Integrated Development Plan 2020/21
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INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2020/21 1 THIS IS A COPY OF AN INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2020/21 APPROVED BY COUNCIL 30 JUNE 2020 2 Chairperson of Executive Committee In terms Section 79 of Municipal Structures Act No. 117 of 1998 And Also The Custodian of Integrated Development Plan and Municipal Budget In terms of Section 21 of Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- His Worship, Mayor John Michael Fischer 3 Chairperson of Council and custodian of rules and code of ethics For Councillors In terms of Section 36 of Municipal Structures Act No. 117 of 1998 -------------------------------------------------- Honourable Speaker, Cllr Thane Hearne 4 COUNCILLORS 2020/21 5 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE COAT OF ARMS Description of the elements of the Coat of Arms for Thabazimbi Local Description of the colours of the Coat of Arms of Thabazimbi Municipality: Municipality: The Sun: Symbolizes a brighter future for the municipality. Red: The rich soil upon which our livelihood depends that must be The Density (horizontal w shape): This shape represents the mountain ranges sustainable exploited for future generations. that create the spectacular scenic beauty that characterizes the plains of Thabazimbi and the Greater Waterberg area. It is also related to the name of the municipality, "Thaba" meaning mountain while "Zimbi" means iron. Blue: Represents the ever important dependence on the water elements we The Hut: Symbolizes the need for unity and encourages all people regardless of find in the Crocodile River, streams and underground water resources. race, colour and creed to feel that the town is their home. The Hut also represents the cultural and traditional life of the people of Thabazimbi. Symbol for Iron: Representing the mining activities in Thabazimbi which are one Yellow: Symbolizes a break with the past, beckoning a brighter, prosperous of the major economic mainstays of the town future for Thabazimbi and all who live in it. The Leopard: As one of the Big Five animals that's found in Thabazimbi. The leopard is a strong animal. It's represents the collective strength and resolve of the people of Thabazimbi to build a prosperous town for all. Green: Represents the natural environment The Steel Wheel: Represents the strong agricultural pillar within the broader economic sector of Thabazimbi. The Cycad: A unique species found in Marakele National Park and surroundings that represents the booming tourism industry from which all the people in Thabazimbi should benefit. The Leaves: Symbolizes the natural environment and scenic beauty of the area. 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ITEM PAGE LIST OF ACRONYMS 10 -12 VISION, MISSION, VALUES 13 FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR 14-15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BY MUNICIPAL MANAGER 16 CHAPTER 1: 1.1 LEGISLATIVE PRESCRIPTS 1.2 PROCESS OVERVIEW (PROCESS PLAN) THE PLANNING 1.3 MEC IDP ASSESSMENT, SONA & SOPA 17 - 44 FRAMEWORK 1.4 COMMENTS FROM STAKEHOLDERS ON DRAFT IDP & BUDGET 2020/21 1.5 POWERS & FUNCTIONS 1.6 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TO DRIVE THE IDP 1.7 ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES CHAPTER 2: 2.1 DESCRIPTION OF MUNICIPAL AREA 45 - 53 2.2 DEMOGRAPHICS MUNICIPAL PROFILE CHAPTER 3: 3.1 SPATIAL RATIONAL 3.2 BASIC SERVICES AND INFRASTUCTURE DEVELOPMENT SITUATIONAL 3.2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 54 - 217 ANALYSIS 3.2.2 SOCIAL ANALSIS 3.3 LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 3.4 FINANCIAL VIABILITY & MANAGEMENT 3.5 GOOD GOVERNANCE & PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 3.6 MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION & INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 4: 4.1 LEGAL PRESCRIPTS OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT 218 - 219 4.2 RISKS ANALSIS OF MUNICIPAL AREA 7 CROSS – CUTTING 4.3 MAPS OF RISK AREAS 4.4 HIGH LEVEL INDICATION OF WARD RISKS ISSUES CHAPTER 5: 5.1 NATIONAL PRIORITIES 5.2 MUNICIPAL PRIORITIES PRIORTIZAION 220 - 221 CHAPTER 6: 6.1 MUNICIPAL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 6.2 STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT STRATEGY PHASE 6.3 STRATEGIC PLANNING ACTION PLAN 222 - 245 CHAPTER 7: 7.1 MUNICIPAL PROJECTS 7.2 DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT MODEL PROJECTS PROJECTS PHASE & BUDGET SUMMARY 246 - 306 CHAPTER 8: 8.1 SECTOR PLANS TABLE INTEGRATION PHASE 307 -308 CHAPTER 9: 9.1 APPROVAL PROCESS APPROVAL PHASE 309 ANNEXURE A: PUBLIC PARTICIPATION REPORT PUBLIC PARTICIPATION REPORT 8 LIST OF ACRONYMS LETTER ABBREVATION MEANING ABET Adult Basic Education & Training AC Accounting Officer AFS Annual Financial Statement AGSA Auditor General South Africa A AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ANC African National Congress AO Accounting Officer BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment BEE