1233-2010 Desplegable Anglès.indd 1 Anglès.indd Foix Desplegable 1233-2010 10/11/10 13:14 10/11/10

Siqui Sánchez Siqui

the marsh frog and the common toad. common the and frog marsh the Arxiu ANMF Arxiu caves.

amphibians such as the fire salamander, the tree frog, frog, tree the salamander, fire the as such amphibians blackberry, ivy and euphorbia. and ivy blackberry, the presence of of presence the

areas, such as ponds and puddles, are home to to home are puddles, and ponds as such areas, , , myrtifolia Coriaria hawthorn, of up characterised by by characterised

the cattle egret, among many others. Other wet wet Other others. many among egret, cattle the and willow, and of undergrowth made made undergrowth of and willow, and landscape, karst, karst, landscape,

and egret little the heron, grey the moorhen, alder, ash, white poplar, elm, poplar poplar elm, poplar, white ash, alder,

Iñaki Relanzón peculiar a erates

the mallard, the shoveller, the teal, the coot, the the coot, the teal, the shoveller, the mallard, the riparian vegetation consisting of black black of consisting vegetation riparian - gen it rock, eous

er, with species such as the cormorant, cormorant, the as such species with er, of the reservoir, we find examples of of examples find we reservoir, the of - calcar of mostly

- howev group, largest the are Birds snake. the Llitrà, and also in certain parts parts certain in also and Llitrà, the Massif. Consisting Consisting Massif.

turtle, the viperine snake and the grass grass the and snake viperine the turtle, ranean streams, such as the Marmellar and and Marmellar the as such streams, the neighbour, close their resemble that formations

- Mediter the as such reptiles and goldfish, the and carp the eel, Along the Foix River and some some and River Foix the Along rocky of up made are shores mountainous reservoir’s The

a great variety of fauna. The reservoir contains fish, such as the the as such fish, contains reservoir The fauna. of variety great a

humance, mark the importance of livestock in the region. the in livestock of importance the mark humance,

the context of a dry region with scarce rainfall. rainfall. scarce with region dry a of context the up to 500 metres thick. thick. metres 500 to up

The diverse environments offered by El Foix Park are home to to home are Park Foix El by offered environments diverse The

- trans for used tracks, cattle the turn, In agriculture. country’s the

and, especially, around the reservoir, are of particular interest in in interest particular of are reservoir, the around especially, and, this valley is filled with Miocenic sedimentary materials in layers layers in materials sedimentary Miocenic with filled is valley this

the Mediterranean triad—oil, wheat and vine—was the pillar of of pillar the vine—was and wheat triad—oil, Mediterranean the

The environments found along the river, the affluent streams streams affluent the river, the along found environments The

into the sea at its southernmost point. Geologically speaking, speaking, Geologically point. southernmost its at sea the into Fauna

More recently, many farmhouses bear witness to a time in which which in time a to witness bear farmhouses many recently, More

Serralada Prelitoral and Serralada Litoral mountain ranges and and ranges mountain Litoral Serralada and Prelitoral Serralada

a flat area running northeast–southwest between the Catalan Catalan the between northeast–southwest running area flat a Riverside Environments Riverside tegic value. value. tegic

name, is in the southernmost part of the El Penedès depression, depression, Penedès El the of part southernmost the in is name, almond and olive and vegetables. and olive and almond and Castellet date from that time, when they were of great stra- great of were they when time, that from date Castellet and

The Foix Reservoir, which holds water from the river of the same same the of river the from water holds which Reservoir, Foix The crops consist of vine and, to a lesser extent, fruit trees such as as such trees fruit extent, lesser a to and, vine of consist crops between the Christians and the Moors. The castles of Penyafort Penyafort of castles The Moors. the and Christians the between

ter and food source for many animal species. Traditionally, these these Traditionally, species. animal many for source food and ter Tarraco to Barcino, and in the middle ages it marked the frontier frontier the marked it ages middle the in and Barcino, to Tarraco plants such as rosemary and thyme. and rosemary as such plants

