School Wide Rally Tomorrow, Candidates Speak BIIHHM Wutmirmtmr RICE M M\ML Jm Imml M Entered As Second Class Mailing Matter, October 17
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|W|£ fKt ft i: wt 1 M A 4 m «i. • School Wide Rally Tomorrow, Candidates Speak BIIHHM WutMirmtMr RICE m m\ML Jm immL M Entered as second class mailing matter, October 17. 1916, at the Post Office, Houston, under the act of March 3, 1879. VOLUME THIRTY-NINE — NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR HOUSTON, TEXAS FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1952 LETS VOTE The Forum Committee an- ROCKWELL LECTURES nounces that the political ral- ly for the Senior Class will Spring Elections be held this afternoon at Reformation Expert Read to Give noon in the Physics Amphi- theater. The rally for all- Set For Mondby school elections will be held Public Lectures, April 1,2,3 Dr. Conyers Read, Professor Emeritus of English History One hundred sixty four candidates for political offices will tomorrow at the same time at the University of Pennsylvania, will deliver the annual Rock- crowd the Spring Election ballot in Monday's voting. The polls in the same place. well Lectures April 1, 2, and 3 in the Fondren Library Lecture will open at 8 in the morning of the thirty-first and will close Lounge. The general topic of his lectures will be the English at 1 P.M. Reformation. ' John McClane and Bass Wallace are the candidates for the Harvard Professor "The Break from Rome" will be office of President of the Stu- Rondelet Coming the subject of Dr. Read's lecture Expense accounts of all candi- dent Association. Running for To Address Sigma Tuesday night, April 1. The next dates except honor council and the position of Vice-President Up On May Third topic will be "Anglican Establish- honorees are due before noon of the Student Council are Julia XI Group Tonight ment", and on Thursday night Dr. Saturday to a member of the Read will consider "Puritanism". Picton and Beverly Ward. The job "The Molecular Basis of Vision" Election committee. The By- Weekend The lectures, which start at 8 PM, of Secretary of the Student Associa- will be the subject of a public lec- Laws require an automatic dis- Plans are culminating for the are open to faculty and students of tion will go to either Dorothy Kelly ture tonight by Dr. George Wald of qualification of any candidate Rondelet weekend of May 3. With Rice and to the general public. or Carolyn Coy. John McClintock the Harvard Biological Laborator- violating any part of the by laws .the elections of the court and es- Dr. Read is the most outstanding pertaining to expense accounts. or Walter Baker will be elected ies. The lecture, sponsored by the corts out of the way the Rondelet Rice Chapter of Sigma Xi, will be- English Reformation scholar in the They should have the candidates Committee is busy planning de- United States, and probably in the name, the office, a breakdown of All students are urged to bring gin at 8 PM, and the public is in- tails of the pageant and formal ball. their blanket taxes Monday in vited. world. He holds a Ph. D. from Har- the expenses and be signed by Last week letters went out to the i vard, a B. Litt. from Oxford, and a the candidate. Julia Picton, De- order to be able to facilitate the Interested primarily in the chem- six Southwest Conference colleges voting in the general elections. istry and physiology of vision and j Litt. D. from Ursinus College. In mitri George, Florence Kessler, plus the University of Houston, i addition to his work at the Univer- or Ben Gantt will accept the ex- biochemical evolution, Dr. Wald dis- Treasurer of the Student Associa- University of St. Thomas, and Sam sity of Pennsylvania, he has also pense accounts. covered and identified Vitamin A in Houston State Teachers College in- tion. Nominees for Councilman at the retina while working in Kar- \ taught at Princeton and at the Large are Harold Lacy, Tom Taylor, viting representatives from those j University of Chicago. rer's laboratory in Zurich. He is a campuses to attend Rondelet. Each and Khleber Attwell. j Dr. Read is pasty executive secre- fellow of the American Academy of college will send a girl who, togeth- | tary of the American Historical As- Students Asked Rodger Bonney is the only candi- Arts and Sciences and the New York er with her escort, will be presented i sociation, and he worked for the date for Business Manager of the Academy of Sciences, as well as at the May Fete along with the ! Office of Strategic Services during Thresher. many other distinguished scientific Rice honorees. To Vote For HC Eleven people are in the race for societies. .