Black Economic Empowerment B BNG Breaking New Ground BTO Budget and Treasury Office CAPEX Capital Expenditure CBD Central Business District CBP Community Based Planning C CCTV Closed Circuit Television CDW Community Development Worker CFO Chief Financial Officer CoGHSTA Cooperative Governance, Human Settlement & Traditional Affairs CoGTA Cooperative Governance& Traditional Affairs CIP Comprehensive Infrastructure Plan CLLR Councillor CMIP Consolidated Municipal Infrastructure Programme CPF Community Policing Forum CPI Consumer Price Index CS Corporate Services CWP Community Works Programme 9 LIST OF ACRONYMS LETTER ABBREVATION MEANING DA Democratic Alliance D DBSA Development Bank of South Africa DoE Department of Energy DORA Division of Revenue Act DWAS Department of Water and Sanitation EAP Employee Assistance Programme E ECD Early Childhood Development EEP Employment Equity Plan EFF Economic Freedom Fighters EXCO Executive Committee FBE Free Basic Electricity F FBS Free Basic Sanitation FBW Free Basic Water FF+ Freedom Front Plus G GAP General Accounting Practices GDP Gross Domestic Product GIS Geographic Information System GPRS General Packet Radio Service H HDI Historically Disadvantaged Individual HR Human Resource I ICT Information Communication IDP Integrated Development Plan IGR Intergovernmental Relation IWMP Integrated Waste Management Plan K KPA Key Performance Areas KPI Key Performance Indicator 10 LIST OF ACRONYMS LETTER ABBREVATION MEANING LAP Local Area Based L LDP Limpopo Development Plan LED Local Economic Development LGSETA Local Government Sector Education & Training Authority LLF Local Labour Forum LUMS Land Use Management Scheme MDG Millennium Development Goal MEC Member of Executive Council M MFMA Municipal Finance Management Act MIIF Municipal Infrastructure Investment Framework MISS Management Information Security Services MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPAC Municipal Public Accounts Committee MPRA Municipal Property Rates Act MPRDA Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act MSA Municipal Structures Act MSA Municipal System Act MsCOA Municipal Standard Chart of Account MTBF Medium Term Budget Framework MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework N NDP National Development Plan NGO Non-Profit Organization NSDF National Spatial Development Framework NYDA National Youth Development Agency O OPEX Operational Expenditure OTP Office of The Premier 11 LIST OF ACRONYMS LETTER ABBREVATION MEANING PAA Public Audit Act P PAIA Promotion to Access of Information Act PED Planning an Economic Development PEST Political, Economic, Social and Technological PGP Provincial Growth Points PHC Primary Health Care PMS Performance Management System PMT Political Management Team PPC Pretoria Portland Cement PPE Personal Protective Equipment PPP Public Private Partnership PR Party Representative S SA SA SADC Southern African Development Community SAPS South African Police Services SBBKM Siyanda Bakgatla Ba –Kgafela Mine SCM Supply Chain Management SDBIP Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan SDF Spatial Development Framework SIOC SLA Service Level Agreement SLP Social and Labour Plan SMME Small , Medium and Micro Enterprises SWOT Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threads T TBZ Thabazimbi TLM Thabazimbi Local Municipality TRA Thabazimbi Resident Association W WSDP Water Services Development Plan 12 VISION, MISSION & VALUES VISION “To be a leading tourist Municipality in the provision of sustainable and excellent services” MISSION “Promote, co-ordinate, implement the financial and environmental growth and development through a committed staff and partnership with communities and stakeholders” VALUES STATEMENT “Accountable, Transparent, Community Centered and Honest Human capital” 13 FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR The 2020/21 Integrated Development Plan ( IDP) review marks an important milestone in the development of our municipality in two folds, one being that it provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the mid-term progress in our current term of office, secondly, the COVID-19 pandemic. The IDP process is more than a “tick box” exercise in the mechanism of participatory governance. It also provides a reflective mirror which helps us assess the level of accessibility, quality, sustainability and accountability of service delivery. The emergence and consequent spread of COVID-19 has affected individuals, institutions and governments (national, regional and local), all over the world since it was declared a global pandemic on the 11th of March 2020 by the World Health Organization. This global state of affairs has affected all nations including South Africa. A state of National Disaster was declared over the nation in Mid-March and the country was placed under a twenty-one (21) day National Lockdown effective from the 27th of March 2020; the 21 day period has since been extended and will be lifted on the 30th of April 2020. Businesses, institutions and governments have been faced with a dual opportunity