The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 9:10a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, Goldsboro, , after due notice thereof had been given.

Members present: Joe Daughtery, Chairman; William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman; George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Edward E. Cromartie; A. Joe Gurley, III and E. Ray Mayo.

Members absent: None.

Work Session

During the scheduled briefing and prior to the regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of Commissioners held an advertised work session to discuss the items of business on the agenda.

Closed Session

At 8:32 a.m., upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in closed session to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged; to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; and to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public body, including agreement on a tentative list of economic development incentives that may be offered by the public body in negotiations.

At 9:07 a.m., upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in regular session.

Call to Order

Chairman Joe Daughtery called the meeting of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners to order.


Pastor Lynn Epps with Rosewood Worship Center gave the invocation.

Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III led the Board of Commissioners in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Approval of Minutes

Upon motion of Commissioner John M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commissioners on May 17, 2016 and the minutes of the special meeting of the Board of Commissioners on May 24, 2016.

Discussion/Adjustment of Agenda

Chairman Joe Daughtery adjusted the agenda by adding North Carolina Association of County Commissioners June Video Update and Discussion of Proposal to Eliminate Chapters 7-10 in the North Carolina Fire Code to New Business and by adding Budget Amendments #498 Social Services, #503 Sheriffs Office, #508 Sheriffs Office, #509 Sheriffs Office and #511 Workers Compensation to the Consent Agenda. Award Badge and Service Side Arm to Lt. Sherwood E. Daly

Upon motion of Commissioner John M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously awarded Lt. Sherwood E. Daly his badge and service side arm due to his retirement from a full­ time position from the Wayne County Sheriff's Office, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §20-187 .2(a).

Special Recognition - Presentation of Retirement Plague to Lt. Sherwood E. Daly

Sheriff Larry M. Pierce presented an engraved plaque to Lt. Sherwood E. Daly upon his retirement from the Wayne County Sheriff's Office. Lt. Sherwood E. Daly began working for the County of Wayne on January 17, 1989 and retired on April30, 2016. The Board of Commissioners wished him well in his retirement.

Special Recognition -Recognition of AgCarolina Farm Credit for its $50,000 Contribution to the Farmer's Market at the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center and Approval of Naming Agreement

Vice-Chairman William H. Pate recognized AgCarolina Farm Credit President and CEO David Corum, Senior Vice President Tim Pace, Regional Board of Director Eldridge Westbrook and Loan Officer Robert Winders. He thanked AgCarolina Farm Credit for its $50,000 contribution to the Farmer's Market facility at the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center.

Upon motion ofVice-Chairman William H. Pate, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to sign the Naming Agreement between Wayne County and AgCarolina Farm Credit, ACA for the naming rights ofthe Farmer's Market facility at the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center in consideration ofthe $50,000 contribution from AgCarolina Farm Credit, ACA, attached hereto as Attachment A.

AgCarolina Farm Credit President and CEO David Corum stated the facility would be great for the farmers and Wayne County. He commended the Board of Commissioners on its leadership.

Appointment - Wayne County Council on Aging

Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously reappointed Rosalind Berk and Melvin R. Horner to the Wayne County Council on Aging. The term of Rosalind Berk will expire on June 18, 2019. The term of Melvin R. Horner will expire on November 1, 2019.

Appointment- Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center Committee

Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously reappointed Julian R. Aycock, Lemuel D. Uzzell, Charles McClenny, Ronald Parks and Eddie Pitzer to the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center Committee. Their terms will expire on June 30, 2019.

Public Comments

Dennis Lewis requested the Board of Commissioners approve a fireworks display on June 25, 2016.

Tom Drew stated he had problems with the Public Comments section on the agenda. He had a suggestion for the Wayne County Reads book selection next year. He had researched hemp for many years and thought it should be a source of protein.

City of Goldsboro Mayor Chuck Allen cited numerous improvements in Wayne County, including the Advanced Manufacturing Center, Cherry Hospital, the US Highway 70 Goldsboro Bypass, the W.A. Foster Recreation Center and the Goldsboro-Wayne Transportation Authority transportation system. The Base Realignment and Closure Commission will be meeting. Wayne County has the momentum to move forward. The Wayne County Public Schools system is a weak linl<. The schools are underfunded and have not been adequately funded in technology and facilities. Education is the only way we are going to move the community in a positive direction. He commended Seymour Johnson Air Force Base 4th Fighter Wing Commander Colonel Mark H. Slocum, Wayne County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore and Wayne County Manager George A. Wood for expeditiously addressing the Wayne County Public Schools concerns. Even though an individual Commissioner may not like some of the items on the Wayne County Public Schools facilities plan, he requested the Board of Commissioners consider the overall facilities plan and vote for the plan as presented to move the school system forward. A positive vote will be the first step in the momentum to improve the Wayne County Public Schools and send a message for the future.

Public Hearing- County Manager's Proposed 2016-2017 County of Wayne Budget

At 9:34 a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on the County Manager's proposed 2016-2017 County ofWayne budget.

Tom Drew stated there were flaws in having a public hearing. Citizens with ideas to lower taxes are censored.

Dr. Clark Gaither requested the Board of Commissioners fund the WATCH (Wayne Action Teams for Community Health) mobile unit $220,000 as requested. The WATCH mobile unit sees I ,000 patients per month. It is important for the citizens of the county to continue to get health care at this level of expertise. Chronic disease management is free to the patients. WATCH provides a tremendous return on the county's investment. Other funds may be in jeopardy since grants are comingled. Dr. Clark Gaither asked for $I65,000 to fund the WATCH mobile unit alternating three days one week and four days the next week. He requested the Board of Commissioners reconsider the proposed funding and fund the WATCH mobile unit.

Murray Porter, a WATCH (Wayne Action Teams for Community Health) volunteer, requested funding for the WATCH mobile unit in order to send the unit out more often. WATCH will deplete its reserves at the end of 20 I9 without the $220,000 funding from the county. The county is responsible for taking care of I ,000 patients per month.

At 9:42 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the public hearing.

Public Hearing- 2011 Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Project Completion of Activities and Closeout of Grant

At 9:43 a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on the completion of activities and closeout of the 20 II Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Project grant. The purpose of this hearing is to review the budget and activities that have been accomplished through the 20 II Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Project (Grant No. 11-C-2382). The activities are complete and Wayne County is in the process of closing out the grant.

Wayne County received $500,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, representing 94% of the total project cost, to undertake housing improvements and water/street/drainage improvements in the Love Drive Community Development Project Area. Total Community Development Block Grant expenditures were: $I82,604 Street improvements $ 4I ,027 Drainage improvements $ 28,870 Water improvements $I97, 499 Rehabilitation/replacement housing $ 50,000 Administration $500,000 Total In addition, the county contributed $30,000. None of the activities resulted in the permanent displacement of families. Public improvements included the construction/paving of 850 feet of Love Drive, installation of 1, 700 feet of drainage ditches and installation of 550 feet of new water lines. One low income family received replacement housing assistance and two low income families received housing rehabilitation assistance.

No member of public spoke.

At 9:44a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the public hearing.

Public Hearing- 2011 Community Development Block Grant Scattered Site Project Completion of Activities and Closeout of Grant

At 9:45 a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on the completion of activities and closeout of the 2011 Community Development Block Grant Scattered Site Project grant. The purpose of this hearing is to review the budget and activities that have been accomplished through the 2011 Community Development Block Grant Scattered Site Project (Grant No. 11-C-2329). The activities are complete and Wayne County is in the process of closing out the grant.

Wayne County received $400,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, representing 100% of the total project cost, to undertake the clearance and replacement of dilapidated, owner-occupied houses on scattered sites throughout the county. Total Community Development Block Grant expenditures were: $ 23,292 Clearance $338,959 Reconstruction (replacement housing) $ 1,700 Temporary location $ 35.796 Administration $399,747 Total

None of the activities resulted in the permanent displacement of families. Four low income families received replacement housing assistance.

Tom Drew stated journalism is education.

At 9:46 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the public hearing.

Public Hearing - Request to Amend the Wavne County Zoning Map by Rezoning a .65 Acre Tract in Fork Township from Residential Agriculture 20 (RA-20) to Community Shopping (CS)

At 9:4 7 a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on a request from Bruce Howell to amend the Wayne County zoning map by rezoning a .65 acre tract ofland identified as Parcel ID #2681426838 (recorded in Deed Book 3116, Page 187) from Residential Agriculture 20 (RA-20) to Community Shopping (CS).

The property is located at the end of Leslie Road (SR 1327). The tract is adjacent to the US Highway 70 Goldsboro Bypass. The property is currently open farm land. The zoning change would make the zoning of Bruce Howell's property consistent on both sides of Leslie Road. The property is bordered on the north by US Highway 70 Goldsboro Bypass, on the east and south sides by residential uses and agriculture on the west. The property is identified within an Urban Transition area on the Wayne County Growth Strategy map. A map of the property is attached hereto as Attachment B.

The proposed rezoning would support the following policies from the Comprehensive Plan:

Policy 2. 11 : Wayne County shall encourage a PUBLIC SERVICE AND REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT conducive to economic development, provided that environmental quality, public health and safety considerations are not compromised. Policy 11.8: SIGN REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS shall be reviewed and periodically updated to enhance community identity and create a high quality business image.

Policy 11.12: The County shall not permit the establishment and operation of UNLICENSED JUNKYARDS. Similarly, JUNKED OR UNLICENSED VEHICLES shall not be permitted to remain in locations visible from any public right of way, except as may be specifically permitted within an approved junkyard.

Policy 4.6: Whether located in an Urban or Rural area, new development should occur at DENSITIES APPROPRIATE FOR THE SITE. Density factors shall include whether the site is within an environmentally sensitive area, the type of sewage treatment available, the topography and drainage of the site, the capacity of transportation facilities serving the site, the proximity of the site to other existing services, and other relevant factors.

Policy 2.12: Activities that bring new people and businesses to the county, including SPECIAL EVENTS, SPORTS TOURNAMENTS, ECO-TOURISM (E.G. NEUSE RIVER), HERITAGE TOURISM, AND CONVENTION ACTIVITIES shall be encouraged and supported.

Urban Transition Areas include those parts of the planning area that are not currently urban in character but that, during the next two decades, are likely to reach a level of development requiring urban services. These areas may have some services already in place including, particularly, centralized water and sewer. Other services, including stormwater management, are likely to be in place here within twenty years. Urban Transition Areas should be a secondary area for planning, programming and providing public urban services. Those parts of the Urban Transition Area that have good soils and drainage, are not in the floodplain, have road capacity available, and have sewer service nearby should generally be developed at three or more units per acre. Land areas constrained by poor soils and/or lack of topography and resulting flooding problems should generally be developed at lower densities.

The Wayne County Planning Board reviewed the Wayne County zoning map change request and recommended the zoning map change be approved.

No member of the public spoke.

At 9:47a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the public hearing.

Approval to Amend the Wayne County Zoning Map by Rezoning a .65 Acre Tract in Fork Township from Residential Agriculture 20 (RA-20) to Community Shopping (CS)

Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners approved and authorized an amendment to the Wayne County zoning map to rezone a .65 acre tract of land identified as Parcel ID #268142683 8 (recorded in Deed Book 3116, Page 187) from Residential Agriculture 20 (RA-20) to Community Shopping (CS). A map ofthe property is attached hereto as Attachment B.

Adoption of 2016 Wayne County Comprehensive Transportation Plan

Upon motion of Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie, the Board of Commissioners unanimously adopted the 2016 Wayne County Comprehensive Transportation Plan as presented.

Further Recess the Public Hearing for the Canterbury Village and North Creek Subdivisions Petition for Street Repairs and Special Assessments from June 21, 2016 to July 19, 2016

Upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously further recessed the public hearing on the Canterbury Village and North Creek subdivisions petition for street repairs and special assessments from June 21 , 2016 at 9:30 a.m. until July 19, 2016 at 9:30a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina and authorized the property owners to be notified by first class mail of the public hearing date change. Consent Agenda

Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the following items under the consent agenda: I. Petition for addition to the North Carolina Department of Transportation State Maintenance System - Braswell Road (SR I239 Ext.), Eagle Scout Place, Tenderfoot Circle and Strike Eagle Run in Cambridge Farms, Fork Township, attached hereto as Attachment C 2. Established a meeting of the Wayne County Board of Adjustment on July 5, 2016 at 9:30a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, 224 E. Walnut Street, Goldsboro, North Carolina to receive public comments on a special use request for a proposed solar facility, Jester Solar, LLC, • 1002 Millers Chapel Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina 3. Present use value for Donna H. Ward- Parcel ID #35223I565 4. Budget Amendments a. Sheriffs Office- #424 b. Library - #439 c. Library - #440 d. Library - #44I e. Sheriffs Office- #452 f. Human Resources- #457 g. Health-Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program - #459 h. Wayne Executive Jetport - #465 i. Wayne County Development Alliance- #469 j. Sheriffs Office- #470 k. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council-Structured Day- #473 I. Social Services- #476 m. Inspections- #477 n. Health- #478 o. Social Services - #480 p. Juvenile Crime Prevention Grant-Connect Four Restitution- #479 q. Sheriff's Office- #483 r. Sheriffs Office - #484 s. Emergency Medical Services - #492 t. Social Services - #493 u. Social Services - #494 v. Social Services - #495 w. Social Services- #496 x. Emergency Medical Services - #462 y. Social Services- #498 z. Sheriffs Office- #503 aa. Sheriff's Office - #508 bb. Sheriffs Office- #509 cc. Workers Compensation- #51 I ' Recess

At 9:53a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery recessed the meeting.

