REG. NO.130705091




MEDAN 2020








Date : January 31st, 2020






Date : January 31st, 2020



Alhamdulillah, first i exprest my highest gratitude to Allah SWT for his blessing, opportunity , health, mercy and protection to complete this thesis entitled SEMIOTIC SIGN FOUND ON FIFA 18 EL TORNADO “ MORE THAN A GAME “ that submitted as the final requirement in accomplishing undergraduate degree at English Department , Faculty of Cultural Study, Unifersity of Sumatera Utara.

Deepest Respect and Grattitude for my beloved family for all of their supports and blessings for all these years upon my study on University, to my beloved mother Hj. Dahniar whose love and blessings always following me no matter where i am, no matter what i do through her prays, my beloved father Drs.H. Suharto who will always be my role model, a man who always guide me to do better in life within his wisdom. For My dearest brother Hendri Harda Yupama S.H. as someone who let me grow and think to be a responsible person, also for my lovely sister Elicia Dwi Hafida S.Sos. whose very open minded and rational towards me and try to be understanding when i‟m in a difficult situation in life.

Upon the completion of this thesis, there are many figure that has a big impact for me, giving me lot of advice and motivation, guide me to work on this thesis to be a better one . i present my sincere appretiation to Dr. Budi Agustono M.S as The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies. Prof. Hj.T.Silvana Sinar, M.A, P.hD as The Head of English Depatment and Rahmadsyah Rangkuti M.A P.hD as The Secretary of English Department, who have given me all of the Opportunity and facilities in Completing this thesis

I also present my deepest grattitude and appreciation to my Supervisor Dr.Drs. Umar Mono Dipl. Trans. M. Hum and Dra. Roma Ayuni Loebis , M.A as my second supervisor.

A sincere grattittude and respect to my brother in arms Muhammad Daryl Ivan. Someone who stick with me from the begining until the end, as someone who will always remind me if i do wrong and always stay with me in my most difficult times, Amsaldi Kristian Sinulingga who will be there for me to cheer me up with his jokes and giving good advices about my works, Daniel Morris Manurung as my partner in crisis, Basri whose advices are very easy to follow and understand.


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Also thanks to Hendrikson Manurung, Dodi Arya Nugraha , Agung Perdana Putra, Daud and all of my acquintances whose giving me their support upon my years in study. Thank you for willing to spend your time, share your experience and leaving good memories with me to remember within all of these years of our time together.

I really am grateful to have peoples to support me in the process of writing this thesis, thank you for being my reminder and motivator. May this thesis be useful for the readers, may the peace be with you, may God will always be with us and protect us within his blessings. Amin.

Medan, January 31st, 2020

The Writer,

Muhammad Andre Fachrozi



Seiring dengan perkembangan Jaman, Media pun juga ikut berkembang, baik itu media hiburan, media informasi ataupun media sosial. Internet juga merupakan salah satu element yang penting dalam kehidupan sehari hari. Dengan menggunakan Internet, kita dapat terhubung ke manapun dan ke siapapun itu. Penggunaan internet juga beragam, para pebisnis menggunakan internet untuk mempromosikan produk- produk yang mereka buat, hingga produk tersebut dapat dilihat oleh orang banyak. Tertarik dengan hal tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian tentang sebuah trailer video dari FIFA 18 EL TORNADO “MORE THAN A GAME “ dengan tujuan sang penulis dapat mencari, menemukan dan mendeskripsikan hal hal tentang semiotika yang terdapat dalam trailer video tersebut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan degan studi kepustakaan, yakni menggunakan metode observasi dan dokumentasi dengan cara memilah dan mengklasifikasi video kedalam bentuk potongan gambar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menganalisis data-data secara komprehensif menggunakan teknik struktur film dan teori semiotik Roland Barthes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tanda – tanda semiotik yang terdapat pada trailer video ini berbentuk verbal dan non verbal. dalam bentuk verbal, tanda tanda semiotik dapat di temukan pada komentar- komentar, ujaran, serta postingan dalam social media yang terdapat pada video tersebut. Dalam bentuk non verbal, tanda tanda semiotik dapat di temukan pada gerakan – gerakan, penggunaan emoji dan emoticon, serta tanda- tanda lain yang dapat ditemukan di dalam video dalam bentuk visual. makna denotasi dari video merupakan sebuah cuplikan dari permainan video sepak bola yang kemudian diunggah ke media youtube, sehingga video tersebut menadi viral dalam kehidupan social. Sedangkan makna konotasinya adalah Tanggapan masyarakat akan video tersebut melalui media sosial dan aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari. dan menciptakan suatu budaya yang baru di kalangan masyarakat. Dan mitos yang terdapat pada video ini adalah penggunakan kata viral yang digunakan dalam bahasa sosial saat ini dan kaitan kata viral tersebut dengan makna aslinya. Temuan yang didapat dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa penelitian semiotik pada video menggunakan teknik struktur film untuk memudahkan pengambilan objek pada suatu gambar.

Kata Kunci : Trailer video, Semiotik, Roland Barthes, Viral




In mdern era now, media grow into something important in our daily life, be it entertainment media, information media or social media. The use of internet and social media on advertisement can pull lot of people‟s interest. Interested in this, the writer conducted a study of a video trailer from FIFA 18 EL TORNADO "MORE THAN A GAME" with the aim that the author can search, find and describe things about the semiotics contained in the video trailer. Data collection was obtained by library research , through observation and documentation by sorting and classifying videos into pieces of pictures. This research uses descriptive qualitative method by analyzing data comprehensively using film structure techniques and Roland Barthes's semiotic theory. The results of this study indicate that the semiotic signs contained in this video trailer are verbal and non-verbal sign. in verbal form, semiotic signs can be found in comments, utterances, and posts in social media contained in the video. In the non-verbal form, semiotic signs can be found in movements, the use of emojis and emoticons, as well as other signs that can be found in the video in visual form. the meaning of the denotation of the video is a footage from a soccer video game which is then uploaded to the youtube media, so that the video becomes viral in social life. While the meaning of the connotation is the public response to the video through social media and activities of daily life. and create a new culture among the people. The myth contained in this video is the use of the word viral used in social life and the connection between the word viral and its original meaning. The findings obtained in this study are that semiotic research on video uses film structure techniques to facilitate the capture of objects in an image.

Keyword : Trailer video, semiotic, Roland Barthes, Viral.






