Developing and applying the Urban Dynamic Model in the context of building and maintaining institutional co-operation

Case Study – West Transport Fund

CH4LLENGE workshop 5 November 2013

1 Context

• City Deal agreement • Combined Authority • City Deal and Earn Back • Raising local taxation to invest in transport • £1 billion Transport Fund

• New Approach to planning investment • Cross boundary impacts • Jointly managed Fund • Shared strategic objectives

• Successful outcomes dependent on agreements at outset: • Objectives • Methodology • Evidence led/needs based 2


• Primary objective of the Fund is to maximise an increase in employment and productivity growth

• Two employment accessibility minima are proposed at the package level: • A better than average improvement in employment accessibility for residents in the most deprived 25% of WY communities • Every WY district to gain an average improvement in employment accessibility no less than half the average across WY

• A neutral carbon impact at the package level

3 Forecast of rising transport ‘costs’ on the objectives • Real costs rises in fares, fuel, parking • Congestion on roads, slower journey times for traffic/buses • Over crowding on rail

These will impact on economic growth in West Yorkshire:

• Efficiency of business markets – rising costs, unreliability and journey times for business/freight shrink accessible markets which will affect productivity

• Shrinking labour pool – harder for employers to recruit as commuters face rising costs/journey times

• Contracting access to jobs – reduced number of jobs within accessible commuting time and distance for workers – worse for deprived communities 4 Characteristics of the UDM • Urban Dynamic Model • A zonal simulation of how an urban area – or an entire region - evolves over time, focusing especially on the interactions between: • Transport, Businesses and the local economy, Population and Land use

• It’s a strategic simulation model • Calculates how events unfold through time • Basic time unit is three months • Usually used to simulate periods of 5, 10, 15, 20 years or more

• It views an urban area as a system • Many interactions • Feedbacks • No implicit forecasts

5 • European Transport Conference 2011 (Glasgow)

Economic Impacts as a result of rising transport costs - WY

By 2026

• 22,000 fewer jobs in WY than economic forecasts suggest is possible (11%)

• WY GVA constrained by £1.5 billion (2%)

• Shrinking commuting distances (average 11.4km to 10.0km)

• Reduction in size of accessible labour pools that employers can recruit from (down by 23%)

• Average number of accessible jobs for WY residents drops (18% reduction, 20% from deprived communities) 6

Jobs filled by zone 2026 -3,700 -1,600 -4,000 Leeds -6,000 -6,600 West Yorks -21,800 Identifying a long list of potential schemes Conventional approach • Previous strategies and priorities • Political pressures • Current transport pressures • Unlocking development sites • ‘Solution looking for a problem’

New co-operative approach • Spatial and scalable evidence of need from the UDM • Based on technical approach • Consistent • Objective driven • Targeting the most effective investment • ‘Problem looking fro a solution’ 8


• 120+ schemes on long list • Qualitative sifting to 60 schemes – strategic sifting • Potential to support objectives • Affordability • Deliverability • Political/public acceptability • 60 schemes on medium list (circa £4billion) • Each scheme tested discretely • GVA/£ ratio • Ranking • Top £1b of schemes retested as a combined ‘package’

9 GVA/per £ of Cumulative net Cumulative Net capital Whole life Scheme name Jobs (2026) GVA (2026) whole life Rank capital cost employment cost cost cost (£m) impact

