Novembre / November 2020

Voici la 32e lettre d'information du site Eurel (données sociologiques et juridiques sur la religion en et au-delà), envoyée deux fois par an. / This is the newsletter # 32 of the Eurel website (sociological and legal data on religions in Europe and beyond) which is sent twice a year.

Vous y trouverez, pour de nombreux pays, des informations concernant le droit et les sciences sociales des religions en Europe et au Canada : les références des livres et articles récemment parus, les nouveaux sites internet, les derniers sondages, les prochains colloques consacrés à ces disciplines. La lettre fournit également des informations sur l'actualité du site / The letter provides academic news concerning law and sociology of religion in many countries of Europe and Canada: references of recent books or articles, new websites, just released surveys, and coming meetings. The letter also includes information concerning the latest changes in the Eurel website.

1. Actualité en droit et sociologie des religions / News in law and sociology of religion

Europe Italie/Italy Allemagne/ Lettonie/Latvia Belgique/Belgium /Portugal Bulgarie/ Roumanie/ Croatie/Croatia Royaume-Uni/United Kingdom Danemark/Denmark Slovaquie/Slovakia Espagne/Spain Suisse/ France Canada Irlande/Ireland

2. Actualité du site Eurel / News of the Eurel website

* * * * *

1. Actualité en droit et sociologie des religions / News in law and sociology of religion


Ouvrage(s) / Book(s)

 Adenitire, John, A General Right to Conscientious Objection: Beyond Religious Privilege. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2020.  Baubérot Jean, Les laïcités dans le monde, Paris, Presses universitaires de France (coll. « Que sais-je ? »), 2020.  Burchardt Marian, Regulating Difference: Religious Diversity and Nationhood in the Secular West, Rutgers University Press, 2020.  David Joseph E., Kinship, Law and Politics. An Anatomy of Belonging, Cambridge University Press, 2020.  Heuser, Andreas; Koehrsen, Jens (Hg.) (2020): Does Religion Make a Difference? Religious NGOs in International Development Work. Zürich/Baden-Baden: Nomos.  Kindström Dahlin Moa, Larsson Oscar, Winell Anneli, Religion, Migration and Existential Wellbeing, Routledge, 2020.  Ky-Zerbo Alphonse (dir.), Appartenance et ruptures : les baptisés face à l’institution ecclésiale catholique aujourd’hui (Patrimoines), Cerf, Paris, 2020.  Lövheim Mia, Stenmark Mikael (Eds.), A Constructive Critique of Religion. Encounters between Christianity, Islam, and Non-religion in Secular Societies, Bloomsbury, 2020.  Martinez-Ariño Julia, Zwilling Anne-Laure (Eds), Religion and Prison: and overview of Contemporary Europe (Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies Series 7), New York, Springer, 2020.  Pitte Jean-Robert, La planète catholique. Une géographie culturelle, Paris, Tallandier, 2020.  Portier Philippe, Ramel Frédéric, Le Religieux dans les conflits armés contemporains, Paris, Classiques Garnier (coll. « Rencontres », vol. 460 ; série Sciences politiques n° 4), 2020.  Scharbrodt Oliver, Shanneik Yafa (dir.), Shi’a Minorities in the Contemporary World. Migration, Transnationalism and Multilocality, Edinburgh University Press, 2020.

Articles et chapitres d’ouvrage / Articles and book chapters

 Stolz, J. (2020): « Secularization research and its competitors: A response to my critics ». Social Compass, 67(2) : 337-346.  Stolz, J. (2020): « Secularization theories in the 21st century: Ideas, evidence, problems ». Social Compass, 67(2) : 282-308.  Pollack, Detlef (2020): « Religion und gesellschaftliche Differenzierung: Sozialhistorische Analysen zur Emergenz der europäischen Moderne », Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik 2020.  Tezcan, Levent (2020): « From Serene Certainty to the Paranoid Insecurity of Salvation: Remarks on Resentment in the Current Muslim Culture ». In: Christian von Scheve, Anna Lea Berg, Meike Haken und Nur Yasemin Ural (Hg.): Affect and emotion in multi-religious secular societies. Abingdon, Oxon, New York, NY : Routledge (Routledge studies in affective societies) : 75–95.

Colloque(s) à venir / Forthcoming conference(s)

 Le colloque 2021 de la SISR aura lieu entièrement à distance, 12-15 juillet 2021. / The ISSR conference will take place remotely, 12-15 July 2021. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020


Ouvrages / Books

 Burchardt, M. (2020): Regulating difference: Religious diversity and nationhood in the secular West. Rutgers University Press.  Friedrich, Nils (2020) : Integration von religiöser Vielfalt durch Religion? Der Einfluss und Stellenwert religiöser Orientierungen bei der Wahrnehmung von religiöser Vielfalt und Muslimen. Wiesbaden, Springer VS.  Helle Horst J. (2020): Zerstörung von Wahrheit: Was kann man glauben? Religion und Populismus im Kulturvergleich.  Kallscheuer, Otto (2020): Reformation, Kirche, Globalisierung. Geopolitische Folgen von Luthers Kampf gegen Rom (Erträge aus der Arbeit der Patriotischen Gesellschaft von 1765) Hamburg: Patriotische Gesellschaft.  Klinkhammer, Gritt / Neumaier, Anna (2020): Religiöse Pluralitäten. Umbrüche und Wahrnehmungen religiöser Vielfalt in Deutschland. Bielefeld: transcript (Open access).  Knoblauch, Hubert (Hg.) (2020): Refiguration der Religion. Perspektiven der Religionssoziologie und Religionswissenschaft, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.  Künkler, T., Faix, T., & Jung, S. (Hg.) (2020): Evangelisch Hochreligiöse im Diskurs. Kohlhammer Verlag.  Künkler, T., Faix, T., & Weddigen, J. (2020): Christliche Singles. Wie sie leben, glauben und lieben. Das Buch zur empirica Singlestudie. SCM R. Brockhaus.  Samet, Er (Hg.) (2020): Handbuch des interreligiösen Dialogs. Möglichkeiten der gesellschaftlichen Vielfalt. Berlin: LIT-Verlag.  Walthert, Rafael (2020) : Religiöse Rituale und soziale Ordnung. Wiesbaden, Springer VS.

