2017-2018 CRMEP.Pdf
Current Research, Monitoring, and Education Projects 2017 – 2018 Introduction The Baruch Marine Field Laboratory (BMFL) has been the center of research activities for scientists and students from the University of South Carolina and dozens of other institutions since 1969. We conservatively estimate that between senior scientist projects and masters and doctoral studies conducted by graduate students, more than 1,000 grant and institutionally-funded projects have taken place at BMFL. This work has contributed substantially to the more than 2000 peer-reviewed scientific articles, books, and technical reports that have been published since the Baruch Institute was founded. Independent and multi-disciplinary studies have been conducted by biologists, chemists, geologists, oceanographers, and other specialists who share interests in the structure, function, and condition of coastal environments. Results of research projects are used by educators, coastal resource managers, health and environmental regulators, legislators, and many other individuals and organizations interested in maintaining and improving the condition of estuaries in the face of increasing human activities and changing climate in the coastal zone. The following annotated list summarizes 62 projects currently being conducted at Hobcaw Barony, North Inlet Estuary, and Winyah Bay by staff, graduate students, and faculty associated with the University of South Carolina and other institutions. The University of South Carolina is the home institution for 40 of the investigators while 65 investigators representing 27 other institutions and agencies are carrying out projects at the BMFL. Dozens of graduate and undergraduate students assist scientists throughout the year to obtain hands-on training in field methods and to conduct research. This annual report lists active projects (in random order) at Hobcaw Barony, North Inlet Estuary, and Winyah Bay along with a project summary that includes the title, investigators, affiliations, and abstract.
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