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JO1988-V21-N06.Pdf ... to join the broadest coalition of Orthodox Jews, headed by eminent Torah authorities, for a four-day Torah experience at the National Convention of Agudath Israel of America This year, at a beautiful new location: ][ THE PARSIPPANY HILTON Parsippany-Troy Hills, New Jersey (Less than one hour's drive from New York City) Thursday through Sunday November 24-27, 1988 \J"Y.l\!Jn 1?tJ'.J n'-1\J To: Agudath Israel of America, 84 William St., N.Y.C. 10038 Please reserve accommodations .for persons to Check type of accommodations requested. (Give first the 66th National Convention of Agudath Israel of and second choice.) All rates are for double occupancy. America, Thursday through Sunday, November 24- If accommodation requested is not available, next 27, 1988 at the Parsippany Hilton, Parsippany-Troy category will be assigned. Hills, New Jersey. Rates Per Person (For 4 Days, 3 Nights) NAME----------------- 0 Standard 0 Preferred D Superior 0 Deluxe ADDRESS--~------------- $289 $319 $.349 $399 CITY _____ $TATE ___ z1p ________ 0 Single Occupancy {Limited) $499 TELEPHONE: Day (_) ____ Evening { _) ____ 0 Wednesday evening arrival at special rate of $75 $100 Per Person Deposit Required. Please Enclose. per person (includes buffet dinner Wednesday (f?.esrrvalions ar/.' sub;ect to confirmatiorf.) evening & Thursday breakfast). I am enclosing: D Please send information regarding day camp and $ _____ 0 Deposit $100 per person: children's rates. 5749 Membership Dues: $ -~2~5-=.o-'-o __ $ _____ Please _note that 15°J'o will be added to the bill to cover all gratuities. TOTAL ENCLOSED It will also include the registration fee and delegate kit. Not fist a cheese, a traOition ... :. Haolam, the most trusted name in Cholov Yisroc! Kosher Cheese. ~ A reputation earned through 25 years of scrupulous devotion to quality t and kashruth. With 12 delicious varieties. Under the strict Rabbinical "· supervision of K'hal Adas Jeshurun, N.Y. Haolam,atraditionyou'llenjoykeeping. Kosher for Passover Haol ·· Cholov Yisroel THUKM"O'WO"O"'""co·'"·"·WMK." ~m. The Thurm Families wish Klal Yisroel a 11;!1'\.? 112'1J1tt111;J1J1;J If it has no cholesterol, a better.­ than-butter flavor, and a reputation for kashruth you can trust ... It has to be the new, improved parve Migdal unsalted margarine r.:;~ Under the strict Rabbinical supervision of K'hal AdasJeshurun, N.Y. THURM BROS., WORLD CHEESE CO., INC., N.Y. I was stunned, shocked by what this young woman uttered. ain she spoke ... "Not only do I not have any food in the house, I don't even have a Shekel to buy milk for's lunch." The desperation and panic in her voice pierced my heart. "People in the States don't believe it", the Rabbi said. Can I be sitting here in twentieth century Jerusalem lis· "There are hundreds of American families here reduced tening to an American woman? to various levels of poverty. Each has his own story of mis­ fortune, illness, unemployment or just being a struggling Obviously, Rabbi Leib Sternlicht, the director of Kole! Kole! family or a poor senior citizen whose Social Security America in Israel, had heard these words many times be­ isn't enough anymore." fore. As I sat outside his office, the door opened and I couldn't help overhearing the end of the conversation. "They come here to Kole! America in despair because they don't know where to go for assistance and are too ')\g we discussed", he told her, "your regular family sti­ embarrassed to take help until they're penniless. Kole! pend will begin shortly. Now I'll issue you an emergency America provides for these unfortunate Jews, some tem­ allotment for the next couple of days." A few moments porarily, some