Articles et chapitres d’ouvrage / Articles and book chapters

 Beyer, H., Liebe, U. (2020): Diskriminierungserfahrungen und Bedrohungswahrnehmungen von in Deutschland lebenden Juden. Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik Jg. 4, Heft 1,127–148.  Breuer, Mark; Jannah Herrlein (2020): « Religiöse Migrantengemeinden als Kooperationspartner der Altenhilfe. Unterstützung und Pflege für ältere Menschen mit Migrationserfahrung ». In: Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege 167, H. : 25-27.  Demmrich, Sarah (2020): « How to measure Baha’i religiosity: The CRSi-20 for Baha’is as a first reliable and valid measurement ». Religions, 2020, 11 (1), 29.  Demmrich, Sarah (2020): „Eine verzerrte Religionspsychologie und ihre praktisch- theologischen Implikationen ». Matthias Marks: Religionspsychologie. Praktische Theologie 55, Nr. 2: 115-117.  Dreier, Lena (2020): « Religiosität und Sinnzuschreibungen über die Zeit. Methodische und methodologische Implikationen des biographischen Paneldesigns ». In: Sven Thiersch (Hg.): Qualitative Längsschnittforschung. Bestimmungen, Forschungspraxis und Reflexionen. 1. Auflage. Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich.  Ebertz, Michael N. (2020): „Mir nach, spricht Christus, unser Held“ – Stigma und Charisma des schlesischen Engels. In: Aurnhammer, Achim / Steiger, Johann Anselm (Hg.): Christus als Held und seine heroische Nachfolge. Zur imitatio Christi in der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin/Boston (De Gruyter), 395-419.  Ebertz, Michael N. (2020): « Religionssoziologie ». In: Staatslexikon. Recht – Wirtschaft – Gesellschaft. 8. Auflage. Band 4. Freiburg/Basel/Wien (Herder), 1567-1572.  Ebertz, Michael N. (2020): Die Entgrenzung des kirchlichen Feldes in der Gegenwart. In: Kopp, Stefan (Hg.): Kirche im Wandel. Ekklesiale Identität und Reform. Freiburg/Basel/Wien (Herder) 2020, 30-59. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  Ebertz, Michael N. (2020): « Pastorale Räume neu denken und gestalten ». In: Kopp, Stefan (Hg.): Von Zukunftsbildern und Reformplänen. Kirchliches Change-Management zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Freiburg (Herder) 2020, 210-228.  Ebertz, Michael N. (2020): « Welche‚Einheit‘, Kirche? ». Futur2. Zeitschrift für Strategie und Entwicklung in Gesellschaft & Kirche.19.06.2020.  Elwert, Frederik, Samira Tabti, und Lukas Pfahler (2020): „Me, myself and the other. Interreligious and intrareligious relations in neo-conservative online forums“. Religion.  Gülker, Silke (2020): « Refiguration im Verhältnis zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft? Überlegungen am Beispiel der Proteste zum Klimaschutz ». In: Knoblauch, Hubert (Hg.): Die Refiguration der Religion. Perspektiven der Religionswissenschaft und der Religion. Weinheim: BeltzJuventa, 189-207.  Gülker, Silke (2020): « Unverfügbarkeit als Problem politischer Regulierung ». In: Jane Opper; Vasilija Rolfes; Phillip Roth (Hg.): Chancen und Risiken der Stammzellforschung. Berlin u.a.: Lit-Verlag, 232-251.  Gülker, Silke (2020): « Religiöse Kommunikation im Labor: Konstruktionen von letztgültigem Sinn in der Stammzellforschung ». In: Schnettler, Bernt/ Szydlik, Thorsten (Hrsg.): Religiöse Kommunikation und weltanschauliches Wissen. Kommunikative Konstruktionen unabweisbarer Gewissheiten und ihre gesellschaftlichen Wirkungen, Wiesbaden: Springer VS : 129-149.  Hillenbrand, C. (2020): « Religion als Treiber oder Bremse für Bedrohungsgefühle? ». Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik Jg. 4, Heft 1, 45–79.  Hörsch, Daniel (2020): « Digitale Verkündigungsformate während der Corona-Krise. Eine Ad-hoc Studie im Auftrag der EKD. Ergebnisse – Einsichten – Fragehorizonte ». Evangelische Stimmen 07/2020.  Hörsch, Daniel (2020): « Kirchliche Innovationsschübe durch die Covid-19 Pandemie ». Die Johanniter 3/2020.  Huber, Fabian; Köhrsen, Jens (2020): “Grüne Religion? Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit und religiöse Gemeinschaften”, In: Henkel, Anna (Hg.) Nachhaltigkeit: Zehn Minuten Soziologie, Bielefeld: transcript.  Klinkhammer, Gritt (2020): « Interreligious dialogue groups and the mass media », Religion 2020, 50 (3).  Klinkhammer, Gritt / Neumaier, Anna (2020): « Narrating Stability within Interreligious Dialogue. First Results of a Qualitative Inquiry into the Consequences of Experiences of Plurality for Religious Identity ». In: Anna Körs et al. (Eds), Religious Diversity and Interreligious Dialogue. Springer, 177-194.  Klinkhammer, Gritt / Klug, Petra / Neumaier, Anna (2020): « Religion Beyond Secularization Theories: Contradictional Findings of the Study of Religion in a (Post-)Modern World ». In: J. Lossau et al. (eds.), Spaces of Dissension. Contradiction Studies. Springer, 127-147.  Koehrsen, Jens (2020): “Muslim NGOs and the Quest for Environmental Sustainability”. In: Heuser, Andreas; Koehrsen, Jens (Hg.) Does Religion make a Difference? Religious NGOs in international development work, Zürich/Baden-Baden: Nomos, 327-348.  Koehrsen, Jens (2020): “Supply Side Theory”, In: Possamai, Adam; Blasi, Anthony (Hg.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion, Los Angeles: Sage.  Koenig, Matthias (2020) “Emile Durkheim and the sociology of religion”. In: Hans Joas and Andreas Pettenkofer (Eds.), Oxford Handbook for Durkheim Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.  Köllner, Tobias (2020): “Orthodox Religion, Politics, Secularity and the Introduction of New Festive Days in Contemporary Russia: The Case of the Day of Family, Love, and Faithfulness”, Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa (Ethnographie und qualitative Sozialforschung) 01/2020: 119–141.  Köllner, Tobias (2020): „Alltagsnationalismus, Identität und Religion: Vergleichende Beobachtungen zu Russland und Ostdeutschland“. ImpEct 11.  Künkler, T., Faix, T., Weddigen, J., Beckemeier, D., Jäckel, M., Merz, S. & Funke, P. (2020): Forschungsbericht zur Empirica Singlestudie 2020. Lebensweisen christlicher Singles. Forschungsbericht. Empirica. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  Kallscheuer, Otto (2020): „Folgenlose Lektüre? Zur Böckenförde-Rezeption in Polen und Italien“, In: Tine Stein / Mirjam Künkler (Hg.) Der Staat. Beiheft 24, Die Rezeption der Werke Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenfördes in International vergleichender Perspektive. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot : 85- 95.  Pickel, Gert, Celik, K., Schuler, J. et al. (2020): « Bedrohungsempfinden als Quelle gruppenbezogener Vorurteile durch Religionen in einer heterogenen Stadtgesellschaft. Analysen des Berlinmonitors ». Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik Jg. 4, Heft 1 : 7–43.  Pickel, Gert., Liedhegener, A., Jaeckel, Y. et al. (2020): « Religiöse Identitäten und Vorurteil in Deutschland und der Schweiz – Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und empirische Befunde ». Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik Jg. 4, Heft 1 : 149–196.  Pickel, Gert (2020): « Gesellschaft – Christentum – Theologie 2040. Empirische Daten und Prognosen. » In: Schröder, Bernd (Hrsg.): Pfarrer und Pfarrerin werden und sein. Herausforderungen für Beruf und theologische Bildung in Studium, Vikariat und Fortbildung. Leipzig: EVA 2020 :157-176.  Pickel, Gert (2020): « The Perception and Political Significance of Religious Plurality and the Role of the Media ». In: Körs, Anna / Weisse, Wolfram / Willaime, Jean-Paul (Hrsg.): Religious Diversity and Interreligious Dialogue. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag : 195-209.  Pickel, Gert (2020): « Zwischen Säkularisierung und Pluralisierung ». Neue religionssoziologische Erkenntnisse über Ostdeutschland. KAMP kompakt 8 : 49-63.  Schirrmacher, Thomas (2020): „Konversion und Asylfragen: Grundsätzliche Überlegungen“. In: Carsten Polanz, Christof Sauer, Heiko Wenzel (Hg.). Begegnungen und Herausforderungen im Kontext des Islam. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt: Leipzig :171-188.  Schirrmacher, Thomas (2020): “Christen und Muslime: Kritische Anmerkungen zum Gesprächspapier zu einer theologischen Wegbestimmung der Evangelischen Landeskirche in Baden”. Evangelische Verantwortung : 3+4/2020.  Schirrmacher, Thomas (2020) : “Das ökumenische Dokument ‘Christliches Zeugnis in einer multireligiösen Welt’”. In: Michael Biehl, Klaus Vellguth (Hg.) Christliches Zeugnis in einer multireligiösen Welt: Ein Rezeptionsprozess in ökumenischer Weite. Missio: Aachen & Evangelisches Missionswerk in Deutschland: Hamburg : 50-57.  Schnettler, Bernt, Thorsten Szydlik & Helen Pach (Hg.) (2020): Religiöse Kommunikation und weltanschauliches Wissen. Kommunikative Konstruktionen unabweisbarer Gewissheiten und ihre gesellschaftlichen Wirkungen, Wiesbaden: Springer VS : 3–19.  Stolz, J., Pollack, D., & De Graaf, N. D. (2020): « Can the State accelerate the Secular Transitition? Secularization in East- and West Germany as a Natural Experiment ». European Sociological Review.  Wohlrab-Sahr, M. (2020): « Konversion und Radikalisierung – eine Relektüre früherer Forschungen ». In: Gmainer-Pranzl, F./Kraus, E./Ladstätter, M. (Hg.): „…mit Klugheit und Liebe“. Dokumentation der Tagungen zur Förderung des interreligiösen Dialogs II, 2016- 2018. St. Virgil, Salzburg: Wagner-Verlag: 131-144.  Yendell, Alexander, Jaeckel, Y. (2020): Editorial zum Sonderheft „Religion und Vorurteil“. Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik Jg. 4, Heft 1, S. 1–5.


