& Psychophysics 2002, 64 (8), 1316–1324

Perception without awareness: Further evidence from a Stroop priming task

M. TERESA DAZA and JUAN J. ORTELLS University of Almería, Almería, Spain and ELAINE FOX University of Essex, Essex, England

In the present research,we examined the influence of prime–targetstimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) on Stroop-priming effects from masked words. Participants indicated the color of a central target, which was preceded by a 33-msec prime word followed either immediately or after a variable delay by a pattern mask. The prime word was incongruent or congruent with the target color on 75% and 25% of the trials, respectively. The words followed by an immediate mask produced reliable Stroop interfer- ence at SOAs of 300 and 400 msec but not at SOAs of 500 and 700 msec. The words followed by a de- layedmask produced a reversed(i.e., facilitatory)Stroop effect, which reached significance at an SOA of 400 msec or longer, but never at the shorter 300-msec SOA. Such an differential time course of both types of Stroop priming effects provides further evidence for the existence of qualitative differences between conscious and nonconscious perceptual processes.

The question of whether perception can occur without scious experience is indexed by some behavioral measure awareness has been the focus of considerableresearch and that demonstrates an observer’s inability to discriminate discussionfor many years (for recent reviews, see Merikle between alternative stimulus states (see, e.g., Balota, & Daneman, 1998; Merikle, Smilek, & Eastwood, 2001). 1983; Fowler, Wolford, Slade, & Tassinary, 1981; Green- The logic followed by the majority of studies within ex- wald, Draine, & Abrams, 1996; Kunst-Wilson & Zajonc, perimental psychologyhas been to demonstrate a dissoci- 1980; Marcel, 1983a, 1983b). Considerablediscussion has ation between two indexes or measures of perception that taken place regarding whether subjectiveor objectivemea- are assumed to assess perception with and without aware- sures provide the more accurate method for demonstrat- ness, respectively. It has been widely assumed that a pre- ing perception without awareness (e.g., Eriksen, 1960; requisite for a dissociationbetween measures of conscious Holender, 1986; Reingold & Merikle, 1990). In either and unconscious perception is that the index of conscious case, a major weakness of traditionalapproachesusingthe perception must provide an exhaustive measure of all rel- dissociation paradigm is that the conclusiveness of find- evant conscious experiences and that such a measure ac- ings presumed to provide evidence for unconscious per- tually exhibit null sensitivity (Merikle, 1992; Reingold & ception depends entirely on the adequacy of the measures Merikle, 1990). Two general classes of exhaustive mea- used to define .As notedby Merikleand Joor- sures of conscious awareness have been used: subjective dens (1997b), the attempt to merely prove the existence and objective. With subjective measures, awareness is as- (or nonexistence) of unconscious perception does not ap- sessed on the basis of the observers’ introspective self- pear to be a particularly useful strategy. This is because it reports of their conscious perceptual experiences (e.g., is impossible to demonstrate convincinglythat a null sen- Cheesman & Merikle,1986; Forster & Davis, 1984;Sidis, sitivity equates with the absence of conscious perception 1898; see Adams, 1957, for a review of the earliest stud- of the relevant information, regardless of whether a sub- ies). With objectivemeasures, the absence of relevant con- jective or an objective measure of awareness is used. As an alternative to establishing dissociations between measures, a more interestingquestionthat can be addressed is how unconsciousperception differs from conscious per- This research was partly supported by Grant BSO2000-1411-C02-02 from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Dirección General de Investi- ception.In other words, perceptionwith and without aware- gación (Spain), to the second author. The findingsof Experiment 2 were ness must be compared in order to determine whether a presented at the II Congress of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psy- stimulus can have qualitatively different effects on cogni- chology (SEPEX), March, 2000, Barcelona, Spain. Correspondence tive and affective reactions depending on whether it is ei- should be addressed to either M. T. Daza or J. J. Ortells, Departamento de Neurociencia y Ciencias de la Salud, Facultad de Humanidades y ther consciously or unconsciously perceived. As noted by Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Almería, 04120 Almería, Merikle et al. (2001), the logic underlying this alternative Spain (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). approach assumes that the information consciously per-

Copyright 2002 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 1316 STROOP PRIMING EFFECTS FROM MASKED WORDS 1317

ceived enables individualsto act intentionallyand to pro- prime word (RED or GREEN in gray color) for 33 msec, which duce effects in the world, whereas information perceived was followedeitherimmediatelyor after a delayof 134 msec without awareness leads to more automatic reactions that (dependingon the group of participants)by a pattern mask cannot be controlled by individuals (e.g., Marcel, 1988; (seven ampersands in gray color), thus resulting in a Searle, 1992). A good example of how conscious and un- prime–mask stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of either conscious perceptual processes differ comes from the ex- 33 msec1 or 167 msec, respectively. The masked prime clusion task used by Debner and Jacoby (1994; for other word was always followed by a central target, which con- interesting qualitative differences in the consequences of sisted of seven ampersands displayed, until response, in perception with and without awareness, see also Groeger, either red or green, with participants being required to 1984, 1988; Kunst-Wilson & Zajonc, 1980; Marcel, make a buttonpressresponse