The Terrain The

- shel as role fundamental a play areas, man-made and natural tions. In the time of the Iberian-Romans it crossed the road from from road the crossed it Iberian-Romans the of time the In tions. ranean heath, rock rose and butcher’s broom, and aromatic aromatic and broom, butcher’s and rose rock heath, ranean

ments in El Foix Park. These environments, between the strictly strictly the between environments, These Park. Foix El in ments - civilisa of crossroads a as role significant a played has Foix The - Mediter box, buckthorn, Italian tree, strawberry oak, kermes

- environ ecological characteristic most of shrubs, such as the mastic tree, tree, mastic the as such shrubs,

Arxiu ASMM Arxiu

Cultural Heritage Cultural

Arxiu ASMM Arxiu Crops, on the flat or on terraces, are one one are terraces, on or flat the on Crops, European fan palm and other other and palm fan European

er areas. It is here that we find find we that here is It areas. er


- sunni drier, the dominate pine

Moorish gecko and the barn owl. owl. barn the and gecko Moorish areas of the park, while Aleppo Aleppo while park, the of areas

and in the areas most affected by human activity we can find the the find can we activity human by affected most areas the in and pine in the shadier and damper damper and shadier the in pine

eagle. The caverns house cave-dwelling species such as bats, bats, as such species cave-dwelling house caverns The eagle. and Mauritania grass. Mauritania and ic areas and is often mixed with with mixed often is and areas ic

Montpellier snake, along with birds of prey such as the Bonelli’s Bonelli’s the as such prey of birds with along snake, Montpellier an fan palm, mastic tree, rough bindweed bindweed rough tree, mastic palm, fan an - specif very in grows oak Holm

reptiles such as the ocellated lizard, the ladder snake and the the and snake ladder the lizard, ocellated the as such reptiles - Europe as such species find we there tle, ferent ecological environments. environments. ecological ferent

kestrel, the jay, tits and woodpigeons. In rocky areas we can find find can we areas rocky In woodpigeons. and tits jay, the kestrel, - myr Besides Reservoir. Foix the around - dif very contains Park Foix El

marten, the fox and the wild boar, along with birds such as the the as such birds with along boar, wild the and fox the marten, arroyos the with associated value, great

Oak and Pine Forests Pine and Oak

In the woodland live mammals such as the badger, the stone stone the badger, the as such mammals live woodland the In of formation plant a are groves Myrtle

Àrea d’Espais Naturals Natural Park Network Xarxa de Parcs Naturals

Barcelona Provincial Council’s Natural Park Network Comte d’Urgell 187 consists of 12 natural areas of significant landscape, Edici del Rellotge, 3a planta environmental and cultural value. 08036 Tel. 934 022 400 The Network guarantees the territorial and environ- Fax 934 022 439 Parc del Foix mental balance of the 100 towns within its geographi- [email protected] www.diba.cat/parcsn cal area.

El Foix Park Kim Castells It covers an area of 101,576 hectares, which repre- sents 22% of the territory in which 70% of the popu- El Foix Park is the southernmost of the twelve areas that lation of lives. English make up Barcelona Provincial Council’s Natural Park It plans and manages natural and agricultural areas Network. Located in the region of L’Alt Penedès, it covers through special plans drawn up with the participation an area of 2,900 hectares. of all of the stakeholders. It protects the natural, agricultural, forestry, cultural Among its most emblematic features are the Foix Reservoir, and landscape values of each park.

which offers a great variety of ecological environments with It works towards a balance between the preserva- high levels of biodiversity, and singular historical and archi- tion of the parks and the economic development of tectural heritage. the area.