Ouvrages / Books

 DECOCK, W. (ED.), SAGAERT, V. (ED.), Islamic Finance. Between Religious Norms and Legal Practice, Intersentia, Anvers, 2019, 137 p.  TORREKENS, C., Islams de Belgique, enjeux et perspectives, Bruxelles, PULB, 2020.  UNIA, COVID-19 Les droits humains mis à l'épreuve, Bruxelles, novembre 2020, 73.p. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020 Articles et chapitres d’ouvrage / Articles and book chapters

 ALLARD, M.P., « Vers une introduction d’un principe de laïcité dans la Constitution belge ? » Cahiers du CIRC, 4, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches constitutionnelles, USLB-UCLouvain, Bruxelles, juillet 2020, pp. 94-110.  CHRISTIANS, L.-L. ; OVERBEEKE, Adriaan, « Le droit belge des cultes au defi de la crise sanitaire de la covid-19. Légistique de crise entre vieux réflexes et nouvelles réalités ». In: Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado, Vol. 54, no.1, p. 1- 23 (2020).  CHRISTIANS, L.-L.; WATTIER, Stéphanie, “Belgium: Religions and Prisons in Law”. In: Martínez-Ariño, Julia, Zwilling, Anne-Laure, Religion and Prison: An Overview of Contemporary Europe, Springer 2020, p. 37-51.  CHRISTIANS, L.-L., « La nature libre et ouverte des cérémonies funéraires : double propos sur la notion de cérémonies neutres », Commentaires de la Chaire de droit des religions, 2020/5.  CHRISTIANS, L.-L., « Les métaniveaux de la laïcité : la capacité de (re)contextualisation des acteurs de Justice », In: Mathilde Philip-Gay (dir), La laïcité dans la Justice, Mission de recherche Droit & Justice : Paris 2020, p. 151-161.  DE COOREBYTER, V., « Réflexion sur le caractère de l'État et les valeurs fondamentales de la société - Commission de Révision de la Constitution et de la Réforme des institutions, audition du 16 mars 2016… » Cahiers du CIRC, 4, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches constitutionnelles, USLB-UCLouvain, Bruxelles, juillet 2020, pp. 148-156.  DE COOREBYTER, V., « Port du voile à l’école : une solution typiquement belge », Le Soir, mercredi 8 juillet 2020, p. 13.  DELGRANGE, X., « Faut-il enchâsser la laïcité politique dans la Constitution belge ? » Cahiers du CIRC, 4, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches constitutionnelles, USLB- UCLouvain, Bruxelles, juillet 2020, pp. 3-77.  DELGRANGE, X., « Un regard belge sur le Rapport relatif à la laïcité dans la Justice », In: Mathilde Philip-Gay (dir), La laïcité dans la Justice, Mission de recherche Droit & Justice : Paris 2020, pp. 165-190  DUMONT, H., « A quoi sert un préambule constitutionnel ? Réflexions de théorie du droit en marge du débat sur l’inscription d’un principe de laïcité dans un préambule ajouté à la Constitution belge » Cahiers du CIRC, 4, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches constitutionnelles, USLB-UCLouvain, Bruxelles, juillet 2020, pp. 156-192.  ELSHOF, T., “Katholiek onderwijs opnieuw relevant”, T.O.R.B. 2020-21, nr. 1-2, pp. 125- 133.  FRANKEN, L.; LEVRAU, F., "Rejecting “Controversial” Issues in Education: A Case Study of Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Schools in Belgium". Religions 2020, 11, 214.  FRANKEN, Leni & Patrick LOOBUYCK, "Integrative RE in Flanders: a decadelater", British Journal of Religious Education, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2020.1769555  GILSON, S., « La liberté d’expression n’exclut pas un devoir de réserve », BSJ 2020, nr. 658, 1-2 (Affaire Mahi).  GRANDJEAN, G., « La séparation de l’Église et de l’État ou l’Église armée dans l’État désarmé » in Le principe d'égalité dans l'organisation de la société, Bruxelles, Éditions Larcier, 2020, p. 159-175.  HUSSON J.-F. (2020). “Belgium”. In O. Scharbrodt (Éd.), Yearbook of Muslims in Europe. Vol. 11. (pp. 101-123). Leiden: Brill.  HUSSON, J.-Fr., “Public Funding of religions”, in Possamai, Adam; Blasi, Anthony Joseph (Eds.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Sociology of Religion (2020).  JOUSTEN, W., « Le diocèse d'Eupen-Malmedy : un va-et-vient pour le "bien spirituel des fidèles" ? », Année canonique, 59, 2018 (2020), pp. 203-221.  JUDO, F., "De Geest is niet gehaast" (Note sur C.E. 28 mai 2020 - Covid - Cultes), Juristenkrant, 10 juin 2020, 12.  LAMBINET, F., « Obligation de porter un masque : pas d’inconvénient présentant un degré de gravité qui justifierait sa suspension en extrême urgence (cultes) », BSJ, 2020, nr. 657, 1. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  LANCKSWEERDT, E., “Is alternatieve geschillenoplossing mogelijk en wenselijk in geschillen over de vrijheid van godsdienst?” in Semper Perseverans – Liber Amicorum André Alen, Intersentia, 2020.  LOOBUYCK, P., "De levensbeschouwelijke vakken in artikel 24 van de Belgische Grondwet ter discussie"; Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht en Onderwijsbeleid 2019/5 p. 410-421.  NIHOUL, M., WATTIER, S., XAVIER, F., « L’art de la juste mesure dans la lutte contre le coronavirus face à la dimension collective de la liberté de culte ». Obs. sous C.E. fr. ordonnance M.W. et autres, 18 mai 2020, Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme, 2020, 1029-1063  OVERBEEKE, A., “Vrijstelling van de keuze voor een levensbeschouwelijke cursus in het officieel onderwijs: vrijstellingsproceduresdoen ertoe”, T.O.R.B. 2020-21, nr. 1-2, 134-144  PÂQUES, M., « Avortement, euthanasie et la Cour constitutionnelle » in Semper perseverans – liber amicorum André Alen, Intersentia, 2020.  PETERS, A., « L’abattage religieux et le bien-être animal revisités ». CJUE (GC), 29 mai 2018, Liga van moskeeën en islamitische organisaties provincie Antwerpen e.a., aff. C-426/16”, Cahiers de Droit Européens, 2020, nr. 1, 107-132.  POLLEFEYT, D. "Artikel 24 van de Belgische Grondwet en de blijvende waarde van de huidige levensbeschouwelijke vakken. Een antwoord aan Patrick Loobuyck of de analyse van een ideologisch construct ", Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht en Onderwijsbeleid 2019/5 421- 431.  RINGELHEIM, J., « Projet d’introduction d’un préambule constitutionnel et principe de neutralité de l’État - Commission de Révision de la Constitution et de la Réforme des Institutions - Audition du 24 mai 2016 » Cahiers du CIRC, 4, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches constitutionnelles, USLB-UCLouvain, Bruxelles, juillet 2020, pp. 192-214.  SAGESSER, C., L’organisation et Le Financement Public du Culte Islamique. Belgique et Perspectives Européennes, Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, 2020/14, 2459-2460.  SMET, S., "Wanneer verliest een religieus symbool zijn religieuze betekenis? American Legion in het licht van Lautsi", TORB, 2020, 237-244.  UYTTENDAEL, M., « Intervention sur le caractère de l'État et les valeurs fondamentales de la société - Commission de Révision de la Constitution et de la Réforme des Institutions - Audition du 10 mai 2016 » Cahiers du CIRC, 4, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches constitutionnelles, USLB-UCLouvain, Bruxelles, juillet 2020, pp. 214-237.  VANBELLINGEN, L., « Choix idéologique ou nécessité pratique ? La Cour constitutionnelle confirme la diversité des formes de neutralité », Commentaires de la Chaire de droit des religions, 2020/4.  VAN DE WEYER, A., « Le port de signes religieux dans l'enseignement supérieur », Scolanews 2020, liv. 7, 1-7.  VELAERS, J., "De Grondwet en de verhouding tussen kerk en staat: een preambule en/of of een updating van titel II van de Grondwet Hoorzitting Commissie voor de Herziening van de Grondwet, 17 mei 2016" Cahiers du CIRC, 4, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches constitutionnelles, USLB-UCLouvain, Bruxelles, juillet 2020, pp. 237-255.  VERNIMMEN, J., (No) GO! - Onzekerheid is troef voor "hoofddoekenverbod" in gemeenschapsonderwijs, T.J.K. 2020, liv. 2, 111-117.  VERNIMMEN, J., Het "hoofddoekenverbod" op scholen gelegitimeerd: een Catch-22 voor hijabi's, T.J.K. 2020, liv. 3, 176-185.  VRANCKEN, M., “De saga over het verbod op levensbeschouwelijke kentekens voor leerlingen: hof van beroep te Antwerpen zorgtvoor nieuwe wending”, T.O.R.B. 2020-21, nr. 1- 2, 145-152.  WATTIER, S., « Inscrire le principe de laïcité dans la Constitution belge ? Quelques pistes pour une réflexion juridique… » Cahiers du CIRC, 4, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherches constitutionnelles, USLB-UCLouvain, Bruxelles, juillet 2020, pp. 77-94. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020 Rapport / Report

 SCHREIBER, J.Ph., La religion à l’épreuve de la pandémie, Rapport ORELA, juin 2020, 54 p.


Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s)

 Kalkandjieva, D. “Bulgaria: Religion in Prison” in Martínez-Ariño J., Zwilling AL. (eds.), Religion and Prison: An Overview of Contemporary Europe. Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies. Springer, 2020, pp. 51-62.  Kalkandjieva, ‘Religion and Forced Displacement in Bulgaria’ in Lucian N. Leustean (ed.), Religion and Forced Displacement in the Eastern Orthodox World, (Aston, UK: Aston University, Aston Centre for Europe, 2020), pp. 15-22, published online by the Foreign Policy Centre.  Slavov, A., “From Traditional t aditional to Official Religion: The Legal Status of the o Official Religion: The Legal Status of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church after 2019”, Occasional Papers on Religion in , 2020, vol. 40 issue 5, pp 9-27.  Satsios, S., Karamanis, K., Galanou, A., Sotiropoulos, I., “The Saving Behavior of Pomaks in Bulgaria: A Path Analysis Approach,” Ikonomicheski izsledvaniya [Economic Studies], 2020, vol. 3, pp. 105-120.  Nikolov, A., “Who is a Bulgarian: ‘Ethnic’ vs ‘Civic’ Identity, and the Case of the Pomaks, and the Gagauz in Bulgaria, MemoScapes. Romanian Journal of Memory and Identity Studies, 2020, vol. 3, pp. 17-25.

