine, CO.—All parties h,v- Financial. port, J claims tlic Challenge, K Richards >n, and Maine Law. IrvrlVAIns against i«fna," arising (torn Houses and losses recoil Docelling Land Nkw York, Aug. 15. BOSTON—Ar 14th, barques Lady hrankhn.Miteb- INTERNITiONtL by tlic tire, will please present them at FOB SALE! The Commercial soys the weakening tendency of oll Clenfucgus; Suliote, Brackett, Bondout; brig once lor adjustment and payment, at our office Those mnuranco arc FOB Stocks has been chocked by llic announcement of the H S Emery, Fi t,, Sagua. effecting reminded that we con- SALE; lor tinue to issue Policies Secretary oi Treasure, culling the presentation of Old 14th, barque Robert. Carter, New Orloaus; hcb INSURANCE COMU’Y lor this favorite Company A STONE Lot. cm Middle Street near tire corner of of for redemption, on or before Burton, Frohock, on all insurable property. Three storied Brick Dwelling, together with lot in of in all. aliont Certificates deposite Arthur Baigor. rpHE1 fxExelinnge. with rear above, A ust 20tli. N. York. COFFIN & SWAN. S. the Laml, corner of the atone and life Ar *r,tb, ship Borneo, Bassett, Padang; brigs Ma- No. 113 Broadway, FOYE, Age its, SILAS DREW westerly “-—-feetoflawltogctlier with cellar, The amount of the temporary loan outstanding ! rine. Cook, Clonlltegos; echs Daeotah, Partridge, fm juI20-Jtf lay Fore street. trick on tame. 1st, was about millions of this John Aug. $llb,GC5,4C5; filly Gibara, Cuba; H French, Burgess,and Car- and Winter Streets, Lot of land on the India C24 house Danforih ^ oast side of Street, amount is represented by clearing certificate*. roll. Grant, Philedelphla: Ligonia, Smith, Eastport. eet on India by 210 foot arc not called so that mil- CASH CAPITAL, Has the to aunuouce to the has Has deop, V.'hich in, nearly seventy Cid 15th, brigs B B Gove, llarkness, and Surf, CITY NOTICES. pleasure public tliat he purchased the Stock and stand of Houso well built, convenient, apd lu goodortlor. will romaiu to l>c redeemed. 'J’lio result will be eleven finished on west side of India street 139 lions Shepard, Camden; sells C 1) llorton, Smith. Port- rooms, gas. wafer, cemented cellar, JUj-ohlaitctflamlcct on to materially ease the money market, at. the time A Lincoln. New ft t , ,** and in everv respect a desirable of property.— India, by 102J deep. Bentley, York; Statesman, Cole, $1,000,000 1 f' » •’ I rlft swlai W piece Also Vhcu the call for to move the crops usually all in* >“* ■J'Tt "suJFff Sit V Lot a Lot Ofland on money Machiaaport; Henry A. Wade, Waldoboro; Boston paid STATE 3 w about 40 by 10J J’oro Street, 12J foot by 00. ran sc* a riac of 2 cent. In the rale of interest. OF MAINE. For 1@ per Tlight, Boardman, Camden; Jane Woodbury, Shute, torms of sale, call on f.L’l»e effect of those aspects of the money market has Salem. was Ttvo Storied Wooden Dwelling, a. O. Veen to strengthen the stocks, but as the market jcIis N Coombs, Surplus, 204,188,40 City of Portland, ss. CONANT, Hie et- GLOUCESTER—Ar 14th, Berry, being strongly commsttcd to a bear movement, Phlladeifiliia; S A Bred, Reed, Lynn for Bangor: August 10, lSliC. B. F. Hamilton & 69 YORK STREET. 183 Commercial Street, or and was less marked nn €©., fbol was partially counteracted, Emily, Grant, Ellsworth: John Boynton, Reed, To the Electors nj the City qj' Portland: II. M. than otlicrwis have been expected. $1,204,188,40 Konso recently is in thorongh repair, has I'ATStON, might Calais; OK Dodge, llinckloy, Beaton. TheAMmrrenof the of built, angli—dlsepl* Foot Governments arc active, andi © # percent, Nelue Chap in, City Portland hereby give twelve finished rooms, and for the conveni- of Street. very JoNESPORT—aid llth barque Jaii’y 1, 1805. notice that Have arranged Exeltangc in con cquenco ci the rise iu gold. loO passengc they prepared alphabetical lists of ence of one or two fluidHc*. Tnc Lot is about 3b by higher, partially tnew)Wass, Julia, Palestine, (with inhabitants ns to f Kk J*» ► •* more to the ol an demand such appear them to bo constitution- Mffctt. be Leaned Imt owing pr.>sp■«» i»t, briz Original Capital nine to twelve o’clock A. and- llrom C;\sc° and Oak Streets. This is a nice, com- WILLIAM O. 3*iussia, the intelligence having been used with tile hiauki it. At,, throe to six gress FOX, t New \ oik ; uth, seb Alice, rocker, -or- P. AT., for the or situation and to business. dtf l»k>£ Middle St. utmost respect by Uillucntkd cliques is Ha Rob- O'clock pnriwse receiving evidenco IgSS;Ix>t good handy nugll _At gold. LB, 12th iust, brig niony, ot abont 30 by no. 1 P. M.—Gofd sold at 152. At 1.20 r. M., at 153$. Ar ntWdiau, of the qualification porsons claiming tho right lo volc ou sucli election, and lor correcting said lists. Store Lots for Sale, iU*Ar B^st Joiin, KB, 9.b in*;,sell Camilla,Hurlbut, Given under our hands the and One Million ! day year above Lit on Middle street, between Temple and New York Dollars written. .llnrkch. Lei last; OneCasco Bank. ^Cbfttt1'. sei‘, Pocahontas, Grady, llth, TUOATAS S. JACK. Nr.w 1G. One Lit on Middle below Hotel Lo(. York, Aug. ship S Culling, Morse. Liverpool. Stephen slreet, Cotton—steady; sales 500b:Ues: Middling Uplands FIRE wHiTiiaiorj:. One Lot corner of Middle ami Church streets. DEPARTMENT. CHARLES HOLDEN, STREETS, streets. at31@5Gc. steamer New Yortc, at New York.l One L. t corner ;.Iid lie and Ilamiiehire [rer A. P. JIOUGAN. For Sale, 1 dollar foot. Mont—10 @25c higher: sales 15,800 bids,; State 1 am prepared to issue on One Lot 0.1x121) ou Middle alreet, pel Ar at Liverpool 28th ult, 3t Peter, New policies Dwelling EDMUND Lot of laud oil S 10 00; Mound I Loup Ohio at i- 7~> © 11 G5. We$-i Goodwin, PHINNF.Y, Cumherlaud Slrcot, Impiireof JOHN C. PROI TOH, Orleans; Holli es, St John, NB. Houses lor a term of and also npon EVERY Ambrose g where UicmJw opie$itc ern at D92@U25. Southorny Y5 @15 CO. Canada Tamerlane, years, hidings, A Cathedrae nowbainn built con- 25 Middle Street, optiosito ruins of the Maihlc Hotel. Sid 28th, Persia. Doano, llio Janeiro. Aldermen of tho bf about with the nominal. SPECIES of INSURABLE PROPERTY at FAIR City Portland, taining 3,(100 ftet, renuOm Of tlle hili k Argus copy. attglSdL'w 0 d 28th, Smith, for Ellem The wall is in Wheat—1 @ 2c sales28.f00 bush.; Milwau- Congress, Quebec; 30ih, angltltd liuildiug. good order, and can lx- built higher; Austin, French. Tlios Strick- RATES. ; kee No. 1,2 22 @ 225: Amber Slate, new. clioicc.210; New York; Harward, up at small expense, x/pply to House suiil Lot for Sale Michigan White 2 CO. land, Philadelphia City of I'orfiaHil. “^nmrioD K.D. C'HO.ftK. Corn— Miwu Oft Holyhead 23th, Sarah N.wiuan, Giles, Irotn 13. 