Victor Hall Is Unique on Thomas Z

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Victor Hall Is Unique on Thomas Z Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The Inkwell Student Media 4-16-2003 The Inkwell Armstrong Atlantic State University Follow this and additional works at: This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Inkwell by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Inside This Issue: Events Calendar- page 2 The Etc.- page 3 Around Campus- pages 5-11 Sports- page 12-13 A & E- page 14 - 17 Opinions- pages 9, 18-19 Letters to the Editor- page 19 Crossword Puzzle- page 20 Inkwell Top 10 List- Page 20 AfiSJ The Award-Winning Newspaper of Armstrong Atlantic State University April 16, 2003 * Volume 67 Edition 8 * [email protected] A New Gateway Opens Into Armstrong Chris Lancia ents." Interim Editor "Part of the image we wanted to cre­ ate was the image of Armstrong as a pro­ It's not every day that you get to dedi­ gressive campus," commented Neil cate a building in honor of your wife. Dawson of Dawson & Wissmach Archi­ For Dr. Irving Victor, that opportunity tects. "Rather than the image of the old presented itself, for the second time, on Administration building, where students Friday, April 11. were huddled down the hall, we wanted 34 years ago, on April 22, 1969, Vic­ to provide a lot of open space and com­ tor Hall was dedicated in honor of the puter access; a lobby where there were contributions Mrs. Terry Victor made at people waiting to help the students with Armstrong Atlantic State University, their needs. We wanted to convey the known as Armstrong State College at the image that the staff cares about the stu­ time, and in the city of Savannah. Mrs. dents. Victor was one of the founders of Sa­ What we really wanted to create was a vannah Visitors' Service and co-authored first impression that Armstrong is the a book for tourists, "Sojourn in Savan­ place where you want to come for your nah". which is considered the definitive- education. This was a team approach, book on the subject. and everyone we dealt with on staff here "In the Winter Quarter, in January, of was wonderful." 1969," stated University President Dr. The inside of Victor Hall is unique on Thomas Z. Jones, "teacher education, campus. The exposed ductwork and high history, political science, psychology ceilings seem, at first, out of place. But and sociology classes were held in this casual observers quickly notice that the progressive style fits in at such a diverse building. In 1969 this 35,000 square foot build­ school. The installation of computer Dr. Irving Victor stands beside a portrait of Mrs. Victor that adorns Victor Hall. workstations in the lobby allows students ing cost $600,000 to build. I can tell you, to check their schedules and make ad­ without giving away any secrets, that it cost a little bit more than that to reno­ pass through its' halls and gather in the portant academic and student services of justments and changes while still in the - building. One student was working on vate. So we're here, 34 years later, to classrooms. Because of this renovation, this University. Today, the new Victor thousands of future students will be af- Hall is one of the first campus facilities rededicate Victor Hall. It's a structure that has witnessed thousands of students forded the opportunity to access the im- visited by prospective students and par­ Continued on page 5 A Strange New Virus Moves Rapidly Across the Globe ing in this country and certainly in other Jeremy Windus the United States. However, Georgia "Well, depending on where it is. Cer­ countries, this really puts a damper on Copy Editor reported its first case last month with tainly, it seems to be an epidemic and it possible new cases being reported by the looks like this is what, some folks are your tourism business." According to the Centers for Disease day. doing. Whether they're doing any good From there,. I decided to zero in by asking about how this bug works. "It Control and Prevention (CDC), a new What is. this new has yet to-be determined," stated Dr. appears, and this may be changing [due disease called severe acute respiratory bug and what do we Adams. "There is a historical precedent to new finding ' he Lancet reported that syndrome (SARS) has begun to seep into know about it? For as we saw during the flu epidemic of they believ. nis to be a type of the United States and, apparently, into this, I turned to Dr. .1919 where people were running around coronavirus. There is evidence that sug­ Georgia as well. The illness was first David Adams, a Pro­ with masks oft. It