Vote on Amendments Today
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,-V »• wumrtmn Entered as second class mailing matterM, Octobe r 17. 1916. at Jthe Posl t OfficeML, Houston jJmWWML, under the act of March 3, 1879. A VOLUME THIRTY-EIGHT — NUMBER TWENTY-SIX HOUSTON, TEXAS FRIDAY, APRIL 20. 1951 Vote on Amendments Today Rice Day Crowd 75% of Voters Of Twelve Hundred Must Approve Two proposed amendments to the Honor System will be Expected Tomorrow voted on by the students today. The poll will be open from 8-1. The poll is located at the Southwest corner of Anderson Hall. Saturday is Rice Day at the The first amendment would change the requirement for a Institute when an expected conviction by the Honor Council from a unanimous, or nine 1200 old grads will flock to the out of nine, vote to a seven new stadium for the annual out of nine vote. * spring gathering. Marines Announce The other amendment would abol- Over half a ton of prime heavy ish the minimum penalty of one year beef is being barbecued today over Three Officer suspension for violation of the Hon- a slow hickory fire to be ready or Code. Under the present Consti- for the alumni Saturday. They'll have barbecue and all the trimmings Training Programs from 3 p.m. on until the » last "I The US Marine Corps has an- For the text of the Honor remember when . ." has been said. nounced three officer candidate pro- System amendments which are There'll be a mid-way atmosphere grams which are open to all col- being voted on today, see Page with the concession booths operated lege students who are in good aca- Three. Other information about by the various alumni groups, the demic standing and can meet the the amendments may be found literary societies, the R. Association physical requirements. in a story by three Honor Coun- and the Owl Club. For the alumni, For college seniors and graduate cil members on Page Two. the male ones, there'll be a taxi- students the Officer Candidate dance, 10 girls, 10, with a dime-a- Course Program offers a commis- dance gals from the active P.A.L.S. sion as a Second Lieutenant in the tution, no lighter penalty can be im- And for the alumnae at the taxi- U. S. Marine Corps Reserve after posed. The Honor Council feels that dance stand there'll be a few hand- successful completion of a ten weeks' leeway is desirable in case of exten- some men with placards around their training course. uating circumstances. neck: "I'm a taxi-dancer, too." Undergraduate, freshmen through Three-quarters of the students voting must approve the amend- Long-range forecasters call for a juniors, students may train for com- ments were brought up last year, sunny Saturday, but just to make missions while completing their were favored by 65% of the stu- sure all activities have been planned undergraduate work. Students in dents, but did not achieve the neces- on the first ramp under the top this category enrolled in the Pla- sary three-quarters majority and ft deck. ' toon Leaders Class Program will be so failed. Class duchesses in the Rondelet | olyn Coy, sophomore, Margaret Blau, deferred until receipt of a bacca- Spring Fete scheduled for April 28 j junior, and Alice Jan Flack, senior, laureate degree. will be Carol Smith, freshman, Car- I The military training for Pla- Rice Band Ends toon Leaders Class candidates will consist of two six-week summer Saroyan Play Year With Annutd at Fnmm training courses during which the expenses and pay of the candidate Banquet are provided by the Marine Corps. Opens Wednesday Profs, Students Will Further, there are no military re- by Allyce Tinsley Chuck Howe received the Mont- quirements for members of this gomery Award presented by the program during the course of the "The Beautiful People," by Wil- Rice Band to the most valuable Review Books academic year. liam Saroyan, which opens in Sally- bandsman of the year, at the annual A program leading to a commis- port Stage next Wednesday night award banquet at Kelley's Steak "My Favorite Book" will be the Forum topic on which sion similar to the Platoon Leaders at 8:30, is the most extensive dra- House, Thursday, April 12. This four speakers will talk in the weekly Forum Wednesday night. Class Program is available to un- matic venture which the Rice Play- award was originated in 1934 and Two faculty members, Miss Katherine Fischer of the History dergraduate and graduate women ers have produced. This Saroyan was presented by band director Kit Department, and t)r. Alan D. McKillop of the English Depart- students. comedy will have a two-story set Reid. Dean McBride was guest of including stained - glass windows. ment, will review their favorite books. Miss Fischer's choice All interested students are en- honor. „ John Rawling's original music is is "Everyman, His Own His- couraged to contact Major Shep- Billfolds were "presented to the scored for cello, clarinet, percus- herd in the Naval Science Building five junior lettermen while the 17 tories." Dr. McKillop will re- sion, flute, oboe and trumpet. Work- Senior Rings Will for the specific requirements, ap- underclassmen receiving awards view Boswell's "Life of John- ing on the production will be the plication forms, and informational were assured that the award sweat- son." largest cast and company in Rice Be Delivered Today literature relative to these three ers would be in by next fall. For drama history. Senior rings will be delivered Two students, a pre-law major officer candidate programs. the first time, the* band had fifth and an engineer, are also scheduled "This Saroyan comedy has con- from 8-1 today in the Student year lettermen who received hon- „ , . to spealc.' Bill Collins, the engineer, sistenly been one of the most pop- Lounge. Balances due on ring pay- . .. e orable mention for their loyalty. wi]] speak on GaIsworthy a Forsyt ular plays in the Linden Summer The following officers were elect- mSnts must be paid at that time. Saga." Jack Lapin, pre-law, will Ten Architects Stock company," said director Ger- ed for next year after the banquet: The balances due for the different review Tolstoy's monumental "Anna ry Hiken. Mr. Hiken has produced President, Chuck Howe; Vice-presi- weight rings are as follows: 4 dwt: Karenina." To Compete "The Beautiful People" twice be- ft dent, Paul Donoho; Business Man- The program will not be in the fore coming to Sallyport and will t ager, Neil Marshall; Librarian, Bob $13.84; 6 dwt: $15.58; 8 dwt: $18.64; For Fellowship 10 dwt: $20.44. form of four long book reviews. be remembered by Rice audiences Eggleston. _ , . Each of the speakers will discuss Nine members of the fifth year for his successful production of Os- For engraving of a complete name ,, .... .. , , . ., .i® . ® the peculiar qualities of the book architecture class and one former car Wilde's "The Importance of -0- inside the rings, there is an addi- . T . .. , .. , , ® that has made it his favorite. graduate are competing for the 1951 Being Earnest." tional charge of $.75. All the books are established fav- Architecture Traveling Fellowship. James Young and William Knight- Eleven Elected orites. The current revival of in- The ten-hour period for prelim- ley, members of the English faculty, terest in Boswell should make Dr. inary sketches was "held April 16 are cast as Mr. Prim and Father To Rally Club Engineers Banquet McKillop's review a particularly in- for the competition which calls for Hogan. Bud Cruse will play Owen f Eleven new members have ex- teresting one. the design of a Men's Club Build- Webster, the young writer whose cepted to the Rally Club and were To Be Wednesday Gail Mount will be moderator for ing for a small city. The students books consist of one word, and Mar- received at a meeting of the Club the evening. will be allowed approximately five ilyn Marrs will be seen as his sister Thursday, April 12. The annual Engineering Society weeks in which to complete their Agnes, or St. Agnes of the Mice The new members are Billy Burk- Banquet will be held next Wednes- designs, the final presentation of as she is affectionately called. As which will be held on May 18. halter, Bill Collins, Leonard Childs, day at Bill Williams. The dinner, Bulletin Board their father, Harry Schroeder will The designs will be judged by, a Karl Doerner, Ben Gantt, Charlie scheduled for 7 p.m., will be in the A bulletin board will soon be set play the role of Jonah. upstairs banquet room. jury composed of former fellow- Howe, Fred Hoffman, Bill Hobby, up in the student loiinge primarily Harmony Blueblossom. a little old ship winners, who will select the Allen Pierce, Bruce Wallace, and All members of the Engineering for the purpose of publicizing schol- lady in the summertime will be winning design and a second place. Bass Wallace. Society are invited, as are the fac- arship and fellowship offers for played by Allyce Tinsley and Dan The winner" will receive the annual Rally Club plans for the rest of ulty members of the Engineering liberal arts students. Hillbpy,,the philosophical drunk, will traveling fellowship for study in the year include an Open HouS$ at Department. The annual presenta- All liberal arts students are urg- be John Rawlings. Europe. the home of Dick Whitty on April tion of the faculty members with ed to watch this board for news of Members of the orchestra are Students who are entered in this % I 22, a picnic April 29, and the Rally "appropriate gifts" will be the high- positions and scholarships that may (Continued on Page 8) (Continued on Page 4) Club formal dance May 9.