3w 4 rorlland Wcslbroole. near Morrill's Corner. Ncw-liottsc, 1 © 2c bighrr: sales 158,'C80 bushels. the on the 8th ang. Pier. Liverpool lor Callao. City Council, day _No. INtwo-story. 12 rooms, with all the convcnionces; Western trdc, MARINE of lfOO, an order Ar at Lend u 28th, Created Wave, Baker, N York ; INSURANCE. WHEREAS,August, passed directing tho rawlcmstyle', well tiuished, with 1-1 to 1 acio of land. Beef—steady. Committee on laying out and widening streets, to FOB of ANDREW CHAM, pn ’.** uew mess at u2 ; Saginaw, Boutulic. Saguinay; .'{1st, Gertrude, Sped- SALE, I’ricoie.tsiiahlc. Kittinirc Pork—firmer; sales i*.• bl»Is., Marine on sidcr Uio of plumb street. Bassein. ! Insurance HULLS, CARGOES, and expediency widening of land SCtOS onKmery 1 lj ifcct the premises, or W. B. Goodrich, Stevens Plains. prime 27 2 k ^ d:U, Not ha; is !ur,ui to all Steoel, 21. Passed Deal .‘Jlsfc, G II Soule, Sinnett, frtfin Callao FREIGHTS, TAKEN SPECIALLY or OPEN hereby parlies interested, that from street. Fur apply tec. Aug IHMSw Argus copy. l-ard—dull; ratios Xu at 1?? @ upon tlic .Committee of VI.OT Spring particulars Joint Standing the City Council or .L W. for _ POLICIES. II. No. 60 Clark Whiskey—dull. Antwerp. The public will find it for //(fir 'inlereti out new streets, will to UNUSUAL Stuart, street, I;racket!, from C lino unlaying mcc.t hear the par- ATTRACTIONS* Mice—firm. Oft* Isle ot Wight 28th, Euterpe, Arcy, I ISkl oy <\ > A o Union House, Peak’s Island. augl3Iw ; to give us a call. ties and view the proposed way. on the-17th of >\»‘\ ;VV 11 HOUSE AND LOT! sales l'IC.'MO lbs. at 48 @ On toj do- for Rotterdam. day Wool-drooping; W Bio Ja- August, ttto, at Cmreelflck in the afternoon, at tlie tor ickloil locks. for Sid tin Newport 26th, Italia, hitwore, CHARLES mestic fleece.60 @C5 52$ tublied, TAYLOR, President. coiiier of Middlo and Plum streets, ami will then Houses lor Sale. For Sale. 20 50 for 55 © 5 ibr . neiro ; WIzard King, Woodwork Bombay. ,/.* r ’•■•-ftv ^ 'ill © Texas, Ant- HAMILTON Vtce-PbesideNt; and (here proceed to determine and whether e,i Cuml'crlaml. Lincoln. Drown. Carle ton, Dan- to fJvorpool- dull. Ar at Cardili 28th, Lizzie Southard, Arbury, RRUCE, adjudge Freights C. C. tlio public convenience requires said srreet or to TO PURCHASERS OF Willis. Myrtle ami Fore streets. A gw! sized two slrricd House. suilablc for werp: Doane, Liverpool. H1NE, SETBETAKY. way Onforth, Poreia, l>c laid out. of JOHN V. PKOt’TOB. ‘, two large, i'r four small families, ov Sir is board- Ar at Shields Old Dominion, Sampson, from A. Inquire j 29th, OLIVER DRAKE, Assistaht Secbetaby. Given under fcur bauds on. this ninth Au- TIOJIUBO a 003 A0r*j« : !>• j vf Vwv*-. house—Is cellar and excellent Market* pc.' Atlantic 1 day of ougtSitw CJ> Middle Street. Ing rooms—good Foreign Telegraph. A. lfcCG. water, iiotf# I0U feet. Fine shade trees in front. At do 2Sth, Freedom, Bradley, tor Nmv York. gust, D., by UjvtRPOOL, Abg. 14. P. 7*1. .OPt'JCE, IGG Street, P.rtlnnd, Vic*. AUG. ii STJJTENS. Guardian's Sale. This iTcpcrty is in Sacearapp. Village, near tlie Cot- TheCotton market is firm, and prices rather higlier; EDA1UND rTIINNKy, ton Mills, Price only Santa. A» (]y to W. II. .TER- 15.C00 Ar at Foo-chow May SO, Buena Vista, Ayres; from virtue of a license from the lion, rfolm A. Wa- Riles lo-day bales. Middling uplands aroquoi- John JF. Minty er, AMBROSE GUIDINGS, RIS. Real Estate Agent, opposite Preble House, edatJSid. • Shnnghae. JOSEPH DRY GOODS. BY terman, Judgo of Probate within and h r the Portland. jygudsw ult. Wood, from New fclileodly BRADFORD, Breadstuff market is firm. Ar at Madeira 16th Virginia, .v a <■ n t;. ’’ County of Cumberland, tinted the i:rst of pTi .. May, A. D. 1K6, f shall Roll at pr vatc «al® on the Tjondon. noon. from W. P. FILES, :.J V». .■•■ Aug. 11, In ilavro Road* 29th, Sorrento, WilBon, New premises, on Saturday, tlio fourteenth day of FOR SALE. Consols arc quol e l this uooifccl American se- Cotrimitlfcc on out and Widening .Streets. July *?§. Orleans. Insurance Laying next, ;it ten of the dork in the forenoon, one undi- curities U. S. G-2c*s arc at Notice. auglOdtd. quoted Cs{. That poition of lisStock sarfed-froih his store on Kiddle Street,sduring the late disastrous vided haif part of n lot of land, with the buildings P. M. SPOKEN. situate in < Lotdox, Aug. 15, Tlic undersigned desire to give notice 1o their fire, has been arranged for sale and will be offered at thereon, Gorham Village, in said bounty of New, First Class House. Consols wore quoted at the closo of business to-day from iricuds and CITY OF PORTLAND. Cumberland, bounded northerly, and wes- Juno 20, lat 8 30 N, len23 25 YV, ship Regent, the public, that have been ■ southerly at for The sales of American secu- they appointed .m., ,• m! £7# money. latest CardJli for Calcutta. Agents for Portland of the 'IXTIIKlvRAS. tlic City Council on tho 6th day o terly by public roads, and ensl crly by land of the heirs Jus! Finished—French Hogf-On Leering rities v.ere al the United to-day following prices: July lat 47 Ion 12 ship Sarah Newman, ▼ V August. ltCC, passed an order dfrocting the Oni-. of tlio late Cressy, subject to dower of Louis Street. 