East Leeds Parkway 10 0 611 39.2 >10.0 1 10 611 Highway Network Efficiency (UTMC) 7 0 415 28.5 >10.0 2 17 1,027 Normanton Rail P&R 15 0 128 8.6 >10.0 3 33 1,155 Wakefield Eastern Bypass and Park and Ride 29 11 1,784 111.3 9.88 4 62 2,939 A653 Leeds - Corridor 13 5 707 47.2 9.20 5 75 3,646 A651 Bradford Road Improvement 1 22 1.6 6.12 6 75 3,668 A650 Tong Street 7 2 167 11.5 5.51 7 83 3,834 Wakefield City Centre Package 9 3 192 12.2 4.42 8 91 4,026 Tong Street - Westgate Hill Street – Laisterdyke New Link including Bowling Back Lane highway link 46 19 1,200 79.1 4.27 9 138 5,226 Leeds ELOR and North Leeds Outer Ring Road 73 30 1,721 116.8 3.83 10 211 6,946 Aire Valley - Leeds Integrated Transport Package 29 9 404 32.4 3.53 11 240 7,351 Bradford - Shipley Corridor Improvement 48 19 976 65.4 3.49 12 288 8,327 M62 new junction 24a on A641 Bradford Road, 19 8 371 24.3 3.09 13 306 8,697 NGT - Leeds City Centre - Aire Valley 98 30 1,140 82.0 2.69 14 404 9,837 Glasshoughton Southern Link Road 7 3 132 8.3 2.65 15 411 9,969 Bradford - A650 Hard Ings Road and town centre improvements 10 5 170 11.6 2.33 16 422 10,139 Cooper Bridge Rail P&R 20 120 8.3 2.10 17 442 10,259 WY package of red routes (all vehicles) and bus improvements 252 92 2,563 182.9 1.99 18 694 12,821 Rail station parking 32 6 152 10.5 1.91 19 725 12,973 Bradford - Huddersfield A641 corridor improvements (inc bypass) 76 25 593 42.6 1.71 20 801 13,567 Halifax - Huddersfield A629 corridor and Halifax Town Centre 121 61 1,380 99.0 1.61 21 921 14,947 Northern Bypass 7 2 54 3.3 1.43 22 928 15,001 Caldervale Line Improvements 20 17 312 21.2 1.22 23 948 15,313 A65 - LBIA Link Road 36 15 205 17.4 1.19 24 983 15,518 Leeds A6110 Outer Ring Road Improvements 18 7 120 8.8 1.18 25 1,001 15,638 Northern Bypass 38 18 351 20.8 1.17 26 1,039 15,989 A62 (Huddersfield to ) and A644 Corridor Improvements (Dewsbury – M62 J25), incorporating 69 26 502 30.4 1.15 27 1,108 16,491 HarrogateCooper Bridge Road/New Line Junction 5 2 31 2.1 1.10 28 1,113 16,522 Leeds City Centre network improvement and interchange strategy 37 17 160 14.6 0.85 29 1,149 16,682 PACKAGE CUT OFF NGT to east Leeds (city centre loop, Grimes Dyke and park and ride) 162 80 919 63.1 0.79 30 1,311 17,601 A58 Beacon Hill Road, Stump Cross (A6036 junction) and Hipperholme Improvements 9 3 33 2.4 0.72 31 1,320 17,634 A638 Dewsbury - M62 Improvements 6 3 28 2.0 0.62 32 1,327 17,661 Dewsbury - Bradford - Shipley Bus Way 234 139 1,113 75.4 0.54 33 1,560 18,775 Bradford Forster Square and improvements 25 8 37 3.4 0.42 34 1,585 18,812 South and East Wakefield Bus to Work 0 19 132 6.6 0.34 35 1,585 18,944 Bus Way to west of Bradford 25 23 88 6.2 0.26 36 1,610 19,032 Bradford Western Outer Ring Road improvements 27 11 41 2.8 0.26 37 1,637 19,073 Leeds West Outer Ring Road Improvements - Dawsons Corner - Rodley roundabout 44 30 111 7.3 0.24 38 1,681 19,184 Shipley Eastern Relief Road 50 24 78 4.4 0.18 39 1,731 19,261 Leeds - LBIA Tram-train link 220 146 376 26.8 0.18 40 1,951 19,637 Leeds - Bradford NGT 270 151 367 27.6 0.18 41 2,221 20,005 A652 Bradford Road Corridor Improvement 6 2 6 0.4 0.17 42 2,227 20,011 Bradford -LBIA Tram-train 250 190 384 28.7 0.15 43 2,477 20,395 Hallam and improvements 19 45 85 5.5 0.12 44 2,496 20,480 Haigh Parkway 21 13 19 1.3 0.10 45 2,517 20,499 Low Moor - Shipley tram-train 248 199 261 17.7 0.09 46 2,765 20,760 M62 J26 segregated westbound off slip (Chain Bar) 214 167 222 14.5 0.09 47 2,978 20,982 Leeds - Five Towns Tram-train 284 182 189 12.1 0.07 48 3,262 21,171 Heavy Rail to LBIA 409 340 215 13.9 0.04 49 3,671 21,385 Castleford Town Centre (including Castleford Transport Hub) 19 11 8 0.4 0.04 50 3,690 21,393 10 Bradford IRR Stage 4 15 5 -1 0.0 -0.01 51 3,705 21,392 Wortley Curve 11 55 28 -0.8 -0.01 52 3,716 21,421 Electrification of the line (Leeds to ) 294 179 -42 -2.9 -0.02 53 4,010 21,378 Package Impacts

WEST YORKSHIRE Year 2010 2024 2030 2036

Baseline employment forecast 1,022,000 1,182,400 1,219,200 1,240,000

Baseline GVA (per year) in 2009 prices £51,100m £76,600m £82,000m £83,400m

Additional employment above baseline - 12,500 15,800 18,200

Additional GVA (per year) in 2009 prices - £800m £1,100m £1,230m

Additional WY residents in employment - 10,700 13,000 14,700

• Package impacts > addition of discrete scheme impacts • Conventional BCR 4.5 (excludes accidents/carbon costs)