Site(s) internet / website(s)

 An updated version of the website of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church – Bulgarian Patriarchate has been launched in the autumn of 2020. The materials published on the previous website are still available here.  Online copies of the textbooks on “Religion-Christianity-Orthodoxy” for the first five grades in Bulgarian public schools. The textbooks were prepared with the consent and under the control of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church and have received the accreditation of the Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education.

Autre / Others

 See the November 2020 Current debate: Reactions of the Grand Mufti to the events in France.



 Staničić F., Zrinščak S. (2020) « Croatia: Religion in Prison – Equal Access in a Predominantly Catholic Society ». In: Martínez Ariňo J., Zwilling A.-L. (eds.) Religion and Prison: An Overview of Contemporary Europe. Cham: Springer, pp. 63-78.


Ouvrage(s) / Book(s)

 Stjernholm, S., & Özdalga, E., (eds), "Muslim Preaching in the Middle East and Beyond", Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020 Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  Vinding, N. (2020). Annotated Legal Documents on Islam in Europe: Denmark. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.  On 27 November 2020, Danish islamologist Jesper Petersen defends his PhD dissertation on "The making of the Mariam Mosque. Serendipities and structures in the production of female authority in Denmark" at the Centre for Theology and Religious Studies at Lund University.

Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s)

 Christensen, H. R., Kühle, L., & Vinding, N. V. (2020). Denmark: Christianity and Islam in Prisons–A Case of Secular Professionalisation of Chaplaincy. In Martinez-Ariño Julia, Zwilling Anne-Laure (Eds), Religion and Prison: and overview of Contemporary Europe (Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies Series 7), (pp. 113-134). Springer, Cham.  Kühle, Lene, and Helge Årsheim (2020). "Governing Religion and Gender in Anti- Discrimination Laws in Norway and Denmark." Oslo Law Review 7.02: 105-122.

Actualités juridiques / Legal news

 On October 6th, 2020, with the the opening of the new parliamentary year 2020-2021, the Social Democrat minority government has announced its legislative agenda for the next year. For the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs, this includes a proposal for an ‘Act on sermons in languages other than Danish.’ The purpose of the bill is to create greater openness about the religious preachers in Denmark speaking up in languages other than Danish. For the Ministry of Aliens and Integration, it includes an ‘Amendment of the Penal Code, the Passport Act and the Aliens Act’ in order to strengthen the efforts against negative social control. The Ministry suggests adding an explicit reference to negative social control in the provision of the Penal Code on psychological violence, and to show that negative social control is present in some religious divorce contracts in the form of retention in a marriage. Also, it proposes to ban religious marriages of minors and tighten penalties and deportation rules for those who detain a person in a forced marriage. Finally, the Ministry will propose a ban on receiving donations from organizations which appear on a list of undemocratic organizations. This bill had already been proposed in 2019/2020, but was not discussed because of the lock-down due to Corona.


Ouvrage(s) / Book(s)

 MESEGUER VELASCO, Silvia y GARCIA-ANTON PALACIOS, Elena (eds.) (2020): Deporte, diversidad religiosa y derecho, Aranzadi Thomson Reuters, Pamplona, Navarra.  TORRES GUTIERREZ, Alejandro (coord.) (2020): Estatuto jurídico de las iglesias ortodoxas en españa. autonomía, límites y propuestas de lege ferenda, Ed. Dykinson, Madrid.

Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s)

 ASTOR A. Religion and counter-state nationalism in Catalonia. Social Compass. 2020;67(2):159-176.  BERIAIN, J.; GIL-GIMENO, J. Presencia de minorías religiosas en España: una visión sociológica. En: A. Torres Gutiérrez (Coord.). Estatuto jurídico de las iglesias ortodoxas en España: autonomía, límites y propuestas de "lege ferenda". 1 ed. Madrid: Dykinson; 2020. p. 13-33.  MARTINEZ-ARIÑO, J. (2020). “Jewish Spatial Practices in Barcelona as Claims for Recognition”, Social Inclusion, 8(3): 240-250.  MARTINEZ-ARIÑO, J. & GRIERA, M. (2020). “Making Religion Fit: Negotiating the Limits of 'Good' and 'Bad' Minority Religious Expressions in Urban Contexts ”, Social Compass, 67 (2): 221-237. [French version] Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  RODRIGUEZ, L.; URIARTE, L.; BASTERRETXEA, I. Latin American Christians Living in the Basque Country (Spain): What Remains and What Changes. Religions 2020, 11, 84.

Colloque(s) à venir / Forthcoming conference(s)

 Workshop “Religion and Science in Covid Times: Research Perspectives”, 19- 20 November 2020.


Ouvrage(s) / Book(s)

 Akgönül Samim, La Turquie « nouvelle » et les Franco-Turcs. Une interdépendance complexe (Compétences interculturelles), L'Harmattan, 2020.  Alber Alex, Joël Cabalion et Valérie Cohen, Un impossible travail de déradicalisation (Clinique du travail). Erès, 2020.  Aubourg Valérie, Réveil catholique. Emprunts évangéliques au sein du catholicisme (Enquêtes), Labor et Fides, 2020.  Encrevé André, Les protestants et la vie politique française. De la révolution à nos jours, CNRS, 2020.  Ferhat Ismail, Des discriminations sous-estimées? Les musulmans en France, Editions de l’Aube, 2020.  Mathieu Séverine, Faire famille aujourd’hui. PMA, bioéthique et religion, Le Cavalier bleu, 2020.  Nilsson Per-Erik, French Populism and Discourses on Secularism, Bloomsbury, 2020.  Obin Jean-Pierre, Comment on a laissé l’islamisme pénétrer l’école, Hermann, 2020.  Seniguer Haoues, L’islamisme decrypté (Bibliothèque de l’iReMMO), L’Harmattan, 2020.  Pierre-Henri Prélot (dir.), L’ordre public et les religions : ordre ou désordre ?, Revue du droit des religions 9, 2020.

Sondages / Surveys

 Les Français soutiennent-ils le projet de « Referendum pour les animaux » ? IFOP pour Caniprof, juin 2020  Baromètre des discriminations en Seine-Saint-Denis Sondage Harris Interactive réalisé en juin-juillet 2019 pour le Conseil départemental de la Seine Saint-Denis, juin 2020  Le boom du "No Bra" Tendance de fond ou effet de mode ? IFOP pour Xcams, juillet 2020  Les Français et la culture chrétienne IFOP pour Le Monde, août 2020  Les Français et la condition animale IFOP pour Fondation Brigitte Bardot, août 2020  Droit au blasphème, caricatures, liberté d’expression… Les Français sont-ils encore Charlie ? IFOP pour Charlie Hebdo, septembre 2020  Les Français, la montée de l’insécurité et l’« ensauvagement » de la société IFOP avec Avostart, septembre 2020  Fractures françaises IPSOS pour Fondation Jean-Jaurès, septembre 2020  Qu’est-ce qu’une tenue correcte pour une jeune fille au lycée ? IFOP pour Marianne, septembre 2020  Les Français et l’IVG IFOP pour Alliance Vita, octobre 2020  Projet de loi renforçant la laïcité et les principes républicains Odoxa pour Le Figaro, octobre 2020 Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  Le regard des Français sur la menace terroriste et l’islamisme IFOP pour Fiducial, Cnews, Sud Radio, octobre 2020  Les musulmans et la consommation de halal IFOP pour l’Express, octobre 2020  Le regard des Français sur la menace terroriste et l’islamisme 2 IFOP pour Fiducial, Cnews, Sud Radio, novembre 2020  Les Français et le suicide IFOP pour Fondation Jean Jaurès, novembre 2020

Rapport(s) / Report(s)

 INVENTAIRE GÉNÉRAL…, DUHAU Isabelle, GROUD Guénola (dir.), Cimetières et patrimoine funéraire. Étude, protection, valorisation (Documents & Méthodes 12), Paris, Ministère de la Culture, direction générale des Patrimoines, 2020.  DEFENSEUR DES DROITS, L’observatoire du défenseur des droits. Rapport annuel, juin 2020.  CNDH, Rapport 2019 sur la lutte contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la xénophobie, juin 2020.


Ouvrage / Book

 Youcef Sai, Islamic Religious Education in Ireland: Insights and Perspectives, Peter Lang, 2020.

Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s)

 Harikrishnan, S and S. Chakraborty. 2020. “Hinduism in the Republic of Ireland” in Handbook of Hinduism in Europe (2 volumes) edited by Knut A. Jacobsen and Ferdinando Sardella, pp. 1083-1097. Leiden: Brill.

Sondage(s) / Survey(s)

 Iona Institute for Religion and Society, Poll shows high level of religious worship during lockdown  Gladys Glaniel, ‘People Still Need Us’: A Report on a Survey of Faith Leaders on the Island of Ireland during the Covid–19 Pandemic

Actualités juridiques / Legal news

, Catholic symbols set to be removed from State schools  Open Letter from Irish Evangelical Church Leaders

Autre / Others

 ReligionWatch, Hindus establish presence in Ireland


Ouvrages / books

 Carmela Ventrella Mancini, La Corte d’Appello dello Stato della Città del Vaticano. Pluralità di funzioni e vocazione interordinamentale, Cacucci editore, Bari, 2020. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  Beatrice Serra (a cura di), Valetudo et religio. Intersezioni tra diritto alla salute e fenomeno religioso, Giappichelli, Torino, 2020.  Giuseppe Dalla Torre, Papi di famiglia. Un secolo di servizio alla Santa Sede, Ed. Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2020.  Raffaele Santoro, Gennaro Fusco, Diritto canonico e rapporti Stato-Chiesa in tempo di pandemia, Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, 2020.  Simona Attollino, Fede, cura, sanità. Contributo allo studio degli ospedali religiosi nel sistema sanitario nazionale, Cacucci editore, Bari, 2020.  Roberta Cupertino, Doveri dell’Islam e diritti della Costituzione a nove anni dai moti del 2011 (Egitto - Algeria - Tunisia), Cacucci editore, Bari, 2020.  Michele Madonna, Società civile e Società religiosa dalla Grande Guerra alla Costituente. Il contributo al dibattito culturale, politico e giuridico della Rivista “Vita e Pensiero” (1914- 1948), Libellula Edizioni, Tricase (LE), 2020.  Michele Della Morte, Francesco Raffaello De Martino, Laura Ronchetti (a cura di), L’attualità dei principi fondamentali della Costituzione dopo settant’anni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2020.

Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s)  Nicola Colaianni, Il sistema delle fonti costituzionali del diritto ecclesiastico al tempo dell’emergenza (e oltre?), in Rivista AIC, 4/2020.  Comporre il conflitto. La soluzione pacifica delle controversie tra i diritti statali e i diritti religiosi, in Daimon, Diritto comparato delle religioni, numero speciale 2020 di Quaderni di Diritto e politica ecclesiastica.  L. Diottalevi, Osservazioni sociologiche sull’attuale uso politico della religione in Italia, in Quaderni di Diritto e politica ecclesiastica, Fascicolo 2, agosto 2020.  José M. Galván, Virtù morale della religione e tecnologia dell’intelligenza artificiale, in Quaderni di Diritto e politica ecclesiastica, Fascicolo 2, agosto 2020.  Paolo Cavana, La nuova Intesa per il riconoscimento dei titoli accademici pontifici in discipline ecclesiastiche, in Quaderni di Diritto e politica ecclesiastica, Fascicolo 2, agosto 2020.  D. Durisotto, Diritti degli individui e diritti delle organizzazioni religiose nel Regolamento (UE) 2016/679. I “corpus completi di norme” e le “autorità di controllo indipendenti”, in, Fascicolo n. 27/2020, pp. 38-64.  Ilaria Zuanazzi Presentazione. La mediazione nelle controversie religiose tra diritti statali e diritti religiosi.  M. Parisi, Autonomia delle formazioni sociali di tendenza religiosa, diritto antidiscriminatorio eurounitario e Corte di Giustizia, in, Fascicolo n. 27/2020, pp. 178-205.  M. d’Arienzo, The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in the Era of Covid-19, in The Journal of CESNUR, n. 6/2020, pp. 92-99.  F. Alicino, Costituzione e religione in Italia al tempo della pandemia, in Rivista telematica (, n. 19, 2020, pp. 1-24.  G. Cimbalo, Autocefalia vo’ cercando ch’è si cara, in Rivista telematica (, n. 19, 2020, pp. 1-38.  M. Distefano, Il diritto dei minori alla libertà religiosa: tra norme e prassi internazionali, in Rivista telematica (, n. 19, 2020, pp. 1-22.  C. Lapi, Laicità e diritto all’edificio di culto, in Rivista telematica (, n. 19, 2020, pp. 1-16.  A. Cesarini, I limiti all’esercizio del culto nell’emergenza sanitaria e la ‘responsabile’ collaborazione con le confessioni religiose, in Rivista telematica (, n. 18, 2020, pp. 1-16.  F. Colombo, Oltre il pluralismo religioso. Il veganismo come convincimento di coscienza, in Rivista telematica (, n. 18, 2020, pp. 1-24.  A. Miccichè, I musulmani di Tracia e la sentenza CEDU Molla Sali c. Grecia: un itinerario storico-giuridico tra pluralismo religioso e istanze d’uguaglianza, in Rivista telematica (, n. 18, 2020, pp. 1-28. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  R. Pirosa, L’antinomia del reato culturalmente motivato. Ipotesi giusfilosofiche per un ripensamento, in Rivista telematica (, n. 18, 2020, pp. 1-41.  F. Poggi, Le colpe dei padri. Commento all’ordinanza della Corte di Cassazione n. 8325 del 29 aprile 2020, in Rivista telematica (, n. 18, 2020, pp. 1-21.  M. Del Pozzo, Panoramica dell’insegnamento attuale del diritto costituzionale canonico e delle scelte ermeneutico-sistematiche nella logica della codificazione, in Diritto e Religioni, anno XV, n. 29, 1/2020, p. 15 ss.  D. Tarantino, La resilienza della Riconciliazione fra tradizione e nuove prospettive. Spunti per una riflessione, in Diritto e Religioni, anno XV, n. 29, 1/2020, p. 43 ss.  S. Cavaliere, Aiuti di stato ed esenzione dell’ICI sugli immobili utilizzati dagli enti ecclesiastici, in Diritto e Religioni, anno XV, n. 29, 1/2020, p. 57 ss.  D. D'amico, Libertà religiosa ed edilizia di culto, in Diritto e Religioni, anno XV, n. 29, 1/2020, p. 70 ss.  R. Mazza, Garantire la libertà di religione nelle relazioni internazionali tra condizionalità dei trattati e misure coercitive unilaterali, in Diritto e Religioni, anno XV, n. 29, 1/2020, p. 104 ss.  A. Tira, La Chiesa d’Inghilterra in Italia: profili storici e attuale condizione giuridica, in Diritto e Religioni, anno XV, n. 29, 1/2020, p. 126 ss.  S. Testa Bappenheim, La nuova assistenza spirituale per i militari ebrei nella Bundeswehr, in Diritto e Religioni, anno XV, n. 29, 1/2020, p. 161 ss.  B. Barel, Le nuove frontiere dell’adozione dei minori: dal sempre più ampio riconoscimento delle adozioni all’estero all’accesso all’adozione interna da parte di coppie same-sex e di single, in Genius, n. 1/2020, pp. 1-23.

Actualités juridiques / Legal news

 Corte costituzionale, Ufficio Stampa, Comunicato del 21 ottobre 2020: Chiarimenti in merito alle unioni civili. Spetta al legislatore stabilire se due donne possano essere registrate come madri del figlio nato in Italia, ma concepito all’estero con fecondazione eterologa.  Corte di Cassazione, Sezione Lavoro, ordinanza del 22/07/2020, depositata il 18/09/2020. (Rimessione alle Sezioni unite della Corte di Cassazione in ordine alla presenza del crocifisso in un’aula scolastica)  Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per il Lazio (Sezione Terza Bis), sentenza del 9 ottobre 2020. (Il TAR Lazio ha accolto il ricorso promosso dall'UAAR, annullando la disposizione di una circolare del MIUR che prevedeva il differimento della scelta specifica delle attività alternative rispetto a quella riguardante l'avvalersi o meno dell'insegnamento della religione cattolica: l’esercizio dell’opzione in ordine alla decisione di avvalersi o meno di quest'ultimo era prevista all’atto dell’iscrizione, mentre la scelta specifica delle attività alternative era operata all'inizio dell'anno scolastico. Se infatti è vero che al fine di non condizionare dall'esterno la coscienza individuale nell’esercizio di una libertà religiosa sia necessaria la scissione tra scelta di non avvalersi della religione cattolica e scelta delle attività alternative, questa seconda, pur successiva alla prima, deve avvenire in tempi che garantiscano la tempestiva programmazione e l’avvio dell’attività didattiche secondo quanto richiesto dai principi di ragionevolezza e buon andamento.)  Sommo Pontefice Francesco, Lettera apostolica in forma di «Motu proprio» Authenticum charismatis del 1 Novembre 2020 (modifica del can. 579 del codice di diritto canonico).  D.P.C.M. del 3 Novembre 2020, Misure urgenti per il contenimento del contagio da Covid-19 sull’intero territorio nazionale (art. 1, comma 9, lettere p e q: p) l'accesso ai luoghi di culto avviene con misure organizzative tali da evitare assembramenti di persone, tenendo conto delle dimensioni e delle caratteristiche dei luoghi, e tali da garantire ai frequentatori la possibilità di rispettare la distanza tra loro di almeno un metro; q) le funzioni religiose con la partecipazione di persone si svolgono nel rispetto dei protocolli sottoscritti dal Governo e dalle rispettive confessioni di cui agli allegati da 1, integrato con le successive indicazioni del Comitato tecnico-scientifico, a 7. Allegato 1 Protocollo con la Conferenza Episcopale Italiana circa la ripresa delle celebrazioni con il popolo; Allegato 2 Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020 Protocollo con le Comunità ebraiche italiane. Allegato 3 Protocollo con le Chiese Protestanti, Evangeliche, Anglicane. Allegato 4 Protocollo con le Comunità ortodosse. Allegato 5 Protocollo con le Comunità Induista, Buddista (Unione Buddista e Soka Gakkai), Baha'i e Sikh. Allegato 6 Protocollo con le Comunità Islamiche. Allegato 7 Protocollo con la Comunità della Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli ultimi giorni.

