
Article The Vocational School of and Its Contribution to Heritage Education

Ana Mafalda Cardeira 1,2,* and Marta Frade 2

1 Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, Alameda da Universidade, 1649-013 Lisboa, 2 Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas Artes, Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas Artes, 1249-058 Lisboa, Portugal; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: This paper aims to share the experience acquired with students of the 3rd year (namely the 12th grade of the Portuguese educational system) at the Vocational School for the Recovery of Heritage of Sintra in the Course of Studies for Conservation and Restoration Assistants in the field of Plaster Restoration, in the classes of Work-Related Training and Analytical Methods of Examination and Laboratory Analysis, by carrying out theoretical-practical work and training in a work context specifically focused on Portuguese heritage, demonstrating how practical classes motivate students and prepare them for future professional work. This vocational course helps students to reflect and question themselves on the role of “looking” at heritage. Thus, its cross information, both interdisciplinary and from the historical-artistic context of the monument, will provide a better perspective over its materiality and its use. In situ learning awakens students to the reality of work. The notion that they are helping to maintain the memory of ancestors credits them and gives them confidence in their work. After presenting their Final Year Projects, they look at heritage with a more  awakened vision. With this, they have the perception that they have contributed to the reconstruction  of memory, their cultural heritage. Citation: Cardeira, A.M.; Frade, M. The Vocational School of Sintra and Its Keywords: vocational school; heritage of Sintra; heritage education; conservation and restoration; Contribution to Heritage Education. onsite work learning Heritage 2021, 4, 466–478. https:// doi.org/10.3390/heritage4010028

Academic Editors: Andrea Macchia, 1. Introduction Nicola Masini and Fernanda Prestileo 1.1. Vocational and Professional Teaching in Portugal

Received: 3 February 2021 The idea of vocational teaching in Portugal emerged in the post-World War II era, with Accepted: 1 March 2021 the creation of our technical and professional education in 1948, established by Decree-Law Published: 5 March 2021 no. 31431 of 29 November 1941 [1] (pp. 46, 55). This reform increased the curricular component, maintaining the existing workshop from the beginning of the Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral (“New State”), with the implementation of compulsory general education in 1926. with regard to jurisdictional claims in The assistance provided by the Marshall Plan required industrial renovation, reviving published maps and institutional affil- industrial education and launching a new two-year technical education framework, with iations. professional guidance [1] (p. 51). However, Portugal witnessed a decrease of student enrollment in technical education during the decades between 1950 and 1979. (Table1)

Table 1. Student enrollment in technical education between the 1950s and 1970s, in Portugal [1] (p. 63).

Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Years Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. 1951 1961 1970s This article is an open access article Students enrolled in distributed under the terms and technical education 11% 3.5% 1% conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ The Reform of Veiga Simão (born 1929–died 2014) in the 1970s (between 1970 and 4.0/). 1974), brought an increase in the demand for specialized technical professionals [1] (p. 74).

Heritage 2021, 4, 466–478. https://doi.org/10.3390/heritage4010028 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/heritage Heritage 2021, 4 467

However, in 1971, Veiga Simão sought to “democratize education”, make it diversified, equitable, inter-relational and individualized ([2] (p. 10), [3] (p. 2)). This goal is being developed again by the Ministry of Education regarding the implementation of the Student Profile at a national level, continuing the work of more than four decades of educational development in Portugal. In the 1980s, only 2% (7239, out of a total of 314120) of the students enrolled in complementary education were in the vocational area [1] (p. 124). The Basic Law of the Education System of 1986, through Law 46/86 of October 14th, initiated the long struggle for vocational education, as a solution for the urgent need to produce specialized technicians adapted to the national and regional cyclical needs [1] (p. 125/126). In 1987, Joaquim de Azevedo, a member of the Education System Reform Commission (CRSE) identified 18 professional areas, distributed over five different levels, according to the Council of the European Communities (DCCE of 1985): • Levels I and II: basic education (9th grade); • Level III: secondary school education (10th, 11th and 12th years); • Levels IV and V: post-secondary higher education (polytechnic and university education. At that time, Joaquim Azevedo defended the importance of educational and training, developing the student’s social profile, as well as independence and lifelong training, promot- ing individual and group work habits, and also the incentive towards an active life—topics that are still deeply debated and present in the laws and pedagogical guidelines [4] (p. 78). In order to combat the reduced number of students opting for vocational studies, Vocational Schools in Portugal were officially established in 1989, through Decree-Law 26/89, of 21 January. This decree aimed to modernize Portuguese education, creating a network of vocational schools, articulated with the various departments of the State, as was already implemented around the world, taking into consideration United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ’s guidelines [5] (p. 250). Finally, this decree also indicated that the objectives and curriculum of vocational courses meet the standards adopted by the European Community in terms of professional qualification. As early as the academic year 1988/1989, there was an increase of 19947 students enrolled in technical-professional and vocational courses, with the program Techniques for the Reconstruction of Built Heritage falling into the first group (source: ME/GETAP). The great innovation brought in by Decree-Law 26/89, of 21 January, was the possibil- ity of completing the 12th grade with a training equivalent. Therefore, only in 2012 was Decree-Law 176/2012 of 2 August enacted, for compulsory education up to the 12th grade or the age of 18.