It encourages the public use of natural heritage. El Foix Park is managed by the El Foix Park Consortium, which comprises Barcelona Provincial Council and the town councils of Castellet i la Gornal and Santa Margarida i els PROVÍNCIA DE GIRONA Monjos. The Special Plan for the Foix Reservoir, approved on 28 July 1993, guarantees the preservation of the Park’s PROVÍNCIA DE LLEIDA natural and cultural values and serves to regulate its use, im- plement land-use planning in accordance PROVÍNCIA DE BARCELONA with landscape and ecological criteria, and define the necessary facilities to ensure the comprehensive exploitation of its value for educational, research www.diba.cat/parcsn and leisure activities. Direcció de Comunicació. Cover photo: Iñaki Relanzón. DL: Direcció

The Parc del Foix Consortium consists of: Barcelona Provincial Council, Santa Margarida i els Monjos Town Council PROVÍNCIA DE PROVÍNCIA DE TARRAGONA and Castellet i la Gornal Town Council. Natural Park Network 101,576 hectares of protected nature areas Natural Park Network

Kim Castells Castell de Park, Les Guilleries-Savassona Natural Area, El Natural Park, Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park , El Montnegre i el Corredor Park, Serralada Litoral Park, Serralada de Marina Park, Serra de Collserola Natural Park, El Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park, El Garraf Park, Olèrdola Park, El Foix Park.

Siqui Sánchez Siqui

the marsh frog and the common toad. common the and frog marsh the Arxiu ANMF Arxiu caves.

amphibians such as the fire salamander, the tree frog, frog, tree the salamander, fire the as such amphibians blackberry, ivy and euphorbia. and ivy blackberry, the presence of of presence the

areas, such as ponds and puddles, are home to to home are puddles, and ponds as such areas, , , myrtifolia Coriaria hawthorn, of up characterised by by characterised

the cattle egret, among many others. Other wet wet Other others. many among egret, cattle the and willow, and of undergrowth made made undergrowth of and willow, and landscape, karst, karst, landscape,

and egret little the heron, grey the moorhen, alder, ash, white poplar, elm, poplar poplar elm, poplar, white ash, alder,

Iñaki Relanzón peculiar a erates

the mallard, the shoveller, the teal, the coot, the the coot, the teal, the shoveller, the mallard, the riparian vegetation consisting of black black of consisting vegetation riparian - gen it rock, eous

er, with species such as the cormorant, cormorant, the as such species with er, of the reservoir, we find examples of of examples find we reservoir, the of - calcar of mostly

- howev group, largest the are Birds snake. the Llitrà, and also in certain parts parts certain in also and Llitrà, the Massif. Consisting Consisting Massif.

turtle, the viperine snake and the grass grass the and snake viperine the turtle, ranean streams, such as the Marmellar and and Marmellar the as such streams, formations that resemble their close neighbour, the Garraf Garraf the neighbour, close their resemble that formations

eel, the carp and the goldfish, and reptiles such as the Mediter the as such reptiles and goldfish, the and carp the eel, - Along the Foix River and some some and River Foix the Along The reservoir’s mountainous shores are made up of rocky rocky of up made are shores mountainous reservoir’s The

a great variety of fauna. The reservoir contains fish, such as the the as such fish, contains reservoir The fauna. of variety great a

humance, mark the importance of livestock in the region. the in livestock of importance the mark humance,

the context of a dry region with scarce rainfall. rainfall. scarce with region dry a of context the up to 500 metres thick. thick. metres 500 to up

The diverse environments offered by El Foix Park are home to to home are Park Foix El by offered environments diverse The

- trans for used tracks, cattle the turn, In agriculture. country’s the

and, especially, around the reservoir, are of particular interest in in interest particular of are reservoir, the around especially, and, this valley is filled with Miocenic sedimentary materials in layers layers in materials sedimentary Miocenic with filled is valley this

the Mediterranean triad—oil, wheat and vine—was the pillar of of pillar the vine—was and wheat triad—oil, Mediterranean the

