
Wiltrud Kessler

Institut f¨urMaschinelle Sprachverarbeitung Universit¨atStuttgart

Semantic Web Winter 2015/16

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The Semantic Web Stack [W3C, Tim Berners-Lee]

User Interface, Software Agents

Trust Proof Logic, Rules Ontology, OWL SPARQL RDFS

RDF Encryption

XML, XMLSchema, Namespaces Digital Signatures

URI Unicode, UTF-8

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Semantic Web Applications

Add Metadata

Data Integration

Create Semantic Data

Finding Semantic Information

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Semantic Web Applications

Add Metadata

Data Integration

Create Semantic Data

Finding Semantic Information

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What are Semantic Web Applications?

Some propositions for a definition:

I SW applications use standardized SW languages, e.g., RDF, OWL, SPARQL.

I SW applications have something to do with metadata, data exchange and integration.

I SW applications follow the vision of having humans and machines interact in a web of knowledge.

I ... ?

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Semantic Web Applications

Add Metadata

Data Integration

Create Semantic Data

Finding Semantic Information

Suggested Reading

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Add Metadata

I Metadata is “data about data”:

I author, contact, source, . . . I creation date, location, . . . I format, type of data, language, . . . I legal information, . . . I description of content, keywords, . . .

I Metadata is only useful when it comes with semantics, i.e., is standardized across sources.

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RSS – Markup for Blogs

I RSS originally stood for RDF Site Summary in RSS 0.9.

I RSS 0.91 was renamed to stand for Rich Site Summary and RDF elements were removed, this developed into XML-only RSS 2.0 (Really Simple Syndication 2.0)

I In 2003 an alternative format, , was created.

I Used by many blogging services, e.g., WordPress, Blogger, . . .

I RDF File (RSS 1.0):

I RSS 2.0:

I Atom:

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Microformats – Low-level semantic markup

I Use attribute class to add semantic markup from a defined vocabulary to HTML/XHTML tags.

I Community-effort, no standardization gremium.

I Well-known : (geographical coordinates), hCard (contact information), hCalendar (events)

I Web page:

I hCard creator:

I hCalendar creator: http: //

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Microformats – Example hCard

... ...

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I Add attributes to HTML to embed RDF statements.

I Can embed arbitrary RDF, not limited to a vocabulary (like with microformats).

I W3C recommendation since 2008.

I RDFa Core recommendation:

I RDFa Primer:

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RDFa – Example

In his latest book Wikinomics, Don Tapscott explains deep changes in technology, demographics and business. The book is due to be published in October 2006.

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CC REL – Copyright Information

I Creative Commons offers free, easy-to-undestand licenses.

I Offer an RDF vocabulary to describe licenses – makes copyright information machine-readable.

I Useful for: publishers, image search, display in browser, . . .

I Web page:

I RDF File:

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CC REL – Example

@prefix cc: .

xhtml:license ; dc:title "The Lessig Blog" ; cc:attributionName "Larry Lessig" ; cc:attributionURL ; dc:type dcmitype:Text .

cc:permits cc:Reproduction ; cc:permits cc:Distribution .

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FOAF – Friend of a Friend

I RDF/OWL vocabulary about persons and social networks.

I Used by many blogging services: WordPress, TypePad, . . .

I Used by Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities Project (SIOC) to interconnect blogs, forums and mailing lists.

I Crucial part of WebID, a set of proposed standards for identification, and authentication on HTTP based networks.

I Web page:

I Search FOAF:

I Create a FOAF profile:

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FOAF – Example

@PREFIX rdf: . @PREFIX rdfs: .

<#JW> rdf:type foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Jimmy Wales" ; foaf:mbox ; foaf:homepage ; foaf:nick "Jimbo" ; foaf:depiction ; foaf:interest ; foaf:knows [ rdf:type foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Angela Beesley" ].

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Semantic Web Applications

Add Metadata

Data Integration

Create Semantic Data

Finding Semantic Information

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Data Integration

I Make sure we talk about the same thing by referencing formally specified, language independent knowledge. I “Knowledge” consists of two parts:

I General world knowledge – upper ontologies. I Domain-specific knowledge – domain vocabulary / ontology.

I Often a common vocabulary is sufficient (RDF), but sometimes more semantics is needed (RDFS/OWL).