ABSTRACT...... viii

ABSTRAK...... ix



1.1 Background of the study ...... 1

1.2 Problem of the study ...... 4

1.3 Objective of the study ...... 5

1.4 Scope of the study ...... 5

1.5 Significanse of the study ...... 6


2.1 Introduction to Semiotics ...... 7

2.2 The General Analystic of Semiotic Approach ...... 11

2.3 Roland Barthes’ Semiotic Theory ...... 14

2.3.1 Connotation, Denotation and Myth ...... 15

2.3.2 Barthes’ Reading Photograph ...... 16

2.4 Advertising ...... 18

2.5.Fifa 18 El Tornado “ More Than Just A Game “ Official Trailer ...... 19

2.6 Related Previous Studies ...... 20


2.7 Conceptual framework ...... 21


3.1 Research Design ...... 23

3.2 Data and Source Data ...... 23

3.3 Data Collection Procedure ...... 23

3.4 Data Analysis ...... 24


4.1 Data Analysis ...... 25

4.1.1 Analysis of Semiotic Sign on Scene I ...... 25 Denotation meaning on scene I ...... 28 Connotation meaning in scene I ...... 28 Myth meaning on scene I ...... 29

4.1.2 Analysis of Semiotic Sign on Scene II ...... 29 Denotation meaning on scene II ...... 30 Connotation meaning on scene II ...... 31 Myth meaning on Scene II ...... 31

4.1.3 Analysis of Semiotic Sign on Scene III ...... 32 Denotation meaning on scene III ...... 34 Connotation meaning on scene III ...... 34 Myth meanig on scene III ...... 35

4.1.4 Analysis of Semiotic Sign on Scene IV ...... 36


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Dennotation meaning on scene IV ...... 40 Connotaton meaning on scene IV ...... 40 Myth meaning on scene IV ...... 42


Conclusion ...... 43

Suggestion ...... 44

References ...... 45





1.1 Background of the Study

In modern era, a day where technology is hugely developed in every sector, advertisements come up everywhere and every time as a part of daily lives. Advertising plays an interesting role in the context and the projects of consumption. It comes up in television screen, newspapers, magazines, and billboards and even on internet.

Technological developments provide many opportunities for producers that can be utilized to meet consumer needs. With the development of this technology it is easier for efficient mass development through the use of mass media.

The development of advertisement and advertising system in the consumer society altered to any problem of social and cultural landscape. People surrounded by number of signs of different nature and different affiliation to sign systems. The same is true for advertising that works with signs and sign systems quite significantly, utilizing them particularly for commercial purposes. However, it is not easy to understand each sign immediately.

Advertising is a form of mass communication that aims to provide information through messages that are expressed in signs or symbols to the public about a product. Ads are easily accessed by the public because advertisements are published in various media.

One of the media that contains advertisements is youtube. YouTube is used as a medium to advertise various kinds of products. Through advertising, a product can be known, liked, and consumed by the community.

It is clear that in making an advertisement, especially commercial advertisement which aimed to purpose somebody to take an advantaging action for the advertisement makers and offering a product to the society through media, the advertisement makers are 1 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA

demanded to use the effective communication to convey the message well. If the readers, listeners, and audiences interpret the message not as supposed to be the advertisement‟s makers want, it can be made sure that the advertisement‟s making is absolutely unsuccessful.

Therefore, it needs deeper analysis in interpreting advertisement because there are many products that use signs in their advertisements. ( Rozak, 2009)

When entering the field of semiotics, it is important to define the notion of a „sign‟.

A „sign‟ may be referred to as „an object, element, etc. of any variety or form that occupies the place of another that signifies something other than itself‟ (Courtes, 1983: 261).

A sign may be a word, a more, a work of art, a text or a collection of different rules that govern societal life. In terms of function, however, it always works to convey meaning. A sign is established through the convergence of an abstract concept (the signified) and a concrete form (the signifier) that can be perceived through the senses.

Semiotics is part of linguistic study that is focused on the function of language as a sign language. The term of semiotics is relatively new for many people because semiotics first appears as a doctrine or science of signs. Semiotics has been defined as the science of the life of sign in society (Saussure 1974).

Barthes (1968) said that advertisements cooperate with modern era to perform

“something new (new brand)” which is not common in societies. In this term, modern era intends to persuade consumers to follow the dynamic development. Advertisements have a power capacity to influence the state of consumer mind with the word “new or modern”.

Advertisements often change the paradigm values in societies which are good/bad, beautiful/simple, suitable/unsuitable, high-class/low class, and trendy/odd.

Interrelated with the theory of semiotic above, this thesis analyzes of the meaning of the visual aspect and Linguistic of FIFA 18 El Tornado “More Than A Game advertisements. In order to understand the signs or symbols contained in a media, someone should make a 2 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA

detailed observation and know the cultures that exist in an object. In this research, the writer applies Roland Barthes‟ semiotics theory to analyze the FIFA 18 El Tornado “More Than A

Game trailer by analyzing the semiotics sign including denotation and connotation, that exist in the trailer video.

Barthes stated that denotation is the explicit or direct meaning or set of meanings of a word or expression, as distinguished from the ideas or meanings associated with it.

Connotation is the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning. And myths are the hidden cultural values and conventions through which meanings are made to seem natural, universal, even though in reality that specific to certain groups (Barthes, 1977).

FIFA 18 is a football in the FIFA series of video games, developed and published by and was released worldwide on 29 September

2017 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, , and

Nintendo Switch. It is the 25th instalment in the FIFA series. Real Madrid forward named

Cristiano Ronaldo appears as the cover athlete of the regular edition. Ronaldo Nazario appears on the Icon edition of the game. (Wikipedia)

In FIFA 18 El Tornado “More Than A Game” trailer, , the game‟s cover star, performs the move, called "El Tornado", on the pitch of Real Madrid‟s stadium.

An ad shows how El Tornado could move from the game to professional football and pop culture. It was created by Tim Vance, Paul Knott, Rasmus Smith-Bech and Jonas Roth, and directed by Adam Berg through Smuggler. (Wikipedia)

Thus, Through this FIFA 18 El Tornado “More Than A Game “ Trailer, The producer wish that the trailer may pull people‟s interest to buy and enjoy their product. By using recent popular social media as their main tool which is unique, easier to become viral and well received by the peoples. Not only unique, viral and well received by the peoples,


but it also contains many semiotic signs inserted to make the advertisement become more interesting . For examples : Emoticons and how people relate their daily activity such as simple body movement to the el tornado moves. Emoticon, short for “ emotion icon “ , is a pictorial representation of a facial expression to express a person‟s feelings or mood which available on many recent social media like discord, facebook, instagram, pinterest and whatsapp. One of the emoticon example found in FIFA 18 El Tornado “ More Than A Game

“ trailer is smiling face emoticon. It used to express positivity or happiness but it also infrequently used as a mild insult or criticism. This kind of thing become one of the reasons why the writer decide to analyze semiotic signs found in FIFA 18 El Tornado “ More Than

A Game “ official trailer.

Figure 2.1 : Smiley emoticon

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study above, the problem of this analysis are:

1. What kind of semiotic signs found in FIFA 18 El Tornado “More Than A Game”


2. How are the meanings of semiotic signs realized in FIFA 18 El Tornado “More

Than A Game” trailer?


1.3 Objectives of the Study

Based on the problems above, the objectives of the study are:

1. To find out the semiotic signs in FIFA 18 El Tornado “More Than A Game”


2. To describe the meaning of the semiotic signs realize in FIFA 18 El Tornado

“More Than A Game” trailer.

1.2 Scope of Study

In order to limit the research, the writer only focuses on analyzing the semiotics signs and the their meaning in the FIFA 18 El Tornado “More Than A Game”official trailer.

FIFA 18 El Tornado “More Than A Game”official trailer is about football game for game console within 02:20 minutes duration which released by EA Sport in

YouTube. On the process of interpretation of these FIFA 18 El Tornado “More Than A

Game” commercial advertising, the writer uses Barthes‟s theory of semiotic.