The environments found along the river, the affluent streams streams affluent the river, the along found environments The

into the sea at its southernmost point. Geologically speaking, speaking, Geologically point. southernmost its at sea the into Fauna

More recently, many farmhouses bear witness to a time in which which in time a to witness bear farmhouses many recently, More

Serralada Prelitoral and Serralada Litoral mountain ranges and and ranges mountain Litoral Serralada and Prelitoral Serralada

a flat area running northeast–southwest between the Catalan Catalan the between northeast–southwest running area flat a Riverside Environments Riverside tegic value. value. tegic

name, is in the southernmost part of the El Penedès depression, depression, Penedès El the of part southernmost the in is name, almond and olive and vegetables. and olive and almond and Castellet date from that time, when they were of great stra- great of were they when time, that from date Castellet and

The Foix Reservoir, which holds water from the river of the same same the of river the from water holds which Reservoir, Foix The crops consist of vine and, to a lesser extent, fruit trees such as as such trees fruit extent, lesser a to and, vine of consist crops between the Christians and the Moors. The castles of Penyafort Penyafort of castles The Moors. the and Christians the between

ter and food source for many animal species. Traditionally, these these Traditionally, species. animal many for source food and ter Tarraco to Barcino, and in the middle ages it marked the frontier frontier the marked it ages middle the in and Barcino, to Tarraco plants such as rosemary and thyme. and rosemary as such plants

The Terrain The

- shel as role fundamental a play areas, man-made and natural tions. In the time of the Iberian-Romans it crossed the road from from road the crossed it Iberian-Romans the of time the In tions. ranean heath, rock rose and butcher’s broom, and aromatic aromatic and broom, butcher’s and rose rock heath, ranean

ments in El Foix Park. These environments, between the strictly strictly the between environments, These Park. Foix El in ments - civilisa of crossroads a as role significant a played has Foix The kermes oak, strawberry tree, Italian buckthorn, box, Mediter box, buckthorn, Italian tree, strawberry oak, kermes -

- environ ecological characteristic most of shrubs, such as the mastic tree, tree, mastic the as such shrubs,

Arxiu ASMM Arxiu

Cultural Heritage Cultural

Arxiu ASMM Arxiu Crops, on the flat or on terraces, are one one are terraces, on or flat the on Crops, European fan palm and other other and palm fan European

er areas. It is here that we find find we that here is It areas. er


- sunni drier, the dominate pine

Moorish gecko and the barn owl. owl. barn the and gecko Moorish areas of the park, while Aleppo Aleppo while park, the of areas

and in the areas most affected by human activity we can find the the find can we activity human by affected most areas the in and pine in the shadier and damper damper and shadier the in pine

eagle. The caverns house cave-dwelling species such as bats, bats, as such species cave-dwelling house caverns The eagle. and Mauritania grass. Mauritania and ic areas and is often mixed with with mixed often is and areas ic

Montpellier snake, along with birds of prey such as the Bonelli’s Bonelli’s the as such prey of birds with along snake, Montpellier an fan palm, mastic tree, rough bindweed bindweed rough tree, mastic palm, fan an - specif very in grows oak Holm

reptiles such as the ocellated lizard, the ladder snake and the the and snake ladder the lizard, ocellated the as such reptiles - Europe as such species find we there tle, ferent ecological environments. environments. ecological ferent

kestrel, the jay, tits and woodpigeons. In rocky areas we can find find can we areas rocky In woodpigeons. and tits jay, the kestrel, myr Besides Reservoir. Foix the around - - dif very contains Park Foix El

marten, the fox and the wild boar, along with birds such as the the as such birds with along boar, wild the and fox the marten, arroyos the with associated value, great

Oak and Pine Forests Pine and Oak

In the woodland live mammals such as the badger, the stone stone the badger, the as such mammals live woodland the In of formation plant a are groves Myrtle

Àrea d’Espais Naturals Natural Park Network Xarxa de Parcs Naturals

Barcelona Provincial Council’s Natural Park Network Comte d’Urgell 187 consists of 12 natural areas of significant landscape, Edici del Rellotge, 3a planta environmental and cultural value. 08036 Barcelona Tel. 934 022 400 The Network guarantees the territorial and environ- Fax 934 022 439 Parc del Foix mental balance of the 100 towns within its geographi- [email protected] www.diba.cat/parcsn cal area.