At 10:00 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery reconvened the meeting.

Approval of Financing for Proposed Wayne County Public Schools Construction

County Manager George A. Wood read his memorandum dated June I, 20I6 Re: Financing Proposed School Construction and supporting documentation, attached hereto as Attachment D.

Vice-Chairman William H. Pate moved the Board of Commissioners authorize the use ofup to $4,600,000 ofthe Wayne County Board of Education's restricted sales taxes to construct 22 classrooms at either Fremont Stars Elementary School or some there and a portion at Northwest Elementary School, as determined by the Wayne County Board of Education; and the Board of Commissioners authorize the issuance of up to $23,600,000 of 20-year duration debt to construct: • A replacement for the Meadow Lane Elementary School that will include a wing to house the students from the existing Edgewood Community Developmental School; • A new gymnasium and six classrooms at Southern Wayne High School; • An HV AC system for the gymnasium at Rosewood Middle School; with all of this contingent upon the Wayne County Board of Education and the Wayne County Board of Commissioners entering into a written agreement spelling out the relocation of students and changes in the use of some school facilities, the changing of attendance lines, and other terms and conditions, all as written in the memorandum from the County Manager dated June 1, 2016. The agreement may be executed upon final approval by the County Attorney and County Manager to assure these provisions are included.

Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated he changed his mind on the financing options for the proposed school construction after talking with his wife, Linda. He did not question the need for the facilities. He did not like the manner in which the proposal was changed after it was originally presented to the Board of Commissioners. He would vote for the proposal as a means to better educate the children of Wayne County.

Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated the Meadow Lane Elementary School project came out of the woodwork. The county can afford to pay for the school now. He questioned how many other things would come up, which the Board of Commissioners did not know about now. He was concerned about spending the county's fund balance. Even though he toured Meadow Lane Elementary School, he realized there are other school facilities in worse shape structurally than Meadow Lane Elementary School. There has not been a study determining Meadow Lane Elementary School could not be restructured or remodeled. Commissioner E. Ray Mayo requested the Board of Education examine the facilities in more depth. He further asked the Board of Education to save $4-5 million for the other schools needing attention.

Commissioner John M. Bell stated it is the role of the Board of Commissioners to fund what the Board of Education requested. The Board of Commissioners does not determine if a school needs to be remodeled or a new one built. The Board of Commissioners finances the school's needs.

Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III stated the Board of Commissioners is the funding arm of the schools. He cautioned about money being spent on momentum and the Wayne County capital improvement plan in fiscal years 2018 and 20 19. Once the Wayne County Public Schools facilities plan changed, Meadow Lane Elementary School sped to the top of the list and the other project priorities changed. He stated Southern Wayne High School has needs, but questioned the change in the number of classrooms and type of gym in the current plan over the original plan.

Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie thanked Chairman Joe Daughtery, County Manager George A. Wood and Wayne County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore for their hard work on the Wayne County Public Schools facilities plan. He introduced the members of the Southern Wayne High School Boosters Club present at the meeting and thanked them for their contributions. The Wayne County Public Schools facilities plan changes affect the entire county. He requested everyone note the sources of revenue for the Wayne County Public Schools facilities plan.

Chairman Joe Daughtery stated for several years the Board of Commissioners wanted to see better use of the school facilities by the Board of Education. This plan does the following: • Changes Wayne Academy back to Goldsboro Middle School, repurposes School Street School for offices and two pre-kindergarten classrooms and uses the vacant classrooms at Carver Heights and North Drive Elementary School. • Changes the attendance lines so the facilities can be better used. • Maintains the existing schools better. We realize there are maj or problems at the schools caused by lack of attention to the maintenance of the facilities. Wayne County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore has a plan to better use the $2,000,000 appropriated annually in capital outlay. • Addresses the issues brought up by surveys of United States Air Force personnel in regards to both school facilities and advanced class offerings. Wayne County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore has developed programming to address the concerns and the plan addressed some of the facility issues. • Addresses the need to get out of the expensive Edgewood Community Developmental School facility and saves operational dollars as well by combining it with Meadow Lane Elementary School. This savings is a large part of the plan to finance these improvements. • Addresses the auxiliary gymnasium and some classrooms at Southern Wayne High Schools, which are the next priorities on the Board of Education's facility plan. • Addresses the HVAC problem at Rosewood Middle School • Addresses the overcrowding at Northwest Elementary School by replacing the mobile units. • Does not require a tax increase and is financially feasible The 2017 proposed budget increases the Wayne County Public Schools operating budget and earmarks $750,000 for increased technology funding. The plan improves the maintenance/small capital outlay to keep the schools in good shape. Wayne County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore has pledged to develop a detailed list each year of such projects, while reserving some of the $2,000,000 to better maintain the buildings. A five-year capital improvements plan will be developed to improve the school facilities. In the past three years, the county has invested $38,452,000 in the Spring Creek Middle School and Grantham Middle School; and $12,588,000 in the renovations and expansions of five other schools for a total of $51 ,040,000. If the recommended projects are done, $28,200,000 will be added for a total of $79,240,000. This will have been done while lowering taxes over $.03 per $100. The property tax reductions will save Wayne County property owners over $2.5 million. This is a fiscally conservative, responsible plan to provide these needed educational facilities. The Board of Commissioners can be proud of this accomplishment.

Voting for Vice-Chairman William H. Pate's motion to authorize the use of up to $4,600,000 of the Wayne County Board of Education's restricted sales taxes to construct 22 classrooms at either Fremont Stars Elementary School or some there and a portion at Northwest Elementary School, as determined by the Wayne County Board of Education; and the Board of Commissioners authorize the issuance of up to $23,600,000 of20-year duration debt to construct: • A replacement for the Meadow Lane Elementary School that will include a wing to house the students from the existing Edgewood Community Developmental School; • A new gymnasium and six classrooms at Southern Wayne High School; • An HVAC system for the gymnasium at Rosewood Middle School; with all of this contingent upon the Wayne County Board of Education and the Wayne County Board of Commissioners entering into a written agreement spelling out the relocation of students and changes in the use of some school facilities, the changing of attendance lines, and other terms and conditions, all as written in the memorandum from the County Manager dated June I, 2016. The agreement may be executed upon final approval by the County Attorney and County Manager to assure these provisions are included. Voting "Aye": George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie; Joe Daughtery; A. Joe Gurley, III; E. Ray Mayo and William H . Pate. Voting "Nay": None.

Approval of the Revised Wayne Executive Jetport Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) through the 2017 Funding Cycle

Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously designated WK Dickson as the new consulting engineer for the Wayne Executive Jetport Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) project submittals and reprioritized projects for funding consideration by the Division of Aviation through the 2017 funding cycle, attached hereto as Attachment E. Resolution Authorizing Reallocation of the County's Qualified Energy Conservation Bond Allocation to the State of North Carolina

Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the Resolution Authorizing Reallocation ofthe County's Qualified Energy Conservation Bond Allocation to the State ofNorth Carolina, attached hereto as Attachment F.

Presentation of the Quarterly Financial Statement for the County of Wayne for Fiscal Year 2016 through April30, 2016

Finance Director Allison Speight presented the quarterly financial statement for the County of Wayne for fiscal year 2016 through April30, 2016, attached hereto as Attachment G.

Presentation of the Quarterly Financial Statement for the Wayne County Tourism Development Authority for Fiscal year 2016 through April30, 2016

Finance Director Allison Speight presented the quarterly financial statement for the Wayne County Tourism Development Authority for fiscal year 2016 through April30, 2016, attached hereto as Attachment H.

County Manager's Presentation on Proposed Financing for the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center and 911 Center

County Manager George A. Wood presented his proposed financing recommendation for the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center and 911 Center.

The county divides its existing debt service into two categories: one for school debt and one for non-school county debt. Non-school debt covers all debt service payments except for school facilities. The existing debt service schedule is as follows: Fiscal year 2017 $2,609,087 Fiscal year 2018 $2,3 61 ,502 Fiscal year 2019 $2,267,260 Fiscal year 2020 $ 552,815 (savings of$1,714,445 over previous year) Fiscal year 2021 $ 0 (savings of$552,8 15 over previous year; $2,267,260 over the last two years) Beginning in fiscal year 2020, the county would have $1 ,714,335, which had previously been appropriated to cover debt service freed up to cover new debt. In addition, the following year would free up another $552,815 for a total of$2,267,260 available to finance these two projects.

Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center Project

The debt for the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center would be issued in January 2017. The county could use existing funds to cash flow the project until then. The Board of Commissioners has already adopted a resolution to reimburse itself from the debt issue. The first debt service payment would be due in July 2017, which is in fiscal year 2018. Therefore, the county would only need to bridge fiscal year 2018 and 2019 in order to get an annual savings of$1 ,714,445 in fiscal year 2020.

The estimated issue for the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center is $11,000,000. Financing level principal payments on $11,000,000 for 20 years at 3.5% annual interest would require debt service payments of $935,000 in fiscal year 2018. Thereafter, the interest payments would decline by $19,250 each year.

911 Center Project

The debt for the 911 Center would be issued in January 2017. The county could use existing funds to cash flow the project until then. The Board of Commissioners has already adopted a resolution to reimburse itself from the debt issue. The first debt service payment would be due in July 2017, which is in fiscal year 2018. Therefore, the county would only need to bridge fiscal year 2018 and 2019 in order to get an annual savings of $1,71 4,445 in fiscal year 2020.

The estimated issue for the 911 Center is $3,000,000, which is for the building only. The specialized equipment will come from existing 911 funds on hand, as well as a reallocation of funds from the State 91 1 Fund. The debt service on $3,000,000 would start at $255,000 annually and would decline by $5,250 annually, based on a 3.5% interest rate.

In summary, County Manager George A. Wood stated the county would have $1 ,714,445 available from reduced debt service payments beginning in fi scal year 2020. The total new debt service payments would be: $ 935,000 1st year ofMaxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center debt service $ 255,000 ls1 year of911 Center debt service $1 ,190,000 Total debt service payments

Once the county bridged fiscal years 2018 and 2019 debt service payments with the use of available funds and/or fund balance, it would meet the new debt service payments and still have $524,445 left over in fiscal year 2020. In fi scal year 2021, the savings would increase by another $552,815 to $1,077,260. Two years of the savings would nearly replenish the fund balance used in fiscal years 2018 and 2019.

North Carolina Association of County Commissioners June Video Update

The Board of Commissioners watched the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners June video update.

Approval of Fireworks Display

Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the request for a fireworks display on June 25 , 2016 at 618 Selah Church Road, Four Oaks, North Carolina, subject to approval by the Wayne County Fire Marshal with this being the last time Hale Artificier, Inc. may obtain permission for a fireworks display by waiving the formality ofthe process.

Discussion on Proposal to Eliminate Four Chapters of the North Carolina Fire Code

Assistant County Manager Tommy R. Burns stated the Board of Commissioners received an earlier notice the Chairman of an ad hoc committee of the North Carolina Building Code Council proposed to eliminate Chapters 7-10 in the North Carolina Fire Code that are the most common violations found during fire inspections after the certificate of occupancy has been issued.

Assistant County Manager Tommy R. Burns further stated an email was received from North Carolina Building Code Council Chairman Dan Tingen stating the ad hoc committee will not consider a proposal to eliminate Chapters 7-10 in the North Carolina Fire Code.

Assistant County Manager Tommy R. Burns stated the staff would keep abreast of the issue and keep the Board of Commissioners informed if the proposal comes under consideration by the North Carolina Building Code Council.

County Manager's Comments

County Manager George A. Wood stated the Senate budget recommendation repeals $17.6 million appropriated from the state as part of the local sales tax restructuring plan in last year's budget. This would negatively impact Wayne County. It is critical to notify our legislative delegation in the North Carolina General Assembly to let them know Wayne County strongly opposes the Senate budget bill and inform them ofthe impact the bill would have on the county. Board of Commissioners Committee Reports and Comments

Commissioner John M. Bell stated the former Eastpointe Chief Financial Officer was indicted by the federal government. The Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Sandhills, Trillium and Eastpointe are negotiating merger. Wayne County has the largest consumer base in Eastpointe. Wayne County is being subsidized by the other II counties in Eastpointe. Participation at the Peggy M. Seegars Senior Center has increased 900% since it moved to its current location.

Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. stated he read and studied the County Manager's proposed 20 I6-20 17 budget. There will be discussion on the proposed budget. The Board of Trustees will be interviewing candidates for President this week and next week. Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr. requested everyone keep Wayne Community College President Dr. Kay Albertson in their thoughts and prayers while she is in the hospital. He commended the Charles B. Aycock High School girls' softball team on their season and effort in the state championship game.

Commissioner E. Ray Mayo stated he attended meetings of the Board of Social Services, Goldsboro-Wayne Transportation Authority and the Base Community Council. He also attended the Miles of Smiles $I ,500 grant check presentation by Delta Dental CEO Curt Ladis for the mobile dental unit. The Wayne County dentist is seeing I8 patients a day in the mobile dental unit. Last night he attended the funeral service for Bill Carr, who was a true patriot and supported all elected officials.

Commissioner Edward E. Cromartie stated he attended the Board of Social Services and Goldsboro-Wayne Transportation Authority meetings. He also attended a function at Brogden Primary School in which 4th graders dressed formally and danced. He commended Brogden Primary School Principal Youlonda Wynn and the 4-H staff for exposing the students to the social and cultural side of life.

Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III stated he met with North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Executive Director Kevin Leonard and President Glen Webb on County Assembly Day. He attended the US Highway 70 Goldsboro Bypass ribbon cutting. Now work needs to concentrate on the development of the interchanges on the Goldsboro Bypass.

Vice-Chairman William H. Pate stated he attended the Repreve Renewables ribbon cutting and Wayne County gained 40 additional agribusiness jobs. He attended the celebration of life for Bill Carr. Bill Carr supported him as an elected official and supported our veteran population. Vice-Chairman William H. Pate announced his granddaughter was now a citizen ofWayne County.

Chairman Joe Daughtery stated the Board of Commissioners would hold budget work sessions on June I4, 2016 at 9:00a.m. and June 15, 2016 at I :00 p.m. Effective July 1, 2016 he appointed Vice-Chairman William H. Pate to serve in his position on the Executive Committee of the Wayne County Development Alliance.


At 11 :49 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery recessed the meeting.

At 12 :05 p.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery reconvened the meeting.

Lunch with Facility Services Staff

The Board of Commissioners had lunch with the Facility Services staff at 804-C Corporate Drive, Goldsboro, North Carolina. Adjournment

There being no further business, Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the meeting at 12:55 p.m.

~a~~·~ Ma a R. Wilson, Clerk to the Board Wayne County Board of Commissioners Attachment A Page I



THIS NAMING AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is entered into this J.,o ~ day of May, 2016, by and between WAYNE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina (the "County") with a business address at P.O. Box 227, Goldsboro, North Carolina 27533; Attn.: County Manager (with a copy to the County Attorney at the same address) and AGCAROLINA FARM CREDIT, ACA, a federally chartered agricultural credit association ("AgCarolina") with an office address at 4000 Poole Road, Raleigh, NC 276IO.


WHEREAS, the County has proposed development in Wayne County of a regional agricultural and convention center (the "Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center") which is to be named the "MAXWELL REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND CONVENTION CENTER"; and

WHEREAS, AgCarolina desires to make a meaningful contribution to the cultural life of Wayne County by contributing a significant amount of money toward the planning, design construction and completion of the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center (the planning, design, construction and completion of the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center, the "Project"); and

WHEREAS, the County wishes to recognize the contribution of AgCarolina by naming the farmer's market to be located at the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center in honor of AgCarolina.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises and of the covenants contained herein, and for other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

I. AgCarolina Contribution. AgCarolina hereby agrees to contribute a total of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($50,000.00) (the "AgCarolina Contribution") in cash or other immediately available funds to the County to be used in connection with the Project on the terms and conditions set forth in the following sections of this Section 1 and elsewhere in this Agreement. 1.1 Annual Payment. Subject to the requirements of Section 1.2 below, on or before the public groundbreaking ceremony for the Project (the "Groundbreaking"), AgCarolina shall pay the first payment of the AgCarolina Contribution in an amount not less than SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FORTY-THREE DOLLARS ($7,143.00), and shall continue making consecutive annual payments towards the AgCarolina Contribution of at least SEVEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FORTY-THREE DOLLARS ($7,143.00) each, on or before the same calendar day of the Groundbreaking, in each consecutive year thereafter until the six (6) year anniversary of the Groundbreaking, when any remaining amounts owed by AgCarolina towards the AgCarolina Contribution shall be due and payable in full.

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1.2 Delayed Completion. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1.1 above, other than the initial payment by AgCarolina on or before the Groundbreaking, AgCarolina shall be under no obligation to make any payments towards the AgCarolina Contribution unless and until the construction of the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center is completed, as evidenced by the issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center (the "Construction Completion"). If Construction Completion occurs after the one ( 1) year anniversary of the Groundbreaking, then any annual payments to be made by AgCarolina towards the AgCarolina Contribution under this Agreement which were unpaid by AgCarolina due to the failure of the County to obtain Construction Completion on or before the one (1) year anniversary of the Groundbreaking, shall be due and payable by AgCarolina upon Construction Completion. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, if Construction Completion does not occur on or before the two (2) year anniversary of the Groundbreaking, then AgCarolina may, at AgCarolina's option, terminate this Agreement by written notice to the County. If AgCarolina exercises its option to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 1.2, then AgCarolina's obligations to make the AgCarolina Contribution shall cease, and the County shall return and reimburse to AgCarolina all sums of money paid by AgCarolina towards the AgCarolina Contribution. The return and reimbursement to AgCarolina by the County under this Section 1.2 of the Agreement shall occur no later than sixty (60) days after AgCarolina gives the County AgCarolina's written notice to terminate the Agreement. 1.3 Site Plan Approval. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Farmer's Market" shall mean a physical retail market consisting of not less than four thousand ( 4,000) square feet of open air covered space located within the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center featuring produce, meat, cheeses and other food products, flowers and ornamental plants, bushes and trees, including Christmas trees, and other goods sold directly by farmers, artisans, and other producers or suppliers to consumers, built in substantial compliance with the plans and specifications attached to this Agreement as "Exhibit A" (the " Plans"), which are attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. The County agrees to construct the Farmer's Market in substantial accordance with the Plans, and agrees that it will not alter, change or revise the Plans without AgCarolina's express written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. In the event that AgCarolina withholds its consent from any proposed alteration, change or revision to the Plans, then AgCarolina may, at AgCarolina's option, terminate this Agreement by written notice to the County. If AgCarolina exercises its option to terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 1.3, then AgCarolina's obligations to make the AgCarolina Contribution shall cease, and the County shall return and reimburse to AgCarolina all sums of money paid by AgCarolina towards the AgCarolina Contribution. The return and reimbursement to AgCaro1ina by the County under this Section 1.3 of the Agreement shall occur no later than sixty (60) days after AgCarolina gives the County AgCarolina's written notice to terminate the Agreement. 1.4 Failure to Provide Farmer' s Market. In the event that Construction Completion Occurs, and no portion of the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center is constructed and available for use as the Farmer's Market, then this Agreement shall automatically terminate, AgCarolina's obligations to make the AgCarolina Contribution shall cease, and the County shall return and reimburse to AgCarolina all sums of money paid by AgCarolina towards the AgCarolina Contribution. The return and reimbursement to AgCarolina

2 US2008 8150415 5 Attachment A Page 3

by the County under this section of the Agreement shall occur no later than sixty ( 60) days after the Construction Completion occurs. 2. Granting ofNaming Rights; Other Agreements. 2.1 Name. The Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center shall be exclusively known as the "MAXWELL REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND CONVENTION CENTER" (the "Name") in perpetuity. No additions, replacements, modifications, or changes to the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center, including during its planning and development stages, shall result in a change or modification of the Name. For the avoidance of doubt, and except as described below in Section 2.2, the Name shall apply to the entire Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center, including, without limitation, the Farmer's Market any other amenities such as parks, riding arenas and livestock show and housing areas that may be a part of the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. The Name shall not be changed except as provided in this Agreement and no other name shall be given to the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. In addition to the foregoing, the Name shall be used in all publicity, announcer coverage, information, meetings and activities related to the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center, including, without limitation, use on the website for the County and the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center and any social media accounts. 2.2 Farmer's Market. In exchange for the contributions contemplated in this Agreement, and notwithstanding the provisions of Section 2.1 regarding the Name, the County shall cause the Farmer's Market to be named the "FARM CREDIT FARMER'S MARKET AT THE MAXWELL REGIONAL AGRICULTURAL AND CONVENTION CENTER" (the "Market Name") in perpetuity. No additions, replacements, modifications, or changes to the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center, or any parts thereof, including any during its planning and development stages, shall result in a change or modification of the Market Name. The Market Name shall not be changed except as provided in this Agreement and no other name shall be given to the Farmer's Market. 3. Non-Compete. Other than the Farmer's Market, the County shall not permit, suffer or approve any farmer's market within the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center without AgCarolina's express written discretionary consent. 4. Signage. The County, at the County's cost and expense, shall install a professionally made and installed plaque in the Farmer's Market that prominently reflects the Market Name. The County and AgCarolina, acting reasonably, shall mutually agree upon the design of this plaque and its location within the Farmer's Market. The County, at its cost and expense, shall conduct, or cause to be conducted, all necessary, routine, preventative and long term care of the plague and other signage installed at the Farmer's Market under the terms of this Agreement (the "AgCarolina Signage"). The AgCarolina Signage shall not be altered, obscured in any way or draped at any time without the express written consent of AgCarolina, which consent may be withheld for any reason or no reason at all. The County shall ensure that in any directories, listing, advertisement, publicity, announcer coverage, information, meetings and activities related to the Farner's Market, including, but not limited to, the website for the County and the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center and any social media accounts relating thereto, the Farmer's Market shall be referred to by the Market Name.

3 US2008 81 50415 5 Attachment A Page 4

5. Occupancy and Use of Farmer's Market. 5.1 Permitted Use. The County shall ensure that Farmer's Market shall be used primarily as a physical retail market featuring produce, meat, cheeses and other food products, flowers and ornamental plants, bushes and trees, including Christmas trees, and other goods sold directly by farmers, artisans, and other producers or suppliers to consumers. 5.2 Neat and Clean Condition. The County shall maintain or cause to be maintained, at its cost and expense, the Farmer's Market in a neat, clean, safe and orderly condition at all times. 5.3 Prohibition Against Waste and Nuisance. The County shall take or cause to be taken, at its cost and expense, reasonable steps to ensure that any persons using or occupying the Farmer's Market do not intentionally or through gross negligence injure or deface the exterior or interior of the Farmer's Market. Further, the County shall take or cause to be taken, at its cost and expense, reasonable steps to not permit any nuisance or the emission from the Farmer's Market of any objectionable noise or odor that would not typically be associated with a farmer's market, or any use thereof which is improper, offensive or contrary to applicable federal, state or local laws, regulations and ordinances. 5.4 Non-Discriminatory Use. The County shall take or cause to be taken reasonable steps to ensure that the use and occupancy of the Farmer's Market complies with all applicable federal, state and local anti-discrimination laws and regulations, including those pertaining to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status and age. 6. Use of Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center Space. Subject to availability, the County shall allow AgCarolina to use rooms and space in the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center that are generally made available to the public. Such use shall be subject to the County's rules and regulations generally applicable to such rooms and space and prior reservations. 7. Representations and Warranties. In order to induce AgCarolina to enter into this Agreement and to make the AgCarolina Contribution, the County hereby represents and wan·ants in favor of AgCarolina all of the representations and warranties set forth in the following sections ofthis Section 7. 7.1 Authority. The County has the authority and the legal right (1) to make, deliver and perform under this Agreement, and (2) to grant the naming rights to the Farmer's Market to AgCarolina as described in this Agreement. 7.2 Enforceable Agreement. The Agreement when executed and delivered will constitute legal, valid and binding obligations of the County, enforceable in accordance with its terms. 7.3 No Conflict. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by the County does not conflict with, nor will it result in, a breach or violation of any agreement to which it is a party. 7.4 Compliance with Laws. As of the date of Construction Completion, all of the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center, including the Farmer' s Market, and the uses thereof, will be and will continue to be in substantial compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and ordinances, including those pertaining to the following: the 4 US2008 8150415 5 Attachment A Page 5

environment; hazardous materials, substances or wastes; access to, from, in, arow1d and over the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center by persons with physical or other disabilities; land use, including zoning; building codes; drainage, storm water and flood control; and, public health, welfare and safety. 8. Removal of Name. AgCarolina, in addition to its other rights and remedies under this Agreement or otherwise, if any, may, for any reason, relinquish its rights under this Agreement to have the Farmer's Market named with the Market Name. Within sixty (60) days of being given written notice of relinquishment of the Market Name from AgCarolina, the County shall, at its sole cost and expense: (1) remove all AgCarolina Signage from the Farmer's Market and (2) remove the words "Farm Credit" from the Market Name used in any directories, listing, advertisement, publicity, announcer coverage, information, meetings and activities related to the Farner's Market, including, but not limited to, the website for the County and the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center and any social media accounts relating thereto. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this Agreement gives or grants to the County any rights in the name "Farm Credit" and the County acknowledges and agrees that it does not have and shall not have any rights in the name "Farm Credit" and does not have the right to grant to third parties the use of the name "Farm Credit," except as specifically set forth in this Agreement. 9. General. 9.1 Entire Agreement. This Agreement sets forth the entire Agreement and understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter herein and, except as otherwise contemplated herein, supersedes all prior agreements, written or oral, relating to the subject matter thereof. 9.2 Modification and Waiver. No modification of or amendment to this Agreement, nor any waiver of any rights under this Agreement, shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties. 9.3 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of North Carolina. 9.4 Relationship of the Parties. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to make the parties partners, joint ventures, employer and employee, or principal and agent and the County and AgCarolina specifically affirm that they are not partners, joint ventures, employer and employee or principal and agent. As such, neither the County or AgCarolina shall have any liability or responsibility to third parties for the negligent acts or inactions of the other, or the others willful misconduct. 9.5 Severability. If any part of this Agreement is deemed unenforceable or voided as a matter of law, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, and shall be construed and given effect to the maximum extent permitted by law. 9.6 Binding Effect; Assignment. This Agreement shall be binding on, and inure to the benefit of, the successors and assigns of AgCarolina and the successors and assigns of the County. 9.7 Headings. Section headings and captions in this Agreement are included for convenience and reference only and do not constitute a part of this Agreement for any other purpose.

