LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES BUDGET ESTIMATES 2020-2021 Answers to questions taken on notice on 11 March 2021 Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment LOCAL GOVERNMENT Hearing: Wednesday 11 March 2021 Budget Estimates secretariat Phone 9230 2303
[email protected] Question from MARK BUTTIGIEG, page 2 of the transcript The Hon. MARK BUTTIGIEG: So you are unable to tell us when it was first raised, but I understand that it was sometime late in 2018. Will you tell us when the investigation by OLG into Councillor Doueihi was first authorised? I think some of those matters are a matter of public record, given what has been published on the parliamentary website and written in various newspaper articles. Mr HURST: I do not think I actually have the material on that investigation with me for the reason that the matter is before the courts at the moment, so I did not come prepared to provide details of the investigative process. But as I say, the details are in the departmental report that is before the tribunal at this stage. The Hon. MARK BUTTIGIEG: But Mr Hurst, you authorised the investigation and you cannot tell me when the investigation was even authorised. Mr HURST: I can endeavour to find that information and get back to you later today. Answer An answer was provided to the committee by the Deputy Secretary, Local Government, Planning and Policy on 11 March 2021. The answer is provided on page 25 of the transcript. Question from MARK BUTTIGIEG, page 5 of the transcript The Hon.