2020 Cancer Research in Switzerland Cancer Research in Switzerland A publication of the Swiss Cancer Research foundation, the Swiss Cancer League and the cantonal cancer leagues on their funded research projects 2019 Imprint © Swiss Cancer Research foundation (SCR) and Swiss Cancer League (SCL) All rights reserved by the Research, Innovation & Development department, including the right to reproduce this publication or portions in any form. Publisher and information: Swiss Cancer League Effingerstrasse 40 P. O. Box 8219 CH-3001 Bern Tel. +41 (0)31 389 91 16
[email protected] www.swisscancer.ch /research Article number: 04 1034 02 4121 Publication date: November 2020 English edition: 300 Ex. German edition: 3800 Ex. French edition: 1200 Ex. Responsible: Rolf Marti, PhD Head of Research, Innovation & Development department, Swiss Cancer League Project management and editing: Ori Schipper, PhD Science Writer in Bern,
[email protected] English translation: Ellen Russon, East Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA, www.ellenrusson.com Images: Ester Vonplon, Castrisch Design: atelierrichner.ch Print: Ast & Fischer AG, Wabern This edition of the report as well as all previous editions can be downloaded as PDF files at www.swisscancer.ch /researchreport Ester Vonplon (*1980 in Schlieren) lives in Castrisch in the Grisons’ Surselva. Her artistic projects are often inspired by the landscape and nature there. Thus, many of the pictures in this report were taken on hikes during which Ester Vonplon laid plants by the wayside on photographic paper more than a hundred years old. The often blurred shadows (white in the brown negative, dark blue in the inverted positive) bear witness to the wind that moved the fine plants, while the stains in the background are due to ageing processes that bring unexpected disturbing effects to light.