El Foix Park Kim Castells It covers an area of 101,576 hectares, which repre- sents 22% of the territory in which 70% of the popu- El Foix Park is the southernmost of the twelve areas that lation of Catalonia lives. English make up Barcelona Provincial Council’s Natural Park It plans and manages natural and agricultural areas Network. Located in the region of L’Alt Penedès, it covers through special plans drawn up with the participation an area of 2,900 hectares. of all of the stakeholders. It protects the natural, agricultural, forestry, cultural Among its most emblematic features are the Foix Reservoir, and landscape values of each park.

which offers a great variety of ecological environments with It works towards a balance between the preserva- high levels of biodiversity, and singular historical and archi- tion of the parks and the economic development of tectural heritage. the area.

It encourages the public use of natural heritage. El Foix Park is managed by the El Foix Park Consortium, which comprises Barcelona Provincial Council and the town councils of Castellet i la Gornal and Santa Margarida i els PROVÍNCIA DE GIRONA Monjos. The Special Plan for the Foix Reservoir, approved on 28 July 1993, guarantees the preservation of the Park’s PROVÍNCIA DE LLEIDA natural and cultural values and serves to regulate its use, im- plement land-use planning in accordance PROVÍNCIA DE BARCELONA with landscape and ecological criteria, and define the necessary facilities to ensure the comprehensive exploitation of its value for educational, research www.diba.cat/parcsn and leisure activities. Direcció de Comunicació. Cover photo: Iñaki Relanzón. DL: Direcció

The Parc del Foix Consortium consists of: Barcelona Provincial Council, Santa Margarida i els Monjos Town Council PROVÍNCIA DE PROVÍNCIA DE TARRAGONA and Castellet i la Gornal Town Council. Natural Park Network 101,576 hectares of protected nature areas Natural Park Network

Kim Castells Castell de Montesquiu Park, Les Guilleries-Savassona Natural Area, El Montseny Natural Park, Sant Llorenç del Munt i l’Obac Natural Park , El Montnegre i el Corredor Park, Serralada Litoral Park, Serralada de Marina Park, Serra de Collserola Natural Park, El Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park, El Garraf Park, Olèrdola Park, El Foix Park. Conventional symbol Amenities and services Motorway Park Office Road Information Path Historic building Railway Museum, permanent exhibition GR (long distance path) Nature school P ROVÍNCIA PR (medium distance Bird observatory DE BARCELONA path) Signposted route SL (walking road) Cave / cavern PARC DEL FOIX Barcelona Population centre Spring Urbanization Restaurant Natural park boundary Picnic area Peak Railway station Farmhouse, building Hospital, casual department Closed road Petrol station Car-park Park Amenities

El Foix Park Office Information Point Castell, 31. 08729 Castellet i la Gornal Tel. and fax: 977 670 169 · E-mail: [email protected]

Penyafort Castle Information Centre 08730 Santa Margarida i els Monjos Tel. 938 186 128 · E-mail: [email protected]

Molí del Foix. History and Nature Interpretation Centre Municipal facility. Information Point Farigola, 2-8. 08730 Santa Margarida i els Monjos Tel. and fax: 938 186 928 E-mail: [email protected] · Web address: www.elfoix.net

El Foix Park Documentation Centre Santa Margarida i els Monjos Public Library Cadí, 2. 08730 Santa Margarida i els Monjos Tel.: 938 186 705 · E-mail: [email protected]