I Data integration is a major challenge and cost factor in today’s data-driven world!

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Upper Ontologies

Definition [Wikipedia] An upper ontology is an ontology which describes very general concepts that are the same across all knowledge domains.

I Goal: Support interoperability between specific ontologies – they all link back to an upper ontology.

I Problem: Nobody agrees on one such ontology, there are many different upper ontologies.

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Cyc and OpenCyc

Cyc is an upper ontology, the project started in 1984. Parts of the project are released as OpenCyc under an open source licence, which contains 239,000 concepts and 2,093,000 facts and can be browsed on the OpenCyc website.

I Project website:

I OpenCyc:

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UMBEL – Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer

UMBEL is an upper ontology of about 28,000 reference concepts extracted from OpenCyc. UMBEL also is a vocabulary for aiding ontology mapping, including expressions of likelihood relationships distinct from exact identity or equivalence. UMBEL has about 48,000 formal mappings to DBpedia, PROTON, GeoNames, and, and provides linkages to more than 2 million Wikipedia pages (English version).

I Project website:

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Domain-specific Ontologies

Definition [Wikipedia] A domain ontology (or domain-specific ontology) represents concepts which belong to part of the world. Particular meanings of terms applied to that domain are provided by domain ontology.

I Goal: Model exactly what is needed in the domain on a very detailed level, up-to-date representation of field.

I Problem: Different domain-specific ontologies are often incompatible, even if they model the same domain.

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GeoNames – Geographical

The GeoNames database contains over 10,000,000 geographical names. Beyond names of places in various languages, data stored include latitude, longitude, elevation, population, administrative subdivision and postal codes.

I Developers: Marc Wick, Christophe Boutreux

I Project website:

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Gene ontology

Gene ontology, is a major bioinformatics initiative to unify the representation of gene and gene product attributes across all species. It aims to serve as a platform where curators can agree on stating how and why a specific term is used, and how to consistently apply it, for example, to establish relationships between gene products. It is part of a larger classification effort, the Open Biomedical Ontologies.

I Gene Ontology Consortium:

I Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies:

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Ontology of Units of Measure

The Ontology of units of Measure and related concepts (OM) models concepts and relations important to scientific research. It has a strong focus on units and quantities, measurements, and dimensions.

I OM ontology web page:

I Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Data Types Ontologies (QUDT):

I Unified Code for Units of Measure ontology (UCUM):

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Semantic Document Management Systems

I Large companies have a wealth of knowledge contained in documents, but they are very heterogenous.

I The challenge is the integration of this data.

I Using ontologies as semantic data models can bring together disparate data sources into one body of information.

I Documents can still be written with domain-specific vocabulary or even in different language, but concepts can easily be accessed through the ontology.

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Semantic DMS Example – BBC Web Sites

I Large amount of web pages in different areas (tv, radio, news, gardening, music, wildlife, . . . ) that are not connected.

I Tag pages with URIs that link entities and topics from a controlled vocabulary to DBpedia.

I Make the data available and searchable.

I Project description: http: //

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Semantic Web Applications

Add Metadata

Data Integration

Create Semantic Data

Finding Semantic Information

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Creation of Semantic Data

I Goal: Offer big amounts of machine-readable data. I What do we need to get there?

I Help people to create semantically annotated data. I Extract semantically annotated data from existing sources. I Make data available, retrievable, findable.

I Support easy linking from one dataset to others.

I Big datasets are also a good starting point for data harmonization (see last section).

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Semantic MediaWiki – A Semantic Extension for MediaWiki

Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) is a free, open-source extension to MediaWiki – the wiki software that powers Wikipedia – that lets you store and query data within the wiki’s pages. Semantic MediaWiki is also a full-fledged framework, in conjunction with many spinoff extensions, that can turn a wiki into a powerful and flexible “collaborative database”. All data created within SMW can easily be published via the Semantic Web, allowing other systems to use this data seamlessly.

I Developers: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

I Project website:

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GRDDL – Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages

GRDDL (pronounced ’griddle’) is a W3C Recommendation, and enables users to obtain RDF triples out of XML documents, including XHTML. It became a Recommendation on September 11, 2007.

