Ann Landers the Woman's World
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Vol. 13, 28252 HOURGLASS Monday, December 8, 1975 .': ,': * Kwai Weather ~':,. Dr••• * ~t. ford lac" Ho.e, Trip A Success * Yesi~I©~J --'. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Ford returned home today from the C•• t'.,.s I. H.II ••" ,~ High Temp. -- 86° ,~ 10-day, 27,000-mile journey In which he discussed affairs of the AMSTERDAM (UPI) -- The third ,'I Low Temp. -- 76° -:,'. world with Mao Tse-Tung, solidified U.S. relations with Indonesia bed in three days failed today to * Rainfall --.02 inches ;': and the Philipplnes and declared a new Paciflc doctrine. secure the release of four children * Monthly Total -- .94 ~nches He said "everythlng went expremely well," on hlS trip. held hostage at gunpoint in the * Tonlorrow ;t. AIr Force One arrived from Hawaii in a light snow, a contrast to Indonesian consulate. Six masked ~ Mostly cloudy with showers. .': the tropical weather he left after eommemorating Pearl Harbor Day men, who already have killed three ~ High Tide -- 2052 -- 3.9 ,;': at a memorlal atop the sunken battleship Arlzona and enunciating at persons, sat tight with their * Low T18e -- 1434 -- 2.2 the Unlverslty of Hawali a Paclflc doctrlne of "peace toward all and hostages in a train north of Am ,', Sunrise -- 0653 Sunset -- 1830 hostility toward none." sterdam in the second of Holland's * It was In that speech he made COl _Lllatory gestures toward running hostage sieges. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Communist regimes In North Vietnam and North Korea and said American An organization of South Moluc mihtary strength IS ''basic'' to stabIllty 1'1 the Paciflc. cans whose countrymen are holding Asked about reports he mIght travel to the Middle East early the hostages, accused the Dutch Sec.r't, COlld. next year, Ford said only. "there are no deflnlte plans, no specific government of deliberately stale plans. " mating efforts to free the estimated 1"";.'145 'sr•• ' He told reporters travellng WIth hIm he wlll be holdIng sessions 50 hostages in both situations. It UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -- Dlplo- wlth the Natlonal Security Councll in the next week or 10 days to warned of "unforeseeable conse mats say the United States today dlSCUSS progress in StrategIC Arms Talks Wl th the Sovlets. quences which would completely be may veto a draft resolution asking During the latter stage of Ford's trIp It was learned the United the fault of the Netherlands govern the Securlty Councll to condemn States and Sovlets apparently are mOVIng toward a co~promlse in the ment. Israel for its air attacks on stalled talks. Secretary of State Henry KIsslnger, who stayed The Rev. Semol Metiary, a Palestinian camps in Lebanon last behlnd in Asia, is reported preparing to fly to Moscovi before Protestant clergyman from South week. Christmas to discuss a breakthrough on SALT with Sovlet leaders. Molucca, spent two hours in the The council scheduled a meeting Ford aIdes said the highlight of the trip unquestIonably was consulate today, vainly pleading to resume debate on the resolution, the two-hour meeting with Mao last week, when the two leaders agreed for the release of the children introduced last Friday by the there was a "parallelIsm" in U. S. and Chinese policy in many areas. being held at gunpoint with 15 "nonaligned" nations of Guyana, But Ford and Mao remained far apart on U. S. detente Wl th Mosccw, adUlts. Iraq, Maurl tania, Cameroon and WhlCh Hashington intends to keep on course. He left the building grim-faced Tanzania. In his :fInal speeeh in Hawaii, Ford said, "I learned during my and SIlent, carryIng in his hand The flve nations picked up ViSlt that our frlends want us to remain actively engaged in the an opened em'elope containing the support from four others last affaIrs of the area. We Intend to do so." Dutch government's negotiating Thursday and engineered the admIt- The President saId he stands gUldelines in gettIng the hostages tance of the Palestine LIberation ready to "consIder constructlve l.ft.will out OrganizatIon to the council debate. ways of easlng tension" between Both sets of gunmen laid down a Israel boycotted the meeting in North and South Korea, hut wlll lIS' of SIX polItical demands protest. reSIst excluding the South from Sp.nisll .on.rel., concerned with getting recognition The resolution submItted by the a dIscussion of Its future. MADRID (UPI) -- Spain's and Dutch governmert a~d in their flve asks the council to condemn outlawed left-wing again tested drive to Wln Sou+h Moluccan Indepen Isr~el' s "premedl tated ai-: attacks Co ••unists in POrtUI" the new mon~chy today, prepannf, ence from Indonesla. holland agaInst Lebanon" and "deSIst a demonstratlon at the grave of rejected any deal forthwith from all mIhtary attacks" Att ••pt to l' Pow.r the founder of Spanish soclallsm. Even before todays continued against the neIghborlng nation. Authorltles