Vol. 13, 28252 HOURGLASS Monday, December 8, 1975

.': ,': * Kwai Weather ~': H.st.,. Dr••• * ~t. ford lac" Ho.e, Trip A Success * Yesi~I©~J --'. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Ford returned home today from the C•• t'.,.s I. H.II ••" ,~ High Temp. -- 86° ,~ 10-day, 27,000-mile journey In which he discussed affairs of the AMSTERDAM (UPI) -- The third ,'I Low Temp. -- 76° -:,'. world with Mao Tse-Tung, solidified U.S. relations with Indonesia bed in three days failed today to * Rainfall --.02 inches ;': and the Philipplnes and declared a new Paciflc doctrine. secure the release of four children * Monthly Total -- .94 ~nches He said "everythlng went expremely well," on hlS trip. held hostage at gunpoint in the * Tonlorrow ;t. AIr Force One arrived from Hawaii in a light snow, a contrast to Indonesian consulate. Six masked ~ Mostly cloudy with showers. .': the tropical weather he left after eommemorating Pearl Harbor Day men, who already have killed three ~ High Tide -- 2052 -- 3.9 ,;': at a memorlal atop the sunken battleship Arlzona and enunciating at persons, sat tight with their * Low T18e -- 1434 -- 2.2 the Unlverslty of Hawali a Paclflc doctrlne of "peace toward all and hostages in a train north of Am­ ,', Sunrise -- 0653 Sunset -- 1830 hostility toward none." sterdam in the second of Holland's * It was In that speech he made COl _Lllatory gestures toward running hostage sieges. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Communist regimes In North Vietnam and North Korea and said American An organization of South Moluc­ mihtary strength IS ''basic'' to stabIllty 1'1 the Paciflc. cans whose countrymen are holding Asked about reports he mIght travel to the Middle East early the hostages, accused the Dutch Sec.r't, COlld. next year, Ford said only. "there are no deflnlte plans, no specific government of deliberately stale­ plans. " mating efforts to free the estimated 1"";.'145 'sr•• ' He told reporters travellng WIth hIm he wlll be holdIng sessions 50 hostages in both situations. It UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -- Dlplo- wlth the Natlonal Security Councll in the next week or 10 days to warned of "unforeseeable conse­ mats say the United States today dlSCUSS progress in StrategIC Arms Talks Wl th the Sovlets. quences which would completely be may veto a draft resolution asking During the latter stage of Ford's trIp It was learned the United the fault of the Netherlands govern­ the Securlty Councll to condemn States and Sovlets apparently are mOVIng toward a co~promlse in the ment. Israel for its air attacks on stalled talks. Secretary of State Henry KIsslnger, who stayed The Rev. Semol Metiary, a Palestinian camps in Lebanon last behlnd in Asia, is reported preparing to fly to Moscovi before Protestant clergyman from South week. Christmas to discuss a breakthrough on SALT with Sovlet leaders. Molucca, spent two hours in the The council scheduled a meeting Ford aIdes said the highlight of the trip unquestIonably was consulate today, vainly pleading to resume debate on the resolution, the two-hour meeting with Mao last week, when the two leaders agreed for the release of the children introduced last Friday by the there was a "parallelIsm" in U. S. and Chinese policy in many areas. being held at gunpoint with 15 "nonaligned" nations of Guyana, But Ford and Mao remained far apart on U. S. detente Wl th Mosccw, adUlts. Iraq, Maurl tania, Cameroon and WhlCh Hashington intends to keep on course. He left the building grim-faced Tanzania. In his :fInal speeeh in Hawaii, Ford said, "I learned during my and SIlent, carryIng in his hand The flve nations picked up ViSlt that our frlends want us to remain actively engaged in the an opened em'elope containing the support from four others last affaIrs of the area. We Intend to do so." Dutch government's negotiating Thursday and engineered the admIt- The President saId he stands gUldelines in gettIng the hostages tance of the Palestine LIberation ready to "consIder constructlve l.ft.will Ci.II.ng.s out OrganizatIon to the council debate. ways of easlng tension" between Both sets of gunmen laid down a Israel boycotted the meeting in North and South Korea, hut wlll lIS' of SIX polItical demands protest. reSIst excluding the South from Sp.nisll .on.rel., concerned with getting recognition The resolution submItted by the a dIscussion of Its future. MADRID (UPI) -- Spain's and Dutch governmert a~d in their flve asks the council to condemn outlawed left-wing again tested drive to Wln Sou+h Moluccan Indepen­ Isr~el' s "premedl tated ai-: attacks Co ••unists in POrtUI" the new mon~chy today, prepannf, ence from Indonesla. holland agaInst Lebanon" and "deSIst a demonstratlon at the grave of rejected any deal forthwith from all mIhtary attacks" Att ••pt to l'l.in Pow.r the founder of Spanish soclallsm. Even before todays continued against the neIghborlng nation. Authorltles re-arrested stalemate. government officials Arabs said the refugee camps are LISBON (UPI) -- The Communlst CommunIst Labor Leader MarcelIno saId prospects were bleak for a staglng areas for attacks by Party, badly hurt by an abortIve Camacho, charglng that he directed break in the SIeges. Palestlnian commandos across the leftwlng mllltary revolt two the demonstratlon at the prison Justlce Min~stry spokeswoman Lebanese border into Israel. weeks ago, has called on Its near his suburban home. Joos Faber dlscounted mediation The draft resolution would warn supporters to regroup and prepare The demonstrations are part of efforts on the train so f?r, Israel that if such attacks were for an attempt to regaln the a campaign by the Communlsts and conducted by Johannes Manusam", repeated the council would consider posltlons of power they lost In other left-wingers to press for "president" of the self-proclaImed taking unspecified appropriate its wake. politIcal freedoms after the death Republic of South Molucca "After steps and measures" against the "He must consolidate our of Generallssimo Francisco Franco so many tries and so many negative Jewish state. posltlons and reorganlze for a 18 days ago. results, I think Ma~usama will be ne'" attack to allow the Portu- There were other scattered out of the Dicture, ,\ she said. guese revolutIon to go forward "commando" demonstrations Sundav, 1.".n.sI.n forc.s toward the establishment of left-wing political sources said. SOCIalIsm," Communist Party ChIef Socialist parties called out' I,ssi.. S" S.', ,.,.4. ri•• r Alvaro Cunhal told 20,000 suppor­ their militants to demonstrate