Class: 2 Subject: Religion Chapter 03 Unit One The Holy Book of (Al-) Prepared by: Jannatul Ferdous Barna Solution

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Why has sent the divine books? Ans: Allah has sent the divine books for our guidance.

2. What are the four major books of Allah? Ans: The four major books of Allah are: i. The Tawrat ii. The Zabur iii. The Injil and iv. The Qur’an

3. Who are the followers of the following divine books? Ans: a) The Holy Qur’an b) The Injil c) The Tawrat d) The Zabur No Follower

4. How many surahs are there in the Hoy Qur’an? Ans: There are 114 Surahs in the Holy Qur’an.

5. What is the Holy Qur’an? Ans: The Qur’an is the main source of law in Islam.

B. Fill in the blanks.

The Qur’an is the main source of law in Islam. Each word of the holy Qur’an is form Allah. The Qur’an has thirty Parts and 114 Surahs and 6666 Ayats. The subject matter of the Qur’an is man.

Chapter 03 Unit One The Holy Book of Islam (Al-Quran) Extra Exercise

One Sentence Answer 1. Who has created us? Ans: Allah has created us.

2. Who has sent prophets and Messengers to guide us? Ans: Allah has sent prophets and Messengers to guide us.

3. Who has showed us the right path in life? Ans: Prophets and Messengers showed us the right path in life.

4. Who has sent books of guidance thought them? Ans: Allah has sent books of guidance thought them.

5. How many books of guidance? Ans: There are 104 books of guidance.

6. What is the name of our Holy Book? Ans: The name of our Holy Book is Al-Quran.

7. How many books are Holy books from Allah? Ans: Four books are Holy books from Allah.

Multiple Choice Questions 1. Who has created us? a. Allah b. Nabi c. Human d. Prophet and Messengers

2. Who has guided us? a. Allah b. Man c. Prophet and Messengers d. Messengers

3. Who has showed us the right path in life? a. Messengers b. Prophet and Messengers c. Man d. Allah

4. What has Allah sent to us for guidance? a. Man b. Animal c. Books d. Foods

5. How many book Allah sent for guidance. a. 100 books b. 113 books c. 103 books d. 104 books

6. How many books are specially mentioned in the Holy Quran? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 8

7. Who sent 4 books for us? a. Allah b. Man c. Giant d. Prophets

8. Which book was revealed to Musa (A)? a. The Tawrat b. The Zabur c. The Injil d. The Quran

9. Which book was revealed to Dawud (A)? a. The Tawrat b. The Zabur c. The Injil d. The Quran

10. The Injil is a holy book of ------a. Muslim b. Hindu c. Christian d. Buddho Fill in the blanks 1. Allah has created us. 2. Allah has sent prophets and Messengers. 3. Allah has sent them to show us the right path in life. 4. Allah has also sent books of guidance. 5. Allah has sent 104 books of guidance.

True/False 1. Allah has sent them to show us the right path in life. ( T ) 2. Six books are specially mentioned in the holy Quran. ( F ) 3. Among them 4 are specially mentioned in the holy Quran. ( T ) 4. In this time there are many followers of Zabur. ( F )


The Tawrat Isa (A)

The Zabur Prophet (SM)

The Injil Dawud (A)

The Al- Quran Musa (A)