I Recommendation:

I GRDDL Primer:

I GRDDL Use Cases:

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DBPedia – Structured Wikipedia

DBpedia is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia, and to link other data sets on the Web to Wikipedia data. We hope this will make it easier for the amazing amount of information in Wikipedia to be used in new and interesting ways, and that it might inspire new mechanisms for navigating, linking and improving the encyclopaedia itself.

I Developers: University of Leipzig, University of Mannheim, OpenLink Software

I Project website:

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YAGO – Yet Another Great Ontology

YAGO is a huge semantic , derived from Wikipedia, WordNet and GeoNames. Currently, YAGO has knowledge of more than 10 million entities (like persons, organizations, cities, etc.) and contains more than 120 million facts about these entities.

I Developers: Max-Planck-Institute Saarbr¨ucken

I Project website: departments/databases-and-information-systems/ research/yago-naga/yago/

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Other Big Ontologies

ProBase by Microsoft Research, “above 2.7 million concepts” (no date given), used in Bing. Freebase by Metaweb Technologies/Google, “44 million topics and 2.4 billion facts” (Jan ’14), used by Google Knowledge Graph until 2014. Evi by TrueKnowledge/Evi/Amazon, “283 million facts about 9 million things” (Aug ’10), used by Siri.

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Big Data Sources that are not Ontologies

Wolfram Alpha by Wolfram Research, structured factual data from different sources, used by Bing, DuckDuckGo, Siri, and others for factual questions. Wikidata by Wikimedia Foundation, structured data of different categories, used by Wikipedia for infobox data and interlanguage links, used by Google (since 2015). ... Many many more openly available datasets about weather, population, polls, etc. published by diverse statistics institutions around the world.

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Semantic Web Applications

Add Metadata

Data Integration

Create Semantic Data

Finding Semantic Information

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Linked (Open) Data

The goal of the W3C SWEO Linking Open Data community project is to extend the Web with a data commons by publishing various open data sets as RDF on the Web and by setting RDF links between data items from different data sources.

I :

I Linked Open Data: CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData

I LOD cloud:

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Linking Open Data cloud diagram 2014