5 US2008 8150415 5 Attachment A 'Page 6

9.8 Notice. All notices and other communications required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered personally, by overnight courier, or five (5) days after being deposited in the United States mail, certified, return receipt requested. All notices shall be addressed to the addresses set forth in the first paragraph of this Agreement or to such other address as to which notice has been given in accordance with the provisions hereof.

[remainder of page left intentionally blank]

6 US2008 8150415 5 Attachment A Page 7

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written.

AGCAROLINA: "'"""" ~,,,,,,,~"'''' ~ FAR~,,,,,,,,,.,,,, AGCAROLINA FARM CREDIT, A<;w~~kj·~··{~ ~"'ic? ..,.,>...... <>\ f uf ..... \~: =(.!)= SE '"=· j i"d AL 1~~ ~ \ ~i.;'i ~ 't:.'" i. $ ~ o'-,,, ...... ~ ~ ~ ,,, ...... ~.'t· ~ '-'.. , "'r)"-L'"•••uuu•''' \~ ~~ "''•••• ,: 7 CAROV;...... ~ ..... !1 ~.,,...,"'''



')',8/\_../~ (SEAL) Daughtery Chairman, Wayne Commissioners

Attested by: ~!Q,. ~ Mar · R .Wilson Clerk to the Wayne County Board of Commissioners

This instrument has been preaudited in the manner required by the local governmental budget and fiscal control act.

Allison Speight Wayne County Finance

7 US2008 8150415 5 Attachinent A Page 8

Exhibit A


Naming Agreement

Plans and Specifications for Farmer's Market

[see attached]

8 US2008 8 150415 5 Attachment A Page 9

-~ ) ·,'·.. ·,_ . / .··: .·· \ : lt' :"· /- : ~


.. . . - - . Wayne County Regional Agriculture and Convention Center Site Plan schematic ptC""Antation dra... .h ngs )!H ARC HITECTUR.~ Y!!-~~C.2!:1~ 0 201 5 HHI\rchitectur• Attachment A Page 10

-- ...... Wayne County Regional Agricultu re an d Convention Center Farmer's Market 3D View 212512016 Scale: 1/8"• 1'-0" 0 2016 HH Architecture \.'Y-l~--Y r.!ECOUNTY Attachment A Page 11


~-v I > •; - ~ ~ ;v -w ~ }----+·--~·~~--~~-+' ------}+------~~~----~ 20'-rr '

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- - -- -, - - - - - , - - - ]

~ Wayne County Regional Agriculture and Convention Center Farmer's Market Plan ~ ?12512016 Scale: 118.. • , . .().. e 2016 HH Arch;te

~i!iii . ~ Wayne County Regional Agriculture and Convention Center Farmer's Market Elevation 212512016 Scale: 118"•1"-0" 0 2016 HH Architecture WA.YI<:. ECOUNTY Proposed Zoning Z-16-02


WAYNE.DBO.PARC ELS_ V IEW2 Wayne County CurrentZoning f::::J ZONE

R-10 R-1 5 _ RA-20

- RA30 - \Ill LAGE-DIST Attachment C


North Carolina County of Wayne Road Description - Braswell Road (SR 1239 Ext.), Eagle Scout Place, Tenderfoot Circle and Strike Eagle Run, Cambridge Farm Subdivision, Fork Township.

WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners ofthe County of Wayne requesting that the above described road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of road to the System.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners ofthe County of Wayne that the Division of Highways is thereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria.


The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Wayne at a meeting on the 7'h day of June, 2016.

WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 7'h day of June, 2016.

1rif1JL!~a.j ~ - ~~ Marc~. Wilson, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners County of Wayne

Form SR-2 (7-77)


Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways.

Upon motion of Commissioner George Wayne Aycock, Jr., the Wayne County Board of Commissioners approved the foregoing resolution. Attachment D Page 1 WAYNE COUNTY COUNTY MANAGER GEORGE A. WOOD

WAYNECOUNTY June 1, 2016 NORTH CAR O LI NA Memo to: Board of Commissioners Phone: (91 9) 731-1435 From: George A. Wood, County Manager ~~'% Fax (919) 731-1446 Re: Financing Proposed School Construction

We have met with our financial advisors, Davenport & Company, to discuss financing options for a proposed elementary school at Meadow Lane. The estimated cost was $18,000,000. The two options seriously considered were financing it over 20 years using 1) level principal payments; or 2) using level principal and interest payments. In Option 1, the principal payments remain the same each year, but the interest declines each year as the outstanding principal balance declines. In Option 2, the total payments are the same each year, just like a residential mortgage. While it costs $714,988 more over the bond life, it has the advantage of smaller initial debt service payments.

The other two options were to use variations of these options, but using a 15-year amortization schedule. This is not recommended as we need to spread the cost of this facility over a longer period of time to make it more affordable. There is no problem in doing so, as the facility would have a 50-year lifespan; and the interest costs are very reasonable.

Since that initial discussion, negotiations with the BOE have added a wing to replace the Edgewood School, a new gymnasium and 6 classrooms at Southern Wayne High School, and air conditioning for the Rosewood Middle School gymnasium. The Edgewood addition is estimated to cost $3,800,000; the new gymnasium and 6 classrooms $3,200,000, and the gymnasium air conditioning $400,000. That is a total of $24,200,000 that will need to be financed over 20 years at 3.5% annual interest. However, today Dr. Dunsmore got more refined numbers on the Meadowlane/Edgewood Project from a similar project in NC, and believes that it can be designed and built for $20,000,000, rather than the original $21,800,000. That is a savings of $1,800,000. Given that, I am recommending that you add the six classrooms shown on the design plans for the auxiliary gymnasium at Southern Wayne High School. At $3,200,000, it is $1,200,000 more than the original $2,000,000 we were going to put into the gymnasium alone. That would be a total of $23,600,000 that we would need to debt finance.

Using the Level Debt Service Option (see the attached page from Davenport and Company), the annual cost to finance $18,000,000 would be $1,266,499 annually. If you include the three additions listed above, the total annual cost would be $1,660,507.

A $4,600,000 addition to Fremont Stars Elementary School to replace the mobile units at Northwest Elementary School could be paid from existing BOE sales tax funds on hand.

To offset the debt service expense, we have the fo llowing projected revenues:


PO BOX227 GOLDSBORO. NC 27533 Attachment D Page 2 $ 527,000 Operating Savings from Edgewood and Meadow Lane School Replacements $ 248,011 Savings to the County and School Board from the Refinancing of the Grantham/Spring Creek Middle Schools Debt $ 258,000 5.1% Growth in the School's portion of the Sales Tax restricted for capital outlay/debt service in FY 2017 $ 148,473 2.5% Growth in the School's portion ofthe Sales Tax in FY 2018 $ 479.023 County funding (available in FY 2018 from the $600,000 in one-time funding in FY 2017 for the Technology Plan)

$1,660,507 Total Available Revenues

$1,660,507 Annual Debt Service Payment Required

By the time these projects are designed by an architect, and bids awarded, it would be the spring of2017. That would mean the debt would be issued in late FY 2017 or early FY 2018. The debt service payments would not begin until FY 2018. This financial plan will allow us to pay for these proposed school projects from available revenues, without any tax increase. Bear in mind that the School's portion of the Sales Tax should grow every year, just from inflationary increases in the underlying cost of goods purchased. In addition, any expansion of the local economy would generate still more revenue. We are projecting about 2.5% annual growth in sales taxes. We believe this gives us a solid basis to finance these projects.

In discussions between the BOE administration and the chairman, our chairman and I have agreed to recommend the following to the BOC.

1. Construct the new Meadow Lane Elementary School. 2. Construct the additional wing at Meadow Lane to replace the existing Edgewood Developmental School. 3. Construct the additional 22 classrooms at Fremont Stars Elementary School to alleviate crowding at Northwest E. S. and Northeast E. S., and Tommys Road E. S. This would replace mobile units at these schools. Dr. Dunsmore is also exploring an option that would put about half the classrooms at Fremont Stars E. S., and half at Northwest E. S. In my opinion, that decision should be left to the Board of Education to determine. 4. NorWayne Middle School's overcrowding would be solved by converting the Wayne Academy to Goldsboro Middle School. 5. School Street E. S. would be converted to offices and an alternative school, freeing up the proposed Goldsboro Middle School. Part of the student population at School Street E. S. would be relocated to Carver Heights, and the testing center would be moved from North Drive E. S. to free up more classroom space. Two additional Pre-K classrooms would be added to School Street E. S. 6. A replacement gymnasium would be constructed at Southern Wayne High School, as well as the six classroom shown the plan previously submitted to the BOE by the Boosters Club. The timing ofthis project is being advanced. 7. The Rosewood Middle School gymnasium would be air conditioned. The timing of this project is being advanced. Attachment D Page 3 More details on this plan can be found in the attached Facilities Plan Summary prepared by the Superintendent's Office. All of this is dependent upon the BOE being willing to change some school attendance zone lines, as outlined in the plan. The BOE has voted to approve this initial 5 year plan, and understands fully that changing some attendance lines will be a necessary part of this plan.

We have also discussed a written agreement that would supersede the current agreement on financing. The BOE gets a portion of two local option sales taxes that must be used solely for either capital construction, or the debt service on that construction. In addition, the BOE gets a portion of the Educational Lottery funds for the same purpose. Those monies can only be used for that purpose, not to cover any operational costs of the BOE.

We believe the proposed new agreement should state that we will continue to appropriate annually $2,000,000 of the BOE sales tax for small capital projects. The Superintendent will develop a 5-year plan for renovations, and an agreed upon percentage of the $2,000,000 that can be used for renovations, with the remainder going for minor capital projects to improve maintenance of the facilities. After that $2,000,000 is set aside, all Lottery and restricted BOE sales tax proceeds would be used FIRST to pay for any debt service or construction of facilities. Any projects jointly agreed to where the debt service costs more than these two funding sources provide, would require the County to pay the difference from County appropriations. In this way, we would be making the maximum use of the available funding for capital projects before we require any County funding.

We would still want to set up these construction projects so that the County is the owner during construction, so we can save the taxpayers reimbursement of all sales taxes. In NC, counties are exempt from paying sales taxes, but boards of education are not. We set up the Spring Creek and Grantham middle schools this way in order to capture this savings. So, our two attorneys are very familiar with the process and the necessary documents. It also allows us to pledge the new construction as collateral for the duration of the loans. Ownership of the schools will be transferred to the BOE sometime after the loans are completely repaid.

As you can see, this plan is completely financed without any increase in taxes. I want to commend the BOE, Superintendent Mike Dunsmore and his staff for putting together a workable, financially viable facilities plan for the County's consideration. I recommend that you approve this proposal.