1.2. School History and Its Location The Vocational School of Heritage Recovery of Sintra (EPRPS—Escola Profissional de Recuperação do Património de Sintra) was founded in 1991, although it has been in operation since 1989, following the decision of Decree-Law No. 26/89 of 21 January. This decree aimed to create vocational schools of non-higher education, to compensate for the disappearance of technical/industrial education, whose social pressure culminated in the need to train qualified professionals in specific areas. In the beginning, EPRPS only offered the technical course for Technicians in the Recovery of Built Heritage, through Ordinance No. 207/92 of 19 March (1992), with the following curriculum (Table2). In this program, students developed critical thinking, reflection on values, ideas, methodologies, projects and proposals, with the ultimate goal always being the preserva- tion of national heritage, as the country’s memory and history. In 2004, EPRPS moved to Odrinhas, Parish of São João das Lampas, Odrinhas, in the municipality of Sintra, district of . Considering the geographic location of the , we realise that the school is now at a distance of 27 kilometres compared to its initial location in Cacém. Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 3

Table 2. Initial school curriculum for the Technicians in the Recovery of Built Heritage course program.

Annual Hours Subjects 1° 2° 3° Total (10°) (11°) (12°) Disc.

Heritage 2021, 4 Portuguese 100 100 100 300 468 Sociocultural Foreign Language 100 100 100 300

Integration Area 100 100 100 300 Art History 120 120 120 360 Table 2. Initial school curriculum for the Technicians in the Recovery of Built Heritage course program. Physics/Chemistry 100 100 - 200 Scientific Mathematics (Geometry) 100 Annual Hours- - 100 1◦ 2◦ 3◦ DescriptiveSubjects Geometry - 120 120 Total Disc.240 (10◦) (11◦) (12◦) Theory and Ethics of Built Heritage Recov- Portuguese 10080 100 40 10040 300160 Sociocultural Foreign Languageery 100 100 100 300 Training components Technological Tech- IntegrationDrawing Area 100100 100 70 100 70 300240 Art History 120 120 120 360 niques and Practice Technology and Material Behaviour - 70 70 140 Physics/Chemistry 100 100 - 200 Scientific AuxiliaryMathematics Techniques (Geometry) for Heritage Recovery100 80 -60 -80 100220 DescriptivePractical Geometry Classes -320 120 360 120400 2401080 Theory and Ethics of Built Total Hours Year/Course 801200 40 1240 401200 1603640 Heritage Recovery Drawing Training components 100 70 70 240 InTechnology this program, and Material students developed critical thinking, reflection on values, ideas, Technological - 70 70 140 methodologies,Behaviour projects and proposals, with the ultimate goal always being the preserva- Techniques and Practice tion ofAuxiliary national Techniquesheritage, as for the country’s memory and history. 80 60 80 220 In 2004,Heritage EPRPS Recovery moved to Odrinhas, Parish of São João das Lampas, Odrinhas, in the municipalityPractical of Sintra, Classes district of Lisbon.320 Considering 360 the geographic 400 location 1080of the Lis- Total Hoursbon district, Year/Course we realise that the school1200 is now at a 1240distance of 27 1200 kilometres compared 3640 to its initial location in Cacém. Thus,Thus, itit cancan bebe accessed accessed via via one one of of the the district’s district’s main main roads, roads, the the IC19, IC19, but but the the fastest fastest accessaccess isis via the A16 and and following following the the N247. N247. In In terms terms of ofpublic public transport, transport, the the Mafrense Mafrense bus busline lineoffers offers hourly hourly service service from fromPortela de Sintra de Sintra(Station) (Station) to Ericeira, to Ericeira, and the andschool the contains school containstwo stops: two Barreira stops: Barreirato the north to the of norththe school of the and school Odrinhas and Odrinhas to the south to the (Figure south 1). (Figure 1).

FigureFigure 1.1. GeneralGeneral view of the Lisbon District District and and detailed detailed view view of of Odrinhas Odrinhas from from @GoogleMaps, @GoogleMaps, withwith signpostssignposts ofof thethe routeroute toto EscolaEscola ProfissionalProfissional dede RecuperaçRecuperaçãoão dodo PatrimPatrimónioónio dede SintraSintra (EPRPS). [Retrieved(EPRPS). [Retrieved 10 October 10 2019]. October 2019].

InIn thethe parishparish ofof SSãoão JoJoãoão dasdas Lampas,Lampas, inin termsterms ofof heritage,heritage, therethere isis thethe ArchaeologicalArchaeological MuseumMuseum ofof SSãoão Miguel de de Odrinhas, Odrinhas, created created in in 1955, 1955, and and built built around around the the Chapel Chapel of São of SMiguel.ão Miguel. EPRPS EPRPS has its has own its ownspace space built from built fromscratch, scratch, but also but with also the with support the support of Museu of Museu Arqueológico de São Miguel de Odrinhas which allows it to use its auditorium for Integration classes on Mondays, when the museum is closed (Figure2). In a rural environment and considering the architectural context of the buildings of the Archaeological Museum of São Miguel de Odrinhas, the school was built with the same typology, maintaining the blue band on the facades (Figure3). The building was built with the pedagogical project in mind, and this is evident in terms of architecture in the construction of workshops facing an interior courtyard, such as Arab architecture (Figure4). This patio combines the areas of metal, wood, stucco, mural painting, tiles and stonework. It is also through this patio that the school cafeteria can be accessed. Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 4

Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEWArqueológico de São Miguel de Odrinhas which allows it to use its auditorium for Inte-4

gration classes on Mondays, when the museum is closed (Figure 2).

Heritage 2021, 4 469 Arqueológico de São Miguel de Odrinhas which allows it to use its auditorium for Inte- gration classes on Mondays, when the museum is closed (Figure 2).