Debian Linked Package Prospects Jugem Mark and Tracking Bootsnall Athelia Trends System Mail RFID GNOSS Cornetto Courts Isocat Thesaurus Web Vulnera- IDS Gem. Nmasuno Artenue Red Uno Linked pedia Thesaurus Traveler Vosmedios Internacional User DBnary Ietflang Audiovisuele GNOSS Feedback Archieven Elviajero GNOSS GovUK Societal Flickr WALS Allars Wellbeing Deprivation Imd DBTune Olia Environment Proyecto Nextweb Wrappr Tags2con Rank 2010 Magnatune Delicious Zaragoza DBTune Apadrina GNOSS Pdev Museos Dewey GovUK YSA Turruta artists Espania Lemon Decimal Lista Imd Crime Semantic GNOSS Classification Encabeza Rank 2010 Quran ineverycrea Lemonuby Mientos Opendata Materia Scotland Simd DBTune Deusto WOLD Wiktionary Shoah Geographic John Peel Access Rank GovUK Societal GovUK Tech Glottolog DBpedia Victims Wellbeing Wellbeing lsoa Lotico Didactalia Berlios JITA Deprivation Imd Acorn Indymedia Sessions Happy Names Crime Rank 2010 GNOSS GovUK Yesterday Sat Transparency Mean RKB Reload Impact Indicators ZDB Energy Efficiency Interactive Explorer new Builds GovUK Wordnet UTPL imd env. German Miguiad Maps Green Zaragoza Labor Law GNOSS Competitive- LOD rank 2010 GovUK Pokepedia Muninn Datos Enakting Thesaurus Eviajes ness Wordnet Lexinfo Opendata Homelessness Data World War I Households Crime GNOSS GNOSS Garnica Universidad Scotland Accommodated Abiertos (VU) Pub Open Gesis de Cuenca Simd Health Temporary Plywood Opendata Housing Types Greek Ac Uk Thesoz Bielefeld Rank GovUK Aspire Linkeddata Scotland Open Apache Households Umthes Social- Wordnet Project Simd Social Lettings semweb Qmul Crime Rank General Needs GovUK Data Gutenberg Lettings Prp DBTropes Chronicling Thesaurus Household Housing FU-Berlin Aspire Semantic America RISP MSC RKB ODCL Opendata Composition Market Scotland XBRL My Data RKB Explorer Brunel SOA Simd Housing ISO 639 Worldcat ERA GovUK Experiment RKB Explorer Rank Impact Eurovoc Oasis Explorer unlocode Radatana Indicators Enakting Linked Princeton Ciard in BBC CE4R Webscience Affordable NHS Openly Jamendo Crunchbase MyOpenlink Library VIVO Ring Aspire Opendata Housing Starts SKOS Program- Findingaids GovUK Local Brazilian DBTune Indiana Scotland impact mes Keele Politicians OCD STW Bluk Bible University Graph indicators energy GovUK Amsterdam Thesaurus efficiency new Ontology Simd Rank Wellbeing OpenlinkSW Museum for BNB builds Worthwhile RKB Semantic- Dataspaces AS EDN LOD Economics RKB Aspire Mean Explorer RDFize Wordnet Datos Explorer GovUK Crime Eurostat FAO MMU Aspire Households Open Typepad (W3C) OS Dev8d Opendata Social lettings FU-Berlin SORS Linked Geopolitical NTU Scotland Simd General Needs GovUK Icane Calais Mis Lettings Prp Transparency Edgar Ontology Income Rank Number Impact Indicators Enakting Museos B3Kat Semantic Bedrooms Neighbourhood Currency Plans Energy Web GovUK DNB GNOSS Designators Semanlink Grundlagen lobid GovUK Transparency Revyu Colinda Nottingham GovUK Transparency Impact ind. BBC Resources Aspire Trent Societal Impact Indicators DCS Households Lingvoj Bibbase GovUK Wellbeing Affordable DBTune Agrovoc Resource Transparency Deprivation Imd Housing Starts Loius Open In temp. Music RDF Sheffield UCL Ctic GovUK DWS Lists Impact Indicators Housing Rank la Accom. Music- Southampton Aspire Planning 2010 Public Impact Energy Skos Indicators Ohloh LCSH Applications Eurostat Info Wiki Camera brainz Group ECS Eprints Granted Dataset Planning ABS Sussex Applications Linked Deputati BBC Aspire Gutenberg Granted GovUK Data Linked NYTimes Wildlife Manchester Sztaki GovUK Societal Lexvo LOD2 L3S Opendata Wellbeing Data Linked Open Households Linked Finder Project O'Reilly LOD Core Scotland Graph Deprivation imd Hellenic Data DBLP Education 2008 Employment Stock Wiki Bibsonomy RKB Pupils by Linked Rank La 2010 Police Europeana Wordpress Southampton RKB Explorer School and NUTS BFS Index GovUK Datazone Viaf RKB Explorer Courseware Transport PlanetData Verrijktkoninkrijk GovUK Eprints GovUK Data Project Explorer Societal societal NHS Clean Harvest Wellbeing wellbeing Linked Linked Wiki RKB JISC Deprivation Imd deprivation