arXiv:0902.0217v1 [gr-qc] 2 Feb 2009 oebr8 081:5WP/NTUTO IEgvs˙190109 FILE WSPC/INSTRUCTION 12:45 2018 8, November ue frttn opc tr bevda usr n magnet and 10 as as high observed as field compact magnetic rotating of tures ofiuain hc e oaslto ubdgaatr h gravit the gravastar, dubbed solution a to led which configurations ec fdr nry(e,frexample, for (see, energy dark charact of and tence com properties achieving intriguing with p to eminent solutions way one hole the far black so on to found of stones solutions belongs Among stepping sources . the physical the of of the picture one for been inputs has The different field structures. with and equations processes contemplatin astrophysical Einstein in of issues theory central the the of as one been has object physical A Letters Physics Modern c ol cetfi ulsigCompany Publishing Scientific World lcrmgei ilso lwyRttn antzdGrav Magnetized Rotating Slowly of Fields Electromagnetic h xsec fsrn lcrmgei ed soeo h otimp most the of one is fields electromagnetic strong of existence The h eetdsoeyo ceeaiguies a nprddiscuss inspired had universe accelerating of discovery recent The lg e srnmclIsiue srnmceky 3 T 33, Astronomicheskaya Institute, Astronomical Beg Ulugh lg e srnmclIsiue srnmceky 3 T 33, Astronomicheskaya Institute, Astronomical Beg Ulugh lg e srnmclIsiue srnmceky 3 T 33, Astronomicheskaya Institute, Astronomical Beg Ulugh rvsa spoue yacrua urn opsymmetrica loop current circular a by produced is gravastar hl fgaatrweemgei edpntae smodele conductivity. is infinite slowly penetrated with fluid a field magnetized a magnetic highly present of where perfect and spacetime gravastar configuration background of internal field shell the magnetic in dipolar equations the study We ASNs:0.0-,0.0D,0.0N,9.6+,97.10. 95.36.+x, 04.40.Nr, 04.40.Dg, 04.40.-b, Nos.: PACS Keywords plane. equatorial h bu aa nentoa etefrTertclPhysi Theoretical for Centre International Salam Abdus The nttt fNcerPyis lgbk ahet101,U 100214, Tashkent Ulughbek, Physics, Nuclear of Institute nttt fNcerPyis lgbk ahet101,U 100214, Tashkent Ulughbek, Physics, Nuclear of Institute antcfil;cmatojc;dr nrystar. energy dark object; compact field; magnetic : 14 eevd(a ot Year) Month (Day Received eie DyMnhYear) Month (Day Revised G [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] .A Abdujabbarov A. A. 1 nohrhn h oino opc astro- compact a of notion the hand other On . .J Ahmedov J. B. .V Turimov V. B. 2 , 1 3 , 4 , 5 n ntr eerhfralternative for research turn in and ) -q ioa antcfil fthe of field magnetic Dipolar l lcda radius at placed lly skn 002 Uzbekistan 100052, ashkent skn 002 Uzbekistan 100052, ashkent skn 002 Uzbekistan 100052, ashkent sshr ossigof consisting sphere as d s 41 ret,Italy Trieste, 34014 cs, oaiggaatr The gravastar. rotating ouin fMaxwell of solutions erhfrsltosof solutions for search zbekistan zbekistan eea relativity general g r ihsurface with ars sto certainly osition toa vacuum ational o fteexis- the of ion eristics. gravitational prehensible a ratfea- ortant astars tthe at November 8, 2018 12:45 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE gvs˙190109

2 Turimov & Ahmedov

of , by Mazur and Mottola 6,7. These spherically symmetric static global solutions to the Einstein equations candidates for highly compact astrophys- ical objects and in this sense alternatives to black holes evolve from the segment of the de Sitter geometry in the center with the equation of state of dark energy, proceed through a thin vacuum phase transition layer, avoid formation of the , and swiftly match the exterior Schwarzschild spacetime. The common fea- ture of gravastar realization is the anisotropy of pressure in the outer shell of the object. Several astrophysically relevant aspects of gravastar solutions such as thermo- dynamic properties, modes of quasi-normal oscillations, and ergoregion instability were recently discussed in the literature. De Benedictis et al 8 and Chirenti and Rezzolla 9,10 investigated the stability of the original model of Mazur and Mottola against axial perturbations, and found that gravastars are stable to these pertur- bations. Chirenti and Rezzolla also showed that their quasi-normal modes differ from those of a of the same mass, and thus can be used to distinguish a gravastar from a black hole. The aim of this short note is to find interior electro- magnetic fields in the shell of gravastar consisting of perfect highly magnetized fluid with infinite conductivity. It is assumed that dipolar magnetic field of the gravas- tar is produced by a circular current loop symmetrically placed at radius a at the equatorial plane. Throughout, we use a space-like signature (−, +, +, +) and a system of units in which G =1= c (However, for those expressions with an astrophysical application we have written the speed of light explicitly.). Greek indices are taken to run from 0 to 3 and Latin indices from 1 to 3; covariant derivatives are denoted with a semi-colon and partial derivatives with a comma. Metric, which is describing spacetime the spherical symmetric slowly rotating gravastar, can be written in the following form (see, for example, 6,7,11):

− ds2 = −A2(r)dt2 + A 2(r)dr2 + r2dθ2 + r2 sin2 θdϕ2 − 2ω(r)r2 sin2 θdϕdt (1)

where r is the radial coordinate, ω(r) is the angular velocity of dragging of inertial frames around slowly rotating gravastar, and here

− 2M 1 r , r>a(τ), 2 A (r)=   2  − r 1 R2 , r

Electromagnetic Fields of Rotating Magnetized Gravastars 3

density components as in 12:

