Congressional Record. 2399

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Congressional Record. 2399 1874. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 2399 HOUSE OF REPRESE.NTATIVES. Mr. MYERS. I wa ca1led to Philadelphia late on Saturday e>en­ ing, and returned on Stm<.lay night in order to vote for the 400,000,000 TUESDAY, Ma'rch 24, 1874. bill, which was passed yesterday. To my surprise my name is omit­ ted in the affirmative votes in the morning papers of Wa hington. The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Tl;le SPEAKER. 'Vhat has that to do with the business of the ]. G. BUTLER, D. D. Honse! The Journal of yes:fierday was read and approved. Mr. MYERS. I ask the privilege to make a statement. CORRECTION OF THE JOt;JcrAL. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the gentleman from Penn- Mr. HYDE. I ask the House to proceed with the unfinished busi­ sylv:ania making a statement T ness. I call up the contested-election ca e from Georgia of Sloan t'B. Mr. MAYNARD. I object. Rawls, which is the unfinished business. 1\fr. MYERS. The Associated Press reporter, Mr. Speaker-- Mr. G. F. HOAR. I rise to correct tho Journal. Themotionimade The SPEAKER. Objection has been made to the gentleman pro­ yesterday for leave to amend the executive, legislative, and judicial ceeding. When the regular order is calleu it i'3 the duty of the Chair appropriation bill is recorded as having passed by unanimous con­ to enforce it, and any gentleman who seeks to obtrude himself against sent, when the motion was distinctly made to suspend the rules. the call of the regular order does so against the rules of the Hou e. The SPEAKER. I it a correction of tbeJournalorof theRECORDT Mr. UYERS. I ask unanimous consent to make a statement per­ :Mr. G. F. HOAR. Of the Journal. The RECORD shows that itwas sonal to myself. a motion to suspend the rules. The SPEAKER. The Chair will again submit the que tion. Ie The SPEAKER. The motion was for tho suspension of the rules, there objection to the gentleman from Pennsylvania making a state- but was agreed to by unanimous consent. ment personal to himself'l .. Mr. NEGLEY. I rise to a question of privilege. I am recorded as Mr. MAYNARD. If the gentleman gets that privilege it would not voti.J;lg on one of the amendments to the 400,000,000 bill yester- give him an hour. day. · Mr. HYDE. I object. Tho SPEAKER. In the RECORD or in the Journal f Mr. MYERS. I shall ask the privilege at another time. :Mr. NEGLEY. In the RECORD. Mr. McNULTA. The Committee on Indian Affairs have instructed The SPEAKER. That is not a question of privilege. · me to ask the unanimous consent of the House-- Mr. CONGER. Yesterday, in announcing the absence of my col- • The SPEAKER. Does.. the gentleman from !Ii souri [Mr. HYDE] league, Mr. BuRROWS, I took occa ion to add "If here he would vote yield to the gentleman from illinois [.Mr MeN ULTA] for this t in tho affirmative." The RECORD says be would vote "no." Mr. HYDE. I do not yield for anything. The SPEAKER. Does the Journal say anythi11g about it¥ The SPEAKER. Then the gentleman should resume the floor ancl Mr. CONGER. The Journal would not record that. h~d~ . The SPEAKER. Gentlemen must not confound errors of the REC­ :Mr. McNULTA. I ask the gentleman to give me time to make a ORD with errors of the J oumal. A correction of the RECORD is not a brief statement. correction of the Journal at all. The SPEAKER. 'l'he gentleman from Missouri [l\lr. HYDE] askeu Mr. CONGER. I take itjor granted that the print of the RECORD the Chair to recognize him as soon a the Journal was reac.l, for the laid before the House is some authority. purpose of resuming the consideration of the Georgia election case. The SPEAKER. But the gentleman ro e to a correction of the. The Chair did so re~oguize the gentleman, but the gentleman from Journa.l and then propo es to correct what is iu the RECORD. l\lissouri does not seem disposed to go on with it. Mr. CONGER. I took it for granted if the RECORD is wrong we have Mr. HYDE. I do; and call for the regular order. the right to correct it. GEORGIA ELECTION CO~TEST-SLOAN VB. RAWLS. The SPEAKER. The gentleman has alluded to a bet which would not appear upon the Journal at aJI. The House resumed the consideration of the following resoln tk ~ Ir. CONGER. Of course not; and so I stated. rc;~ported from the Committee on Elections : The SPEAKER. There ought not to be an impression created there Resolved, That Ron. Morgan Rawls is not entitied to a. seat in this Hous as l'.. Tit! .