1.3 Significances of the Study

The importance or the significance of this study is to contribute a wider understanding in studying language by presenting the ideas and information, which were gathered through the field and library research.

This study is expected, to bring the students of the English Department, USU, to a new awareness of language usage, especially about semiotic usage around them, and especially in comercial advertisement,so that they can understand the meaning behind every comercial advertisement and they even can learn how deliver meanings through a comercial advertisements.


This study is also expected to be considered as a reference for those who want to dig into the application of language role especially for the students and lecturers who focus their attention on language and its social daily usage.




2.1 Introduction to Semiotics

Semiotics is the theory of the production and interpretation of meaning. It's basic principle is that meaning is made by the deployment of acts and objects which function as

"signs" in relation to other signs. Signs are deployed in space and time to produce "texts", whose meanings are construed by the mutually contextualizing relations among their signs.

Semiology, however, embodies a different realm than the sum of its parts – namely

„semeion‟ (from ancient Greek) and „-logy‟. Semiotics is the act of reading that involves a methodology. Semiotics does not simply focus on a scientific reading: it is also regarded as an activity concerned with meaning, signification, and the manufacture of meaning.

Semiologists hold that any artifact created by man carries meaning and that this meaning is articulated within itself ( Kiran, 2010: 7)

. Semiotic methods involve the reformation and reconstruction of the structure of meaning through its extraction, subversion and deconstruction. The meta-language of semiotics is used in order to realize this process. This meta-language is a language by which the web of meanings inherent in the subject language (a work of art) can be re- established and exposed; and this is a transition into another language. A meta- language of this nature requires intense conceptualization and formalization (Rifat, 2007: 29-35).

When entering the field of semiotics, it is important to define the notion of a „sign‟.

A „sign‟ may be referred to as „an object, element, etc. of any variety or form that occupies the place of another that signifies something other than itself‟ (Courtes, 1983: 261).

A sign may be a word, a more, a work of art, a text or a collection of different rules that govern societal life. In terms of function, however, it always works to convey


meaning. A sign is established through the convergence of an abstract concept (the signified) and a concrete form (the signifier) that can be perceived through the senses.

Since methods of semiotic analysis are an act of reading as based on a meta- language, understanding the meta-language being used and the processes being applied requires a certain amount of time and experience. In addition, the presence of many different schools of thought and approaches that utilize the semiotic method results in the confusion of concepts and makes the field difficult to comprehend.

Understanding the meta-language used in semiotics requires prior information about the intellectual foundations, methods, objectives and research limitations of the different schools of thought and the models that are involved in the study of semiotics.

While the concept of “signs” has garnered attention since ancient times, semiotics, as an independent field, emerged around the beginning of the 20th century. Some of those who were instrumental in founding and developing the field of semiotics include the

Linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, the philosopher, logician and mathematician Charles

Sander Pierce and Algirdas Julien Greimas. Notes on the linguistics lectures given by

Saussure at the University of Geneva were published in 1916 under the title “General

Linguistics Studies” (F. De Saussure Cours de Linguistique Generale). Following the publication of the book, it transformed the viewpoints on social sciences, impacting especially the field of linguistics, and found application in a host of different scientific areas. Saussure, by referring in his book to the field of semiotics that would be established in the future, conceded its existence. He argued that communication was based on a system of signs and that it was necessary for many systems to be analyzed within the context of semiotics. In 1966, Gerimas published a


series of his lecture notes entitled „Structural Semantics: An Attempt at a Method‟. In terms of method, this work may be considered the starting point for the field of semiotics.

Semiotics is a method of analysis that has been established and developed using the general principles of structuralism as its starting point. Structuralism is an approach that we see applied throughout all types of narratives, from linguistics to cultural studies, that is generally motivated by the notion of „structure‟ and its determinism. The most important movements underlying the approach of semiological analysis – which focuses primarily on the work of art – are structuralism and phenomenology – one of the most important philosophical constituents underpinning structuralism. The founder of the phenomenological approach, Edmund Huserl, argues that „we should cease our preoccupation with the subject in our study of art and its output and rather turn our attention back to the work of art itself‟ (Tunali, 1996:47). This is their point of origin from structural approaches. These may be construed as an effort to shift the central focus away from the subject and towards the structure of the language spoken and created.

Structural approaches rejected the subject-centric approaches that shaped the social sciences and philosophies before them and instead focused on analyzing social phenomena based on „structure‟, „rules‟, and „codes‟. The structuralists held that one product of language within the subject was its creation. They committed to establishing a method of scientific analysis by eliminating the conscious self and the acts of giving. The structuralist movement, which was developed based on the ideas of Saussure, became structural linguistics in the first half of the 20th century.

The theories and principles proposed in Saussure‟s book, „General Linguistics

Studies‟, led to the birth of a form of linguistics that approached language scientifically and, by taking on different forms, aided the creation of novel fields of research.


Theoretical and practical analyses provided by structural linguistics was, for the most part, welcomed by linguists and semioticians in later periods (Yücel, 2005:37).

While it may not have accepted into its own field all the semiotic methods and viewpoints touched on in this book, it did, however, made use of some of its specific principles and tendencies. The use of these principles and tendencies was done through the assigning of function, within the general theoretical framework, to concepts - thought to be necessary - that were rooted in another scientific field; because natural languages and narrative forms that are removed from sentence structures display structural differences with regard to the material they use.

By meditating on „The nature of language as a language‟ and asking „What is language?‟, Saussure attempted to extract it from elements other than itself. By objectifying language as something that can be analyzed on its own, he attempts to define language in relation to its differences and oppositions (Yücel, 2005: 28). He held that, before enterprising to examine the history of a specific object, addressing the problems of origin, development and dissemination, and finding explanations for the object‟s qualities through external influences, it was necessary to circumscribe, define and describe the object (Yücel, 2005:38).

This approach is referred to as „synchronic‟ analysis. Where synchronic analysis is concerned, the movement is towards the internal order of the structure and influences that remain outside are construed in the manner in which they are displayed by the structure.

This approach was adopted in the same manner as it existed in semiotics.

Charles Pierce stated that semiotics is a science, with the findings & theories, and technique to study anything that produced signs (Sebeok, 2001: 5). Pierce defined triangle


theory or triangle meaning consisting of three elements; sign, object, and interpretant. Sign is a thing that can be caught by human senses and representating another meaning. Object is the social context as references of signs. Interpretant is a sign user or a mind concept of one that using signs.

Saussure stated Semiology aims to take in any system of signs whatever their substances and limits; images, gestures, musical sounds, object and the complex associations of all these which form the content of ritual, convention or public entertainment (Barthes,

1977: 9).

2.2 The general characteristics of semiotic approaches

It should be noted that there are linguistic and semiotic approaches and models being practiced under very different schools and circles that are involved in semiotics and linguistics research. The central focus of these schools and approaches when analyzing signs differ from one another. Whereas some approaches aim to analyze the structure of the superficial realization of works, some concentrate on only the structures of deep meaning. Others redefine the formative structure of establishing meaning as it extends from the depths to the surface (Rifat 2001: 21).