Off Iw.;.,.in S•• r. JAKARTA (UPI) -- Pro-Indonesian ters at a rally in LIsbon's main today In Madrid's Civil Cemete~y forces have taken control of nearly bullring Sunday. at the grave of Pablo Iglesias. KWAJALEIN (UPI) -- A Soviet the entire coastal flank between CommunIst power In the Tuesday marks the 50th anniversary spy ship is cru~slng just offshore the Indonesian border and Dili, ffillltary and the medIa has been of the death of Iglesias. Prof. of this central PaCIfIC missile Portuguese East Timor's capital, greatly reduced by government Enrique T~erno Galvan, leader of range, attempting to monitor reports reaching Jakarta indicated purges of leftists. Spain's popular Soclalist Party, America's tOD secret defenses today. More than 120 leftists, calls Iglesias the" "only real against atomlC attack. Antara News Agency said Maubere mI11tary offlcers have been Marxlst that SDain has had." Navy intellIgence sources in fell to the combined forces of the imprlsoned, warrants are out for The rally Sunday and the one Hawail identItied the modern white­ UDT, Apodet, Trabalista and Kota some 25 others and hundreds of scheduled for today were an open hulled espIonage collector as the parties on Sunday, hours after mIlItary men have been sent home. challenge to the police because "Primoye or Primorye" and described pro-Indonesian forces and IndoneSIan Several key leftlsts in the upper the plans to hold them were known her as one of the most completely "volunteer" troops invaded Dili. echelons of the armed forces have by so many people. Usually such equipped electronic snoopers in the Maubere's fall leaves Llquica been replaced with moderates. illegal actions are kept secret. world. the only maJor town on East Timor's In the media, the government Officers on this Pacific atoll VItal northern coast in the hands has suspended about 75 leftlsts Inti Financial Report 2,500 miles southwest of Hawaii said of the leftwIng Fretjlin. from the nationaJized television DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES the Primoye or one of four similar Offl~lal reports, meanwhile, and radio networks and six state- ships was continually hovering off said Dil~,was quiet today after owned newspapers formerly under 30 Industrials _ 821.63 up 2.83 shore just beyond the three-mile Sunday's, invasion. leftlst control have been stopped 20 Transports _ 163.14 off 0.70 limit recognized by the United States Radio Jakarta said most of the from publlshlng until new admin- 15 Ut~tities 80.65 off 0.16 as territoridl waters. Fretilin defenders in Dili had istrators are named. 65 Stocks _ 248.71 up 0.21 "The Soviets always seem to know surrendered WIthout significant when we are going to conduct a firing *************************~ resistance. Volume 14,150,000 shares test," said one Kwajalein autporitv. A large amount of an,1S and ammunltion were reported to have fallen "They always have one of their spy into the hands of the invading forces, whlle a small group of the Price of a COMmon share of NYSE: ships stationed offshore for the big defenders managed to escape. Gained five cents ones." Indonesla's action, which observers believe would lead to East Other Intelllgence sources identlfied "the big ones" as multi­ Timor's becomlng Indonesia's 27th prOVInce, drew sharp reactions from Silver - $3.99 ple warheaded missiles or those some sectors. Gold - $137.39 Portugal Immediately severed dlplomatlc relations with Indonesia, Involving new designs or improve­ whIle ChIna denounced the move and AustralIa deeply regretted the turn ments. of events Monday, December 8, 1975 HOURGLASS Page 2 • People Ignore Poland Expands Contact India S Bangladesh Cancer Causing Factors With Ca~italist World STOCKHOLM (UPI) -- The three American WARSAW (UPI) -- Communist Party Ch~ef !!we§!~ (E~)i~-"I~d~Yan~~~~!~OnS w~nners of the 1975 Nobel Prize ~n med~c~ne Edward Gierek told Soviet leader Leonid I. government of Bangladesh announced today they today blamed outs~de env~ronmental factors Brezhnev and 1,811 delegates to the party's want friendly relations and will take steps to for caus~ng up to 80 per cent of cancer 7th congress today Poland plans to expand "create a proper climate" tor them. ~n human be~ngs. ~ts contacts with the capitalist world. The Joint announcement by the two govern­ About half of the cancer from these G~erek presented his blueprint at the ments came as two key officials of the factors could be elim~nated, but the open~ng of the five-day congress, ~ndicating Bangladesh government left for home after two populat~on appears to turn its back to he a~ms to cont~nue threading the del~cate days of talks wlth Indian Foreign Mln~stry expert adv~ce, they sa~d. The three l~ne of energetic trade with the West and officials. researchers sa~d the most prom~ent outs~de friendly relat~ons w~th the Soviets. They also called on Prime Minister Indira cancer caus~ng factor was c~garette Listening to the speech along with Gandhl. smok~ng. Brezhnev were more than 50 foreign Communist However, the joint statment dld not spell Appear~ng at a news conference pr~or leaders ~nclud~ng Er~ch Honecker and Todor out what concrete steps the two governments to the Nobel Pr~ze award~ng ceremonies Zh~vkov, the East German and Bulgarian would take to improve their relations. Dec. 10, Temin sa~d: party chiefs. It was the first negotiation between India "Well over half or up to 80 per cent of G~erek sa~d the past five years were the and Bangladesh since the coup d'etat that cancer ~n human be~ngs ~s caused by th~ngs best Poland has known since going Communist resulted in assassination in August of Sheikh ~n the env~ronment. The first thing is 30 years ago. "We obtained results far Mujibur Rahman, whose Bangladesh government to recogn~ze them and the second ~s to beyond our plans," he sa~d. He reiterated had followed a pro-Indian line. remove them. If they were removed, about the key task for the 1976-80 period was The Bangladesh miss~on which arrived friday 50 per cent of these cancers could be a "dynamic increase" ~n the number and qual­ was led by Abdus Sattar, special ass~stant prevented." ~ty of consumer goods ~ncllljlng foodstuffs to Pres~dent Abu Sayem, who has been ~n office Balt~more sa~d even ~f these factors and a sharp increase In exports. since Nov. 4. The other member was Tabarak are ~dent~f~ed, he doubted if the popula­ On Poland's future d~rect~on, Glerek Hossain, Dacca's foreign secretary. t~on would heed the adv~ce of the experts. sa~d "of key importance is the ~uture India has watched developments in Bangladesh "People still smoke," he sa~d. "The development of econom~c, SClentlfic and wlth deep concern since the downfall of the number of youngsters smok~ng ~s appall~ng." techn~cal cooperat~on with the Sovlet Mujib govefnment. Balt~more sa~d some cancers are caused by Un~on, our mos t important partner." Bangladesh carne into be~ng ~n 1971 with h~gh fat content ~n food and to warn Prom~s~ng cooperation with the East Indian help. It formerly was part of people of the risks they are runn~ng "ts European "Common Market" -- Comecon -­ Pak~stan. Just not go~ng to work to get them to G~erek said, "We also w~ll utll~ze poss~­ The statement said India has assured the avo~d these th~ngs." b~lities of expanding commodlty exchange as new Dacca regime of its "policy of promising Asked what was the most ~mportant well as industrlal, sClentiflc and technlcal frlendship and cooperation on the basis of development ~n cancer research during the cooperatl0n w~th capitalist states." sovereign equality and mutual benefit." last three years, Dulbecco sa~d without Poland's trade with the west has grown Indla also reaffirmed its "desire for a hes~tat~on "the proof between cancer and markedly over the past five years. peaceful border," the statement said. smok~ng." Thailand And Cambodia IRA Gunmen H~ld ~osta8e LONDON (UPI) -- Four trapped Irish Republi~an Army gunmen today reJected a police offer to provide them with food in ex~hange for the release of a woman they are holding hostage ~~~~~ (!I~~~T~e ~~r!~~~~~S wlth her husband in a small apartment living room. Thailand and Cambodia since the Khmer "Ab~olutely not" was the answer on a hot-llne telephone between the IRA gang's besleged Rouge takeover In Phnom Penh w~ll start Dorset Square refugee and the pollce outslde. It came as the ordeal was ln ltS second day. Wednesday when a high rank~ng Thai offlclal The gunmen selzed Mr. and Mrs. Matthews Saturday n~ght ln thelr apartment, then w~ll hand over 750 tons of salt. barrlcaded themselves ~n the l~vlng room overlooking the street. The ceremony will be at Poipet, a The four men are belleved responslble for the deaths of 27 persons ~n London area Cambod~an town bordering Thailand about bombings during the past 18 months. One is thought to be M~chael Wilson, Brltain's most 210 ml1es east of Bangkok, a government wanted outlaw. spokesman sa~d today. Police on the roof of the four-story apartment block lowered a portable tOl1et, water Thailand's Foreign Mlnister Chaticha~ and pa~n-killing medicine to the second floor living room wlndow early today. The drugs Choonhavan three weeks ago became the first were for Mrs. Matthew's toothache. non-Communist diplomat to enter Carnbodla "We are all r~ght," she told an offlcer by phone. s~nce the Aprl1 17 overthrow of the U.S. Hundreds of policemen worked to keep the Dorset Square build~ng surrounded and under -backed government of Phnom Penh. electronlC surve~llance. , The two countrles have already establlsh- Commanders repeatedly told reporters on the scene there would be no deals with the ed d1plomatlc relat~ons and an exchange gunmen, who have demanded an alrplane for safe passage to Ireland. of ambassadors lS expected within the "We are prepared to go on as long as necessary to get the hostages out unhurt." coming month. ~': ~t: :t~ ~r: ~': ":i': * ":i" ":it: ~': ":t': .'~ ,': ":t'; 1: ~': ":t': ":t': ":t': ":t'c ,'c ":t': Part of the delay in actually beginnlng t~ade was caused by repairs on the 4-m~le­ long rall spur l~nklng POlpet with Aranyaprateht on the Tha~ side of the border. The link had fallen into the disuse and was not maintained over the past seven months while Met Rocket the border was closed. • The only other countries wh~ch have diplomatlc relat~ons with Cambod~a are China, A meteorolog1cal rocket launch operat10n North Korea, and North and South Vietnam. Polls Indicate is schedUled for Tuesday, December 9. In connect1on w1th this operat10n, hazard areas w111 eX1st 1n the ocean and on SPECIAL NOTICE Whitlam Defeat KwaJale1n Island between the aZ1muths of ARRIVAL OF ORTHODONTIST , 225 degrees true and 275 degrees true. The SYDNEY (UPI) -- Gough Whltlam, the deposed ocean hazard area extends out from Dr. Robert C. Sample, Orthodontist, will prime minister, comes off publicly with a KwaJale1n for a d1stance of 50 naut1cal arr~ve on KwaJalein on Friday, December 12 lot of rlghteous indignat~on, but the polls mlles. The KwaJale1n Island ground hazard and will depart on Monday, December 15. say that he won't get his job back in area 1S that conta1ned w1th1n a c1rcle Patients will be seen on Fr~day afternoon Australia's December 13 national elections. hav1ng a 200 foot rad1us from the rocket and on Saturday and Sunday. "The only poll that counts ~s the one launcher. All personnel and craft must taken on elect~on day," bommed the silver­ stay out of the ocean hazard area between Please call the Dental Cl~n~c, 82165, for tongued orator at a heckler-speckled the hours of 0951 and 1545 or unt11 the appo~ntments. A fee is charged for luncheon today at the Journalists' Club. re5tr1ct~on 15 11fted. The ground hazard consultat~on or examination. The hecklers, non-journalist members of area must be evacuated not later than 0951 the club, were no match for the man sacked hours. See the d1agrarn below show1ng th MAIL SERVICE has been resumed to Canada. on Nov. 11 by the Governor-General, S~r ocean ha~ard area. Mail returned to sender may be mailed John Kerr, who lnstalled opposition w~thout add~t~onal postage. leader Malcolm Fraser as caretaker prime m~n~ster. MICRONESIAN DAY, Monday, December 8 at Durlng the question and answer session Toyland and the Community Center from fol~owlng his speech, Whitlam was telling lO~OO a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Facilit~es are h~s aud~ence at some length why Australian open to Micrones~ans only. voters should throw the rascals out and replace them with his good guys. TOYLAND ~s not open Tuesday, December 9 or There were a few boos but the majority Wednesday, December 10. of the audience was with Whitlam, who sat calmly as tempers flared. But the smart money around the bar at THE MARSHALLESE/AMERICAN EXCHANGE PICNIC the Journallsts' Club says Wh~tlarn is has been rescheduled for December 19th. go~ng to have to be very good indeed on D~sregard ad on page 8. the stump ~f hlS Labor Party defeats a coalitl0n put together by Fraser's Liberal Party and the Nat~onal Country Party. __M_on_d_a~y~,_D_e_c_e_m_b_e_r __ 8~, __1_9_7_5 ______H~O~U~RGLASS Page 3 CHINA'S EXPERIENCE Nicholas Von Hoffman