Colloque(s) à venir / Forthcoming conference(s)

 Corso speciale “La question islamique et le Comité des droits de l’homme”, Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza, e Centro Macrocrimes e MaCrOLa, 16-27 novembre 2020;  Call for application: “Trans-Med Fall School. New narrations about diversities”, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Master Expert in historical communication: multimedia and digital languages, PriMED – Prevention and interaction in the Trans-Mediterranean space (22 ottobre – 22 novembre 2020);  Webinar Series “Artificial Intelligence and Religion”, Fondazione Bruno Kessler Centro per gli studi religiosi, Settembre 2020-Aprile 2021;


Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s)

 NIKLASS, M., Misāne, A. “Latvian Nones and Christians: Their Value Profiles.” In: Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference “Economic Science for Rural Development”. Jelgava: LLU ESAF, 2019, 93-101.  Krumina-Konkova, S, Misane, A. “Religii v Latvii [Religions in Latvia].” In: Latvia i latyshi [Latvia and Latvians]. Vol.1. Riga: LAN, 2019, 794-829.  STASULANE, A. “From Imagined Hinduism to the Hindu Diaspora in Latvia.” In: Handbook of Hinduism in Europe. Eds. Knut A. Jacobsen, Ferdinando Sardella. Leiden: Brill, 2020, vol.2., 1152-1173.  STASULANE, A. “Latvia: The Position of Religion in the Penitentiary Institutions.” In: Religion and Prison: An Overview of Contemporary Europe. Eds. Martínez-Ariño, Julia, Zwilling, Anne-Laure. Cham: Springer, 2020, 237-255.  Tēraudkalns, V. “Religion in Latvia after the Fall of the Soviet System: Fragmentation and Postsecularism.” Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe Vol.40, no.6 (2020), 1-20.

Rapport / Report

 Badins, Z., Romanovska, A., Stasulane, A. “Case Study Report: Old Believers.” The report of the International Collaborative Project No. 770464 of the Commission of the European Communities Horizon 2020 Programme “Cultural Heritage and Identities of Europe’s Future” (2018-2021).

Autre / Others

 The research project “Memento Mori: End of Life, Death and Imagined Afterlife in the Contemporary Latvian Lifeworld” funded by the Latvian Research Council (2020-2022). Riga Stradins University. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020 PORTUGAL / PORTUGAL

Ouvrage(s) / Book(s)

 Adragão, P. P. (2020). Lições de História do Direito Romano, Peninsular e Português [Lessons of History of Roman, Peninsular and Portuguese Law]. 3rd. Edition, revised and expanded. Almedina. ISBN: 9789724086828 Synopsis [Free translation]: The introductory study of the History of Peninsular and Portuguese Law does not dispense, rather it requires, the previous study of the History of Roman Law. In both cases, they are basic subjects of legal education, in the Law Schools of excellence. The 3rd edition of the History of Roman, Peninsular and Portuguese Law (2020), globally revised and expanded, includes new texts on some legally determining social institutions, in their historical evolution: it is the case of marriage; and it is the case of Misericórdias, in the scope of social assistance in Portugal.  Rodrigues, D., & Lellis, N. (orgs.). (2020). Religião e política: o contexto da lusofonia [Religion and politics: the context of the Lusophone world]. São Paulo: Editora Recriar. ISBN 978-65-86242-35-5. Synopsis [Free translation]: This collective book brings together works that address the theme of religion and politics in Brazilian, Portuguese and Cape Verdean societies, where institutions and religious actors / leaders are present in politics, covering the Christian universe (evangelical and Catholic) and other religious segments, like spiritism.

Chapitres d’ouvrage / Book chapters

 Moniz, J. B. (2020). Religião e política em Portugal: secularismo e secularidade no século XXI [Religion and politics in Portugal: secularism and secularity in the 21st century]. In D. Rodrigues & N. Lellis (orgs.), Religion and politics: the context of the Lusophone world (pp. 37-54). São Paulo: Editora Recriar.  Silveira, P. M. A. (2020). Religião no centro do poder: católicos no núcleo duro do governo português (1980-2019) [Religion at the center of power: catholics in the core of the Portuguese government (1980-2019)]. In D. Rodrigues & N. Lellis (orgs.), Religion and politics: the context of the Lusophone world (pp. 89-102). São Paulo: Editora Recriar.  Teixeira, A. (2020). Indivíduo, religião e estado: reconfigurações da laicidade no processo português de democratização política [Individual, religion and state: reconfigurations of secularism in the Portuguese process of political democratization]. In D. Rodrigues & N. Lellis (orgs.), Religion and politics: the context of the Lusophone world (pp. 55-88). São Paulo: Editora Recriar.  Vilaça, Helena. (2020). “A relação dos protestantes e evangélicos com a política em Portugal: das origens à atualidade” [The relationship between Protestants and Evangelicals with politics in Portugal: from its origins to the present]. In D. Rodrigues & N. Lellis (orgs.), Religion and politics: the context of the Lusophone world (pp. 17-35). São Paulo: Editora Recriar.


 Raimundo, M. A. (2020). Some Thoughts on the Limitation of Freedom of Religion in the Context of the Covid Crisis. ELPIS v-LAW Review, (1), 2020.  Teixeira, A., Vilaça, H., & Dix, S. (2020). Believers without Religion: Trends and Paradoxes in Portuguese Society. Journal of Religion in Europe, May 2020, 1-29.

Actualité(s) juridique(s ) / Legal news

 Prevention and control measures in places of worship and religious - Guideline No. 29/2020, May 29, 2020: Directorate-General for Health (DGS) address a list of recommendations to prevent transmission of Covid-19.  See the Current debate of November 2020: On euthanasia. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020

Colloque(s) à venir / Forthcoming conference(s)

 OPEN CALL: Religião, mobilidade e cidadania [Religion, mobility and citizenship] - VII Luso-Brazilian Symposium on the Study of Religion, organized by CEFH and CITER – Catholic University of Portugal, Braga, January 27-29, 2021.  REGISTRATIONS EXTENDED UNTIL DECEMBER 31: IV International Symposium of Inquisition Studies: religion, interculturality and consciences control in the Modern Age, Porto, FLUP, May 19-21, 2021.  II Congresso Internacional de Cristianismo Contemporâneo [II International Congress of Contemporary Christianity], Lisbon, Universidade Lusófona, May 19-22, 2021.


Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s)

 BANCILA, ANDI MIHAIL, « Religia şi funcţionarea societăţii moderne » [La religion et le fonctionnement de la société moderne], Buletinul Universităţii Naţionale de Apărare « Carol I », 2019, Issue no. 02, p. 79-85.  CAIAN, GABRIEL, « Sportul, laicitatea si drepturile fundamentale » [Sport, laïcité et droits fondamentaux], Revista Forumul Judecatorilor, 1/2020.  COSMA, SORIN, « Postul între spiritualitatea ortodoxă şi ştiinţă » [Le jeûne entre spiritualité orthodoxe et science], Tabor, XIV/2020, Issue No. 09, p. 5-9.  FELECAN, OLIVIU, « Biserica Ortodoxă Română și învățămîntul universitar: între libertate academică și constrîngere » [L’Église orthodoxe roumaine et l’enseignement universitaire: entre liberté académique et coercition], Diacronia 11, 2020, p. 1–6 ;  GHIBANU, IONUT ADRIAN, « Managementul informațiilor într-o societate democratică. Un posibil aport la demnitatea umană și libertatea religioasă » [Gestion de l’information dans une société démocratique. Une contribution possible à la dignité humaine et à la liberté religieuse], Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință, 7/2019, p. 80-87.  GRIGORE, NICU, « Libertatea religioasă și demnitatea umană în era globalizării » [La liberté religieuse et dignité humaine à l’ère de la mondialisation], Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință, 7/2019, p. 143-156 ;  NEAGOE, ALEXANDRU ; BALAU, CRISTINA, « Practica asistenţei sociale între religios şi secular » [La pratique de l’assistance sociale entre religieux et séculier], Revista de Asistenta Sociala, 2020, vol. 19 Issue 1, p. 127-137.  PITIC, SORIN, « Dreptul internațional umanitar și religia » [Droit international humanitaire et religion], Buletinul Universităţii Naţionale de Apărare « Carol I », 2020, p. 61-66.  PREDESCU, OVIDIU, « Libertatea de religie în spaţiul juridic european contemporan » [La liberté de religion dans l’espace juridique européen contemporain], Universul Juridic, 2019, Issue no. 12, p. 5-10.  SIMION, MARIAN G., « Demnitatea umană și religia: educația, bunăstarea, sănătatea și conflictul » [Dignité humaine et religion: éducation, bien-être, santé et conflits], Jurnalul Libertății de Conștiință, 7/2019, p. 31-45.  STEFAN, ELENA EMILIA, « Reflectarea Constituţională A Jurământului De Credinţă » [Réflexion Constitutionnelle Du Serment De Foi], Universul Juridic, 2020, Issue no. 04, p. 64-80.  ZIDARU, RADU, « La liberté religieuse au niveau constitutionnel – analyse de contenu », Proceedings Of The International Conference Of Law, European Studies And International Relations. Romanian Law, 30 Years After The Collapse Of Communism, VIII, 2020, 284-292.  ZIDARU, RADU, « Restrângerea exerciţiului libertăţii religioase în preajma sărbătorilor pascale – o analiză critică » [La restriction de l’exercice de la liberté religieuse autour de Pâques – une analyse critique], Revista Universul Juridic, no. 6, 2020, p. 108-122. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020 ROYAUME-UNI / UNITED KINGDOM

Ouvrages / Books  AKHTAR, R., NASH P. and PROBERT, R. (eds.), Cohabitation and Religious Marriage: Status, Similarities and Solutions. Bristol University Press, 2020.  BHUIYAN, J. and JENSEN, D. (eds.) Law and Religion in the Liberal State. Hart, 2020.  BRUCE, S. British Gods: Religion in Modern Britain. Oxford University Press, 2020.  CHATER, M. (ed) Reforming Religious Education: Power and Knowledge in a Worldviews Curriculum. John Catt Educational Ltd, 2020.  COTTER, Ch. The Critical Study of Non-Religion: Discourse, Identification and Locality, Bloomsbury, 2020.  HACKETT, S. Britain’s rural Muslims: rethinking integration. Manchester University Press, 2020.  HARRISON, J. Post-Liberal Religious Liberty: Forming Communities of Charity. Cambridge University Press, 2020.  HUNTER-HENIN, M. Why Religious Freedom Matters for Democracy: Comparative Reflections from Britain and France for a Democratic “Vivre Ensemble”. Hart, 2020.  JONES, S.H. Islam and the Liberal State: National Identity and the Future of Muslim Britain, IB Tauris, 2020.  KNIGHTS, S. Law, Rights, and Religion, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2020  MASOM G., Local Churches in New Urban Britain, 1890-1975. Histories of the Sacred and Secular, 1700–2000. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2020.  RAJNAARA, A., NASH, P. and Probert, R. (eds.) Cohabitation and Religious Marriage: Status, Similarities and Solutions, Bristol University Press 2020.  SCOTT-BAUMANN, A. and PERFECT, S. Freedom of Speech in Universities: Islam, Charities and Counter-terrorism. Routledge, forthcoming March 2021.

Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s)

 BELL, M. ‘Bridging a Divide: A Faith-Based Perspective on Anti-Discrimination Law’, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion, 9: 1, 2020, pp. 56–78.  EDGE, P. ‘History, Sacred History and law at the Intersection of Law, Religion and History’, Studies in Church History, 56, 2020 508-528.  HARGREAVES, J. and STAETSKY, D. ‘Antisemitism and Islamophobia: Measuring Everyday Sensitivity in the UK’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43:12, 2020.  HUANG, Y. ‘How Christian upbringing divides the religious nones in Britain: exploring the imprints of Christian upbringing in the 2016 EU referendum’, Journal of Contemporary Religion, 35:2, 2020, pp. 341-362.  KHAN, H. JOUDI, H.; AHMED, Z. ‘The Muslim Council of Britain: Progressive Interlocutor or Redundant Gatekeeper?’ Religions, 11, 2020, 473.  MAURER, C.h and GELLERA. G. ‘Contexts of religious tolerance: New perspectives from early modern Britain and beyond’, Global Intellectual History, 5:2, 2020, pp 125-136.  MCANDREW, S. ‘Belonging, believing, behaving, and Brexit: Channels of religiosity and religious identity in support for leaving the European Union’, British Journal of Sociology, 2020; 00: pp, 1– 31.  REDDIE, A.G., ‘Racial Justice for the Windrush Generation in Great Britain’, Ecumenical Review, 72, 2020, pp. 73-86.  SANDBERG, R., ‘Is the National Health Service a Religion?’ Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 22: 3, 2020, pp. 343-354.  SHAW, M. ‘Towards a religiously literate curriculum – religion and worldview literacy as an educational model’, Journal of Beliefs & Values, 41:2, 2020, pp. 150-161.  SINGH, J. ‘Narratives in Action: Modelling the Types and Drivers of Sikh Activism in Diaspora’, Religions, 11, 2020, 539.  THOMPSON, S. ‘Alien and Establishment’, MDPI, 2020. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  ‘Pluralising Muslim youth identities: nation, religion and gender in the Global South’, Social Identities, 26:3 (special issue), 2020.

Rapports / Reports

 CENTRE FOR MEDIA MONITORING, How the British Media Reports Terrorism , Muslim Council for Britain, 2020.  COMMUNITY SECURITY TRUST, Antisemitic Incidents Report January-June 2020.  COOLING,T. with BOWIE, B and PANJWANI, F. Worldviews in Religious Education, Theos, 2020  HOPKINS, P., CLAYTON, J. and TELL MAMA, Islamophobia and Anti-Muslim Hatred in North East England, Newcastle University, 2020.  NATIONAL SECULAR SOCIETY, Faithshaped holes: How religious privilege is undermining equality law NSS, 2020.  PENNINGTON, M., Cohesive Societies: Faith and Belief, Faith & Belief Forum, 2020.  Perfect, S. Bridging the Gap: Economic Inequality and Church Responses in the UK ,Theos, 2020).  SCOTT-BAUMANN, A., GUEST, M. NAGUIB, S. CHERUVALLIL-CONTRACTOR. S and PHOENIX A., Islam on Campus: Contested Identities and the Cultures of Higher Education in Britain, Oxford University Press, 2020.  THE SIKH NETWORK, COVID-19 Coronavirus Impact on the UK Sikh Community, Sikh Network, 2020.  TUC, Talking about Antisemitism TUC, 2020.

Autres / Other  Call for Papers – Special Issue, ‘Religion in the Age of Social Distancing’, Sociology of Religion  Rachael Shillitoe, James Riley and Will Mason-Wilkes, 'Science and Belief in Society', Podcast Series.


Ouvrage(s) / Book(s)

 Nešpor, Zdeněk R. 2020. Česká a slovenská religiozita po rozpadu společného státu. Náboženství Dioskúrů. Praha: Karolinum. 198 s.

Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s)

 Slovakia. In World Christian Encyclopedia. - Edinburg : Edinburgh University Press Ltd, 2020, p. 718-721.  ZACHAR PODOLINSKÁ, Tatiana - TÍŽIK, Miroslav - MAJO, Juraj. Religiosity in Slovakia: Structure, Dynamics, and Spatial Diversification. In Central European Journal for Contemporary Religion, 2019, vol. 3, no. 1, p. 1-33.  ZACHAR PODOLINSKÁ, Tatiana: Marian Devotion Among the Roma in Slovakia: A Post- Modern Religious Response to Marginality. Palgrave, 2020.  TÍŽIK, Miroslav. Podoby ne/náboženskosti a náboženskosť cirkevne veriacich. Podobnosti a rozdiely za štvrťstoročie. In Odděleně spolu? : Česko a Slovensko optikou vývoje hodnot po roce 1991. - Bratislava : SLOVART, spol. s r. o., 2019, s. 211-251.  DEÁK, Dušan, Karásek, Matej: Hindus and Hinduism in Slovakia. In: Handbook of Hinduism in Europe (2 vols). Volume Editors: Knut A. Jacobsen and Ferdinando Sardella, Brill, 2020.  MAJO, Juraj, Káčerová, M. 2019. Sú seniori v Česku a Slovensku viac veriaci ako zvyšná populácia? Demografie 61, 1, s. 61-70. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020 Sondage(s) / Survey(s)

 On attitudes to interruptions and its legal regulation, 14 July 2020.