While one applies itself to studying the structural characteristics of the realm of the language that is directly revelatory, the other focuses on the articulation of definitive strata.

While different schools and models in the area of semiotics converge on distinct areas in their analysis, there are commonalities between their approaches. These commonalities can be defined separately to demonstrate the general characteristics of semiotic methods:

- Semioticians view objects of analysis as a structure. Their primary objective is to explain the conditions of meaning perception and production within a conceptual framework (Courtes, 1995: 4).


The object of analysis, which is construed as a structure, is viewed as a texture, a text that is hypothetically established through relationships between various elements. Semioticians work towards restructuring a given structure that is assumed to exist within the object of analysis by systematically re-establishing it with specific methods through deconstruction and subversion.

- Methods of semiotic analysis limit themselves only to the content of the object under analysis by centralizing the work of art being studied. While information that is external to the text (work of art) is collected, these are only utilized if they appear in the text (Rifat, 2007: 31).

- The semiotic method uses a scientific meta-language. Its goal is to determine the layers of meaning that make up a meaningful whole, a painting, written or scientific discourse, an image, an architectural edifice, a theater performance, a musical composition etc. and to relate it by systemizing it through the use of a meta-language. A meta-language and symbolic narratives are used to analyze the data within a text (work of art). The purpose of approaching the work of art through symbolic processes and the meta-language is to avoid going outside the text and to be able to control all the stages. The meta-language they utilize consists of stages that contain, define and oversee each other. The connections that constitute the structure are analyzed by logically examining relations of opposition, conflict and inclusion (Rifat, 2001: 32).

- Semiotic approaches concentrate on the articulation of meaning rather than the meanings themselves. They attempt to expose the processes of meaning production. Thus, they are theories of signification that are focused on the form of the content.

- They believe that comprehending the meaning of a work of art resides in the observation of divergences occurring within the content. They believe that the content of a work of art is distinguished on the basis of the divergences between meaningful elements 12 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA

and that such divergences are instrumental in determining the value of elements in relation to one another (Rifat, 2001: 31).

- When developing models and tools of analysis, practical semioticians they also research advances that develop their reading models through applications of analysis.

They attempt to develop a new model, depending on the emerging situation as they carry out an analysis based on a given model.

- The semiotic method approaches the content plane of a work of art by proceeding from its depth to its surface. Roughly speaking, the processes used are as follows:

Firstly, the object under analysis – construed as a structure – is divided into different sections (fragments) in order to carry out an analysis and make comparisons. The method of division varies depending on the structure of the language being used (images, video…). The elements that make up the object and the figures comprising the work of art are singled out when determining the material used to create the work of art.

Once the division (fragmenting) process is concluded, the signs that make up the work of art can be determined. Signs are divided into their regular and peripheral meanings.

After determining the object, person, space and time elements present on the plane of the work the question of how the discourse stage was achieve can be researched. The analysis of the discursive plane is followed by efforts to uncover the motifs involved.

Then, the functions of the signs and how they are arranged and the articulation of the narrative are examined. With works of art that are prone to change during the process (video, environmental art…), the stages and the transformations acting on the narrative in revealing its final form are examined. A determina tion is made as to whether the motifs have been transformed into themes.


2.3 Roland Barthes’s Semiotic Theory

Semiotics is the study of signs (sign), sign function, and production of meaning. A sign is something that for someone means something else. Semiotics examines signs, use signs and everything else. Semiotics examines signs, uses signs and everything related to signs. In other words, the means of understanding semiotics (sign, meaning, denotatum and interpretan) can be applied to all fields of life provided that there are prerequisites fulfilled, namely there is meaning given, there is meaning and there is interpretation (Cristomy and

Untung Yuwono, 2004: 79).

According to Barthes, semiology wants to study how humanity means things (things), in this case it cannot be equated with communicating. Meaning means that objects do not only carry information, in the case where the objects want to communicate, but also constitute a structured system of signs. Barthes is thus significantas a total process with a structured arrangement. Significance is not limited to language, but also to other things outside the language. Barthes regards social life as a significance. In other words, social life, whatever its form, is a distinctive sign system (Kurniawan, 2001: 53).

Barthes developed significant-signifie theory from Saussure to be a theory of grammar and its connotation meaning. The significant term was changed to be expression

(E) and the signifie changed to be content (C). Moreover, He said there must be a relation

( R ) between E and C or certain relation. Thus, it can form a sign. Barthes also took over the concepts of denotation, connotation, and metasemiotics from Hjemsleves. Typically, he also changed Hjemsleves‟ term metasemiotics into metalaguage. As for Hjemsleves, every system for Barthes, too, is a language.

Interpreting sign can occur in two levels. There are primer (denotation) and then secondary level which is developed into E (metalanguage) and C (connotation).

Metalanguage can occur if there is the same E and C development in the secondary and 14 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA

connotation in a culture. It is the value which is given by the interpreter of sign to the sign.

Barthes describes connotation as the C‟s width of some signs so that the sign have a new C.

2.3.1 Connotation, Denotation and Myth

For Barthes, connotation is the “tone” of a text, the manner which has been decorated.” In the final analysis, the signified of a “connotative sign” is for Barthes the

“fragment of an ideology,” the signified, in turn, a “rhetoric,” both going back to a “real system” via metalanguage obviously even here no differences made between communication and indication. Thus, for Barthes anything which furnishes meaning becomes a sign, and any group of sign becomes a system, although neither the existence of an intention to communicate, not of a complete sign inventory, no of combination rules or opposing features, is proven.

Barthes used the example of photography to demonstrate denotation. The photograph denotes what was in front of the camera when image was captured. But who the image is photographed, and what abstract values may be associated with the resultant picture, and are a matter of connotation. A photograph of a face denotes that face, but what is connoted will depend on the genre of photography (surveillance, fashion, news, art) and on stylistic manipulation of composition, color, etc. it is the same face can connote „criminal‟, „beauty‟, and „supermodel‟.

The mythical level of signification can also be turned the ideological at this level, signification is depend on the shared cultural values and beliefs. Consider the use of images of countryside in advertising. Signification here depends on the myth or ideology that opposes city and country; the country is signified as more pure and innocent than the urban lifestyle. Such myths are specific to certain cultures, and they are arguable; „countryside‟ may connote something quite different to a confirmed city-dweller. Whilst the process of


signification is universal, the meanings that are generated in the process will be culturally specific.

2.3.2 Barthes’ Reading Photograph

Barthes uses Myth on his semiotic analysis about culture and any ideological critic. It can be found in many mass cultural products which have created the language as the communication such as the people‟s myth today. It is produced through mythological treasure like magazine, television, film, advertisements and many more photographs. One of the highly important areas that Barthes concerned in his study about sign was the reader role.

The reader has the most significant perception to the object they read because the reader can read the sign in various perceptions. It can be happiness, dislike, sadness, and many more.

Therefore there is no right or wrong perception.

The myth‟s analysis was focused on the second level of the semiotic system. It is uneasy because what we see, listen and read is the first level of the semiotic system.

