CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 8 476 and House Bill 2562, Providing for Increased Rates of Pension 2598
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1224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 8 476 and House bill 2562, providing for increased rates of pension 2598. By Mr. WINGO : Petition of citizens of Sebastian to the men who served in the armed forces of the United States County, Ark., in behalf of increased pensions to veterans of the during the Spanish War period; to the Committee on Pensions. Spanish-American War; to the Committee on Pensions. 2580. Also, petition of Virgil H. Doss and several other citi zens of Kaufman County, Tex., requesting the passage by the Seventy-first Congress of Senate bill 476 and House bill 2562, SENATE providing for the increased rates of pension to the men who sen·ed in the armed forces of the United States during the 'VEDNESDAY, January 8, 1930 Spanish War period; to the Committee on Pensions. 2581. By Mr. SCHNEIDER: Petition urging the speedy con (Legislative day of Mo,ndav, Jan1uary 6, 1930) sideration and passage of Senate bill 476 and Hou e bill 2562, The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of providing increased rates of pension for Spanish War veterans, the recess. signed by citizens of Oconto, Wis.; to the Committee on Pensions. CHARLES F. BOND, RECEIVER, 'V. THE UNITED STATES (8. DOC. NO. 66) 2582. By Mr. SHORT of Missouri : Petition of citizens of Christian County, 1\:lo., urging increa ed pensions for soldiers The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica of the Civil War and widows of soldiers; to the Committee on tion from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claim , tran mit Invalid Pensions. ting. pursuant to law, a certified copy of the memorandum filed 2583. Also, petition of citizens of 1\:lis issippi County, Mo., by the court June 10, 1929, in the cause of Charles F. Bond, urging increased pensions for soldiers of the Spanish War; to as receiver of the partnership of Thorp & Bond, against the the Committee on Pen ion . United States, Congressional No. 17635, which was referred to 2584. Also, petition of citizens of Stoddard County, Mo., urg the Committee on Claims and ordered to be printed. ing increased pensions for Spanish War veterans; to the Com ENROLLED BU,L BIG NED mittee on Pensions. The VICE PRESIDENT announced his signature to the en 2585. By Mr. SNOW: Petition of F. C. Soule, of Smyrna rolled bill ( S. 1764) to grant the consent of Congress to the l\Iills, Me., and many others, urging the passage of Senate bill Highway Department of the State of Tennessee to maintain a 108, to prevent unfair practices in the marketing of perishable bridge across the French Broad River on the Newport-Asheville farm products; to the Committee on Agriculture. (N. C.) Road near the town of Del Rio, in Cocke County, 2586. Also, petition of Edward Johnson, of Monson, Me., and Tenn., which bad previously been signed by the Speaker of the many others, urging the speedy passage of Senate bill 476 Hou e of Representatires. and House bill 2562; to the Committee on Pensions. LOAD-LINE LJOOISLATION (S. DOO. NO. 65) 2587. By 1\Ir. SPROUL of illinois: Petition of 100 citizens of Chicago, Ill., not members of the United Spanish War Vet l\Ir. JONES. l\Ir. Pre ident, a day or two ago a report was erans, or of any of its allied organization , urging speedy con submitted by the Department of Commerce, pursuant to Senate sideration and passage of Senate bill 476 and House bill 2562, Resolution 345 of the Seventieth Congress, second session, providing for increased rates of pensions to the men who served relating to load-line legislation, which was referred to the in the armed forces of the United States during the Spanish Committee on Commerce, but it was not ordered to be printed. American War period; to the Committee on Pensions. It is an important report relating to a very important matter. 2588. Also, petition of 80 citizens of Chicago, Ill., not mem I ask, therefore, that the report may be printed. ber of the United Spanish War Veterans, or any of its allied The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the report will organizations, urging speedy consideration and passage of Sen be printed as a document. ate bill 476 and House bill 2562, providing for increased rates PETITIONS of pensions to the men who served in the armed forces of the Mr. JOHNSON pre ented a petition of sundry citizens of United States during the Spanish-American War period; to West Los Angeles, Calif., praying for the passage of legislation the Committee on Pensions. granting increa ed pensions to Spanish War veterans, which 2589. Also, petition by 80 citizens of Chicago, Ill., not mem was referred to the Committee on Pensions. ber of the United Spanish War Veterans, or any of its allied Mr. KEAN presented petitions of sundry citizens of Asbury organizations, urging speedy consideration and passage of Sen Park, Ocean Grove, Bayonne, Carteret, Mantua, Hudson, and ate bill 476 and House bill 2562, providing for increased rates Bergen Counties, and other citizens, all in the State of New of pensions to the men who served in the armed forces of the Jersey, praying for the passage of legislation granting increased UI1ited States during the Spanish-American War period; to the pensions to SIJanish War veterans, which were referred to the Committee on Pensions. Committee on Pensions. 