- ~'3 an error in the Journal, when the Journal has nothing to do with it. resentative from the first congressional district of Georgia in the Forty-third Cu l Mr. CONGER. I said this would not appear on the Journal, and ~'::ozved, That Ron. Andrew Sloan is entitled to a seat in this House as a. R 'jl therefore desire to conect the RECORD. resentative from the first congressional district of Georgia in the Forty-third Con­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman adrlre. ses the Chair a· having a gress. correction in the Journal. The Chair feels sensitive abont the J our­ . The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Georgia. [l\lr. BLOUXT] b:l !­ nal and about the reputation of the clerks, and points umst not be twenty minutes of his hour remaining. raised on the Journal about matt.ers which do not belong to the Jour­ Mr. HYDE. I give notice that as soon as the gentleman fr•! nal. Errors of the RECORD and errors of the Globe have never been Georgia ba~ occupied his twenty minutes I shall call the prev·o ·,, held to be a question of privil ge, although the Chair has always rec­ question. ognized gentlemen to make such corrections. An error of the Journal The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Georgia is entitled to t he> is a question of the highest privilege, anti i one which affects the repu­ floor for twenty minutes. • tation for business exactne s of the House. !fr. COX. I ask that the Honse may come to order. The House Mr. CONGER. I desired to make the correction bccau e I was seems demoralized to-day. • sensitive about the reputation of other officers of the Honse, to wit, The SPEAKER. The .Chair quite agrees with t.he gentleman. '1 he the reporters. gentleman from Georgia will proceed when the Hou is in order. Ht• The SPEAKER. It is not a question of privilege, bnt the Chair will please resume his seat until that time, which the Chairwill indi­ of course entertains it. cate. Mr. MAYNARD. What is the regular order of busine s? The House having been brought to order, The SPEAKER. It is the election ca e which the gentleman from Mr. BLOUNT resumed and concluded his remarks begun la t Sat­ Missouri bas called up. urday. The entire speech is as follows: Mr. DAWES. I wi h to offer a resolution. Mr. Speaker, I deem it proper, before cliscussing directly the testi­ Mr. RANDALL. I object, unless I have the same privilege. I make mony and the law governing this ca e, to call the attention of the my objection absolute. House to the law of Georl?ia as to the qualifications of voters, and Mr: W. R. ROBERTS. I rise to a question of privilege. also to the poll-tax which 1s a part of it; also the dispo ition of that The SPEAKER. Does the gentleman rise to a correction of the poll-tax, and what constitutes the educational fun<.l of the State. I Journal1 do this forthereason that I find an impression prevailing in th press Mr. W. R. ROBERTS. I do. I desire to correct the vote on the of the country (which has even gone into the room of the Committee final passage of the $400,000,000 bill. I am recorded as not voting; I on Election ) that the laws of Georgia require each person to pay a voted in favor of tho bHl. I ask that the Jonmal be corrected. poll-tax of ten dollars. I wish to show the liberality of the tate of The SPEAKER. The Journal will be corrected in that regard. Georgia in this direction toward the education of the colored people, in the Associated Press report of the vote upon the $400,000,000 bill and the equity of the provisions under which our elections have been Mr. O'NEIT-L. .Ur. Speaker, some twenty-six names are omitted held. passed ye. terday. " Section 5021 of our code provides tha~ The SPEAKER. That is extending it a little too far. [Laughter.] No poll-tax shaY. be levied except for educational purposes, and such tax shall not Some gentleman will next bo bringing up a county newspaper that exceed one dollar annually on each poll, and shall go to the general school fund. ha~ not tho vot-e correctly recorded. The Chair cannot entertain these questions about the reports of the Associated P1,·ess. Then as to the qualifications of electors, which is in section 5027: Mr. RANDALL. I call for the regular order. Every male person bOJn in the United Stn.tes, and every male person who bas The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Missouri [Mr. HYDE] is upon been naturalized, or who has legally declared his intention to becomo a citizen of :floor to bring up a question of the highest privilege known to the the United States, twenty-one years old or upward, who shall have residcu iu thi.
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