to indicatethe target color as 1980; Murphy & Zajonc, 1993). On each trial, a single quickly as possible. For both groups of participants, the word (e.g., table) was presented for either a short (i.e., 50- prime–target SOA remained fixed at 300 msec. The prime msec) or a somewhat longer (i.e., 150-msec) duration and and the target were incongruent (RED–green) on 75% of was followed by a mask. Immediately following the mask, the trials, whereas on the remaining 25% of the trials, the the first three letters of the word were presented again prime and the target were congruent (RED–red). Merikle (e.g., tab__), and the participants were required to com- and Joordens (1997b) found a significant crossover inter- plete the word stem with any word that came to mind ex- action between masking condition and prime–target con- cept the word that had just been presented (e.g., they could gruency: With a delayed mask (i.e., a prime–mask SOA of complete the word stem with taboo, but not table). Deb- 167 msec), the reaction times (RTs) were faster on incon- ner and Jacoby found that participants were able to fol- gruent than on congruent trials. Such a reversed (i.e., fa- low these exclusion instructions only when the word was cilitatory) Stroop effect suggests that participants con- presented for the longer 150-msec duration. But for the sciously identified the prime word followed by a delayed short 50-msec duration, they used the preceding words to mask and then used the predictive information provided complete the word stems on a proportionof trials that was by the word to anticipatethe forthcoming target color (see significantly above chance. This finding suggests that also Logan, Zbrodoff, & Williamson, 1984). In contrast, the words were unconsciously perceived in the 50-msec with an immediate mask (i.e., a prime–mask SOA of condition. 33 msec), a typical Stroop interference effect (slower RTs It is interestingto note that the exclusionprocedure pro- on incongruent than on congruent trials) emerged, sug- vides particularly compelling evidence for unconscious gesting that participants experienced no awareness of the perception, since conscious and unconscious influences primes when they were presented for 33 msec and were are placed “in opposition.” On the contrary, most of the immediately followed by a mask. This crossover in per- traditional approaches have used facilitation paradigms, formance across masking conditions (see also Merikle whereby effects on unconscious perception of a stimulus et al., 1995; Merikle & Joordens, 1997a) is consistentwith produce the same pattern (i.e., a facilitation in perfor- the view that perception with awareness and perception mance) as does conscious perception. According to Deb- without awareness can produce qualitativelydifferent be- ner and Jacoby (1994), because both types of processes havioral consequences. can contribute to performance in a similar vein (i.e., fa- Note, however, that the Stroop priming effects reported cilitating), it is difficult to determine whether the suppos- by Merikle and Joordens (1997b)were of a relativelysmall edly unconscious influences might partly or completely size. More importantly, to the extent that the reversed be attributedto residualconsciousperception.In contrast, Stroop effect under the delayed masking condition re- in studies using proceduressuch as the exclusiontask, ev- flected the contribution of strategic processes, such a re- idence of unconscious perception cannot be explained as sult could be viewed as an unusual findinggiven the prime– truly resulting from conscious perception, since the latter target SOA (300 msec) that was used by these authors (see would produce an opposite pattern of results. also Merikle et al., 1995). To illustrate, there is ample ev- A procedurefairly similar to Debner and Jacoby’s(1994) idence from priming studies that the relative contribution exclusion task has also been used by Merikle and col- to performance of controlledor strategy-based influences leagues in an elegant series of Stroop-priming studies is usually apparent at about400–500 msec (e.g., De Groot, showing that individuals can use predictive strategies 1984;Fuentes & Tudela,1992;Neely,1977; Ortells, Abad, based on stimulus redundancy only when the predictive Noguera, & Lupiáñez, 2001;Posner & Snyder, 1975; She- stimuli are consciously perceived (e.g., Cheesman & naut & Ober, 1996). Thus, it seems unlikely that an SOA Merikle, 1986; Merikle & Cheesman, 1987; Merikle & of 300 msec would give participantssufficienttime to use Joordens,1997a,1997b;Merikle,Joordens,& Stolz, 1995). the prime word in a strategic manner to anticipate the tar- Their experiments were based on a variant of the Stroop get color.2 (1935) color–word interference task, in which two color The aim of the present research was to explore the gen- words (RED or GREEN) were used to prime responses to a erality of results reported by Merikle and Joordens (1997b; probe target (e.g., a color patch or a series of ampersands see also Merikle et al., 1995), since there are few inde- that was also red or green). For example,Merikle and Joor- pendent replications of qualitative differences attributed dens (1997b, Experiment 1A) presented a single central to perceptionwith and without awareness. In other words, 1318 DAZA, ORTELLS, AND FOX we investigated whether the qualitativelydifferent Stroop a single experimental session for course credit. All had normal or priming effects that were observed as a function of the corrected-to-normal vision and were 19–25 years old (mean 5 22). prime–mask SOA constitutea generally robust finding,or Apparatus and Stimuli. The stimuli were displayed on a VGA whether they occur only under a limited set of experi- color monitor controlled by Micro Experimental Laboratory (MEL) software (Schneider, 1988) implemented on an IBM/PC-compatible mental conditions(e.g., a particularprime–target SOA in- computer. Responses were collected on a computer keyboard; re- terval, a particular type of instructions). To this end, we sponse accuracy and latency to the nearest millisecond were mea- conducted a series of