Therefore, myth analysis must be directed to the second level of the semiotic system by seeing at the connotation components as the components of meaning former. It has to be focused on the signification system on the connotation level. To make it more understandable, Barthes produced his map of sign functioning:


Figure 2.2 : Barthes‟ Map of sign

From the table above, we can see that the denotative sign (3) is made from the signifier (1) and the signified (2). They both produce the denotative sign which is also being the connotative signifier (I) on the second level of semiotic system. The connotative signifier must engender a connotative signified (II) to produce a connotative sign (III). That is where the kind of systematic approach to signs that Barthes wished to pursue becomes very problematic.

The connotation works on the subjective level that makes its present cannot be realized. The reader can read easily the connotative meaning as the denotative fact.

Therefore, one of the semiotic analysis aims is to furnish the analysis method in order to handle the misreading. In handling the misreading of the advertisements photograph, Barthes distinguished the signs into two important parts that have to be underlined. They are verbal parts and non verbal signs. The verbal part is of course the text of the advertisement. It can be the name or the slogan of the product or people, information about something, persuasion sentences, or anything else in text form. The non verbal signs are the signs which appearances are aimed to support the verbal part in order to be an interesting package of advertisement.


They have deep meaning that can produce message to the reader, not only as a compliment. They are: a. The use of color

The using of color is a vital aspect of art direction in printed media and billboard advertisements.Colors are also used as logos which arranged by the advertising maker to increase the reader‟s recognition, to make the link between the brand (the picture) and the message. Color is a meaningful constant for sighted people and it's a powerful psychological tool.

b. The use of music

Music or sound is usually used in television and radio advertisements. It can add the sensory dimension of advertising and branding and provide an emotional or mood setting which can evoke a variety of feelings. c. The use of animation

Usually, the advertisements makers use this part as the creative technique. They use some graphical design technology to sell their ware in the advertisements and also to attract the reader (customer) attention by the interesting picture.

2.4. Advertising

Advertising is one form of communication that consists of information and ideas about a product that is aimed at the audience simultaneously in order to get a good response, advertising tries to provide information, persuade and convincing (Sudiana, 1986: 1).


Basically advertising is the process of delivering messages, where the message contains information about a product, both goods and services. Advertising is delivered in persuasion and aims to influence the audience, so advertisements are usually delivered through mass media, both print and electronic so that it can be accepted by a wide audience simultaneously Advertising is only a mirror of society, but on the contrary, society is a mirror of advertising. Advertising is a particular ideology. Thus, it can be said that advertising has a form of "power" in a community. (Channey in Rina, 2011: 3).

Many types of advertisements, each of which has its own character. An advertisement requires creative ideas and concepts so that the persuasive message can be accepted by the audience. In advertising production, there is obsessive attention and there is a desire to make every detail look right and real. The advertising production process is always characterized by typification and idealization. According to Marchand, there are no advertisements that want to capture life as it is, but there is always the intention to photograph social ideals, and represent something normative, such as happiness, satisfaction

(Noviani, 2002: 58).

Behind good advertising is a creative concept, a big idea that makes the message different, grabs attention, and is easy to remember. What needs to be considered in terms of creative advertising concepts are as follows:

1. Technique of Producing Ideas

The conscious idea of forgetting work and allowing the subconscious mind to reflect on ideas is unique in the process of creative writing.

2. Lateral thinking


A process of emerging other ideas that are widely used today is lateral thinking. This process explores new relationships, solves established thought patterns to generate new ideas and releases new ways, this concept is called out of the box thinking.

3. Storytelling

The best advertising is in the form of the most persuasive advertisements having all the components of a short story. They introduce characters, identify information and problems, develop them towards conflict, then offer solutions, usually given by the product or service being promoted.

2.5. Fifa 18 El Tornado “ More Than A Game “ Official Trailer

To mark the worldwide launch of FIFA 18 on September 29th, Adam & Eve DDB and EA SPORTS have developed a new and innovative skill move that is unique to the game. „El Tornado‟, starring Cristiano Ronaldo is set to permeate the culture of football, video games, and sport.

Cristiano Ronaldo , The 32-year-old legend has had an outstanding year where he recently bagged a brace in the Champions League final and won his second La Liga title.

EA SPORTS created Tornado Move with Cristiano Ronaldo to show why FIFA 18 is

„More Than A Game‟. The move is a seamless dragback, flick, and spinning volley (like a tornado) that has never been attempted in a real professional game – yet.

The campaign is launching with a longform online film supported by 90s, 30s, 15s, social story formats, and TV globally. The shorter videos for social media was created by

Tim Vance, Paul Knott, Rasmus Smith-Bech and Jonas Roth, and directed by Adam Berg through Smuggler. Starcom is the media agency.


Mat Goff, CEO of adam&eve DDB says: “EA SPORTS FIFA is an iconic gaming and entertainment franchise. The chance to build a new skill into a game so embedded in culture is a rare opportunity. It‟s been fantastic working with EA, the best footballing talent on the planet and the FIFA gaming community and we can‟t wait to see El Tornado take the world by storm.”

2.6 Previous Related Studies

After looking for the relevant studies as the references of this research, writer found some journals and thesis. First the writer found Satya ( 2018 ) A Semiotic Analysis In Music

Video of Naughty Boy’s La La La. This Thesis helps the writer to understand how to analyze a video by using Barthes semiotic theory. Satya analyzes the connotation, denotation and myth that contained in a video clip. The writer focused on how to analyze a topic that related to video analysis.

The next research was Fathiyah (2018) A Semiotic Analysis on “AXE MONDAY”

Perfume Advertisement. This thesis helps the writer in knowing how to analyze an advertisement project more specifically and getting a better understanding about semiotic analysis on advertisement

The next research was A‟la ( 2011 ) A Semiotic Analysis on A-Mild advertisements using Roland Barthes’ Theory. This thesis helps the writer to have a deeper understanding about Barthes‟s semiotic theory of Connotation, denotation, myth and Barthes‟s reading

Photograph in an advertisement.

The writer also found Mufida ( 2016 ) Simbolisasi dan Pemaknaan Iklan Susu Bear

Brand Edisi 2015 di Televisi. Which help the writer to have a further understanding about advertisement, advertising , mass media and the importance of advertising program and its impact in social life.


2.7 Conceptual Framework

Trailer Video

Piece of Picture


Sequence of Picture Signifier


Roland Barthes Theory

1. First, The writer classifies the trailer video into sequences of pictures 2. The writer analyze pieces of pictures from the sequnces by mentioning it‟s sign, signifier and signified ( Barthes‟ theory ) 3. After the sequence of picture analyzed by Barthes‟ theory, the writer analyze the sequence by using Roland barthes‟ semiotic theory which explaining it‟s connotation, denotation and myth meaning realized in each sequences.




3.1 Research Design

To analyze the study, the writer would used qualitative method because the writer considers explanation and description whilst analyzed the data. The reason to used the qualitative descriptive method was because in this research, the result could not be acquired by statistic procedure or quantitative but through explanation and descriptive technique.

Data would be taken in images, statements and ideas form. In this research, writer took focus in Roland Barthes semiotics, that familiar with denotation, connotation, and myth.

