NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 9:10a.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room in the Wayne County Courthouse Annex, Goldsboro, North Carolina, after due notice thereof had been given. Members present: Joe Daughtery, Chairman; William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman; George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Edward E. Cromartie; A. Joe Gurley, III and E. Ray Mayo. Members absent: None. Work Session During the scheduled briefing and prior to the regularly scheduled meeting, the Board of Commissioners held an advertised work session to discuss the items of business on the agenda. Closed Session At 8:32 a.m., upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in closed session to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged; to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, fitness, conditions of appointment, or conditions of initial employment of an individual public officer or employee or prospective public officer or employee; and to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public body, including agreement on a tentative list of economic development incentives that may be offered by the public body in negotiations. At 9:07 a.m., upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in regular session. Call to Order Chairman Joe Daughtery called the meeting of the Wayne County Board of Commissioners to order. Invocation Pastor Lynn Epps with Rosewood Worship Center gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III led the Board of Commissioners in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Approval of Minutes Upon motion of Commissioner John M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the minutes of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Commissioners on May 17, 2016 and the minutes of the special meeting of the Board of Commissioners on May 24, 2016. Discussion/Adjustment of Agenda Chairman Joe Daughtery adjusted the agenda by adding North Carolina Association of County Commissioners June Video Update and Discussion of Proposal to Eliminate Chapters 7-10 in the North Carolina Fire Code to New Business and by adding Budget Amendments #498 Social Services, #503 Sheriffs Office, #508 Sheriffs Office, #509 Sheriffs Office and #511 Workers Compensation to the Consent Agenda. Award Badge and Service Side Arm to Lt. Sherwood E. Daly Upon motion of Commissioner John M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously awarded Lt. Sherwood E. Daly his badge and service side arm due to his retirement from a full­ time position from the Wayne County Sheriff's Office, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute §20-187 .2(a). Special Recognition - Presentation of Retirement Plague to Lt. Sherwood E. Daly Sheriff Larry M. Pierce presented an engraved plaque to Lt. Sherwood E. Daly upon his retirement from the Wayne County Sheriff's Office. Lt. Sherwood E. Daly began working for the County of Wayne on January 17, 1989 and retired on April30, 2016. The Board of Commissioners wished him well in his retirement. Special Recognition -Recognition of AgCarolina Farm Credit for its $50,000 Contribution to the Farmer's Market at the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center and Approval of Naming Agreement Vice-Chairman William H. Pate recognized AgCarolina Farm Credit President and CEO David Corum, Senior Vice President Tim Pace, Regional Board of Director Eldridge Westbrook and Loan Officer Robert Winders. He thanked AgCarolina Farm Credit for its $50,000 contribution to the Farmer's Market facility at the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Upon motion ofVice-Chairman William H. Pate, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved and authorized the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners to sign the Naming Agreement between Wayne County and AgCarolina Farm Credit, ACA for the naming rights ofthe Farmer's Market facility at the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center in consideration ofthe $50,000 contribution from AgCarolina Farm Credit, ACA, attached hereto as Attachment A. AgCarolina Farm Credit President and CEO David Corum stated the facility would be great for the farmers and Wayne County. He commended the Board of Commissioners on its leadership. Appointment - Wayne County Council on Aging Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously reappointed Rosalind Berk and Melvin R. Horner to the Wayne County Council on Aging. The term of Rosalind Berk will expire on June 18, 2019. The term of Melvin R. Horner will expire on November 1, 2019. Appointment- Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center Committee Upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously reappointed Julian R. Aycock, Lemuel D. Uzzell, Charles McClenny, Ronald Parks and Eddie Pitzer to the Maxwell Regional Agricultural and Convention Center Committee. Their terms will expire on June 30, 2019. Public Comments Dennis Lewis requested the Board of Commissioners approve a fireworks display on June 25, 2016. Tom Drew stated he had problems with the Public Comments section on the agenda. He had a suggestion for the Wayne County Reads book selection next year. He had researched hemp for many years and thought it should be a source of protein. City of Goldsboro Mayor Chuck Allen cited numerous improvements in Wayne County, including the Advanced Manufacturing Center, Cherry Hospital, the US Highway 70 Goldsboro Bypass, the W.A. Foster Recreation Center and the Goldsboro-Wayne Transportation Authority transportation system. The Base Realignment and Closure Commission will be meeting. Wayne County has the momentum to move forward. The Wayne County Public Schools system is a weak linl<. The schools are underfunded and have not been adequately funded in technology and facilities. Education is the only way we are going to move the community in a positive direction. He commended Seymour Johnson Air Force Base 4th Fighter Wing Commander Colonel Mark H. Slocum, Wayne County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Dunsmore and Wayne County Manager George A. Wood for expeditiously addressing the Wayne County Public Schools concerns. Even though an individual Commissioner may not like some of the items on the Wayne County Public Schools facilities plan, he requested the Board of Commissioners consider the overall facilities plan and vote for the plan as presented to move the school system forward. A positive vote will be the first step in the momentum to improve the Wayne County Public Schools and send a message for the future. Public Hearing- County Manager's Proposed 2016-2017 County of Wayne Budget At 9:34 a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on the County Manager's proposed 2016-2017 County ofWayne budget. Tom Drew stated there were flaws in having a public hearing. Citizens with ideas to lower taxes are censored. Dr. Clark Gaither requested the Board of Commissioners fund the WATCH (Wayne Action Teams for Community Health) mobile unit $220,000 as requested. The WATCH mobile unit sees I ,000 patients per month. It is important for the citizens of the county to continue to get health care at this level of expertise. Chronic disease management is free to the patients. WATCH provides a tremendous return on the county's investment. Other funds may be in jeopardy since grants are comingled. Dr. Clark Gaither asked for $I65,000 to fund the WATCH mobile unit alternating three days one week and four days the next week. He requested the Board of Commissioners reconsider the proposed funding and fund the WATCH mobile unit. Murray Porter, a WATCH (Wayne Action Teams for Community Health) volunteer, requested funding for the WATCH mobile unit in order to send the unit out more often. WATCH will deplete its reserves at the end of 20 I9 without the $220,000 funding from the county. The county is responsible for taking care of I ,000 patients per month. At 9:42 a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the public hearing. Public Hearing- 2011 Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Project Completion of Activities and Closeout of Grant At 9:43 a.m., the Board of Commissioners held a public hearing to receive public comments on the completion of activities and closeout of the 20 II Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Project grant. The purpose of this hearing is to review the budget and activities that have been accomplished through the 20 II Community Development Block Grant Catalyst Project (Grant No. 11-C-2382). The activities are complete and Wayne County is in the process of closing out the grant. Wayne County received $500,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds, representing 94% of the total project cost, to undertake housing improvements and water/street/drainage improvements in the Love Drive Community Development Project Area. Total Community Development Block Grant expenditures were: $I82,604 Street improvements $ 4I ,027 Drainage improvements $ 28,870 Water improvements $I97, 499 Rehabilitation/replacement housing $ 50,000 Administration $500,000 Total In addition, the county contributed $30,000. None of the activities resulted in the permanent displacement of families. Public improvements included the construction/paving of 850 feet of Love Drive, installation of 1, 700 feet of drainage ditches and installation of 550 feet of new water lines. One low income family received replacement housing assistance and two low income families received housing rehabilitation assistance. No member of public spoke. At 9:44a.m., Chairman Joe Daughtery adjourned the public hearing.
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