14 Kooiijh JJcauUj'u//y Jrescort. States G-2o's weio at GH, Illinois 17, N, W, Joseph iSjii] quoted Central from lor Bombav. mitteo on Trying out and AVidcning ,St reels to widen W. Houghton fl'erclu; said ) remises’ Consist of one JSfciiL. This house has all modern .mproYcments: shares closed at vf». Lrie Railroad shares were Liverpool thp Quo- 11. lat 38 Ion 7C 06, ship Chieftain, from Commerce Hampshire sireet from Congress street to Fore and one-third acres of laud, a two-story bouse and Gas. Hot and Odd Water, Brick Ciulcm lioldinc 45 ted at close at Aug 24, Ins. Co., of A Reduction 25 Per Cent, 42$. Liverpool lor Philadelphia. street. of from former ell, containing eleven finished rooms, a good stable, bbds.. cemented collar tlcor, sod is very convenient Aug 11, lat 4! 41, l ;ti 68$, brig George Harris, Horn Notice is hereby given to all parlies interested, that well of water, and about forty good fruit frees. The in all respects; will 1»e ready lor occupancy next Nr* l orl; Stock Hlarkrl. St John, NB, fbr Baltimore. N. the Joint Standing Committee of the City Council on other half of said promises, together with tl»e driver month. Lit 30 by 100 fcet. Albany, Y., out new streets* will meet to hear the w> vvuywt to Louis W. will l>o — muni — ... and laying parties mMki vwv aforesaid, belonging ilonghfrn. Also House, on Cumberland Street, near Oak; 12 Klw York. in. Capital Surplus $490,000,00, 1 and view the on Aug, proposea way tho sixteenth day of Prices* l sold at the same time ami place. If desired by flic pur- rooms nicely i ain ted and papered; has "as. ftimace, 8ccm*ft J'ortro- Slocks. at in chaser. Raid whhlitl ov August, lfcCU, three o’clock the atlcmoon. at’tlic buildings arc all nearly new and in good marble mantles, cemented cellar filtered water, A mcrican G old.3 jj HUMPHREYS’ confidently recommend to their patron/:, lloor, g as site an! comer oi Congress and Hampshire Street, and will repair. Are. Lot ail 95. and Foil \Vlyiio.105 reliable. Tlicv ; continue to Insure Ac., by Cliicago in iheu and there proceed (o determine find udjmtoc Terms cash, or approved erc»lit. to W. H. JLKKTS, Real F.stato Bail & Hock 1;1 homoeopathic specifics, the Apply Agent. Chicago and....100 wlicthcr the public convenience requires said slice Cor Koad Preble House. and Nort. The above sale is tal.fmimed till THUTtSPA Y, the Cifliec. opposite jyGdtf Chicago AVestilrn. X 3TAVL i■ from the most amp'.c experi- way to be Laid out. ItJ'/EM, 16th of at 10 o’clock A. on the Illinois Central.122 Mat. <»iv6n under our haiids on this of day August, IfeCO, M., H cnee, An entire success; fcimpie—Prompt—Effi- Holyoke Fire Ins. 7th day August, For Sale at a Bargain. Michigan Southern.tni ami Reliable. Tliey are the only Medicines a. jx, me. premises. J. W. WESTON, cient, on Grove street, ad- Reading.1113 to popular use-^so sirr.t-ie liiat AtIG. E. STEVENS. Guardian of Louis W*. Houghton. desirable building lot, m perfectly adapted Mass. Mr. F. and one of the We.j mistakes cannot be u.aue iu using them;-90 Co., of Salem, EDM END PHTNNK V, Dated at Harrison, (Bolster's Mills lA, « a;- AM15KOSK GTDDrNGS. 18C0. aittHeoc|&w pleasantly Boston Water Power Co.; which Company so all its losses 'sus- • residence and beautiful garden. Contains 19200 feet, COJ "ay’a reliable. They liavc raised t he cbm* promptly paid JOSEPH MtADFOIiD. Western Union highest tained the recent lire in tuis IzOlect front, on Grove and 1G» toct on a con- Telegraph.5$ immUitionl: Otn all, aud will alwayj^ciuU r sHtistae by city. LTJAS CifASE, For Sale SL, Canton Insurance ou will be sold than any equal- company,.,51* tiou. directed all classes of property, at W. P. FfMCS. templated sheet, cheaper U. H. 5-50 lot of Land on the westerly corner of Cun- can l>e lor in For 1.1 and.— coupons 1*C2.21t»o| Cts. current rates. Committee on Laving out New Streats. rpHE ly desirable lot purchased U S. Jl gross and Deprl Sta., fronting uji Congress street to Win. II. lical Fsfate at 10-10.Xiuo; 1 Cures 25 augOdtrt Apply Junto, Broker, No. Fevers, Congestion, Inflainations, about 111 feet aim on Peart aboutW foot, Horse Kuilroad Ollw Preble House. 44 2 Worm-Fever o, opposite Worms, Worm-Colic, 25 E. WEBSTER & Son, dpply to CHARLES E. BARRETT, » jyS0»l3\v *(< 3 GryivM Colie, or Teething of infantsi 25 At otlice Grand Trunk Station. Boston J- lock Ii»l« " Railway -1 Diunat* of children or adults 25 JilSUP.ANCi; AfiEHTS, 8, 44 Portland, Aug. I860, augiftf For Sales at the Brokers' Board, August 15. 6 Dysentery, Griping. lUilious Colic, 25 Sale. American Gold.▼ 44 fi Nai*B«L Vomiting Ji K«.b & 10 SOUTH ■Vk. *,\ y.A Xft’A'A I. Atl l *m A1 i of the best building lots in Portland.-located lV)$ 14 Cholera-Mor^, STREET,