The writer analyzed the video of FIFA 18 El Tornado “ More Than Just A Game “ official trailer by categorized the picture from the trailer video by using semiotic theory and cathegorized its connotation, denotation and myth of the taken images

3.2 Data and Source Data

The data are the image that contained in the video of FIFA 18 El Tornado “ More

Than Just A Game “ official trailer. The source of data was the offiical trailer video of FIFA

18 EL TORNADO “ More Than Just A Game “ taken from Youtube produced in 2018 by

Adam & Eve DDB and EA SPORTS.

3.3 Data Collection Procedures

To got the data of FIFA 18 El Tornado “ More Than Just A Game “ official trailer video, the writer copied the file from internet, especially Youtube, then this file became the source of this research. To complete the data, the writer uses library research to fond the references that appropriate to the objective of research.


To do this research, data collection procedures that will be done are :

1. Observation

Observation was done by copied the source of data from Youtube, that was official trailer video of FIFA 18 El Tornado " More Than Just A Game ". The data was analyzed by the relevant theory to got conclusion. Then, the writer observed the data to found the relevant concept to analyzed. From the observation, the writer choosed semiotics as a concept and also found some relevant concept about music video.

2. Documentation

Documentation is written sources, archives, video, document, article in the Internet that support research analysis. The writer got the documentation from supporting books, article in the internet, journal, video and thesis.

3.4 Data Analysis

Data Analysis was done by using Roland Barthes semiotics‟ theory. First, writer selected the pictures from the official trailer video of FIFA 18 El Tornado " More Than A

Game ". Then, the writer classified the pictures to sequence. After that, the writer analyzed the symbols, comments and social phenomenons in each picture of a sequence. After that, the writer analyzed each sequence by Roland Barthes‟ semiotics theory. The writer analyzed denotation, connotation and myth that realized in each sequence.


Chapter IV

Analysis & Findings

4.1 Data Analysis

Data analysis is process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. This form of analysis is just one of the many steps that should be completed when conducting a research. Data from the source are gathered, received, and then analyzed to form some sort of findings or conclusions. In this chapter, the data were analyzed by using Barthe‟s semiotics theory. Barthess theory is used to identify the semiotic meaning on FIFA 18 EL TORNADO “ MORE THAN A GAME “ official trailer. Denotative and Connotative meaning are the elements of semiotic meaning that analyze in the video. In connotative meaning the researcher also analyze and find the support of the elements of Myth.

The writer elaborates in detail, the result of the analysis about semiotics meaning FIFA 18 EL TORNADO “ MORE THAN A GAME “ trailer video. Barthe„s theory was used to dig the meaning of any signs in the video. The object is divided into four scenes. Each of scenes consist of several data which are presented in the table.

4.1.1 Analysis of semiotic signs on Scene I

The first sequence sets in a gaming room or hang out room in someone‟s house. There are four peoles in it which one of them are playing football game on the Playstation 4 game console and the other three are watching the game. The guy looks very serious on playing the game until he make the football player in his game which is Cristiano Ronaldo do a spinning skill and shot the ball to score a goal. They then celebrate the fantastic goal and upload it to youtube.


Data Sign Signifier Signified  Television  Television signifies a tool of media comunication and entertainment  PS 4 game  PS 4 signifies console media of

Peoples playing Fifa 18 football entertainment in game on their gaming room the concept of gaming  Peoples  peoples signifies human, social interaction, participant and player.  Balls  Balls signifies Sports and hobby  Human  A men signifies of gender and maskulinity

 Face  Face signifies part of human body, and expression

The guy play the game seriously


 Football  Football player players signifies professional career as athlete  Ball  Ball signifies round shaped things that used for any sport

activity that require

it. Shoot the ball to score a goal after doing el tornado move  Goal  Goal signifies a

place where a score

will be made on

sport activity especially football.

 Checklsit  Check symbol symbol signifies completion, finished and available

 Youtube  Youtube signifies

Entertainment The video uploaded to youtube media, software successfully application on computer and mobile phone, promotion and viral.

27 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Denotation Meaning on Scene I

On the first picture, it can be seen that four peoples are enjoying their leisure time by playing video game in their gaming room or hang out place. There are four peoples in that room which one of them are playing the game and the others are watching him playing. the four people are dominant as main focus on the first picture. Viewers may see that everybody can enjoy video game, not only by playing it but also by watching it.

The second picture shows us the expression of the guy who play the game, it can be seen of how focus he is on playing his game, his facial expresion shows seriousness while he plays the game.

The third picture show a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo who shot the ball to the goal after he passing through his opponent by spinning his body to score a goal, this picture si more focused to show the viewer about the graphic and new football gaming system from playstation 4 game console. The fourth picture shows us a picture when the replay of the fantastic goal has been made and uploaded to Youtube. in this picture it can be seen that the author choose youtube as their media to promoting the game so it easier to become viral and watched by many peoples in the world since youtube is one of the most successful media recently and easier to be accessed by the peoples. Connotation meaning on Scene I

The connotation to be explained in the first sequence is to experience the feel to play a game for entertainment in togetherness and to promote their gaming experience by uploading it to youtube so it can become viral . It can be seen from the first picture that some peoples choose to play video game to enjoy their free time together. Even there are many activities that can be choose, some peoples prefer to spend their time by gaming. Not only by playing it but even just watching someone play the game. It can be seen that even there are many controlers available on the table, the other prefer to watch their friend play it rather than playing it together. This explains about a prove of social phenomenon nowadays that gaming can also strengthen the bonds between peoples, which at the beginning, gaming considered as wasting time and often has negative effect for peoples since it can cause extreme addiction which make them lazy to do anything else beside gaming. Thus, from this scene we can see that they still enjoy it and celebrate the goal together when the goal has been scored. It also can be interpreted by seeing them doing their gaming activity in one


gaming room which full of decoration such as posters, balls, television and Playstation 4 game console with it‟s controler.

It is clear to be seen how someone focusing on something by seeing his facial expression, this can be seen on the second picture where the guy looks serious and focus on his game to score a goal, he press the buttons on the controler to play the game and score a goal in his football match. Thus the main focus in this sequence is to promote the game to the peoples, by showing them the graphic‟s evolution of gaming experience and new football gaming system and upload it to youtube so it can be seen by the peoples around the world and become viral. Myth meaning on Scene I

The myth contained in the first sequence is the situation portrayed on the last picture where the video uploaded and become viral. Nowadays, the word viral often used as a social phenomenon in internet especially in social media where something become famous and quickly become a trend center or main discussion topic throughout the world. The world viral itself is actually something that relating to or caused by virus. Peoples use the world viral since it has the same nature like virus. Quickly to Spread and infecting peoples since something can becomes very popular amongs people especially in internet and E-mails. It somehow make people to do the same thing like somthing that been viral in internet.

4.1.2 Analysis of semiotic signs on scene II

After the video uploaded to youtube, many peoples start to watch it and comment it. It clearly show their amazement. This amazement is become the main factor of why it spread quickly in internet and become viral.