WASHINGTON (KFS) -- George C. Roche is a throwback to an extinct kind of college president. You can call up the head of HIllsdale College and you will not be shunted off into the publIC relatlons department. President Roche will come on the phone and talk to you just like you were calling an ordInary, real person. Not only that, he actually teaches a course, a seminar in political economy, "just to keep my hand in," as he nuts it. A far cry from those state university systems where students go through four years of school without setting eyes on their leader unless it's graduation day when, with a pair of binoculars, it may be possible to descry the features of the esteemed head of the institution down at the other end of the football coliseum. Located in a tIny south Michigan town, George Roche's college has only 1,000 students. It deliberately has not grown, preferrlng to keep Itself the sort of small liberal arts institutIon that seems to exist in the American national memory llke an old Jimmy Stewart movie. Hillsdale College realized that bigger isn't necessarily better sooner than most. Some years ago, it also made another interesting decision. It decided that the Federal government m1ght not be the fount from which all blessings flow and refused to accept any financial help. No dormitory loans, no research grants, no funds for this kind of special program or that sort of exciting breakthrough experiment. Hillsdale did not want to be bossed. But now a threat has come to Hillsdale. The government has found what it apparently hopes is a way to put the college under its regulatory net. HEW has decreed that Hlllsdale is a "recipient institution," although it takes no government money, on the grounds that Hillsdale students, as individuals, do receive Federal student loans, veterans' benef1ts and such which make it possible for them to attend college. $J};,

