Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM

OMB No. 1124-0002; Expires April 30,2017 U.S. Depa rtment of Justice Supplemental Statement Washington, DC 20530 Pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended

For Six Month Period Ending 6/30/2016 (Insert date) I - REGISTRANT

1. (a) Name of Registrant (b) Registration No.

Podesta Group, Inc. 5926

(c) Business Address(es) of Registrant 1001 G Street NW Suite 1000 West Washington, DC 20001

2. Has there been a change in the information previously furnished in connection With the following? (a) If an individual: (1) Residence address(es) Yes • No • (2) Citizenship Yes • No • (3) Occupation Yes • No • (b) If an organization: (1) Name Yes • No H (2) Ownership or control Yes • No 13 (3) Branch offices Yes • No 0 (c) Explain fully all changes, if any, indicated in Items (a) and (b) above, (not applicable)

IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS 3,4, AND 5(a). 3. If you have previously filed Exhibit C, state whether any changes therein have occurred during this 6 month reporting period. Yes • No H If yes, have you filed an amendment to the Exhibit C? Yes • No • Ifno, please attach the required amendment.

1 The Exhibit C, for which no printed form is provided, consists ofa true copy of the charter, articles of incorporation, association, and by laws ola registrant that is an organization. (A waiver of the requirement to file an Exhibit C may be obtained for good cause upon written application to the Assistant Attorney General, National Security Division, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20530.)

FORM NSD-2 Revised 03/14

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(PAGE 2) 4. (a) Have any persons ceased acting as partners, officers, directors or similar officials of the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No H If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position Date Connection Ended

(b) Have any persons become partners, officers, directors or similar officials during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No B If yes, furnish the following information: Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed

5. (a) Has any person named in Item 4(b) rendered services directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal? Yes • No H If yes, identify each such person and describe the service rendered.

(b) During this six month reporting period, has the registrant hired as employees or in any other capacity, any persons who rendered or will render services to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal(s) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? Yes H No • Name Residence Address Citizenship Position Date Assumed HastieAfkhami 1540TStNW United States employee 2/8/2016 Washington, DC 20009

Tara Chandra 1629 Columbia Rd. NW, #823 United States employee 4/11/2016 Washington, DC 20009 (c) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their employment or connection with the registrant during this 6 month reporting period? Yes P. No S If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Date Terminated

(d) Have any employees or individuals, who have filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No § If yes, furnish the following information: Name Position or Connection Foreign Principal Date Terminated

6. Have short form registration statements been filed by all of the persons named in Items 5(a) and 5(b) of the supplemental statement? Yes IS No • Ifno, list names of persons who have not filed the required statement.

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(PAGE 3)


7. Has your connection with any foreign principal ended during this 6 month reporting period? Yes IE1 No • If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date of Termination Republic of Kenya 10/5/2015 Republic of Maldives 11/12/2015 Republic of the Union of Myanmar 3/31/2016 Embassy of the Republic of Korea 4/7/2016 Democratic Party of Albania 4/15/2016

8. Have you acquired any new foreign principal^)2 during this 6 month reporting period? Yes • No • If yes, furnish th following information:

Name and Address of Foreign Principal(s) Date Acquired Embassy ofthe Republic of Kosovo (2175 K St NW #300, Washington, DC 3/11/2016 20037) Democratic Party of Moldova (32 Tighina Street, MD-2001, Chisinau, 6/27/2016 Moldova)

9. In addition to those named in Items 7 and 8, if any, list foreign principal(s)2 whom you continued to represent during the 6 month reporting period. Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Embassy of Japan, Embassy ofthe Republic of India, Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Iraq, Embassy ofthe Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

10. (a) Have you filed exhibits for the newly acquired foreign pri.ncipal(s), if any, listed in Item 8? Exhibit A3 Yes B No • Exhibit B4 Yes H No • If no, please attach the required exhibit.

(b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for any foreign principal whom you represented during this six month period? Yes |xj No • If yes, have youfiled an amendment to these exhibits? Yes 0 No • If no, please attach the required amendment.

2 The term "foreign principal" includes, in addition to those defined in Section 1(b) of the Act, an individual organization any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a foreign government, foreign political party, foreign organization or foreign individual. (See Rule 100(a) (9)). A registrant who represents more than one foreign principal is required to list in the statements he files under the Act only those principals for whom he is not entitled to claim exemption under Section 3 ofthe Act. (See Rule 208.) 3 The Exhibit A, which is filed on Form NSD-3, sets forth the information required to be disclosed concerning each foreign principal. 4 The Exhibit B, which is filed on Form NSD-4, sets forth the information concerning the agreement or understanding between the registrant and the foreign principal.

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11. During this 6 month reporting period, have you engaged in any activities for or rendered any services to any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No •

If yes, identify each foreign principal and describe in full detail your activities and services: Please see attachment.

12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you on behalf of any foreign principal engaged in political activity5 as defined below? Yes H No • -

If yes, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity, indicating, among other things, the relations, interests and policies sought to be influenced and the means employed to achieve this purpose. If the registrant arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and TV broadcasts, give details as to dates, places of delivery, names of speakers and subject matter. Please see attachment.

13. In addition to the above described activities, if any, haye you engaged in activity on your own behalf which benefits your foreign principal(s)? Yes • No H

If yes, describe fully, (not applicable)

5 "Political activity." as defined in Section l(o) ofthe Act, means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Government of the United States or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting or changing the domestic or foreign policies ofthe United States or with reference to political or public interests, policies, or relations ofa government of a foreign country or a foreign political party.

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(PAGE 5)


14. (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you received from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal. any contri butions, income or money either as compensation qr otherwise? Yes H No • If no, explain why.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies.6 Date From Whom Purpose Amount Please see attachment.


(b) RECEIPTS - FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN During this 6 month reporting period, have you received, as part of a fundraising campaign7, any money on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes • No H If yes, have you filed an Exhibit D8 to your registration? Yes • No • If yes, indicate the date the Exhibit D was filed. Date__

(c) RECEIPTS-THINGS OF VALUE - During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value9 other than money from any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in the interests of any such foreign principal? Yes • No IS

If yes, furnish the following information:

Foreign Principal Date Received Thing of Value Purpose

6,7 A registrant is required to file an Exhibit D if he collects or receives contributions, loans, moneys, or other things of value for a foreign principal, as part ofa fundraising campaign. (See Rule 201(e)). 8 An Exhibit D. for which no printed form is provided, sets forth an account of money collected or received as a result ofa fundraising campaign and transmitted for a foreign principal. 9 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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" (PAGE 6)

15. (a) DISBURSEMENTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period, have you (1) disbursed or expended monies in connection with activity on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes 0 No • (2) transmitted monies to any such foreign principal? ' Yes • No IS)

If no, explain in full detail why there were no disbursements made on behalf of any foreign principal.

If yes, set forth below in the required detail and separately for each foreign principal an account of such monies, including monies transmitted, if any, to each foreign principal.

Date To Whom Purpose Amount Please see attachment.


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(PAGE?) (b) DISBURSEMENTS-THINGS OF VALUE During this 6 month reporting period, have you disposed of anything of value10 other than money in furtherance of or in connection with activities on behalf of any foreign principal named in Items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement? Yes • No S If yes, furnish the following information:

Date > Recipient Foreign Principal Thing of Value Purpose

(c) DISBURSEMENTS-POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS During this 6 month reporting period, have you from your own funds and on your own behalf either directly or through any other person, made any contributions of money or other things of value" in connection with an election to any political office, or in connection with any primary election, convention, or caucus held to select candidates for political office? Yes H No • If yes, furnish the following information: Date Amount or Thing of Value Political Organization or Candidate Location of Event Please see attachment.

10, 11 Things of value include but are not limited to gifts, interest free loans, expense free travel, favored stock purchases, exclusive rights, favored treatment over competitors, "kickbacks," and the like.

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16. (a) During this 6 month reporting period, did you prepare, disseminate or cause to be disseminated any informational materials?12 Yes IE] No • If Yes, go to Item17, (b) If you answered No to Item 16(a), do you disseminate any material in connection with your registration? Yes • No • If Yes, please forward the materials dissem inated during the six month period to the Registration Unit for review. 17. Identify each such foreign principal. Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan, Embassy ofthe Republic of India, Republic of Iraq, Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

18. During this 6 month reporting period, has any foreign principal established a budget or allocated a specified sum of money to finance your activities in preparing or disseminating informational materials? Yes • No H If yes, identify each such foreign principal, specify amount, and indicate for What period of time.

19. During this 6 month reporting period, did your activities in preparing, disseminating or causing the dissemination of informational materials include the use of any of the following: • Radio or TV broadcasts • Magazine or newspaper • Motion picture films • Letters or telegrams • Advertising campaigns H Press releases • Pamphlets or other publications • Lectures or speeches

• Other (specify) .' : Electronic Communications 0 Email • Website URL(s): . .. . \ . • Social media websites URL(s): . _• • Other (specify) "' '

20. During this 6 month reporting period, did you disseminate or cause to be disseminated informational materials among any of the following groups: H Public officials B Newspapers • Libraries 1H1 Legislators H Editors • Educational institutions H Government agencies • Civic groups or associations • Nationality groups • Other (specify)

21. What language was used in the informational materials: B English • Other (specify) _ .

22. Did you file with the Registration Unit, U.S. Department of Justice a copy of each item of such informational materials disseminated or caused to be disseminated during this 6 month reporting period? Yes £3 No Ll

23 . Did you label each item of such informational materials with the statement required by Section 4(b) of the Act? Yes H No •

12 The term informational materials includes any oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including that published by means of advertising, books, periodicals, newspapers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce or otherwise. Informational materials disseminated by an agent ofa foreign principal as part of an activity in itself exempt from registration, or an activity which by itself would not require registration, need not be filed pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Act.

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(PAGE 9)

VI - EXECUTION In accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746, the undersigned swear(s) or affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that he/she has (they have) read the information set forth in this registration statement and the attached exhibits and that he/she is (they are) familiar with the contents thereof and that such contents are in their entirety true and accurate to the best of his/her (their) knowledge and belief, except that the - undersigned make(s) no representation as to truth or accuracy of the information contained in the attached Short Form Registration Statements), if any, insofar as such information is not Within his/her (their) personal knowledge.

(Date of signature) (Print or type name under each signature or provide electronic signature ) 7

13 This statement shall be signed by the individual agent, if the registrant is an individual, or by a majority of those partners, officers, directors or persons performing similar functions, if the registrant is an organization, except that the organization can, by power of attorney, authorize one or more individuals to execute this statement on its behal f

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Question 11: All Foreign Principals

Democratic Party of Albania Registrant counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policy of concern and informed executive branch officials and staff on developments in Albania. Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Registrant counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policy and informed congressional and executive branch officials and staff and NGOs on developments in Azerbaijan, global energy security, and regional stability. Registrant also provided public relations support to the foreign principal.

Embassy of the Union of the Republic of Myanmar Registrant counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policy, informed congressional and executive branch officials and staff on developments in Myanmar, and promoted relations between the United States and Myanmar. Registrant also provided public relations support to the foreign principal.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council Registrant counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policy, informed congressional and executive branch officials and staff on developments in Hong Kong, and promoted relations between the United States and Hong Kong.

Republic of India Registrant counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policy and informed public officials and staff and NGOs on developments in India and economic and trade issues. Registrant also provided public relations support on trade and other bilateral issues.

Republic of Iraq Registrant counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policy and informed congressional and executive branch officials and staff and NGOs on developments in Iraq and national security cooperation. Registrant also provided public relations support on security and foreign policy matters.

Embassy of Japan Registrant counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policy, informed congressional officials and staff on developments in Japan, and promoted relations between the United States and Japan.

Republic of Korea Registrant counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policy and informed officials and staff on bilateral relations between the U.S. and Korea. Registrant also provided public relations support to the foreign principal.

Democratic Party of Moldova Registrant provided strategic counsel to the foreign principal on U.S. policies of concern.

Socialist Republic of Vietnam Registrant counseled the foreign principal on U.S. policy, informed congressional and executive branch officials and staff on developments in Vietnam . Registrant also provided public relations support to the foreign principal. Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court Registrant provided public relations support to the foreign principal.

Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo Registrant engaged in no activity on behalf of the foreign principal during the reporting period.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Democratic Party of Albania

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed 2/25/2016 Colin Kahl, Steve Ricchetl Executive Office of the President e-mail US-Albania relations 3/8/2016 Anna Makanju, Victoria Taylor Executive Office ofthe President e-mail US-Albania relations 3/16/2016 Anna Makanju Executive Office of the President meeting US-Albania relations 3/16/2016 Victoria Taylor Executive Office ofthe President meeting US-Albania relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 1/4/2016 Naz Durakoglu U.S. Department of State phone US-Azerbarjan relations 1/6/2016 Edward Burner House Foreign Affairs Committee phone. US-Azerbaijan relations 1/6/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/7/2016 Daniel Silverberg House Minority Whip meeting US-Azerbaijan relations - 1/7/2016 Jason Steinbaum House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting. US-Azerbaijan relations l/7/20i6 Kyle Parker House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting US-Azerbaijan relations US-Azerbaijan relations 1/8/2016 Aliyah Dash, Kate Regan Rep.Lols Frankel e-mail 1/8/2016 Justin. Ahn. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/8/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/11/2016 Aliyah Dash Rep. Lois Frankel meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 1/12/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/12/2016 Justin Ahn Rep. Dana Rohrabacher e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations l/i3/2016 Casey Kustin, Alex Rocha Rep. Ted Deutch e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations

1/13/2016 Justin Ahn. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/14/2016 Alex Rocha Rep. Ted Deutch e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/14/2016 Justin Ahn Rep. Dana Rohrabacher e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/15/2016 William Connor Rep, Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/19/2016 Hera Abasi U .S. Department of State phone US-Azerbaijan relations 1/19/2016 Justin Ahn Rep. Dana Rohrabacher e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/20/2016 Carrie Palmer Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/20/2016 Cynthia Martin Rep. John Conyers e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/20/2016 Justin Ackley Rep. Gene Green e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/20/2016 Miles Lackey House Rules Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/21/2016 La Verne Alexander Rep. Donald Payne e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/25/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/25/2016 Justin Ahn Rep. Dana Rohrabacher e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/26/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/28/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/28/2016 Edward Burrier House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/28/2016 Kyle Parker House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 1/28/2016 William Connor ReB._Steve Cohen ermail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/1/2016 Brian Nilsson U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Azerbaijan.relatlons 2/1/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/2/2016 Brian Nilsson U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/2/2016 Justin Ahn Rep. Dana Rohrabacher e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/2/2016 Maspn.Heilman Rep, Ted Deutch e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/2/2016 Rep. Ted Deutch Rep. Ted Deutch meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 2/3/2016 Brian Nilsson U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/3/2016 Kim Fu ller Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/3/2016 LaVerne Alexander Rep. Donald Payne e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/3/2016 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting US-Azerbaijan relations Paul Behrends

2/5/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations. US-Azerbaijan relations 2/5/2016 Joe Kasper, Peter Davidson Rep. Duncan Hunter e-mail House Transportation & Infrastructure US-Azerbaijan relations 2/5/2016 Mike Legg Committee e-mail 2/8/2016 Jimmy Fremgen Rep. Elijah Cummings mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/9/2016 Angel Nigaglioni Rep. Jose Serrano meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 2/9/2016 Philip Bednarczyk Rep, Gregory Meeks meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 2/9/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen mall US-Azerbaijan relations 2/10/2016 Naz Durakoglu U.S. Department of State phone US-Azerbaijan,relations various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 2/10/2016 previously filed) va.rjpus. recipients (previously filed) mail

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received, by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 2/11/2016 Aliyah Dash Rep. Lois Frankel e-mail USrAzerbaijan relations. 2/11/2016 Ben Couhjg Rep. Brian Bain ermail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/11/2016 Brian Greer Sen. Chuck Schumer meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 2/11/2016 Doug Thomas Rep. Randy Hultgren e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/11/2016 Rep.Gregory Meeks Rep. Gregory Meeks meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 2/11/2016 Trevor Pearson Rep. Paul Gosar e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/11/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen phone US-Azerbaijan relations 2/12/2016 Dennis Wirtz, Rep.Bjll Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/12/2016 Victoria Nuland Department of State e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/12/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/14/2016 Victoria Nuland Department of State e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Abiola Afolayan Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Aliyah Dash Rep. Lois Frankel e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Erin Adams Rep. Reid Ribble e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Julie Merberg Rep. Filemon Vela e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Kerry O'Brien Rep. Bill Keating e-mail USTAzerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Mena Hanna Rep. Dave Trott e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2016 Philip Bednarczyk Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/16/2P16 Scott Cullinane Rep. Dana Rohrabacher e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/17/2016 Artur Suchorzewski Rep. Randy Weber e-mail US-Azerbaijan.relations 2/17/2016 Brian Maves Rep. Marsha Blackburn e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/17/2016 Chara McMichael Rep. Randy Weber e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/17/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/17/2016 Mike Piatt Rep.. Marsha Blackburn e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/17/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/18/2016 AnneSokolov Rep. Tim Ryan e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/18/2016 Carrie Palmer Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/18/2016 David Mo ntes Rep..Ruben Gallego e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations Gregg Orton, Nicolas US-Azerbaijan relations 2/18/2016 Johnson Rep. Al Green e-mail 2/18/2016 Jane Hamilton Rep. Marc Veasey e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/18/2016 Rhonda Jackson Rep. Gene. Green e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/19/2016 Anne Sokolov Rep. Tim Ryan e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations Gregg Orton, Nicolas US-Azerbaijan relations 2/19/2016 Johnson Rep. Al Green e-mail 2/19/2016 Zack Mears Department of Defense e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Abiola Afolayan Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Amy Murphy Rep. Joe Barton e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Andrew Terp Rep. Adam Kinzinger e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Annerose Menachery Rep. Luis Gutierrez e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Carson Middleton Rep. Joe Pitts e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Collin.Davenport. Rep. Gerry Connolly e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Doug Thomas Rep. Randy Hultgren e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Jacob Schanzenbach Rep. Frank LoBiondo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations James Burchfield, Chris US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Hess Rep. Steve Chabot e-mail 2/22/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 John Busovsky Rep. Glenn Thompson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe ermail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Martha Van Lieshout Rep. Mark Meadows e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Matt Blackwell Rep. Joe Wilson mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Matthew Russell Rep. Michael Conaway mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Meghan Stringer Rep. Virginia Foxx •mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Melissa Buchanan Rep. Ed Whitfield e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/20.16 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 2/22/2016 Mena Hanna Rep. Daye Trott e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Michael Essington Rep. Adam Kinzlnger e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Michael Taggart Rep. Leonard Lance e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Molly Newell Rep. Luke Messer e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Morley Greene Rep. Mike Turner e-rhail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Philip Bednarczyk Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail US-Azerbaijan.relations 2/22/2016 Roberto Sada Rep. Ruben Hinojosa e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2Q16 Ryan.Ethingtpn Rep. Pete Sessions e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Ryan Woodward Rep. Peter King e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/22/2016 Tyler Nelson Rep. Pete Olson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Anne Sokolov Rep. Tjm Ryan e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Artur Suchorzewski Rep. Randy Weber e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Brian Maves Rep. Marsha Blackburn e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Carrie Palmer Rep. Eddie Bernicejohnspn. e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Casey Kustin House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Chara McMichael Rep. Randy Weber e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 David Montes Rep. Ruben Gallego e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations Gregg orton, Nicolas US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2Q16 johnspn Rep. Al Green e-mail James Burchfield, Chris US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Hess Rep. Steve Chabot e-mail 2/23/2016 Jane Hamilton Rep. Marc Veasey e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Mike Piatt Rep. Marsha Blackburn e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Rhonda Jackson Rep. Gene Green e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 William Connor Rep,,Steve.Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/23/2016 Zach Martin Rep. Collin Peterson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations US-Azerbaijan relations 2/24/2016 Rudy DeLeon, Brian Katulis Center for American Progress meeting 2/24/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/24/2016 Zach Martin Rep. Collin Peterson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/26/2016 Ashley Baker Rep. Marc Veasey e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 2/26/2016 James Burchfield Rep. Steve Chabot e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations Gregg Orton, Nicolas US-Azerbaijan relations 3/1/2016 Johnson Rep. Al Green e-mail 3/2/2016 Alina Romanowski U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/2/2016 Brian Nilsson U.S. Department of State e-niail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/2/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/2/2016 Jujia Frifield U.S. Department of State phone US-Azerbaijan relations 3/2/2016 Morley Greene Rep. Mike Turner phone US-Azerbaijan relations 3/2/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/3/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/3/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 3/4/2016 previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 3/8/2016 Daniel Silverberg House Minority Whip meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 3/8/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/8/2016 Jacob Schanzenbach Rep. Frank LoBiondo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/8/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/8/2016 Megan Medley Rep. Robert Aderholt e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/9/2016 Alina Romanowski U.S. Department of State meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 3/9/2016 Jacob Schanzenbach Rep. Frank LoBiondo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/9/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-majl US-Azerbaijan relations 3/9/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/10/2016 Alice Hpgans House Appropriations Committee meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 3/10/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/10/20161 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/14/2016 Brian Nilsson U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 3/14/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail US-Azerbai|an relations 3/14/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-rhail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/15/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/15/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Abiola Afolayan Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee e-mail USrAzerbaijan relations .3/16/2016 Annerose Menachery Rep. Luis Gutierrez e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Carson Middleton Rep. Joe Pitts e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Collin Davenport Rep. Gerry Connolly e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations Gregg Orton, Nicolas US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Johnson Rep. Al Green e-mail 3/16/2016 John Busovsky Rep. Glenn Thompson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe enroll. US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Martha Van Lieshout Rep. Mark Meadows e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Matt Blackwell Rep. Joe Wilson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Meghan Stringer Rep. Virginia. Foxx e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Mena Hanna Rep. Dave Trott e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Philip Bednarczyk Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail USrAzerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Roberto Sada Rep. Ruben Hinojosa e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 Ryan Ethington Rep. Pete Sessions e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/16/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/17/2016 Chris Homan Sen. Dick Durbin e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/17/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/17/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan meeting. US-Azerbaijan relations 3/17/2016 Kyle Parker House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/17/2016 Tony Blinken U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 3/17/2016 previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 3/17/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/18/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/18/2016 Tony Blinken U.S. Department of State . e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/18/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations. 3/21/2016 Miguel Franco Rep. Tony Cardenas e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/22/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep, Bill Shuster e-mall US-Azerbaijan relations 3/22/2016 Katherine Pereira Rep. Tony Cardenas e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/23/2016 David Ignatius Washington Post e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