Data Sign Signifier Signified  “ Did you see the  Written sign, spin on that words “ comment Comment

 Written Sign,  “ force of nature words,

Few comments begin to pop up on “ comment Comment the screen.  Written Sign



 “ like a tornado Comment “ comment  entertainment media,  Youtube website, videos.  El Tornado  Written Sign, comment words, Comment

 Like emoji  Emoji, like,



 people sitting in a  Gesture

chair spreading his The comment begin to relate the spin move on the video with tornado arm while saying “ wow, that‟s insane “ with windy background. Denotation meaning

We can see that some comment begin to pop up on the screen not long after the video uploaded, the comment “ did you see the spin on that “ , “ Force of nature “ and “ like a tornado “ begin to pop up on the screen. These comments is a starting point where the video will begin to become viral and gain more popularity around the world. The second pictures shows us another Comment which is “ Like a tornado “ which will become the main punching line of why the video become very popular. Then there we can see a guy who sits in the chair while saying “ wow that‟s insane “ in a windy situation. Like emoji begin to pop up as a comment to show peoples‟s amazement upon the video.


The connotoation that interpreted on the second sequence is about a phenomena where a video begin to become popular and viral. The video got many positive responses from peoples. those first few respons becomes the starting punch line for the video to spread out even more wider around the world. First, is the “ did you see the spin on that “ comment.

This comment interpret the gesture of Cristiano Ronaldo, who doing a spinning move in the game, and peoples begin to relate the motion to a tornado. Then there is “ Force of nature... “ comment which strengthen the interpretation of the spinning move as it‟s relation to a tornado. Thus, it can also interpret the skill of Cristiano Ronaldo himself which a star player with high skill and ability as a football player. His skill and ability often said unbelievable and a nightmare to his opponent. This made him as a player with high ability in every football game that released recently. And then a guy who sits in the chair saying “ this is insane “ with windy backround. It shows his amazement to the spinning gesture on the video, he added windy backround on his reaction to strengthen the relation between the spinning move and tornado. The like emoji shows peoples interest and amazement upon the video while “ like a tornado “ become the main explanation of why peoples relate the spinning move with a tornado. Myth analysis

The mysth contained on the second sequence is about tornado and emojis. Tornado is a natural phenomena as well as natural disaster as a violently rotating coloumn of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm down to the ground. Tornadoes are capable of completely destroying well-made structures, uprooting trees, and hurling objects. It also often called as whirlwind, twister and cyclone.

Emoticon short of emotion icon also known simply as an emote, is a pictorial representation of a facial expression using characters, usually punctuation marks, numbers, and letters to express a person's feelings or mood, or as a time-saving method on communication through social media. There are differences between emoticon and emoji, while emoticon mainly consist of facial expression, emoji contain even wider symbols such us thumbs up, hearts, thumbs down, waving hand etc.


4.1.3 Analysis of Semiotic Signs on sequence III

As the video become more popular , viral and spread widely around the world, it begin to make peoples following the spinning gesture or tornado move in their daily live and upload the result of their experience by doing it. Peoples begin to relate simple spinning gesture to the viral tornado moves. Some are still doing it with playing football while the other is simply just making a spinning gesture.

Data Sign signifier Signified  Blue colored  Color wall  Two boy  Male children, playing on a playful chair  Two old  Poeples, parent, peoples old, age.

a boy sitting on the chair while

his friend spinning him on a circle

motion while watching viral el

tornado on the internet in India

 A girl  female human, sport, training, experience.  Yellow wall  Color  Empty hall  room, place, empty.

a girl trying el tornado moves


 football game  sport, physical workout

 beach  recreation, water, sand, waves

Peoples playing football on the beach

 A girl  Female human, sport, training, skill  pink clothes  Feminim , color  training  outfit, training, pants sport

 “ Skillz!”  Word, Comments  black  Symbol, cool, Glasses color

emoji A girl post her videos after successfully doing el tornado moves


 forward,  position on striker football game,

football player, sport.

 Goalkeeper  goalkeeper,

football, sport.

 Defender  position on

football game,

football player,

sport, A guy who post his videos of doing e tornado moves on their  “ Nicht  word, comment. football training session Schlecht! “ Denotation meaning

Sequence III begin on the first picture of a boy who sits on the chair as his friend spin him in circular motion while watching the interned together in India. It is begin when the video begin to get viral and acessed by the peoples around the world. The second picture tell us about a girl who try to do el tornado moves alone in an empty hall, the third picture shows us about someone who trying to do the el tornado moves while playing football on the beach in Brazil. As for the fourth picture, a girl trying on el tornado moves and do it successfully. The fifth picture also shows us scoring a goal by doing the el tornado moves on their football game. On this sequence, peoples keep posting their activity of doing el tornado moves and post it on internet so the moves can become even more viral than ever before. Connotation meaning

The connotation phenomena on the third sequence is about how people relate their daily activities with the viral el tornado moves, many peoples trying to do the el tornado moves, many succeed thus there‟s not few who failed on trying it. In this sequence it can be seen that sport, espeially football is not menat only for men. Woman also can play football and do the skill as good as a man can do. The spinning chair gesture on the first picture connotes of a whirlwind or tornado. Also, we can see that the wall has blue color in it, in semiotic, the color of blue has a meaning of freedom, imaginantion, intuition, inspiration and


sensitiveness, thus the color of blue also represent meanings of trust, sencerity, wisdom, stability and intelligence.

Then on the second picture we can see a girl trying to do el tornado moves on an empty room with yellow backround. The yellow color of the wall on the second picture connotes of freshness, happiness, positivity, optimism and enlightment. It also connotes cheerfulness, increased mental activity, increased muscel energy. The color yellow helps activate the memory, encourage communication, enhance vision, build confidence, and stimulate the nervous system. The girl here connotes of feminism and gender equality which tell that sport especially football are not only meant for men but also for women. The connotation of Warmth, pleasure, relaxation, peacefull, togetherness and gender equality represent on the third picture while it denotes of that peoples who play football on the beach.

The color of pink on the fourth picture has the meaning of sweet, cute, feminine, nice and romantic. The color of pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace and approachability. Then on this picture we can also see a black glasses emoji. The glasses emoji has the meaning of something that relate to brain power such as studyand intellegence, while the black color on it has the meaning of power, authority, ability seriousness. She added the word “ skillz! “ on her post which strengthen the connotation representation on the picture of that brain power and ability.

The fifth picture connotes of that sports and proffessionalism. It can be seen from the picture that they play football on full attire complete with the player position . the word nicht schlecht has the meaning of “ not bad “ on German language. Or has the synonym of “ average “ on English. While the sixth picture connotes of exercise, trial and error and failure. Myth analysis

There‟s “ copacabana “ word on the third picture. Copacabana is actually a beach on Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It said that the copacabana beach on Rio de Janeiro is one of heaven on earth. It is very popular that even said as a place where many young and beautiful peoples go. The place where the peoples go for relaxing, partying, recreation.


4.1.4 Analysis of semiotic signs on scene IV

The fourth sequence is more focused on the impact of el tornado in society. This can be seen on how peoples react to el tornado move that been viral in the internet. peoples begin to post more of their activity while doing the el tornado moves and commenting on the post by giving emojis to show their expression towards the videos.

Peoples then begin to use el tornado for advertisement to pull people‟s interest, it also giving an impact to professional football. not only that, but also giving an impact to another sport like basketball, streetball, motorcycle freestyle stunt and even music.