experiments using Merikle and Jo- sured by the MEL software. All stimuli were displayed in uppercase orden’s (1997b) task, in which we manipulated the in- characters against a black background, and they were centered both structions given to participants, as well as the SOA be- horizontally and vertically at a viewing distance of approximately tween the prime word and the target color (includingSOA 65 cm. Two color words (RED or GREEN) were used as prime stimuli, with each letter subtending about 0.35º horizontally and 0.52º verti- intervals longer than 300 msec). cally. A string of seven ampersands (&&&&&&&) subtending about 2.46º horizontally and 0.52º vertically was used as both the EXPERIMENT 1 pattern mask and the target, with the only difference being the color of the ampersands (gray for the mask, and either red or green for the In the first experiment, we used exactly the same pro- target). The participants indicated the color of the target by pressing cedure as that of Merikle and Joordens (1997b, Experi- either the “M” or the “C” key on the computer keyboard. Mapping ment 1A). The participants were required to indicate the of responses and correct key (“M” or “C”) were counterbalanced across subjects. color (red or green) of a central target (a series of amper- Procedure. The participants were tested individually in a sound- sands) that was preceded 300 msec before by a central attenuated, dimly lit room. General task instructions were displayed prime word (RED or GREEN) that was presentedfor 33 msec. on the monitor and were also relayed verbally. The timing of the spe- An incongruent prime–target pair (e.g., RED–green) was cific stimulus events on each trial for the immediate masking always three times as probable (75%) as a congruent (prime–mask SOA of 33 msec) groups was as follows: (1) The fix- ation display (*) was presented for 500 msec; (2) the prime word prime–target pair (e.g., RED–red). For two groups of par- (RED or GREEN) was displayed in dark-gray letters and was presented ticipants, the prime word was immediately followed by a for 33 msec; (3) the mask (i.e., &&&&&&&) was displayed in dark- 267-msec masking pattern (immediate-masking condi- gray and was presented for 267 msec; and (4) the target (i.e., tions). For two other groups, the prime was followed by a &&&&&&&) was displayed in either red or green and was pre- 134-msec blank screen and then by a 133-msec pattern sented until the participant’s response. The prime–target pairings mask (delayed-masking conditions). were incongruent (i.e., RED–green) on 75% of the trials and congru- AlthoughMerikle and Joordens(1997b)did not mention ent (i.e., RED–red) on the remaining 25% of the trials. The partici- pants were told that their task on each trial was to indicate the color what kind of instructions were given to their participants, of the ampersands as quickly and accurately as possible after the it could be the case that obtaininga reliablereversed Stroop color changed from gray to either red or green. The computer emit- at a prime–target SOA of 300 msec depends critically on ted a 500-msec beep if the participants made an error. Following the explicitlyinstructingparticipantsto use the prime word to participant’s response a new trial began. anticipate the target color. To address this possibility,two The sequence of events on each trial for the delayed masking kindsof instructionswere used. Half of the participantsin (prime–mask SOA of 167 msec) groups was the same as that under the immediate masking conditions, with the only difference being each masking conditionwere toldthat the main goal of the that the presentation of the 33-msec prime word was now followed experiment was to investigatehow well they could learn to by a blank screen for 134 msec and was then followed by the am- use a predictive strategy to improve their performance. persand mask for 133 msec. Accordingly, the participants were explicitly informed The participants in each group took part in a single session (last- that given a prime word (e.g., RED), they should expect that ing about 35 min) consisting of one block of 48 practice trials fol- the colortarget would be the color not named by the word, lowed by six experimental blocks of 48 trials.3 From the 48 trials of since incongruentprime–target pairings were much more each block, 36 were incongruent (75%) and 12 were congruent (25%). Within each of these two trial sets, the target was displayed frequent than congruent ones. The other half of partici- either in red or in green on the same number of trials. The partici- pantsin each masking conditionwere also informed about pants initiated each block of trials by pressing the space bar on the the differential proportion of incongruent(75%) and con- computer keyboard. Once a block of trials was initiated, it ran to gruent (25%) trials. However, they were told that the main completion. Thus, the participants could rest only between blocks of goal of the experiment was to investigate how fast they trials. could identify the color (red or green) of a series of am- persands (the target). Results and Discussion 3 3 If the kind of instructions given to the participants in Mean RTs and error rates were enteredintotwo 2 2 2 this task is critical, we should observe a reversed Stroop analyses of variance (ANOVAs), with instructions and effect only when the participants are actively encouraged masking type (immediate vs. delayed mask) as between- to capitalizeon the predictiveinformation providedby the subjects factors and prime–target congruency (incongru- prime word. ent vs. congruent) as a within-subjects factor.4 No reliable effects were found in the analysis of error Method percentages. In the analysis of RTs, the main effect of Participants. Eighty-eight (22 participants for each group) un- prime–target congruency was significant [F(1,84) 5 8.9, 5 , dergraduate students at the University of Almería participated in MSe 311,p .003], so that RTs were reliably slower for STROOP PRIMING EFFECTS FROM MASKED WORDS 1319 incongruent (466 msec) than for congruent (458 msec) The reasons for the discrepancy between our results and