3/23/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/24/2016 Katherine Pereira Rep. Tony Cardenas e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/24/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee -mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/25/2016 Charles Kupchan National Security Ccoincjl phone US-Azerbaijan relations 3/25/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen phone US-Azerbaijan relations 3/28/2016 Chris Homan Sen. Dick Durbin -mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/28/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/28/2016 Kyle Parker House Foreign Affairs Committee mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/28/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/31/2016 Alice Hogans House Appropriations Committee mail US-Azerbaijan relations 3/31/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster -mail US-Azerbaijah relations 4/3/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster mall US-Azerbaijan relations 4/3/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/4/2016 Aida Sultanova Associated Press mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Andrew Roth Washington Post -mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Arshad Mohammed Reuters mail Azerbaijan public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 4/4/2016 Brad Klassociated Pressper, Associated Press e-mail Azerbaijan public relations Mat Lee 4/4/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/4/2016 Desmond Butler Associated Press e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/4/2016 Jay Solomon Wall Street Journal e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/4/2016 Matt Kaminski Politico e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Michael Crowley Politico e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Nahal Toosi Politico e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Nailia Bagirova Reuters e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Nathan Hodge Wall Street Journal e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Neil Mcafarquhar, Andrew New York Times e-mail Azerbaijan public relations Kramer 4/4/2016 Nicolas Revise/Dave Clark AFP e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Simon Tisdall Guardian e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/4/2016 Tony Cassociated Bloomberg e-mail Azerbaijan public relations Pressaccio 4/4/2016 William Connor Rep-Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/5/2016 Aaron Thieje Rep. Ryan Zinke e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/5/2016 Andrew Roth Washington Post e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/5/2016 Dave Clark AFP e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/5/2016 Desmond Butler Associated Press e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/5/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/5/2016 Jason Schanzenbach Rep, Frank LoBiondo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/5/2016 Joe Kasper Rep. Duncan Hunter e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/5/2016] Laverne Alexander Rep. Donald Payne e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/5/2016 Maria Danllova Associated Press e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/5/2016 Michele Kelemen NPR e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/5/2016 Nathan Hodge, Thomas Wall Street Journal mail Azerbaijan public relations Grove 4/5/2016 Peter Davidson Rep. Duncan Hunter i-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/5/2016 Ryahan Demytrie BBC mail Azerbaijan public relations

various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 4/5/2016 previously f iled) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 4/5/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen. mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/6/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/6/2016 Joe, Kasper Rep. Duncan Hunter e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/6/2016 Maria Danilova Associated Press meeting Azerbaijan public relations

4/6/2016 Nathan Hodge Wall Street Journal -mail Azerbaijan public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 4/6/2016 Thomas Grove Wall Street Journal e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/6/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/7/2016 Edward Burner House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 4/7/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations. 4/7/2016 Laverne Alexander Rep. Donald Payne e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations. Michael Eisenstatt, William US-Azerbaijan relations 4/7/2016 Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail 4/7/2016 Thomas Grove Wall Street Journal e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/8/2016 Anna Mulrine Christian Science Monitor e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/8/2016 Edward Burrier House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/8/2016 Gus Taylor Daily Caller e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/8/2016 Hannah Allam McClatchy e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/8/2016 Josh Siegel Daily Signal e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/8/2016 Laverne Alexander Rep. Donald Payne e-rhail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/8/2016 Russ Read Daily Caller e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/8/2016 Sheryl Gao CCTV America e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/11/2016 Aaron Thiele Rep. Ryan Zinke e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/11/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 4/11/2016 Jessica Calio Rep. Mike Turner e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/11/2016 Katie Sendak House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/11/2016 Luke Murry House Foreign Affairs Committee. phone US-Azerbaijan relations 4/ll/20i6 Lynne Jordal Martin Fox News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/11/2016 Patrick Cassidy Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/12/2016 Eli Lake Bloomberg e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/12/2016 Katie Sendak House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/12/2016 Tony Cassociated Bloomberg e-mail Azerbaijan public relations Pressaccio 4/13/2016 Edward Burrier House Foreign Affairs Committee phone US-Azerbaijan relations 4/13/2016 Jordan Bloom Daily Caller e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/13/2016 Katie Sendak House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/13/2016 Luke Murry House Foreign Affairs Committee phone US-Azerbaijan relations 4/13/2016 Marilyn Dillihay Rep. Steve Cohen meeting, e-m US-Azerbaijan relations 4/13/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/13/2016 Rep. Steve Cohen Rep. Steve Cohen meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 4/14/2016 Edward Burrier HOuse Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/14/2016 Katie Sendak House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations US-Azerbaijan relations Rep. Steve Cohen, William 4/14/2016 Connor, Marilyn Dillihay Rep. Steve Cohen meeting 4/15/2016 Alice Hogans Senate Appropriations Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/15/2016 AntrellTyson Rep. Frederica Wilson i-mall US-Azerbaijan relations House Committee on Oversight and US-Azerbaijan relations 4/15/2016 Cordell Hull Government Reform -mail 4/15/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster mail US-Azerbaijan relations House Committee on Oversight and US-Azerbaijan relations 4/15/2016 Pimple Shah Government Refprm e-mail

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted , Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 4/15/2016 Jason Schanzenbach Rep. Frank LoBiondo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/15/2016 Jessica Calio Rep. Mike Turner e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/15/2016 Megan Medley Rep. Robert Aderholt e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/15/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting, e- US-Azerbaijan relations mail 4/15/2016 Peter Davidson Rep. Duncan Hunter e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/15/2016, William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/18/2016 Edward Burrier House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/18/2016 Kyle Parker House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/18/2016 Martha Van Lieshout Rep. Mark Meadows e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/18/2016 Mena Hanna Rep. Dave Trott e-mail USrAzerbaljan relations 4/18/2016 Paul Grove Senate Appropriations Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/18/2016 Scptt.Shiller Rep. Lee Zeldin e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Aaron Thiele Rep. Ryan Zjnke. e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Alice Hogans House Appropriations Committee phone. US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Chris Homan Sen, Dick Durbin e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations. US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Elizabeth Lawrence Sen. Dick Durbin phone, e-mail 4/19/2016 Jessica Elledge Sen. Chris Murphy e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Kyle Parker House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations. 4/19/2016 Martha Van Lieshout Rep. Mark Meadows e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Matthew Herrmann Rep. Madeleine Bordallo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Mena Hanna Rep. Dave Trott e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs.Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 Scott Shiller Rep. Lee Zeldin e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/19/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Aaron Thiele Rep. Ryan Zinke e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Amelia Newcomb Christian Science Monitor e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/20/2016 Andrew Moore Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Brady Howell House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Brittany Martinez Rep. Carlos Curbelo e-mail US-Azerbaijan.relations 4/20/2016 Collin Davenport. Rep. Gerry Connolly e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Ellen Clegg, Mark Pothier Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/20/2016 Jessica Moore Rep..Tom Rooney e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Kyle Parker House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Lizzy Tomei GlobalPost e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/20/2016 Marin Stein Rep. Nita Lowey e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Matthew Herrmann Rep. Madeleine Bordallo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Miguel Mendoza Rep. Jose Diaz-Balart e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Patrick Schilling Rep. Scott Perry e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Rachelle Cohen Boston Herald e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/20/2016 Steve Ma rchese House Appropriations Committee meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 Tim Rieser Senate Appropriations Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 4/20/2016 (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 4/20/2016 Zach Silberman Rep. Adam Kjnzinger mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Andrew Moore Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Ashish Sen Atlantic Council -mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/21/2016 Brady Howell House ForeignAffairs Committee -mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Brittany Martinez Rep. Carlos Curbelo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 4/21/2016 Collin Davenport Rep. Gerry Connolly e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Darin Thacker Sen. Steve Daines e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Jessica Moore Rep. Tom Rooney e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Marin Stein Rep. Nita Lowey e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Mary Yntema WorldBoston e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/21/2016 Matthew Herrmann Rep, Madejeine Bordallo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Miguel Mendoza Rep. Jose Diaz-Balart e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee eemail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/21/2016 Zach Silberman Rep. Adam Kinzinger e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Aaron Thiele Rep. Ryan Zinke e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Andrew Moore Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner e-mail USrAzerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Brady Howell House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Brittany Martinez Rep. Carlos Curbelo e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Collin Davenport Rep. Gerry Connolly e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Dan Sadlosky Rep. Steve Scalise e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Jessica Moore Rep. Tom Rooney e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Kelley Hudak Rep. Steve Scalise e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Marin Stein Rep. Nita Lowey e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Miguel Mendoza Rep. Jose Diaz-Balart e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Paul Behrends House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Tom Feyer New York Times e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/22/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 4/22/2016 Zach Silberman Rep. Adam kinzinger e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/25/2016 Aaron Thiele Rep. Ryan Zinke e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations US-Azerbaijan relations 4/25/2016 Damiari Murphy Senate Foreign Rejatjpns Committee e-mail 4/25/2016 Dennis Wirtz, Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/25/2016 Ellen Clegg, Mark Pothier Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/25/2016 Hera Abasi U.S..Departmentof State phone US-Azerbaijan relations 4/25/2016 JJ Green WTOP e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/25/2016 Lizzy Tomei GlobalPost e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/25/2016 Mary Yntema World Boston e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/25/2016 Michael Pizziferri World Boston e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/25/2016 Savannah Jolly Rep. Steven Russell e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/25/2016 Tom Feyer New York Times e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/25/2016 Tom Hill House Foreign Affairs Committee phone US-Azerbaijan relations 4/25/2016 Trudy Rubin Philadelphia Enquirer e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/25/2016 Victoria Kelberer Boston University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/25/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Aze rbaija n relatio ns 4/26/2016 Ben Purser Senate Foreign Relations Committee mail US-Azerbaijan relations

4/26/2016 Hera Abasi U.S. Department of State jhone US-Azerbaijan relations 4/26/2016 JJ Green WTOP mail Azerbaijan public relations

various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 4/26/2016 yeviously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 4/27/2016 Aaron Thiele Rep. Ryan Zinke e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations. 4/27/2016 Bob Simmons House Armed Services Committee e-mail USrAzerbaijan relations 4/27/2016 Claude Chafin House Armed Services Committee phone US-Azerbaijan relations 4/27/20i6 JJ Green WTOP meeting Azerbaijan public relations

4/27/2016 Mary Yntema World Boston e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/27/2016 Michael Pizziferri World Boston e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 4/27/2016 (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 4/27/2016 Victoria Kelberer Boston University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/27/2016 Victoria Lorraine Puyat Boston University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/28/2016 Aaron Thiele Rep- Ryan Zinke e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/28/2016 Ellen Clegg, Mark Pothier Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/28/2016 William Connor Rep.Steye Cphen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/29/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 4/29/2016 Ellen Clegg, Mark Pothier Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

4/29/2016 George Tagg U.S. Department of State phone US-Azerbaijah relations 5/2/2016 Ellen Clegg, Mark Pothier Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/2/2016 Mary Yntema World Boston e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 AlexVatanka Middle East Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Andrew Holland American Security Project e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Andrew Moffat Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Angela Stent Georgetown University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Ariel Cohen Institute for the Analysis of Global Security e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Caitlin Talmadge George Washington University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Charles Ebinger Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Cory Welt George Washington University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 David Goldwyn Atlantic Council •mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 David Koranyi Atlantic Council mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Emily Arrowood US News mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Enders Wirribush Jamestown Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Fiona Hill Brookings Institution mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Frank Verrastro Center for Strategic International Studies mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Fred Starr Johns Hopkins SAIS -mail Azerbaijan public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Ccnt.ict 5/3/2016 Glen Howard Jamestown Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Han Berman American Foreign Policy Council e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Janusz Bugajskl Center for European Policy Analysis e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Jeff Mankoff Center for Strategic International Studies e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Kemal Kirisci Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Kim Holmes Heritage Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Luke Coffey Heritage Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Margarita Assenova Jamestown Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Mark Levin National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Matthew Bryza Atlantic Council e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Michael Rubin American Enterprise Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Mieke Eoyang Third Way e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Natalie Zajicova Institute for the Analysis of Global Security e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Pat Garofalo US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Rachel Brady US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Richard Fontaine Center for a New American Security e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Richard Weitz Hudson Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Robert Schlesinger US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Sarah Ladislaw Center for Strategic International Studies e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Stephen Blank American Foreign Policy Council e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Steven Bucci Heritage Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Susan Allen George Mason University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Svante Cornelle Johns Hopkins SAIS e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Terriuri Yakobashvili New International Leadership Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Trevor Houser Peterson Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Victoria Kelberer Boston University Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 Vladimir Socor Jamestown Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/3/2016 William Connor Ftep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 5/4/2016 Emily Meredith Energy Intelligence e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/4/2016 Martha Van Lieshout Rep. Mark Meadows e-mail US-Azerbaijan, relations 5/4/2016 Mena Hanna Rep. Dave Trott e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/4/2016 Scott Schiller Rep. Lee Zeldin e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 5/4/2016 (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 5/5/2016 Ellen Clegg, Mark Pothier Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/5/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan phone US-Azerbaijan relations 5/5/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/6/2016 Emily Arrowood US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/6/2016 Luke Coffey Heritage Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/6/2016 Rachel Brody US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/6/2016 Robert Schlesinger US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/6/2016 Savannah Jolly Rep. Steve Russell e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/8/2016 Richard Weitz Hudson Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Amelia Newcomb Christian Science Monitor e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Angela Stent Georgetown University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Caitlin Talmadge George Washington University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Cory Welt George Washington University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Elizabeth Thurston Rep. Mark Meadows e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/9/2016 Fred Starr Johns Hopkins SAIS e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Han Berman American Foreign Policy Council e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 James Stavridis Tufts University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Jessica Calio Rep. Mike Turner e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/9/2016 Kim Holmes Heritage Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Lizzy Tomei GlobalPost e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Mary Yntema WorldBoston phone Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Matthew Bryza Atlantic Council e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Rachelle Cohen Boston Herald e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Steven Bucci Heritage Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Svante Cornell Johns Hopkins SAIS •mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 Trevor Houser Peterson Institute mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/9/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/10/2016 Collin Davenport Rep. Gerry Connolly mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/10/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 5/10/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/10/2016 Kim Holmes Heritage Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/10/2016 Mary Yntema WorldBoston e-mail, phone Azerbaijan public relations

5/10/2016 Pat Garofalo US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/10/2016 Robert Schlesinger US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/10/2016 Safena Zitb Pittsburgh tribune e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/11/2016 Collin Davenport Rep. Gerry Connolly e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/11/2016 Mena Hanna Rep. Pave Trott e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/11/2016 various recipients various recipients (previously filed) e-mail Azerbaijan public relations (previously filed) 5/12/2016 A8 Stoddard The Hill e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/12/2016 Gillian Rich Investors e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/12/2016 Jessica Calio Rep. Mike Turner e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/12/2016 JJ Green WTOP e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/12/20i6 Paul Grove Senate Appropriations Committee phone US-Azerbaijan relations 5/12/2016 Paul Singer USA Today e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/12/2016 Rep. Steve Russell Rep. Steve Russell meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 5/13/2016 Alex Vatanka Middle East Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/13/2016 Ariel Cohen nstitute for the Analysis of Global Security Meeting, e- Azerbaijan public relations mail 5/13/2016 Enders Wimbush Jamestown Foundation Meeting, e- Azerbaijan public relations mail 5/13/2016 Glen Howard Jamestown Foundation Meeting, e- Azerbaijan public relations mafl 5/13/2016 Jeff Mankoff Center for Strategic International Studies Meeting, e- Azerbaijan public relations mail 5/13/2016 Jessica Calio Rep. Mike Turner phone. US-Azerbaijan relations 5/13/2016 JJ Green WTOP e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/13/2016 Margarita Assenova Jamestown Foundation Meeting, e- Azerbaijan public relations mail 5/13/2016 Melissa Yaeger Sunlight Foundation meeting Azerbaijan public relations

