Year Nine GCSE RS

Week Eleven

This work can be completed in your book, on computer or on paper. If you are completing work in your book or on paper please keep it safe and bring it to Mrs Horovitz on your return to school. If you are completing your work on the computer make sure you save it, print it and/or email it to [email protected]

If you need help with the classwork please use the email address above.

There will be a Teams session to support you with the completion of the work – please check your email for the invite to this.

Topic Four: Holy Books in

Learning Objectives: To identify the importance of the Qur’an and holy texts in Islam.

For this section of work you will need to use the textbook copies on page 3. This page can be found in the online sample pages of the GCSE textbook here: ample_material.pdf

You can find further information and reading here: - click through all the pages in this section (there are 6 on the importance of the Qur’an, the and the ). Use these to help you complete the tasks for this week.

Starter: Define these key terms (you will need to use the textbook copy to find the meanings):  Qur’an  Kutub  Revelation  Hadith


1. Why is the Qur’an the most significant of the Islamic holy texts? 2. Describe a Sunni belief about the Qur’an. 3. Write out the quote from Qur’an 16:89 and explain its significance. 4. Explain why the Qur’an is a ‘guide to life’. How do show respect to the Qur’an? 5. What are the Sahifah? 6. What is the Tawrat? 7. What are the Zabur? 8. What are the Injil? 9. Explain why the Sahifah, the Tawrat, the Zabur and the Injil are not as important as the Qur’an to a Muslim. 10. Explain what the Hadith are and why they are important. 11. Who does the phrase ‘’ (Qur’an 29:46) refer to? Why should these people be respected by Muslims? 12. In the boxes on the next page are different ways that the Qur’an is used by Muslims. Mind-map them in your notes (title your mind-map ‘Ways the Qur’an is used’). Challenge – add extra ideas of your own to the mind-map. To learn about the history of the faith To learn the teachings of the In prayer faith At the – during worship the Imam To recite from – some To produce calligraphy and may read from the Qur’an and give a short Muslims will learn the Qur’an art work – passages from the sermon based on the lessons that can be off by heart. If you do this Qur’an are written out in learned from the reading. you are known as a ‘hafiz’. beautiful writing to show respect to . During festivals – each year on the 27th To teach others about the In times of need – Muslims night of Muslims remember ‘The faith – passages from the will turn to Qur’an for advice Night of Power’ (the night the Jibril Qur’an may be used in and guidance on moral and first appeared to Prophet ) – literature that is shared with ethical issues. during the holy month of Ramadan many non-Muslims. Muslims will aim to read the whole Qur’an.

13. Explain how the Qur’an influences the life of a Muslim today.

Final Task: This is your assessed task for this week. You should submit this via teams/email if you are able to do so, if you do not have access to the internet keep this in your notes and show it to Mrs Horovitz on your return. You will need to use your notes on to complete this task. b) Describe the significance of

You must give at least 4 examples of the significance of angels in Islam. Use Qur’an quotes to back up your answers. Stuck? Use the picture clues to help you.

There will be a Teams session that will cover how to answer this question – if you are able to join this please check your emails for your invitation.

Textbook page for Topic 4. Pages taken from: WJEC Eduqas Religious Studies, Route A; Chris Owens, Ed Pawson, Joy White, Amanda Ridley. Hodder Education, 2016. Sample materials published online at: ple_material.pdf