t aerie*.j 10f>J 44 44 I_Notice is to all that Headaches, Siok-Jl cad hereby given parties interested, front ulfebt and 6 Inches It contains small.I ioi7 9 ache, Vcrtigoj 16 augl4tf the by deep. around—tho \Ylute Mountains included. Tho Horae 44 44 Joint Standing Committee of the Council on id iCCl 10 Dyspasia, iiiiiiuus Stounn-h, 25 City nine finished rooms, is gas piped, a plentiful tlda every littccn minutes. Size series.j 44 out new M Cnrapass property 44 laying streets, -will meet to hear the parties of hard con 3d scries. loll il SupproW or puintbl Pqf’< L?.aVLJEM'T^! For further on the 1*05.; 1071 Ihunr, 25 particulars onquire premises. • 44 convenience said sirept or to bo laid out U idled 10 Ftverand Ague, fill 11i 50 requires way V States Ten-forties.. 1*9} >4»ver/_\gua,l our on Wt >v\%6 ‘vt-o'l VK augO—2w Blouse md Lot lor Sale. 4 44 COFFIN Givpn under hands this fc'th of August. 'a i'A V Ago ^ Eastern Idfilroad Sixes. lt>74. 97 22 Ear Discharges, iuipaired Heal ing,! 50 FOYE, i SWS«:. ‘day Over 100 Silk Garments made and trimmed iu the most fashionable 14 44 a.d.jscc. up styles. two story brick house and store No. 4J0 con- Fa torn R ilroad... 107 23 Scrofula, enlarged Glands, Swciliuss, Go No; 185 Foiv Ntreet, (up stairs.) (T ENTEEL Residence ior sale in Gorham. One ot 44 44 AL'G. t. STEVENS, ^ 23 feet front occupied Only as a garden. 1st Mori Benda. i>9 i< Piles, blind or 50 the finest residences in Gorliaiu, now THEgress st, Ogdonpltiirg gage nleeding, ED MEND occupied on the and or ; PHINNEt, Major Mann is offered for sale The house m tw o For partic ulars enqidr premises. aug7it Rutland ?d Mortgage Bonds. 40 Id OphtitOlmv, tore weak eyes, 30 AMBROSE /'TfTUlHilt »;Mf i by Vermont Central ist bonds. 119 ly 44 Catarrh, acute or cluonic. influen/.ii. 50 MARINE COMPANIES. UfDDINGS, stories, thoroughly finished inside and out, and in mortgage 44 JOSEPH BRADFORD. Vermont Central 2d mortgage bonds.. HO -ill A CoUiillS. 50 Washingtcn. oi'New York. situation is unsurpassed in that beautiful village.'— Double Teneiiient |Ionse lor Sale. ELIAS CHASE, The lot is is fruit ol B iston and Maine 1:1 2i Breathing, so I large, upon which trees various Railroad.i Asthma, oppressed ; I us lira an ce Co* of Norsk Aurt 4.. W. P. FIIdiR I .-1 ••!.• .i l A House on Brut tic Street. Each “31 44 kinds, &c. A nice spring of exo* Rent Double Cottage llill Manutaciui iim 208 Diphtheria Sore Tliroat. 50 ul’ Committee on out Km tthr n ■••■’.’ : 3hruberry, Idtchen four Company. 44 44 j Fhiiadoliihia* Laving New Streets. iota If house c ontains nartor, siiting-roon, anil Bates Mantirasc: 32 at t water is handy to the door, and large brick cistern in urfng Company...i ictj Sufferings Change of Life, j 00 aiigOdtd chambers; good collars, with plenty of hard and soft “33 ist. Vitus’ 1 fcjie cellar, it ajso has a tine stable. This excellent Epilepsy, Dance* (X) wattor. Will be sold low if for 4 4 44 property will commend itscll to any man who. is in applied immediately. 21 General Debility Physical WeakneBS, 50 EIRE COMPANIES. OF to TV. H. Jerris, Real Estate at ltoil- “■ *• FIT* want ol a pleasant home w ithin 30 minutes ride ot Applv Agent, MARUIE!) 3i Dropsy, aud scanty Accretions 50 l^BTUND. ro:ul Preble House. 4* AEliiu, Of Hariford* In the one thousand hundred and Portland. Office, opposite *G Sea-Sickness, sickness from riding, 50 year sixty-six. 8—dtr P f j Royal* -Oi* Liverpool »ud Loiuioa* C E © T H © A R if E ATS! For further particulars enquire ol WM. H. JER- Aug. 27 Kulney.Discwse, Gravel, 50 An Ordinance Relating to City and At V 44 44 j' ‘Weighing Real Estate at Horse Railroad Ferry 1kg Cape Elizabeth. A,ng. 13, bf A.J 28 Nervous Debility, Seminal Coutiueutii], ¥jork» RIS, Agent, Office, l'homas Emissions, Arctic, Oi .Vnv York* Ganging. Preble House. Robinson, F»j., Mitchell and Miss *A. J invviUtntory Disclmrges, 1 oc '•«*• ,tmtr\H ,«t VsooO |.. Opposite jylldtf House Lots. AlaUown, otU oi C. E. Lorillartl. Of New York* lie it ordctinetl by the Mayor. Aldermen, and Common 29 Sere Mouth, Conker,! 5fl Cf.viicll the in House Lots tor sale on Thomas, Km- In July 30, Josiah of Swanviile '* Pulton, Oi* New York* qf City qf Portland. City Council as- Snburbmi Reiiiilcnrf for Bellust, Scokine, "30 Urinara Incontinent, bed, GO I and streets; one near the head ot and Mrs. Sal!fo of Waldo. ‘‘ wetting Norwic|»« Uf sembled. as follows: In all the Sale.—The subscriber offers for sale his very EL1GABTJ5cry Congress Roavey. 31 PakiG# Periods, even ailh 5C Norwich. latest styles will 1>e ofleted at BIlAVTlFUIi la Bellas*. Jouailian Bpusms Of Sect. 1t. That any person not duly authorised as redtfeed’"pri^fe attractive residence in of State street. July 21, Capt. Fossanf Miss FAMILY CASES People’s. Worcester. Westbrook,Thnse-fbuiths W. H STEPHENSON. Sarah J. Giosvii. Weigher and Gauger, who shall exeVcIse that office .’fcVA i>KD U;»V\ foooO a mile irom Portland, (well known as Hawthorn 35 Vials, Morocco Cnac, and $10 ft) Portland, 8.—dtf 2d National Bank. In Fred. D. and Bob*, by Weighing or gauging cargo or parts of cargo on a line with the Horse but a Aug Searapovl. July 14, PaltersliAl 20 large Viols, in Morocco, and honk, 6 00 FIFE COMPANIES. any Place), Railroad, and Lauru A.-Kn wlt-on. ot any foreign merchandise a Weigher (ew rods from the same. The house is modern 20 ease, and f> ft.) requiring City largo ViaU>, plain Book, Connecticut Mutual* Of Hartford# or or shall exercise ov the duties of thirteen is heated fur- Land for Sale. 15 Boxes (Nos. 1 to J5) and Book, 3 ft) Gauger, perform bufltfeontaipiDg rooms, by STATE AGENCY OF THE or Gauger in any manner VOr fees or nace in cellar, an abundance or hard and specifics Weigher hire, ^git LOT of tarn! on C'umbei land St., abovo Wash- 1)1 VETERINARY 'shttlf/’ibf every such vio atron of this for- water on the It is tmr: ounfied * R:i>7 Case lo CouuecfScHt General* Of Hartford* Ordinance, ■ prem'sos. entirely ny A ington, 0U by iK) leet, with two collar in good Mahogany Ylals, $10 Oo feit rind pay a sum not exceeding- thirty dollnro. to fino shade niecs. A is connectcd w ith the stone and brick. Will be sold low. In- Single Vials, with directions, l $0 a®ATE AGENCY OF THF garden condition, the use ot the City. house containing about loo choice fruit trees, Con- at otlicc of B. D. No. 10 Free St. In this An-. ot cholera g^Thesc Remedies, by tho Ga** or Box, quire YERRILL, city, J4, infantum, {Susej single) New York Accidental, Of New York* Approved, August M sisting of apple, pear, peach and cherry treesl also, 1866.