5/13/2016 Michael Rubin American Enterprise Institute Meeting, e- Azerbaijan public relations mail 5/13/2016 Pat Garofalo US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/13/2016 Robert Schlesinger US News e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/13/2016 Stephen Blank American Foreign Policy Council Meeting, e- Azerbaijan public relations mall 5/13/2016 Susan Allen George Mason University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/13/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/14/2016 Tom Feyer New York Times mail Azerbaijan public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 5/11/2016 Yana Fremer Journalist e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/15/2016 Svente Cornell Johns Hopkins SAIS e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/16/2016 Alison McLaughlin Washington Life e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/16/2016 Angela Stent Georgetown University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/16/2016 Ben Rodenbaugh Foreign Policy e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/16/2016 Charles Kupchan National Security Council e-mail US-Azerbai|an relations 5/16/2016 Due Luu Foreign Policy e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/16/2016 Emily Meredith Energy Intelligence meeting and Azerbaijan public relations e-mail 5/16/2016 Mark Levin National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/16/2016 Mena Hanna Rep. Dave Trott e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/16/2016 Nancy Reynolds Bagley Washington Life e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/16/2016 Pamela Sorenson Pamela's Punch e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/16/2016 Suzy Jacobs Capitol File e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/17/2016 Aaron Thiele Rep. Ryan Zinke e-mail US-Aze rbaija n relatio ns 5/17/2016 Amelia Neweomb Christian Science Monitor e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/17/2016 Arthur Bright Christian Science Monitor e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/17/2016 Charles Kupchan National Security Council e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/17/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/17/2016 Jj Green WTOP meeting and Azerbaijan public relations e-mail 5/17/2016 Ken Aplank Christian Science Monitor e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/17/2016 Naz Durakoglu U.S. Department of State phone US-Azerbaijan relations 5/17/2016 Sen. James Lankford Sen. James Lankford rheetihg US-Azerbaijan relations 5/17/2016 Simon Montlake Christian Science Monitor e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/18/2016 Ariel Cohen Institute for the Analysis of Global Security meeting Azerbaijan public relations

5/18/2016 Charles Kupchan National Security Council e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/18/2016 Ellen Clegg Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/18/2016 Ellen Clegg, Mark Pothier Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/18/2016 Emily Meredith Energy Intelligence e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/18/2016 John Yemma Christian Science Monitor e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/18/2016 Rachelle Cohen Boston Herald e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/18/2016 Tom Feyer New York Times e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 5/18/2016 previously filed) various recipients (previousjy filed) e-mail 5/18/2016 Victoria Taylor National Security Council e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 5/18/2016 Yana Fremer Journalist e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/19/2016 Damon Nelson House Intelligence Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/19/2016 Ellen Clegg Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/19/2016 John Heffern U.S. Department of State meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 5/19/2016 Mary Drohan New York Times e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Andrew Holland American Security Project e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Arthur Bright Christian Science Monitor e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Charles Kupchan National Security Council e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/20/2016 Ellen Clegg, Mark Pothier Boston Globe e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Emily Meredith Energy Intelligence e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Lizzy Tomei GlobalPost e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Mary Yntema WorldBoston e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Naz Durakoglu U.S. Department of State phone US-Azerbaijan relations 5/20/2016 Rachelle Cohen Boston Herald e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Tom Feyer New York Times e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Victoria Lorraine Puyat Boston University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/20/2016 Victoria Taylor National Security Council e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/23/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/23/2016 Emily Meredith Energy Intelligence e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/23/2016 James Stavridis Tufts University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/23/2016 Mary Yntema WorldBoston e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/23/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/24/2016 Alan Wirzbicki Boston Globe meeting Azerbaijan public relations

5/24/2016 Dominic Gabello Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/24/2016 Ellen Clegg Boston Globe meeting Azerbaijan public relations

5/24/2016 Emily Meredith Energy Intelligence e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/24/2016 Jessica Calio Rep. Mike Turner e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/24/2016 Mark Pothier Boston Globe meeting Azerbaijan public relations

5/24/2016 Naz Durakoglu U.S..D.epartment of State phone US-Azerbaijan relations 5/24/2016 Sergio Espinoza Rep. Gene Green mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/24/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen -mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Adil Najam Boston University meeting Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Alex Vatanka Middle East Institute i-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Alexandra Vacroux Harvard University meeting Azerbaijan public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 5/25/2016 Andrew Holland American Security Project e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Angela Stent Georgetown University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Anne Marie Chotvacs House Appropriations Committee. meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Ariel Cohen Institute for the Analysis of Global Security e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Caitlin Talmadge George Washington University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Charles Ebjnger Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016, Chris Homan Sen. Dick Durbin e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Colin Kahl Executive Office ofthe Vice President e-mail 5/25/2016 Cory Welt George Washington University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail 5/25/2016 Daniel Silverberg House.Minprity Whip e-mail US-Azerbaijan.relations 5/25/2016 David Koranyi Atlantic Council e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Oennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Enders Wimbush Jamestown Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Fiona Hill Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Frank Verrastro Center for Strategic International Studies e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Glen Howard Jamestown Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Han Berman American Foreign Policy Council e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Jarred Guthrie Shell meeting Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Jeff Mankoff Center for Strategic International Studies e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Kyle Parker House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Luke Coffeey Heritage Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Margarita Assenova Jamestown Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Mark Milosch Helsinki Commission phone US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Mary Yntema WorldBoston meeting Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Mieke Eoyang Third Way e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Naz Durakoglu U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Racbelle Cohen Boston Herald meeting Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Richard Weitz Hudson Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Riley Brands Rep. Henry Cuellar meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Sarah Ladislaw Center for Strategic International Studies •mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Stephen Blank American Foreign Policy Council mail Azerbaijan public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 5/25/2016 Susan Allen George Mason University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Svante Cornell Johns Hopkins SAIS e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 Tim Rieser Senate Appropriations Committee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/25/2016 Vladimir Socor Jamestown Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/25/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/26/2016 Jarred Guthrie Shell e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/26/2016 Mary Yntema WorldBoston e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

5/27/2016 Rhonda Jackson Rep- Gene Green e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 5/31/2016 Wiljiam Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/1/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/2/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/2/2016 Emily Meredith Energy Intelligence meeting Azerbaijan public relations

6/2/2016 Mark Levin National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry e-mail, phone Azerbaijan public relations

US-Azerbaijan relations 6/3/2016 Mark Levin National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry e-mail 6/6/2016 Andrew Holland American Security Project e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/6/2016 Andrew Moffat Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/6/2016 Fiona Hill Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/6/2016 Fred Stan- Johns Hopkins SAIS e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/6/2016 Luke Coffey Heritage Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/6/2016 Mark Levin National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Alex Vatanka Middle East Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Aliyah Dash Rep. Lois Frankel e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/7/2016 Angela Stent Georgetown University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Caitlin Talmadge George Washington University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Charles Ebinger Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Cory Welt George Washington University e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Frank Verrastro Center for Strategic International Studies e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Han Berman American Foreign Policy Council :-ma!l Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Rep. Mark Meadows Rep. Mark Meadows meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 6/7/2016 Richard Weitz Hudson Institute •mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Susan Allen - George Mason University mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/7/2016 Svante Cornell Johns Hopkins SAIS mail Azerbaijan public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 6/8/2016 Andrew Holland American Security Project e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/8/2016 Andrew Moffat Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/8/2016 Fiona Hill Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/8/2016 Fred Starr Johns Hopkins SAIS e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/8/2016 Mark Levin National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/8/2016 Melissa Yeager Sunlight Foundation e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/9/2016 Kemal Kirisci Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/9/2016 Rep, Lee Zeldin Rep. Lee Zeldin meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 6/9/2016 Scott Shiller Rep, Lee Zeldin meeting US-Azerbaijan relations 6/10/2016 Melissa Yeager Sunlight Foundation meeting Azerbaijan public relations

6/13/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations House Transportation & infrastructure US-Azerbaijan relations 6/13/2016 Mike Legg Committee ihohe various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 6/13/2016 (previously filed) various recipients; (previously filed) e-mail 6/14/2016 Abiola Afolayan Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Annerose Menachery Rep. Luis Gutierrez e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Carson Middle ton Rep. Joe Pitts e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Collin Davenport Rep.Gerry Connolly e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Dennis Wirtz Rep. Bill Shuster e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 John Buspysky Rep. Glenn Thompson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Mark Levin National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry e-mail, In Azerbaijan public relations Person 6/14/2016 Martha Van Lieshout Rep. Mark Meadows e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016, Matt Blackwell Rep. Joe. Wilson e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Meghan Stringer Rep. Virginia Foxx e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Mena Hanna Rep. Dave Trott e-mail. US-Azerbaijan relations House Transportation & Infrastructure US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Mike Legg Committee ahone 6/14/2016 Philip Bednarczyk Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Robert Marcus Executive Office ofthe President e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Roberto Sada Rep. Ruben Hinojosa e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 Ryan Ethington Rep. Pete Sessions e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/14/2016 William Connor Rep. Steve Cohen e-mail US-Azerbaijan relations 6/16/2016 Bulent Aras Woodrow Wilson International Center for e-mail Azerbaijan public relations Scholars 6/16/2016 David Koranyi Atlantic Council e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/16/2016 Johnnie Kaberle Rep. Kay Granger phone US-Azerbaijan relations 6/16/2016 Richard Weitz Hudson Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/16/2016 Sarah Ladislaw Center for Strategic International Studies e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/16/2016 Temurf Yakobashvili New International Leadership Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/21/2016 Temuri Yakobashvili New International Leadership Institute e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Date; Person Contacted Office Means of Subjects Discussed Contact 6/24/2016 Alex Vatanka Middle East Institute meeting Azerbaijan public relations

6/24/2016 Andrew Holland American Security Project meeting Azerbaijan public relations

6/24/2016 Andrew Moffat Brookings Institution meeting Azerbaijan public relations

6/24/2016 Luke Coffey Heritage Foundation meeting Azerbaijan public relations

6/24/2016 Temuri Yakobashvili New International Leadership Institute meeting Azerbaijan public relations

6/24/2016 Vassilis Coiitifaris Brookings Institution e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

6/28/2016 JJ Green WTOP e-mail Azerbaijan public relations

various recipients US-Azerbaijan relations 6/30/2016 (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Hong Kong Trade Development Council

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed 1/11/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign e-mail US-Hong Kong relations 1/12/2016 Shelley Su House Foreign Affairs Committee phone US-Hong Kong relations 2/29/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting US-Hong Kong relations 3/24/2016 Jeff Dressier Rep. Kevin McCarthy e-mail US-Hong Kong relations 3/25/2016! Jeff Dressier Rep. Kevin McCarthy e-mail US-Hong Kong relations 4/8/2016 Daniel Krltenbrlnk National Security Council e-mail US-Hong Kong relations 4/25/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mall US-Hong Kong relations 4/29/2016 Rorl Kramer U.S. Pepartment of State phone US-Hong Kong relations 5/10/2016, Lael Brainard Federal Reserve Board e-mail U5-Hong Kong relations S/12/2016 Paul Grove Senate Appropriations Committee e-mail US-Hong Kong relations. 5/19/2016 Daniel Krltenbrlnk NatlonaTSecurlty Council e-mail US-Hong Kong relations. 5/24/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-Hong Kong relations. S/2S/2016 Doug Campbell House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Hong Kong relations 5/26/2016 ThomasHill House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Hong Kong relations.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of India

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed

1/4/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations 1/4/2016 Sajlt Gandhi House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-lndia.relatlons 1/5/2016 Anthony Ching Rep, Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 Ben Kane Rep, Alan Lowenthal e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 Ben Thomas Rep. Joaquin Castro e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 Brandon Webb Rep. Robin Kelly e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 Casey Kustln Rep. Ted Deutch e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 Collin Davenport Rep.Gerry Connolly e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 David Bagby and Justin Oswald Rep.,Grace Meng e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 David Grossman Rep. Brian Higgins e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 David McFarland Sen. Bob Menendez e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 Jessica Elledge Sen. Chris Murphy e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 Kerry O'Brien Rep. Bill Keating e-mail US-India relations 1/5/2016 Kinsey Kiriakos Rep. Brad Sherman e-mail US-India relations 1/6/2016 Emily Latimer and Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-India relations 1/6/2016 Wayne Binkley Sen. Ron Wyden e-mail US-India relations 1/7/2016 Adam Sharon Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations 1/7/2016 Brian Greer Sen. Chuck Schumer e-mafl US-India relations US-India relations 1/7/2016 Chris Homan and Elizabeth Lawrence Sen. Dick Durbin e-mail 1/7/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. e-mail US-India relations 1/7/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner e-mail US-India relations 1/7/2016 Tim DelMonico Sen. Bob Menendez e-mail US-India relations 1/7/2016 Wyndee Parker and Drew Hammill Rep. e-mail US-India relations 1/11/2016 Milan Dalai and Andrea Friedhoff Sen. Mark Warner e-mail US-India relations India public relations 1/13/2016 Bernie Kohn Bloomberg e-mail India public relations 1/13/2016 David Brunnstrom Reuters e-mail India public relations 1/13/2016 Gardiner Harris New York Times e-mail India public relations 1/13/2016 Isaac Stone Fish Foreign Policy e-mail India public relations 1/13/2016 Ishaan Tharoor Washington Post e-mail India public relations 1/13/2016 Lesley Wroughton Reuters e-mail India public relations 1/13/2016 Matthew Pennington Associated Press e-mail India public relations 1/13/2016 Shawn Donnan Financial Times e-mail India public relations 1/13/2016 Will Mauidin Wall Street Journal e-mail India public relations 1/14/2016 Alyssa Sims New America Foundation e-mail India public relations 1/14/2016 Bernie Kohn Bloomberg e-mail India public relations 1/14/2016 David Brunnstrom Reuters e-mail India public relations 1/14/2016 David Sterman New America Foundation mail India public relations 1/14/2016 Shawn Donnan Financial Times ermail India public relations 1/14/2016 Will Mauldin Wall Street Journal mail India public relations 1/15/2016 Alyssa Sims New America Foundation i-mail 1/27/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner i-mall US-India relations 2/2/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner -mall US-India relations India public relations 2/2/2016 Prajapati Trivedi Harvard University mail 2/5/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera mall US-India relations 2/5/2016 Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-India relations 2/5/2016 Jeremy Woodrum Rep. Joe Crowley e-mail US-India relations 2/5/2016 Kinsey Kiriakos Rep. Brad Sherman e-mail US-India relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of India

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Di cussed

2/5/2016, Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner e-mail US-India relations 2/8/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations 2/8/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner e-mail US-India relations 2/9/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations 2/9/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner e-mail US-India relations 2/11/2016 Aaron Allen Rep. Juan Vargas e-mail US-India relations 2/11/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations 2/11/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations. 2/11/2016 GoharSedlghi Sen. Al Franken e-mail US-India relations. 2/11/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar e-mail US-India relations 2/11/2016 Megan Funkhouser Rep. Jim Costa e-mail US-India relations. 2/16/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations 2/16/2016 Sajit Gandhi House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-India relations US-India relations 2/17/2016 Akshai Datta Rep, Ami Bera meeting, e-mail 2/18/2016 Aaron Allen Rep. Juan Vargas e-mail US-India relations 2/18/2016 All Nouri Sen. Al Franken e-mail US-India relations US-India relations 2/18/2016 Christopher Hoven, Christina Chesher Rep. Adam Schiff e-mail 2/18/2016 Daniel Hervig Rep. John Conyers e-mail US-India relations 2/18/2016 Gohar Sedighl Sen. Al Franken e-mail US-India relations 2/18/2016 Jenn Holcornb Rep. Betty McCollum e-mail US-India relations 2/18/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar e-mail US-India relations 2/18/2016 Rob Kelly and David McFarland Sen. Bob Menendez e-mail US-India relations 2/22/2016 Abby Schanfield Rep. Keith Ellison e-mail US-India relations 2/22/2016 Jodi Herman Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations 2/22/2016 Megan Funkhouser Rep. Jim Costa meeting US-India relations 2/23/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations 2/23/2016, Marin Stein Rep. Nita lowey e-mail US-India relations 2/23/2016 Sajit Gandhi House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-India relations 2/24/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations 2/24/2016 Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-India relations 2/24/2016| Carry Frame Rep. Brendan Boyle e-mail US-India relations 2/24/2016 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch e-mail US-India relations 2/24/2016 David Grossman Rep. Brian Higglns e-mail US-India relations 2/24/2016 Kevin McDonald and Tim Rieser Sen. Patrick Leahy e-mail US-India relations 2/24/2016 Kinsey Kiriakos Rep. Brad Sherman e-mail US-India relations India public relations 2/24/2016 Prajapati Trivedi Harvard University meeting 2/24/2016 Rachana Shah Rep. Grace Meng e-mail US-India relations 2/24/2016 Sara Sudetic Rep. Keith Ellison e-mail US-India relations 2/25/2016 Tim Rieser Sen. Patrick Leahy e-mail US-India relations 2/26/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations 2/26/2016 Sajit Gandhi House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-India relations 2/29/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee rmail US-India relations 2/29/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-India relations 2/29/2016 Sajit Gandhi House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-India relations 2/29/2016 Tim Rieser Sen. Patrick Leahy e-mail US-India relations India public relations 3/2/2016 erry Seib Wall Street Journal mail India public relations 3/3/2016 Chris Dolan Washington Times mail India public relations 3/3/2016 Stephen Smith Atlantic e-mail India public relations 3/7/2016 Christine Reid Washington Times e-mail India public relations 3/7/2016 Jerry Seib Wall Street Journal e-mail India public relations

3/7/2016 Michael Goldfarb, Matt Cont inetti Washington Free Beacon :rmail India public relations 3/8/2016 Leigh Munsil The Blaze -mail India public relations 3/8/2016 Matthew Boyle Breitbart News mail 3/9/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of India

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed

India public relations 3/9/2016 Hugo Gurdon Washington Examiner e-mail 3/10/2016 Akshai Datta Rep- Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations India public relations 3/10/2016 Hugo Gurdon Washington Examiner e-mail India public relations 3/10/2016 Leigh Munsil The Blaze e-mail India public relations 3/10/2016 Matthew Boyle Breitbart News e-mail Michael Goldfarb, Matt Continetti, India public relations 3/10/2016 Stephanie Edelman Washington Free Beacon e-mail 3/11/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations India public relations 3/11/2016 Matthew Boyle Breitbart News e-mail Michael Goldfarb, Matt Continetti, India public relations 3/11/2016 Stephanie Edelman Washington Free Beacon e-mail 3/11/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner e-mail US-India relations 3/14/2016 Ani Toumajan Rep. Frank Pallone e-mail US-India relations 3/14/2016 Arlet Abrahamian Rep. Zoe Lofgren e-mail US-India relations 3/14/2016 Benjamin Garcia Rep. Charlie Rangel e-mail US-India relations 3/14/2016 David Searby Rep. Charlie Rangel e-mail US-India relations 3/14/2016 Lale Morrison Rep. Alcee Hastings e-mail US-India relations 3/14/2016 Laura Thrift Rep. Earl Blumenauer e-mail US-India relations India public relations 3/14/2016 Leigh Munsil The Blaze e-mail US-India relations 3/14/2016 various recipients (previously filed). various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 3/16/2016, Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations India public relations 3/16/2016 Hugo Gurdon Washington Examiner e-mail 3/17/2016 Aaron Wasserman Rep. Derek Kilmer e-mail US-India relations 3/17/2016 Alex Byrd Rep. Brendan Boyle e-mail US-India relations 3/17/2016 Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-India relations 3/17/2016 Carly Frame Rep. Brendan Boyle e-mail US-India relations 3/17/2016 Jeremy Woodrum Rep. Joe Crowley e-mail US-India relations 3/17/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan meeting US-India relations 3/17/2016 Lauren Woiman Rep. Brad Sherman e-mail US-India relations 3/17/2016 Megan Funkhouser Rep. Jim Costa e-mail US-India relations 3/17/2016 Rachana Shah Rep. Grace Meng e-mail US-India relations 3/18/2016 Aaron Allen Rep. Juan Vargas e-mail US-India relations

