July-August 2010
EX-POW BULLETIN the official voice of the American Ex-Prisoners of War Volume 67 www .axpo w .or g Number 7/8 July/August 2010 We exist to help those who cannot help themselves 2010 Election Issue At the recent meeting of the Barbed-Wire Mountaineer Chapter of the American Ex-Prisoners of War, the members celebrated the 99th birthday of Paul Lovell of Bridgeport, WV. The group is planning their up- coming annual convention in June. Members in attendance who honored Mr. Lovell are: sitting L to R are Patsy Palmeri, Paul Lovell, and Okey DeRaimo. Standing L to R, Okla Edgell (state commander), Edward Young, Alfred Corbin, William Skinner, Thomas Mathews, Charles Brown, and Benjamin Portaro. Presentation of “Four Seasons of the Smoky Moun- tains” to the Ben T. Atchley Veterans’ Home in Knoxville, TN. The presenters were Ex-POW Ralph Neal and wife, Doris, on behalf of the Smoky Moun- tain Chapter. The seasonal photographs were given to Ralph and Doris as Christmas gifts by Randy Neal with the request that they be donated to a worthy recipient. Ralph and Doris’ choice of recipient was the new Ben Atchley Veterans Nursing Home. Identification of photos: Photo 1: Back: Doris Neal, Ralph Neal, Cmdr. Bonnie Weatherford, Activities Director Jennie Howell. Foreground: Ex-POWs Don Abernathy, Dewey Large and Ralph Galyon, members of Smoky Mountain Chapter and residents at Nursing Home. Photo 2: From left: Ex-POW Bill Robinson, Sr. Vice Com- mander, Smoky Mountain Chapter; Ex-POW Ralph Neal and wife, Doris; Smoky Mountain Chapter Cmdr., Bonnie Weatherford.
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