—dtf child ot are sent to any part of lie country, alaii Ex- Aug II, E-, only Henry A. and Fannie E. Prosi. agec by an# fU-gfcu gooseberr./MdMfiiirrnirts, strawberries, etc., 13 press, free of charge on of the The undersigned. Agents and of tho lagether months. receipt price. Address, Attorneys with one of finest in the State, m fitie AMtNTOKPforMnh TheHous above named reliable Companies with a combined graperies IFuneral a rvices tliis afternoon, at 3 o’clock, flrofi HUMPHREY'S SPECIFIC beat of the choicest varieties. An excel- HOlsl.and Store No. 40 Washington street P per- at No. 5 UO BUKO PJ THIC MEDICINE COMPANY: capital and surplus of more than ingordiw, High street.] HOTEIjH. IN ALL THE NEW AND CHOICE STYLES. lent opportunity for boating and bathing, tho laclli- fect repair, cont iningninc rooms,beside th siore; In ilns c Oilico and No. 5G2 New Y$rk. ty, Aug. 14, Miss Annie, daughter of tin Depot, Broadway, $3^000,000. ties tor bathing all in readiness- in sL;ort. this Stable on the lot ubontBO by 100(6 0011) late Dr. Humi*uus*rsis consulted at his A being premises; George Chaubournc, ot Cor isli, aged 2** yfars. daily kdlice, are to carry the amounts desired in i* oueot the pleasameot p aces tor a man cl business Terms favorable. Inquire on tho pr mine?. or ol In this or lelta as h r ail oi prepared largest city, Aug. 14, ihe inlant daughter 0* Jos ersonaJiy by above, foijhii* Life and Accidental Insurance. AMERICAN HOUSE. or leisure who wants a MTlnucban residence within a W. L. PUTNAM. street, hua and disease. Marine, Inland, Fire, Mary W. Dean, of Taunt n, aged 7 months Marine ami as as tew minutes walk or ride from tl»eheart of tiro j ill.18 Inland, well Fire risks hound at city. __ In A. ROBINSON', St. Westbrook, Aug. 4, at the Marine Hospital Exchange once. Losses equitably adjusted and Tht krtwoutafns about six acres. For farther pa William H. II. JiAY & C Wholesale and Retail promptly paid. The subscriber, lately proprietor oi'ifhe AUTO LOT for Sale. A throe atory Anderson, (colored) of this city, aged 61 yrs Agents. FOYJL CO^FJN & SWAN. -i lais enquire at 27 Market Square, up stairs,room Amorican which was in i In Jos. B. 22 Portland. 14$ House, destroyed f on House on Monument stnv t. the Jordan Toi-hi;am. Aug. 10, Nash, aged yean juJy26\i^eodJy I3r' Marino liJsks m Boston or New ™“, n 2 the prCi'-dW* or of me. KOV*K (called placed any the to to liis 6 mouths -son of 1'. and ,) great, lire, begs aiiuopijcc old f,,e ,s twelve finished rooms. Fora Joseph Nash, late membei York Office desired. IdI/24 if ALFORD DVlflg. House,) containing friends and natrons that nc hay .rased the view of tiic and we in- of the 30 th Ale. Reg. Portland. Aug. 10 I6df—dtl plcusuit sea, city, couutrv, Sale of Public Lauda. _commodious building on the corner of Mid- MF for Sale, No.f>7 Clark sirerfc. Lot 37xo8; vite row to call at the premises. Apply to JOHN C. Black — dle and India Streets, Portland, has rclitled arid re- for Dresses anti Outside Garments over 2500 feet of land. Price o No. F- re street. > * Silks, HOI $1500. Apply TUKEkSBURY, PASSEAGlittS. V Laxit Office, Laugor, June 1,I8GG. JOIIiT W. Iff UNGER & SON, furnished it throughout;, i;ml will oi»cji it for the ac- jnllRti WOODMAN, TRUE Si CO. Portland, July 27, lsflti. ol law as denned irt of pursuance Chapter Q, Sec- to issue Policies in the commodation tlie pdftlic, tion Boviard Public Notice is prepared following POR SALE. The lot of land on the soutii- Sale—Onoand a half houso and lot in In 11*. Ma lha A Berry, from Matanzas—Lai?rcnct IN $2, statutes, hereby ARKCompanies: AFCiFriT »lh. I^or story given flint the roll6r Home Insurance Co., of New than the minimum fixed in the advertised list. Haven, at ltiij old stand. WM,M. LEWIS. Plain Colored Silks, in and'Low Grades I iyatdtf 73 Commercial St. House for Sale, No KS Myrtle Street. En- The snJo id*!If Wealed Proposals in eopiOrmity Capital and Surplus, $1,200,000, August 1th, IfcCG. u2m High biiil quire at No. 8 Central Wharf. M ATA NZAS. Barque Norton .S#oyciv-e3s .hhds ( EUR sale—Henm e arner of cSng ess n;;i with the previsions /e allowed in, the nanh in bo Capital and Surplus, £337,000. Mixtures ! kupwu applying W, Carr, Ferry, W..1I.MANSFELD, Hunt. pnytnmiL I^opliii OlAihiuy Stmc, ml df streo*. o. 14 made or •IIOMIliHA Hllft I Exrfcange julUMItf rackctd jnl dtf upon the township tract purchased, i The loss u at our Agency, bv the tire of 4tl» ntid 5th Parties visiting Cushing’s Island during '('ll.'iUIkr.liiOOil __ —-r~------i- Pavrneiits to be oho thlisi imaln- in-t. will an ount to over the Stu can be at 1 reffulred cash, *dM)0,000, overv dollar inner, accommodated the lloiiM LotiforSale. and L»l for Male. A two and a hall DEFARIIIRK OF OtTAPf der In time promissory notes parable annually in of which has boon paid or in fu process of adjust Ifoil sc With Refreshments such as STKAlYlKRS. lUBSipOttawr ; wV/ky rlMiw, negrt|*v iHowe Raivoad. H6C8Kstoned House on Alder Street; only three years N one, tort> aud thicc yeori, with bond for incut. We would all Coflee, Milk, Pies And all the VME FROM FOE DATE. wrilafacfcoty respectfully request versons Ice-Cream, Cake, * newly inmorted, fabrics for Ladies’ Wear, V7 Eriqufrc of A. L. RICHARDSON, old, au abundance of good water; has a tine garden • payment of sfumpage. desiring-insurance, to call at'our office and \te wilt and Fish and attention will Vork..iLiwiaa.Aiu it Chowder; every possible April 11—dtf On the nrcihises. a* Ire t trees and shruberrv. The lot contains about £a«le.New 1’hc sum deposited by other bidder, who docs place their risks in offices. be sliown them, to make their visit ami ..Boston..,. ..Liverpool.Aug J/j any responsible pleasant i 60eoRlot is 30 foet iront about TjO feet Erin...New York.. Liverpool.._Aug IK ALLEN, T_7ji by deep.