imd Jargon Energy RKB Aspire GovUK Statistics Eurostat Explorer Libris Health Score employment MDB Explorer Societal 2010 Transparency Data Deepblue RKB DOI Wellbeing score 2010 Reference W3C RKB Uclan UIS Reegle Semantic Web Explorer Dotac Deprivation Imd DogFood Explorer Education Rank La RKB Resex 2010 Morelab RKB RAE2001 Explorer GovUK GovUK Explorer Citeseer transparency Hellenic Transparency GEMET RKB Archiveshub RKB Curriculum impact Impact Eurostat Explorer Fire Brigade Linked Multimedia indicators UK KUPKB Explorer RKB Open Lab University Opendata Indicators cordis Geo Data RKB Ariadne tr. families Housing Starts Legislation RDF NSF Explorer Ghent Scotland Simd DBpedia LOV Explorer RKB Library Education API RKB OAI FAO Names Eprints Explorer Rank Explorer Aspire GovUK Worldbank WWW RKB GovUK GovUK Drugbank Southampton RKB IEEE Portsmouth Societal Societal GovUK Foundation CKAN Impact Explorer Explorer Wellbeing Wellbeing Indicators Education NALT FU-Berlin ACM Deprivation Imd Deprv. Imd Newcastle Housing Starts Health Rank la IMF ECB Data EUNIS RKB 2010 Empl. Rank NUTS UMBEL RKB RKB Explorer Aspire Opendata La 2010 OECD Ulm Scotland Simd Geo- RKB Explorer Explorer Roehampton GovUK VIVO Risks Employment Transparency EEARod vocab Pisa GovUK University Explorer Deutsche Rank GovUK Environment Input ind. FOAF- Linked Geospecies societal Societal Local auth. Biographie Agency Open Geo Uniprot of Florida RKB LAAS wellbeing Wellbeing Funding f. Enakting Open Data RKB Deprivation Imd Bathing Water Gvmnt. Grant Profiles RKB Explorer deprv. imd Data Mortality Linked of Metadata Income Rank La Quality Freebase YAGO DBLP Explorer 2010 BIS Data Linked Explorer GovUK rank la '10 Euskadi Ecology kisti Transparency lobid RKB Geo Opencyc Irit NBN Input indicators Organizations RKB Explorer Aspire Local authorities EEA Environmental Data Resolving Working w. tr. GovUK GovUK Applications RKB Explorer Deploy Plymouth Families Input ind. Govtrack Taxon Sider societal Nomenclator FRB Reference RKB IBM Local Authority Thesaurus DBpedia concept linkedct Explorer wellbeing Asturias Ordnance StatusNet FU-Berlin deprv. imd Funding From Wiki Explorer Government ESD Linked NL RKB rank '07 Survey Progval Budapest RKB RKB Grant Standards Enakting Open Linked Code Explorer GovUK CO2Emission Piracy DBpedia Explorer Explorer RKB Dutch Enakting Data StatusNet Haus Lisbon RKB Imd Income Population EL DBpedia URI Taxon- Darmstadt Eurecom Explorer Ships and GovUK Government Dtdns Testee Rank La Web Integration Linked Explorer Sailors GovUK Societal live Burner Aves3D concept FT 2010 for Epsrc Households Wellbeing Railway Assets Accommodated Linked EPO StatusNet Deprv. imd IATI as City Data StatusNet RKB per 1000 Data GADM Bio2RDF Score '10 Linked Data Lichfield Project 1w6 Lydiastench StatusNet Explorer Geovocab TWC British chickenkiller Drug Dailymed Organic Dataset Roma DBpedia Interaction IEEEvis Museum Arago- GovUK StatusNet FU-Berlin Edunet Societal OSM StatusNet DBpedia Linklion Knowledge Collection RKB EU Agencies Data for Open FR JudaicaLink Wellbeing Open Samnoble Thelovebug Base Explorer Deprivation Bodies Tourists in Election Open Data DE Imd Rank 2010 Castilla y Leon Mobile StatusNet Serendipity Italy Data Ecuador StatusNet Uniprot Project Network Qdnx StatusNet Fcac Biomodels RKB LOD RDF Explorer 2001 Geo StatusNet Ssweeny GovUK GovUK Geological DBpedia Disgenet Kaunas Spanish GovUK David ACBDLS GNI Imd Homeless- Ecuador Survey of GNU National Census Net Add. Haberthuer ES Rank 2010 ness ESD Austria StatusNet Licenses Diet Library Getty to RDF Dwellings StatusNet Aspire DM2E Accept. per Toolkit Thesaurus DBpedia WEB NDL Randomness StatusNet chromic Bio2RDF Identifiers Harper AAT 1000 Guide StatusNet Russwurm KO Authorities Bka StatusNet Taxon- Taxon Org Adams London Somsants concept GovUK GovUK Timttmy Linked Bio2RDF UK DBpedia Occurences Linked Swedish Households wellb. happy World StatusNet StatusNet TCGA GeneID Semantic Postcodes StatusNet DBpedia Life Open Cultural Projections yesterday Factbook Opensimchat Gomertronic EU Web Population StatusNet