2590. By Mr. SUMMERS of Washington: Petition signed by Mr. SHEPPARD presented petitions of sundry citizens of Frank Reed, D. D. Rugg, S. L. Smith, and other citizens of Whitewright, Grayson County, and of Bowie County, Tex., pray· Ellen burg, Kittitas County, Wash., in support of legislation ing for the pas age of legi lation granting increased pensions to in behalf of Spanish War veterans and widows of veterans; to Spanish-American War \"eterans, which were referred to the the Committee on Pensions. Committee on Pensions. 2591. Also, petition signed by l\I. C. Garner, l\1. W. Da"ies, He also presented a resolution adopted by the board of Levi Harley, and other citizens of Cle Elum, Kittitas County, directors of the Young Women's Christian A sociation of Hou - Wash., in support of legislation in behalf of Spanish War vet ton, Tex. favoring ratification of the proposed protocol for erans and widows of veterans; to the Committee on Pensions. United State ~ membership in the World Court, ·which was re 2592. Also, petition signed by Thomas Deane, Ed. Steinhilb, ferred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. D. G. Dillon, and other citizens of Yakima County, Wash., in l\Ir. JONES presented a resolution adopted by Local No. 359, support of legislation in behalf of Spanish War veterans and Journeymen Barbers' Union, of Centralia, Wash., favoring the widows of veterans ; to the Committee on Pensions. passage of legislation granting increased pensions to Spanish 2593. Also, petiUon signed by T. H. Dingle, Ed Davis, Ira War veterans, which was referred to the Committee on Pen Gray, and other citizens of Dayton, Columbia County, Wash., in sions. support of legislation in behalf of Spani h War veterans and He also presented petitions of sundry citizens of Vancouver widows of veterans ; to the Committee on Pensions. and Clark County, in the State of Washington, praying for the 2594. Also, petition signed by W. LaVine, ·w. H. Lee, A. E. passage of legislation granting increased pensions to Spanish Glidden, and other citizens of the fourth congressional distiict War veterans, which were referred to the Committee on Pen of Washington, in support of legislation in behalf of Spanish sions. War veterans and widows of veterans; to the Committee on He also presented the petition of l\Irs. 1\1. H. Reynold and Pensioru. sundry other citizens of the State of Wa hington, praying for 2595. Also, petition signed by C. E. Culp, Fred T. Hofmann, the pas age of legislation granting increa ed pensions to Civil Willis Hall, and other citizens of Ellensburg, Kittitas County, War veterans and the widow of veterans, which was referred Wa h., in support of legislation in behalf of Spanish War vet to the Committee on Pensions. erans and widows of veterans ; to the Committee on Pensions. REPORT OF POSTAL NOMINATIONS 2596. By 1\Ir. U!\'DERWOOD: Petition of James L. Nelson Mr. PHIPPS, as in open executive session, from the Com and other residents of Kingston, Ross County, Ohio, asking for mittee on Post Offices and Post Roads, reported sundry post legislation to increase the pension of Spanish-American War office nominations, which were ordered to be placed on the veterans; to the Committee on Pensions. Executi\"e Calendar. 2597. Also, petition of James Straley and other residents of Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio, asking for legislation to in ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED crease the pension of Spani~h-American War veterans; to the Mr. GREENE, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported Committee on Pensions. that on to-day, January 8, 1930, that committee pre ented to the , 1930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1225 President of the United States the enrolled bill (S. 1764) to A bill ( S. 3006) granting a pension to William A. Carl; to grant the consent of Congress to the Highway Department of the Committee on Pensions. the State of Tennessee to maintain a bridge across the French A bill ( S. 3037) to authorize the disposal of public land clas Broad River on the Newport-Asheville (N. C.) Road near the sified as temporarily or permanently unproductive on Federal town of Del Rio, in Cocke Coonty, Tenn. iiTigation projects; to the Committee on Irrigation and Recla mation. BILLS INTRODUCED By Mr.