trials (i.e., a typical Stroop interference effect). The main those reported by Merikle and Joordens (1997b) with a effect of instructions was not significant [F(1,84) 5 1.7, delayed mask remain unclear. However, as previously sug- p . .20], and interestingly,that factor did not interact with gested (see also note 2) obtaining a reliable strategy- any other variable. Althoughthe prime–target congruency dependent effect (e.g., reversed Stroop) could in some 3 masking type interaction did not reach statistical sig- contexts require the use of longertime intervals than those nificance [F(1,84) 5 2.31, p , .13], we conductedfurther used by Merikle and Joordens (1997b; see also Merikle ANOVAs on each masking condition in order to explore et al., 1995). To address this possibility,we conducted an- whether our Stroop priming pattern was similar to that other experiment, in which different prime–target SOA in- reported by Merikle and Joordens (1997b). The results of tervals (includingSOAs longerthan 300 msec) were used. these analyses showed a significant Stroop interference of 212 msec under the immediate masking condition EXPERIMENT 2 5 5 , [F(1,42) 16.8, MSe 188, p .0002]. Such a finding successfully replicates that reported by Merikle and Joor- Experiment 2 was procedurallysimilar to Experiment 1, dens (1997b, Experiment 1A) in that condition,thus sug- with just three exceptions: (1) The presence of either an gesting that stimulus information of which we are not sub- immediate or a delayed mask was manipulated within sub- jectively aware can, however, be processed. Nevertheless, jects (across different blocks), instead of between sub- unlike in the Merikle and Joordens’ (1997b) study, no sig- jects, in order to maximize the probability (i.e., by de- nificant reversed Stroop effect was found with a delayed creasing error variance) of obtaining a significant mask, regardless of whether our participantswere actively interaction between prime–target congruency and mask- encouraged to rely on the predictiveinformation provided ing type; (2) all the participants received identical in- by the word to optimize their performance (see Table 1). structions, which encouraged them to use the prime word Rather, a nonsignificant (F , 1) interference pattern of in a strategic manner to anticipate the color of the forth- 24 msec was obtained. coming target; and (3) four different prime–target SOA in- It could be argued that our participants did not con- tervals (300, 400, 500, and 700 msec) were used (varied sciously perceive the prime words under the delayed mask- between subjects). On the basis of our results in Experi- ing condition, thus explaining the failure to replicate the ment 1, we expected that a consciously processed prime findings by Merikle and Joordens (1997b). If this was the word (i.e., followed by a delayed mask) should produce a case, however, a significant Stroop interference should significant reversed Stroop effect at SOA intervals longer have been observed, as was the case with the immediate than 300 msec, but not at the 300-msec SOA. mask. Additionally,whereas the participantsin the imme- diate masking groups reported a completeabsenceof con- Method scious perceptual experiences of the prime word, all the Participants. Ninety-six (24 for each of the four experimental participantsin the delayed maskinggroups acknowledged groups) undergraduate students at the University of Almería partic- that they had consciouslyperceived the prime word on most ipated in the experiment. All had normal or corrected-to-normal vi- sion, and were 19–25 years old (mean 5 22). trials. It appears, then, that even though the words fol- Stimuli and Procedure. These were similar to those of Experi- lowed by a delayed mask were consciouslyidentified,our ment 1, except that (1) in the present experiment the presence of ei- participantswere unable to efficientlyuse the prime word ther an immediate or a delayed mask was manipulated within sub- to anticipate the target color. Moreover, the fact that we jects (across different trial blocks), and (2) different prime–target observed a similar data pattern irrespective of the kind of SOA intervals (300, 400, 500, or 700 msec) were used across dif- instruction given to the participants(note that the instruc- ferent groups of participants. For the immediate masking condition, the prime word was presented for 33 msec and was immediately fol- tions did not interact with any other variable) indicates lowed by a pattern mask of a variable duration (depending on the that obtaining a reversed Stroop from a consciously pro- group of participants) of 267, 367, 467, or 667 msec. This resulted cessed word in this task does not critically hinge on ex- in prime–target SOAs of 300, 400, 500, and 700 msec, respectively. plicitly instructingparticipantsto use predictive strategies For the delayed masking condition, the prime word (which was also to guide their performance. presented for 33 msec) was followed by a blank screen of a variable duration of 134, 234, 334, or 534 msec (depending on the group of participants) and then by a 133-msec pattern mask (this resulted in Table 1 prime–target SOAs of 300, 400, 500, and 700 msec, respectively). 5 Mean Reaction Times (in Milliseconds) and Percent Error as a Each participant took part in a single session (lasting about Function of Instructions, Prime–Target Congruency, and 25 min) consisting of two blocks of 168 trials (24 practice trials fol- Masking Condition in Experiment 1 lowed by 144 experimental trials), one block for each masking con- Masking Condition dition (i.e., immediate and delayed). The order of the blocks was Immediate Delayed counter balanced across subjects. From the 144 experimental trials Prime–Target of each block, 108 were incongruent (75%), and 36 were congruent Instructions Congruency RTs PE RTs PE (25%). Within each of these two trial sets, the target was displayed Nonstrategic Incongruent 451 .03 460 .03 either in red or in green on the same number of trials. The partici- Congruent 441 .03 457 .03 pants initiated each trial block by pressing the space bar on the com- Strategic Incongruent 474 .03 478 .04 puter keyboard. Once a block of trials was initiated, it ran to com- Congruent 461 .03 473 .05 pletion, so that the participants could rest only between blocks. 1320 DAZA, ORTELLS, AND FOX