3/18/2016 Ali Nouri Sen.:Alfranken e-mail US-India relations 3/18/2016 Christina Chesher Rep. Adam Schiff e-mail US-India relations 3/18/2016 Daniel Hervig Rep. John Conyers e-mail US-India relations India public relations 3/18/2016 Hugo Gurdon Washington Examiner e-mail 3/18/2016 Jenn Holcornb Rep. Betty McCollum e-mail US-India relations 3/18/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar e-mail US-India relations 3/18/2016 Megan Funkhouser Rep. Jim Costa e-mail US-India relations 3/22/2016 Kris Denzel Rep. George Holding eTmail US-lndla relations 3/24/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera mail US-India relations 3/24/2016 Ben Suarato Rep. Judy Chu mail US-India relations 3/24/2016 Lorissa Bounds Rep. Matt Salmon mall US-India relations 3/24/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner mall US-India relations 4/4/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera mail US-India relations 4/4/2016 Lorissa Bounds Rep. Matt Salmon mall US-India relations India public relations 4/7/2016 Hugo Gurdon Washington Examiner mail India public relations 4/7/2016 Jerry Seib Wall Street Journal mail India public relations 4/7/2016 Matthew Boyle Breitbart News mail 4/11/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera -mail US-India relations 4/11/2016 Megan Funkhouser Rep. Jim Costa e-mail US-India relations 4/12/2016 Megan Funkhouser Rep. Jim Costa e-mail US-India relations 4/13/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of India

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed

India public relations 4/14/2016 Hugo Gurdon Washington Examiner e-mail India public relations 4/14/2016 Jerry Seib Wall Street Journal e-mall 4/14/2016 Marin Stein Rep. Nita Lowey e-mail US-India relations India public relations 4/14/2016 Matthew Boyle Breitbart News e-mail India public relations 4/15/2016 Hugo Gurdon Washington Examiner e-mail 4/18/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations 4/18/2016 Daniel Silverberg Rep. Steny Hoyer e-mail US-India relations 4/18/2016 Jessica Lewis. Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-India relations 4/18/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner e-mail US-India relations 4/18/2016 Sajit Gandhi House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-India relations 4/18/2016 Sophia Lafargue Rep. Greg Meeks e-mail US-India relations 4/18/2016 Wyndee Parker Rep. Nancy Pelosi e-mail US-India relations 4/19/2016 lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy klobuchar e-mail US-India relations 4/19/2016 Marin Stein Rep. Nita lowey e-mail US-India relations 4/19/2016 Sajit Gandhi. House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-India relations 4/19/2016 Sara Sudetic Rep. Keith Ellison e-mail US-India relations 4/19/2016 Srdan Banjac Rep. John Larson e-mail US-India relations 4/19/2016 Steve Marchese Rep. Nita lowey e-mail US-India relations 4/20/2016, Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-India relations 4/20/2016 Jon Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail US-India relations 4/21/2016 Geraldine de Puy Rep. John Larson e-mall US-India relations 4/21/2016 Nadeam Elshami Rep. Nancy Pelosi e-mail US-India relations 4/25/2016 Jon Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail US-India relations 4/25/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner e-mail US-India relations 4/25/2016 Wyndee Parker Rep. Nancy Pelosi e-mail US-India relations 4/26/2016 Nadeam Elshami Rep. Nancy Pelosi Meeting US-India relations 4/26/2016 Rob Kelly Sen. Bob Menendez e-mail US-India relations 4/26/2016 Wyndee Parker Rep, Nancy Pelosi Meeting US-India relations 4/27/2016 Jon Burks Rep. Paul Ryan phone US-India relations 4/28/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations 4/28/2016 Wyndee Parker Rep, Nancy Pelosi ermail US-India relations 5/2/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid e-rhail US-India relations 5/6/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-rhail US-India relations 5/9/2016 Akshai Datta Rep, Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations 5/9/2016 Milan Dalai Sen. Mark Warner e-mall US-India relations 5/10/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-India relations 5/10/2016 Marilyn Arriaza Sen. Bob Menendez ermail US-India relations 5/10/2016 Micah Barbour Sen. Mark Warner e-mail US-India relations 5/10/2016 Rob Kelly Sen. Bob Menendez e-mail US-india relations 5/13/2016 Kate Schisler Rep. Don Beyer e-mail US-India relations 5/18/2016 Megan Funkhouser Rep. Jim Costa e-mall US-India relations US-India relations 5/19/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 5/25/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-India relations US-India relations 5/26/2016 Valli Sanmugalingam, Andrew Dinsmore Sen. Chris Coons e-mail 5/27/2016 Scott Graves House Agriculture Committee e-mail US-India relations 6/1/2016 Carson Middleton Rep. Joe Pitts meeting US-India relations 6/1/2016 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch e-mail US-India relations 6/1/2016 Jeremy Woodrum Rep. Joe Crowley -mail US-lndia.relations 6/1/2016 Kainpa Penaroza Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-India relations 6/1/2616 Kinsey Kiriakos Rep. Brad Sherman e-mail US-India relations 6/1/2016 Laura Hughes Rep. Jim McOermott e-mail US-India relations 6/1/2016 Lauren Wblman Rep. Brad Sherman e-mail US-India relations 6/1/2016 Megan Funkhouser Rep. Jim Costa e-mail US-India relations Alexis Covey Brandt, Daniel Silverberg, US-India relations 6/2/2Q16 Brian Romick Rep. Steny Hoyer e-mail 6/2/2016 Kimberly Stanton Tom lantos Human Rights Commission phone, e-mail US-India relations US-India relations 6/2/2016 Nadeam Elshami and Wyndee Parker Rep. Nancy Pelosi e-mail 6/3/2016 Megan Funkhouser Rep. Jim Costa e-mall US-India relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of India

Date Person Contacted' Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed

6/3/2016 Wyndee Parker Rep. Nancy Pelosi e-mail US-lndra relations. 6/6/2016 Damian Murphy Senate Foreign e-mail US-India relations 6/6/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid! e-mail US-India relations 6/6/2016 Wyndee Parker Rep. Nancy Pelosi e-mail US-India relations India public relations 6/8/2016 Emily Latimer Rep. Tulsi Gabbard meeting, e-mail US-India relations 6/8/2016 Valli Sanmugalingam. Andrew Dinsmore Sen. Chris Coons. e-mail India public relations 6/9/2016 Emily Latimer Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of Iraq

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed

1/6/2016 Jamie Fly Sen. Marco Rubio e-mail US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 1/7/2016 Anna Blckford CNN e-mail 1/7/2016 Jamie Fly Sen. Marco Rubio e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/7/2016 Jamie McCorrriick, Ed Rice House Foreign Affairs Committee phone US-Iraq relations 1/8/2016 Brett McGurk U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/8/2016 Stu Jones U.S, Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/10/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/10/2016 Frank Ricciardone, Nussaibah Younis Atlantic Council e-mail US-Iraq relations

1/11/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee e-mall US-Iraq relations 1/12/2016 Michael Tehrani House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/13/2016 Brett McGurk U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/13/2016 Edward Burrier House.Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/13/2016 Richard Fontaine Center for a New American Security phone US-Iraq relations 1/13/2016 Stu Jones U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/15/2016 Catherine Schweitzer U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/15/2016 Matt Amitrano U.S. Department of State ermail US-Iraq relations 1/15/2016 Nassibah Younis Atlantic Council e?mail US-Iraq relations 1/15/2016 Nussaibah Younis Atlantic Council meeting US-Iraq relations 1/15/2016 Tom Hawley U.S. Army meeting US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 1/19/2016 Damten Paletta Wall Street Journal e-mail 1/20/2016 Matt Amitrano U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/23/2016 Nussaibah Younis Atlantic Council e-mail US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 1/25/2016 Damien Paletta Wall Street Journal e-mail 1/26/2016 Michael Rubin American Enterprise Institute e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/28/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations US-Iraq relations 1/28/2016 Bob Simmons, Alex Gallo, Claude Chafin House Armed Services Committee meeting 1/28/2016 Jeff Dressier Rep. Kevin McCarthy e-mail US-Iraq relations 1/29/2016 Zach Silberman Rep. Adam Kinzinger meeting US-Iraq relations 1/31/2016 Michael Rubin American Enterprise Institute e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/1/2016 Edward Burrier. House Foreign Affairs Committee phone, e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/1/2016 Kate Barlow. Rep. Ed Royce e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/2/2016 Kate.Barlow Rep. Ed Royce e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/2/2016 Michael Rubin American Enterprise Institute e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/3/2016 Kate Barlow Rep. Ed Royce e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/4/2016 Kristen Markquadt House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/S/2016 Thomas Brady Sen. Tom Cotton meeting US-Iraq relations 2/9/2016 Brett McGurk U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/9/2016 Rep. Ed Royce, Tom Sheehy House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting US-Iraq relations 2/9/2016 Stu Jones U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/10/2016 Kristen Markquadt House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/10/2016 Luke Murry House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/10/2016 Rob Ganim Sen. Mark Kirk e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/10/2016 Robert Zarate Sen. Mark Kirk e-mail USrlraq relations 2/10/2016 Todd Womack Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting US-Iraq relations 2/10/2016 Tom Sheehy House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/11/2016 Brett McGurk U.S. Department of State mail US-Iraq relations 2/11/2016 Brian Greer Sen. Chuck Schumer meeting US-Iraq relations 2/11/2016 Stu Jones U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/12/2016 Brett McGurk U.S. Department of/State e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/12/2016 Stu Jones U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/17/2016 Caleb McCarry, David Klnzler Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/17/2016 Dana Stroul Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/18/2016 Charlie Chafin House Armed Services Committee meeting US-Iraq relations 2/18/2016 Dana Stroul Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/18/2016 David Kinzler Senate Foreign Relations Committee mall US-Iraq relations 2/18/2016 Kristen Marquardt House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 2/19/2016 Michael Gordon New York Times e-mail Iraq public relations 2/22/2016 Michael Gordon New York Times meeting, e-mail 2/22/2016 Stu Jones, Brett McGurk U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of Iraq

Date Person Contacted ' Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed

2/24/2016 Brett McGurk U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/24/2016 Stu Jones US. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations 2/26/2016 Jeff Dressier Rep. Kevin McCarthy meeting US-Iraq relations 2/26/2016 Jeff Dressier Rep. Kevin McCarthy meeting US-Iraq relations 2/26/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan meeting US-Iraq relations 2/26/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan meeting US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 2/29/2016 Eric Upton New York Times phone, e-mail 3/3/2016 Pete Hegseth Concerned Veterans for America e-mail US-Iraq relations 3/3/2016 Rep. Ted.Poe Rep. Ted Poe meeting US-Iraq relations 3/7/2016 Natalie Nicholas Senate Armed SeraresCommittee e-mail US-Iraq relations 3/7/2016 Tom Goffus Senate Armed e-mail US-Iraq relations 3/8/2016 Natalie Nicholas Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 3/8/2016 Tom Goffus Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 3/9/2016 Damien Paletta Wall Street Journal. e-mail 3/9/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail US-Iraq relations 3/10/2016 Bob Simmons, Claude Chafin House Armed Services Committee meeting US-Iraq relations 3/17/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep.Paul Ryan meeting US-Iraq relations 3/31/2016 Jamie McCormick, Ed Rice, Matt Zwieg, MiraHous e Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations Resnik ._ 4/1/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/1/2016 Jeff Dressier Rep. Kevin McCarthy e-mall US-Iraq relations 4/1/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/4/2016 Jeff Dressier Rep. Kevin McCarthy e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/6/2016 Anne Sokolov Rep. Tim Ryan e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/8/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee ermail US-Iraq relations 4/8/2016 Jeff Dressier Rep. Kevin McCarthy ermail US-Iraq relations 4/11/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee meeting US-Iraq relations 4/14/2016 Eddy Acevedo House Foreign Affairs Committee ermail US-Iraq relations 4/18/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee ermail US-Iraq relations 4/19/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee phone US-Iraq relations 4/19/2016 Thomas Brady Sen. Tom Cotton e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/20/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/20/2016 Steve Marchese and Alice Hogans House Appropriations Committee meeting US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 4/21/2016 Michael Crowley, Jon Yuan, Christyn Lansing Politico e-mail Iraq public relations 4/22/2016 Michael Crowley, Jon Yuan, Christyn Lansing Politico e-mail Iraq public relations 4/24/2016 Michael Crowley, Jon Yuan, Christyn Lansing Politico e-mail 4/2S/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee phone US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Alex Smith NBC e-mail 4/2S/2016 Bob Simmons House Armed Services Committee phone US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Cecily Hilleary Voice of America e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Chad Pergram Fox News e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 David Kenner Foreign Policy e-mail 4/25/2016 Hera Abasi U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 4/2S/2016 Howard Lafranci Christian Science Monitor e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016| Jill Schlesinger CBS e-mall Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Joanna Biddle Agence France Presse mail Iraq public relations 4/2S/2016 Joseph Marks Government Executive e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016j Kate Brannen Foreign Policy mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Kelsey Atherton Popular Science mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Laura Rozen AlrMonitor e-mail

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of Iraq

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed

Iraq public relations 4/2S/2016 Mario AbouZeid. Carnegie Endowment e-mail 4/25/2016 Michael Crowley Politico phone US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Michael Crowley, Jon Yuan, Christyn Lansing Politico e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Mike McAuliff Huffington Post e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 NicoleGaouette Bloomberg e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Patrick Osgood Iraqi Oil Report e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Prashant Rao Agence Prance Presse e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Quentin Sommerville BBC e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Rachel Kent Fox News e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Renda Mansour Carnegie Endowment e-mail. Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 ShadiHamid Brookings Institute e-mail Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Steve jSemons The.Atlantic e-mail 4/25/2016 Tom Hill House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 4/25/20161 William Johnson House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 4/25/2016 Wladimir Wilgenburg Al-Monitor e-mail 4/26/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services.Cbmmittee phone US-Iraq relations 4/26/2016 David Fite, David Kinzer Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/26/2016 Jaime Cheshire House Armed Services Committee phone U5-[raq relations 4/26/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan phone. US-Iraq relations 4/27/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee e-mail. US-Iraq relations 4/27/2016 Alison Lynn House Armed Services Committee meeting US-Iraq relations 4/27/2016 Claude Chafin. House Armed Services Committee meeting US-Iraq relations 4/27/2016 Jessica Calio Rep. Mike Turner e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/29/2016 Joe Kasper Rep. Duncan Hunter e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/29/2016 Tom.Gc.ffus Senate Armed Services Committee phone US-Iraq relations 4/29/2016 Tom Hill House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 4/30/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations Iraq public relations 5/1/2Q16 Andrea Mitchell NBC e-mail Iraq public relations 5/1/2016 Rachel Kent Fox News e-mail Iraq public relations 5/2/2016 Gregory Overzat CNN e-mail Iraq public relations 5/2/2016 Rachel Kent Fox News mail Iraq public relations 5/9/2016 Rachel Kent Fox News e-mail Iraq public relations 5/10/2016 Rachel Kent Fox News mail Iraq public relations .5/11/2016 Aha Bickford CNN e-mail Iraq public relations 5/11/2016 Rachel Kent Fox News i-mail Iraq public relations 5/12/2016 Rachel Kent Fox News mail 5/15/2016 Michele Flournoy Center for a New American Security meeting US-Iraq relations 5/18/2016 Rep. Ed Royce Rep. Ed Royce meeting US-Iraq relations 5/25/2016 Kristen Markquadt House Foreign Affairs Committee mail US-Iraq relations 5/25/2016 Paul Sonne WallStreet Journal meeting US-Iraq relations 5/26/2016 Chris Brose Seriate Armed Services Committee mail US-Iraq relations 5/26/2016 Edward Burrier House Foreign Affairs Committee mail US-Iraq relations 5/26/2016 PaulBehrends House Foreign Affairs Committee phone, e-mail US-Iraq relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of Iraq

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed

5/26/2015 Todd WomacK Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mall US-Iraq relations 5/2672016, Tom Hill House Foreign Affairs Committee ermail US-Iraq relations 5/27/2016 Bob Simmons House Armed Services Committee phone US-Iraq relations 5/27/2016 Chris Brose Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 5/27/2016 Edward Burrier House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mall US-Iraq relations 5/27/2016 Todd Womack Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-Iraq relations 5/31/2016 Claude Chafin House Armed Services Committee phone US-Iraq relations 5/31/2016 Paul Sonne Wall Street Journal e-mall US-Iraq relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of Japan