Figure 2. View of @GoogleMaps of the area occupied by EPRPS and the circular auditorium of Museu Arqueológico de São Miguel de Odrinhas [Retrieved 10 October 2019].

In a rural environment and considering the architectural context of the buildings of FigureFigure 2.2. ViewView of of @GoogleMaps @GoogleMaps of of the the area area occupied occupied by by EPRPS EPRPS and and the the circular circular auditorium auditorium of of the Archaeological Museum of São Miguel de Odrinhas, the school was built with the MuseuMuseu ArqueolArqueológicoógico dede SSãoão MiguelMiguel dede OdrinhasOdrinhas [Retrieved[Retrieved 1010 October October 2019]. 2019]. same typology, maintaining the blue band on the facades (Figure 3). In a rural environment and considering the architectural context of the buildings of the Archaeological Museum of São Miguel de Odrinhas, the school was built with the same typology, maintaining the blue band on the facades (Figure 3).

FigureFigure 3. 3. OnOn the the left left side, side, the the facade facade of ofthe the Archae Archaeologicalological Museum Museum of São of SMiguelão Miguel de Odrinhas de Odrinhas (Source:(Source: https://cm-sintra.pt/https://cm-sintra.pt/ (accessed (accessed on on10 10October October 2019)). 2019)). On On the the right right side, side, the the EPRPS EPRPS facade facade (Source:(Source: http://www.escoladopatrimoniohttp://www.escoladopatrimonio.pt/.pt/ (accessed (accessed on on 10 10 October October 2019)). 2019)). Figure 3. On the left side, the facade of the Archaeological Museum of São Miguel de Odrinhas TheThere building are 10 classrooms,was built with a chemistry the pedagogical and physics project laboratory, in mind, a photographyand this is evident studio, in a file(Source: division, https://cm-sintra.pt/ library, cafeteria, (accessed bathrooms, on 10 October secretaries’ 2019)). office, On the principal’s right side, office, the EPRPS pedagogical facade terms(Source: of http://www.escoladopatrimonioarchitecture in the construction.pt/ of(accessed workshops on 10 facingOctober an 2019)). interior courtyard, such asdirector’s Arab architecture office, accounting (Figure 4). office This and patio counsellor’s combines the office. areas There of metal, are two wood, bathrooms, stucco, mu- one on each floor, the one on the ground floor containing changing rooms with showers, for ral painting,The building tiles and was stonework. built with It the is alsopedagogical through thisproject patio in thatmind, the and school this cafeteria is evident can in both men and women, as well as a bathroom for the disabled. beterms accessed. of architecture in the construction of workshops facing an interior courtyard, such In the field of Conservation-Restoration training, the authors would like to refer that as Arab architecture (Figure 4). This patio combines the areas of metal, wood, stucco, mu- they did not find similar training programs for European Qualifications Framework Level 4, ral painting, tiles and stonework. It is also through this patio that the school cafeteria can but there is a wide range of this type of training course of studies at post-secondary degree be accessed. levels, like Level 6 Professional Courses, Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. programs [6,7] (p. 340).

1.3. Assistant in Conservation-Restoration Course of Studies In 2006, this course program underwent certain restructuring. It was renamed Assis- tant in Conservation-Restoration Techniques, by Ordinance No. 1272/2006, of November 21st, corresponding to Level IV of the professionalization level, approved by Agência Nacional para a Qualificação e o Ensino Profissional. As can be seen in Table3, the practice areas are divided into Work-Related Training Classes and Theory and Practice of Conservation and Restoration, totalling 1050 h, similar to the Technicians for the Recovery of Built Heritage course program. In the same year, the school also opened two new course programs, Photography Techniques and Interior and Exterior Design Techniques. Presently, these are the three

programs with graduating classes presenting the Final Year Project (PAP), which grants students a Level IV of professionalization, recognized by ANQEP. ANQEP is a public institution, regulated indirectly by the Portuguese state, with administrative autonomy which assures the quality of vocational teaching in Portugal.

Heritage 2021,, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 4705

FigureFigure 4. 4. InteriorInterior courtyard courtyard of ofEPRPS. EPRPS. Source: Source: http://www.escoladopa http://www.escoladopatrimonio.pt/escola.htmltrimonio.pt/escola.html (ac- cessed(accessed on 2 on November 2 November 2019). 2019).