Results and Discussion The results of error percentage mirrored the RT data. Mean RTs and error percentages were entered into two There was a significant main effect of masking condition 3 3 5 5 , 2 2 4 ANOVAs, with masking condition(immediate [F(1,92) 34.5, MSe 0.0052, p .0001], so that there vs. delayed) and prime–target congruency (incongruent was a higher error rate with a delayed (.077) than with an vs. congruent)as within-subjectsfactors and prime–target immediate mask (.034). The main effect for prime–target 5 5 SOA (300, 400,500, and 700 msec) as a between-subjects congruency was also significant [F(1,92) 24.5, MSe factor. In the analysis of RTs, the main effect of masking 0.0033, p , .0001], as well as the interaction of this fac- 5 5 5 5 conditionwas significant[F(1,92) 24.1, MSe 9,948.4, tor with masking type [F(1,92) 20.25, MSe 0.0034, p , .0001],as was the interactionbetween this variable and p , .0001], which revealed a significant facilitatory (i.e., 5 5 , prime–target SOA [F(3,92) 3.41, MSe 9,948.4, p reversed Stroop) effect in the delayed masking condition 5 5 , .02]. RTs were faster following an immediate than fol- [F(1,92) 24.04, MSe 0.0062, p .0001]. lowing a delayed mask at SOAs of 300, 400, and 500 msec In contrast to Experiment 1, in the present experiment, (at the 700-msec SOA, this difference did not reach sig- we replicated the crossover interaction between prime– nificance).The main effect of prime–target congruencywas target congruency and masking condition that was re- 5 5 , also significant [F(1,92) 10.7, MSe 819, p .0015], ported by Merikle and Joordens (1997b). Nevertheless, it as was the interaction between this factor and masking is interesting to note that this interaction was observed 5 5 , condition [F(1,92) 37.1, MSe 612, p .0001]. The only in one of the prime–target SOA conditionsthat were analysis of this interaction revealed a reliable Stroop in- tested (see Table 2)—namely, at the 400-msec SOA. It ap- terference of 26 msec with an immediate mask [F(1,92) 5 pears, then, that although qualitatively different Stroop 5 , 4.7, MSe 349.4, p .03] and a significant facilitatory priming effects from masked words can be observed as a (i.e., reversed Stroop) effect of 125 msec with the delayed function of the prime–mask SOA, as reported by Merikle 5 5 , mask [F(1,92) 27.6, MSe 1,081.7, p .0001]. Even and Joordens (1997b), such a data pattern occurs only though the three-way interaction between SOA, prime– under a limited set of experimental conditions (e.g., a par- target congruency,and masking type did not reach signif- ticular prime– target SOA interval). icance [F(1,92) 5 1.08, p , .36], we conducted a series The results of the Experiment 2 suggest a differential of further ANOVAs on each SOA condition to explore time course of the Stroop priming effects from consciously whether the Stroop priming effects followingeach masking versus unconsciouslyprocessed words. However, stronger condition showed a similar pattern across SOA intervals. evidence in support of such a conclusionis clearly needed, The results of these analyses are summarized in Table 2. since the interaction of prime–target congruency, mask- When the prime word was immediately masked, at the ing type, and SOA failed to reach statistical significance. briefest prime–target SOA of 300 msec, we obtained a sig- To this end, we conducted Experiment 3. nificant Stroop interference of 213 msec [F(1,23) 5 5.13, 5 , MSe 395, p .03], replicating the results of Experi- EXPERIMENT 3 ment 1 (see also Merikle & Joordens, 1997b, Experi- ment 1A). Although such an interference effect was also We used the same procedure as in Experiment 2, but this significant at the 400-msec SOA [210 msec; F(1,23) 5 time, we used only two SOA intervals (300 and 700 msec), 5 , 10.35, MSe 115.4, p .004], this effect disappeared at and both SOAs varied randomly throughout the experi- the longer SOA intervals of 500 and 700 msec (see Ta- ble 2), suggesting that priming effects from unconscious Table 2 perception in this kind of task could have a relatively fast Mean Reaction Times (in Milliseconds) and Percent Error as a decay over time. Function of Prime–Target SOA, Prime–Target Congruency, On the other hand, an opposite facilitation (i.e., re- and Masking Condition for Experiments 2 and 3 versed Stroop) effect was found when the prime word was Masking Condition followed by a delayed mask. Although such an effect was Prime–Target Immediate Delayed of a greater size than that reported by Merikle and Joor- SOA Congruency RTs PE RTs PE dens (1997b, Figure 1, p. 224), it reached significance Experiment 2 with an SOA interval of 400 msec [136 msec; F(1,23) 5 5 , 5 300 msec Incongruent 453 .04 487 .06 13.01, MSe 1,167.4, p .001] or longer [500 msec Congruent 440 .03 495 .10 1 5 5 , 30 msec; F(1,23) 8.15, MSe 1,344.7, p .009; 400 msec Incongruent 438 .02 510 .04 51 5 5 Congruent 428 .02 546 .08 700 msec 26 msec; F(1,23) 6.04, MSe 1,340.6, p , .02], but not at the briefest 300-msec SOA [18 msec; 500 msec Incongruent 508 .03 549 .05 5 . Congruent 508 .04 579 .11 F(1,23) 1.6, p .22]. The absence of a reversed Stroop 700 msec Incongruent 462 .02 452 .03 at the prime–target SOA of 300 msec in this and the pre- Congruent 461 .03 478 .10 vious experiment suggeststhat such an SOA interval does Experiment 3 not constitute enough time, at least in our research, to 300 msec Incongruent 484 .03 526 .06 allow most of our participants to efficiently use the pre- Congruent 469 .02 523 .12 dictive information provided by the word to anticipatethe 700 msec Incongruent 449 .04 454 .06 target color.6 Congruent 449 .06 505 .15 STROOP PRIMING EFFECTS FROM MASKED WORDS 1321