re-arrested stalemate. government officials Arabs said the refugee camps are LISBON (UPI) -- The Communlst CommunIst Labor Leader MarcelIno saId prospects were bleak for a staglng areas for attacks by Party, badly hurt by an abortIve Camacho, charglng that he directed break in the SIeges. Palestlnian commandos across the leftwlng mllltary revolt two the demonstratlon at the prison Justlce Min~stry spokeswoman Lebanese border into Israel. weeks ago, has called on Its near his suburban home. Joos Faber dlscounted mediation The draft resolution would warn supporters to regroup and prepare The demonstrations are part of efforts on the train so f?r, Israel that if such attacks were for an attempt to regaln the a campaign by the Communlsts and conducted by Johannes Manusam", repeated the council would consider posltlons of power they lost In other left-wingers to press for "president" of the self-proclaImed taking unspecified appropriate its wake. politIcal freedoms after the death Republic of South Molucca "After steps and measures" against the "He must consolidate our of Generallssimo Francisco Franco so many tries and so many negative Jewish state. posltlons and reorganlze for a 18 days ago. results, I think Ma~usama will be ne'" attack to allow the Portu- There were other scattered out of the Dicture, ,\ she said. guese revolutIon to go forward "commando" demonstrations Sundav, 1.".n.sI.n forc.s toward the establishment of left-wing political sources said. SOCIalIsm," Communist Party ChIef Socialist parties called out' I,ssi.. S" S.', ,.,.4. ri•• r Alvaro Cunhal told 20,000 suppor their militants to demonstrate Off Iw.;.,.in S•• r. JAKARTA (UPI) -- Pro-Indonesian ters at a rally in LIsbon's main today In Madrid's Civil Cemete~y forces have taken control of nearly bullring Sunday. at the grave of Pablo Iglesias. KWAJALEIN (UPI) -- A Soviet the entire coastal flank between CommunIst power In the Tuesday marks the 50th anniversary spy ship is cru~slng just offshore the Indonesian border and Dili, ffillltary and the medIa has been of the death of Iglesias. Prof. of this central PaCIfIC missile Portuguese East Timor's capital, greatly reduced by government Enrique T~erno Galvan, leader of range, attempting to monitor reports reaching Jakarta indicated purges of leftists. Spain's popular Soclalist Party, America's tOD secret defenses today. More than 120 leftists, calls Iglesias the" "only real against atomlC attack. Antara News Agency said Maubere mI11tary offlcers have been Marxlst that SDain has had." Navy intellIgence sources in fell to the combined forces of the imprlsoned, warrants are out for The rally Sunday and the one Hawail identItied the modern white UDT, Apodet, Trabalista and Kota some 25 others and hundreds of scheduled for today were an open hulled espIonage collector as the parties on Sunday, hours after mIlItary men have been sent home. challenge to the police because "Primoye or Primorye" and described pro-Indonesian forces and IndoneSIan Several key leftlsts in the upper the plans to hold them were known her as one of the most completely "volunteer" troops invaded Dili. echelons of the armed forces have by so many people. Usually such equipped electronic snoopers in the Maubere's fall leaves Llquica been replaced with moderates. illegal actions are kept secret. world. the only maJor town on East Timor's In the media, the government Officers on this Pacific atoll VItal northern coast in the hands has suspended about 75 leftlsts Inti Financial Report 2,500 miles southwest of Hawaii said of the leftwIng Fretjlin. from the nationaJized television DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES the Primoye or one of four similar Offl~lal reports, meanwhile, and radio networks and six state- ships was continually hovering off said Dil~,was quiet today after owned newspapers formerly under 30 Industrials _ 821.63 up 2.83 shore just beyond the three-mile Sunday's, invasion. leftlst control have been stopped 20 Transports _ 163.14 off 0.70 limit recognized by the United States Radio Jakarta said most of the from publlshlng until new admin- 15 Ut~tities 80.65 off 0.16 as territoridl waters. Fretilin defenders in Dili had istrators are named. 65 Stocks _ 248.71 up 0.21 "The Soviets always seem to know surrendered WIthout significant when we are going to conduct a firing *************************~ resistance. Volume 14,150,000 shares test," said one Kwajalein autporitv. A large amount of an,1S and ammunltion were reported to have fallen "They always have one of their spy into the hands of the invading forces, whlle a small group of the Price of a COMmon share of NYSE: ships stationed offshore for the big defenders managed to escape. Gained five cents ones." Indonesla's action, which observers believe would lead to East Other Intelllgence sources identlfied "the big ones" as multi Timor's becomlng Indonesia's 27th prOVInce, drew sharp reactions from Silver - $3.99 ple warheaded missiles or those some sectors.