was essentially an gests that the source of this virus is ac­ reported in China, Vietnam, and then in fessor in the Health influenza epidemic from soldiers return­ tually zoonotic, from animals. Whether Hong Kong back in February. There is a Sciences Department ing from Europe in WWI. This seems or not these are from avians: birds, chick­ well-known stojy of a high-rise apart­ here at Armstrong. to be analogous to that case." ens, things like that or domesticated ani­ ment building in Hong-Kong that was I showed Dr. There has been some rumbling as to mals like pigs still has to be sorted out. supposed to be quarantined, but the resi­ Adams a picture of whether the Chinese government had The bottom line is that now in the dents ran off before the arrival of public two men in Vancouver selling surgical known about this for months before they began reporting it. Dr. Adams re­ human population. The mode of trans- health officials. masks for $10 each on the side of the It has since spread to other countries road with a sign proclaiming 'SARS sponded, "That is what's being reported. It seems this was much bigger than any­ Continued on page 5 across the globe. As of April 7, more than Masks'. I asked him if he thought this one cared to admit. And, as we are see­ 100 cases of SARS had been reported in level of worry was appropriate. Page 2 * April 16, 2003 Campus Events SGA Corner AASU Calendar Get the 411 on your Student Government! Current Senate Topics April A* New Election Code Approved EASE Luncheon Sponsored by OMA From the Prez A* Food Service Improvements 16th 12:00 pm - 1:25 pm UH 157 SGA President Scott C. Scheidt A* Upcoming Online SGA STS Workshop - Microsoft Powerpoint Elections This will be my last chance to speak 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm MCC Annex Tech Room A* Smart Cards In Our Fu­ to you as your student body Presi­ 17th AASU Annual Awards Convocation dent. I'd like to thank everyone who ture? has helped make this a memorable, A* Parking on Campus 7:00 pm Fine Arts Ayditorium and very rewarding, year. A* Advisement Issues 21st LLP Department Meeting The SGA has made some great A A* Community Service 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm GH 200 strides around campus, and now has Major Field Test leadership identified that will help A* Retention guide the University as we continue A* Reestablishment of AASU 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm Location TBA to grow over the next few of years. College Bowl Team 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Location TBA AASU hosted the SAC here last A* WebCT Training Sessions 22nd Resume Critique Day (Sign Up Required at Office of Career Svcs) weekend, and it was a very produc­ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm MCC 204 tive meeting. Student body Presidents A* Exploration of Bookstore from throughout the University of Product Enhancements 23rd OMA Movie - Barbershop Georgia system gathered to discuss A- Cafeteria Forum Mar 6th 7:30 pmUH 156 issues that affect us all. 25th University Meeting We were fortunate enough to not 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm Fine Arts Auditorium only have the current President sit in on the meeting, but the President- Open Meetings 26th Campus-Wide Yard Sale Elect, Andres Escolar, as well. So rest 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Front Lawn (along Abercorn) assured that he is well aware of what Volkswagon Charity Car Show is going on throughout the state and Every Monday at 12:05 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Fine Arts Parking Lot (by Abercorn) is prepared to help prepare the AASU p.m. the Student Government community to keep up with other in­ Praxis Series (with Foreign Language) holds it's weekly Senate meet­ stitutions across the state. 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Gamble Hall As I prepare to leave, I want every­ ings. Senate meetings are open Praxis Series (without Foreign Language) one to know that all of your contri­ to ALL students, faculty, and 7:30 am - 5:00 pm Location TBA butions have been appreciated. I've staff. Everyone interested is truly enjoyed my time at AASU, but MCAT that's not to say I'm not ready to encouraged to attend. 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Location TBA leave. Minutes for all recent 30th Final Exams Begin Keep my school, our school, mov­ SGA Senate meetings are public ing forward and always beautiful. I'll record and posted outside the be coming back from time to time to May check on you.
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