5 5 , ment. By manipulatingthe prime–target SOA in a within- [F(1,29) 34.2, MSe 0.0069, p .0001] and prime– 5 5 , subjects(random) instead of a between-subjectsdesign (as target congruency [F(1,29) 20.04, MSe 0.0061, p in Experiment 2), we attempted to reduce error variance in .0001]. There was also a significant interaction between 5 5 , order to increase the likelihood of obtaining a significant both factors [F(1,29) 13.9, MSe 0.0052, p .0008], three-way interaction of prime–target congruency,mask- which revealed a significant reversed Stroop effect under 5 5 ing type, and prime–target SOA. Of more importance,with the delayed masking condition [F(1,29) 19.4, MSe the two SOAs varying randomly from trial to trial, a dif- 0.0098, p , .0001]. ferential time course for both types of Stroop priming ef- fects could not be attributed to strategy shifts across SOA GENERAL DISCUSSION conditions(as might have been the case in Experiment 2, in which the SOA was manipulated between subjects). In the past decade, an increasing number of investiga- tions have attempted not only to prove the existenceof un- Method conscious perceptual processes, but also to demonstrate Participants. Thirty undergraduate students at the University of that behavioral consequences of unconscious perception Almería participated in this experiment. All had normal or corrected- 5 can be qualitativelydifferent from those of conscious per- to-normal vision and were 19–26 years old (mean 22.5). ception.A good example is providedby a series of Stroop Stimuli and Procedure. These were the same as those in Ex- periment 2, with the only difference being that only two SOA levels priming studies conducted by Merikle and colleagues, were used (300 vs. 700 msec), and this factor was manipulated in a which demonstrated that predicting the color of forth- within-subjects (random) design. coming targets occurred only when the predictive stimuli were consciously perceived (e.g., Cheesman & Merikle, Results and Discussion 1986; Merikle & Cheesman, 1987; Merikle & Joordens, Mean RTs and error percentages were entered into two 1997a, 1997b; Merikle et al., 1995). 2 3 2 3 2 ANOVAs, with masking condition(immediate In the present research, we used the two-color variant of vs. delayed), prime–target congruency (incongruent vs. the Stroop task developedby Merikleand Joordens(1997b, congruent), and prime–target SOA (300 vs. 700 msec) as Experiment 1A). In this task, participants are required to within-subjects factors. In the analysis of RTs, the main identify the color (red or green) of a central target (a se- 5 5 effects of masking condition [F(1,29) 8.21, MSe ries of ampersands) that was preceded by a central prime , 5 5 11,138, p .007] and SOA [F(1,29) 26.5, MSe word (RED or GREEN) presented for 33 msec, which was in- 2,951, p , .0001] were significant; RTs were faster fol- congruent (e.g., RED–green) with the target color on 75% lowing an immediate(463 msec) than followinga delayed of the trials and congruent on the remaining 25%. As in (502 msec) mask and faster at the 700- (465 msec) than at Merikle and Joordens’ (1997b) study, the likelihood that the 300-msec (501 msec) SOA. The masking condition3 the prime words were perceived with or without awareness prime–target congruency interaction was again signifi- was controlled by varying the stimulus quality,so that the 5 5 , cant [F(1,29) 8.31, MSe 1,788, p .007], which re- prime word was followed by a mask appearing either im- vealed a reliable facilitation effect with the delayed mask mediately (i.e., a prime–mask SOA of 33 msec) or after a 5 5 , [F(1,29) 7.13, MSe 2,411, p .01] and a nonsignif- variable delay (depending on the experiment) following icantStroop interferencewith the immediatemask. Of more word offset. There were two main findings in the present interest, however, was a significant three-way interaction experiments. First, as previously reported by Merikle and of maskingcondition,prime–target congruency,and prime– Joordens (1997b; see also Merikle et al., 1995), we found 5 5 , target SOA [F(1,29) 4.96,MSe 1,102,p .034]. Fur- that presenting a brief word under immediate versus de- ther analyses of this interaction revealed that the prime layed masking conditions determined whether the word words followed by an immediatemask produceda reliable was unconsciouslyor consciouslyperceived, since opposite Stroop interference of 215 msec at the shorter 300-msec Stroop priming effects (i.e., interferenceversus facilitation– 5 5 , SOA [F(1,29) 8.05, MSe 447, p .008], which de- reversed Stroop) were obtained for each masking type. clinedto 0 at the SOA of 700 msec (see Table 2). The words However, such a “crossover” interaction between prime– followed by a delayedmask also produceda different Stroop target congruency and masking type was reliable only at priming pattern across SOAs. As in Experiment 2, a sig- a prime–target SOA of 400 msec, but not at either shorter nificant reversed Stroop effect of 151 msec was found at (i.e., 300 msec) or longer (i.e., 500- and 700-msec) SOA 5 5 , 700 msec [F(1,29) 16.7,MSe 2,330,p .0003]but not intervals. Accordingly, we successfully replicated the at the briefest 300-msec SOA (23 msec; F , 1). Accord- qualitativelydifferent Stroop priming effects that were ob- ingly, the results of Experiment 3 replicate the main find- served by Merikle and Joordens (1997b) as a function of ings of the previous two experimentsand providestronger the masking type (immediate vs. delayed), albeit at a evidence that the qualitativelydifferent Stroop priming ef- slightly longer SOA interval (400 msec). Our results sug- fects observed under immediate versus delayed masking gest that qualitativedifferences in performance can occur, conditions, respectively, show different time courses. but only at a particular prime–target SOA interval. The results for error percentage mirrored those for the A second finding of the present research was that each RT data. There were main effects of masking condition kind of Stroop priming effect showed a different time 1322 DAZA, ORTELLS, AND FOX course. This pattern provides further evidence that percep- consciouslyperceivinga stimulusconstitutesa necessary, tion with awareness and perception without awareness can though not a sufficient condition,for that stimulusto guide produce qualitatively different behavioral consequences. intentional actions. In