Please call me if you have any questions or comments on this matter. ------Meadow Lane Elementary School

Overview and Funding Sources Potential Debt Service • The County is considering issuing $18 million of debt to fund a replac.ement Elementary School at Meadow Lane to coincide with 15 Year Level 15 Year Level 20 Year Level 20 Year Level the upcom ing round of BRAC. Fiscal Principal Debt Service Principal Debt Service Year (3 .00%) (3.00%) (3.50%) (3.50%)

• Meadow Lane represents a portion of the $60 million of identified Total $ 22,320,000 $ 22,616,977 $ 24,615,000 $ 25,329,988 school funding needs. 2016 2017 2018- 1,740,000 1,507,798 1,530,000 1,266,499 • The project is anticipated to be constructed either through the 2019 1,704,000 1,507,798 1,498,500 1,266,499 hiring of an architect and pursuing a bid/build structure or through 2020 1,668,000 1,507,798 1,467,000 1,266,499 the use of a Construction Manager at Risk. 2021 1,632,000 1,507,798 1,435,500 1,266,499 2022 1,596,000 1,507,798 1,404,000 1,266,499 2023 1,560,000 1,507,798 1,372,500 1,266,499 -· • It is anticipated that the debt will be issued in January of 2017. 2024 1,524,000 1,507,798 1,341,000 1,266,499 - -· 2025 1,488,000 - 1,507,798 1,309,500 1,266,499 2026 1,452,000 1,507,798 1,278,000 1,266,499 • Debt service on Meadow Lane is expected to be repa id from the 2027 1,416,000 1,507,798 1,246,500 1,266,499 following sources: 2028 1,380,000 1,507,798 1,215,000 1,266,499 ... ~ · . . - Sales Tax Reallocation: $622,000 2029 1,344,000 1,507,798 1,183,500 1,266,499 2030 1,308,000 1,507,798 1,152,000 1,266,499 - Sales Tax Growth: $258,000 2031 1,272,000 1,507,798 1,120,500 1,266,499 - Modification Savings (between County and Schools) $248.011 2032 1,236,000 1,507,798 1,089,000 1,266,499 2033 1,057,500 1,266,499 - Total: $1,128,011 - - -- - 2034 - 1,026,000 1,266,499 2035 994,500 1,266,499 - 2036 963,000 1,266,499 2037 931,500 1,266,499 - Notes: - Assumes an $18,000,000 borrowing. Interest rates are preliminary and subject to change. - Level Debt Structures are subject to review and discussion with LGC Staff. DAVENPORT&COMPANY------May2. 2016 Wayne County. NC 3 Attachment D Page 5 WAYNE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS FACILITIES PLAN SUMMARY


GOAL: Assure all buildings in the Wayne County Public School System are safe, clean and meet the needs of our students. The School System will maintain on-going assessment and planning to assure all space is used and allotted equitably and adjust District Attendance Lines as needed.

FACILITY NEEDS: Wayne County Public Schools facility needs were assessed based on priority within a framework of the next 0-5 years and 6-10 years.

Projects are listed on ATTACHMENT #1 as PRIORITY NEEDS and FUTURE CON SID ERA TIONS with projected cost. The two priority needs are the Meadow Lane Elementary /Edgewood Community Development School and Freemont STARS Elementary School.

ANALYSIS: The plan assessed all buildings within the system to verify, exact student numbers, capacity, and classroom space. This was compared with previous studies and data on file with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Priority Need #1: Meadowlane Elementary needs replaced. The building was originally built in 1958 and is an "open" campus design. The safety and security of our students is a primary concern at this site, which is compounded by its location next to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. A renovation would be cost prohibitive based primarily on the age of the structure and inability to cost effectively enclose the open plan/ layout.

The priority recommendation includes closing the present Edgewood Community Development School and adding it as a wing of the new Meadow Lane. The Edgewood Community Developmental School is housed in a building built in 1948 with an addition in 1952 and 1974. The state requirements for certification of a Developmental program require a tremendous drain on facilities and maintenance budget to stay compliant. A new facility would significantly cut operation/maintenance costs that can be diverted to debt service and addressing other less prioritized projects. This would also give Wayne County a 'state of the art facility to meet the needs of this growing population of children.

To address overcrowding in the northern portion of Wayne County the recommendation is two fold. Build a 22-classroom addition at Freemont STARS Elementary, which has the growth space and is attached to water and sewer. The district attendance lines can then be adjusted to bring Northwest Elementary and Northeast Elementary back under capacity. By including Tommy's Road Elementary School and managing District attendance lines future growth can be absorbed and keep our four Northern end elementary buildings under capacity.

1 Attachment D Page 7 The School system is recommending that the present Wayne Academy be converted back to its original intent and become a Middle School. This will alleviate Norwayne overcrowding and allow for ample growth within their district attendance lines.

An enrollment breakdown of all 33 schools is on ATTACHMENT #2. The overcrowding concern is in the northern area of Wayne County, particularly Northwest Elementary, Northeast Elementary, FreemontSTARS Elementary and Norwayne Middle School.

• Northwest Elementary has North Carolina State student capacity of 478; recommended maximum number is 440 students with a present enrollment of 7 45 students. The additional students over capacity are housed in 16 temporary modular classrooms. • Northeast Elementary has a North Carolina State student capacity of 572; recommended maximum number is 526 students with a present enrollment of 664 students. The additional students over capacity are housed in 2 temporary modular trailers. • Fremont Stars Elementary has a North Carolina student capacity of 328; recommended maximum number is 302 students with a present enrollment of 253 students. There is space for an additional 51 students. • Norwayne Middle School has a North Carolina State student capacity of906; recommended maximum number is 761 students with a March 2016 enrollment of 89 5. It should be noted an expansion project that added 24 additional classrooms was completed in 2013 .

Projected growth in the northern area of Wayne County is high with multiple housing develops presently in construction and in planning stages, (Wayne County Planning Department).

GOLDSBORO ACADEMY (Middle School): Is presently named Wayne Academy and has a North Carolina State student maximum of 193 students. The recommended maximum is 162 students with a March enrollment of98 students. THIS IS ONLY UTILIZING THE FIRST FLOOR OF THE BUILDING. The second floor has an additional 20 plus classrooms and resource rooms. The second floor is presently housing support staff and offices.

With the restart model beginning at Goldsboro High School next year the goal is to include "feeder" Middle Schools the follow year. This gives the system one year to get Wayne Academy ready to be a Middle School. We would then open the following year for sixth grade and add grade seven and eight each subsequent year.

2 Attachment D Page 8 With 2015 - 2016 school year savings the school system is going to put a new metal roof on the proposed Goldsboro Academy (Middle School) and start the process of converting the second floor back to classroom space.

SCHOOL STREET ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: The School System is also recommending the 're-purposing' of School Street Elementary School. School Street Elementary has a North Carolina State student capacity of 206; recommended maximum number is 190 students with a present enrollment of 181 students. There was a renovation project previously approved that has been put on hold.

Students at School Street Elementary student's grades kindergarten through fifth would be relocated to Carver Heights Elementary and North Drive Elementary. Presently we have 9 vacant rooms at Carver heights Elementary and by moving the district-testing center out of North Drive (Presently utilizing classroom space) we add an additional 4 classrooms and 1 resource room at North Drive.

There is a need for additional pre-kindergarten rooms in Wayne County and the Central Attendance Area. We are looking at adding pre-kindergarten rooms at School Street Elementary and moving all of the support staff from the second floor of Wayne Academy (Future Goldsboro Academy (Middle School)) to School Street Elementary. The District Testing offices will be re-located from classrooms at North Drive to School Street Elementary. School Street will also have the additional space for professional development.

The School District proposal includes re-aligning North Drive Elementary as a Kindergarten through second grade school and Carver Heights a third through fifth school. The focus at North drive will be early literacy and assuring we are meeting our student needs to attain grade level reading scores as required by state and federal guidelines. Carver Heights Elementary will be third through fifth. This alignment brings the fifth grade back from Dillard Middle School and better utilizes classroom space and system resources. Carver Heights Elementary is "Technology Ready" having just received the Apple ConnectEd Grant.

3 Attachment D Page 9


The 0-5-priority plan:

• Alleviates overcrowding in our northern attendance area elementary schools, allows for growth and enables the school system to better manage district attendance lines. • Alleviates overcrowding at Norwayne Middle School, allows for growth and enables the school system to better manage district attendance lines. • Utilizes all available classroom space. • Aligns the Central attendance area schools to better utilize community. resources and recent State Board of Education "restart'' school flexibility. • Addresses concerns of military families, school perceptions, and BRAC Commission concerns. • Brings focus to Goldsboro City Redevelopment projects. • Saves over 20 Million dollars in new construction costs. • Allows time to streamline maintenance plan.

The 6-10 year plan:

• Re-assess what has been completed outside the scope of the 0-5-priority plan. • Carries into a new District Strategic Plan. • Impact of addressing District Attendance Lines.

4 t ~, 1 • \"'··· 1 ' • - •• • • • I<·

Attachment D P aW~ne County Public Schools Facility Needs Survey Summary -Am mended

NOTE: Cost estmiates were caluclated by the NCDPI 2015-15 Facility Needs Survey Tool.

Priority Needs

Meadow Lane Elementary I Replace both schools with a single facility Edgewood Community built on the campus of the current Meadow 1 Developmental School lane Elementary School $21,799,221.00 Add 22 classrooms to ease overcrowding at Northeast and Northwest Elementary 2 Fremont STARS Elementary Schools $4,617,200.00

I Total Projected Cost: $26,416,42l.OOJ

Future Considerations


TBD ,..J / . AJt7'-l.c u r\ ·~ ~,-·1< "" '""Cl;:t> p:> :::+ (JQ p:> ro o

sro Wayne County Public Schools - School Capacity Chart 2016 ::l...... 0

Elementary Schools Total Number! Percentage of Students in Units

Middle Schools State Total Number OPEN/CLOSED ;p. ~ § ~ ::l Middle Schools With ...... Grades 5-8 State Total Number t:l of Mobile

High Schools State

Middle & High School Stale Calculated per Intents 4130, adjusted at SFM Ratio ::::>­ ~ (")

~(1) ::s...... Alternative Schools State Percentage of t:l Formula Students in Mobile I Available

EC School State Calculated per Formula March Current Intents Projected 4130, adjusted at Edgewood Community I Max Enrollment 000 Returned Enrollment SFM Ratio ces Developemental School Attachment E Page 1

Exported from Partner Connect 5-24-16

Proj Request • Project Description Rank Estimated $ · Rovlowed by OOA OnignStltUS Sponsor &nitials LocaiiD ---··-··--· ··· ------~ 2144 APPROACH LIGHTING SYSTEM -- - 1 j 170,000 . DESIGN tlOT INITIATEOIFUNDING PROGRAMMED - -· 3545 ALP UPDATE 2 190,000 ! DESIGN tlOT INITIATED/NOT FUNDED







Iii z Iii ;:! ::; ;:: f?(.) <( ::> z a: 1- z 1- z " (/) w z ::; ~ 0 (.) 0 (.) a: 12 1- PROJ. MGR.: I JLE 0 z DESIGN BY: 1- z DRAWN BY: CDH w ::; PROJ. DATE: APRIL 2016 ::> 8 DRAWING NUMBER· 0 1 OF 1 z "z WKD PAOJ. NO.: ~ NA Attachment F Page 1 NORTH CAROLINA



WHEREAS, Section 54D ofthe Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code") authorized the issuance of qualified energy conservations bonds ("QECBs") to finance a wide range of renewable energy and energy conservation facilities, all as described in the Code ("Qualified Conservation Purposes"); and

WHEREAS, under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ("ARRA") the total amount of Q ECBs authorized was increased to $3.2 billion, which was then allocated to each state based on population; and

WHEREAS, the State ofNorth Carolina (the "State") received $95,677,000 in QECB allocation, which was then reallocated by the North Carolina Tax Reform Allocation Committee ("TRAC") in accordance with Section 54D ofthe Code and IRS Notice 2009-29 to "large local governments" (i.e. cities and counties with more than 100,000 in population); and

WHEREAS, Wayne County (the "County") qualifies as a "large local government," and as part ofthe reallocation process, the County received from TRAC $1 ,195,953 in QECB allocation (the "Wayne QECB Allocation"); and

WHEREAS, the County does not anticipate using its QECB allocation for a Qualified Conservation Purpose; and

WHEREAS, the County understands that the North Carolina Agricultural Finance Authority ("the Authority") has established a Green Community Program to promote energy conservation, energy efficiency and environmental conservation on agricultural land and in agriculture related industries, which makes loans to finance Qualified Conservation Purposes across the State; and

WHEREAS, the County has been requested to reallocate the Wayne QECB allocation to the State so that the State may in turn transfer the Wayne QECB Allocation to the Authority for the Authority to use in its Green Community Program to provide a portion of the financing for energy conservation and efficiency projects, including renewable energy projects, which qualify for funding through the Green Community Program; and

WHEREAS, the County is willing to consider such request, but only if the projects financed by the Authority are located within the sixteen (16) county region comprising the North Carolina Southeast Regional Economic Development Partnership (the "Region") (the "Qualifying Projects" and individually a "Qualifying Project"); Attachment F Page 2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Wayne County Board of Commissioners that the County hereby reallocates the Wayne QECB Allocation to the State, and requests the State to transfer such Wayne QECB Allocation to the Authority to be used in its Green Community Program to finance one or more Qualifying Projects located in the North Carolina Southeast Regional Economic Development Partnership (the "Region") or otherwise be used for projects in the Region. The officers of the County are hereby authorized and directed to take such action and file such reports and notices as may be required to carry out this resolution.