Ouvrage(s) / Book(s)

 Becci, Irene. Gouverner en reconnaissant ou en séparant ? Deux cantons romands face à la nouvelle diversité religieuse. Jubiläumsband zum 40-jährigen Bestehen des Instituts für Religionsrecht.  Lindemann, A., & Stolz, J. (2020): « Perceived discrimination among Muslims and its correlates. A comparative analysis ». Ethnic and Racial Studies.  Marzi Eva, Knobel Brigitte, Becci Irene, Zurbuchen Aude, Berthet Chloé (2020). Credo. Une cartographie de la diversité religieuse vaudoise. Antipodes.  Yendell, Alexander, Huber, S. (2020) : « Negative views of Islam in Switzerland with special regard to religiosity as an explanatory factor ». Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik Jg. 4, Heft 1 : 81–103.

Article(s), chapitre(s) d’ouvrage / Article(s), book chapter(s))

 Baumann, Martin, and Rebekka Christine Khaliefi. "Muslim and Buddhist Youths in Switzerland: Individualising Religion and Striving for Recognition?." Social Inclusion 8, no. 3 (2020): 273-285.  Baumann, Martin. (2020). Hinduism in Switzerland. In Handbook of Hinduism in Europe (2 vols). Brill, pp. 1486-1501.  Becci, Irène, Monnot, Christophe, & Wernli, B. (2020). When Dark Green Religion Goes Popular: Spirituality in the Swiss Progressive Ecological Milieu. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature, and Culture, Special Issue: Toward a" Spiritualization" of Ecology? Sociological Perspectives from Francophone Contexts.  Gert Pickel, Antonius Liedhegener, Yvonne Jaeckel, Anastas Odermatt, Alexander Yendell. (2020). Religiöse Identitäten und Vorurteil in Deutschland und der Schweiz – Konzeptionelle Überlegungen und empirische Befunde. Z Religion Ges Polit (2020) 4:149–196.  Inniger, Matthias G., Jacobus M. Vorster et Riaan Rheeder. Changing religious landscapes challenge confession-based state policies on religion». In le Skriflig 54, n° 1 (2020): 1-10.  Vallier, Camille, and Nesa Zimmermann. "Muslims’ Rights in Switzerland between Federalism, Direct Democracy and Human Rights." In State, Religion and Muslims, pp. 500- 552. Brill, 2020.  Vilpert, Sarah, Elio Bolliger, Carmen Borrat-Besson, Gian Domenico Borasio, and Jürgen Maurer. "Social, cultural and experiential patterning of attitudes and behaviour towards assisted suicide in Switzerland: evidence from a national population-based study." Swiss Medical Weekly 150, no. 2526 (2020).  Yendell, Alexander, and Stefan Huber. "The relevance of the centrality and content of religiosity for explaining Islamophobia in Switzerland." Religions 11, no. 3 (2020): p. 129.  Zurbuchen, Aude, Anaïd Lindemann, and Irene Becci. "Switzerland: Religions and Spirituality in Prison–Institutional Analysis." In Religion and Prison: An Overview of Contemporary Europe. Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 373-390.


Ouvrages / Books

 Adentire, John Olusegun. 2020. A General Right to Conscientious Objection: Beyond Religious Privilege. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020  Hughes, Aaron W. 2020. From Seminary to University: An Institutional History of the Study of Religion in Canada. University of Toronto Press: Toronto.  Stonechild, Blair. 2020. Loss of Indigenous Eden and the Fall of Spirituality. University of Regina Press: Regina.  Wilkinson, Michael. 2020. After the Revival: Pentecostalism and the Making of a Canadian Church. McGill-Queens University Press: Montreal.  Young, Pamela Dickey and Shipley, Heather. 2020. Identities Under Construction: Religion, Gender, and Sexuality Among Youth in Canada. McGill-Queens University Press: Montreal.

Articles & chapitres d’ouvrages / Articles and Book Chapters

 Bélanger, Bruno; Beauregard, Line; Bélanger, Mario and Bergeron, Chantal. 2020. “The Quebec Model of Recording Spiritual Care: Concepts and Guidelines” in Charting Spiritual Care and the Emerging Role of Chaplaincy Records in Global Health Care. Peng-Keller, Simon and Neuhold, David (eds.).  Ginn, Diana; Oliva, Javier García; and Lewis, Edward R. 2020. “Religion in Canadian Public Schools: Constitutionalized Anomalies” in Education Law Journal Vol 28(3) pp. 267-295.  Golriz, Golshan. 2020. “Does Religion Prevent LGBTQ Acceptance? A Case Study with Queer and Trans Muslims in Toronto, Canada” in Journal of Homosexuality Vol 68 (Forthcoming)  Mendoza, Jennifer. 2020. “Ktunaxa Nation V. British Columbia: A Historical and Critical Analysis of Canadian Aboriginal Law” in Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal Vol 29 (3) pp. 685-715  Moon, Richard. 2020. “The Conscientious Objection of Medical Practitioners to the CPSO’s “Effective Referral” Requirement. (Ontario, Canada)” in Constitutional Forum 29 (1) p. 29  Patrick, Jeremy. 2020. “Canadian Law” in Faith or Fraud: Fortune-telling, Spirituality, and the Law. UBC Press: Vancouver.  Shibuya, Kumiko; Fong, Eric; and Shu, Binbin. 2020. “Religious Affiliation and Employment of Canadian Immigrant Youths: A Focus on Eastern Religions” in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Vol 46 (17) pp. 3559-3579.  Shipley, Heather. 2020. “Sites of Resistance: LGBTQI+ Experiences at Trinity Western University” in Canadian Journal of Law and Society Vol 35 (1) pp. 111-133.  Zaman, Michelle; Koksi, Alissa; and Lawton, David W. 2020. “Child Marriage in Canada: A systematic Review” in PLoS One Vol 15 (3).

Décisions juridiques / Legal Decisions

 Bill 21 – Challenges against Quebec’s controversial Bill 21 which prohibits public sector employees from wearing religious symbols at work starts early November.  Conversion Therapy Bill – The government of Canada has proposed introducing legislation which would amend the criminal code to make conversion therapy illegal. The bill was introduced early October, but has not yet been passed.  Mandatory Vaccine Bill – Discussions are ongoing about a mandatory vaccine bill in Nova Scotia, opposed by some religious groups who are arguing it goes against their religious freedoms.  Y. v. Swinemar 2020 NCSA 56 – This is a case between a husband and wife where the husband was approved for Medical Aid in Dying and the wife sued to prevent this from happening, partially because of her personal disagreement with the practice. Decision came in favor of the husband and he ended his life, but the appeal may still go to the Supreme Court of Canada.  Yochonon Lowen et Clara Wasserstein c Procureure Générale du Quebec (and others) – This is a case from a man and woman who were raised in an Orthodox Jewish Community in Montreal and graduated with a deficient education – barely able to communicate except in Hebrew, very poor knowledge of math, geography etc. They are not seeking financial restitution but want to limit religious education in Quebec. Decision forthcoming. Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020

Sondages / Surveys

 Freedom of religion widely valued in Canada, but the role of faith in modern society still a source of debate. Survey of 2,057 shows that while most Canadians think freedom of religion makes Canada better (62%) rather than worse (12%), they are much more polarized on whether having a religious upbringing shapes good citizenship characteristics – 58% agree, 42% disagree.

* * * * *

2. Actualité du site Eurel / News of the Eurel website

Site / Website

 Le site Eurel est maintenant complètement sécurisé avec le protocole https. Pour être redirigé directement vers la nouvelle adresse, il est conseillé de rafraîchir le cache de son navigateur / The Eurel website is now completely secured with a https protocol. To be redirected directly to the new address, it is advisable to refresh your browser's cache.  Il reçoit plus de 12 000 visiteurs par mois. Il y a 336 abonnés à la lettre d’information et à Eurel flash information. / The website receives over 12,000 visitors per month. There are 336 subscribers to the newsletter and the Eurel Flash Information.

Nouveaux correspondants / New correspondents

 Suisse / Switzerland : Zhargalma DANDAROVA et Mischa PIRAUD

Nouveaux contributeurs / New contributors

 Canada : Ted MALCOLMSON  France : Pierre BRECHON  Slovaquie / Slovakia : Ondrej PROSTREDNIK

Colloque international Eurel / Eurel international conference

 Le 5e colloque Eurel (« Réglementer la religion ? Son statut juridique et social dans l’Europe contemporaine »), prévu pour octobre 2020, a été reporté. Il aura lieu à Porto, les 23- 24 septembre 2021, si la situation sanitaire le permet. / The 5th Eurel conference ("Regulating religion? Its legal and social status in contemporary Europe"), scheduled for October 2020, has been postponed. It will take place in Porto, on 23-24 September 2021, if the health situation permits.

[Cliquez ici pour vous désinscrire de la newsletter/ Click here to unsubscribe from the newsletter.] Newsletter 32, Novembre/November 2020