Date Person Contacted*, Office, Means of Contact Subjects Discussed 1/6/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries e-mail US-Japan relations 1/6/2016 Duron Marshall Rep. G.K. Butterfield e-mail US-Japan relations 1/6/2016 Glenn Rushing Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee e-mail US-Japan relations 1/6/2016 Jackie Ellis Rep. Al Green e-mail US-Japanrelations 1/6/2016 Sophia LaFargue Rep. Gregory Meeks email US-Japan relations 1/7/2016 Jodi Herman Sen. Ben Cardin e-mail US-Japan relations 1/8/2016 Sophia .LaFargue Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail US-Japan relations 1/12/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries meeting US-Japan relations 1/12/2016 Mirth Ta Rep. Gvyen Moore e-mail US-Japan relations. US-Japan relations 1/13/2016 William Gil Congressional Hispanic Caucus Insitute e-mail 1/14/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries meeting US-Japanrelations 1/14/2016 Hannah Kim Rep. Charles Rangel meeting US-Japan relations 1/14/2016 Sophia LaFargue Rep. Gregory Meeks meeting US-Japan relations US-Japan relations 1/14/2016 William Gil, Rey Decerega Congressional Hispanic Caucus Insitute e-mail 1/20/2016 Abdul Henderson Rep. G.K. Butterfield phone. US-Japan relations 1/20/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries phone US-Japan relations 1/20/2016 Glenn Rushing Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee phone US-Japan relations 1/21/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries phone US-Japan relations 1/21/2016 Diala Jadallah Rep. Barbara Lee phone US-Japan relations 1/21/2016 Glenn Rushing Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee phone' US-Japan relations 1/21/2016 Sophia LaFargue Rep. Gregory Meeks phone JS-Japan relations 1/25/2016 Abdul Henderson Rep. G.K. Butterfield phone US-Japan relations 1/25/2016 Sophia LaFargue Rep. Gregory Meeks phone US-Japan relations 1/26/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries phone" US-Japan relations 1/27/2016 Abdul Henderson. Rep. G.K. Butterfield e-mail US-Japan relations 1/27/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries e-mail US-Japan relations 1/27/2016 Glenn Rushing Rep. Sheija Jackson Lee e-mail US-Japan relations 1/27/2016 Sophia LaFargue Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail US-Japan relations 1/28/2016 Abdul Henderson Rep. G.K. Butterfield e-mail US-Japan relations 1/28/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries meeting US-Japan relations 1/28/2016 Glenn Rushing Rep.Jackson Lee e-mail US-Japan relations 1/28/2016 Sophja LaFargue Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail US-Japan relations 1/29/2016 Abdul Henderson Rep. G.K. Butterfield phone US-Japanrelations 1/29/2016 Glenn Rushing Rep. Jackson Lee phone US-Japan relations 2/1/2016 Abdul Henderson Rep. G.K. Butterfield e-mail, phone US-Japan relations 2/3/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass. e-mail US-Japan relations 2/3/2016 Duron Marshall Rep. Brenda Lawrence e-mail US-Japan relations 2/3/2016 Jackie Ellis Rep. Al Green e-mail US-Japan relations 2/4/2016 Abdul Henderson Rep. G.K. Butterfield e-mail US-Japan relations 2/4/2016 Alan Filip Rep. Mike Bishop e-mail US-Japanrelations 2/4/2016 Glenn Rushing Rep. Jackson Lee -mail US-Japan relations 2/4/2016 Nicole Porreca Sen. Tim Kaine e-mail US-Japan relations 2/5/2016 Alan Filip Rep. Mike Bishop e-mail US-Japan relations 2/5/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass e-mail US-Japan relations 2/5/2016 Duron Marshall Rep. Brenda Lawrence -mail US-Japan relations 2/5/2016 Jackie Ellis Rep. Al Green mail US-Japanrelations 2/8/2016 Abdul Henderson, Rep. G.K. Butterfield email US-Japan relations 2/9/2016 Abdul Henderson Rep. G.K. Butterfield phone US-Japan relations 2/9/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass phone US-Japan relations 2/9/2016 Duron Marshall Rep. Brenda Lawrence i-mail US-Japan relations 2/9/2016 Jackie Ellis Rep. Al Green mail US-Japan relations 2/9/2016 Kim Bowman Rep. Frederica Wilson e-mail US-Japan relations 2/9/2016 Michael Collins Rep. John Lewis mail US-Japan relations 2/9/2016 Michael.Reed Rep. Bonnie Watson -mail US-Japan relations 2/10/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries phone US-Japan relations 2/10/2016 Duron Marshall Rep. Brenda Lawrence phone US-Japan relations 2/10/2016 Jackie Ellis. Rep. Al Green phone US-Japan relations 2/10/2016 Kim Bowman Rep. Frederica Wilson e-mail US-Japan relations 2/10/2016 Michael Collins Rep. John Lewis mail US-Japan relations 2/10/2016 Michael Reed Rep. Bonnie Watson i-mail US-Japan relations 2/11/2016 Kim Bowman Rep. Frederica Wilson phone US-Japan relations.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of Japan

Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed 2/17/2016 Cedric Grant Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, e-mail US-Japan relations 2/17/2016 Duron Marshall Rep. Brenda Lawrence e-mail US-Japan relations 2/17/2016 Glenn Rushing Rep. Jackson Lee e-mail US-Japan relations 2/17/2016 Kim Bowman Rep. Frederica Wilson e-mail US-Japan relations 2/25/2016 Jackie Ellis Rep. Al Green e-mail US-Japan relations 2/2572016 Michael Collins Rep. John Lewis e-mail, phone US-Japan relations 2/25/2016 Michael Reed Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman phone US-Japan relations US-Japan relations 2/25/2016 William Gil Congressional Hispanic Caucus Insitute e-mail 2/26/2016 Lea Sulkala. Rep. Linda Sanchez e-mail US-Japan relations 2/29/2016 Adrienne de Rivas. Rep. Donna Edwards Phone call, e-mail US-Japan relations 2/29/2016 Raven Reeder Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton Phone call, e-mail US-Japan relations 2/29/2016 Vernon Slmms Rep. Elijah Cummings Phone call, e-mail US-Japan relations. 3/1/2016 Kimberly Ross Rep. Joyce Beatty Phonexall, e-mail US-Japan relations 3/2/2016 Valeria Carranza - Rep. Linda Sanchez meeting US-Japan relations 3/3/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass e-mail US-Japan relations 3/4/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep, Karen Bass e-mail US-Japan relations 3/7/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass e-mail. US-Japan relations 3/10/2016 Reggie McCrimmon Congressional Black Caucus phone US-Japan relations 3/15/2016 Reggie Mc'Crlrrtmpn Congressional Black Caucus meeting US-Japah relations 3/17/2016 Scott Hinkle Rep. Juan Vargas meeting US-Japan relations 3/22/2016 Arthur Sidney Rep. Hank Johnson Meeting US-Japan relations 4/6/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass phone US-Japan relations 4/7/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass e-mail US-Japan relations 4/22/2016 Ben Kane Rep. Alan Lowenthal phone US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-Japan relations S/4/2016 Betsy Un Sen. Mazie Hirono e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2015 Bob Schwalbach Rep, Gregorib Kilili CamachoSablan e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Brenda Connolly Rep. Grace Meng e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Dan Chao Rep. Grace Napolitano e-rnai) US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Diala Jadallah Rep. Barbara Lee. e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Jackie Ellis Rep. Al Green e-mail US-Japan relations C 5/4/2016 Jennifer Vanderheide. Rep, Mike Honda e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Joni lyey Rep. Bobby Scott e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Julie Eddy Rep. Doris Matsui e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Linda Shim Rep, Judy Chu e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Marc Cevasco Rep, Ted Lieu e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Matt Hermann Rep, Madeleine Bordallo e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Moh Sharma Rep. Xavjer Becerra e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Richard McPike Rep. Mark Takano e-mail US-Japan relations 5/4/2016 Rod Tanoriaka Rep. Mark Takai e-mail US-Japan relations 5/5/2016 Linda Shim Rep. Judy Chu e-mail US-Japan relations 5/5/2016 Matthew Hermann Rep. Madeleine Bordallo phone US-Japan relations 5/16/2016 Linda Shim Rep. Judy Chu meeting US-Japan relations 5/27/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass mail US-Japan relations 6/2/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass e-mall, phone US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard ermail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Betsy Lin Sen. Mazie Hirono mail US-Japan relations 673/2016 Bob Schwalbach Rep. Gregorip Kilili Camacho Sablan i-mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Brenda Connolly Rep. Grace Meng mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Dan Chao . Rep. Grace Napolitano mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Diala Jadallah Rep. Barbara Lee mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Jackie Ellis Rep. Al Green e-mail US-Japan relations 673/2016 Jennifer Vanderheide Rep. Mike Honda e-mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Joni Ivey Rep. Bobby Scott i-mail US-Japanrelations 6/3/2016 Julie Eddy Rep. Doris Matsui mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Linda Shim Rep. Judy Chu mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Marc Cevasco Rep. Ted Lieu e-mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Matt Hermann • Rep. Madeleine Bordallo e-mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Moh Sharma. Rep. Xavier Becerra e-mail US-Japan relations 6/3/2016 Richard McPike Rep, Mark Takano :-mail US-Japanrelations 6/3/2016 Rod Tanonaka Rep. Mark Takai e-mail US-Japan relations 6/21/2016 Reggie McCrimmon Rep. G.K. Butterfield e-mail US-Japan relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Republic of Korea

Date Person Contacted:! Office Means of Contact subjects Discussed 1/5/2016 Dan Twining German Marshall Fund e-mail US-Korea relations 1/6/2016 Amy Chang House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Korea relations US-Korea relations 1/6/2016 Igor. Khrestin, Curt SWager Sen. Cory Gardner 1/7/2016 CurtSwager Sen. Cory Gardner e-mail US-Korea relations 1/7/2016 Igor Khrestin Sen. Cory Gardner e-mail US-Korea relations 1/11/2016 Amy Chang House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Korea relations Center for Strategic and International US-Korea relations 1/11/2016 Bonnie Glaser Studies e-mail 1/11/2016 Bruce Klingner Heritage Foundation e-mail US-Korea relations 1/11/2016 Dan Twining German Marshall Fund e-mail US-Korea relations 1/11/2016 Edward Burner House Foreign Affairs Committee. e-mail US-Korea relations 1/11/2016 Joshua Walker German Marshall Fund e-mail US-Korea relations 1/11/2016 Kinsey Kiriakos Rep. Brad Sherman e-mail US-Korea relations 1/11/2016 Victor Cha CSIS e-mail US-Korea relations 1/12/2016 Patrick Schilling Rep. Scott Perry phone, e-mail US-Korea relations 1/13/2016 Amy Chang House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Korea relations 1/13/2016 Patrick Schilling Rep. Scott Perry e-mail US-Korea relations 1/13/2016 Rebecca Ulrich House Foreign Affairs Committee phone, e-mail US-Korea relations


Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of the Union of the Republic of Myanmar

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed 1/4/2016 Ann Mathew Rep. Brendan Boyle e-mail US-Myanmar relations 1/5/2016 Jessica Lewis, Julie Klein Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-Myanmar relations 1/14/2016 Adam Tomlinson, Lauren Russell Sen. Shelley Moore Capita e-mall US-Myanmar relations US-Myanrnar relations 1/14/2016 Catherine Wilkins, Alex Wong, Thomas Brady Sen. Tom.Cotton e-mall 1/19/2016 Amy Chang House foreign Affairs Committee meeting US-Myanmar relations 1/19/2016 Julie Klein Sen. Harry Reid e-mail U5-Myanmar relations 1/20/2016 Adam Tomlinson, Lauren Russell Sen. Shelley Moore Caplto e-mall US-Myanmar relations 1/20/2016 Julie Klein Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-Myanmar relations 1/21/2016 Julie Klein Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-Myanmar relations 1/21/2016 Steve Marchese House Appropriations Committee e-mail US-Myanmar relations 1/22/2016 Julie Klein Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-Myanmar relations 1/26/2016 Julie Klein Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-Myanmar relations 1/27/2016 Julie Klein Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-Myanmar relations 1/27/2016 RyanTrapani Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-Myanmar relations 1/28/2016 Julie Klein Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-Myanmar relations 2/1/2016 Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail US-Myanmar relations 2/2/2016 Julie Klein, Sapna Sharma Sen. Harry Reid meeting US-Myanmar relations 2/2/2016 Rep. Brendan Boyle, Carly Frame Rep. Brendan Boyle meeting US-Myanmar relations US-Myanmar relations 2/3/2016 Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, Ryan Trapanl, Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard meeting 2/10/2016 Adam Tomlinson, Lauren Russell Sen. Shelley Moore Caplto e-mall US-Myanmar relations 2/11/2016 Brian Greer Sen. Chuck Schumer meeting US-Myanmar relations US-Myanmar relations 2/12/2016 Alex Wong, Thomas Brady, Catherine Wilkins Sen. Tom Cotton e-mail 2/13/2016 Catherine Wilkins Sen. Tom Cotton e-mail US-Myanmar relations 2/24/2016 Scot Marciel, Maxwell Hamilton U.S. Department of State meeting US-Myanmar relations 2/29/2016 Jared Jones Sen. Shelley Moore Capito e-mail US-Myanmar relations US-Myanmar relations 2/29/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting 3/16/2016, Amy Chang House Foreign Affairs Committee phone US-Myanmar relations 3/16/2016 Hunter Strupp House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail. US-Myanmar relations 3/16/2016 Maxwell Hamilton, David Myers U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Myanmar relations US-Myanmar relations 3/16/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone 3/17/2016 David Myers. U.S. Department of State phone US-Myanmar relations 3/17/2016 Maxwell Hamilton U.S. Depar tm ent of State e-mail US-Myanmar relations 3/28/2016 Maxwell Hamilton U.S. Department of State e-mall US-Myanmar relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

Date I Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed 1/3/2016 Andrea Mitchell NBC e-mail Saudi public relations 1/3/2016 Anna Bickford, Jo Shelly . CNN e-mail Saudi public relations 1/3/2016 Ben Hubbard New York Times e-mail Saudi public relations 1/3/2016 Jay Solomon, Damien Paletta Wall Street Journal e-mail Saudi public relations 1/3/2016 Jennifer Griffin Fox News e-mail Saudi public relations 1/3/2016 Kate Farrell, Kate Peevor BBC e-mail Saudi public relations 1/3/2016 Liz-Sly Washington Post e-mail Saudi public relations 1/3/2016 Simon Kerr Financial Times e-mail Saudi public relations 1/7/2016 Anna Bickford; CNN e-mail Saudi public relations 1/7/2016 Peter Baker New York Times e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 1/7/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 1/8/2016 Anna Bickford CNN e-mail Saudi public relations 1/8/2016 Jessica Lewis. Sen. Harry Reid phone Saudi public relations 1/11/2016 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch phone Saudi public relations 1/11/2016 Daniel Silverberg Rep. Steny Hoyer e-mail Saudi public relations 1/11/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe phone Saudi public relations 1/11/2016 Matt Blackwell Rep. Joe Wilson e-mail Saudi public relations 1/12/2016 Collin Davenport Rep. Gerald Connolly phone Saudi public relations 1/12/2016 Oaniel Silverberg Rep. Steny Hoyer phone Saudi public relations 1/12/2016 Julie Tagen Rep. Alan Grayson phone Saudi public relations 1/12/2016 Matthew Goulding Rep. e-rhail Saudi public relations 1/13/2016 Chris Brose Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 1/13/2016 Doug Campbell House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting Saudi public relations 1/13/2016 James Stavridis Tufts University e-mall Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 1/13/2016 Jodl Hermann Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail 1/13/2016 Uz King Senate Armed Services Committee meeting Saudi public relations 1/14/2016 Luke.Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mall Saudi public relations l/iS/2016 Art Suchorzewski Rep. Randy Weber e-mail Saudi public relations 1/1S/2016 Chris Brose Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Chuck Wald Deloitte e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Clark Fonda Rep. Robert Pittenger e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Ford.Fraker. Middle East Policy Council e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Han Berman American Foreign Polilcy Council e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 James BurdvfiekLChris Hess Rep. Steve Chabot e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 James Phillips Heritage Foundation e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Jeff Vanderslice Rep. Dana Rohrabacher e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Jim Mattis . Retired e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Jim Smith Middle East Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Michael Doran Hudson Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute phone, e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Omri Ceren Israel Project e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Rep. Ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Robert Jordan Middle East Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Rudy Deleon, Brian Katulis Center For American Progress e-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 Stanley Mcchrystal Retired i-mail Saudi public relations 1/15/2016 William Mcrayen Retired e-mail Saudi public relations 1/18/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute. •mail Saudi public relations 1/19/2016 Ford Fraker Middle East Policy Council e-mail Saudi public relations 1/19/2016 Han Berman American Foreign Polilcy Council mail Saudi public relations 1/19/^016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe phone Saudi public relations 1/19/2016 Michael Doran Hudson Institute mail Saudi public relations 1/19/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 1/19/2016 Omri Ceren Israel Project e-mail Saudi public relations 1/19/2016 Scott Cullinane Rep. Dana Rohrabacher mail Saudi public relations 1/19/2016 William Mcraven Retired i-mail Saudi public relations 1/20/2016 Betsy Un Sen. Mazie Hirono meeting, e-mall Saudi public relations 1/20/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe mail Saudi public relations 1/20/2016 Michael Ooran Hudson Institute. e-mail Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 AdamSchreck. Associated Press e-mail Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 Adrielle Churchill Rep. Ander Crenshaw e-mail Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 Chris Homan Sen. Dick Durbin mail Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 Fahad Nazer Arab Gulf States Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar e-mail Saudi public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

Date' [Person Contacted Office Means of Contact" Subjects Discussed 1/21/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mall Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 Mark Wallace United Against a Nuclear Iran phone Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 Matthew Kroenig Georgetown e-mail Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute e-mail Saudi public relations. ..1721/2016 Riley Brands Rep.. Henry Cuellar e-mail Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 Tom Mancinelli Sen. Chris Coons e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 1/21/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 1/22/2016 Unda Wyatt Wald Aide e-mail Saudi public relations. 1/22/2016 Luke Murry Rep, ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations. 1/22/2016 Michael Pregent Hudsoninstitute. e-mail Saudi public relations 1/22/2016 Riley Brands Rep. HenryCuellar phone Saudi public relations 1/24/2016 MichaelPregent Hudson Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 1/25/2016 Linda Wyatt Wald Aide e-mail Saudi public relations 1/25/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations 1/26/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar e-mail Saudi public relations 1/26/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute. e-mail Saudi public relations 1/27/2016 Anna Goldakas Sen. Sherrod.Brpwn phone Saudi public relations 1/27/2016 Ben Pauker Foreign Policy e-mail Saudi public relations .1/27/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations 1/27/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson institute e-mail Saudi public relations 1/27/2016 Tom Mancinelli Sen. Chris Coons e-mail Saudi public relations 1/28/2016 Betsy Lin Sen. Mazie Hirono meeting, e-mail Saudi public relations 1/28/2016 Joseph Braude Foreign Policy Research Institute e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 1/29/2016 Jongsun Kim Senate Select Intelligence Committee phone, e-mail 2/1/2016 Adrielle Churchill Rep. Ander Crenshaw e-mail Saudi public relations 2/1/2016 Ben Pauker Foreign Policy e-mail Saudi public relations 2/1/2016 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch e-mail Saudi public relations 2/1/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar. e-mail Saudi public relations . 2/1/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations 2/1/2016 MichaelPregent Hudson Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 2/1/2016 Nicholas Heras CNAS e-mail Saudi public relations 2/1/2016 PatWiedenkeller CNN e-mail Saudi public relations 2/1/2016 Richard Galant CNN e-mail Saudi public relations 2/2/2016 Betsy Lin Sen. Mazie Hirono e-mail Saudi public relations 2/2/2016 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch e-mail Saudi public relations 2/2/2016 Joseph Braude Foreign Policy Research Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 2/2/2016 Nicholas Heras CNAS e-mail Saudi public relations 2/3/2016 Andrew Tantiilo Rep. Brian Hlggins e-mail Saudi public relations 2/3/2016 Brandon Webb Rep. Robin Kelly e-mail Saudi public relations 2/3/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass e-mail Saudi public relations 2/3/2016 Danny Hague Sen. Bill Nelson e-mail Saudi public relations 2/3/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine ,e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 2/3/2016 Jongsun Kim Senate Select Intelligence Committee e-mail 2/3/2016 Kathryn Mitchell Rep. Jim Langevin e-mail Saudi public relations 2/3/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe mail Saudi public relations 2/3/2016 Rick Nusslo Sen. Joe Manchin mail Saudi public relations 2/3/2016 Walker Zorensky Sen. Barbara Boxer mail Saudi public relations 2/4/2Q16 Adrielle Churchill Rep. Ander Crenshaw mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 2/4/2016 Dana Stroul Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone 2/4/2016 Jessica Elledge Sen. Chris Murphy mail Saudi public relations 2/4/2016 Joseph Braude Foreign Policy Research Institute mail Saudi public relations 2/4/2016 Judd Smith Rep. Tom Marino e-mail Saudi public relations 2/4/2016 Marin Stein Rep. Nita Lowey e-mail Saudi public relations 2/4/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 2/4/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously.filed) e-mail Saudi public relations 2/5/2016. Dana Stroul Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting 2/5/2016 Daniel Gerig Sen. Steve Daines email Saudi public relations 2/5/2016 Daniel Silverberg. Rep. Steny Hoyer mall Saudi public relations 2/5/2016 Doug Campbell. House Foreign Affairs Committee phone Saudi public relations 2/5/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine meeting Saudi public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