other words, the fact that a con- When the stimulus quality of the prime word was poor sciously processed prime word gives rise to a reliable prim- because of the presence of an immediate mask that fol- ing effect (i.e., reversed Stroop) at some SOA intervals lowed word offset, the participants in each of our experi- (400, 500, and 700 msec) but not at others (300 msec) sug- ments consistently reported a complete absence of con- gests that prime awareness is correlated with, but does not scious awareness of the word’s identity. However, the directly cause, such a behavioraleffect. Thus, the more di- prime word was processed under those circumstances, as rect causal link would presumably be between processing revealed by the reliable Stroop interference that was con- strategies and qualitative differences in performance.7 sistently found at the prime–target SOAs of 300 msec in How can we explain the fact that Merikle and Joordens Experiments 1–3. Note also that the size of this interfer- (1997b) found a significant reversed Stroop with a de- ence effect in all of our experiments was very similar to layed mask at a short SOA of 300 msec? The reasons for that found by Merikle and Joordens (1997b), who used an the discrepancy between their results and those obtained identical SOA interval. Interestingly, we also observed in our experiments remain unclear. However, an inspec- that although the Stroop interference was still significant tion of Figure 1 in their paper (p. 224) suggests that the at a prime–target SOA of 400 msec (Experiment 2), it overall RTs in their study were faster (e.g., lower than completely disappeared at the longer SOA intervals of 400 msec) than those obtained in the present experiments 500 msec (Experiment 2) and 700 msec (Experiments 2 (see our Tables 1 and 2). Whereas all of our participants and 3), indicatinga relatively fast decay over time. To the had no prior experience with this kind of task, it could be extent that obtaining a reliable Stroop interference in this the case that some (or many) of the subjects in Merikle kind of task is considered to be a relevant source of evi- and Joordens’ (1997b) study had previously participated dence for the existence of unconsciousperception,our re- in other similar studies. If this is the case, and on the basis sults suggest that future research should take into account of prior evidence showing that the time necessary to im- the prime–target SOA, since this factor might be a critical plement strategic processes can be shortened by practice determinantof the emergence of Stroop interference from (e.g., Logan & Zbrodoff, 1982; see also Logan, 1985), it stimuli that are unconsciously perceived. is possible that in Merikle and Joordens’ (1997b) study, a Regarding the prime words that were followed by a de- seemingly “short” SOA of 300 msec could still represent layed mask, a very different Stroop priming pattern was enough time for the developmentof strategic effects for a observed. First, the participants in all of our experiments great proportion of their participants. indicated by self-report that they were aware of the word’s In either case, the overall pattern in the present research identityon most (or many)of these trials. Second,and more replicates and extends the results of Merikleand Joordens important, an opposite facilitation (i.e., reversed Stroop (1997b), in showing that behavioral consequencesof per- interference) effect was found under the delayed masking ceivinga stimuluswith or withoutphenomenologicalaware- condition. However, this effect reached significance at a ness are qualitatively different not only by the sign (i.e., prime–target SOA of 400 msec or longer (Experiments 2 interference vs. facilitation) of the corresponding Stroop and 3). At the shortest SOA interval of 300 msec (Exper- priming effect, but also by the time course of each prim- iments 1–3), we consistently failed to find a reliable re- ing effect. An “unconsciously”perceived word resulted in versed Stroop effect (see Tables 1 and 2), even when the interference effects that were reliable at short SOA inter- participants were explicitlyencouraged to use the predic- vals but also showed a relatively fast dissipation over time. tive information provided by the word to optimize their In contrast, a “consciously” processed word produced an performance. On the basis of the literature suggestingthat opposite facilitation effect (i.e., reversed Stroop) that was controlled(strategic) processes build up much more slowly significant at prime–target SOAs longer than those pro- (and are often more sustained) than automatic processes ducing reliable interference effects. Whether a similar dif- (e.g., Neely, 1977; Ortells et al., 2001; Posner & Snyder, ferential time course of effects stemming from conscious 1975; Shenaut & Ober, 1996; Shiffrin & Schneider, 1977), and unconscious perception will be observed in other it could be argued that a prime–target SOA of 300 msec kinds of dissociative priming procedures remains an in- would not allow enough time to implement strategic pro- teresting matter for future research. cesses (see note 5). However, as pointed out elsewhere (see note 2), it is possible that with a delayed mask, strate- REFERENCES gic influences might operate at short SOA intervals, but Adams, J. K. (1957). Laboratory studies of behaviour without aware- are overridden by an equally strong automatic influence. ness. Psychological Bulletin, 54, 383-405. Such an alternative interpretation could account for the Balota, D. A. (1983). Automatic semantic activation and episodic lack of a reliable Stroop priming effect at the 300-msec . Journal of Verbal & Verbal Behavior, 22, 88-104. SOA. Irrespective of whether the reversed Stroop effect in Cheesman, J., & Merikle, P. M. (1985). Word recognition and con- sciousness. In D. Besner, T. G. Waller, & G. E. MacKinnon (Eds.), this task reflects the contributionof strategic (controlled) Reading research: Advances in theory and practice (Vol. 5, pp. 311- processes, or a combination of both strategic and auto- 352). New York: Academic Press. matic influences, the present results clearly indicate that Cheesman, J., & Merikle,P.M. (1986). Distinguishingconscious from STROOP PRIMING EFFECTS FROM MASKED WORDS 1323