Dear Anna Bananas: Recently a young (UPI) -- Mrs. Bobb~e Sterne became mayor woman wrote that she was about to marry d C~nc~nnat~ th~s week and her f~rst the man of her dreams and she needed to FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1975 pronouncement may have bothered ultra­ know someth~ng. Dur~ng her freshman Look m the sectlon m which begms to pay, mvest more for fem~n~sts a l~ttle. your bIrthday comes and fmd year ~n college she fell madly ~n love The woman mayor of what your outlook IS, accordIng ~O~~ f~rst C~nc~nnat~ ~ntro- w~th a tootball player and thought the~r to the stars (Oct 24 to Nov 22) rq,~ duced her proud husband at her ~naugurat~on romance would surely end ~n marr~age. You may thmk you have 3.Ild procla~med: "It ~s sa~d that beh~nd She gave herself to h~ and then he somethmg under control, every successful man there loS a good woman ••• dropped her. t:~21 to Apr 20) ev';::!t rollmg brISkly Better take a1d the reverse is certa~nly true for me." You may be qwte certam m NOW, ~ t seems she ~s about to marry another look for ludden flaws. Mrs Sterne ~s a 55-year-old reg~stered your mmd as to exactly how you SAGITIARIUS _~ ~ • • Pr~nce Charm~ng huaself, and wants to mtend to handle thmgs, but It (Nov ~toDec 21) ~.~ nurse and has been a c~ty counc~lwoman the know ~f ~t ~s poss~ble for a man to tell wouldn't hurt to get another's An ongmal twISt or a new past four years. She was selected by fellow for sure whether h~s br~de ~s a v~rg~n. viewpoint Some mterestmg method could bnghten roubne, counc~l members to serve as mayor for the You told her "no." new concepts could result but don't go to extremes and next year. TAURUS tj~ If the answer ~s "no," why, pray tell, v attempt the b1Z8ITe She cred~ted her select~on to hard work, not (Apr 21 to May 21) '\UI CAPRICORN 11f tiJ loS a Japanese doctor ~n Cal~forn~a You may not have the m­ (Dec 22 to Jan 20) 'fit} to be~ng a woman. mak~ng a small fortune sew~ng ~n phony centlve to try and accomphsh You may possIbly have to set Among those applaud~ng "her honor" was husband hymens made of sheep t~ssue for de­ the extraordmary now, but a bit aside certam personal desires Dr. Eugene Sterne, ch~ef of Staff at Veterans flowered g~rls who want to present them­ of extra thought given to the m order to show your abilitles m Adm~n~strat~on Hosp~ tal. futllre could col;llpletely cl!ange the best hght. The effort you selves as 100 per cent pure? S~gn me your perspectIve - and make m thIS regard will payoff, No Dummy Here stlmulate your ambltlons anew however (UPI) -- Hol~day shoppers are warned to be GEMINI _..4!l1Y AQUARIUS _ ~ wary of "hol~day money," otherw~se known as Dear lJwn: What Japanese doctor? (May 22 to JWle 21) ~ (Jan 21 to Feb 19) ~~ scrip or coupons ~ssued by many department Nevel' heard of him. That doesn't mean. of After some early mommg Present everytlung m your stores. course.. tha t he doesn't e:!:LS t. There are confUSion, day should tl1rn out thorough, affable manner; thus The New York C~ ty Department of Consumers to be surprlSmgly productlve you will WIn pomts and outwit enough W1-'J(JY ladies around so that any You also stand to gam fman- the competltlon Do your best Affa~rs says stores have fa~led to tell scheme .. no rrrztter how bizarre.. would Cl811y but don't undertake the consumers that if they d~d not return the surely have some takers. CANCER alA unreasonable unused scr~p ~ssued to them, they would be I said "no" because her quest1-on conta1-ned(JWle 22 to July~) ~ PISCES )(~ charged for ~t. the wordv "for sure." Stellar mfluences suggest a (Feb 20 togulMar 2O)k d Many department stores beg~n sending out . need for added VIgor m your Both re ar wor an new . SometuTes a rrrzn CAN tell.. but not alAuays. thnISt forward but be careful ventures favored Returns from the~r unsol~c~ ted Chr ~stmas cert~f~ca tes I'd rather see a hundred Women ge t C1lJJay not to ahen~te associates past efforts mmcated very soon to their credit customers ~n November. These with the act than have one poor.. innocent TendenCies toward overaggres- Whatever you do well will have cert~f~cates, which have no monetary value, girl unJusily branded by a tyrant Who slveness prevaIl long-range value - can be ~gnored w~ thout any charges OT can Would throw it up to her jor the rest of tfu?y 24 to Aug ~) J'I,~ YOU BORN TODAY are be exchanged at the sponsorinq store for her hfe. Some complexltles mmcated endowed With a fme mtellect coupons rang~ng ~n value from one to $10. However, your ability to move tremendous drive and such However, Consumer Affa~rs Comm~ssioner Dear Ann Landers: I am marr~ed to a m tlght spots and mamtam faith m your conVIctlons that Elenor Guggenhe~mer sa~d that by exchanq~ng wonderful man and wouldn't hurt h~m for eqwhbrlum through heavy seas your persUasIve powers are the cert~f~cates for scr~p, the customers the world. I get along reasonably well can see you through bo1lDCijess There's a touch of can buy up to $400 ~n merchand~se unt~l the .tlc about you, too, wluch , , w~th h~s mother and make every effort not ~~~4 to Sept~) np~ sometlmes expresses Itself m Janua;ry 15th, 1976, w~thout pay~ng for the to rock the boat. Make the most of your really musIc or poetry Your talents merchand~se unt~l February 1st, 1976. My mother-~n-law feels very much at bright Ideas and concIse, sohd are such that your chOice of a home ~n our place, wh~ch I don't m~nd. plans for achievement now career IS almost hmltless, but (UPI) -- F~ght~ng may be a good way to keep Accenruate posltlve t1nnlung When she wants someth~ng, however, she your greatest fortes may m- a marr~age together, accord~ng to a Ch~cago Combme mtlUtlOn With know­ elude fmance, busmess ad- never bothers to ask. She procees to how mmJStratlon, SCience, the law, suburban psych~atr~st. search ~n the kltchen cab~nets, refr~g­ UBRA ~ statesmanslup and medlcme Dr. Donald Kerste, d~rector of Mar~ tal erator, etc. Although I don't l~e ~t, (Sept 24 to Oct ~) :O:~ ~ Also, With your keen sense of Serv~ces at Forest Hosp~tal ~n suburban I keep qUl.et an,} look the other way. Better than usual advantages, hne and proportion, you would Des Pla~nes, says some people w~ll do all but more than usual effort make an excellent arclutect Yesterday she was go~ng through my asked, too Some past m­ Blrthdate of John Milton they can to avo~d gett~ng ~nto an argument desk loo~ung for a paper cl~p. Naturally, vestment of money or tIme world-renowned poet 'and "tell themselves everyth~ng ~s f~ne ~n a I kept pr~vate correspondence and b~lls marr~age when ~t ~sn't." ~n the desk. Maybe ~t was my ~mag~na­ He says unexpressed d~fferences "end up tloon but she appeared to be snoop~ng. ~n the feel~ngs of resentment and m~strust" 11y mother-~n-law has offered to baby s~t and so he believes that argu~ng ~s a healthy ~;everal t~mes but I've never taken her up \lay of airing d~fferences and avo~d~ng on ~t, even though ~t would be very handy. resentment. I'm reluctant to lL:ave her ~n our house TONIGHT'S MOVIES: alone because I have v~s~ons of her RLChARpSON: Rooster Cogburn ••• PG (UPI) -- A coalit~on of more than 90 d~verse rwrunag~ng throuqh my closets, drawers 7: 30 Western •• Color W-S women's groups has k~cked off a nat~onw~de and corresponuence. YOKWE YUK; CQ~lds Play ••• ~G dr~ve to w~n an Il-po~nt program for full My husband sajS we have noth~ng to h~de, 7:00, 9:00 Drama ••• Color equality. wh~ch ~s true. Yet I feel uncomfortable. & 12:30 The women's deMands, known as the "U.S. What would you do? IVEY HALL: Cr~cket On A Hearth ••• G Nat~onal WOmen's Agenda," was del~vered to 2uanddr~ed In Balt~more 6:30 & 8:30 Color ••• Animated every congressman and senator yesterday TRAPEWINPS; Scorp~o ••• l?G follow~ng a rally on the steps of the cap~tol. De(lI' Q ~n d. 1.'d clean out the closets 8:00 Spy prama ••• Color It also was presented to publ~c off~c~als and stra1-ghten the drawers and cab1-nets around the nat~on. 60 they could bear exam1-nation by anyone. , ~------Colorado Democrat1c Conqresswoman Pat Schroder I would then gather all bills and private ~wn~ , sa~d: "ThlS ~s noth~ng new ••. We've been correspondence and put them under lock and t:J II.JI:: talk~ng about ~t forever. But now we're key whenever the Inspector General came TV• say~ng we're cornm~tted to ~t." over. End Of problem -- no hurt feelings .. TONIGHT'S SCHEDULE: The women's agenda calls for equal part~c~- Grandnr:x gets the pleasure of sittmg.. a:nd OCEAN VIEW: Hee Ha~; Rockford F~les.. pat~on ln the pol~t~cal process; equal educat~on, you get the convenience. starr~ng James Garner; mean~ngful work and adequate pay; equal NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC access to econom~c power; qual~ty ch~ld care; Dear Ann Landers: Someth~ng is YOKWE YUK: CBS Sports Spectacular •• Top-quallty health care; adequate hous~ng; bother~ng me. It seems that whenever I Ranked Men Bowlers; Barney fa~rness ~n the cr~m~nal Just~ce system; go to a football game someone next to M~ller; On The Rocks; NFL fa~rness ~n the media and arts; phys~cal me has a rad~o go~ng. The ~d~ot ~s l~sten­ Weekly Gr~d~ron H~ghl~ghts safety, and respect for the ind~v~dual. ~ng to the game we are watc~ng. ROI NAMUR: NFL pro Football: Buffalo Drawn up hy a coal~ t~on known as "Women's It annoys the hell out of me to hear Bills at C~nc~nnat~ Bengals Act~on Alliance," the agenda represents the an announcer descr~b~ng the game and TEEN CENTER: D~nah Shore Var~ety Show; f~rst t~me so many women's groups have been putting h~s own ~nterpretat~on on every Th~s ~s the NFL; To Tell able to agree on a common program. play. Also, I loathe the commerc~als. The Truth Next these lunat~cs w~ll be br~ng~ng Here's a rec~pe for frozen egg nog: Beat portable TV sets to watch ~nstant replays. three egg yolks and one-half cup sugar unt~l I th~nk the rad~o nuts who want to l~sten TUESDAY'S SCHEDULE: l~ght and airy. Add one quart cream and to the game on the rad~o should br~ng OCEAN VIEW: Tony Orlando and Dawn; one-fourth teaspoon nutmeg and beat a few earphones. What do you say? S~X M~ll~on Dollar Man; ~ore t~mes. Freeze. When the m~xture ~s R2ghts Trampled On Joe Forrester f~rm, but not hard, add one-half cup rum and YOKWE YUK: Hee Haw; Rockford F~les; one-half cup brandy. St~r m~xture to blend Dear Rights: I agree -- but your only Nat~onal Geograph~c everyth~ng in. Serve ~n s~all glasses w~th dejense is to move. ROI NAMUR: CBS Sports Spectacular; spoons. Th~s rec~pe makes about two quarts, Barney Miller; On The Rocks;depend~ng on how Much a~r you beat lnto ~t. HOW to -- and how much? F~nd out w~th NFL Weekly Gr~d~ron H~gh­ Ann Landers' new booklet, "HOW, What, hghts and When to Tell Your Ch~ld About Sex." TEEN CENTER: NBC Mystery Mov~e: For your copy, send ~O cents ~n co~n along "McCloud"; B~g Edd~e; wloth a long, stamped, self-addressed M.A.S.H. KEEP KWAJ CUANI envelope to Ann Landers, P. O. Box 1400, Flg~n, Ill~no~s, b0120. Honday, Decembel 8, 1975 HOURGLASS NFL lIes",ts The fInal game saw the Leftovers beat the Ebeye Roses 11-1. NIshimura and Tom had 2 (UPI) In ~allonal Footbdll League actIon, MONDAY, DECEMBER 8 1:.::.ts apIece for tl;e Leftovers. Penney and the FJ.Ctd~..lrgl. Stee1er.;; won theIr tenth 5: 15 - l~ez;-,o Decem vs. Spar tans 1 Letak. had lInt eac.1 fur the RObe"'. stralghl ga~e Ylth a 3l-to-17 come-from­ TU~SDAY, DECf.lffiLR 9 behInd vIctory over tne Cleveland Bro.ffis. 5:15 - Spartans II Vb. Teen Center PittsburgH quarterback Telry Bradshaw flrea Wl;.DHE SDAY , m::CEMBER 10 two touclldown passes to Lynn Swann III the 5: 15 - S'veethearts vs. EsprH de Corps Tarlce" II•• S,.". Meet second half. The vIctory assured the Stee1ers of at least a wild card LeIth In lies.'ts , the playoffb. The BaltImore Colts rolled tv theIr sev­ MmJDAY, DECEMbER 8 "'Denotes new I<.~"d]aleln s'l'IlIImang record enth straIght win, shuttlng out tHe New York 6:00 - Teen Center vs. IHA Glants LI-to-U. Lydell }lltchell rushed [Ot 7:00 - Game canceled 11-12 Glrls 80 Yard Freestlle 119 yards, maklng 11UII the only running back 8:00 - PSP vs. C~lcago Carol Sne.ien 1.14.6 In bdltlmore hIstory to gaIn more than 1,000 (note change from FrIday's schedule) PerrI Nob ius 1:22.8 yards In a season. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBEk 10 IngrId Calar 1.29.5 The hapless San DIego Chargers WOIl thelr 6:00 - lIYOti vs. Spartans fIrst game of the season by beatlnb tne Kan­ 7:00 - PSP vs. ROI Namur 11-12 EOls 8u Yard Freestlle sas Clty Chle1s 28-to-20. The Chargers had 8:00 - 4-Q's I vs. Teen Center Dav~d WIse 1:02.8 lost tnelr flrst eleven gar.es. Bar" Sull~van 1.14.8 In other NFL actIon, the St. LOUIS Car­ Mark AustIn 1:22.2 dInals beat the Dallas Cowboys 31-to-17. St. LOUIS quarterback Jlm Hart fIred three Kwaj Weekend Sports 13-15 GIrls 80 Yard Freestlle touchdmm passes In the f lrs t half. Becky GerrIck 1. 08. 8 The WashIngton Redsklns kept therr play­ ~Ien ErIn Sulll'Ian 1:15.3 off hopes alIve by beatln!, U.e Atlanta Fal­ 's Bashetba" Ronna YatE:S 1..:5.1 cons 3u-to-27. In the first basketball game Friday The Ihnnesota Vik.l.ngs downed tne Green night, Chicago topped Roi Namur 37-22. 