-- ed ol the best materials, and is located 111 an unob- jul20-tf_f It contains 10 is New York.New Y ork.. Bremen.Aug lit FRANKLIN rooms, very conveniently arranged, jectionable COl^NTY, Stockholders ol the Froprirtor. has fixtures ami ul of and neighborhood. Santiago ho Cuba..Now York. .California_Aug 20 ; t. Min. price Dingo Instir- July T8QC. gas plcnti supply hfird Apply to WM. H. JERRIS. Real Estate Bicker, NOTICE—Theau (■ are notified that Pifrtlqnd, j>d, Jy<f "11 soft Is near the line of tho Henry chnnnccy. New York. .California_Aug 2t pen acre. Company hereby the Di- water; very horse cm’s and at Hors’o Railroad dfltcv, opposite Preble House. rectors oi sai l have this determined a desirable residence. For* term* •Java.New .. Part c-1 Township No. 2. R. W. B. K. Company day evert-way apply York..Liverpool. .Aug 22 8, P., ; that the full mmi t ctsmy July *2—uti City o’ Dublin.Netv at $hc minimum of $ 1,0ft) fof the tract, j cts. araonnt ol all the notes given fbr stock Mount Zircon v':.vrI i\ vl r to U. P, DEANE, No. 8 Clapp's Rlock, Congress St. York..Liverpool.Aug.22 shall bo cm House, Java.New York.. zt 'North part of No. 1, R. C, W. if. K.J I*. therein, paid or bciorc August 20.1806, iy23 the tinem homos in tiro Port lam L often two story sliipNo. R. 11, W. li. L. 40 f© J.E. Home. s ockod with 2, S., 42KSaorlendid garden, well cherry, Elliotsvilix—lots No. 4 & 5 11.1: 4 & 5 Goriuiui. Julv 17. 11m and t rCc*. Lot con hdns about feet. By order of Hie Directors, has added to his Stock assortment Tricots, p pear 14,000 li. 2; 2, 3, on^ Station, Grand Trunk Railway. Male, in a two Apply HI. acres, £6 •Broad Ac., and' Geriflcmtii of desirable Saccarappa, story house, in Re 1 at the Cloths, Beavers, Shirting, FlirihdIS, frrfmrSttU goods cdntiinii Estate, Horse Railroad otlicc, opposite AROOSTOOK COUNTY. are nearly new, g swell tinWitd rooms, Preble IiiNumuce Comuaur. been known as the invited to call. House. JullO tf of New Hasjqt^g location oi the celebrated SXIKihin two or three minutes walk of tho Depot, PORT OF W. E. L. S. York POBTLASP. 9, R, fi, Sections No. 4.10,14, UGPrBLIL'City. Mount Churches and stoics. s accomnr.o- * Zireon Mineral Spring, the medicinal quali- Schools, Tern to rove Street.—Foit two thir- W» •£ 5, and | of 11,3244 acres, 25 Cash Capital.$100,000 ioi rriiiidiot 111 .©/ t dat« the imrcliasor. Salk, story house, L. R. 2 S. W ainJ ties of which arc ClI teen rooms, water carried house.— Weilnesithv, A 15. Itoing oilier i-Rita re- nnsurphssed. at Ibis office, or of S. .of Saeca- through’the Surplus,.2X5,000 Inquire 1J. CTLtAfif, two houses rennoi the above, on — $423 PriceAS.tTOO. Also, ARRIVED. maining unsurfoyctl, acres. 30 GT^r’ Fine Mountain Scenery and beautiful drives. rappa. jiiHGih C. R. 2, W. E. L. S. at the Total Cash COTTON GOODS AND GOODS! *, f ^ a Conn, tor $3..S0u; and one »or $‘JJWO.v All 01 the uiniiuuiii price Assets,.575,000 Connected with the house ft HOUSEKEEPING Sfoiiraej- Nrw j is fine Stable, Bowling I vill on above houses are now. well ami York, Chisholm, Boston fc/Ekstnort of thirty coins per sere tar (lie Town- The loss bv this Company in the Portland tire is VfoTICK. sell ttivorahle terihs as to arranged, pleasantly and St John, hB. cenls about Alleys, &c. I -Ll or let for a term of tire lots on situated. Apply to A. C. PROCTOR. Middle Street, snip; fifty for cither quarter; $28,<)00,or about one tenth of its surplus. n payment, years, Barque Norton the corner of Middle tmd Franklin on below Post Odice. dtl Stover, (of Ilarpswell) Stover, Jia- anaacvejty-iiyeocnta.for sheeted see- ! All claimants ior loss by the recent five. \yl»o have Daily Coach from Bryant's Pond Station. street?, and jySl 1 il inst. Franklin the earner of IvwloAvl■ dyclucd nilat Ihvor- not rdrcadv received tlie'r are invited tc. Brown and Tick- street, including Franklin and Coin money, MOSES 31. THOMPSON, Bleached Cottons m all widths and qualities; Striped Shi’rtihi^', Denims, Barque Dupont, CliB'ord, New Vorlc. : ablo in the aggregate will be received. hand in their pioots without delay. Those wishing Fore sf recta. Apply to WM. HILLIARD, Bangor, For Sale or Lease. Brig Martha A Berry, Portland I acres. a June ings, Crashes, Towellings, Table Linens,-and White Goods in lull lines. tl or SMITH & REED, Portland. (of Chare, ilatan- 2&0S0 insurance in Compjjiy, First Class, in every re- 2fl~-d$mProprietor. Attorneys, jyl2ti property adjoining the westerly side of Iho /as 31st ult. vp. e. i: s. • at E-lTi, spect, fair rates. are invited to call at my otiice, 1 THECanal Bank, known as the “Wildrage” Sell Boxer, Sturges, 130 hb!a mack- Sections No. Lots 1 See. No SO >. is A U C\Y. \ ! -0»H proper- Bay Chaleur, 17; 18; 2 Soc. Is; Commercial street, Thomas Block. Ori Gfi^biri/ EOH SAFE! ty, will b< gold, or leased lor a term of years. It is erel. , 1292 acres. ATLANTIC I 30 WARREN SPARROW, Agent. HOUSE! ,, two rodsouMiddlc sir. ct. extending back (en rods, Sell .Janie R, Collnmer. Rockland. Sec. Lots Sec. 4 Sec. 1 jy-i*__ 3; 3, 4; 4; See. 10; 9 FINK STORK LOTS ON and is as valuable a niece ot for the purpose Sch Trenton for 2 Soc. 3.sec. 1 CO^^RRNS property Florida, Springer, Boston. 10; 10; Soc. lo; 1 Sec. 10; SCAIIHORO BEACH. kid. OF THE BB3T' ATilTV of as In the city. to Mamitactiireis Insurance Compa- ; j ■c % building, any Appiv RETURNED—Biig Abbie C Titcomb. 2 See. 10; 3 Soc. Hi; 4 Sec. l(i; 8Stc. 15; ;^(Uh5S flIAH i | | • NATH’L F. PEERING, 4 Soc. of hi" 15,2of.l acres, 40 ny Boston. This beautiful Summer .jnc'MfaSjl-.Mrt- i‘•in .iT, /'APPOSITE Mechanics’ Hall. Cellars nearly com- augi-tRf No. 19 Free Street. CLEARED. S No. 2, E. 3. W. K. L. Resort is now | t/ } S. of liia has been removed to i-*i \/ dieted* for two stores. < lood two story lion se in eo -.