Adopted this the 7th day of June, 2016.


'htn ill~ '1Q_. ~ M~.Wilson Clerk to the Board Attachment G Page 1 EXPLANATION OF SUBSTANTIAL ITEMS FROM APRIL 30,2016 FINANCIAL REPORT

1) As of April 30, 20 16, General Fund revenues exceeded General Fund expenditures by $12,440,611. Ofthis amount, $1,153, 183 is unrestricted monies, leaving the remaining $11,287,428 as restricted. The remain ing restricted amounts are below:

$ 740,000.00 -Equipment loan monies unexpended for IT virtualization project $ 6,500,000.00 -Budgeted monthly transfers to be completed in May & June $ I ,94 7,428.00 -Outstanding debt payments for remaining fiscal year $ 1,500,000.00 -Unexpended school capital projects monies; these wi ll be brought forward with a budget amendment in 16-17 for upcoming renovation projects $ 600,000.00 -Transfer to Hospitalization in May due to increased costs of health insurance plan $ II ,287,428.00

2 ) As of April 30, 2015 , General Fund revenues were under General Fund expenditures by -$14,523,740. In comparison, at Apri l 30, 2016, revenues exceeded expenditures by $12,440,611 . The difference of $26,964,351 is exp lained below:

$ 23 ,462,667.00 -Net decrease in transfers to capital projects/school funds from the prior year $ 1,790,539.00 -Radio/equipment loan proceeds received in 15-16 $ I, 711,145.00 -Increase in revenues over the pri01· year $ 26,964,35 1.00

3) The Health Department is still waiting for reimbursement from the Division of Medical Assistance for services rendered in prior years. The Medicaid cost settlement is a cost study reimbursement model that provides additional payment to local health departments for Medicaid services rendered where our cost is greater than our in itial reimbursement.


2011-2012 Settlement $121,901 .00 -This has been received. 2012-2013 Settlement $142,901.00 -This has been received. 2013-2014 Settlement $600,634.00 -10% retained pending desk audit. 2014-2015 Settlement $800,000.00 -No monies received to-date. Attachment G Page 2 To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners From: Allison W. Speight Selected Financial information for month ending APRIL 30, 2016 with comparison amounts for APRIL 30, 2015

APRIL % of Budget APRIL % of Budget Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Annually

General Fund Types Cash invested $93,996,451.36 $ 89,718,038.64 Debt proceeds-Grantham/spr crk $13,193,626.26 $ Interest $50,709.34 $ 64,619.22

Total revenues $ 172,862,718.08 $ 122,966,874.16 71. 14% $ 152,810,262.87 $ 131,126,625.28 85.81% Total expenditures $ 172,862,718.08 $ 137,490,614.64 79.54% $ 152,810,262.87 $ 11 8,686,014.46 77.67% Revenues over/(under) Expenditures $ (14,523,740.48) $ 12,440,610.82

Selected Revenues Current tax levy $45,480,693.00 $45,804,858.97 100.71% $ 46,282,521 .00 $ 46,222,578.98 99.87%

Delinquent taxes $975,000.00 $1,135,663.54 116.48% $ 900,000.00 $ 808,387.17 89.82%

Current vehicle $5,142,865.00 $4,675,302.41 90.91% $ 5,640,279.00 $ 4,879,369.26 86.51%

Delinquent vehicle taxes $250,000.00 $283,372.80 113.35% $ 20,000.00 $ 35,427.22 177.14%

1% Sales Tax $7,191,805.00 $6,120,365.21 85. 10% $ 7,235,342.00 $ 6,487,689.88 89.67%

1/2% Sales tax - 1983 levy $5,091 ,662.00 $4,642,476.35 91.18% $ 5,621,021 .00 $ 4,826,511.12 85.87%

1/2% Sales tax - 1986 levy $4,328,898.00 $3,766,050.33 87.00% $ 4,482,245.00 $ 3,979,766.60 88.79%

$16,612,365.00 $14,528,891.89 87.46% $ 17,338,608.00 $ 15,293,967.60 88.21%

DIFF $ 765,075.71 Attachment G Page 3 To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners From: Allison W. Speight Selected Financial information for month ending APRIL 30, 2016 with comparison amounts for APRIL 30, 2015

APRIL % of Budget APRIL % of Budget Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Annually

Selected Expenditures

Service on Aging Total revenues $1,288,902.22 $798,749.49 61 .97% $ 1,253,522.01 $ 962,304.45 76.77% Total expenditures $1 ,288,902.22 $1,000,712.67 77.64% $ 1,253,522.01 $ 91 4,813.01 72.98%

Public Assistance Total revenues $21,728,936.21 $15,617,349.44 71.87% $ 21,548,779.45 $ 16,614,153.66 77.10% Total expenditures $21,728,936.21 $16,699,982.07 76.86% $ 21,548,779.45 $ 17,1 56,281.64 79.62%

Public Health Total revenues $8,784,019.26 $5,783,068.55 65.84% $ 8,645,806.16 $ 6,595,914.33 76.29% Total expenditures $8,784,019.26 $6,078,203.61 69.20% $ 8,645,806. 16 $ 5,945,270.65 68.76%

Emergency Telephone Total revenues $688,200.79 $276, 443.00 40.17% $ 725,302.33 $ 356,648.82 49. 17% Total expenditures $688,200.79 $445,978.69 64.80% $ 725,302.33 $ 400,348.07 55.20%

EMS and EMS-NET Total revenues $7,714,32 1.76 $5,772,321.02 74.83% $ 10,261,386.81 $ 7,407,615.23 72. 19% Total expenditures $7,71 4,321.76 $5,935,477.99 76.94% $ 10,261,386.81 $ 7,998,503.96 77.95%

Solid Waste Total revenues $4,309,002.49 $3,697,899.95 85.82% $ 4,721,342.40 $ 3,848,251.89 81.51% Total expenditures $4,309,002.49 $3,182,781.11 73.86% $ 4,721,342.40 $ 3,589,771.35 76. 03%

Sewer Total revenues $764,249.66 $295,862.59 38.71% $ 775,988.48 $ 404,071.98 52.07% Total expenditures $764,249.66 $474,059.49 62.03% $ 775,988.48 $ 577,903.60 74.47% Attachment G Page 4 To: Wayne County Board of Commissioners From: Allison W. Speight Selected Financial information for month ending APRIL 30, 2016 w ith comparison amounts for APRIL 30, 2015

APRIL % of Budget APRIL % of Budget Budget 2015 Budget 2016 Annually

Maxwell Regional Agricultural & Convention Center Total revenues $0.00 $0.00 $ - $ 15,000.00 Total expenditures $0.00 $0.00 $ - $

AIRPORT Total revenues $1 ,673,050.81 $919,962.27 54.99% $ 1 ,405,483.67 $ 647,594.38 46.08% Total expenditures $1,673,050.81 $1,005,756.81 60.1 2% $ 1 ,405,483.67 $ 624,221.92 44.41%

WORKERS COMP SELF INS Total revenues $514,000.00 $380,605.00 74.05% $ 498,996.00 $ 379,600.00 76.07% Total expenditures $514,000.00 $514,810.31 100.16% $ 498,996.00 $ 324,207.84 64.97% Cash Balance $1,607,422.13 $ 1,608,961.68

HOSPITAL SELF INS FUND Total revenues $6,367,264.00 $5,078,940.63 79.77% $ 6,734,657.00 $ 5,503,297.40 81.72% Total expenditures $6,367,264.00 $5,613,902.29 88.17% $ 6,734,657.00 $ 6,106,882.43 90.68% Cash Balance $796,187.00 $ 983,446.52

FLEET MANAGEMENT FUND Total revenues $0.00 $0.00 $ 467,204.86 $ 135,550.07 29.01% Total expenditures $0.00 $0.00 $ 467,204.86 $ 224,756.34 48.11%

Selected Capital Projects Misdemeanant Jail $ 10,000,000.00 $ 150.00 0.00% $ 10,003,533.72 $ 4,417,837.73 44.16% Grantham and Sprg Creek $45,399,888.84 $29,425,515.05 64.81 % $ 45,781,602.42 $ 43,858,593.44 95.80% Central Attendance,Sprg Crk $12,320,463.00 $3,798,094.30 30.83% $ 12,588,921.87 $ 11,593,938.90 92.10% and CBA Ag/Co nv Center $ 14,000,000.00 $ 33,000.00 0.24% $ 14,991,257.62 $ 813,916.71 5.43% 1:04PM Wayne County Tourism Development Authority 05/04/16 Altach)')lertf It Cash Basis Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2015 through April 2016

Jui '15-Apr16 Budget $ Over Budget %of Budget Ordinary Income/Expense - Income 3270 · 1% Occupancy Tax w/o Mt Olive 3270.01 · Hampton Inn 8,297.33 3270.02 · Carolina Motel 271 .56 3270.03 · Best Western Plus 5,594.77 3270.04 · Days Inn 1,227.61 3270.05 · Economy Inn & Apts 119.81 3270.06 · Econolodge 1,420.02 3270.07 · American Best Value Inn 2,795.96 3270.08 · Comfort Suites 1,800.80 3270.09 · Marriott TownPiace Suites 5,755.35 3270.10 · Country Inn & Suites 3,487.54 3270.11 · Holiday Inn Express & Suites 6,939.1 9 3270.12 ·Irish Inns 796.35 3270.14 ·Lodge Inn 396.55 3270.15 · Quality Inn 2,778.35 3270.16 · ONLINE HOTEL BOOKING COMPANIES 85.15 3270 · 1% Occupancy Tax w/o Mt Olive - Other 0.00 38,180.00 -38, 180.00 0.0% Total 3270 · 1% Occupancy Tax w/o Mt Olive 41 ,766.34 38,180.00 3,586.34 109.39%

3271 · 1% Occupancy Tax-Mt Olive 3,410.81 1,672.00 1,738.81 204.0% 3272 · 1% Occupancy Tax-WCTDA 1,461.78 716.00 745.78 204.16% Total Income 46,638.93 40,568.00 6,070.93 114.97%

Expense 0190 · Professional Fees 0.00 4,000.00 -4,000.00 0.0% 0260 · Office Supplies 254.82 380.00 -1 25.18 67.06% 0370 · Advertis ing and Promotion 79.38 16,722.00 -1 6,642.62 0.48% 0440 · Contracted Services-Goldsboro 13,863.54 19,092.00 -5,228.46 72.61 % 0450 · Ins urance & Bonding Expense 175.00 175.00 0.00 100.0% 0693 · Reserve for Town of Mt. Olive 0.00 1,672.00 -1 ,672.00 0.0% Total Expense 14,372.74 42,041 .00 -27,668.26 34.19%

Net Ordinary Income 32,266.19 -1,473.00 33,739.19 -2,190.51 %

Other Income/Expense Other Income 3839 · Late Fees 0.00 Total Other Income 0.00

Net Other Income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Net Income 32,266.19 -1 ,473.00 33,739.19 -2,190.51 %