Data Sign Signifier Signified  high buildings  city life, home, ofiice.  rooftop  top floor, height.

 peoples  human, living creature Peoples playing streetball on the rooftop of a building  streetball  sport, skill, stunt.

 Mobile phone  Communication device, electronic  Heart symbol  Love, likeness, passion  Instagram  Application, social media

Giving a “ like “in an Instagram post


 Purple heart  Expression, like  Passanger  Public transportation  Woman in black  Style, mysterious, clothes punk

A girl sit in the city bus while holding phone with heart symbol pop out around her  High building  A place to stay, office, big city  Cars  Vehicle  Laugh emoji  Expression, symbol  Heart emoji  Expression symbol  “ check that “  Word, comment

Lot of emoticons pop out on the city

 Mobile phone  Communication device, electronic.  Mouth open wide  Expression, emoji amazed, surprised.

 Thumbs up emoji  Expression, nice, good

Emoticons pop up in an  Heart emoji  Love, like Instagra streaming video on mobile phone


 Living room  Home  Roberto carlos  Football player  Cup of coffee  Drink, morning, relax  Bathing robe  Relax, clothes  What the ****!  Word, censored

Roberto Carlos saying “ what the ******! “

 Skull  Inner part of human body, bone  Men and cat  Ilustration, Ilustration painting  Eyes that pop  eye, surprised out from it‟s little, pure, cute

Ilustrations place

 Digital Critiano  Digital, computer edit Ronaldo

 Digital people  Digital, computer edit

Game meme digital editing


 Advertisement,  Advertisement product. board  Brand, soft drink,  Cocacola soda, coke  Big building  Building

Coca-cola advertising board  Men who cook  Profession  Small television  Media,  “You did the entertainment, tornado” information  Word/verbal

A man saying “ you did the tornado “ to his friend.

 Two adult men  Sing, rap.  whirling smoke  Wind, whirlwind, rotated

Rapper singing El Tornado in an wihrlwind effect.


 Error ( 404 )  Not found, Error, Not accessable, Deleted

Error (404) not found Denotative analysis The first Picture shown of peoples that play football or streetball on the rooftop of a building while the second picture shows a video posting on instagram with heart symbol in the middle of the screen. A girl seen to be sit and playing with her mobile phone in the city bus with puple heart symbol floating in front of her.Fourth picture shows a condition in a city life, which looks crowdy with vehicles. Many floating emoji and emoticon can also be seen on this picture.

The fifth picture shows a mobile phone with a scene of the viral el tornado videos. There also lot of emoji and emoticon pop out from the screen. Roberto Carlos, who is a Legendary football player from brazil can be seen on the sixth picture, he appears holding his glass while just wearing bath robe, enjoying his morning coffee, relaxing on his living room. He looks surprised as he watch Cristiano Ronaldo score a goal with the exact el tornado skill. he burst out his coffee and saying a swearing word. The seventh pictures shows about some images of peoples and ilsutration whith eyes popped out from it‟s place.

Eight pictures shows of a piece of Cristiano ronaldo digital figure that kicking on another digital figure. Te ninth picture shows about an advertising board of a named company which use el tornado on it. Then, a guy who‟s cooking something saying “ you did the tornado “ to his friend on the ninth data picture. The tenth picture shows of two adult men in the middle of whirling smokes. As for the eleventh pictures shows of an index which tell Error ( 404 ) Connotative Analysis

This scene more focused with how people shows their emotions towards el tornado moves. The place more specified in a big cities. There are peoples who still trying to do the el tornado moves while the other are just simply watching the video that posted on social 40 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA

media. Also, the video of el tornado also giving big Impact in many sectors, such as advertisement, music industry, and even professional oficial football. Peoples begin to show their expression while the real star on the video which is Cristiano ronaldo score a goal in the same way on his official professional match, which then surprise the society even more as it then become a short term culture shock.

It all can be seen from the first picture data, which shows of peoples who play football on the rooftop of a building this connotes of another type of football which called streetball. Which more focused on showing individual skill by doing many stunt with the ball rather than scoring a goal. The second picture connotes of social media and social interaction among peoples. Social media make it easier for society to interact between one person to another.

Then we can see a women who sits in a bus with purple floating heart emoji around her. Purple heart is the most special heart emoji amongst the other heart emojis. It is shows of very deep interest or a very passionate love. It also has the meaning of glamorous. Then we can see a situation in a big city with crowded street on the next picture. This picture also filled with lot of floating emojis and emoticons. For example, heart emojis, laughing emoticon, and some comment, the same also happen on the next data picture where emoji and emoticon filling the screen. it connotes of how people reacted on something that they see. Then we can see Roberto carlos being shocked on what he just see after he saw the real cristiano ronaldo do the el tornado moves on an official football match, he use swearing word which is censored on the data picture by exchanging the letters with stars symbol. Stars symbol oftenly used for covering another letter in a written form of word. It connotes of censorship. And then there are a picture which shows a surprised expression.

The animation of how their eyes seems like it popped out from it‟s place strengthen the connotation relation between the picture and what it refers to. Because of what happened, el tornado become a short term culture shock. It even used as a slogan in an product advertisement and movies. This shock culture spreads even more faster, it even used somewhere on korea where a person spin his body to passing through his friend who‟s cooking, the word you did the tornado strengthen the connotation of the spinning body movement with el tornado moves. Then, there is a sign that shows of Error ( 404 ) not found. This is the situation where a link or something that related about website are not able to be accessed anymore on the internet or broken link. This connotes of that everything related


about el tornado is not accessable on the internet since it broke out from being acessed too many times.

Myth analysis

The myth on this part is about streetball, streetball is a kind of sport that related with urban city sports, freestyle and showing off individual skill. Purple heart also included on myth analysis since A heart is used to symbolize the emotion of love. Humans have long associated the feeling of love with the heart. The organ used to pump blood around the body. The symbol for Valentine's Day is a heart. A purple heart can symbolize a sensitive, understanding and compassionate love. Duty, honor, royalty, and good judgment. A purple heart is awarded to United States military veterans when injured while serving their country. A symbol of honor for sacrifice




The conclusion of this thesis is that semiotic sign has a lot of form, there are verbal and non verbal sign that can be seen and used in our daily life. Many use gesture sign to express the interpretation of something while the other shows it through written word and pictures. From this research of trailer video, we can learn about many ways to show our expression, about what we do, what we think and what we mean by using signs. From this research also, we can learn about how big it is the impact of internet and social media in our dialy life, something that becomes viral may become a cultural shock at later days. It is also shown about how dependent we are to the internet.



Relate to this research, there are some suggestions :

1. Before watching a video, people should ready to be served by many different

semiotic view upon semiotic, especially in advertisement that realized in the video.

Because the videos have subliminal messages that inserted by the author to

consumed by public. It can be positive messages or negative messages.

2. For English Department USU, the writer hopes this research can add the

references of studying semiotics in the video, and the student of next period can

study video by another semiotics theory .


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The Images of FIFA 18 EL TORNADO “ MORE THAN A GAME “ official trailer as retreived from ( February 2019 )

Scene 1


Scene II


Scene III



Scene IV