(th e. last war. At present he is a cheerleader, four of whom will ob- Decorations for the pageant are J member of the Royal Historical So- under the direction of Bob Stavely tain the position. Running "are ciety, the American Philosophical Amendment and Bill McMinn with the lighting Charles Henry, T.F. Arner, Jayne Society, and the Council on Foreign There is a new amendment to the Sutton and Harris and sound ejuipment being set up Wunsch, Joe Kelly, Bill Harrison, Relations. He received his Doctor- honor council constitution that will by Bill Fowler and Dan Daggett. Wade Melton, Byron James, Ever- ate in Civil Law in June, 1951, and be put before the student body at Win In Rice Bridge (Continued on Page 2) this spring election which will ette Frazier, Joe Lipper, Allen is the Guggenhein Fellow for 1951- strengthen our system of honor and Pierce, and Willie Berryman. Tournament 1953. exams to such a degree that it will Thirty-five girls are candidates Dick Sutton, sophomore, and J.T. Installation Of A noted author, he has written be more workable, more stringent, for honoree. From this number ten "Spider" Harris, senior, will com- "Mr. Secretary Walsingham and the and more enforceable. will be chosen. The list includes pete in the 1952 National Intercol- Dispenser Has Policy of Queen Elizabeth" and "The Tudors". At present, he is The amendment proposal is that Anne Acker, Patti Ambrose, Ther- legiate Bridge Tournament in Chi- writing a companion biography of for a conviction of guilt the change ese Arnold, Sherrill Carmichael, cago, Illinois, on April 18-19, all Small Effect William Cecil to his biography of will be from a unanimous to a 3/4 Letty Castille, Carolyn Coy, Elsie expenses paid. The new iron monster which dis- Mr. Walsingham. vote. The proposed amendment will Crossman, Virginia Easley, Jackie The two Rice .students aualified gorges coffee in four varieties, re- (Continued on Page 2) eliminate mis-trials of people who Darden, Mary Anne Davis, Fay for the national tournament in com- cently installed in the student seem obviously guilty to the great- Flower, Marilyn Hooper, Martha petition with Jim Freeman and H.A. lounge, has had little effect on sales er part of the council; but, due to Hodge, Barbara Kunetka, Dorothy Smith, Garth Gobeli and Jim Vetty, in the Roost; Mr. J.R. Garner, the the presence of someone on the Kelly, Florence Kessler, M.E. Kinz- and Harry Clampett and Lynn Yar- Roost's i?fenager, explained yester- R 0 T C Federal council who is simply too timid to bach, Barbara Madden, "Carol Mar- borough on February 26 and 27. day that between twenty five and act against an obvious offender, of shall, Mary Ahne Mewhinney, Doris Dr. J.T. Smith, tournament direc- thirty gallons of coffee are still sold each day under the sign of the Inspection To Be someone who is a friend of the ac- Neal, Dorthyle Nicholl, Carol Ann tor for Rice, supervised the playing perching owl. cused and naturally preiudjceji, or Oden, Peggy O'Neill, Julia Picton, of 18 prepared hands which had of someone who has been elected Jan Price, Bridget Rote, Lorena Ru- been sent to colleges in each of Mr. Garner thinks that the ma- Held Today for the sole purpose of never vot- land, Carol Smith, Virginia Lee eiglft regions where the top eight chine's installation will be especially The inspecting team will cover welcomed by those students who ing anyone guilty, the case is dis- Smith, Pat Stallings, Carolyn Thom- players fro meach college in the re- every phase of the unit's training as, Notelie Turrentine, Beverly gion competed. Texas is in the Cen- may prefer coffee to soft drinks missed. and administration as well as facil- Ward, and Florence White. tral Zone along with Minnesota, after the Roost closes. Lingering Most people attack this amend- Candidates for the position of Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, and Okla- loungs-scrounges will probably ap- ities and government-owned pro- ment on the grounds that a trial (Continued on Page 5) homar preciate the variety. perty. Classes will be visited while for murder retires a unanimous instruction is in progress. Individual Vote, and .since the penalties for cheating are synonymously as bad, STUDENT COUNCIL members of the unit will be in- a* unanimous decision should be re- spected for appearance, fit of uni- quired here. This is a false state- form and military proficiency, both ment, because it must be remem- in the classroom and on the drill bered that these men on the honor Thoughts On the Need of a Television Set field. council are elected by you, and that By JERRY WEINER they will do all that they can to bank account, and although this is Heading the inspection team will (Continued on Page 4) A petition signed by 145 members of the student body ask- of course not a warrant for spending be Col.