^‘‘.As^ncy Company Steamer Dirlgo, SLerwood, New York—Emery dl- Lots No. 84, 85, 88, 39, 90, 91, ort—Eastern Pack- tion 6. une<(naled upon ■// ji j. Lni»7i*n iytf &ATU’L F. DEER [NG, Agent. ; .qroor. Price $l.cuo. where are kept ©very variety of goo made irom et Co. SOMERSET COCNTY. India I coast of Maine. OONNISON * CO. Apply to W. H. JEKlilS. lioj^ llslutc A :cnt, of- Rubber compilsing in part Rubber and Leath- E. 17, \V. E. L. S. J’rebJo House. dlw er Machine C, TNMUBAXCB- THE 1IO I NS UK A N O fiecowpotfilo augl Belting, Steam Packing, Gaskets, Rings, L.urxcHr.D—At Columbia F 31st a sehr oi S. W. 5870 ECO ■ alls, oil, 1, acres. 60 A- with and Post Office ® -'r ’r rtoso lor conducting ami purposes. Rubber 1*0 tons, named Fannie & Marv. She is S. E. Capital Assets exceeding 5,250,000. address Oak Him.. Mame.” hydrant owned bv i, reinnigdgr,.4S£0 acres, 50 Clothing of every Combs, Balls, having sctt:cd and : aid in Aill claim tor lo s in bouse an«l Lot ft.r Sfllq, description, Toys, Blchd Allen, and Is to be commanded F A Isaac r.clae every P. for of Rubber by c»pt re, llie live of the 4 h arc S.—House positively dosed to transient com- Uudersheeting beds iu oases sickness, Bucknasn. une lldld iust, prepared to issue policies , Agent. on as department, ••MWlWOklMsMw/ (KDilaidR 11 tin- Boots and Tubing, Spittoons, _ |rin favorable terms as are eomtflstent with Shoes, Syringes. prompt pany op the Sabbalb dlw baked rooms, and room to os payment and uJt mate to augl -eautifulpatters, and Goods that *°lcct • would poken lltli inst, lat JO, Ion TO, dismn ted and in »Ux* u*r kept Ls* infonn his many friends and 1 lie public HRWRV M. BRACKEtT. PROPRIETOR. may be desired, all of which I will sell at manufac- 'u is ■***■ want of a tug. Would try to gel into Holmos’ Hole. tEuAgen**thc genai^liy that he prenar d t > couliimo the Insur- .-UvjHlWk** ! ilf MTOBK ftr Salr, Hb Brown turers lowest prices. Included ill this stock aro Old anceiLuam rs A open lor Genteel Boarders—throe miles •4|i Heiiocssv. (joguac. aiaJjroker, and can place Fire. Life XX field Centre. 'The store at presentoccupied by Please forward your orders tor the present to Ircnch aisitJlicrry Lr.WKh : and aiarlso Portland, Me., withili rods of ‘ll' Would ctdlthe attention oi' VVihoJpsate the .LARGE STOCK OF DOMESTIC PORTS. Superior Obi Part Old Insurance lo iruy cxfr-jut in the best Com- thirty prompt bUi'Cri 19 the subscriber and formerly by Allen Bros' is otter- H. A. HALL, M«a»ira, Slirrry. nica m pecan—with good for NEW Sicily, llniagu, and various ItQnies- p the Lmtod States. All businoss entrusted JrtWtaBfi'S. opportunities ed tor solo, and will ha .-old at a good bavgabi f r the jut 13codtf bfi Milk Street, Boston. ORLEANS—Cld 9lb, barque rie \\ incs: lire Old t to c rc GaIng, Sea and water excursions. Burton. New Marv&ifouisa, Holland Jin; Old .Jamaica. St. my shah be faithfudy attended to. j((HSiB” Bathing, purchaser. It Is one of the* bert locations for coun- York. Croix aud Menfiml 95 L*7f7 JB The steamer Gazelle leaves Burnham's Emit; per rent. Alcohol; Kx- Office at C. M. Rice's Paper No. 183 Fore St try trade, and for the inonuf .cturo oi Clothing, to be loth sch Coast Pilot, tra Old Bourbmi and Store, u barf, four times tor this rLESTCN—Chi(foodale. New Inst, Eye Whiskey; best f/jmlwi whero orders can be left. Portland, daily island. found in the State of Maine. Haven. Scotch Ale. Ac. jnllGtf ! did* HAMI'TON I’orlcr, augti But a tew steps distant from tho store is a very Fred A. Prince ltOAl>S—Ar 10th f ch F AiriilavJnfi These nrtiries ate nil rurrtved irom Biehmond for 1-Aidularlus, fYoni the State Com- International desirable dwelling House, and in the Store is a good Boston. ralssHDKT. arc of standard Insurance HOUSE:.—Strangers visiting Port- proof, anil have all been Company. land can find (he best Sfcoek of Goods,—all ot which will be sold very low, .isssivcd the holders m Ihc very accommodations at r)onti«i. by State and ccrtiiicJ to be rrUlETolidy International Insurance uns as the subscriber has other business in [Dr, Assaycr, House. The house is in the another part pure. A Company, of New York, are open early morning hereby notified that, lor the bouefit ol those of the State, which makes it necessary tor him to President of the who arrive by boat. Heals i Nowin Rooms. He takes this to thank the trade for their libera PORT!.ANl>. HR. s The subscriber feel? confident that flic simtrior Jlie Company. Charles TavTor. would at all hours. bis Wholesale opportunity give his bus ne?s here. Address oami I' to j. <5. perky. up Sept 30— r.odtl u.ii quality of these goods capnot lull » tiitirc he_pleased have all i«ersons having claims against Proprietor bestowedi bis Store at 81 Middle and is to inform them JOHN II. Providence; 1! C Larc. Lane, give sntis- stud ■y20 dtf patronage upon Street, happy ALLEN, Fortressilon£>' f ntioii, and they arc oftfeitd as low as Company, present them nt once. The J'resident vet no as dtf Maine. Ar 13th, sch S G Hart ttioy On* possi- will be at that, although the fire “spared him npt,” he knows such word fail, jytd Brownfield, Kawley.fron,Mou- bJv be ri£br' whole the losses will and his determination' to meet? the’ elOsCsECa&h' Pew Sale. l£or the the Agency Ib Tcepf at No. 1P8 Fore be adjustcd and paid. hereby for l3th’ br'S Wrul)*r(i & present. Busi/ness he aimed to a For Sale. Turner, Wood's Street. Enframe in tin) rear from Centra] Wharf. Niger. Ready for Again / Buaers iu-lhe sruue liberal spirit which make No. u. Uni versa list Church. Congress Square. Huie _J. hall of double rear of 17 with LORENZO HAMBLIN. »»V v) I 'a . SV*\ .'V TV tb? cottage House, PEW Books and fiirniture. Possession immedi- Sid, barque Marathon. V.t\vV soven UP- L dim City Limmr Notice. ONEMechanic Sirect; said house contains ately. HORATIO IIJLL. it TRiL A DELI ‘111 A-A r 13th, G«n ^ Agent. cistern.