126.5300.125 TELEPHONE ALLOWANCE BA DSS 400.00 05/25/16 35200059793 126.5300.121 SALARIES & WAGES BA DSS 400.00-05/25/16 35200059794 110.4 318 . 212 UNIFORMS BA SHERIFF 4500 . 00-05/25/16 35200059795 110.4318.395 TRAINING BA SHERIFF 4500.00 05/25/16 35200059796 110.4312 . 431 RENTAL OF COPIER EQUIPMENT BA DRC 900.00 05/25/16 35200059797 110.4312 . 329 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BA DRC 900 . 00- 05/25/16 35200059798 622 .4370.190.002 PROF SERV - DEBT COLLECT I ON AGENCY BA EMS 3000 . 00 05/25/16 35200059799 622.4371.193 PROF SERV - MEDICAL BA EMS 3000.00- 05/25/16 35200059800 110 . 4130.260 OFFICE SUPPLIES BA FINANCE 3000.00 05/25/16 35200059801 110. 4130 . 751 SERVICE CHARGES BA FINANCE 3000 . 00-05/25116 35200059802 131.5180.321 TELEPHONE BA HEALTH 1135 . 00-05/25/16 35200059803 131.5180 . 311 TRAVEL, MEALS & LODGING BA HEALTH 1135 . 00 05/25/16 35200059804 624 . 7420 . 311 TRAVEL, MEALS & LODGING BA LANDFILL 500 . 00 05/25/16 35200059805 624 . 7420. 321 Telephone BA LANDFI LL 1500 . 00 05/25/16 35200059806 624 . 7420.491 DUES AND SUBSCRIPTI ONS BA LANDFILL 50.00 05/25116 35200059807 624 . 7420 . 440.002 DEMOLITION CONTRACT - MOBILE HOMES BA LANDFILL 2050 . 00-05/25/16 35200059808 126. 5300.170 BOARD MEMBER EXPENSES BA DSS 325 . 00 05/25/16 35200059809 126. 5300.121 SALARIES & WAGES BA DSS 325 . 00-05/25/16 35200059810 110. 4350 . 121 SALARIES & WAGES BA INSPECTIONS 4750. 00 05/25/16 35200059811 110. 4200.991 . 002 CONTINGENCY - POSITION CHANGES BA INSPECTIONS 8750. 00-05/25/16 35200059812 110. 4350.182 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION BA INSPECTIONS 650 . 00 05/25116 35200059813 110.4350.182 . 001 401 K RETIREMENT BA I NSPECTIONS 250 .00 05/25116 35200059814 110.4350 . 183 HOSP ITALI ZATION INS CONTRIBUTION BA INSPECTIONS 3100.00 05/25/16 35200059815 622.4370 . 122 SAL & WAGES - SCHEDULED OVERTIME BA EMS 107000. 00 05/25/16 35200059816 622 .4370 . 122.002 SAL & WAGES - UNSCHEDULED OVERTIME BA EMS 10700. 00 05/25/16 35200059817 622.4370 . 126 SAL & WAGES - EXTRA HELP BA EMS 31000.00 05/25/16 35200059818 622.4370. 180 SOCIAL SECURITY - FICA BA EMS 300 . 00 05/25/16 35200059819 622.4370 . 181 SOCIAL. SECURITY - MEDICARE BA EMS 100.00 05/25/16 35200059820 622 . 4370 . 182 . 002 401 K RETIREMENT - 5% LAW ENF BA EMS 150 . 00 05/25116 35200059821 622 . 4370 . 186 WORKERS COMPENSATION BA EMS 2500 . 00 05/25/16 35200059822 110. 4200 . 991.002 CONTINGENCY - POSITION CHANGES BA EMS 95550 . 00-05/25/16 35200059823 110.9860. 980.622 TRANSFERS TO EMS FUND BA EMS 151750.00 05/25/16 35200059824 110.4200 . 991.001 CONTINGENCY - MERIT INCREAS ES BA EMS 56200.00-05/25/16 35200059825 110.4310. 121 SALARIES & WAGES BA SHERIFF 185000 . 00 05/25/16 35200059826 110. 4310 . 122 SAL & WAGES-OVERTIME BA SHERIFF 7300 . 00 05/25116 35200059827 110.4200. 991.002 CONT I NGENCY - POSITION CHANGES BA SHERI FF 192300.00-05/25/16 35200059828 622.3981. 980 . 110 TRANSFERS FROM 110 BA EMS 151750 . 00-05/25/16 35200059829 622.4370. 211 JANITORI AL SUPPLIES BA EMS 700 . 00 05/25/16 35200059830 622.4370 . 261 OFFICE SUPPLIES-NON CAP FURN & EQUIP BA EMS 2500.00 05/25/16 35200059831 622.4370.262 NON-CAPITAL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT BA EMS 1600. DO 05/25/16 35200059832 622 . 4370.251 VEH SUP-GAS,OIL, TIRES ETC. BA EMS 4800.00-05/25/16 35200059833 622 . 4371.239 OTHER MEDICAL SUPPLIES BA WAYNENET 1000.00 05/25/16 35200059834 622 . 4371.325 POSTAGE BA WAYNENET 50.00 05/25/16 35200059835 622.4371. 353 MAINT & REPAIRS - VEHICLES BA WAYNENET 1050 . 00-05/25/16 35200059836 110 . 4330.321 TELEPHONE BA OES 50 . 00 05/25/16 35200059837 110 . 4330.431 RENTAL OF COPIER EQUIPMENT BA OES 800 . 00 05/25/16 35200059838 110. 4330.251 VEH SUP -GAS, OIL, TIRES, ETC. BA OES 850 . 00- 05/25/16 35200059839 110.4350.251 VEH SUP - GAS , OIL, TIRES, ETC. BA INSPECTIONS 1350 . 00-05/25/16 35200059840 110. 4350.399 CREDIT CARD HANDLING FEE BA INSPECTIONS 900 . 00 05/25/16 35200059841 110.4350.693 FEES DUE ~ICENSING BOARD BA INSPECTIONS 450 . 00 05/25/16 35200059842 110 . 4380.321 TELEPHONE BA ANIMAL 800 . 00 05/25/16 35200059844 REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT GENERATED: 05 FEB 15 19:31 RUN : WEDNESDAY MAY252016 11:47 PAGE 2 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE OPERATOR JANICE RICE


110 . 4380.329 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BA ANIMAL 1500 . 00 05/25/16 35200059845 110.4380 . 353 MAINT & REPAIRS - VEHICLES BA ANIMAL 1500.00 05/25/16 35200059846 110. 4380 . 239 MEDICAL SUPPLIES BA ANIMAL 1500 . 00-05/25/16 35200059847 110. 4380 . 311 TRAVEL, MEALS, & LODGING BA ANIMAL 1500.00-05/25/16 35200059848 110. 4380 . 395 TRAINING BA ANIMAL 800 . 00-05/25/16 35200059849 116.5611 . 311 TRAVEL, MEALS & LODGING BA SERVICES ON AGING 398 . 00-05/25/16 35200059850 116. 5611.128 SALARIES & WAGES - BASELINE BONUS BA SERVICES ON AGING 63 . 00-05/25/16 35200059851 116.5611 . 261 OFFICE SUP - NON CAPITAL FURN & EQ BA SERVICES ON AGING 100 . 00-05/25/16 35200059852 116. 5611.126 SAL & WAGES - EXTRA HELP BA SERVICES ON AGING 525 . 00 05/25/16 35200059853 116.5611 . 180 SOCIAL SECURITY - FICA BA SERVICES ON AGING 28 . 00 05/25/16 35200059854 116.5611.181 SOCIAL SECURITY - MEDICARE BA SERVICES ON AGING 8.00 05/25/16 35200059855 110.4311.212 UNIFORMS BA JAIL 3000 . 00 05/25/16 35200059856 110.4311 . 231.001 SPECIAL PROGRAM MATERIAL-INMATE WRK CREWBA JAIL 3000 . 00-05/25/16 35200059857 110.4318 . 183 HOSPITALIZATION INS CONTRIBUTION BA SRO 3100 .00 05/ 25/16 35200059858 110. 4318 .121 SALARIES AND WAGES BA SRO 3100 . 00-05/25/16 35200059859 111.4160 . 121 SAL & WAGES BA COURT FAC 2350 . 00 05/25/16 35200059860 111.4160 . 126 SAL & WAGES - EXTRA HELP LL BA COURT FAC 2350.00-05/25/16 35200059861 225 . 4325.121 SALARIES & WAGES BA 911 975 . 00 05/25/16 35200059862 225.4325 .44 0 SERVICE & MAINT CONTRACTS BA 911 975 . 00 - 05/25/16 35200059863 110.4380. 126 SAL & WAGES- EXTRA HELP BA ANIMAL 1200. 00 05/25/16 35200059864 110.4380 .121 SALARIES & WAGES BA ANIMAL 1200.00-05/25/16 35200059865 110 . 4330 . 121 SALARIES & WAGES BA OES 3400.00 05/25/16 35200059866 110.4200.991 . 002 CONTINGENCY - POSITION CHANGES BA OES 3400.00-05/25/16 35200059867 110 . 4310.251 VEH SUP - GAS , OIL,TIRES, ETC . BA SHERIFF 2000.00-05/25/16 35200059868 110.4310.311 TRAVEL,MEALS & LODGING BA SHERIFF 2000.00 05/25/16 35200059869 131.5113 . 4 97 INCENTIVES BA HEALTH 800.00-05/25/16 35200059870 131.5113 . 220 FOOD BA HEALTH BOO. 00 05/25/16 35200059871 62 4 . 7420 . 262 NON-CAPITAL COMPUTER EQUIPMENT BA LANDFILL 1500.00 05/25/16 35200059872 624 . 7420 . 440 .002 DEMOLITION CONTRACT - MOBILE HOMES BA LANFILL 1500 . 00- 05/25/16 35200059873 622 . 4371.261 OFFICE SUPPLIES- NON CAP FURN & EQUIP BA WAYNENET 750 . 00 05/25/16 35200059874 622 . 4371 . 395 TRAIN ING BA WAYNENET 750 . 00-05/25/16 35200059875 628 .7140 . 510 CAPI TAL OUTLAY-EQU IPMENT BA SEWER 219.91 05/25/16 35200059876 628 . 7140.352 MAINT & REPAIRS - EQUIPMENT BA SEWER 219. 91-05/25/16 35200059877 632.4530 . 325 POSTAGE BA JETPORT 125.00 05/25/16 35200059878 632 . 4530 . 334 WAT ER BA JETPORT 600 . 00 05/25/16 35200059879 632.4530.250.002 AVGAS BA JETPORT 725.00-05/25/16 35200059880 131.5153.261 OFFICE SUPPLIES-NON-CAP FURN . & EQUI P BA HEALTH 170 . 00-05/25/16 35200059881 131.5153 . 262 NON-CAPITAL COMPUTER EQUI PMENT BA HEALTH 170 . 00 05/25/16 35200059882 TOTAL DEBITS : 552, 460 . 91 ------TOTAL CREDITS : 552 ,4 60 . 91------



131.5161.183 HOSPITALIZATION INS CONTR I BUTION BA HEALTH 100.00- 05/31/16 35200059916 131.5160.183 HOSPITALIZATION INS CONTRIBUTION BA HEALTH 200.00-05/31/16 35200059917 131.5191.395 TRAINING BA HEALTH 205.00-05/31/16 35200059918 131.5160. 370 ADVERTISING BA HEALTH 200.00 05/31/16 35200059919 131.5161.370 ADVERTISING BA HEALTH 100.00 05/31/16 35200059920 131.5191.370 ADVERTISING BA HEALTH 205 . 00 05/31/16 35200059921 131 . 5110.220 FOOD BA HEALTH 1000 . 00-05/31/16 35200059922 131.5110. 311 TRAVEL, MEALS & LODGING BA HEALTH 1000 . 00-05/31/16 35200059923 131.5110. 321 TELEPHONE BA HEALTH 683 . 00- 05/31/16 35200059924 131.5110. 398 SECURITY SERVICES BA HEALTH 2000 . 00-05/31/16 35200059925 131. 5110.238 DRUGS BA HEALTH 4683 . 00 05/31/16 35200059926 131.5153.251 VEH SUP - GAS,OIL,TIRES,ETC . BA HEALTH 200 . 00-05/31/16 35200059927 131.5153. 497 INCENTIVES BA HEALTH 170 . 00-05/31/16 35200059928 131.5191.497 INCENTIVES BA HEALTH 125 . 00-05/31/16 35200059929 131.5153. 370 ADVERTISING BA HEALTH 370 . 00 05/31/16 35200059930 131.5191.370 ADVERTIS I NG BA HEALTH 125.00 05/31/16 35200059931 TOTAL DEBITS 5, 683 . 00