Date I Person Contacted Office MamtfffijM^&iSi Subiects.Dlscussed 2/5/2016 Jeremy Steslicki Sen, Tammy Baldwin e-mall Saudi public relations 2/5/2016 Joe P.card The Hill e-mail Saudi public relations 2/5/2016 Joseph Braude Foreign Policy Research Institute meeting Saudi public relations. 2/5/2616 Judd Smith Rep. Tom Marino e-mail Saudi public relations 2/5/2616 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar e-mail Saudi public relations 2/5/2616 Marin Stein Rep. Nita Lowey e-mail Saudi public relations 2/5/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Aliyah Dash Rep. Lois Frankel e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Amy Chang House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Andrew Tantiilo Rep. Brian Higgins e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Anthony Ching Rep. Tulsi Gabbard e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Ben Kane Rep. Alan Lowenthal e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Brandon Webb Rep. Robin Keily e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Carlos Sanchez Rep..Joaquin Castro e-mail Saudi public relations .2/8/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep.Xaren Bass e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2616 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch meeting Saudi public relations 2/8/2616 Collin Davenport Rep.Gerald Connolly e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Daniel Gerig Sen. Steve Dairies phone Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 David Bagby Rep. Grace Meng e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Eddie Acevedo House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Emily Manning Rep. Curt Clawson e-mail Saudi public relations. 2/8/2616 Jason Frye Rep. Tom Emmer e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2616 Jeremy Streslicki Sen. Tammy Baldwin meeting Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Judd Smith Rep. Tom Marino e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2616 Julie Tagen Rep. Alan Grayson e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2616 Kerry O'Brien Rep. Bill Keating e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Kinsey Kiriakos Rep. Brad Sherman e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2616 MattZweig House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Mlra Kogen House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting Saudi public relations 2/8/2616 Robert Jameson Rep. Scott DesJarlais e-mail Saudi public relations 2/8/2016 Sophia LaFargue Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Andrew Tantiilo Reparian Higgins e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Ben Kane Rep. Alan Lowenthal e-mail Saudi public relations .2/9/2016 Brandon Webb Rep. Robin Kelly e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Danny Meza Rep. Joaquin Castro e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 David Bagby Rep.Grace Meng e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Emily Manning Rep. Curt Clawson e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Judd Smith Rep. Tom Marino e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 P.Tozi Rep. Chris Smith. email Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Robert Jameson Rep. Scott DesJarlais e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Robin Lerner U.S. Department of State e-mail Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 Sophia LaFargue Rep. .Gregory Meeks e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 2/9/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 2/10/2016 Andrew Tantiilo Rep. Brian Higgins e-mail Saudi public relations 2/10/2016 Brandon Webb Rep. Robin Kelly e-mall Saudi public relations 2/10/2016 Brian Katulis Center for American Progress meeting Saudi public relations 2/10/2016 Carrie Kohns Rep. Karen Bass e-mail Saudi public relations 2/10/2016 Erik Anderson U.S. Department of State e-mail Saudi public relations 2/10/2616 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations 2/16/2616 Sophia LaFargue Rep. Gregory Meeks e-mail Saudi public relations 2/11/2616 Chuck Wald, Linda Wyatt. Deloitte e-mail Saudi public relations 2/11/2616 Erik Anderson •S. Department of State phone Saudi public relations 2/11/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine e-mail Saudi public relations 2/11/2616 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute. e-mail Saudi public relations 2/11/2616 Robert Jameson Rep. Scott DesJarlais e-mail Saudi public relations 2/12/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe errhai) Saudi public relations 2/12/2016 Marin Stein Rep. Nita Lowey meeting Saudi public relations 2/12/2016 Mark Laswell Wall Street Journal e-mail Saudi public relations 2/12/2616 Robert Schlesinger US News e-mail Saudi public relations 2/16/2016 Gabrielle Gould Rep. Bill Keating e-mail Saudi public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

Date* I Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed 2/16/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine e-mall Saudi public relations 2/16/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar meeting Saudi public relations 2/16/2016 Luke Perry Rep. Ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations 2/16/2016 Pat Garofalo US News e-mail Saudi public relations 2/16/2016 Riley Brands RepTHenryGjellar e-mail Saudi public relations 2/16/2016 Robert Schlesinger US News e-mail Saudi public relations 2/16/2016 Rudy Deleon Center For American Progress e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Arthur Sidney Rep. Hank Johnson e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Chuck Wald Deloitte e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Danny Meza Rep. Joaquin Castro e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Frank Pigulski Rep. Beto.O'Rourke e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Gabrieile Gould Rep. Bill Keating e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Jane Hamilton Rep. Marc Veasey e-maii Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Jonathan Cebik Rep. Joe.Courtney e-mail Saudi public relations _ 2/17/2016 Justin Vogt Rep. Jackie Speier e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar > e-mall Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Mark Laswell Wall Street Journal e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Nathan Bennett Rep. Andre\ D.Carson e-mall Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Pat Garofalo US News e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Rudy Deleon Center For American Progress e-mail Saudi public relations 2/17/2016 Terra Sabag Rep. Rlck.Larsen phone Saudi public relations 2/18/2016 Gabrieile Gould, Richard Ghanl Rep. Bill Keating meeting Saudi public relations 2/18/2016 Jill Lawrence, David Mastlo USA Today e-mail Saudi public relations 2/18/2016 Luke Murry Rep. Ted Poe e-mail Saudi public relations 2/18/2016 MattZweig House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting Saudi public relations 2/18/2016 Will O'Brien Chicago Tribune e-mail Saudi public relations 2/19/2016 Akshai Datta p. Ami Bera meeting Saudi public relations 2/19/2016 Josh Block Israel Project meeting Saudi public relations 2/22/2016 Chuck Wald Deloitte e-mail Saudi public relations 2/22/2016 James Burchfield, Chris Hess Rep. Steve Chabot e-mall Saudi public relations 2/22/2016 Lynne Jordai Martin Fox News e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 2/22/2016 Mark Dubowitz Foundation for the Defense of Democracies e-mail 2/23/2016 David Mork Rep. Peter Roskam e-mail Saudi public relations 2/23/2016 James Burchfield Rep.Steve .Chabot e-mail Saudi public relations. 2/23/2016 Joe Lai Sen..Roger Wicker meeting Saudi public relations 2/24/2016 Lynne Jordai Martin Fox News e-mall Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 2/24/2016 Omri Rahmil, Jeff Billman, David Mork Rep. Peter Roskam e-mail Saudi public relations 2/25/2016 Omri Rahmil, Jeff Billman, David Mork tep. Peter Roskam e-mail 2/29/2016 James Mazol Rep. Jim Bridenstine e-mail Saudi public relations 2/29/2016 Lindsey Herbel Sen. Amy Klobuchar e-mail Saudi public relations 2/29/2016 Lynne Jordai Martin Fox News e-mail Saudi public relations 2/29/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute e-mail Saudi public relations"" 2/29/2016 Omri Rahmil Rep. Peter Roskam e-mail Saudi public relations 3/1/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid e-mall Saudi public relations 3/2/2016 Julia Frlfleld U.S. Department of State phone Saudi public relations 3/2/2016 Omri Rahmil Rep. Peter Roskam phone Saudi public relations 3/2/2016 Omri Rahmil Rep. Peter Roskam e-mail Saudi public relations 3/2/2016 Rori Kramer U.S. Department of State phone Saudi public relations 3/3/2016 Lara Friedman Americans for Peace Now meeting Saudi public relations 3/3/2016 Lynne Jordai Martin Fox News e-mail Saudi public relations- 3/3/2016 MattZweig House Foreign Affairs Committee phone Saudi public relations 3/4/2016 Lynne Jordai Martin Fox News e-mail Saudi public relations 3/4/2016 Omri Rahmil Rep. Peter Roskam e-mail Saudi public relations 3/4/2016 Roger Dean Huffstetler Rep. Seth Moulton e-mail Saudi public relations 3/5/2016 James Stavridis TuftslUniversity e-mail Saudi public relations 3/6/2016 James Stavridis Tufts University e-mail Saudi public relations 3/7/2016 Lynne Jordai Martin Fox News e-mail Saudi public relations 3/7/2016 Roger Dean Huffstetler Rep. Seth Moulton e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 3/8/2016 Dana Stroul Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail 3/8/2016 James Stavridis Tufts University e-mail Saudi public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

Date I Person Contacted Office Means of Contact A Subjects Discussed 3/9/2016 James Stavridis Tufts University e-mall Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 3/9/20i6 Jeremy Sharp Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail. Saudi public relations 3/9/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 3/10/2016 Omri Rahmil Rep. Peter Roskam e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 3/14/2016 Jodi Herman Senate Foreign Relations Committee. phone 3/14/2016 Lynne Jordai Martin Fox News e-mail SaUdi public relations 3/14/2016 Omri Rahmil Rep. Peter Roskam ermail Saudi public relations 3/14/2016 Roger Dean Huffstetler Rep. Seth Moulton ermail Saudi public relations 3/16/2016 Lynne Jordai Martin Fox News ermail Saudi public relations 3/17/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan meeting SaUdi public relations 3/18/2016 Casey Kustin House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 3/18/2016 EddyAcevedo Ho.uSe Foreign Affairs Committee ermail Saudi public relations 3/18/2016 James Stavridis Tufts University ermail Saudi public relations 3/18/2016 MattZweig House' Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 3/18/2016 Mira Resnick House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 3/22/2016 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch Saudi public relations 3/22/2016 Daniel Silverberg Rep. Steny Hoyer e-mall Saudi public relations 3/22/2016 EddyAcevedo House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 3/22/2016 Rudy Deleon Center For American Progress e-mall Saudi public relations 3/23/2016 Ed Burton Us-Saudi Business Council e-mail Saudi public relations 3/23/2016 Jessica Elledge Sen. Chris Murphy meeting Saudi public relations 3/23/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid meeting Saudi public relations 3/23/2015 Lynne Jordai Martin Fox News e-mail Saudi public relations 3/23/2016 Rudy Deleon Center For American Progress e-mail Saudi public relations 3/28/2016 Ed Burton Us-Saudi Business Council e-mail Saudi public relations 3/29/2016 Ed Burton Us-Saudi Business Council e-mail Saudi public relations 3/29/2016 Mark Wallace United Against a Nuclear Iran e-mail Saudi public relations 3/30/2016 Allison Silver Reuters e-mail Saudi public relations 3/30/2016 Ed Burton US-Saudi Business Council e-mail Saudi public relations 3/30/2016 Mark Wallace United Against a Nuclear Iran e-mail Saudi public relations 3/30/2016 Mike Kulken Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 Allison Silver Reuters e-mail Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 Dany Pletka American Enterprise Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 David Shipley Bloomberg e-mail Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 Ed Burton US-Saudi Business Council e-mail Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 Elliot Abrams CFR e-mail Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 Jon Alterman CSIS e-mail Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 Joseph Braude Foreign Policy Research Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 Mike Kuiken Senate Armed Services Committee meeting Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 Tony Cprdesmann CSIS e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 4/1/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 4/4/2016 Marcella Wahba Arab Gulf States Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 4/4/2016 Raymond Karam Arab Gulf States Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 4/4/2016 Stephen Seche Arab Gulf States Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 4/S/2016 Lance Gould HuffPo e-mail Saudi public relations 4/6/2016 Brad Peniston Defense One e-mail Saudi public relations 4/6/2016 David Keene Washington Times e-mail Saudi public relations 4/6/2016 Michael Doran Hudson Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 4/7/2016 Brad Peniston Defense One e-mail Saudi public relations 4/7/2016 Chuck Wald, Linda Wyatt Deloitte mail Saudi public relations 4/7/2016 David Keene Washington Times mall Saudi public relations 4/7/2016 Kevin Baron Defense One mail Saudi public relations 4/8/2016 Lynne Jordai Martin. Fox News phone, e-mail Saudi public relations 4/9/2016 Chuck Wald, Linda Wyatt Deloitte mail Saudi public relations 4/11/2016 Chuck Wald, Linda Wyatt Deloitte mall Saudi public relations 4/11/2016 David Keene Washington Times mail Saudi public relations 4/11/2016 Ed Burton Us-Saudi Business Council mail Saudi public relations 4/11/2016 Kevin Baron Defense One e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 4/12/2016 Dayid Flte Senate Foreign Relatlons.Committee -mail 4/12/2016 David Ibsen United Against a Nudearlran e-mail Saudi public relations 4/12/2016 Mark Wallace United Against a Nuclear Iran e-mail Saudi public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

Date. IPerson Contacted Office Means of Contact H Subjects Discussed 4/14/2016 Kevin Baron Defense One e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 4/14/2016 Stacie Oliver Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail 4/18/2016 Chuck Wald, Linda Wyatt Deloitte e-mail Saudi public relations 4/18/2016 Fred Studeman Financial Times e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 4/18/2016 Jodi Hermann Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone 4/18/2016 Kevin Baron Defense One e-mail Saudi public relations 4/20/2016 Fred Studeman Financial Times e-mail Saudi public relations 4/20/2016 Michael Pregent Hudson Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 4/21/2016 Austin Weatherford Rep. Adam Kinzinger e-mail Saudi public relations 4/21/2016 Luke Coffey Heritage Foundation e-mail Saudi public relations 4/21/2016 Shubailat Nadine ABC phone, e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 4/24/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail 4/25/2016 Fred Studeman Financial Times e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 4/25/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone Saudi public relations 4/25/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail Saudi public relations 4/26/2016 David Fife Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone Saudi public relations 4/26/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone 4/26/2016 Rorl Kramer US. Department of State phone Saudi public relations 4/27/2016 Fred Studeman Financial Times e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 4/27/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail 4/28/2016 Danny Vlnlch, Steve Heuser Politico e-mail Saudi public relations 4/28/2016 Fred Studeman Financial Times e-mail Saudi public relations 4/29/2016 Danny Vinlch, Steve Heuser Politico e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 4/29/2016 David Fite Senate.Fprelgn Relations Committee meeting 4/29/2016 Kirsten Savior TIME Magazine e-mail Saudi public relations 5/3/2016 Kirsten Saylor TIME Magazine e-mail Saudi public relations 5/3/2016 Matt Rimkunas Sen..Undsey Graham email Saudi public relations 5/3/2016 Yasser Almoghathawi University of Oklahoma e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Alex Gallo, Spencer Johnson House Armed Services Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Anne Malre Chotvacs House Appropriations Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Arshad Mohammed Reuters e-mail Saudi public relations House Permanent Select Committee on Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Damon Nelson, Michael Bahrar Intelligence e-mail 5/4/2016 David Ignatius Washington Post e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 pemetri Stevastopulo FinandalTirries e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Jay Shaylor, Wolf Blitzer, Gregory.Overzat CNN e-mail 5/4/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid phone Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Jim Michaels USA Today e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Karen Deyoung^Missy Ryan Washington Post e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Katie Porter Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 MattZweig,Mira_R~esnlck House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Michael Crowley Politico e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Tracy Wilkinson LA Times e-mail Saudi public relations 5/4/2016 Wyndee Parker Rep. Nancy Pelosi e-mail Saudi public relations 5/5/2016 Alex Gallo House Armed Services Committee e-mall Saudi public relations 5/5/2016 Christopher Hoven" Rep. Adam Schiff phone Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 5/5/2016 Jay Shaylor, Wolf Blitzer, Gregory Overzat CNN e-mall 5/5/2016 Jennifer Morrow Rep.Devin Nunes e-mall Saudi public relations 5/5/2016 Jim Michaels USA Today e-mall Saudi public relations 5/5/2016 Lee Holmes Sen. Lindsey Graham. email Saudi public relations 5/5/2016 Michael Crowley Politico e-mail Saudi public relations House Permanent Select Committee on Saudi public relations 5/5/2016„Ne|son Damon Intelligence e-mail 5/6/2016 Alison Perry Atlantic Council e-mall. Saudi public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received, by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

Date, I Person Cont acted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed 5/6/2016 Bill Richardson Former governor e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Brian Katulis Center for American Progress e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Candice Currier USCENTCOM e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 David Ignatius Washington Post e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 David Rothkopf Foreign Policy e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Demetri Stevastopulo Financial times e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Fred Hof Atlantic Council e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Jay Shaylor, Wolf Blitzer, Gregory Overzat CNN e-mail 5/6/2016 John Hamre CSIS e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Jon Alterman CSIS e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Jonathan LeMaire Atlantic Council e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Karen Deyoung, Missy Ryan Washington Post e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Kate Barlow Rep. Ed Royce e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Lee Holmes Sen, Lindsey Graham meeting Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 MichelleFlournoy Center for a New American Security e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Nick Burns Harvard University ermail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Rebecca Edelston Center for a New American Security ermail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Richard Fontaine Center for a New American Security e-mail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Richard Haass CFR ermail Saudi public relations 5/6/2016 Wendy Chamberlin Middle East Institute e-mail SaUdi public relations 5/7/2016 Chuck Wald, Linda Wyatt Deloitte e-mail Saudi public relations 5/7/2016 James Stavridis Tufts University e-mail Saudi public relations 5/7/2016 Kim Ghattas BBC e-mail Saudi public relations 5/7/2016 Missy Ryan Washington Post e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Andrea Mitchell NBC e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Anne Maire Chotvacs House Appropriations Committee phone Saudi public relations • 5/9/2016 Art Heistein Council on Foreign Relations e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Barry Pavel Atlantic Council e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Blaise Misztal Bipartisan Policy Center e-mall Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Bruce Riedel Brookings Institution e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Casey Kustin Rep. Ted Deutch e-mall Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Chuck Wald, Linda Wyatt Deloitte e-mail Saudi public relations Woodrow Wilson International Center for Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 David Ottaway Scholars e-mail 5/9/2016 Demetri Stevastopulo Financial Times e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Jay Shaylor, Wolf Blitzer, Gregory Overzat CNN e-mail 5/9/2016 Jessica Calio Rep. Michael Turner e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Jim Sciutto CNN e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan meeting Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Karen House Harvard University e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Katie Porter Rep. Paul Ryan e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Lincoln Bloomfield Akin Gump e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Marcelle Wahba Arab Gulf States Institute of Washington e-mail Carnegie Endowment for International Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Michele Dunne Peace e-mail 5/9/2016 Robert Danin Council on Foreign Relations e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Robert Satlof Washington Institute for Near East Policy !-mail 5/9/2016 Shana Chandler Rep. Adam Smith mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Steve Seche Arab Gulf States Institute of Washington mail 5/9/2016. Tamara Wittes Brookings Institution mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 ThomasLlppman Columbia University e-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 Tony Cordesmann CSIS mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 ty Mabry Sen, Thad Cochran i-mail Saudi public relations 5/9/2016 ZalmayKhalilzad Gryphon Partners e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Andrea Mithcell NBC e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Arshad Mohammed Reuters mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Darlene Murray Rep. Eliot Engel mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Demetri Stevastopulo, Geoff Dyer Financial Times e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Geoff Dyer Financial Times e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Jim Michaels USA Today e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Jim Sciutto CNN e-mail Saudi public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/20.16 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