ˆ qA J t = δ(r − a)δ(cos θ) , (2) 2πa2 ˆ ˆ J r = J θ =0 , (3) Ir sin θ J ϕˆ = δ(r − a)δ(cos θ) , (4) 2πa2 where ’hatted’ quantities are the orthonormal components measured by zero angular momentum observers (ZAMO) with four-velocity

α 1 (u )ZAMO ≡ (1, 0, 0,ω) , (u )ZAMO ≡ A (−1, 0, 0, 0) . (5) A α Gravastar is slowly rotating with 4-velocity: 1 ωr¯ 2sin2θ wα ≡ (1, 0, 0, Ω) , w ≡ A −1, 0, 0, , (6) A α  A2  whereω ¯ =Ω − ω, Ω is angular velocity of rotation of gravastar. We now look for an interior solution of Maxwell equations in background space- time given by (1) assuming that magnetic field of the star is dipolar. To simply the search for a solution we look for separable solutions of Maxwell equations in the form

Brˆ(r, θ)= F (r)cos θ , (7)

ˆ Bθ(r, θ)= G(r) sin θ , (8)

ˆ Bφ(r, θ)=0 , (9)

where functions F (r) and G(r) will account for the relativistic corrections due to a curved background spacetime 13. Maxwell equations with the ansatz (7)–(9), yield the following set of equations 2 r F ,r +2rG/A =0 , (10) 

(rAG),r + F =0 . (11) Note a first important result in the system of equations (10)–(11). In the case of stationary electromagnetic fields, the general relativistic frame dragging effect and gravitomagnetic charge do not introduce a correction to the radial eigenfunctions of the magnetic fields. In other words, in the case of infinite conductivity and as far as the magnetic field is concerned, the study of Maxwell equations in a slow rotation metric provides no additional information with respect to a non-rotating metric. The dependence from the frame dragging effects is therefore expected to appear at O(ω2). November 8, 2018 12:45 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE gvs˙190109

4 Turimov & Ahmedov

The stationary vacuum magnetic field external to an aligned magnetized rela- tivistic star is well known and given by 14

rˆ 3µ 2 2M M Bex(r, θ)= − ln N + 1+ cos θ , (12) 4M 3  r  r 

θˆ 3µN r 2 1 Bex(r, θ)= ln N + +1 sin θ , (13) 4M 2r M N 2  1 2 1 2 where µ = πa2 (1 − 2M/a) / I and N = (1 − 2M/r) / is lapse function. Interior solution for magnetic field is 3 r − arctanh r rˆ − 3µa 2 2M M R R B (r, θ)= 3 3 ln Na + 1+ a − a cos θ , (14) 4r M  a  a  R arctanh R 2 2 r r ˆ 2 − arctanh θ 3µa LNa a 2 1 − 2Na 7 RL R B (r, θ)= 3 2 ln Na + 2 + a a sin θ, (15) 4r L M M 3N 3 3 2 − arctanh a a RLa R 1/2 where L = 1 − r2/R2 , subscript a denotes quantities measured at r = a. The values of the integration constant are defined from the continuity of the radial rˆ rˆ magnetic field across the gravastar surface, i.e. that [B ]in = [B ]ext, boundary ˆ ˆ a a θ − θ ϕˆ condition for the tangential magnetic field [Ba]ext [Ba]in =4πia , where i is density of the surface current at r = a. The radial dependence of magnetic field of gravastar (12)–(15) is plotted in Fig. 1. Interior electric fields ωr¯ sin θ ˆ Erˆ(r, θ)= Bθ(r, θ) , (16) cL

ˆ ωr¯ sin θ Eθ(r, θ)= − Brˆ(r, θ). (17) cL can be found from the condition of the infinite conductivity σ in Ohm law with the explicit components of the conduction current jαˆ as − ˆ ˆ jrˆ = σ Erˆ + A 1 vθBϕˆ − vϕˆBθ , (18) h  i

ˆ ˆ − jθ = σ Eθ + A 1 vϕˆBrˆ − vrˆBϕˆ , (19) h i − ˆ ˆ jϕˆ = σ Eϕˆ + A 1 vrˆBθ − vθBrˆ , (20) h  i and using expressions for velocity of rotation vϕˆ and magnetic field (14), (15). Exterior electric field of slowly rotating gravastar coincides with the electric field of rotating and given by equations (124)–(126) in the paper 13. In this paper we have derived components of the dipolar magnetic field of the gravastar which is produced by a circular current loop symmetrically placed at radius a at the equatorial plane. The knowledge of gravastar’s magnetic field can be useful for description of different physical processes in the gravastar. November 8, 2018 12:45 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE gvs˙190109

Electromagnetic Fields of Rotating Magnetized Gravastars 5

6 6

5 5

4 4 r Θ

B 3 B 3

2 2

1 1

0 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 rM rM

Fig. 1. Dependence of the radial (left) and azimuthal (right) components of the magnetic field of the gravastar from the radius. Interior magnetic field inside of the shell increases up to the border at a (here a/M = 2.1) which is indicated with the vertical dash line. Azimuthal component of magnetic field subjects to the discontinuity across the boundary of gravastar. Exterior magnetic field of gravastar is decaying as 1/r3.

Acknowledgments Authors thank the IUCAA for warm hospitality during their stay in Pune and AS- ICTP for the travel support through BIPTUN (NET-53) program. This research is supported in part by the UzFFR (projects 5-08 and 29-08) and projects FA-F2-F079 and FA-F2-F061 of the UzAS and by the ICTP through the OEA-PRJ-29 project and the Regular Associateship grant.

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