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In a number of previous studies, Merikle and colleagues (e.g., semous words: Locating the selective effect of prior verbal context. In Cheesman & Merikle, 1985, 1986; Merikle et al., 1995) have consis- R. S. Nickerson (Ed.), Attention and performance VIII (pp. 435-458). tently found that a prime–mask SOA of 33 msec is below most partici- Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. pants’ thresholds for subjective awareness. Marcel, A. J. (1983a). Conscious and unconscious perception: Exper- 2. In discussing the time course of the reversed Stroop effect in the iments on visual masking and word recognition. Cognitive Psychol- Merikle and Joordens’ (1997b) task, we are not suggesting that it neces- ogy, 15, 197-237. sarily constitutes a pure measure of one and only one type of influence— Marcel, A.J. (1983b). Conscious and unconscious perception: An ap- namely, controlled (strategic) processes. A more reasonable a priori ex- proach to the relation between phenomenal experience and perceptual pectation regarding any measure of perception (e.g., priming) is that it processes. Cognitive Psychology, 15, 238-300. often indexes a combination of automatic and controlled (strategic) in- Marcel, A. J. (1988). Phenomenal experience and functionalism. In fluences, and whether one or another kind of effect occurs depends on A. J. Marcel & E. Bisiach (Eds.), Consciousness in contemporary sci- the relative contribution of each type of process. Note that in this sense, ence (pp. 121-158). Oxford: Oxford University Press, Clarendon the lack of a reliable reversed Stroop in the delayed masking condition Press. at an SOA of 300 msec, does not necessarily reflect the absence of strate- Merikle, P. M. (1992). Perception without awareness: Critical issues. gic influences at that time. Rather, it could be the case that the strategic American Psychologist, 47, 792-795. processes contribute immediately, but such an influence was overridden Merikle, P. M., & Cheesman, J. (1987). Current status of research on by an equally large automatic influence. As the automatic influence sub- subliminal perception. In M. Wallendorf & P.F. Anderson (Eds.), Ad- sides (i.e., as the SOA interval is lengthened), the strategic influences vantages in consumer research: Vol. XIV (pp. 298-302). Provo, UT: would then predominate (we thank Bruce Milliken for this suggestion; Association for Consumer Research. personal communication, October 25, 2001). In either case, irrespective Merikle, P. M., & Daneman, M. (1998). Psychological investigations of whether the reversed Stroop reflects only the contribution of strategic of unconsciousperception. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 5, 5-18. influences or reflects a mixture of strategic and automatic processes, the Merikle, P. M., & Joordens, S. (1997a). Measuring unconscious in- important point is that obtaining a reliable strategy-dependent priming fluences. In J. D. Cohen & J. W.Schooler (Eds.), Scientificapproaches effect (i.e., reversed Stroop) at an SOA interval of 300 msec seems to be to consciousness (pp. 109-123). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. a relatively unusual result in the extant literature. Merikle, P. M., & Joordens, S. (1997b). Parallels between perception 3. Note that this procedure was equivalent to that used by Merikle and without attention and perception without awareness. Consciousness Joordens (1997b), who also presented a practice block followed by six & Cognition, 6, 219-236. experimental trial blocks with 48 trials per block. 1324 DAZA, ORTELLS, AND FOX

4. In a previous ANOVA treating trial block as a within-subjects fac- interval following the prime), rather than always using a constant tor, we found no reliable main or interaction effect associated with this prime–target SOA of 167 msec (whereas varying the mask durations)for variable. the different prime–target SOA groups. There is, in fact, ample evidence 5. Whereas in the immediate masking condition the prime–mask SOA in the literature suggesting that a critical variable for the induction of dif- remained constant (33 msec) across the different prime–target SOA ferential processing (e.g., conscious vs. unconscious) of a masked stim- groups, this was not the case for the delayed masking condition. Rather, ulus is the duration of that stimulus and/or the prime–mask SOA inter- by changing the duration of the blank interval following the 33-msec val, rather than the durationof the mask per se (e.g., Merikle et al., 2001; prime (i.e., 134, 234, 334, and 534 msec) across the different groups of see also Neill & Kahan, 1999). participants in the delayed masking condition, we varied not only the 6. Note, in fact, that only half of the participants in the 300-msec SOA prime–target SOA (i.e., 300, 400, 500, and 700 msec) but also the groupshowed a reversal of Stroopinterference (i.e., a facilitation effect), prime–mask SOA in each group (i.e., 167, 267, 367, and 567 msec, re- whereas the other half showed an opposite interference effect. Likewise, spectively). Note that an alternative way to vary the prime–target SOA in Experiment 1, fewer than half of the participants in each instruc- with a delayed mask would have been to change only the duration of tion group (i.e., 7 out of 22 and 9 out of 22, respectively) showed such a the mask (i.e., 133, 233, 333, and 533 msec) while keeping constant strategy-dependent reversed effect. (134 msec) the blank interval following the 33-msec prime. Note, how- 7. We thank Bruce Milliken for this suggestion (personal communi- ever, a main goal of this and Experiment 3 was to increase the likelihood cation October 25, 2001). of obtaining a reliable reversed Stroop effect with a delayed mask. In our view, such a result could more easily be observed by using gradually (Manuscript received July 9, 2001; longer prime–mask SOAs (i.e., gradually longer durations of the blank revision accepted for publication January 24, 2002.)