Date I Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed S/10/2016 Johnnie Kaberle Rep. Kay Granger e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Kate Farrell, Kate Peevor BBC e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Lincoln Bloomfleld Akin Gump e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Marcella Wahba Arab Gulf States Institute meeting Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Michael Crowley Politico e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Mira Resnick House Foreign Affairs Committee phone Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Missy Ryan Washington Post e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Savannah Romero Rep. Adam Smith e-mail Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Steve Seche Arab Gulf States Institute meeting Saudi public relations 5/10/2016 Tracy Wilkinson LATimes e-mail Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Andrea Mitchell, Cydney Weiher NBC meeting, e-mail Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Arshad Mohammed Reuters meeting, e-mail Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Barry Pavel Atlantic Council meeting Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Bernard Haykel Princeton University meeting Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Brian Katulis Center for American Progress meeting Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Dakota Wood Heritage Foundation meeting Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Geoff Dyer Financial Times meeting, e-mail Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Hlsham Melhem Al Arabiya meeting Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Hussein Ibish Arab Gulf States Institute of Washington meeting 5/11/2016 Jim Michaels USA Today meeting, e-mail Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Joyce Karam Al Hayat meeting Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Kate Farrell BBC e-mail Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Laura Rodriguez U.S. Department of State phone Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Michael Crowley Politico meeting, e-mail Saudi public relations Carnegie Endowment for International Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Michele Dunne Peace meeting 5/11/2016 Missy Ryan Washington Post meeting, e-mail Saudi public relations S/ll/2016. Robert Danin Center on Foreign Relations meeting Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Tony Cordesmann CSIS e-mail Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Tracy Wilkinson LA Times meeting, e-mail Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Ty Mabry Sen. Thad Cochran e-mail Saudi public relations 5/11/2016i Walter Russell Mead Hudson Institute meeting Saudi public relations 5/11/2016 Wendy Chamberlin Middle East Institute meeting Saudi public relations 5/12/20l6"Kate Farrell BBC meeting, e-mail Saudi public relations 5/12/2016 Sen. Thad Cochran Sen. Thad Cochran meeting Saudi public relations. 5/12/2016 Senator Cochran Sen. Thad Cochran meeting Saudi public relations 5/12/2016 "Tony Cordesmann CSIS e-mail. Saudi public relations. 5/13/2016 Christopher Hoven Rep. Adam Schiff e-mail Saudi public relations 5/13/2016 Cydney Weiner NBC e-mail Saudi public relations 5/13/2016 Kate Farrell BBC e-mail Saudi public relations 5/13/2016 Rep. Adam Schiff Rep. Adam Schiff meeting Saudi public relations 5/13/2016 Rep. Adam.Smlth Rep. Adam Smith meeting Saudi public relations 5/13/2016 Rep. Eliot Ehgel. Rep. Eliot Engel meeting Saudi public relations 5/13/2016 Tony Cordesmann CSIS e-mail Saudi public relations. 5/13/2016 Wendy Chamberlin Middle East Institute phone, e-mail Saudi public relations S/16/2016 e-mail Saudi public relations S/16/2016 Christopher Hoven Rep. Adam Schiff e-mail Saudi public relations 5/19/2016 Rori Kramer U.S. Department of State e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 5/19/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 5/24/2016 Bernard Haykel Princeton University e-mail Saudi public relations S/24/2016 Robert Marcus Executive Office of the President phone Saudi public relations S/24/2016 Wendy Chamberlin Middle East Institute e-mail, phone Saudi public relations 6/1/2016 Ed Burton US-Saudi Business Council e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 6/1/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail 6/3/2016 Liz King Senate Armed Services Committee phone Saudi public relations 6/3/2016 Nuku Ofori •S. Department of State phone Saudi public relations 6/6/2016 Chris Brose Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 6/6/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid phone Saudi public relations 6/6/2016 Mike Kuiken Senate Armed Services Committee phone Saudi public relations 6/6/2016 Robert Marcus Executive Office ofthe President meeting Saudi public relations 6/7/2016 Mike Kuiken Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 6/7/2016 Missy Ryan Washington Post e-mail Saudi public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Center for Studies and Media Affairs at the Saudi Royal Court

Date I Person Contacted" Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed Saudi public relations 6/7/2016 Pat Mancino National Council On US-Arab Relations e-mail 6/8/2016 Mike Kuiken Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 6/8/2016 Missy Ryan Washington Post e-mail, phone Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 6/8/2016 Pat Mancino National Council On US-Arab Relations e-mail Saudi public relations 6/9/2016 Anne Marie Chotvacs, Johnnie Kaberle Rep. Kay Granger e-mail 6/9/2016 Bilal Saab Atlantic Council e-mail Saudi public relations 6/9/2016 Chris Oven Rep. Adam Schiff e-mail Saudi public relations 6/9/2016 Jennifer Murrow Rep. Devin Nunes e-mail Saudi public relations 6/9/2016 Jonathan Burks Rep. Paul Ryan e-mall Saudi public relations 6/9/2016 Mira Resnick Rep. Eliot Engel e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 6/9/2016 Raymond Karam Arab Gulf States Institute In Washington e-mail 6/9/2016 Rorl Kramer U.S. Department of State phone Saudi public relations 6/9/2016 Savannah Romero Rep. Adam Smith e-mail Saudi public relations 6/9/2016 Steve Marchese Rep. Nita Lowey e-mail Saudi public relations 6/9/2016 Ty Mabry Sen. Thad Cochran e-mail Saudi public relations 6/10/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 6/11/2016 Raymond Karam Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington e-mail 6/13/2016 Missy Ryan Washington Post e-mail Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 6/13/2016 various recipients (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail 6/13/2016 Warren Strobel Reuters e-mail Saudi public relations 6/14/2016 Brian Katulis Center for American Progress e-mail Saudi public relations 6/14/2016 Daniel Silverberg Rep. Steny Hoyer e-mail Saudi public relations 6/14/2016 Dominic Dudley Forbes e-mail Saudi public relations 6/14/2016 Emily Meredith Energy Intel e-mail Saudi public relations 6/14/2016 jean-Francois Seznec Atlantic Council e-mail Saudi public relations 6/15/2016 Caroline Watson NPR e-mail Saudi public relations 6/15/2016 Cecily Hilleary Voice of America e-mail Saudi public relations 6/15/2016 Chris Turpin NPR e-mail Saudi public relations 6/15/2016 Elise LaBott CNN e-mail Saudi public relations 6/15/2016 Will Dobson NPR e-mail Saudi public relations 6/16/2016 Daniel Silverberg Rep. Steny Hoyer e-mail Saudi public relations 6/16/2016 Elise LaBott CNN e-mail Saudi public relations 6/16/2016 Kristy Hays Voice of America e-mail Saudi public relations 6/16/2016 Sandy Suguwara Voice of America meeting Saudi public relations 6/17/2016 AkbarAyazi Voice of America meeting Saudi public relations 6/17/2016 Amanda Bennet Voice of America meeting Saudi public relations 6/17/2016 Elise Labott CNN meeting Saudi public relations 6/17/2016 Kelu Chao Voice of America meeting Saudi public relations 6/20/2016 Daniel Silverberg Rep. Steny Hoyer phone Saudi public relations Saudi public relations 6/20/2016 Jeremy Sharp Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone 6/20/2016 Joseph Braude Foreign Policy Research Institute e-mail Saudi public relations 6/20/2016 Mike Kuiken Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail Saudi public relations 6/20/2016 Mira Resnick House Foreign Affairs Committee phone Saudi public relations 6/20/2016 Spencer Johnson House Armed Services Committee mail Saudi public relations 6/21/2016 Julia Frifield U.S. Department of State phone Saudi public relations 6/21/2016 Mike Kuiken Senate Armed Services Committee phone Saudi public relations 6/22/2016 Akbar Ayazi Voice of America e-mail Saudi public relations 6/22/2016:KokabFarshorl Voice of America e-mail Saudi public relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Date. I Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed V12/2016 Liz King Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail US-Vietnam relations 1/12/2016 TomSheehy House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mail US-Vietnam relations 1/13/2016 Hunter Strupp House Foreign Affairs Committee. meeting US-Vietnam relations 1/19/2016 Amy Chang, House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting US-Vietnam relations 1/21/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreigh'Relations Committee. e-mail US-Vietnam relations 1/27/2016 Igor Khrestin Sen. Cory Gardner ermail. US-Vietnam relations 2/1/2016 Igor Khrestin Sen. Cory Gardner e-mail US-Vietnam relations 2/1/2016 Robert Marcus Executive Office of the.President e-mail US-Vietnam relations 2/2/2016 various redpienS (previously filed) various recipients (previously filed) e-mail US-Vietnam relations 2/9/2016 Michael Schiffer Seriate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-Vietnam relations Z/16/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail US-Vietnam relations 2/16/2016 Clark Jennings Executive Office ofthe President phone US-Vietnam relations 2/17/2016 Michael Schiffer . Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting US-Vietnam relations 2/17/2016 Tim Rieser Sen. Patrick Leahy meeting US-Vietnam relations ,2/25/2016 Steven Garza Department of Commerce e-mail US-Vietnam relations 2/29/2016 flm Rieser. Sen. Patrick Leahy. e-mail US-Vietnam relations 3/2/2016 Ben Kane Rep. Alan Lowenthal meeting USVietnam relations Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign US-Vietnam relations 3/2/2016_Tim Rieser Operations and Related Agencies e-mail Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign US-Vietnam relations 3/3/2016 Tim Rieser Operations and Related Agencies meeting 3/4/2016 Dan Kritenbrink National Security Council e-mail US-Vietnam relations 3/5/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations.Commlttee e-mail US-Vietnam relations 3/7/2016 Andy. Kinn National Security Council e-mail US-Vietnam relations 3/9/2016 Andy Kinn National Security Council e-mall US-Vietnam relations 3/10/2016 Andy Kinn. National Security Council e-mail US-Vietnam relations 3/10/2016 Chris Brose Senate Armed Services Committee e-mail USrVietnam relations 3/11/2016 Dan Kritenbrink National Security Council meeting US-Vietnam relations 3/11/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-Vietnam relations 3/14/2016 Maribel Ramos Gov. Terry McAuliffe phone, e-mail US-Vietnam relations 3/15/2016 Maribel Ramos Gov. Terry McAuliffe e-mail US-Vietnam relations 3/23/2016 Chad Kreikemeier Executive Office ofthe President meeting US Vietnam relations Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign US-Vietnam relations 3/25/2016 Tim Rieser Operations and Related Agencies e-mail 3/30/2016 Roberta Jacobsen U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Vietnam relations 3/3V2016 Rorl Kramer US. Department of State e-mail US-Vietnam relations 4/1/2016 Everett Elsenstatt Senate Finance Committee phone US-Vietnam relations 4/4/2016 Chelsea Rarrick WTVR •mail Vietnam public relations 4/4/2016 Evanne Arrridur WRIC. e-mail" Vietnam public relations 4/4/2016 GregGllligan Richmond Times Dispatch e-mail Vietnam public relations 4/4/2016 Heather Sullivan NBC 12 Richmond.. e-mail Vietnam public relations 4/4/2016 Maribel Ramos Gov. Terry McAuliffe e-mail USrVietnam relations 4/4/2016 Todd Culbertson. Richmond Times Dispatch ermail Vietnam public relations 4/5/2016 Jillian Bonnardeaux U.S. Department of State e-mail US-Vietnam, relations 4/6/2016 Jillian Bonnardeaux U.SI Department of State ermail US-Vietnam relations 4/7/2016 Todd Culbertson Richmond Times Dispatch e-mall Vietnam public relations 4/8/2016 Maribel Ramos Gov. Terry McAuliffe e-mail US-Vietnam relations 4/11/2016 Chad Kreikemeier Executive Office ofthe President phone US:Vietnam relations 4/11/2016 Maribel Ramos Gov. Terry.McAuliffe mail,phbne US-Vietnam relations. 4/11/2016 Todd Culbertson Richmond Times Dispatch ermail Vietnam public relations 4/12/2016 Todd Culbertson Richmond Times Dispatch mail Vietnam public relations 4/20/2016 Jennifer Hendrixson-White House Foreign Affairs Committee mail US-Vietnam relations 4/21/2016 Hunter.Strupp House Foreign Affairs Committee mail US-Vietnam relations 4/21/2016 Luke Murry House Foreign Affairs Committee e-mall US-Vietnam relations 4/22/2016 Akshai Datta Rep. Ami Bera e-mail, phone US-Vietnam relations 4/22/2016 Ben Ward Rep. Alan Lowenthal mail US-Vietnam relations 4/22/2016 Kinsey Kriakos. Rep. Brad Sherman •mail, phone US-Vietnam relations 4/25/2016 Hunter Strupp House Foreign Affairs Committee mail US-Vietnam relations 4/25/2016 Luke Murry House Foreign Affairs Committee -mail US-Vietnam relations 4/25/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone US-Vietnam relations 4/27/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee e-mail US-Vietnam relations 5/9/2016 Jillian Bonnardeaux U.S. Department of State. e-mail US-Vietnam relations 5/9/2016 MichaelSchiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee -mail US-Vietnam relations 5/9/2016 Scott Kofmehl National Security Council e-mail US-Vietnam relations 5/17/2016 Marta Prado. United States Trade Representative email, phone US-Vietnam relations 5/23/2016 Maribel Ramos Gov. Terry McAuliffe e-mail, phone US-Vietnam relations 5/24/2016 Albert Hsu Department of Commerce email, phone US-Vietnam relations 5/25/2016 MichaelSchiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone US-Vietnam relations 5/26/2016 Michael Schiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee -mail US-Vietnam relations 6/3/2016 Uz King Senate Armed Services Committee phone US-Vietnam relations 6/6/2016 Jessica Lewis, Sen. Harry Reid. phone. US-Vietnam relations 6/8/2016 MichaelSchiffer Senate Foreign Relations Committee phone US-Vletnam.relatlons

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 12: Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Date Person Contacted Office Means of Contact Subjects Discussed 6/10/2016 Jessica Lewis Sen. Harry Reid e-mail US-Vietnam relations 6/20/2016 Maribel Ramos Gov. Terry McAuliffe e-mail, ptione US-Vietnam relations

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM



Date Foreign Principal Purpose Amount

2/2/16 Democratic Party of Moldova Reimbursement $13,577.37

2/2/16 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fee $50,000.00 $625.37 2/2/16 Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan Reimbursement Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fee $50,000.00 2/22/16 $60.16 2/22/16 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Reimbursement Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fee $50,000.00 3/18/16 $10,095.58 3/18/16 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Reimbursement Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fee $70,000.00 4/21/16 $23.80 4/21/16 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Reimbursement Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fee $70,000.00 5/18/16 $316.14 5/18/16 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Reimbursement Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Reimbursement $5,871.50 6/6/16 $70,000.00 6/20/16 Embassy ofthe Republic of Azerbaijan Fee Embassy ofthe Republic pf Azerbaijan Reimbursement $1,325.68 6/20/16 $1,007.50 6/27/16 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Reimbursement 1/8/16 Embassy ofthe Republic of the Union of Myanmar Fee $210,000.00

1/22/16 Hong Kong Trade Development Council Fee $29,963.00 2/29/16 Hong Kong Trade Development Council Fee $29,963.00 3/22/16 Hong Kong Trade Development Council Fee $29,963.00 4/29/16 Hong Kong Trade Development Council Fee $29,963.00 5/27/16 Hong Kong Trade Development Council Fee $29,963.00 6/30/16 Hong Kong Trade Development Council Fee $29,963.00

1/6/16 Republic of India Fee $58,333.00 3/2/16 Republic of India Fee $116,666.00 4/5/16 Republic of India Fee $58,333.00 4/29/16 Republic of India Fee $58,333.00 6/1/16 Republic of India Fee $58,333.00 6/24/16 Republic of India Fee $58,333.00

2/26/16 Embassy of Japan Fee $17,500.00 3/18/16 Embassy of Japan Fee $17,500.00 4/7/16 Embassy of Japan Fee $17,500.00 4/13/16 Embassy of Japan Fee $17,500.00 6/7/16 Embassy of Japan Fee $17,500,00 6/24/16 Embassy ofJapan Fee $17,500.00

1/6/16 Republic of Iraq Reimbursement $25,339.56 1/11/16 Republic of Iraq Reimbursement $12,600.00

1/4/16 Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Fee $30,000.00 2/1/16 Embassy ofthe Socialist Republic of Vietnam Fee $30,000.00 3/2/16 Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Fee $30,000.00 4/4/16 Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Fee $30,000.00 4/29/16 Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Fee $30,000.00 6/1/16 Embassy ofthe Socialist Republic of Vietnam Fee $30,000.00 6/27/16 Embassy ofthe Socialist Republic of Vietnam Fee $30,000.00

1/25/16 The Center for Studies and Media Affairs Fee $420,000.00 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM

4/8/16 The Center for Studies and Media Affairs Fee $420,000.00 4/8/16 The Center for Studies and Media Affairs Reimbursement $195.25

Expenditures listed, under "Reimbursement" were for purposes associated with work by the Podesta Group, and no U.S. government officials or media representatives benefited therefrom.

TOTAL . $2,384,146.91

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM



Date Foreign Principal Purpose Amount

1/16-6/16 Democratic Party of Moldova Meals $102.40 1/16-6/16 Democratic Party of Moldova Office Expenses* $68.00 1/16-6/16 Democratic Party of Moldova Transportation/Travel $17,691.77

1/16-6/16 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Meals $225.42 1 /16-6/16 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Office Expenses* $7,399.37 1/16-6/16 Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Transportation/Travel $1,323.17

1/16-6/16 Embassy of the Republic ofthe Union of Myanmar Office Expenses* $419.50 1 /16-6/16 Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Transportation/Travel $142.52

1/16-6/16 Hong Kong Trade Development Council Office Expenses* $326.27 1/16-6/16 Hong Kong Trade Development Counci 1 Transportation/Travel $70.21

1/16-6/16 Republic of India Meals $41.74 1/16-6/16 Republic of India Office Expenses* $422.45 1/16-6/16 Republic of India Transportation/Travel $312.37

1/16-6/16 Embassy of Japan Office Expenses* $306.42 1 /16-6/16 Embassy of Japan Transportation/Travel $255.47

1/16-6/16 Republic of Iraq Meals $7,019.11 1/16-6/16 Republic of Iraq Office Expenses* $8,622,07 1/16-6/16 Republic of Iraq Transportation/Travel $268.20

1/16-6/16 Republic of Korea Meals $14.15 1 /l 6-6/16 Republic of Korea Office Expenses* $4,416^87 1/16-6/16 Republic of Korea Transportation/Travel $59.67

1/16-6/16 Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Meals $50.00 1/16-6/16 Embassy ofthe Socialist Republic of Vietnam Office Expenses* $305.00 1/16-6/16 Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Transportation/Travel $238.51

1 /16-6/16 The Center of Studies and Media Affairs Meals $722.35 I /l 6-6/16 The Center of Studies and Media Affairs Office Expenses* $452.71 1/16-6/16 The Center of Studies and Media Affairs Transportation/Travel $697.46

NOTE: Expenditures listed under "Transportation/Travel" and "Meals " were for purposes associated with work by the Podesta Group, and no U.S. government officials or media representatives benefited therefrom.

* "Office Expenses" includes courier, shipping, data communication, FARA filing fees, office supplies, parking, printing, copying, publications, information services, telephone, and other miscellaneous expenses.

TOTAL $51,973.18

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2;00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM

15(a). Travel.

Disclosure of expenditures for travel of a partner, officer, director, associate, employee, or agent of a registrant, in connection with the services being rendered to the foreign principal must include the date of the travel, the identity of the traveler(s), the destination, and the purpose of the travel.

