Moon-Mars Crash Program Under a Four-Power Agreement by Michael James Carr
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I. The Extra-Terrestrial Imperative Moon-Mars Crash Program Under a Four-Power Agreement by Michael James Carr Oct. 21—Gigantic forces The biggest new direction are in motion under the for such international cred- surface of today’s events. its will be for high-technol- The Anglo-Dutch imperial ogy capital exports from na- system which runs today’s tions such as the United world from the City of States, Japan and Germany, London and its subsidiary of into less-developed coun- Wall Street, will never give tries. Only under a fixed- up. They will fight every parity system is such a inch of the way. But never- volume of long-term, low- theless, there is such a con- interest international lend- stellation of forces today— ing possible. Other major as reflected in the current new directions for new cred- leadership of the United its will be space exploration, States, China, Russia and as we discuss below, and India—that over the coming fusion power. weeks and months, these This is no Utopia, but it Four Powers can join to- will at last permit us to meet gether to discuss, to negoti- the critical tasks of our na- ate, and then to create, a new tions and of humanity, in world credit system. This exactly the the same way will be a New Bretton that we meet critical objec- NASA Woods system as Lyndon Earthrise photographed from Apollo 8, Christmas Eve tives in wartime—not in the LaRouche designed it, 1968. Bush-Obama “wars of which can end monetarism choice,” but in real wars for and the millennia-old system of empire forever. national survival. In such a war, credits are extended Not a monetary system, but a fixed-parity credit to meet necessary objectives without regard to any system. On the national level of perfectly sovereign competing claims, even if it means creating entire new nation states, and on the international level through industries from scratch overnight, as Franklin Roos- agreements between those sovereign states, masses of evelt created the aluminum industry overnight, ignor- new, non-inflationary credit will be issued. It will be ing the screams of Wall Street. We saw something of non-inflationary because it will only be issued for cred- the same thing in the Project Apollo of John F. Ken- itworthy productive purposes, never for speculation or nedy and his contemporaries who had returned from overhead, so that the productive use of the credit issued World War II. will later pay it back. Interest rates will be under 2%. This is a system in which governments (national, October 26, 2018 EIR The Four Powers in Space 7 state and local) will be able to build what is necessary to processes. No longer are the imperial middlemen al- provide for the future: high-speed rail, water systems, lowed to create artificial surpluses or shortages or arti- electrical power systems, and so on. The government ficial swings in currency values, in order to force na- projects and contracts in all of these areas build up a tions into submission. Nations become actually network of contractors and suppliers who can produce independent and sovereign. Citizens become produc- what is necessary to complete the government projects. tive, independent and creative. So, it will be in this de- These contractors and suppliers get the same access to veloping environment in which we will be building the credit as the government agencies, to be able to create global cooperation necessary to colonize the Moon and the productive powers necessary to meet their govern- Mars. ment contracts. Under national banking and fixed exchange rates, This process builds up an array of individuals, even the smallest and previously poorest of nations companies, schools and so on (hereafter we shall just will eventually be able to put Lyndon LaRouche’s pre- call them entities) with competence in many areas, but scribed minimum of 5% of GDP into Research & De- most important in the area of solving problems. Their velopment (R&D). In that case, the global efforts at real-world physical activity is the primary source of space R&D become the organizing principle around progress in physical science and technology. Com- which every area of research revolves. Every problem puter modeling is no substitute for building and test- encountered by Mankind in settling the Moon and ing. Mars is also faced in some degree here on Earth. If we It is beyond the scope of this article to go through it can solve a problem for space travel, we can solve its in all detail, but just think about how the progression analogue on Earth. Nearly every earthbound problem works: Andrew Carnegie, who first worked for a rail- could be considered a subset of the problems faced in road, took up steel fabrication to build a railroad bridge space. across the Mississippi, and basically built the modern In that light, space science and space engineering steel industry. Thomas Edison, who worked for tele- become the organizing principle around which civiliza- graph companies, later created the electric power in- tion better organizes itself! Imagine, for example, pop- dustry and made modern telephony possible with a ulating the Sahara Desert or far North Siberia. If suc- viable microphone. Henry Ford, who worked for cessful settlements can be built on the Moon and Mars, Edison, later created the modern automotive industry. then they can be built in the “wastelands” of Earth. It is William Shockley, who worked for AT&T’s Bell Labs, merely a matter of controlling the environment—in- in attempting to create mass-produced transistors, hired stead of the submission of Man to the whims of the en- Robert Noyce who came up with integrated circuits and vironment which the British Empire demands. then central processing units. These are just a few ex- amples from American history. NASA’s Special Role The basic idea here is that in a credit system, any But the organizing principle requires physical em- competent entity with an idea of how to solve a neces- bodiment. It requires a Sergei Korolyov, a Wernher von sary problem, and with a degree of rigorous determina- Braun, or a Qian Xuesen. Such people are alive today tion, can get the credit to build it. This is why places (indeed in greater numbers), but they have not been such as Detroit and Houston are dotted with small and given adequate backup. Once we restore a Hamiltonian medium-sized plants which produce all sorts of special- credit system to the United States and establish national ized equipment relating to the automotive and general banking as an international norm of state sovereignty, manufacturing industries, or, in the case of Houston, to then scientific and engineering leadership will be al- the petrochemical and space industries. lowed to function again. Putting bold ideas into physi- Further, when coupled with a fair trade (not free cal form, and running them through rigorous testing trade) policy, it means that every country of any signifi- and evaluation, will not only be permitted, but pro- cant population begins to build up a “full set econ- moted. omy”—an economy which has capabilities to produce We applaud, honor and promote the rapid progress most of its needs in most areas domestically, and, most being made by China, India, and the newly emerging important, prototypes of completely new production space programs of the world, but NASA has a special 8 The Four Powers in Space EIR October 26, 2018 ing and integrating role, while also accepting important responsibili- ties itself in areas critical for the project, and effectively acting as guarantor of ultimate success overall. Russia’s space agency Roscos- mos, for example, would likely offer to further develop its space nuclear power systems among other areas. Canada’s Canadian Space Agency (CSA) might offer to take up the design and building of space construction equipment, after its experience in creating ro- botic arms for the ISS and Space Shuttle. China, after its incredible success in growing plants in arid desert sand, might take on the project of growing plants in the lunar and martian regoliths. Pri- Christopher Sloan vate corporations like SpaceX, An artist’s conception of Lyndon LaRouche’s vision of a city on Mars. with some demonstrated compe- tencies but also somewhat fanciful leadership role to play in enabling the global space pro- ideas about Mars colonization, will also be brought in gram to function at its optimum. to play an important role in a competently designed and As America is a “nation of nations,” it is looked to managed plan. Enthusiasm is a necessity, but must by others to play a special role of combining the best always be partnered with rigor. from each nation and each culture, to put together a This project is so big, so complex, and so daunting, brighter future for all of us. And NASA’s history of that there will be enough work to keep all of humanity’s achievement gives it a special stature. researchers, dreamers, engineers, architects and manu- When President Trump and NASA put forward a facturers busy for a long time to come. As in a choral general plan along the lines we will lay out here— symphony, each will be able to take pride in accom- backed up by a revived Hamiltonian credit system—to plishing an important part of the overall project. And, it settle and develop the Moon and Mars, every national will serve to uplift Mankind’s vision while spreading government, every university, every company, and prosperity across the globe and beyond.