13-15 BOls 80 Yard Free&tlle Bay Packers 24-to-3 and the CHlcago Bears Sneden was hIgh scorer for Chlcago wlth Greg PaInter 58.3 beat the Detrolt Lions 25-to-21. The Buf­ 11 pOlnts and Dempsey was hl~h rebounder Jerry PerkIns 53.0 falo BIlls dropped out of playoff conten­ WIth 11. hliler to~ped ROl's scorIng non by loslng to the ~llaJIIl Dolpnlns 31- WIth 8 and Nella hac 7 reboundb. 31 & Over .:ens 80 Yard Freestlle to-21. The second game saw 4-Q's 1 beat PSP "'Gary Marsllall 58.3 The New York Jets snapped an elght-gdme 44-39. Slappy was hIgh pOLnt man and Sam Hanaolc 1:03.6 lOSIng streak, toppIng tne :'ew Lnglana Pa­ cagh rebounder for the 4-Q's WIth 19 trIots 30-to-28. The Los Angeles Ramb beat po In ts and 15 reoounJs. Clung was tops 8 & Under GIrls 40 Yard Backstroke the New Orleans SaInts l4-to-7 and the hous­ In scorIng and reLoundlng for PSP With NaolIa Bul::'ocA 53.1 ton OIlers topped the San Franc~sco 4gers 13 pOlnts and 11 rebounds. Stephan=-e Cram 1:01.0 27-to-13. Sunday nIght's f~rsL garue between IHA JennIfer Brooks 1:05.9 In today's Ilatlonally teleVIsed gaMe, and PSP was a forfeIt. the Denver Broncos take on the Oakland Tne second game saw 4-Q'a I trIumph 9-10 GIrls 40 Yard Bdckstroke RaIders. over 4-Q's II, 61-41. Slappy was higl. Susan RIppey 36.3 pOInt ilian for 4-Q's I witn 22 pOInts and 'Iheresa Cram 41. 0 Pro Basketba" Seores Steve was r.lgh rebounder with 16. CurtIS Carla McGrew 50.1 was :O~ scorer wltn 12 pOInts for 4-~'s II (UPI) In the National Basketball Assoc­ and Oyamut was i.lb~' reoounJer wltn 7. 9·-10 BOls 40 Yard Backstroke iatIon, tl1e Golden State Harrlors Leat the Glenn Austln 40.4 SupersonIcs l15-to-106 In a natIon­ Davld Sneden 43.1 ally teleVlSec. game. Gus l-lililams scored Soccer Jim HcCrery 45.2 L.7 pOInts for Golden State and had seven On the soccer field Sunday, Spartans I aSSIsts and SIX steals. Rick Barry 01 Wash­ topped trle ROl hackerb 7-1. The second 11-12 GIrls 40 Yard tiacKstro~e In5ton was tue game's high scorer wlth 2& grune saw 1leye beat LN 3-1. The thu d *Carol Snprien 35.0 pOInts. game was a c~ose one, but the SprInts Jackl Narlesln 39.2 DIck Van Arsdale scored 23 pOlnts to tr~umphed over Spartans II 2-1. Ingrld Calar 44.3 lead the PhoenIX Suns to a l14-to-97 VIC­ tory over the ChIcago hulls. Women's S'ollJ·Pitela 11-12 ~oys 40 Yar~ Backstro"e The Los Angeles Lakers defeated the wash­ *Davld WIse 33.9 ~ngton Bullets 114-to-l06. TIle Ldkers had FrIday evenIng on the Little League TIIn Su1L.van 42.0 theIr best shootIng night of lLe year, lut­ FIeld, the Surfers defeated the GallopIng Brlan Jensen 45.5 tlng 51 of 82 fIeld goal attempts for 62%. Garters 15-4. D. Lucero and S. Russell In the Amer~can BasketLall assoc~atlon, had 2 luts aplece for the Surfers. Sul­ 13-15 Gul!> 40 Yard backstroke Dan IsseI poured In 33 pOInts dnd rook~e llvan and Fora eacr. nad 2 ruts for the "'trln SullIvan 36.6 Davld TholI,pson added 30 as the Denv.,r :mg­ Garters, and Reckner and Leeth had 1 Jut Becky Gerr~ck 38.5 gets beat the New York Nets 123-to-119. aplece. The r;:entucky Colonels had an easy tIme, The flrst galhe on c.aturday afternoon 13-15 ~ols 40 Yard backstroke beatlng the V~rglnLa SqUIres 112-to-~B. saw the Shac.rocI,s trlumpt. over Neno Decem "'Greg Pa~nter 33.8 17-7. Brown had 3 luts for the: Sham­ rocks, one of WhlCh was a home run. Also 31 & Over Wonen 40 Yard Backstro~e ••elce" ...."." contrlbutlng to the scorIng were Olson "'Ann Wlse 44.0 (U<'I) In the NatIonal Hockey League, the and Jackson wlth 2 hlts and :::.ato wltn 1 Pat CGrroll 45.9 PhIladelphIa Flyers outskated the MInnesota h.Lt. For ~eno, Scholte had 3 ~lts and dorth Stars 6-to-1. Regg.Le Leach scored a Daly, \oung and Wlily had 1 hIt aplece. ~atch the hourGlass for more results paIr of &oals for the Flyers to extend Teen Center scored 2 runs on the Spar­ Phliadelpllla's unbeaten streak at Lome to tans 1 In the second game (more than some n.Lne E,arres. teams have been aule to do), but ~ent The Plttsburgh PengUIns beat the Toron­ doom In defeat 21-2. Coon had 4 hits to Maple Leafs 6-to-3 with the help of an for the Spartans, C. SullIvan hac! '3 hItS outstandIng performance from Plerrt La­ and flester and Fangmann had 2 hlts each Rouche. The 2U-year-old LaRouche scored For Teen Center, l!olJlllau, Keenan and two goals and set up two otherb. PaInter had 1 ~lt apIece. New York Islanders goalIe Glenn Resch In the thlrd gan,e, SunshIne defeated notched hlS thIrd shutout of the season as Ljapnana 8-0. Moseley had 3 hits for the Islanders blanked the Buffalo SaLres the WInners whIle Lyncn had 2 hlts and 3-to-0. ClarK Glilles scored tWIce for Cross and Stahl had 1 hIt each. EJap­ .,ew York. nana had 1 rut from Jal:.on and 'lIra. The bo",ton BrUIIlS and the Hontreal Can­ The last game on Saturday saw tne ad lens battled to a 2-to-2 tie. It was Sweethearts defeat the ~urfers 13-9. the BrUIns l~th 5ame In a row without a Capelle, i.ne] , and Lalk had 1 hit apIece loss. for E]apnana. C. Russell, Carr and The Atlanta Flames shut out the Chicago Decker had 1 hlt apIece for the Surfers. Black Hawks 2-to-0 and the Ne.l York Ran­ Sunday's games btarteu off yl1th a !!,ers beat the "ashlngton CapItals S-to-2. banb. ~partans 1 and Spa"tans II Met in the ~'lor:~ Hockey AssociatLon, the head to ,lead and Spartans I came out on Cinclnnatl Stingers beat the Cleveland top, tllrowlng 2nd place In the league Crusaders 3-to-l. The Quebec Nordlques Into douut. Gouvlea and Waddell had 3 edged the \hnnlpeg Jets 3-to-2. The Cal­ lilts aplece, one of whIch ~las a home gary Cowboys beat the Edmonton OIlers 5- run for Gouvlea. Roberts and Peters had to-4 and the Denver Spurs topped the New 2 n~ts apiece. For Spartans II S. Red­ england i-'halers 5-to-1. ford, Medlros, Carr and Uarleskl each The ~JHA wlll announce a decision today had 1 hIt. on the length of suspenSIons glven to Gor­ SunshIne defeated leen Center 20-3 dIe Howe and Ron Grahame of the Houston In the thIrd game. R. Yates had 3 lutb Aeros. The two were suspended indefinitely for Sunsnine. Teen Center got 1 hIt Saturday for abUSIng the referee during apIece from Hohman, Keenan and Cottrill. Don Pa.Lk 01 4-~ SLana vave Sneden of FrIday nIght's 5-to-4 rough-and-tumble Clucago scramble for the ball on the Car­ victory over the Winnipeg Jets. (Kwa]. Sports contlnued on col. 3) nival Court-so Monday, December 8, 1975 •


