Provincial Museum
P-ROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA OF Till<: PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTC)RY FOR THE YEAR 1929 PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. VICTORIA, B.C. : Printed by CHARLES F. BANFIELD, Printer to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1930. To His HO'IWttr ROBERT RANDOLPH BRUCE, Licute1umt-Governor ot the Province of British Columbia. MAY IT PLEASE YoUR HoNOUR: The undersigned respectfully submits herewith the Annual Report of the Provincial Museum of Natural History for the year 1929. SA:'IIUEL LYNESS HOWE, Provinaial Secretary. Provincial Secretary's 0 ffice, rictoria, B.C., A.p1·il 16th, 1930. PROVINCIAL i\1USEUli OF .NATURAL HISTORY, VICTOHIA, B.C., April 16th, 1930. The Honour·able S. D. Howe, P1·ovinc-ial Secretm·y, Victoria, B.C. Srn,-I have the honour, as Director of the Provincial Museum of Natural History, to lay before you the Report for the year ended December 31st, 1929, covering the activities of the :.VIusenm. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, FRANCIS KERl\fODE, D.irector. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Staff of the Museum......................................................................................................................................... 6 Object.. ............................................................................................. - .................................................................. 7 Admission............................................................................................................................................................ 7 Visitors
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