Table 3. Curriculum for the courseThere program are of10 Conservation-Restoration classrooms, a chemistry Assistants and physics (formerly laboratory, Technicians a forphotography the Restoration studio, of Built Heritage course program).a file division, library, cafeteria, bathrooms, secretaries’ office, principal’s office, pedagog- ical director’s office, accounting office and counsellor’s office. There areTotal two Hours bathrooms, (a) Subjects one on each floor, the one on the ground floor containing changing rooms(Training with Cycle) showers, for both men and women, as well asPortuguese a bathroom for the disabled. 320 In the field of Conservation-RestorationForeign Language I, II tr oraining, III (b, c) the authors would like 220 to refer that Socioculturalthey did not find similar trainingIntegration programs Areafor European Qualifications Framework 220 Level Information and Communication Technologies 100 4, but there is a wide range of Physicalthis type Education of training course of studies at post-secondary 140 degree levels, like Level 6 ProfessionalArt History Cour and Cultureses, Bachelors, Masters and Ph.D. 200 programs Scientific training[6,7] component (p. 340). Physics and Chemistry 200 Mathematics 100 Theory and Practice of Conservation and 1.3. Assistant in Conservation-Restoration Course of Studies 630 Restoration (d) Training components In 2006, this Registrationcourse program Techniques underwent and Artistic certain Production restructuring. (d) It was renamed 300 Assis- Technical training Component tant in Conservation-RestorationTechnology andTechniques Material, Behaviour by Ordinance (d) No. 1272/2006, 180of November 21st, correspondingExamination to Level IV Methods of the and prof Laboratoryessionalization Analysis level, approved 70 by Agência Nacional para a Qualificação eWork-Related o Ensino Profissional. Training 420 As can beTotal seen Year/Course in Table 3, Hours the practice areas are divided into Work-Related3100 Training (a) The variants offered, alternatively,Classes depend and on Theory the school’s and options, Practice within of Conservation the scope of its educational and Restoration, project, and totalling also, depending 1050 onh, thesimilar legal nature of the education and teaching establishment, on its compliance with the provisions of the respective operating authorization, or with the one approved in the definitionto the Technicians of the national trainingfor the offerRecovery network, of under Built the Heritage terms of paragraph course program. 7 of article 5 of Decree-Law no. 74/2004, of March 26th. (b) Global workload, not segmented by the three years of the training cycle, to be managed by the school within the Tablescope of3. itsCurriculum pedagogical for autonomy, the course ensuring program the balance of Conservation-Resto of the annual load inration order Assistants to optimize (formerly modular management Technicians and for work-related the Resto- rationtraining. of (c)Built The Heritage student chooses course a program). foreign language. If he/she studied only one foreign language in basic education, he/she must start a second language in secondary education. (d) This course program includes specific modules for each of the variants identified above. Total Hours (a) Subjects Vocational education contributes to care, but simultaneously(Training to the ability Cycle) of reflect-

ing on everyday knowledge,Portuguese through heuristic learning [8]. Curricular320 knowledge and know-how allow students to overcome difficulties and obstacles in their art and heritage Foreign Language I, II or III (b, c) 220 interventions [9] (p. 542). Sociocultural Integration Area 220 The opportunity to learn through direct contact with heritage monuments has special meaningInformation in the sense and that Communication there is a relationship Technologies of responsibility in the preservation 100 of heritage property. The articulationPhysical between Education the transmission of knowledge and practice, 140 outside the school environmentArt (work History in situ), and places Culture students in a privileged situation 200 between art and Scientific training the recognition of thePhysics public and who Chemistry visits it while they are at work [10] (p. 104). 200 component Training components Since its foundation,Mathematics the aim of EPRPS has been to prepare students100 for the reality of Technical trainingwork, Theory with the and integration Practice of of Conservation trans- and multidisciplinary and Restora- teams, without forgetting those 630 Componentstudents who wish to pursuetion studies (d) in higher education.

Heritage 2021, 4 471

In the third and final year, after completing studies and training in six different areas of conservation in a work-related context, students prepare a final report for each area and Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 7 present it publicly to a jury (Figure5). The presentations of the Final Year Projects always have juries that “include the most outstanding national personalities in the field” [11] (p. 7).

FigureFigure 5. 5. FinalFinal Year Year Project Project of of the the Conservation Conservation and and Restoration Restoration course course program, program, academic academic year year 2017/2018,2017/2018, held held at at the the Centro Centro Cultural Cultural Olga Olga de de , Cadaval, Sintra. Sintra. Source: Source: EPRPS EPRPS @Facebook. @Facebook.

OverOver the past few years,years, therethere hashas beenbeen an an increase increase in in the the qualifications qualifications of of the the teaching teach- ingstaff, staff, with with many many of of the the teachers/trainers teachers/trainers having having carried carried outout oror areare carrying out out profes- profes- sionalizationsionalization in in their their appropriate appropriate groups. groups. Even Even so, so, teachers teachers of of Portuguese, mathematics, mathematics, physics,physics, chemistry chemistry and and art history have alre alreadyady completed their professionalization. The schoolschool has has teachers teachers that that hold hold Level Level 5 5 EQF EQF qu qualifications,alifications, Ph.Ds. (EQF Level 8), and a wide rangerange of of other other qualified qualified teachers teachers and lecturers. TheThe EPRPS EPRPS vision vision is is one one of of an an art art school, school, focused focused on the on thearea area of heritage of heritage and art and pro- art duction,production, responding responding to the to theneeds needs of the of theMunici Municipalitypality of Sintra, of Sintra, both both at a atnational a national and and in- ternationalinternational level level [12] [12 (p.] (p. 28). 28). TheThe school’s school’s mission mission focuses focuses on on training training yo youngung people people to to value value and and preserve preserve cultural cultural heritage,heritage, which, which, considering considering the the national national context, context, is is one one of of the the greatest wealths that the country has. In this way, the training of young specialists in the preservation of national country has. In this way, the training of young specialists in the preservation of national heritage has become essential and central to the future [12] (p. 29). heritage has become essential and central to the future [12] (p. 29). In addition to these essential points of the school’s mission, the training of young In addition to these essential points of the school’s mission, the training of young people for teamwork and critical thinking, as active members of the world, has become people for teamwork and critical thinking, as active members of the world, has become essential in integrating capable and independent people in a world that is changing more essential in integrating capable and independent people in a world that is changing more and more rapidly [12] (p. 29). and more rapidly [12] (p. 29). Bearing this premise in mind, EPRPS not only involves young students, but also Bearing this premise in mind, EPRPS not only involves young students, but also fam- families, partners and the municipality’s surrounding community. Some of these examples ilies, partners and the municipality’s surrounding community. Some of these examples can be seen through the various activities carried out in the 2018/2019 academic year, can be seen through the various activities carried out in the 2018/2019 academic year, such such as citizenship activities regarding violence at school and dating, talks on safe sex, the asexchanging citizenship of activities Christmas regarding gifts, the violence presentation at school of the and crib dating, (nativity talks scene) on safe tothe sex, Minister the ex- changingof Education of Christmas and field tripsgifts, (Figurethe presentation6). of the crib (nativity scene) to the Minister of EducationIn addition and field to thesetrips activities,(Figure 6). EPRPS actively disseminates and competes for prizes and congresses. Examples of this, also during the academic year 2018/2019, are the heritage fair in Loulé, young talents in (Figure7), and the school’s participation in international congresses, such as InArt’20 in Paris.

Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 8

Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 4728

Figure 6. On the (left), handing the crib to the Minister of Education, December 2019. On the (right), field trip to the Church of São Francisco, in Évora, to observe scientific research equipment in heritage, October 2019. Source: EPRPS @Facebook.

In addition to these activities, EPRPS actively disseminates and competes for prizes FigureandFigure congresses. 6. 6. OnOn the the ( ( leftleftExamples),), handing handing of the this, crib also to theduring Minister the ofofacademic Education,Education, year DecemberDecember 2018/2019, 2019.2019. are OnOn thethe ( herit-right), (right), field trip to the Church of São Francisco, in Évora, to observe scientific research equipment agefield fair trip in to Loulé, the Church young of S ãtalentso Francisco, in Porto in Évora, (Figure to observe 7), and scientific the school’s research participation equipment in in heritage, inter- in heritage, October 2019. Source: EPRPS @Facebook. nationalOctober 2019.congresses, Source: EPRPSsuch as @Facebook. InArt’20 in Paris. In addition to these activities, EPRPS actively disseminates and competes for prizes and congresses. Examples of this, also during the academic year 2018/2019, are the herit- age fair in Loulé, young talents in Porto (Figure 7), and the school’s participation in inter- national congresses, such as InArt’20 in Paris.

FigureFigure 7. 7. FromFrom left toto right: right: Participations Participations in Loulin Loulé, Porto,é, Porto, Funchal Funchal and Lisbon.and Lisbon. Source: Source: EPRPS EPRPS @Facebook. @Facebook. The fundamental values of this school are in accordance with the Student Profile on Completing Mandatory Schooling, summarized in five essential points: The fundamental values of this school are in accordance with the Student Profile on Completing• Responsibility Mandatory and Schooling, integrity; summarized in five essential points: Figure 7. From left to right: Participations in Loulé, Porto, Funchal and Lisbon. Source: EPRPS •• @Facebook. ResponsibilityExcellence and and rigor; integrity; •• ExcellenceCuriosity, reflectionand rigor; and innovation; •• TheCuriosity,Citizenship fundamental reflection and participation; values and innovation;of this school are in accordance with the Student Profile on • Completing• CitizenshipFreedom. Mandatory and participation; Schooling, summarized in five essential points: • • ResponsibilityFreedom.In this way, it seeksand integrity; to develop not only the goals extended by the Ministry of Educa- •tion, ExcellenceIn but this also way, the and shapingit seeks rigor; to of develop a student not into only a global the goals citizen, extended who is capable,by the Ministry participates of Edu- and is the builder of a better future. cation,• Curiosity, but also reflectionthe shaping and of innovation; a student into a global citizen, who is capable, participates With the opening of new course programs, we follow the evolution of the municipality and• isCitizenship the builder and of aparticipation; better future. and the demand for local needs and thus contribute to economic growth and the reduction • Freedom.With the opening of new course programs, we follow the evolution of the municipal- of the unemployment rate [9] (pp. 545–546) [13] (p. 552). EPRPS is focused on educating ity andIn thisthe demandway, it seeks for local to develop needs andnot onlythus thecontribute goals extended to economic by the growth Ministry and of the Edu- re- ductionand training of the younger unemployment generations rate in [9] direct (pp. relation545–546) with [13] employment (p. 552). EPRPS needs, is focused taking into on cation,consideration but also the the sector shaping qualification of a student strategies into a global related citizen, to heritage who is [14 capable,] (p. 55). participates andeducating is the builderand training of a better younger future. generations in direct relation with employment needs, taking2. Work-RelatedWith into the consideration opening Training of newthe sector course qualification programs, we strategies follow the related evolution to heritage of the [14]municipal- (p. 55). ity andThe the combination demand for of local other needs subjects andwith thus thecontribute practice to of economic conservation growth and and restoration the re- ductiondemonstrates of the the unemployment transversality ofrate the [9] area, (pp. showing 545–546) students [13] (p. the 552). importance EPRPS is that focused each area on educatinghas in their and future training professions: younger Portuguese generations is essentialin direct inrelation the writing with employment of their final reportsneeds,

takingfor their into final consideration projects; mathematics the sector qualification for calculating strategies cleaning related solutions to heritage or the [14] percentage (p. 55).

Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 9

2. Work-Related Training

Heritage 2021, 4 The combination of other subjects with the practice of conservation and restoration473 demonstrates the transversality of the area, showing students the importance that each area has in their future professions: Portuguese is essential in the writing of their final reports for their final projects; mathematics for calculating cleaning solutions or the per- ofcentage the two of components the two components of materials of materials to be able to to be make able a to mould; make descriptive a mould; descriptive geometry forge- measuringometry for arches, measuring profiles arches, and surveyingprofiles and overlays, surveying among overlays, others; among drawing others; and technical drawing designand technical for graphic design surveys for graphic of the surveys state of of conservation the state of ofconservation pieces; chemistry of pieces; and chemistry physics toand analyse physics and to examine analyse matter and examine during intervention, matter during obtaining intervention, a deeper obtaining knowledge, a deeper such asknowledge, the analysis such of solubleas the analysis salts to detectof soluble their sa originlts to detect (Figure their8); English origin (Figure (or other 8); foreign English languages)(or other foreign to interact languages) with the to public interact visiting with thethe workspublic onvisiting location the and works to be on able location to access and informationto be able to in access technical information books in in the technical area, which books are in mainly the area, foreign; which the are importance mainly foreign; of art historythe importance to support of art knowledge history to of support the work knowledge being intervened, of the work from being a stylistic-artistic intervened, from and a temporalstylistic-artistic analysis. and temporal analysis.

FigureFigure 8.8.Sampling Sampling ofof surfacesurface saltssalts (efflorescence).(efflorescence).

Undoubtedly,Undoubtedly, interdisciplinarity interdisciplinarity in in conservation conservation and and restoration restoration is extremelyis extremely impor- im- tant,portant, as well as well as in as other in other areas, areas, and and in line in line with with what what Ana Ana Mae Mae Barbosa Barbosa says, says, this this interdis- inter- ciplinarydisciplinary teaching teaching enriches enriches the the learning learning of further of further knowledge, knowledge, subjects subjects and and activities activities of studentsof students [15 ][15] (p. (p. 41). 41). TrainingTraining thethe eyeeye awakensawakens studentsstudents andand providesprovides themthem withwitha agreater greater sensitivity sensitivityto to contemplatecontemplate other heritage, heritage, in in th theireir daily daily lives. lives. The The attentive attentive look look generates generates a critical a critical opin- opinionion in relation in relation to our to ourheritage. heritage. Thus,Thus, a a record record of of the the state state of of conservation conservation begins begins by by elaborating elaborating a diagnosis a diagnosis in orderin order to arriveto arrive at the at the methodology methodology tobe to adoptedbe adopted for fo itsr preservation,its preservation, always always respecting respecting the the values val- ofues the of work, the work, thus avoidingthus avoiding erratic erratic interventions interventions and losses and to losses our heritage. to our heritage. Students Students become awarebecome that aware conservation that conservation and restoration and providesrestoration a more provides in-depth a more study in-depth of a property, study from of a itsproperty, construction from toits theconstruction present day, to throughthe present the day, various through campaigns the various that sometimes campaigns alter that wholesometimes decorative alter whole aesthetics. decorative aesthetics. However,However, itit isis alsoalso throughthrough thethe notionsnotions ofof photography,photography, whichwhich recordrecord thethe generalgeneral andand thethe detail,detail, thatthat aa photographic photographic surveysurvey isis conducted conducted inin conservation conservation and and restoration restoration PhotographyPhotography recordsrecords all all the the moments moments of of the the intervention, intervention, before, before, during during and and after. after. Then,Then, thethe photographsphotographs areare transferredtransferred ontoonto aa graphicgraphic record,record, andand thethe studentstudent isis left left withwith thethe choice choice of of the the means means to to develop develop it, it, whether whether manually manually or or digitally digitally (Figure (Figure9 ).9). The first step is to diagnose and proceed with the cleaning of the piece, by opening window polls to understand if there are other paint layers beneath the visible layer and perform solubility tests to find the most suitable solvent and substance to be removed. After this, mechanical and chemical cleanings are applied, considering the nature of materials and the need to appropriately clean the artwork without damaging it [16] (p. 137) (Figure 10). Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 10

Heritage 2021, 4 474 Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 10

Figure 9. On the (left), graphic survey of the ornamental decoration of each plaque that makes up the parietal cloth of the Monserrate in Sintra, carried out by a student (academic year 2008/09). In the (centre) and on the (right), free drawing with notes of the dimensions of the orna- mental elements of the arch in the central turret of the in Sintra, carried out by a student (academic year 2014/15).

The first step is to diagnose and proceed with the cleaning of the piece, by opening windowFigureFigure polls 9. to OnOn understand the ( left), graphic if there surveysurvey are other ofof thethe ornamentalpaintornamental layers decoration de beneathcoration of theof each each visible plaque plaque layer that that makesand makes up up the performtheparietal solubility parietal cloth cloth tests of the of to Monserratethe find Monserrate the Palacemost Palace suitable in Sintra, in Sintra, carriedsolvent carried out and by out substance a studentby a student (academic to be(academic removed. year 2008/09).year In After this,2008/09).the mechanical (centre In) the and ( oncentreand the chemical) ( rightand on), free the cleanings drawing(right), freeare with drawingapplied, notes of with theconsidering dimensions notes of the the of dimensions thenature ornamental of ofma- the elements orna- mental elements of the arch in the central turret of the Monserrate Palace in Sintra, carried out by a terials andof the the arch need inthe to centralappropriately turret of theclean Monserrate the artwork Palace without in Sintra, damaging carried out it by [16] a student (p. 137) (academic student (academic year 2014/15). (Figure year10). 2014/15). The first step is to diagnose and proceed with the cleaning of the piece, by opening window polls to understand if there are other paint layers beneath the visible layer and perform solubility tests to find the most suitable solvent and substance to be removed. After this, mechanical and chemical cleanings are applied, considering the nature of ma- terials and the need to appropriately clean the artwork without damaging it [16] (p. 137) (Figure 10).