Castellet i la Gornal Town Council Rosselló, 19-23. 08729 Castellet i la Gornal Tel.: 977 670 326 · Fax: 977 670 277 E-mail: [email protected] · Web address: www.castelletilagornal.net

Santa Margarida i els Monjos Town Council Av. de Catalunya, 74. 08730 Santa Margarida i els Monjos Tel.: 938 980 211 · Fax: 938 980 360 · E-mail: [email protected] Web address: www.santamargaridaielsmonjos.org

Barcelona Provincial Council Department of Natural Spaces Comte d’Urgell, 187. Edifici del Rellotge, 3a planta. 08036 Barcelona Tel.: 934 022 400 · Fax: 934 022 426 E-mail: [email protected] · Web address: www.diba.cat/parcsn/foix


Respect agricultural, stockbreeding and forestry activities, as they provide the liveli- hood of many of the park’s inhabitants.

Use the network of signposted tracks and paths. Vehicles are not permitted except on public roads and tracks. Remember that the maximum speed is 30 km/h. Do not park in front of the chains preventing access to certain tracks.

CARTOGRAPHY: XPN Enjoy the park while respecting the diversity Access of the natural and architectural heritage.

• Springs. The park contains a large number of springs, which Places of Interest Motorways offer a cool backdrop to our walks. They are the Horta, Mas Respect nature and the peacefulness of the The diversity of landscape in the El Foix Park and its rich cultural Carlús, Sant Llorenç, Les Espitlles, Mata-rectors, Mare de Déu AP-7 Junction 30 park, particularly in breeding areas. Avoid and architectural heritage means there is no end of interesting de Penyafel, and Encantada springs. C-32 Junction 26 places to visit. • Peaks. Some peaks, such as Tres Partions Hill (435 m) and making unnecessary noise. Àliga Peak (464 m), are strategic observation points from which C-31 as far as the BV-2115 to L’Arboç • Castellet Castle. A medieval monument mentioned in docu- to watch migrating birds of prey in the autumn. Hunting, fishing and tree felling activities are ments from the 10th century and linked to several noble fami- regulated by law. • The bird hide. On the bank of the reservoir is the perfect spot Roads lies that have left their mark on it. It has undergone alterations from which to watch water birds. on various occasions and was recently restored. • The lime kilns. A few lime kilns have been recovered which N-340 • Penyafort Castle. Originally built in the 12th century as a de- teach us about one of the most important crafts undertaken BV-2115 Abandoning pets is cruelty and is classed as fence tower, it was the birthplace of Raimon de Penyafort, and in the past in El Penedès. a crime by the law. has been altered over the years. BV-2116 • Churches and chapels. The rich heritage of the area is evi- BV-2117 dent in the number of chapels and churches found in the park, Remember that lighting fires is prohibited such as the Romanesque church of Sant Pere, and the chapels of Penyafel, La Sanabra and Sant Llorenç. Trails Public transport throughout the park. • The Bovera caves. Situated between the Bovera Valley and A number of long hiking trails crisscross El Foix Park; among them Mainline trains – Renfe Line 4 (Sant Vicenç de - ) the Barquera Plain, this is a group of over 20 rock shelters of the GR 92, the PR 148 and the PR 143. L’Arboç and Els Monjos stations varying sizes. In one of the caves we can see two large holes Do not leave litter. Use the bins and contai- excavated in the rock. The pleasant climate and singular landscape provide the ideal con- Coach – Autocars del Penedès (Tarragona - Vilafranca del Penedès) ners in the park or take it home. • Mas Carlús crags. Noteworthy examples of the limestone ditions for rambling and walking, which has led to the creation of Stops in L’Arboç and Els Monjos rocks found in the park, with several karst caves. several local paths and trails: • Sant Llorenç valley caves. This is a group of karst caves Wilderness camping is not permitted. • The Horta Spring Trail located in a fondo, a local word for the deep valleys found • The Castles Trail: from Penyafort to Castellet round about.