Connie Ettinger What happens when you take a farm girl out of Northern their own personal gain had a lot to do with it. Ridiculous lawsuits, bogus claims and Michigan, send her to U of M Law School, and then make her a outrageous jury awards to the criminally stupid are the kindling for Connie’s act. Add partner in a major Detroit law firm? Telling the truth is Connie’s kerosene (an audience) and fire (Connie’s slightly warped sense of reality and dedication strong point, something she found was not totally compatible to “thinning out the herd of the stupid”), and you have a recipe for a night of irreverent with the practice of law, and Connie tells it like it is. Why did observations and explosive laughter. she really leave the practice of law? Unbearable irritation with the stupid people who sought to abuse the legal process for Pundit Tim Slagle Russ Brown Comedian, Radio Personality, and Pundit Tim Slagle returns to He’s been heard on and Mancow Muller and too Oakland County , fresh on the heels of his new record release, many others to name. He has performed over 50 shows in Iraq “Evolution” available on iTunes. alone. His act has been subtitled in 7 languages! From New York Tim has been heard on Bob and Tom, 24/7 Comedy, and WLS to L.A. , Canada to Aruba he always has something funny to say. . He has also appeared on the, Red Eye, MTV He has had a completely crazy life that you will completely be and Showtime. able to relate to. He always knows just what to say to make you smile, you will be very glad you saw Russ Brown. He is a thirty year veteran of the comedy club circuit, and he has performed in 50 states, Canada , and Mexico . He’s also been a popular attraction at political functions foundations, think tanks and fundraisers. His edgy style has made him a cult hero, and a favorite of his peers. He wages a war against political correctness, and fights for Truth and Justice, *Must be 21 or older! and the American Way . King’s Court Castle 2325 Joslyn Rd. Lake Orion • • Find us on Facebook!