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 10.Figure (a,b) 10.Window(a,b) Window polls to see polls if there to see are if thereother are paintings other paintings underneath. underneath. (c,d) Mechanical (c,d) Mechanical and and chemicalchemical cleaning. cleaning. (e,f) Example (e,f) Example of the ornament of the ornament before and before after and the afterintervention. the intervention.

While thisWhile first this step first of conservation step of conservation and restoration and restoration methodology methodology proceeds, proceeds,an inter- an in- disciplinaryterdisciplinary team advances team advanceswith a preliminary with a preliminary characterization, characterization, within the within Analytical the Analytical Methods class and helps(e) the conservation team to identify some organic(f) and inorganic dirt deposition and previous chromatic applications. For this, macro photography with visible Figurelight was 10. ( useda,b) Window to identify polls lichen to see in if thethere first are image.other paintings On the otherunderneath. hand, ( ultravioletc,d) Mechanical light and was chemical cleaning. (e,f) Example of the ornament before and after the intervention. applied to unveil previous chromatic applications as can be seen by different fluorescence on the plaster’s surface [17,18] (Figure 11). While this first step of conservation and restoration methodology proceeds, an inter- disciplinary team advances with a preliminary characterization, within the Analytical

Heritage 2021, 4 475 Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 11

After appropriate cleaning proceedings, consolidation of different areas is done with Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEWMethods injections.class and helps This the step conservation of conservation team to is identify important some to ensureorganic thatand theinorganic heritage 11 does not

dirt depositiondisaggregate and previous and maintains chromatic itsapplications. cohesion andFor this, preservation. macro photography It is also with important to do visible lightthis was before used the to identify volumetric lichen reconstruction, in the first image. to ensureOn the structuralother hand, stability ultraviolet to the artwork light was(Figure applied 12 to). unveil previous chromatic applications as can be seen by different fluorescenceMethods on class the plaster’sand helps surface the conservation [17,18] (Figure team 11). to identify some organic and inorganic dirt depositionVolumetric and previous reconstruction chromatic involves applications. many For steps this, to macro ensure photography the appropriate with results, visiblerespecting light was the used original to identify piece inlichen question in the and first the image. heritage On the context other of hand, the artwork. ultraviolet Studies of lightvolume was applied are made to unveil with appropriateprevious chromatic tools, and applications in this case, as acan frame be seen was madeby different and added to fluorescencethe pulpit on (Figure the plaster’s 13). surface [17,18] (Figure 11).

(a) (b) (c) Figure 11. (a,b) Macro photography (detail) of inorganic dirt deposition areas. (c) Photograph of fluorescence caused by ultraviolet radiation which allows the identification of different chromatic

applications (inks). (a) (b) (c)

AfterFigureFigure appropriate 11. (a 11.,b) (Macroa,b cleaning) Macro photography photographyproceedings, (detail) (detail) ofconsol inorganicidation of inorganic dirt of deposition different dirt deposition areas. areas ( isc) donePhotograph areas. with (c) Photograph of of injections.fluorescencefluorescence This step caused of caused conservation by ultraviolet by ultraviolet isradiation import radiation whichant to allows whichensure the allows that identification the the heritage identification of differentdoes not of differentchromatic dis- chromatic applications (inks). aggregateapplications and maintains (inks). its cohesion and preservation. It is also important to do this be- fore the volumetric reconstruction, to ensure structural stability to the artwork (Figure 12). After appropriate cleaning proceedings, consolidation of different areas is done with injections. This step of conservation is important to ensure that the heritage does not dis- aggregate and maintains its cohesion and preservation. It is also important to do this be- fore the volumetric reconstruction, to ensure structural stability to the artwork (Figure 12).

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Figure 12. (a,b) Areas with a lack of cohesion. (c–f) Consolidation methods by injection in four different locations in the pulpit. (e) (f)

Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 12

Figure 12. (a,b) Areas with a lack of cohesion. (c–f) Consolidation methods by injection in four different locations in the pulpit.

Volumetric reconstruction involves many steps to ensure the appropriate results, re- Heritage 2021, 4 specting the original piece in question and the heritage context of the artwork. Studies of 476 volume are made with appropriate tools, and in this case, a frame was made and added to the pulpit (Figure 13).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 13

(g) (h)

(i) (j)

FigureFigure 13. (a– 13.d) (Volumetrica–d) Volumetric reconstitution reconstitution through through the addition the addition of masses. of masses. (e–h ()e Volumetric–h) Volumetric recon- reconsti-

stitutiontution by means by means of a of mould a mould for restoring for restoring the reading. the reading. (e) Removing (e) Removing the profile the profile of the of frame the frame to be to be reproduced.reproduced. (f) Making (f) Making the mould the mould on a bench on a benchusing usingthe mould. the mould. (g,h) Preparation (g,h) Preparation and levelling and levelling of of the replicas. (i) Replication test on site. (j) Bonding and levelling. the replicas. (i) Replication test on site. (j) Bonding and levelling.

The last step of the conservation and restoration methodology, involves chromatic retouching with which the artwork regains visual respect (Figure 14).

(a) (b) Figure 14. (a,b) Example of mimetic chromatic reintegration.