Jobs filled by zone 2026 Bradford +3,700 Calderdale +1,900 Kirklees +2,100 Leeds +5,100 Wakefield +2,500 West Yorks +15,200 Jobs filled by zone 2026 Bradford -3,700 Calderdale -1,600 Kirklees -4,000 Leeds -6,000 Wakefield -6,600 West Yorks -21,800 Jobs filled by zone 2026 Bradford 0 Calderdale +300 Kirklees -1,900 Leeds -900 Wakefield -4,100 West Yorks -6,600 Accessible jobs 2026 Bradford +32% Calderdale +48% Kirklees +34% Leeds +21% Wakefield +31% West Yorks +29% Increase in accessible jobs across deprived zones 8% higher than West Yorkshire average Accessible jobs 2026 Bradford +32% Calderdale +48% Kirklees +34% Leeds +21% Wakefield +31% West Yorks +29% Traffic impacts • Initial sift package increases employment above baseline by 8%

• Increase on CO2 emissions (<1.0%) based on strategic UDM modelling • Doesn’t take account of improvements at low traffic speeds


Benefits of approach – on governance

• Evidence driven and focused on objectives • Based on understanding of the need for transport investment and it’s scale and location • Consistent approach • Based on best value for money • Encourages cross boundary thinking • Strategic early appraisal and sifting

• Dilutes political and lobbying pressures for ‘poor value’ schemes • Helps take local politics out of transport planning


Benefits of approach – on co-operation

• Encourages different bodies working collectively • Political • Functional - Highways Agency,

• Approach being adopted for non-transport interventions • Urban realm • Housing • Regeneration

• Key Messages • Agree the rules at outset • Establish the objectives • Use technical evidence to justify investments • Build confidence in the approach • 2 years to get to this point


Thank you for listening.


20 Optional

Extra slides on example schemes and impacts

• Rail station parking expansion programme • Leeds north eastern ring road • Area wide highway efficiency and bus package • East Wakefield access road • Halifax to Huddersfield Corridor • Leeds Aire Valley


22 Rail station parking • VFM ratio = 1.91 • CAPEX = £32m • BCR = 5.9

2026 Jobs Households Residents in employment

Bradford 56 28 101

Calderdale -22 70 115

Kirklees 19 -16 -23

Leeds 160 -7 -26

Wakefield -61 34 90

WY Total 152 109 257


24 East Leeds Outer Ring Road • VFM ratio = 3.83 • CAPEX = £73m (net) • BCR = 1.1

2026 Jobs Households Residents in employment

Bradford 180 -76 -227

Calderdale 35 -28 -71

Kirklees 94 -74 -177

Leeds 1221 3320 3207

Wakefield 192 -79 -212

WY Total 1721 3063 2519


M62 junction 24a • VFM ratio = 3.09 • CAPEX = £19m • BCR = 12.5

2026 Jobs Households Residents in employment

Bradford 74 -13 -33

Calderdale 20 -7 -11

Kirklees 117 113 196

Leeds 59 2 5

Wakefield 101 4 15

WY Total 371 98 171


27 Highways efficiency and bus package • VFM ratio = 1.99 • CAPEX = £250m • BCR = 7.9

2026 Jobs Households Residents in employment Bradford 758 255 718 Calderdale 376 107 244 Kirklees 460 366 717 Leeds 716 428 1340 Wakefield 253 188 422 WY Total 2563 1345 3441


29 Aire Valley NGT • VFM ratio = 2.69 • CAPEX = £98m • BCR = 8.1

2026 Jobs Households Residents in employment Bradford 204 -264 -89 Calderdale 28 -77 -42 Kirklees -65 55 17 Leeds 1360 674 455 Wakefield -387 452 158 WY Total 1140 840 499


31 Halifax to Huddersfield corridor and Halifax town centre • VFM ratio = 1.61 • CAPEX = £121m • BCR = 3.1

2026 Jobs Households Residents in employment

Bradford 50 7 27

Calderdale 1069 146 445

Kirklees 301 151 310

Leeds -28 9 27

Wakefield -12 5 14

WY Total 1380 319 823


33 East Wakefield Access Road • VFM ratio = 9.88 • CAPEX = £29m (net) • BCR = 5.2

2026 Jobs Households Residents in employment

Bradford 132 -47 -143

Calderdale 38 -30 -69

Kirklees 121 -84 -198

Leeds 407 -136 -400

Wakefield 1087 598 1263

WY Total 1784 301 452