long-term and all for the holiday seasons of later, the lady left with a hand full of Shekel notes and a Rosh Hashanah-Succos and Pesach. calmer look on her face. Excerpted from a letter by a member of the American Board of Directors of Kolel America who recently visited lsraeL Hundreds OfAmerican Families Are Depending On Us AND YOU This Rosh Hashanah-Succos Season. We proclaim it a sacred obligation upon every Jew to support Kole! America most generously. -Honorary Presidium­ Rabbi Moshe Feinstein* Rabbi Yaacov Kamenetsky * Rabbi Avrahom Pam Rabbi Yaacov Ruderman* Rabbi Chaim P. Scbeinberg Rabbi Elya Svei Send Your Generous Donation Today And Reap The Written Vow Of Our Founder, Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin, ZT'L, The Brisker Rav: "l will be a Heavenly Advocate interceding for the supporters of Kole! America. They surely shall be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life." I Here is my Rosh Hashanah-Succos donation to I D $1000 D $500 D $250 D $120 D $50 D $25 D $18 0$ ____ I Feed Large Family Feed Small Family Support A Couple Sustain A Widow Help A Student Aid A Child Chai For Life Every Amount Helps I I D Please send me a Charity Pushka I I D Please send me a FREE Rosh Address ____________________ I Hashanah Food For Life Guide I City __________ State_____ Zip ____ I I Donations to Kolel America are tax deductible. I l KOLEL AMERICA " The American Rabbi Meir Baal Haness Charity In Israel I I _______132 Nassau Street•_ New York, NY. 10038 • (212) 732-1064 I 5422 Sixteenth Avenue• Brooklyn, N.Y. 11204 • (718) 871-4111 I -.--.-.-.------.------.. -----~ 7 "AnnaHashem-l Beseech You, 0 G-d •••" Rabbi A Schetnman 13 THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) Teaching Our Children: A Growing Need, 0021·6615 is published monthly ex­ A Growiil.g Opportunity ceptJuly and August, by the Agudath Rabbi Yehuda Rupp Israel of America, 84 William Street, New York. NY 10038. Second class postage paid at New York, NY Subscrip­ 18 tion $18.00 per year; two years, $30.00: three years, $40.00. Outside of the The Road Home: A Woman's Perspective United States {US funds only) $10 sur­ Mrs. Leah Kohn charge per year. Single copy: $2.50; foreign: $3.00. Send address changes to The Jewish Obsel\ler, 84 William St.. 25 N.Y., N.Y. 10038. '!el., (2I2) 797-9000. Poetry Printed in the U.S.A. Between The Braids, Bracha Druss Goetz RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, Edito' 27 Editorial Board A Walk On A Hot Summer's Night DR. ERNST BODENHEIMER Chairman Nissan Wolpin RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS JOSEPH FRIEDENSON 31 RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN Two Tales RABBI MOSHE SHERER Hanoch Teller Management Board NAFTOLI HIRSCH 35 ISAAC KIRZNER Books in Review RABBI SHLOMO LESIN NACHUM STEIN Collected WliUngs/Commentary on Jeremiah/Selected Wlitings/The Fire Within/Sparks of Mussar/The Rosh Yeshiva/The Chafetz Chalm Looks At Life/ RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING The Chafetz Chaim Looks At Reward And Punishment/The Chafetz Chaim Business Manager Looks At Midos/The Maggid Speaks/The Little Midrash Says/Eternal Helitage/ The Bamboo Cradle-A Jewish Father's Story/Times ofChallenge/Housecalls THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not to Eternity/Chaplain On The River Kwai/Flight assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product or service advertised in its pages. 43 Second Looks On The Jewish Scene © Copyrtght 1988 The Secular Route to Religious Sovereignty Trouble In The Religious Councils TISHREI 5749/SEPT. 1988 VOL. XX!, N0.6 49 Letters to the Editor The complete Understand set of PirkeiAvos Metsudah as never Machzorim before. 