Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas (Jtairman - Committ!?t" on Financt: & Taxation, General Government O]><".rations, and 'fouth Development J A1itu(lrentai -Tres Lihesiahiran t,--;udhan I 33ru Guam Legislature February 15, 2016 TI1e Honorable Judith T. Won Pat, 1:d.D. Speaker I Mina 'Trentai Tres no Lihesla1urar1 Guilhan l 55 Hesler Place Hagatna, Guam 96910 VIA: '!be Honorable Rory J, Respicio All/!/ Chairman / v - - Committee on Rules, Federal, Foreign & Micronesian Affairs, Human & Naturnl Resources, Election Reform, and Capitol District RE: Sponsor's Report on Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) Dear Speaker Won Pat, Hilfa adai! Trnnsmitted herewith is the Sponsor's Report on Resolution No, 257-33 (COR) ·-"Relative to expressing l Liheslaturan Gulihan's unreserved support for the introduction ofH,R, 3642 into the United States House of Representatives hy the Honorable Congresswoman Madeleine 7,, Bordallo." Committee votes are as follows: TO DO PASS TO NOT PASS TO REPORT OUT ONLY TO ABSTAIN TO PLACE IN NACTIVE FILE LAS DNA Building, 238 Archbishop Flores St. Suite 407 Hagati\a, Guam 96910 (671) 472 - 6453 I
[email protected] I Senator Michael F.Q. San Nicolas Ch.airman - Committee on Finance & T a:xation, General Goverrunent Open1tions, and Youth Developtnent l !Y1in1.:ftrcntai Tres N1z L-ihi'$/aturari (~tulhan I 33ro Gua1n Legislature SPONSOR'S REPORT Resolution No. 257-33 (COR) "Relative to expressing I Liheslaturan Guahan 's unreserved support for the introduction of H.R. 3642 into the United States House of Representatives by the Honorable Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo." DNA Building, 238 Archbishop Flores St Suite 407 Hagati\a, Guam 96910 (671) 472 - 64531
[email protected] I Senator Michael F.Q.