During the training period, the applied methodology is also based on a set of ques- tions posed by the teacher, so that the student, even if in practice, is always attentive to the ethics of conservation and restoration. In several interventions, work is developed according to the state of conservation of the piece in which you are going to work: sometimes the intervention is reduced to clean- ing, one of the most demanding steps and which requires the teacher to pay extra attention during teaching—patina, the mark of time has to be respected and never cancelled; other times we have to move to volumetric reconstruction when there is the need to restore physical integrity, structural stability and its reading. For this, the transmission of ances- tral techniques, techniques that plasterers used in these ancient works with grand decora- tions in stucco, are passed on to the students—from sculpting on site, silicone moulds and moulds of mould (sliding moulds for the obtaining of straight and/or circular and crown mouldings). Raising awareness of the historical-artistic heritage through this know-how, allows them to understand a world that stems from multiple encounters: from thinking, feeling and acting to ultimately preserve a memory [19] (p. 8).

3. Conclusions The first year of this course program in 1989 evolved until 2006, when the program was designed as it is today. Since 2020, the school has a wide range of faculty members from Level 5 teachers to Level 7 and 8, such as Ph.D. professors.

Heritage 2021, 4 477 Heritage 2021, 4 FOR PEER REVIEW 13

The last step of the conservation and restoration methodology, involves chromatic retouching with which the artwork regains visual respect (Figure 14). During the training period, the applied methodology is also based on a set of questions posed by the teacher, so that the student, even if in practice, is always attentive to the ethics of conservation and restoration. In several interventions, work is developed according to the state of conservation of the piece in which you are going to work: sometimes the intervention is reduced to cleaning, one of the most demanding steps and which requires the teacher to pay extra attention

during teaching—patina, the mark of time has to be respected and never cancelled; other times we have to( movei) to volumetric reconstruction when there(j) is the need to restore Figurephysical 13. (a– integrity,d) Volumetric structural reconstitution stability thro andugh its the reading. addition For of this, masses. the transmission(e–h) Volumetric of ancestralrecon- stitutiontechniques, by means techniques of a mould that for plasterersrestoring the used reading. in these (e) Removing ancient works the profile with of grand the frame decorations to be reproduced.in stucco, (f) are Making passed the mould on to theon a students—frombench using the mould. sculpting (g,h) onPreparation site, silicone and levelling moulds of and themoulds replicas. of(i) mouldReplication (sliding test on moulds site. (j) for Bonding the obtaining and levelling. of straight and/or circular and crown mouldings). Raising awareness of the historical-artistic heritage through this know-how, allowsThe last them step to understandof the conservation a world and that re stemsstoration from methodology, multiple encounters: involves from chromatic thinking, retouchingfeeling and with acting which to the ultimately artwork preserve regains visual a memory respect [19 ](Figure (p. 8). 14).

(a) (b)

FigureFigure 14. 14.(a,b()a ,Exampleb) Example of mimetic of mimetic chromatic chromatic reintegration. reintegration.

3.During Conclusions the training period, the applied methodology is also based on a set of ques- tions posedThe firstby the year teacher, of this so course that the program student, in 1989even evolvedif in practice, until 2006,is always when attentive the program to thewas ethics designed of conservation as it is today. and restoration. Since 2020, the school has a wide range of faculty members fromIn several Level 5 interventions, teachers to Level work 7 andis developed 8, such as according Ph.D. professors. to the state of conservation of the pieceThis in which type of you training are going makes to studentswork: sometimes question, the reflect intervention and contribute is reduced to the to emancipa- clean- ing,tion one on of thethe futuremost demanding role of “looking” steps and at heritage which requires [3] (p. 112). the teacher to pay extra attention during teaching—patina,We intend to continue the mark to be aof reference time has atto the be levelrespected of vocational and never education cancelled; in theother field timesof conservationwe have to move and restoration, to volumetric to train recons youngtruction adults when to valuethere andis the care need for to our restore cultural physicalheritage integrity, for an activestructural citizenship stability in and communion its reading. with For society, this, the by transmission preparing them of ances- for the tralworld techniques, of work techniques and to help that themplasterers overcome used in the these various ancient difficulties works with which grand may decora- arise in tionsprofessional in stucco, are life. passed With the onopening to the students of new—from programs, sculpting we are on following site, silicone the evolution moulds and of the mouldsmunicipality of mould and (sliding the demand moulds for for local the obtaining needs and of thus straight contributing and/or circular to economic and crown growth mouldings).and the reduction Raising awareness of the unemployment of the historical-artistic rate. heritage through this know-how, allows themIt is our to understand school’s goal a world to share that and stem assures from the multiple quality ofencounters: our work from at a national thinking, and feelinginternational and acting level, to ultimately and to continue preserve with a partnershipsmemory [19] and(p. 8). protocols with companies in the areas to respond to public or private demand. 3. ConclusionsSome of the work done with students from vocational-technical schools is presented, to show the transmission of traditional know-how. The relevance of applying traditional The first year of this course program in 1989 evolved until 2006, when the program construction techniques for the conservation and restoration of plaster and the transmission was designed as it is today. Since 2020, the school has a wide range of faculty members from Level 5 teachers to Level 7 and 8, such as Ph.D. professors.

Heritage 2021, 4 478

of technical knowledge through teaching is essential for the diagnosis. This knowledge will teach students how to intervene properly in what is heritage.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.M.C.; Investigation, A.M.C. and M.F.; Methodology, A.M.C. and M.F.; Project administration, M.F.; Supervision, M.F.; Visualization, A.M.C.; Writing— original draft, A.M.C.; Writing—review & editing, M.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research did not have any funding. Conflicts of Interest: There are no conflict of interest.

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