5 Vol. gift box set $75.00* Leather Bound softcover $8.95* marron or blue hardcover $1 0. 95 * $150.00* e The ichos Kitzur ew Shulchan eaning. Aruch Vol. 1 & 2 $13.95 ea.* $11.95* Vol. 3 $ 4 available $14.95* in the Fall of 88 Available at your local bookstore or directly from: I Israel Book Shoo, Inc. I 410 Harvard St. Brookline. 'Ma. 02146 Kusari... I (617) 566-7113-4 I a lost 1 Please send me the following of the Metsudah Series: I treasure 1 I discovered. 1 I I am enclosing a check or money order for $ I I {US. FundS) I hardcover I name------------ $14.95* I address I I city. st.ate. zip / •Please add $2.00 cover UPS fOr first volume and SOC for each aodltional YOtume. / --------------~ - - - --- ---- __ _,,, Rabbi A Scheinman '~nna Hashe~­ I Beseech You, 0 G-d ••• '' THE ROLE OF CONFESSION IN ATONEMENT I. "VIDUY"-MORE THAN fashion. Yet, examining the Ram­ A PROLOGUE TO TESHUVA bam, both in Mishna Torah and in the Sefer Hamitzvos, one Is struck ne of the wonders of the by the fact that It is viduy that creation is teshuva-the appears to be the mitzva itself, with Oability for a sinner to repent the introspective aspects of the and atone for his evil actions, and, teshuva-process merely leading up In effect, clean his slate as If he had to the viduy (see Rambam Hilchos never committed the sins. And one Teshuva 1-1. 2-2, 2-3). of the supreme kindnesses of the A previous article (''Why Con­ Creator is His designation of the fess?", JO Sept '79) pointed out the forty days of Ellul-through-Yom Kip­ value of viduy as a means of forcing pur as the season of teshuva, when upon the sinner an awareness of his our efforts to return are especially sins. But there must also be a deeper facilitated and meet with unusual meaning to viduy, for the Mishna success. resolve to never again repeat the of­ (Sanhedrin, 43b) states that all Of the three components of te­ fense-viduy would seem to be the transgressors that were condemned shuva-remorse over the wrong least difficult to perform. We have to death were told to confess as a committed, viduy (confession), and all been misvadeh-we have all con­ means for gaining a portion in the fessed our sins-many more times World-to-Come.
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    April 3, ‘17 ז' ניסן תשע"ז KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun Volume 47 Number 7 ,רב זכריה בן רבקה Please continue to be mispallel for Rav Gelley .רפואה שלמה for a מראה מקומות שבת הגדול דרשה תשע"ז מוהר“ר ישראל נתן הלוי מנטל שליט"א לעלוי נשמת מ' עטל בת ר' מרדכי ע"ה MRS. ETHEL KATZENSTEIN BY DR. AND MRS. MARTIN KATZENSTEIN MRS. SANDY WACHSPRESS DR. AND MRS. JOEL GOLDMAN חמץ של נכרי באחריות ישראל פסחים ה' ע"ב: אמר מר יכול יטמין וכו' עד קמ"ל. רבנו חננאל שם בא"ד והני מילי דלא קביל וכו'. מהר"ם חלאוה שם ד"ה בעירו חמירא הרמב"ן פסחים ו' ע"א בד"ה הא דתניא יחד לו בית עד ולאו דישראל הוא מקור חיים סי' ת"מ ס"ק ג' שו"ת עונג יו"ט סי' כ"ה בד"ה מיהו למש"כ נשמת אדם הלכות פסח שאלה ו' בד"ה ולפי"ז PURIM 5777 The Avoda in our Beis HaKenesses was again an important part of the day. Thanks to Messrs. Michael Gutmann (evening) and Johny Hellmann (morning) for their flawless reading of the Megilla at the main minyonim, as well as to Messrs. Dovid Herbsman and Ezra Hes who took care of the corresponding second readings. Many thanks as well to those individuals who read the Megilla for hospital patients and home bound persons, giving of their time on a very busy day. Matonos LoEvyonim were distributed anonymously to local needy families by the Board of Trustees and, thanks to members of KAJ who donated generously, a significant amount of funds was distributed to help fulfill this important mitzvo of Purim.
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