JA Data Bio2RDF Heritage BPR std. dev. GovUK Maymay Journal FU-Berlin Morphtown Irefindex Identifiers Dev Local StatusNet StatusNet DNB Bio2RDF Bio2RDF Authority NDC Drugbank shnoulle GND Gene Services Thist Greek Mrblog Administrative chem2 Expression GovUK Eionet StatusNet Bio2RDF Biosamples service GovUK Geography StatusNet DBpedia Bio2RDF bio2rdf Atlas RDF RDF StatusNet StatusNet StatusNet Fragdev Mesh RDF expenditure Imd Score Imirhil IT Bio2RDF 2010 GovAgriBus Kaimi Soucy Quitter StatusNet DBpedia Denmark Bio2RDF HGNC Jonkman IServe CS Uniprot Clinicaltrials GovUK StatusNet StatusNet Taxonomy Households Charging StatusNet Enipedia Bio2RDF Bio2RDF Oceandrilling Postblue Orphanet Sabiork Projections Stations Orangeseeds gegeweb Bio2RDF total Borehole StatusNet Reactome Bio2RDF Houseolds Ncbigene Bizkai StatusNet Macno RDF SGD Atari StatusNet DBpedia Diseasome Sense StatusNet StatusNet Austrian Bio2RDF Frosch StatusNet linuxwrangling Lite FU-Berlin SGD StatusNet Rainbowdash Ski Bio2RDF CIPFA NVS Skilledtests Legadolibre Bio2RDF Resources mkuttner Racers Pubmed Bio2RDF Alexandria RDF DBSNP StatusNet Iproclass Gazetteer StatusNet StatusNet Alpino License Lebsanft StatusNet Freelish Hackerposse RDF Chembl Geo schiessle StatusNet StatusNet RDF AEMET Wordnet StatusNet Cooleysekula Uniprot Bio2RDF StatusNet DBpedia Product Bio2RDF Ourcoffs KB Taxonomy StatusNet StatusNet Ilikefreedom PT DB OMIM Bio2RDF Bio2RDF Spip piana StatusNet StatusNet Pharmgkb LSR Enel Coreyavis Datenfahrt StatusNet StatusNet Shops StatusNet StatusNet RKB Bio2RDF StatusNet Belfalas Scoffoni StatusNet StatusNet Explorer Bio2RDF Tekk Uni Bio2RDF GOA Tschlotfeldt StatusNet Mamalibre ECS Affymetrix StatusNet StatusNet Exdc StatusNet Siegen Product Open CTD Glou Bio2RDF Hiico Deuxpi thornton2 Ontology Food Bio2RDF Facts ECO Homologene StatusNet StatusNet StatusNet StatusNet StatusNet StatusNet Sweetie Recit Planetlibre Qth Integralblue StatusNet Spraci Belle Open Linked Bio2RDF StatusNet Data Wormbase Fcestrada Ontos Food StatusNet StatusNet Alexandre News KDATA Thesaurus Bio2RDF Mystatus Keuser StatusNet Franke Portal Biomodels StatusNet Bio2RDF StatusNet StatusNet Otbm OMIM StatusNet StatusNet ldnfai 20100 Mulestable Resources StatusNet StatusNet Ced117 Status Nobel StatusNet Sebseb01 Pandaid Tekord Prizes Ludost StatusNet SISVU Linked Datasets as of August 2014 tl1n Livejournal StatusNet StatusNet StatusNet Kenzoid StatusNet doomicile StatusNet StatusNet Johndrink Equestriarp Bonifaz Kathryl Water

c CC-BY-SA Max Schmachtenberg, Christian Bizer, Anja Jentzsch and Richard Cyganiak.

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Sindice – A Engine

Sindice collects Web Data in many ways, following existing web standards, and offers Search and Querying across this data, updated live every few minutes. Specialized APIs , and tools are also available.

I Developers: DERI institute, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, OpenLink software

I Project website:

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GoPubMed – Searching in Biomedical Texts

GoPubMed is a knowledge-based search engine for biomedical texts. The Gene Ontology and Medical Subject Headings serve as “Table of contents” in order to structure the millions of articles of the MEDLINE database. The knowledge behind GoPubMed consists of in total 48 million concepts.

I Developers: Dresden University of Technology, Transinsight

I Project website:

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Entity-centric Semantic Search: Broccoli


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Entity-centric Semantic Search: Evi

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Semantic Web Applications

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Data Integration

Create Semantic Data

Finding Semantic Information

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Suggested Reading

[HKR09] Pascal Hitzler, Markus Kr¨otzschand Sebastian Rudolph. Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2009. (Chapter 9)

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