Date Travelers) Destination Purpose

Democratic Party of Moldova

5/30/16-6/2/16 Javier Sancho Chisinau, Moldova meeting with client 5/31/16-6/2/16 Hastie Afkhami Chisinau, Moldova meeting with client 5/30/16-6/2/16 Steve Rademaker Chisinau, Moldova meeting with client

Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

5/24-25/16 William Bohlen Boston, MA Azerbaijan public relations

Embassy ofthe Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; all expenditures were for local transportation.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; all expenditures were for local transportation.

Republic of India '

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; all expenditures were for local transportation.

Republic of Japan

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; all expenditures were for local transportation.

Republic of Iraq

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; all expenditures were for local transportation.

Republic of Korea

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; all expenditures were for local transportation.

Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; aH expenditures were for local transportation.

The Center of Studies and Media Affairs

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; all expenditures were for local transportation.

Democratic Party of Albania

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; all expenditures were for local transportation.

Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo

Registrant made no expenditures for travel; all expenditures were for local transportation.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 15(c): Disbursements - Political Contributions

Erhployee Date Amount Recipient Event Location:: Adams 1/20/2016 $1,000 Democratic Senate Campaign Committee Washington, DC Adams 1/26/2016 $500 Missourians for Kander Washington, DC Adams 2/10/2016 $500 Friends for Gregory Meeks Washington, DC Adams 2/23/2016 $1,000 Eliot Engel Democrat for Congress Washington, DC

Adams 3/1/2016 $1,000 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Washington, DC Adams 3/9/2016 $250 Kirk Victory. 2016 Washington, DC Adams .3/23/2016 $250 Schneider for Congress Washington, DC Adams 4/29/2016 $1,000 Hoyer for Congress Washington, DC. Adams 5/2S/2016 $1,666 Menendez for Senate Washington, DC Adams 6/22/2016 $1,000 Royce for Congress Washington, DC Anderson 1/22/2016 $500 Missourians for Kander Washington, DC Anderson 2/3/2016 $250 Donna Edwards for Senate Washington, DC Antelo 4/30/2016 $1,392 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Antelo 5/30/2016 $1,392 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Antelo 6/30/2016 $1,392 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Washington, DC Antelo 2/12/2016 $500 Democrats Reshaping America (DREAMPAC) Miami, FL. Antelo 3/14/2016 $1,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Antelo 3/16/2016 $250 Espaillat For Congress 2016 Washington, DC Antelo 3/20/2016 $500 Joe Garcia For Congress Washington, DC Antelo 3/24/2016 $500 Missourians for Kander Washington, DC Antelo 6/28/2016 $250 Missourians for Kander Washington, DC Antelo 3/24/2016 $25P Darren Soto For Congress Washington,.DC Antelo 3/27/2016 $500 tony Cardenas For Congress Washington, DC Antelo 3/29/2016 $250 Napolitano For Congress Washington, DC Brathwalte 1/31/2016 $250 Pete Agullar for Congress Washington, DC Brathwalte 1/31/2016 $5,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Brathwalte 1/31/2016 $500 Jeff Merkley for Senate Washington, DC Brathwalte 1/31/2016 $100 Sylvester Turner for Mayer Washington, DC Brathwalte 1/31/2016 $500 Jason Kander for Senate Washington, DC Brathwalte 3/12/2016 $1,000 Donna Edwards for Senate Washington, DC Brathwalte 4/13/2016 $250 Anthony Brown for Congress Washington, DC Brathwalte 6/30/2016 $500 Gregory Meeks for Congress Washington, DC Brathwalte 6/30/2016 ,$500 Tammy Baldwin for Senate Washington, DC Brathwalte 6/30/2616 $566 Alcee Hastings for Congress Washington, DC Brathwalte 6/30/2016 $560 Emanuel Cleaver for Congress Washington, DC Brathwalte 6/30/2016 $500 Yvette Clarke for Congress Washington, DC Brathwalte 6/30/2016 $566 Maggie Hassan for Senate Washington, DC Brathwaite 6/36/2016 $506 Jeanne Shaheen for Senate Washingtpn,DC Brathwaite "6/30/2016 $500 Ameripac Washington, DC Brathwaite 6/30/2016 $566 Xavier Becerra for Congress Washington, DC Brathwaite 6/30/2016 $500 Bobby Rush for Congress Washington, DC Brathwalte 6/30/2016 $5,850 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Pyer_ 2/11/2016 $500 Heck 4 Nevada Washington, PC Dyer 2/12/2016 $250 Friends of Erik Paulsen Washington, PC Dyer 2/25/2016 $500 Moore for West Virginia Washington, DC Dyer 3/1/2016 $506 Ron Johnson for Senate Washington, DC Dyer 3/10/2016 $1,000 Kirk for Senate Washington, DC Dyer 3/16/2016 $500 Elise for Congress Washington, DC Dyer 4/19/2016 $1,066 Kay Granger Campaign Fund Washington, PC Dyer 6/28/2016 $506 Georgia PAC Washlngton.DC Gerard 3/30/2016 $500 QRRIN PAC Washington, DC Gerard 3/31/2016 $250 Friends of Joe Heck Washington, DC Gerard 3/31/2016 $250 Friends pf Erik Paulsen Washington, DC Gerard 6/30/2016 $506 Ron Johnson for Senate Washington, DC Gerard 6/30/2016 $100 Boustany for Senate Washington, DC Gerard 6/30/2016 $506 Kirk Victory 2016 Washington, DC Gerard 6/30/2016 $500 Elise for Congress Washington, DC Holly 2/11/2016 $250 Friends of Erik Paulsen Washington, DC Holly .2/11/2016 $500 Friends pf Joe Heck Washington, DC

2/29/2016 $2,506 National Republican Congressional Committee Holly Washington, DC

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM """ReceweTbyNSBTFARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 15(c): Disbursements - Political Contributions

Employee Date Amount Recipient Event Location Holly 3/10/2016 $650 Kirk Victory 2016 Washington, DC Holly 3/16/2016 $500 Elise StefaniK for Congress wasningtpn, PC Holly 3/21/2016 $500 Moore for West Virginia Washington, PC Holly 3/30/2016 $500 Ron Johnson for Senate Washington, DC Holly 4/18/2016 $1,000 Friends.of John McCain Washington, DC Holly 5/17/2016 $1,000 Friends of Kelly Ayotte Washington, DC Holly 5/31/2016 $2,500 Thornberry for Congress Washington, DC Holly 6/30/2016 $1,154 National Republican Senatorial Committee Washington, DC Holly 6/30/2Q16 $500 Luke Messer for Congress Washington, PC Holly 6/30/2016 $1,750 Citizens for Turner Washington, DC Holly 6/30/2016 $500 Hoeven for Senate Washington, DC Johnson 6/16/2016 $500 Hoeven for Senate Washington, PC Johnson 3/29/2016 $125 National Republican Senatorial Committee. Washington, DC Johnson 3/22/2016 $500 Moore for West Virgjpa Washington, PC Johnson 3/16/2016 $625 Kirk for Senate Washington, DC Johnson 3/16/2016 $250 Friends of Erik Paulsen Washington, DC Johnson 3/16/2016 $250 Elise for Congress Washington, PC Johnson 3/23/2016 $506 Ron Johnson for Senate Washington, DC Johnson 4/29/2016 $125 National Republican Senatorial Committee Washington, DC Johnson 5/29/2016 $125 National Republican Senatorial Committee Washington, PC Johnson 6/16/2016 $568 Luke Messer for Congress Washington, DC Kauders 2/12/2016 $1,066 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Kauders 3/10/2016 $250 Jason Kander for Senate Washington, DC Kauders. 3/16/2016 $250 Engel for Congress Washington, PC

Kauders 3/10/2016 $1,000 Democratic Congressional Campalgn Committee Washington, DC Kauders 3/31/2016 $250 Schneider for Congress Washington, DC Kauders 3/31/2016 $206 Joel Rubin for Congress Washington, PC Kauders 4/6/2016 $250 Cleaver for Congress Washington, DC Lahey 1/26/2016 $500 Missiourians.for Kander Washington, DC Lahey 2/25/2016 $250 Josh Stein for Attorney General Washington, DC Lahey 5/16/2016 $250 Friends of Leon Andrews Washington, DC Lahey 6/27/2016 $506 Hoyer for Congress Washington, DC Lewin 3/31/2016 $1,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC

Lewin 3/31/2016 $1)060 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Washington, PC Lewin 3/31/2016 $500 Friends for Gregory Meeks Washington, DC Lewin 3/31/2016 $500 Schneider for Congress Washington, DC Lewin 3/31/2016 $500 Blumenthal for Connecticut Washington, DC . Lewin 3/31/2016 $256 Friends pf Schumer Washington, PC Lewin 3/17/2016 $250 Missourians for Kander Washington, DC Lewin 6/15/2016 $500 Himes for Congress Washington, PC Lewin 6/15/2016 $500 Murphy for Florida Washington, PC Lewin 6/23/2016 $1,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Lewin 6/23/2016 $500 Hillary for America Washington, PC Moore 2/20/2016 $250 Kent for WV Washington, PC Moore 3/1/2016 $256 Friends of Erik Paulsen Washington, DC Moore 3/1/2016 $250 Ron Johnson for Senate Inc Washington, PC Moore 3/2/2016 $250 Friends of Joe Heck Washington, DC Moore 3/29/2016 $250 Elise for Congress Washington, PC Moore 3/29/2016, $250 Kirk for Senate Washington, DC Moore 4/7/2016 $500 Friends of Bill Cole Washington, PC Moore 5/25/2016 $500 Ros-Lehtinen for Congress Washington,.DC Moore 6/14/2016 $250 Upson for WV Washington, DC Morgenstern 2/11/2016 $500 Friends of Joe.Heck Washington, DC Morgenstern 2/12/2016 $250 Friends of Erik Paulsen Washington, PC Morgenstern 2/24/2016 $250 Project West PAC Washington, DC Morgenstern 2/25/2616 $250 Boozman for Arkansas Washington, DC Morgenstern 2/25/2016 $506 Moore for West Virginia Washington, PC Morgenstern 3/1/2016 $500 Ron Johnson for Senate, Inc. Washington, DC Morgenstern 3/8/2016 $560 ORRJN PAC Washington, DC Morgenstern 3/10/2016 $625 Kirk Victory 2016 Washington, DC.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 15(c): Disbursements - Political Contributions

Employee Date Amount Recipient Event Location Morgenstern 3/16/2016 $500 Elise for Congress Washington, DC Morgenstern 3/31/2016 $250 Paul.Babeu.fpr Congress Washington, DC Morgenstern 4/11/2016 $1,154 National Republican Senatorial Committee Washington, DC Morgenstern 4/13/2Q16 $250 Cohen for Congress Washington, DC Morgenstern 4/25/2016 $500 Duncan for Congress Washington, DC

Morgenstern 4/28/2016 $770 National Republican Congressional Committee Washington, DC Morgenstern 5/11/2016 $250 Committee to Elect Skyler Rude Washington, DC Morgenstern 5/18/2016 $1,000 Hoeven for Senate Washington,„DC Morgenstern 5/25/2016 $500 Luke Messer for Congress Washington, DC Morgenstern 6/8/2016 $250 Citizens.for Turner Washington, DC Morgenstern 6/8/2016 $50 Committee to Elect Skyler Rude Washington, DC Podesta 2/18/2016 $5,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Podesta .2/25/2016 $2,700 Friends of Gregory Meeks Washington, DC Podesta 3/15/2016 $500 Vote Boyle Washington, DC Podesta 3/15/2016 $5001 Engel for Congress Washington, DC Podesta .3/15/2016 $500 Vote Boyle Washington, DC Podesta 3/15/2016 $1,000 Tom Wolf for Governor Washington, DC Podesta 3/15/2016 $2,700 Katie McGinty for Senate Washington, DC

Podesta 3/15/2016 $5,000 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Washington, DC Podesta 3/16/2016 $1,000 Maggie Hassan for Senate Washington, DC Podesta 3/28/2016 $500 Eshoo for Congress Washington, PC Podesta 3/28/2016, $500 Schneider for Congress Washington, DC Podesta 3/28/2016 $500 Dianne Feinstein Washington, J>C Podesta 3/28/2016 $2,000 ORRIN PAC Washington/DC Podesta 3/28/2016 $500 Chuck Schumer for Senate Washington, DC Podesta 3/28/2016 $5,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington,.PC

Podesta 3/28/2016 $5,000 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Washington, DC Podesta 4/15/2016 $1,000 Van Hollen for Senate Washington, DC Podesta 5/5/2016 $1,000 Hoyer for Congress Washington, DC Podesta 5/5/2016 $7,500 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC

Podesta 5/5/2016 $7,500 Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Washington, PC Podesta 5/18/2016 $2,700 Debbie Wasserman Schultz for Congress Washington,^ Podesta 5/18/2016 $5,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Podesta 5/31/2016 $500 Steve Stern for Congress Washington, DC Podesta 6/1/2016 $5,900 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Podesta 6/14/2016 $2,700 Barbara Comstock for Congress Washington, DC Podesta 6/28/2016 $500 Jim Gray for Kentucky Washington, PC Podesta 6/28/2016 $1,000 Blumenthal for Connecticut Washington, DC Podesta 6/29/2016 $325 Patrick Murphy for Senate Washington, DC Podesta 6/29/2016 $1,000 Stand with Bob Washington, DC Podesta 6/30/2P16| $825 Progressive Victory 2016 Washington, DC Podesta 6/30/2016 $500 Progressive Victory 2016 Washington, DC

Rademaker 1/12/2016 $1,154 National Republican Congressional Committee Washington, DC Rademaker 1/12/2016 $2,570 National Republican Senatorial Committee Washington, PC

Rademaker 3/9/2016 $770 National Republican Congressional.Committee Washington, DC Rademaker 3/9/2016 $1,154 National Republican Senatorial Committee Washington, DC Rademaker 3/9/2016 $500 Friends of Joe Heck Washington, DC Rademaker 3/9/2016 $500 Friends for Gregory Meeks Washington, DC Rademaker 3/9/2016 $1,000 Engel for Congress Washington, DC Rademaker 3/9/2016 $500 Ron Johnson for Senate Washington, DC Rademaker 3/9/2016 $500 Mike Gallagher for Congress Washington, DC Rademaker 3/9/2016 $250 Erik Paulsen for Congress Washington, DC Rademaker 3/9/2016 $500 Moore for WVA Washington, DC Rademaker 3/10/2016 $650 Kirk for Senate Washington, DC Rademaker 3/31/2016 $500 Grover Joseph Rees for Congress Washington, DC Rademaker 3/31/2016 $1,000 Ros-Lehtinen for Congress Washington, DC

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016. 2:00:10 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM Question 15(c): Disbursements - Political Contributions

Employee Date Amount Recipient Event Location Rademaker 6/30/2016 $500] Luke Messer for Congress Washington, DC Rademaker 6/30/2016 $1,000 Royce Campaign Committee Washington,_DC Rademaker 6/30/2016 $500 Hoeven for Senate Washington, DC Ramirez 1/4/2016 $500 Ad rian Garcia forCongres s Washington, DC Ramirez 1/4/2016 $200 Martin O'Malley for President Washington, DC Ramirez 1/19/2016 $500 Adrian Garcia for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez. 1/20/2016 $2,783 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Ramirez 1/27/2016 $500 Joseline Pena Melnyk for congress Washington, PC Ramirez 1/27/2016 $250 Joseline Pena Melnyk for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez 2/2/2016 $250 Bernie Sanders for President Washington, DC Ramirez 2/9/2016 $250 Bernie Sanders for President Washington, DC Ramirez, 2/9/2016 $250 Bernie Sanders for President Washington, DC Ramirez 2/20/2016 $2,783 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC. Ramirez 3/2/2016 $1,000 Emanuel Cleaver for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez, 3/17/2016 $1,000 Darren Soto for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez 3/20/2016 $2,783 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Ramirez 3/23/2016 $500 Nancy Pelosi for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez 3/24/2016 $250 Joseline Peha Melnyk for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez 3/28/2016 $250 Hillary Clinton for President Washington, PC Ramirez 3/29/2016 $1,000 Tammy Duckworth for Senate Washington, PC Ramirez 3/31/2dl6 $250 Lucy Flores forCongres s Washington, DC Ramirez 4/1/2016 $750 Hillary Clinton for President Washington, PC Ramirez 4/13/2016 $500 Chris Van Hollen for Senate Washington, PC Ramirez 4/13/2016 $1,000 Catherine Cortez Masto for Senate Washington, PC Ramirez 4/20/2016 $2,783 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Ramirez 4/26/2016 $3,000 Latino Victory Fund Washington, PC Ramirez 5/11/2016 $2,500 Cory Booker for Senate Washington, PC Ramirez 5/20/2016 $2,783 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Ramirez 5/24/2016 $500 Tony Cardenas for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez. 6/9/2516 ,$250 Ruben Kihuen for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez 6/17/2016 $500 Patrick Murphy forSenat e Washington, DC Ramirez 6/20/2016 $2,783 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Ramirez 6/20/2016 $1,500 Latino Victory Fund Washington, DC Ramirez 6/27/2016 $1,70Q Nanette Barragan for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez 6/28/2016 $250 Emilio Huerta for Congress Washington, PC Ramirez 6/29/2016 $500 Michelle Lujan Grisham for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez 6/30/2016 $700 Darren Soto for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez, 6/30/2016 $250 Steny Hoyer forCongres s Washington, DC Ramirez 6/30/2016 $250 Raul Ruiz for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez 6/30/2016 .$1,000 Brady Walkinshaw for Congress Washington, DC Ramirez 6/30/2016 $500 Joe Garcia for Congress Washington, DC Tavlarides 1/20/2016 $1,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Tavlarides 1/26/2016 $500 Missourians for Kander Washington, DC Tavlarides 2/10/2016 $500 Friends pf Gregory Meeks Washington, DC Tavlarides 2/12/2016 $100 Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress Washington, DC Tavlarides 2/16/2016 $500 Moore for West Virginia Washington, DC Tavlarides 2/23/2016 $1,000 Engel.for Congress Washington, DC Tavlarides 2/23/2016 $500 Friends of Patrick Murphy Washington, DC Tavlarides 3/1/2016 $1,000 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Washington, DC Tavlarides 3/11/2016 $1,000 Ros-Lehtinen forCongres s Washington, DC Tavlarides 3/23/2016 $750 Schneider for Congress Washington, DC Tavlarides 3/29/2016 $500 Tammy for Illinois Washington, DC Tavlarides 4/9/2016 $100 Catherine Cortez Masto.for Senate Washington, DC Tavlarides 4/13/2016 $500 Cohen for Congress Washington, DC Tavlarides 4/14/2016 $500 Van Hollen forSenat e Washington, DC Tavlarides 4/29/2016 $500 Hoyer's Majority Fund Washington, DC Tavlarides 5/25/2016 $500 Menendez for Senate Washington, PC Tavlarides 6/9/2016 $500 Friends of Patrick Murphy Washington, PC Tavlarides 6/13/2016 $500 The Markey Committee Washington, PC Tavlarides 6/22/2016 $250 Leahy for US Senator Washington, DC Tavlarides 6/22/2016 $1,000 Royce Campaign Committee Washington, DC *No contributions for Ms. Afkhami, Ms. Billings, Mr. Bohlen, Ms. Chandra, Mr..Kirsch, Ms. Valdes or Ms. Wohlford.

Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 07/29/2016 2:00:10 PM