Oxfordshire. Shiplake
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DlRECTORY. J OXFORDSHIRE. SHIPLAKE. 315 wwer- at the north-west angle containing 8 bells, two of wooded and noted for its fine cedar and. oak tree&.. which were added in 1902 to commemorate the long The Coppice is the residence of the Hon. Sir Waiter reign of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, and a clock: George Frank Phillimore hart. D.C.L., LL.D., J.P. in general the church is of the Decorated era, but Col. J. Baskerville D.L., J.P. is lord of the manor and the arches of the nave arcades are Transition Nor- principal landown~r. The soil is gravel;. subsoil, chalk. man, the south aisle being Early English and retaining The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats and peas. Th~ a piscina of that date: the font is Decorated: there is area is 21101 acres of land and 29 of water; rateabl~ a brass to John Symonds and Jane his wife, c. I54o, value1 £9,873; the population in 1901 wa~t 870 in th& &nd memorials to Andrew Blunden, 16o7, and to Mr. ci\·il and 714 in the ecclesiastical parish. Plowden, with a fine bust: the church was rebuilt in Parish· Clerk, Charles Montague. 186g· and a chancel and organ chamber added, from Post M. & T. Office~ Lower Shiplake.-'-Arthnr Lyford,. plans by the late George E. Street esq. R.A.. at a oost sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through Henley at 7 of {,3,713 6s. ud. ; the bell!! w~re re~ung and a new a.m. & 12. 20 & 7. IS p.m.; dispatched at 8.2rr a. m. &. one added: there !;\re sev~n stamed wrndows, some of 12. 20, 2 .5 0 & 7.10 p.m.; sundays, arrive at 7 a.. m.; 1rhich are filled wrth anc1ent gla.ss brought from the dispatched at rr.so p.m church of the A.b bey of St. Bertm at St. Omer ; .t~e , Post, M. & T. Office, Binfield Heath. J oseph Bartholo- west window is a memorial to Sir Robert Joseph Ph1lh- mew, sub-postmaster. Letters through Henley-on- more hart. d. I9 May, r885: the late Lord Tennyson, Thames arrive at 7.30 a.m. & 1.45 p.m.; dispatched poet laureate, was married in this church, June_ 13,, at z. 45 & 6.30 p.m.; mndays, n.2o a.m r85o: there are :wo sittings. The register of baptisms Wall Letter Box at Church lane, cleared at t. IS &. and burials dates from the year 1672; m:uriages, r674· 6 45 p.m. week days & II-35 a.m. on sundays; at In the churchyard i11 a memorial cross erected in Igo8 Holmwood, clea-red at 1 .30 & 6.35 p.m. week days &. by the Hon. Sir Waiter G. F. Phillimure bart. a.nd r1.25 a. m. on sundays; at Widmore Pond, cleared at members of his family. The living is a vicarage, net 8. 2 5 a.m. & 6.2:> p.m. week days &; 9.40 a.m. on sun- yearly value £260, with rE:sidence, in th~ gift of the days; at Crowsley Park, cleared at 6.15 p.m. week Dean and Canons of Windsor, and held smce Igog by davs & 1 r. 3o a.m. on sundays; at Shiplake Mill, the Rev. Reginald William Wynter ~LA.. of ~t. John's cle.ared at 7 .45 a.m. & I2.40 & 7 p.m.; sundays, 11.5e> College, Oxf?rd. N ea.r. t?e c~urch .J..s a pansh room. a.m. ; at The Coppice, cleared at r.so & 6 p.m. ; Peppard Pansh room 1s m thrs pansh, and faces Pe~- sundays, II.IS a.m.; Hollybush Corner, cleared at pa~d Co~mon. There are f?ur cottages and gardens. m _IS !'\.m. & I . r::; &; . IS p.m. ; sundays, 12 noon 8 2 7 th1a par1sh, the rents of whrch, £2r yearly, are apphed C t p r St t' L Sh' k F d 'ck Lam 10 1 1 to the repairs of the church, after payment of £5 to the o:n Y 0 r~e a tnbl ower P a e, re en - clerk. This village is a favourite resort for boating, El onrnta po Sehcols( a . e d) b ilt · fo hil fishing and bicycling parties. Crowsley Park is the seat emen ry c 00 . mue • u m 1 87 1• r 80 d c - 0 f Co I . J o h n B as k ervr-11 e D . L . , J . p . ., th e mansron,· b ur'lt dren, & enlarged m W1892, for 96;t average atten ance .. in the reign of JameS" II. is a fine building of red brick ~5; Fearg~s 0 wen arner, mas er . with an embattled parapet, and is surrounded by Ra1lway Statron, George H~nry Cheasley. s~ahon mas~r avenues of fine trees one of which in the rear of the Carriers to Henley & Readmg.-A.rthur Mrleham, darly. mansion, is a mile i~ length: the' park, in which are except we~.; F. G. Mayers, daily, .except wed.; Jame~ kept liOO bead of deer, is 250 acres in extent, thickly Carter, darly, wed. excepted SHIPL.AKE. Wells Cecil Francis, Highlands, Ship· BINFIELD HEATH. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. lake Hill Beard James, Binfield house Wynter Rev. Reginald William M.A. Culley Mrs. Sunnyside Ash Mrs. E. M. Gravel hill (vicar), The Vicarage Style Miss Barnes Frederic Gorell D.L., J.P. Young Hy. Jn. Westfield, Lashbrook Evot Wood COMMERCIAL. Bartholom.ew J oseph, blacksmith~ Baakerville Col. John D.L., J.P. COMMERCIAL .. Post office Crowsley park Aggiss Joseph, farmer, Bournes farm Baston William, baker Bitmead Mrs. Shiplake Hill Beesley William, Butchers' A.rms P.H. Bound Horace, grocer . Brown L. Morgan Widmoor Pond England Thomas, Bottle & Glass P.H Bucknill Samuel P. B. Hillside (let- Cox Charles, farmer, Blackmore Hill James William, carpenter ten through Rotherfield Peppard) (letters through Kidmore, Reading) Mantague Charles, parish clerk Buddicom Mrs. Quarry ho.Lashbrook Davis J a.mes, gardener to Mrs. Rig- N eville Brothers, grocers Car ling Mrs. M.D.Brux., L.S.A..Lond. son, Holmwood Quaint William & Son, coal mers (letters through Rotherfield Pepprd) 1 Doble Edmund, farm bailiff to Robert Quaint Edgar Hayns, farmer Climenson Mrs. John, The Grange Hichens Camden Harrison esq. Sadler Alice (Miss), assistant overseer Cope Waiter Galen, Crowsley farm D.L., J .P. Shiplake Court farm Sadler Frederick Henry, agent to th& C018DA Miss, The Bungalow, Lashbrk 1 Frost Hy. farmer, Shiplake House frm London & Lancashire Insurance Co. 1 Cumberlege F. H. Kingsley Hall John Alexander, gardener to & clerk to the Parish Council,. Dixon Mrs. Tom,Thistledown,Lashbrk 1 Robert Hichens Camden Harrison Prospect house English Mrs. Riviera, Lashbrook I esq. D.L., J.P ; Shackler Henry, beer retailer Eyr&-Williams Col. Edward, Heyes- Hillier Francis, grocer, Shiplake Hill 1 Vickery Richard, farm bailiff to Sir wood, J..ashbrook · (letters through Rotherfield l'ep- Waiter George Frank Phillimor& Finlay Reginald Gedye, The Thatched pard) : bart. D.C.L.; J.P house, Lashbrook Histead Frederick, farmer G-eorge LOWER SHIPLA.KE. Gill Topham Strangway, Kew Charles, bak~r (letters through • Lashbrook lodge Kidmore, Reading) PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Gutteridge Mrs. A. E. Shiplake Rise Lee Willia.m Henry, manufacturer of Barry Herbert, The Studio Harrison Robert Hichens Camden best red facing bricks, Brick & Tile Batt Edward A. Wood Edge D.L., J.P. Shiplake oourt works Batt Thomas Goulstone,The Dabchick Hawkins Hugh Douglas, Gre:dands Marner Thomas Geo. White Hart P.H Brodie James Trail, Lyndbu.rst Hawley Major-Gen. William Hanbury, Mildenhall Joseph, carrier, Shiplake Burge Oscar, Wayneflete Holly lodge, Lashbrook · j Bottom Burstall Henry R. Fernleigh Haynes Edwin, Lash brook house ! Porter Owen. William, Plough hotel Hubbard William P. Hollv• Bush HJ.gi!OD Mn. Holmwood 1 Quaint William & Son, coal mer- Lawrence William Cooling, The Knoll Horsfall Misses, Shiplake Hill chants, Shiplake Station Le~lie F. Bradford. The Mill house Lane Mrs. Heathfield. Lashbrook 1 Rotherfield Peppard Sanatorium for Lowe Francis Stanlev, Brook End Llwell Vernon Shaw, Fairholme, Consumptives (Mrs. Esther Lillie Moir Charles, Crossways Lash brook Car ling M.D. Brux., L. S.A.Lond Nosworthy Fredk. Wm. Quaint cot Lowe Mrs. The Orchard, Lashbrook proprietress) (let ten through Pierce W. T. The Lodge Marflon Reginald Heber, Haileywoods Rotherfit>ld Peppard) Pinder Mrs. Iona \lillar Wm. Gait, Basmore, Lashbrli. Saunders- William, farm llailiff to Col. Sheppard Mrs. Dawson, Elm cottage Neighbour Tbeophilus, Rheidol John Baskerville D.L ... J.P. Frie1.e Simpson F. Hampson, Clovelly Nicholson Fredc.Wm.The OldVicarage farm Simp<~on Frank, The Gables Phillimore Hon. Sir Waiter George Tubb Georg~ William, beer retailer, Stvle James W. Bideabit Prank hart. D.C.L., LL.D., J.P. Shiplake Bottom . Wall.ace Mrs. WaYside judge of the High Court of Jus- Tub b J ames William,· gardener to Col. COMMERCIAl,. tice), The Coppice; & Cam house, John Baskerville D.L., J.r. Cro~s· Gooch Robt. He11.rv, temperance hotel Campden Hill. London W ley park . Harding- Charlt>iii F. fruit grower Phillimor& Misses, Shiplake house Venn Job, farmer, Shiplake Rise farm Hobbs & Co, Limited, boat builde:N!I lV&rden Mrs. Riverside cot. Lashbrook Wakelin Ada Mercv (Miss), district Lvford 4-\ rtbur, shopkeeper & grocer, nurse, Shiplake Rise Post office .