TOTAL CREDITS: 5,683.00-


ACCOUNT # ACCOUNT NAME TYPE DESCRIPTION ------AMOUNT --DATE------TRANS # 234.4340. 455.002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 8 . 00 06/07/16 35200060062 23 4.4340 . 455 . 001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-WAYLIN BA FIRE DEPTS 35 .00 06/07/16 35200060063 234 . 434 0.497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 43.00-06/07/16 35200060064 235. 4340 . 497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 20 . 00-06/07/16 35200060065 235.4340 . 455.002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 5 . 00 06/07/16 35200060066 235 .4340 .455 .001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-ANTIOCH BA FIRE DEPTS 15 . 00 06/07/16 35200060067 236.4340 . 455 . 002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 20.00 06/07/16 35200060068 236.4340 .497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 20 .00-06/07/16 35200060069 237 . 4340.455.002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 6. 00 06/07/16 35200060070 237.4340 .497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 6.00-06/07/16 35200060071 239. 4340 . 455.002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 10. 00 06/07/16 35200060072 239.4340.455 .001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-PRICETOWN BA FIRE DEPTS 7.00 06/07/16 35200060073 239. 4340 . 497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 17 . 00- 06/07/16 35200060074 240.4340. 455 . 002 NEW TAX AN D TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DE PTS 37 . 00 06/07/16 35200060075 240. 4340.455.001 NEW TAX AN D TAG - TRANS COST-LI TTLE RIVRBA FIRE DEPTS 10 . 00 06/07/16 35200060076 240 .4340.497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 47. 00-06/07/16 35200060077 24 1 .4340. 455 . 002 NEW TAX AN D TAG - DEBI T/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 10. 00 06/07/16 35200060078 241 .4340.455 . 001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-N WAYNE BA FIRE DEPTS 3 . 00 06/07/16 35200060079 24 1. 4340.497 Direct service - Fir e safety BA FIRE DEPTS 13.00-06/07/16 35200060080 242.4340 . 455 . 002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 14.00 06/07/16 35200060081 242 . 4340.455 . 001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-SMITH CHAPLBA FIRE DEPTS 35.00 06/07/16 35200060082 242 . 4340.497 Dir ect service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 49.00-06/07/16 35200060083 243.4340.455 . 002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 13. 00 06/07/16 35200060084 243.4340.455.001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST- JORDAN CH BA FIRE DEPTS 14 . 00 06/07/16 35200060085 24 3.4340 .497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 27 . 00-06/07/16 35200060086 245 . 4340.455 . 002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEB I T/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 13 . 00 06/07/16 35200060087 245.4340 .455.001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-ARRI NGTON BA FIRE DEPTS so. 00 06/07/16 35200060088 245.4340.4 97 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 63 . 00- 06/07/16 35200060089 246.4340 . 455.002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 4 7. 00 06/07/16 35200060090 246.4340.455.001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-MAR MAC BA FIRE DEPTS 50.00 06/07/16 35200060091 246.4340.497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 97 . 00-06/07/16 35200060092 247 . 4340.455.002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEB IT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 25 . 00 06/07/16 35200060093 247.4340 .455.001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST- PATETOWN BA FIRE DEPTS 64 . 00 06/07/16 35200060094 247 . 4340.497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 89. 00-06/07/16 35200060095 248 . 4340.455.002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 55 . 00 06/07/16 35200060096 248 . 4340.455 . 001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-ROSEWOOD BA FIRE DEPTS 40 . 00 06/07/16 35200060097 248 . 4340.497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 95.00-06/07/16 35200060098 249 . 4340.455.001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST- OAKLAND BA FIRE DEPTS 50.00 06/07/16 35200060099 249.4340.455.002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 25 . 00 06/07/16 35200060100 249.4340.497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 75 . 00-06/07/16 35200060101 250 .4340.455 . 001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-GRANTHAM BA FIRE DEPTS 20. 00 06/07/16 35200060102 250 .4340.455 . 002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBI T/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 25.00 06/07/16 35200060103 250.4340 . 497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 45 . 00-06/07/16 35200060104 251.4340.455 . 001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-DUDLEY BA FIRE DEPTS 35 . 00 06/07/16 35200060105 251.4340.455 . 002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 43 . 00 06/07/16 35200060106 251. 4340 . 497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 78 . 00-06/07/16 35200060107 253 . 4340 . 455.002 NEW TAX AND TAG -DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 26. 00 06/07/16 35200060108 253.4340 . 455.001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-NAHUNTA BA FIRE DEPTS 10 . 00 06/07/16 35200060109 253 . 4340 . 497 Direct service - Fire safety BA FIRE DEPTS 36.00-06/07/16 35200060110 254 .4340 .455 .002 NEW TAX AND TAG - DEBIT/CREDIT CARD COSTBA FIRE DEPTS 35 . 00 06/07/16 35200060111 254 .4340.455.001 NEW TAX AND TAG - TRANS COST-SAULSTON BA FIRE DEPTS 35.00-06/07/16 35200060112 REPORT: ADJUSTEDIT GENERATED: 05 FEB 15 19:31 RUN: TUESDAY JUN072016 17 : 31 PAGE 1 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE OPERATOR JANICE RICE


110.4310.183 HOSPITALIZATION INS CONTRIBUTION BA SHERIFF 44200 . 00 06/07/16 35200060137 110.4310.186 WORKERS ' COMPENSATION BA SHERIFF 3845 . 00 06/07/16 35200060138 110.4310.180 SOCIAL SECURITY - FICA BA SHERIFF 19500 .00-06/07/16 35200060139 110. 4310.182 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION BA SHERIFF 24000.00-06/07/16 35200060140 110.4310.182.002 401 K RETIREMENT - 5% LAW ENF BA SHERIFF 4905 . 00-06/07/16 35200060141 110.4310.125 TELEPHONE ALLOWANCE BA SHERIFF 360.00 06/07/16 35200060142 110. 6110.231 PROGRAMS BA LIBRARY 66 .40 06/07/16 35200060143 110. 3611.840 LIBRARY DONATIONS BA LIBRARY 66.40-06/07/16 35200060144 110.6110.311 TRAVEL, MEALS , & LODGING BA LIBRARY 3566.00 06/07/16 35 20006014 5 110.3611. 840 LIBRARY DONATIONS BA LIBRARY 3566.00-06/07/16 35200060146 110. 6110 . 231 PROGRAMS BA LIBRARY 154.79 06/07/16 35200060147 110.3611 . 840 LIBRARY DONATIONS BA LIBRARY 154 .79-06/07/16 35200060148 110. 4310 . 299 . 004 MISC SUPP - CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMITS BA SHERI FF 1405 . 00 06/07/16 35200060149 110.4310.299 . 002 MISC SUPPLIES - FINGERPRINTING BA SHERIFF 1000.00 06/07/16 35200060 150 110. 3431 . 410.001 CONCEALED WEAP ON FEES BA SHERIFF 1405. 00-06/07/ 16 35200060151 110.3431.410.002 FINGERPRINT FEES BA SHERI FF 1000.00-06/07/16 35200060152 110.4131.197 PROF SVC - BACKGROUND CHECKS BA HR 8000.00 06/07/16 35200060153 110. 4130.751 SERVICE CHARGES BA HR 8000 . 00-06/07/16 35200060154 131. 5191.121 SALARIES & WAGES BA HEALTH 5700 . 00- 06/07/16 35200060155 131. 5191.183 HOSPI TALI ZATION I NS CONTRIBUT ION BA HEALTH 1210.00-06/07/16 35200060156 131.5191.321 TELEPHONE BA HEALTH 321 .00-06/07/16 35200060157 131.5191.193 PROF SERVICES - MEDICAL BA HEALTH 7231.00 06/07/16 35200060158 632.4530.580 .001 EASTERN REGION - HANGAR BA JETPORT 12513 .00 06/07/16 35200060159 632 . 4530.571.010 EASTERN REGION IMPROVEMENTS EC DEV BA JETPORT 12513 .00-06/07/16 35200060160 110.4920.126 SAL & WAGES - EXTRA HELP BA WCDA 7800. 00 06/07/16 35200060161 110.4920.180 SOCIAL SECURITY - FICA BA WCDA 484.00 06/07/16 35200060162 110.4920.181 SOCIAL SECURI TY - MEDI CARE BA WCDA 114 . 00 06/07/16 35200060163 110.4920. 121 SALARIES & WAGES BA WCDA 8398.00-06/07/16 35200060164 110.4310.299.004 MISC SUPP - CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMITS BA SHERIFF 14 495.78-06/07/16 35200060165 110.4310. 510 CAPITAL OUTLAY - EQUIPMENT BA SHERIFF 14495.78 06/07/16 35200060166 110.5831.497.008 DIR SER - STRUCT DAY PROG BA JCPC 10800.00 06/07/16 35200060167 110. 3580.330 JCPC-GRANT BA JCPC 10800 . 00-06/07/16 35200060168 126. 5304.351 MAIN & REP - BLDGS & GRDS BA DSS 96000.00 06/07/16 35200060169 126. 3991.991 FUN D BALANCE APPROPRIATED BA DSS 96000 . 00-06/07/16 35200060170 110.4350.353 MAINT & REPAIRS - VEHICLES BA INSPECTIONS 777 . 35 06/07/16 35200060171 110.3839.890.008 VARIOUS REIMB-INS URANCE BA I NSPECTIONS 777.35-06/07/16 35200060172 131.5110.351 MAINT & REP - BLDGS/GRDS BA HEALTH 96000 .00 06/07/16 35200060173 131. 3991.991 FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATED BA HEALTH 96000. 00 -06/07/16 35200060174 126.5304 . 261 OFFICE SU PPLIE-NON- CAP FURN. & EQUIP BA DSS 16000. 00 06/07/16 35200060175 126. 5304.260 OFFICE SU PPLIES BA DSS 16000.00-06/07/16 35200060176 110.5831.497 .001 DIR SER - CONNECT FOUR RESTITUT I ON BA JCPC 4000.00 06/07/16 35200060177 110. 3580.330 JCPC- GRANT BA JCPC 4000.00-06/07/16 35200060178 110.4310.261.002 OFF SUP- NON CAPITAL FURN & EQ-CONTR SUBBA SHERIFF 9008. 95 06/07/16 35200060179 110. 3317.330 CONTROL SUBSTANCE TAX BA SHERI FF 9008 . 95-06/07/16 35200060180 110.4310.231. 006 SPECIAL PROGRAM MATERIAL- SHERI FF FUND BA SHERIFF 500.00 06/07/16 35200060181 110.3833. 840 . 020 DONATIONS-SHERIFF FUND BA SHERIFF 500 .00-06/07/16 35200060182 622 . 4370.452 VEHICLE INSURANCE BA EMS 5460.00 06/07/16 35200060183 622 . 437 1. 193 PROF SERV - MEDICAL BA EMS 5460.00-06/07/16 35200060184 126.5308.497.003 DIR SER - DAYCARE FOR CHI LD BA DSS 178845.00 06/07/16 35200060185 126.3530. 330. 002 STATE BOARDING HOME CARE BA DSS 178845.00-06/07 /16 35200060186 126. 5308.313.004 CLIENT TRANSP-MEDI CAID BA DSS 82032. 75 06/07/16 35200060187 REPORT : ADJUSTEDIT GENERATED: 05 FEB 15 19 :31 RUN: TUESDAY JUN072016 17:31 PAGE 2 COUNTY OF WAYNE BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS EDIT UPDATE OPERATOR JANICE RICE


126.3530.330.029 MEDICAID TRANSPORTATION REIMBURSEMENT BA DSS 82032.75-06/07/16 35200060188 126.5308 . 497.007 DIR SER - IV- E FOSTER CARE BA DSS 61800 . 00 06/07/16 35200060189 126. 5308.497.006 DIR SER - COUNTY ONLY FC BA DSS 12360 . 00-06/07/16 35200060190 126. 3530.330.002 STATE BOARDING HOME CARE BA DSS 49440 . 00 - 06/07/16 35200060191 126.5302 . 497.003 SHARE THE WARMTH BA DSS 2219.75 06/07/16 35200060192 126. 5302 . 497.006 PROGRESS ENERGY -ENERGY NEIGHBOR FUND BA DSS 2958 . 80 06/07/16 35200060193 126.3530.330 . 001 ADMINISTRATION BA DSS 5178 . 55-06/07/16 35200060194 126. 5301.190 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BA DSS 63894 . 00 06/07/16 35200060195 126 . 5309.313.001 CLIENT TRANSPORTATION BA DSS 11730.00-06/07/16 35200060196 126. 5307 . 499 PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENTS BA DSS 9994 . 00-06/07/16 35200060197 126.3530. 330 . 001 ADMINISTRATION BA DSS 42170 . 00-06/07/16 35200060198 622 . 4370 . 311 TRAVEL MEALS & LODGING BA EMS 200 . 00 06/07/16 35200060199 622.4370. 353 MAINT & REPAIRS - VEHICLES BA EMS 11000. 00 06/07/16 35200060200 622 . 4370.251 VEH SUP-GAS,OIL, TIRES ETC . BA EMS 195 6. 00-06/07/16 35200060201 622.4370. 260 OFFICE SUPPLIES BA EMS 750.00-06/07/16 35200060202 622.4370. 325 POSTAGE BA EMS 500. 00-06/07/16 35200060203 622.4370 . 329 OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BA EMS 1750. 00-06/07/16 35200060204 622 . 4370.330 UTILITIES BA EMS 1000. 00-06/07/16 35200060205 622.4370.395 TRAI NING BA EMS 5244.00-06/07/16 35200060206 110.4310 . 353 MAINT & REPAIRS - VEHICLES BA SHERIFF 1755.06 06/07/16 35200060207 110.3839.890.008 VARIOUS REIMB-INSURANCE BA SHERIFF 1755.06-06/07/16 35200060208 110.4310 . 299.004 MISC SUPP - CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMITS BA SHERIFF 46800.00-06/07/16 35200060209 110.4310 . 540 CAPITAL OUTLAY - VEHICLES BA SHERIFF 46800.00 06/07/16 35200060210 110.4310 . 299 . 004 MISC SUPP - CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMITS BA SHERI FF 10000.00-06/07/16 35200060211 110 . 4310 . 212 UNIFORMS BA SHERIFF 10000 . 00 06/07/16 35200060212 881.4200.186 WORKERS ' COMPENSATION CLAIMS BA W/C 35000.00 06/07/16 35200060213 881.3991. 991 EARNINGS APPROPRIATED BA W/C 35000 . 00-06/07/16 35200060214 TOTAL DEBITS : 840,286.63

TOTAL CREDITS : 840,286 . 63-