THE WIZARD OF ID by Brant parker and Johnny hart

W I Z a r d

BC by jobDny hart •HE'S NC1f MAO AT YOu, JO~y THAT5 JUST ONE OF '" 1'2-fOUND 6A.G> WS'I 1 b seaport e 37 Goddess of e mfatuation t I e


a They'll Do It Every Time n OUR FAMILY d OQCf. BRANC~IN6 y OUT ~E''S GONNA ~OME FI

[, the p I R A T E C, fOR SALE COMIC SALE Tr. 794, Wednesday, December 10, start~ng at 3:00 p.m.

CARPET pink & white shag, 8XlO, $10. Call 82742.

BIKES 26" girls, $10; 26" 3-speed English with generator, lights, baskets, $25; 2 wooden bookcases, $5 each, jet fins with rock socks, $5. Call 82742.

HAMMOCK AND STAND, $3. Call 84636.

GIRLS 20" BIKE, $10. Call 83758. Available Dec. 18th.

TWO SMALL NAVAJO RUGS; several pieces of turquois and silver. Call 82526.

BEIGE DRAPES for living room, gold curtains for kitchen; blue curtains for bathroom (used 6 months), $30. Call 82746.

1 WOOD PATIO 12X26 , redwood stain, louvred window on side, wood trim, excellent condit~on, $125. Call 84573 (home) or every Wednesday night in the Chapel at 77466 (work). DUPLICATE BRIDGE will be fleld on Wednesday 6:30 p.m. This i3 open to all Jr/Sr night, Dec. 10, in Room B of the Hilton WHITE JADE RINGS, circle shape, size 6, Building. All bridge players are welcome high school students. We are doing new interesting music so come out and 6~. Call 82592. to attend. sing. ALUMINUM PATIO COVER 10X16' with 52' of MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP COMMITTEE­ CHRIS~~S CHOIR meets every Wednesday fence; bench and patio bar with sto+age will meet Dec. 10 at 12:45 p.m. at Tr. D1ght at 8:0~ p.m. in the Chapel. cab~net, $100 or best offer. Call 84649. 621. CHRISTK~S CARns AND NOTEPAPER designed CAMERA RB-67; 4 lenses; luxe pistol grip; PROTESTANT CHAPEL CHOIR meets every by Alice Buck, may be seen at the auto ext. tube #2; built-in viewer w/light Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in the c~aplains' office 83505 or at Tr. 770-- meter; built in viewer w/o meter; 3 hoods; Island Memorial Chapel. 83724. 9 assorted filters; 4 assorted focusin~ Kvl.AJ JR. BOWLERS There will be no bowling screens. Selling as one unit. Call Pete at NO KCT MEETING TONIGHT Watch HourGlass until December 20 due to bowling tournamenl 82714 after 5:30 or 82046 during working for re-scheduling at a later date. and rehab of lanes. hours. EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE COMMITTEE will BLASTING OPERATIONS, EAST REEF--GELLINAM PATIO SALE Household items; toys and meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the home Martin-Zachry Constructors will be clothing. December 10th from 8:00 a.m. of Alma Gelzinis, Qtrs. 429-B. ·conducting quarrying operations on the until 12 noon at Tr. 843. Call 84543. reef on the ocean slde of Gel11nam. EMON LODGE #179 F & AM will hold a spec1al Blast~ng has begun and will last approxi­ USED LUMBER from patio cover; steel roofing meeting at 1930 hours tonight. All EArs, mately three months" Air and water craft material; tool cabinet; round table; G.E. FC's and MM's are cordially invited. should avoid th~s area whenever possible. dishwasher, $25. See at Tr. 906 or call Scuba div1ng, shel11ng, reefing, f1sh1ng, 84606. KGA ELECTION MEETING Tuesday, Dec. 9th etc", should not occur anywhere near the at 7:00 p.m. in the Banyan Room. Come ~sland of Gellinam unt~l further not1ce. CUSTOM BUILT BUNK BEDS with built-~n shelves, cast your vote for new members. Blast1ng operations will not occur when $40 each; custom built stereo component scheduled helicopters or water craft are cabinet, $40. Call 82675 after 5:00 p.m. MEN'S HAIRPIECES The latest, ne.Test, light­ due to arrive or depart the ~sland. Unsche­ est--hair appears to grow from the scalp-­ RUG 9X12, gold tweed, $7. Call 82725. duled v1sits to Gel11nam should be styles. Also the new headhugger style. coord1nated w1th the Corps of Engineers Call Ray Runyon for appointment to see. PATIO COVER, $25. Call 82725. pr10r to depart1ng Kwa]ale1n, call 82187/ No obligation. 82183" We, at Martin-Zachry Constructors DRAPES aqua 45"X96, 45"X92; gold drapes; regret any inconvenience to all islanders 1976 CARS both foreign and American are kitchen curtains. Call 83644/77296. and request your cooperat10n. available for stateside delivery. Please - . HIGH CHAIR, $10; TV tables with stand, $4; contact Roger R. Richard. Shell BQ, Room sandbox 5'X5' with built-in benches. Call 108 or call 84120 for complete ordering 84649. information. Thank you. WAif- TED KSC MONTHLY MEETING The December meeting USED AIR COND~TIONER in good condition. -HElP WANTED of the Kwajalein Scuba Club will be Call 82592. EMPLOYMENr OP~ORTUNITIES--GLOBAL ASSOC. held Thursday, December Jl at the Applications are now being accepted for Terminal Briefing Room at 7:30 p.m. All BOY'S 20" BICYCLE Call 82592. members are urged to attend as the the following posit~ons: Part time clerk accountine pot:i tiC'n. Thi! elect~on of officers for the upcoming EMPTY SCUBA TANK BOXES Call Ron Sargent Job is approximately 22 hours per week, term will be elected. at 77594/82541. M,ll,T,F,S. Typing menus, special food DUAL 1219 TURNTABLE Call Jeff at 84550. orders and workinp, ~eneral office. WANT TO KNOW MORE about the way the Marshallese people celebrate Christmas? Full time Worker for PDR salad room A~~ONE HP~E PROPERTY IN NEW HAMPSHIRE Plan to attend "Christmas in the Marshalls" preparing the salad bar for the varjous YOU WANT TO RENT??? Looking for Nashua presented by Rev. Buck, 8:00 p.m. on meals at the d~ning room. 40 hcurs per area to rent from February through Tuesday. December 9th, at the Commun1ty week/company fringe benefit~. Hours August, 1976. Call 82208. vary to meet meal hours of operatjon. Center. The Etawi Circle welcomes all 1nterested adults. BRf)()MSTICKS AND MOP HANDLES Cub Scout Den Manpower clerk position in the Industrial CATHOLIC WOtAEN of Kwa]a1ein t-rill llIeet I needs these for a proJect. If you have Relations office. Responsible for sick the Catholic lad1es from Ebeye on Wednesday. any. call Judy at 82367 or Frnnces at leave and vacation cardex, travel orders, December 17 at the Yokwe Yuk Club. We 82711. • weeklv mannower reporLs and Gther related have a very exciting day planned for the dutie;. 40- hours per wppk/cnTflpl'lt1y fri_f'!7e Ebeye ladies starting at 10:00 a.m. ~V1th SERVICES bfnef1ts. M-F 7:30 to 4:30. OffERED cookies and punch and lunch at 12:30 pm. BABYSITTER reliable 15-year-old. Call Apply for these Jobs at Global pe:sonnel Let's make this a really ~reat Christmas 83659. Office, 2nd floor of the Air 1'ernnnalo party for our neiehborR hv navinp, ~~ny of our Kwaj ladies ~ttend. For reserva­ LA1.JNS }10WED, price depends on size of lawns. El"l1'LOYIW1~T OPPORTUNITIES--KENTRON HAWAII I tions or more deta~ls, call Joan Dustin Call 82342 and ask for Steve. LTD.has an 11llIued1ate opening for an 83414 or Ann McCrery 82606 before noon ~ndlvidual ""hose responsibil~tj_es lnclude DeceMber 15. ODD JOBS OR BABYSITTING 15-year-old. Call update and I"a~ntenance of docume!lta~.lon THE KAJEONE CIRCLE is collpctin~ used Enc at R2833. and soft\01are llbrar~es; admin1str2t.lve. toys, games and spcrt1ng ~oods to be tasks such as typing reports, keypunchcn~, bent to Marshall C-1ri:::tian High Schoul, xerox~ng and directing 2n aide in Majuro. Please call 83235 for ~Lck-uPb. LOST perform~ne these t~SYs. BA de8ree 1n English, Jc,urnal~sm or ec.~u1valent w:th Thank you. KEYS McDonald Douglas medallion on key '} '/PRrs exper1ence in computer apFllcatirms ring. Call 77291 if found. THE EBEYE ~RSERY SCHOOL is collectin:~ documentat~on required. Call Theron used toys, househcld goods and leftover Andprs, ~~R Data Center, 82033, dur~nl f00d an~ c?rned !ood·. Call Trust Terri­ GIVEAWAY .'ork)"" l-tC'urb. tory rfflee for plc~-up. Thark you. 2 KITTENS 10 weeks old, housebroken, must have home by Dec. 18. Call 83758.