— Wig Marshall persons ho Whig Policies the CHARLES W. LlfCV, >. UAo )Dtf >.l * /»£ rooms, good collar—cepiuiitcd floor, good nuglolf Lord & Craw fords 143 ConanereialSt. Ellis. Rcmedios. Aj against Insurance at371 street, over MI Conipanics I represent. wHl comer a For particulars enquire Congress sch SsTlItXRN w ItorW a favor hv adiusf- ISTIC FEATURE in Bagaduce, Kennard, Bellast. Mnnuir.ieiurcr of ,. s before 8o’clock the morning, ArCW.Wth, k, ing their loss and at cur office. All r QlfA&ACTER Thayer Drugstore, 13th, barque J M Churchill, Hutchinson. IS- prepared (o instrnction on culling bur Com- No 7 Block. Now give the Pianb-Korte panies are able and to ora/ter 0 o'clock at night. or at SIGNS PAINTED willing pav fhafr losses! or W. H. Y^,s:,.b.r,1E 'X"™nuh, York, Portland. Ifraclaitt. at the resiileuW o I shoiddbc to take the xftAii&ij iaa Congress street, at business hours, drums, Cld 13th,sehs Portland; Um S^'ye^- happy risks fliose romm- Cake,Pastry <€■ ( Delincat, ©it, Keokuk,• mos wlio have been burnt Confeetionery nrt Bool Estate at lUllrood Ortloc, opposite Small, Boston. up. new Agent, Office. ICC Fore street. ■fc Bfeipordially invites his old Cnstomers to call upon him at his Preble House. NEW \0RK—Ar ito. 354 Congress hJssEstihliehme*^ ___augldtt_^ No. Street. 13tli, brigs Henry Means, Hop- POBTLANl/. Mar. w. Street. them of the most liberal terms and the bouse 311 Congress kins, Readout lor Boston; Loci A Hlnasuin ITodo- Ickwri.’!.. 26,|l8C6. j.rm?6to * sou, 'location1, kntPassbrt® obtaining OR Ntl.i:. f win sell my No. «5 Park Mis8 W- J“dau (o •by_’___-f. don, Calais; sobs Win thepuhHe as aTn»D!I‘, nxannf:letu,.'ing the will promptly be tilled. Farming present Crops, in all re- Notice. Salem; Barnes, Farreu, 30 ■ 11 Piorre. to 130 tons burthen, -r—~.x » ,i ,—j—r \ augll this is oneol tho best Farms Ar 141b, Alexandra, from Company. kinds of spects in the count! j. ships Crosby, Liverpool Traders can now send in their orders for all of J.C. arc forbidden water from any of E: Qrossman Bros., Long THE Direct0IS of this have voted as- Country Inq^e PROCTER, TO Middle St., persons using Wallace, Carney, Newport, barque Lucv Fran- Hufitiuglm^ Island, N. V. 1 company .•pi Notice ♦ •OfTii; f 1 »«•• .. without, R^anenf of JnllMttl the VJ.Lthe City Rcsevoirs, permission from'the ces, from sch Clara W from Chobsman Bros & N. J. three per cent, bn amount Of ••Wood'jHotol.*' Sagua; Elwell, Loiuj. Co., Woodbridge, insured, Stockholders IllO T .-.Sill.rnrtlr » _Opposite undersigned. SPENCER Cow r-‘ U-cing the amount of lo be ROGERS, Bay. dcro^ite note) THE arc ■ iWnwith. cplfectod ing Company hcreb« .miiinii trn!n.y^’-a"r" One :tugl3—dlw t hief Engineer. Cld 1 itli, brigs Marfa White, A C Persons having policies or renewals is- nual tor the d.olce of the Finest Locations in Fort-* Bryant, Bangor; Mieu this meeling of [JmlSSf / 'or by office, who have not sufibrfcu’ iosfc bv tlio action of other o o s KcY-Satton.Matauzm. Hand and any buslne .« tl' ..» Mr « s For Snle. whs Forest City l>ye notified to surrender 1 heir be it^’iwTml^.0 bclorcfra,Ps' ,oA'’KN—-'r 1Mb Queen, On path tm I ]lPicb*v policies them, will holden at t rl’Lov 9I1•* w.f rjiinotify land for Sale. Ban»ur- 4U0tc8 0,,cb» that any insurance they No. Koic street. {Stamping Press. nearly Dorlty. irises Combined. rr>,.v\y 172J Pot al*T^ T«f^n?o'u'cr offices since the may -Uth of 48*0. DAY’ WHE valuable and desirable Estate on Congress AROOKBTNPF'.USand I wo second bam! Calling ITcsscs. (minin’ rJ 2§in fire, day August, *¥ tV t '■ Remember the place, street- from Rockland, O A- I’°-QT1:It. «cir :iud Hint Ihc ailairs of iaf&lSt And’Will he executed promptly.! A the corner of < arldon of NOLTBsl: ,v RANK. shi^or nib1I1in‘-.or; Iieadcr. 'pr0p,rictor.31r’,:o’’Sre?8 i?o nogleot, L'U' *-»’< '’Ch -Ias bl! :**llUS SpCodilv «S IMSSlWo. fee! Oil the former ami extending Ci7 No. E8 Water Slrcot. Boston. lor Norwich. °»rccl"n, Anderson, Bangor {■ha nhw&ZSI’k“ Portland. Augesl. "J.' wn Pfleaterfa- a1»> voted (ho first of 10.''.yi’i!.'7 mom then t®*1' .III cilitic'T'mid'aTC0tn§cl<^h?ttt,,at , , ®. r“. iJivc dividend slrect, containing Mw;.VIn(.t IKC, * T—Ar ten p *: A %’i* U ft lifj’3 E,laj jy20-d3mkUoorderSVecClvedKtl^u'S^lla,‘feSt- BangODT°N_Arl,lh’briK Dudley, Coombs, Office Freo«trcef. ovir'llm ir'vX’ TV n t c li M PROVIDENOE-Ar ItCC. I alrop, 14th, sell, Ct.Imo. e- Aug- 11, dlw '• Calais; Saxou, JIatcli, Bangor. "nnnet, Carlow, Good Chance. J*__<&,; (jORN’ER '^CONGRESS AND PREBLE STREETS, * augll May bo found at 27 Free Streot. d3w |»y u,.. ■ n,_ Arn Jm ~<$F PAWTUOKET-Ai llth, seba Fiura a c SMALL flrocetr In VTOTICK.- N. M iiuluw A Stock, a first rate nighhor- INSUKAlfCK—I.okrcmpniil up—AD persons A <0. have built-a Reed. Calais; El,ira, Gray. Machias. Sawyer, A can be had at a lew if desiring AcInsurance Ld new store since (he 1 mil WALKER HORSE HAY FORK, will be of price, appliedX- mav place lull conrtdenco in iho are. opposite "8 a o- HOLMES* HOLR— Ar webs K tmijd, The Compni"es renre- iprmg where For Sale. 1 (isreil lor solo at H. * C. Kind’s 13th, Richard.™ immediately. present proprietor being ohU-ed "en J. D.SEAVEY. p street, they will hc happy F. Hamilton & j Sannrappa Munton, for Salem ; to hUMnees on edby Agm,® fieir tn“,r„m Stand of B. Co., and bv Emery & Philadelphia Challengeh SM??*’ change accoimtolTailim; health IrfePds, lorner eubtomers and Old Lots on fleering Street— Waterborne, Portland, (lnrlngt be Bangor lor Pawtucket. “fuiei, Office, 17 Muriel RminriV 3m public £8! A wr FRY desirable Building of tbe (nw to W. H. .Junius, Beal Estate C0St b D,ca,s an'* the for if remainder baring Apply Agont, on- Risks taken as low as in anv good Cofrinanv f Vegetables I ttt less than price adjoining laud, a]» F. posftePreble House. 1 -* l?*11! | V H. MERRILL. augldtf ju)20 -S-winslowTco •yu m/I for unmediatelv. for jutddT”' ^ H. M. fulls Agent Portland and Westbrook. PORTLAND, MAINE. jyfiOdlm i auglldtf & C. PAYSON.